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Topic: Sin....?.
davidben1's photo
Fri 07/25/08 07:29 PM
Edited by davidben1 on Fri 07/25/08 07:32 PM

This suggests that Christians and Christianity THINK THEY OWN GOD.


You may suggest whatever you want...
As a christian, I guess I'm here to tell you that that's not the case from my standpoint. If there are other christians out there who think they do..sorry

What else does it mean then? They say that Christianity IS NOT A RELIGION.

Then they say it is about RELATIONSHIP with god.

So then if that is true, everyone who believes in god and feels they have a relationship with god is a Christian. Right?

Not according to them. They then go on to insert all the trappings of their religion about Jesus who died for the sins of mankind and how you must accept him as your personal savior and believe on him, be born again .... etc etc etc..... WHICH IS A RELIGION.

And they say, no it is "not a religion" it is just about a relationship with god.... and back into the circle we go...on and on into an insane circle that does not make any sense.

News flash! Christianity is a religion. Period. Don't tell people it is not a religion. You can't divorce Jesus from his Church and throw away the Bible and the religion.


We are part of God's church......But the building or the word "Religion" again does not define us. What defines us or is our sole purpose so to speak...Is our love of Jesus Christ....Knowing that he gave his life so that I may have everlasting life. Knowing that his Father brought Christ to earth for this and this alone. And to always live as Christ would want.....and never never never never as "WE" think we should live.


So then if that is true, everyone who believes in god and feels they have a relationship with god is a Christian. Right?

NO It's not a matter of "feeling" you have a relationship with The Lord.......It is either a relationship or not...and believe me if it is.....again "you know it"

feralcat....did not you "think" best to say each word spoken here...........

did not you also read in your own text that each word one speak damn themself if one profess to be anything........if one preach the book they are damnd to hell themself, as each word spoken profess oneself to be saved, which make oneself NOT........

no wonder others do not wish to preach scriptures any longer, as this is GREAT UNFEIGNED WISDOM, just pure old want............

sad thing is, that none of this would ever happen if you heeded just plain old words from others, but then the only ones you heed are the ones you LIKE MOST, and who likes to hear ANYTHING bad about oneself, but truly this lead to the GREATEST IGNORANCE in the universe, and you certainlly don't seem the ignorant type.........

not one thing you say is all the truth from your own text, but only what is MOST WISHED to be believed, lol........

Eljay's photo
Fri 07/25/08 07:32 PM

This suggests that Christians and Christianity THINK THEY OWN GOD.


You may suggest whatever you want...
As a christian, I guess I'm here to tell you that that's not the case from my standpoint. If there are other christians out there who think they do..sorry

What else does it mean then? They say that Christianity IS NOT A RELIGION.

Then they say it is about RELATIONSHIP with god.

So then if that is true, everyone who believes in god and feels they have a relationship with god is a Christian. Right?

Not according to them. They then go on to insert all the trappings of their religion about Jesus who died for the sins of mankind and how you must accept him as your personal savior and believe on him, be born again .... etc etc etc..... WHICH IS A RELIGION.

And they say, no it is "not a religion" it is just about a relationship with god.... and back into the circle we go...on and on into an insane circle that does not make any sense.

News flash! Christianity is a religion. Period. Don't tell people it is not a religion. You can't divorce Jesus from his Church and throw away the Bible and the religion.


Christianity is only a religion to those who consider themselves outside of it. Otherwise, it is a renewed relationship WITH God THRU Christ. Believers (a better moniker than "Christian") put their faith in the God of scripture - not the dogma of a denomination. There are no "rituals" that are required to be adhered to, and no membership required to a building full of people.
Membership is to the "church" (small c) which is the collection of those who are filled with the Holy Spirit - worldwide. Not "branches" found city to city. So - you need a retraction from your newsflash, because you've been duped by the secular media who's definition of "Christianity" comes from a place of their convienience - not their understanding.

Eljay's photo
Fri 07/25/08 07:38 PM

Jesus did not die to "give you a ticket to get out of jail", but to invite you into the realm of an eternity spent with God. It is a relationship - not a religion.

Is Christianity a mere relationship and not a religion at all ?.

No answer yet ?.

Hold on there Sam - I don't live by this computer screen. For those who are "believers" in the finished work of Christ on the cross - they have a renewed relationship with God - thru Jesus. Non-believers call these individuals "Christians".
They tend to call anyone who claims some sort of allegience to Jesus - a Christian. The name comes from a derogatory term found in the book of Acts where the disciples were called believers by those who remained outside of the sect. It was never a self proclaimed label. So - it is only a religion to those who don't belong to it. If that makes sense to you.

Eljay's photo
Fri 07/25/08 07:39 PM


You are lumping all people who believe in the same book as being the same.

This simply is not true.

Blessings of Shalom...Miles

I'm with him on that. I think it's healthy to study things outside of "the norm" that you're apparently supposed to only be looking at. And I think it's great that you're very diligent about seeking your answer to the puzzle.
Aren't we all??
Where it gets dangerous is when we start saying that "only the answers that I've found are the correct ones". And when we start disproving the views of other with "facts" that we've collected through our own search.
I know that I at times fall into doing that too and I'm sorry if I've made anyone feel that their beliefs are "wrong". It's not my intention to do that, but rather to share what I've found on my journey and help explain things that seem unclear or misinterpreted (regarding my own beliefs - people telling me that I believe a certain way because of a certain religion i belong to).
What I often see is someone bashing christianity and putting it in a bad light, without them actually having a clue what it really is, apart from just being words in a book.
I feel a need to explain that there are actually people like myself who don't just say that they're christians, but actually live it too. It makes me angry when people or businesses call themselves christian to make them seem more trustworthy, but in the end they're the complete opposite. They're screwing it up for the ones genuinely live it. So much of church history shows exactly that; this is very sad...
My religion is no more important than yours. What is important is that you genuinely follow after it because you want to, not because you think you're supposed to.
And regardless of religion, shouldn't your 'yes' actually mean YES and your 'no' actually mean NO; Shouldn't values like integrity and loyalty be important in any religion or culture?

When you are immersed in a religion learning it and practicing it, you can feel the negative reaction of your peers and your teachers and fellow believers if you profess to study or seek god through any other teaching of a spiritual nature, or even science or metaphysics. They want you to only hear their version of truth, all else will serve to confuse you or lead you astray.

You are regarded as a butterfly, flitting from flower to flower, committing to nothing, believing in nothing as you attempt only to expand your understanding and find the truth about the nature of existence.

It is not god you seek. You seek the answer to the puzzle of your own existence.


Hi all...

I'm a new-comer to this forum with little experience in this sort of discourse...

I would say I fit the category of one who is like the butterfly, flitting from flower to flower... committing to ALL and believing in ALL (until shown otherwise) as I attempt to expand my understanding and seek truth about existence.

This IS God I seek...

I believe that, just as all of us, my existence is integral to that of all of humanity. No one has exclusive rights to God more than another. God exists for all, regardless of the presence of dogmatic religious prowess (That... I clearly don't bring to the table) or degree of "goodness."

All I have to bring to the table is what I believe to be true and the intuitive knowledge that brought me to this point in the journey. I'm always learning...

Thus far, I've been no more than a Religious Forum Voyeur to you all. I now want more and am grateful that this Venue exists and for the opportunity to participate. Right up front, I admit I don't have any proof to support the validity of what I share (Minute Religious Education). Mine is but a small voice that's part of a whole.

Thanks for listening,


Welcome to the free-for-all. Enjoy.

tribo's photo
Fri 07/25/08 07:49 PM


You are lumping all people who believe in the same book as being the same.

This simply is not true.

Blessings of Shalom...Miles

I'm with him on that. I think it's healthy to study things outside of "the norm" that you're apparently supposed to only be looking at. And I think it's great that you're very diligent about seeking your answer to the puzzle.
Aren't we all??
Where it gets dangerous is when we start saying that "only the answers that I've found are the correct ones". And when we start disproving the views of other with "facts" that we've collected through our own search.
I know that I at times fall into doing that too and I'm sorry if I've made anyone feel that their beliefs are "wrong". It's not my intention to do that, but rather to share what I've found on my journey and help explain things that seem unclear or misinterpreted (regarding my own beliefs - people telling me that I believe a certain way because of a certain religion i belong to).
What I often see is someone bashing christianity and putting it in a bad light, without them actually having a clue what it really is, apart from just being words in a book.
I feel a need to explain that there are actually people like myself who don't just say that they're christians, but actually live it too. It makes me angry when people or businesses call themselves christian to make them seem more trustworthy, but in the end they're the complete opposite. They're screwing it up for the ones genuinely live it. So much of church history shows exactly that; this is very sad...
My religion is no more important than yours. What is important is that you genuinely follow after it because you want to, not because you think you're supposed to.
And regardless of religion, shouldn't your 'yes' actually mean YES and your 'no' actually mean NO; Shouldn't values like integrity and loyalty be important in any religion or culture?

When you are immersed in a religion learning it and practicing it, you can feel the negative reaction of your peers and your teachers and fellow believers if you profess to study or seek god through any other teaching of a spiritual nature, or even science or metaphysics. They want you to only hear their version of truth, all else will serve to confuse you or lead you astray.

You are regarded as a butterfly, flitting from flower to flower, committing to nothing, believing in nothing as you attempt only to expand your understanding and find the truth about the nature of existence.

It is not god you seek. You seek the answer to the puzzle of your own existence.


Hi all...

I'm a new-comer to this forum with little experience in this sort of discourse...

I would say I fit the category of one who is like the butterfly, flitting from flower to flower... committing to ALL and believing in ALL (until shown otherwise) as I attempt to expand my understanding and seek truth about existence.

This IS God I seek...

I believe that, just as all of us, my existence is integral to that of all of humanity. No one has exclusive rights to God more than another. God exists for all, regardless of the presence of dogmatic religious prowess (That... I clearly don't bring to the table) or degree of "goodness."

All I have to bring to the table is what I believe to be true and the intuitive knowledge that brought me to this point in the journey. I'm always learning...

Thus far, I've been no more than a Religious Forum Voyeur to you all. I now want more and am grateful that this Venue exists and for the opportunity to participate. Right up front, I admit I don't have any proof to support the validity of what I share (Minute Religious Education). Mine is but a small voice that's part of a whole.

Thanks for listening,


welcome dear lady *offers a cup of tea/coffee and an easy chair* Your more than welcome enjoy the never ending debate/arguement of thing's never to be know in this life.laugh No matter what though, I think you'll find humor, anger, love, deception, opinion, arrogance, humility, and a lot's of knowledge and even i smidgen of wisdom. pretty much like life eslewhere - laugh flowers

feralcatlady's photo
Fri 07/25/08 08:11 PM


You are lumping all people who believe in the same book as being the same.

This simply is not true.

Blessings of Shalom...Miles

I'm with him on that. I think it's healthy to study things outside of "the norm" that you're apparently supposed to only be looking at. And I think it's great that you're very diligent about seeking your answer to the puzzle.
Aren't we all??
Where it gets dangerous is when we start saying that "only the answers that I've found are the correct ones". And when we start disproving the views of other with "facts" that we've collected through our own search.
I know that I at times fall into doing that too and I'm sorry if I've made anyone feel that their beliefs are "wrong". It's not my intention to do that, but rather to share what I've found on my journey and help explain things that seem unclear or misinterpreted (regarding my own beliefs - people telling me that I believe a certain way because of a certain religion i belong to).
What I often see is someone bashing christianity and putting it in a bad light, without them actually having a clue what it really is, apart from just being words in a book.
I feel a need to explain that there are actually people like myself who don't just say that they're christians, but actually live it too. It makes me angry when people or businesses call themselves christian to make them seem more trustworthy, but in the end they're the complete opposite. They're screwing it up for the ones genuinely live it. So much of church history shows exactly that; this is very sad...
My religion is no more important than yours. What is important is that you genuinely follow after it because you want to, not because you think you're supposed to.
And regardless of religion, shouldn't your 'yes' actually mean YES and your 'no' actually mean NO; Shouldn't values like integrity and loyalty be important in any religion or culture?

When you are immersed in a religion learning it and practicing it, you can feel the negative reaction of your peers and your teachers and fellow believers if you profess to study or seek god through any other teaching of a spiritual nature, or even science or metaphysics. They want you to only hear their version of truth, all else will serve to confuse you or lead you astray.

You are regarded as a butterfly, flitting from flower to flower, committing to nothing, believing in nothing as you attempt only to expand your understanding and find the truth about the nature of existence.

It is not god you seek. You seek the answer to the puzzle of your own existence.


Hi all...

I'm a new-comer to this forum with little experience in this sort of discourse...

I would say I fit the category of one who is like the butterfly, flitting from flower to flower... committing to ALL and believing in ALL (until shown otherwise) as I attempt to expand my understanding and seek truth about existence.

This IS God I seek...

I believe that, just as all of us, my existence is integral to that of all of humanity. No one has exclusive rights to God more than another. God exists for all, regardless of the presence of dogmatic religious prowess (That... I clearly don't bring to the table) or degree of "goodness."

All I have to bring to the table is what I believe to be true and the intuitive knowledge that brought me to this point in the journey. I'm always learning...

Thus far, I've been no more than a Religious Forum Voyeur to you all. I now want more and am grateful that this Venue exists and for the opportunity to participate. Right up front, I admit I don't have any proof to support the validity of what I share (Minute Religious Education). Mine is but a small voice that's part of a whole.

Thanks for listening,


welcome dear lady *offers a cup of tea/coffee and an easy chair* Your more than welcome enjoy the never ending debate/arguement of thing's never to be know in this life.laugh No matter what though, I think you'll find humor, anger, love, deception, opinion, arrogance, humility, and a lot's of knowledge and even i smidgen of wisdom. pretty much like life eslewhere - laugh flowers

hmmmm let see.....ok humor, love, opinions, humility that describes me ok....thanks tribo.....oh yea and a big hug and a gigglesnort......

Oh and


tribo's photo
Fri 07/25/08 08:34 PM


You are lumping all people who believe in the same book as being the same.

This simply is not true.

Blessings of Shalom...Miles

I'm with him on that. I think it's healthy to study things outside of "the norm" that you're apparently supposed to only be looking at. And I think it's great that you're very diligent about seeking your answer to the puzzle.
Aren't we all??
Where it gets dangerous is when we start saying that "only the answers that I've found are the correct ones". And when we start disproving the views of other with "facts" that we've collected through our own search.
I know that I at times fall into doing that too and I'm sorry if I've made anyone feel that their beliefs are "wrong". It's not my intention to do that, but rather to share what I've found on my journey and help explain things that seem unclear or misinterpreted (regarding my own beliefs - people telling me that I believe a certain way because of a certain religion i belong to).
What I often see is someone bashing christianity and putting it in a bad light, without them actually having a clue what it really is, apart from just being words in a book.
I feel a need to explain that there are actually people like myself who don't just say that they're christians, but actually live it too. It makes me angry when people or businesses call themselves christian to make them seem more trustworthy, but in the end they're the complete opposite. They're screwing it up for the ones genuinely live it. So much of church history shows exactly that; this is very sad...
My religion is no more important than yours. What is important is that you genuinely follow after it because you want to, not because you think you're supposed to.
And regardless of religion, shouldn't your 'yes' actually mean YES and your 'no' actually mean NO; Shouldn't values like integrity and loyalty be important in any religion or culture?

When you are immersed in a religion learning it and practicing it, you can feel the negative reaction of your peers and your teachers and fellow believers if you profess to study or seek god through any other teaching of a spiritual nature, or even science or metaphysics. They want you to only hear their version of truth, all else will serve to confuse you or lead you astray.

You are regarded as a butterfly, flitting from flower to flower, committing to nothing, believing in nothing as you attempt only to expand your understanding and find the truth about the nature of existence.

It is not god you seek. You seek the answer to the puzzle of your own existence.


Hi all...

I'm a new-comer to this forum with little experience in this sort of discourse...

I would say I fit the category of one who is like the butterfly, flitting from flower to flower... committing to ALL and believing in ALL (until shown otherwise) as I attempt to expand my understanding and seek truth about existence.

This IS God I seek...

I believe that, just as all of us, my existence is integral to that of all of humanity. No one has exclusive rights to God more than another. God exists for all, regardless of the presence of dogmatic religious prowess (That... I clearly don't bring to the table) or degree of "goodness."

All I have to bring to the table is what I believe to be true and the intuitive knowledge that brought me to this point in the journey. I'm always learning...

Thus far, I've been no more than a Religious Forum Voyeur to you all. I now want more and am grateful that this Venue exists and for the opportunity to participate. Right up front, I admit I don't have any proof to support the validity of what I share (Minute Religious Education). Mine is but a small voice that's part of a whole.

Thanks for listening,


welcome dear lady *offers a cup of tea/coffee and an easy chair* Your more than welcome enjoy the never ending debate/arguement of thing's never to be know in this life.laugh No matter what though, I think you'll find humor, anger, love, deception, opinion, arrogance, humility, and a lot's of knowledge and even i smidgen of wisdom. pretty much like life eslewhere - laugh flowers

hmmmm let see.....ok humor, love, opinions, humility that describes me ok....thanks tribo.....oh yea and a big hug and a gigglesnort......

Oh and


your more than welcome deb, and yes it does describe you well. flowerforyou

no photo
Sat 07/26/08 07:49 AM

I do take care of my body and mind everyday, but it doesn't stop me from trying to attain more knowledge. I am really interested in learning more and trying to understand why people believe in the things they do. I hope I didn't discourage you in any sense. This is the last thing I would do to anyone. I am just seeking a deeper understanding.


the quest to obtain more knowledge is a sin ... as in the story of the Garden of Eden all Man needed to know was how to tend a garden and how to worship God and any knowledge beyond that God did not intend for Man to have which is why the desire to obtain knowledge is a desire to committ sin

laugh laugh Yes that is what most religions discourage...people who seek knowledge and people who think.

"There is no need to know the workings of the Universe as God is taking care of all of that." This is the attitude.

When you are immersed in a religion learning it and practicing it, you can feel the negative reaction of your peers and your teachers and fellow believers if you profess to study or seek god through any other teaching of a spiritual nature, or even science or metaphysics. They want you to only hear their version of truth, all else will serve to confuse you or lead you astray.

You are regarded as a butterfly, flitting from flower to flower, committing to nothing, believing in nothing as you attempt only to expand your understanding and find the truth about the nature of existence.

It is not god you seek. You seek the answer to the puzzle of your own existence.


knowledge is a sin because the more knowledge you have the more you replace God with it and the more you become God ....an example of this are Doctors ....Doctors can heal just as good if not better than Jesus ever could because they have the knowledge to do so ...technology is knowledge and power absolute and have taken on the role of God and one day will replace God

God cannot or never have cured an amputee but Man one day will with technology

splendidlife's photo
Sat 07/26/08 01:55 PM
Thank you, Tribo...

humor, anger, love, deception, opinion, arrogance, humility...

Either way, I think that each one who contributes... contributes from Wisdom.

splendidlife's photo
Sat 07/26/08 01:57 PM
Happy Dance?

Deb... I'm in!

:banana: :heart: :banana:

tribo's photo
Sat 07/26/08 01:58 PM

Thank you, Tribo...

humor, anger, love, deception, opinion, arrogance, humility...

Either way, I think that each one who contributes... contributes from Wisdom.

HMMM?? i will have to think on that one laugh

your welcome though anyway hahahaflowerforyou

no photo
Sat 07/26/08 02:52 PM

Thank you, Tribo...

humor, anger, love, deception, opinion, arrogance, humility...

Either way, I think that each one who contributes... contributes from Wisdom.

religion is a mixture of politics , metaphysics ,
business ....etc and when you add your humor ,anger , love , deception ....., it gets more interesting .laugh laugh .

dangurtner's photo
Sat 07/26/08 03:15 PM

God cannot or never have cured an amputee but Man one day will with technology

Actually there are reports of people having limbs grow back when being prayed for in the name of Jesus...

tribo's photo
Sat 07/26/08 03:32 PM
Edited by tribo on Sat 07/26/08 03:35 PM

God cannot or never have cured an amputee but Man one day will with technology

Actually there are reports of people having limbs grow back when being prayed for in the name of Jesus...

i have been hearing reports of such things as limbs growing back, dead coming back to life, ad nauseum for 30+ yrs, show me "proof" Medical proof of people having hands laid on them at these meetings and coming back to life or growing new limbs, etc. Has people coming back from death happened? yep, but not at any meeting that is verifiable that i know of - can you offer medical proof of such? if not then it remains no more that a "report"

again if there are healers inside the religion - then they are the most evil people on earth for not visiting those dieing in the hospitals and elsewhere and laying their hands on those who perish!
That's a as sick of cultish holding imaginable.

feralcatlady's photo
Sat 07/26/08 04:07 PM

This suggests that Christians and Christianity THINK THEY OWN GOD.


You may suggest whatever you want...
As a christian, I guess I'm here to tell you that that's not the case from my standpoint. If there are other christians out there who think they do..sorry

What else does it mean then? They say that Christianity IS NOT A RELIGION.

Then they say it is about RELATIONSHIP with god.

So then if that is true, everyone who believes in god and feels they have a relationship with god is a Christian. Right?

Not according to them. They then go on to insert all the trappings of their religion about Jesus who died for the sins of mankind and how you must accept him as your personal savior and believe on him, be born again .... etc etc etc..... WHICH IS A RELIGION.

And they say, no it is "not a religion" it is just about a relationship with god.... and back into the circle we go...on and on into an insane circle that does not make any sense.

News flash! Christianity is a religion. Period. Don't tell people it is not a religion. You can't divorce Jesus from his Church and throw away the Bible and the religion.


We are part of God's church......But the building or the word "Religion" again does not define us. What defines us or is our sole purpose so to speak...Is our love of Jesus Christ....Knowing that he gave his life so that I may have everlasting life. Knowing that his Father brought Christ to earth for this and this alone. And to always live as Christ would want.....and never never never never as "WE" think we should live.


So then if that is true, everyone who believes in god and feels they have a relationship with god is a Christian. Right?

NO It's not a matter of "feeling" you have a relationship with The Lord.......It is either a relationship or not...and believe me if it is.....again "you know it"

feralcat....did not you "think" best to say each word spoken here...........

did not you also read in your own text that each word one speak damn themself if one profess to be anything........if one preach the book they are damnd to hell themself, as each word spoken profess oneself to be saved, which make oneself NOT........

no wonder others do not wish to preach scriptures any longer, as this is GREAT UNFEIGNED WISDOM, just pure old want............

sad thing is, that none of this would ever happen if you heeded just plain old words from others, but then the only ones you heed are the ones you LIKE MOST, and who likes to hear ANYTHING bad about oneself, but truly this lead to the GREATEST IGNORANCE in the universe, and you certainlly don't seem the ignorant type.........

not one thing you say is all the truth from your own text, but only what is MOST WISHED to be believed, lol........

I say what I mean and mean what I say.........I don't think I leave it up for interpretation of what you think it should be.

Are you new david you have a very warped way imo of looking at things.....you talk in a language that is almost impossible to decifer. If I preach the book I am damned to hell.......where the heck to you get your information? I don't have anything to do with myself being saved David that is all Jesus...And again I say to you David are you new.......I read what others say and only when they judge my God, my Christ, my Bible to they get my opinions....again for the 1,000th time...believe anything you wish and that goes for all......but heed me the same...not rocket science or something written in cryptic code as all your words are david..

And if your going to say this Daivd:

not one thing you say is all the truth from your own text, but only what is MOST WISHED to be believed, lol........

You best be backing it up.....not just throwing it out their like last weeks trash.

dangurtner's photo
Sat 07/26/08 04:13 PM

God cannot or never have cured an amputee but Man one day will with technology

Actually there are reports of people having limbs grow back when being prayed for in the name of Jesus...

i have been hearing reports of such things as limbs growing back, dead coming back to life, ad nauseum for 30+ yrs, show me "proof" Medical proof of people having hands laid on them at these meetings and coming back to life or growing new limbs, etc. Has people coming back from death happened? yep, but not at any meeting that is verifiable that i know of - can you offer medical proof of such? if not then it remains no more that a "report"

again if there are healers inside the religion - then they are the most evil people on earth for not visiting those dieing in the hospitals and elsewhere and laying their hands on those who perish!
That's a as sick of cultish holding imaginable.

if i copy and paste medical proof here, you'll just say I made it up.. so how 'bout you send your questions regarding proof from real medical doctors here: mediarelations@freshfire.ca

some 10 years ago I witnessed a person's leg grow out about an inch while being prayed for because of back pain. Yes, the leg grew an inch. No it wasn't my imagination. and no, i don't have their number...was i supposed to ask them for it and hold on to it for 10 years just for this very day?

Hmmm... why is a person who God is using to heal the sick and raise the dead not going to the hospitals and doing that there?? There too busy healing all the people around them (duh). Maybe at some point they will get the chance to. Maybe they are already doing it..

feralcatlady's photo
Sat 07/26/08 04:22 PM
I to have seen many healings......including myself....ovarian cancer and breast cancer......And it was totally through prayer so again people I say to you......I am living proof over and over of the power of prayer....

Also my husband who the doctors said should of died....and no medical explanation of why he lived. I know it was through the prayer....and that my friends is where your "Faith" comes in...Because even though the doctors were saying he was not going to live....I never not even once doubted he was going to live...

I also have seen in right here on jsh.....ask snugglesbyfire ask madamx and others.....so it....is what it is.....

no photo
Sat 07/26/08 04:24 PM

God cannot or never have cured an amputee but Man one day will with technology

Actually there are reports of people having limbs grow back when being prayed for in the name of Jesus...

I'm the one that wrote all those reports for a sci-fi movie I was working on ...so do you have any other evidence ... is anything on youtube?

no photo
Sat 07/26/08 04:29 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 07/26/08 04:32 PM

God cannot or never have cured an amputee but Man one day will with technology

Actually there are reports of people having limbs grow back when being prayed for in the name of Jesus...

i have been hearing reports of such things as limbs growing back, dead coming back to life, ad nauseum for 30+ yrs, show me "proof" Medical proof of people having hands laid on them at these meetings and coming back to life or growing new limbs, etc. Has people coming back from death happened? yep, but not at any meeting that is verifiable that i know of - can you offer medical proof of such? if not then it remains no more that a "report"

again if there are healers inside the religion - then they are the most evil people on earth for not visiting those dieing in the hospitals and elsewhere and laying their hands on those who perish!
That's a as sick of cultish holding imaginable.

if i copy and paste medical proof here, you'll just say I made it up.. so how 'bout you send your questions regarding proof from real medical doctors here: mediarelations@freshfire.ca

some 10 years ago I witnessed a person's leg grow out about an inch while being prayed for because of back pain. Yes, the leg grew an inch. No it wasn't my imagination. and no, i don't have their number...was i supposed to ask them for it and hold on to it for 10 years just for this very day?

Hmmm... why is a person who God is using to heal the sick and raise the dead not going to the hospitals and doing that there?? There too busy healing all the people around them (duh). Maybe at some point they will get the chance to. Maybe they are already doing it..

I believe in spiritual healing and I believe a person can heal them self with their own mind. Indeed, our body can heal itself with the right vibrations and thoughts.

I don't question when someone has a healing, because if they truly believe it, it will come to pass and become reality.

Belief is a powerful force in the implicate order of this holographic matrix, whether you attribute it to your god or something else like a magic pill.

Everyone is searching for the magic pill that will cure their ills. Ills that they have spent a lifetime creating for themselves with their lifestyles and beliefs.

A displaced neck and back can shorten one leg by at least an inch and many forms of body manipulation can correct that alignment of the spine. But this is a far cry from growing back a severed limb.

I am not saying that growing a severed limb is impossible, but the human body has not been genetically engineered to do that yet. It may be on the horizon however.

Given the nature of a holographic reality anything is possible though. There really is no limit to what we can accomplish or manifest. waving


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Sat 07/26/08 04:31 PM

I to have seen many healings......including myself....ovarian cancer and breast cancer......And it was totally through prayer so again people I say to you......I am living proof over and over of the power of prayer....

Also my husband who the doctors said should of died....and no medical explanation of why he lived. I know it was through the prayer....and that my friends is where your "Faith" comes in...Because even though the doctors were saying he was not going to live....I never not even once doubted he was going to live...

I also have seen in right here on jsh.....ask snugglesbyfire ask madamx and others.....so it....is what it is.....

people go to doctors but yet fail to give the doctors or their immune systems any credit for healing them ...so what's the point of going to the doctors if all you have to do is pray

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