Community > Posts By > dust4fun

dust4fun's photo
Tue 04/13/21 06:40 PM

After seeing the news in Canada and the U.S. how there's a rise in an abuse of power, mostly those armed in uniform, do you think police body cams should be mandatory and on at all times?

Social media is twisting things how they want to push their agenda and MSM plays right along with it. Cameras are every where now not only body cameras, but everybody has a phone with a camera at all times. Clearly George Floyds death was caused by his use of drugs and his health issues. He was higher then a kite when he was passing the fake $20 bill and when the cops showed he shoved a bunch of the drugs into his mouth. Some of these drugs were recovered partially dissolved in the back of the police car. One year earlier in a similar arrest of him he also tried swallowing a bunch of drugs because they can't charge you for the drugs being in your system. Floyd complained about not being able to breath before he was ever taken to the ground. All the effects and cause of death are fentanyl overdose symptoms. Floyd even pisses himself while on the ground because he could no longer control his functions. This case has become a political ploy, and race right campaign that has brainwashed most of the US that somehow these thugs should get some kind of respect.
Also in current news, another loser thug Daunte that was shot near Minneapolis after a traffic stop where they discovered he had a warrant. While trying to cuff him Daunte was able to slip away and get back into the car. The officer grabbed her hand gun thinking it was here taser. However as soon as Daunte got back into that car the officers have no idea if he is going for a weapon, and the car its self is a lethal weapon in its self that is just as dangerous as a gun and there for they have every right to take ANY action needed to stop him. Quit defending these thugs with extensive criminal records that do everything they can to get away from the police.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 04/04/21 08:24 PM

I suspect Dunwood's sucess was due in large part to NEPOTISM... a synonym for military.

Wait until progressives push for equality for the disabled, "big" children, the illiterate, and the ever growing list of psychologically confused. They will, of course, need to make sure illegal immigrants do not fight for this country or participate in any kind of voilent activities.

Immagine how infuriated and embarrased Americans will be, especially in the internet age, when a female military leader or better yet, a squad of squaws gets captured and assaulted by the enemy. Wait, we just need to expand the military rules of engagement to prohibit this kind of treatment and it will never happen, right? And we will need to modify the rules of negotiation to allow negtionating with terrorists if the captured person is female, disabled, child, mentally challeged, psychologically confused, and the list goes on and on.
Clearly you have not heard of Jessica Lynch .. a 19 year old American woman captured whilst serving in Iraq in 2003 .. she was rescued and awarded the bronze star , Purple Heart and POW medals .

I prefer my hero's don't get captured in the first place:wink:. Are we going to start seeing a bunch of 5'4" white guys in the NBA? Or are you going to have a straight guy plan your wedding? There is a reason stereotypes are created in the first place. How many females have been harassed or sexually assaulted in the military? There are plenty of jobs that women soldiers can do, and there are a lot of women already in the military. But most of these people entering the military are just kids and a structure has to be put in place for accountability and training of these people. As shown in the past you can't just mix whom ever you want together and expect good results.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 04/04/21 08:06 PM
Many more people will die from the side effects of covid such as lung damage, or not seeking medical services during the pandemic, or even suicide. But for the vaccine only working for a short period of time it is to suppress the virus and if it doesn't have a host it can not spread. If you were running a pharmaceutical company would you design a one and done drug? Or would you come up with a drug that needs to be sold time and time again selling billions of doses each year? Clearly we have a long way to go, but as in past epidemics its has gotten better over time as will this one.

dust4fun's photo
Thu 02/18/21 05:11 PM

What kind of person says this ... do not give any $ to these people with a mind set like that ... what I have heard ... which i never new Texas is like lets say two side like a border ... the wind mills where bought in a cheap way not good for winter thats why all the others in cold state are running fine ... an most of the issues came with electric coal and gas ... becouse ice that takes power lines down some have frozen water becouse of the cold and their pipes might burst an your electric can go out from this ... even gas freezes up... I was shocked this yr ... this one side of Texas had a chance to get things up to date... but failed in their job becouse they for got about the other storm they had in 2011... not going to happen again ... now I believe the government should start to send in the guards to help get water blankets food medical help bring in buses to take to places these people can stay warm and get the food shelter they need ... I am just happy we now we have a president that cares :>) tcbesafe... and the animal shelters... where they hopefully can get later ...

Imagine in a couple years when we all have to drive electric cars and the grid fails. Or we can only go 150 miles from home then have to turn around and go back or stop for a couple hours to charge our cars. The windmills go ice on them and if you run them out of balance it will destroy them in no time. Also the lubricants they use are not designed for the cold. Solar power was down from the lack of sun and the snow and ice covering them. And Texas has its own grid that is not tied into other areas so they can't just borrow power from other states. Normally its ice storms in the south that take power lines down causing the outage. However this time it was mostly a problem of people using much more electricity to heat their houses well the power available was cut by a large amount. Natural gas freezes at -300°f so yes it can freeze but there were a number of reasons why I did. Where I live it was -30°f on Monday morning and I have never heard of natural gas freezing being an issue of delivery if you do things the right way. Last year we had a cold snap and they did run short on distributing natural gas that caused some issues, but that was a supply issue. The water in any type of fuel can freeze and that is why the put additives in them either when they make them or as an aftermarket. Diesel fuel will gel around 0°f but most people prepare for that. What happened in Texas had to do with not having the right additives and the fact the gas was under presure. If you have ever taken a propane connection apart while there was still pressure you probably felt the cold or seen the frost on it. The houses are not insulated well but will hold enough heat for a period of time to keep damage from happening. The Mall of America doesn't even have a heater in it, the lights,equipment, people, and sky lights is more then enough to keep the huge mall heated. They do have a massive air conditioning system however. One of the biggest issues is people who try to heat their houses with fuel heaters that are not vented properly to the outside, or run generators that emit carbon dioxide into their houses. It can be miserable to go thru but it will warm soon enough and people will be able to go back to their normal lives. We've only been keeping weather records for about 150 years so can't really blame this one on global warming as similar things have happened in the past.

dust4fun's photo
Mon 02/01/21 08:38 PM

Crushing hedge fund short sellers is hate speech now? They muzzled the wall street bets guys. The first person to make an actual free speech haven is going to be a billionaire.

Good luck guys! Hold that damn line!

There is no free-market enterprises in the socialist world. Welcome to the new normal, it only gets worse from here.

dust4fun's photo
Mon 02/01/21 08:32 PM

Some if the places that get you dna could be selling it ... they say they don't but it is already none now ... what they want is your DNA to make medications for your ailments that you may not know about or will and they plan on racking up the medications price wise ...

this was important... I thought ...

U.S. intelligence officials say Chinese government is collecting Americans' DNA

There are two in the USA that I know of ...but china wants the market for the medications in your future ... to make what you may need ...

The Late Show with Stephen Colbert laugh

White Supremacists, You Won't Like Your DNA Results

Did you watch 60 minutes last night? So if you have taken a covid test your DNA is for sale. China tried to move into Wasington state when corona first broke out to "help" with testing in exchange for personal health information. In the long run drug companies will know everything that could possibly go wrong with you and sell you drugs to fight off what ever might happen to you. DNA is still being figured out so the more they can collect and get information on those people the more we will know. But all these drugs may be worse for you then what may affect your life in the first place. Also big brother is watching you and everything you do, but your cell phone and computer already gives them most of the information they will ever need on that.

dust4fun's photo
Wed 01/27/21 05:56 PM

C'mon man,

He's destroyed thousand of jobs for Wisconsin with Keystone....
He's implemented his coronavirus plan to save lives....which was is to wait it out
He's stifled the American Indian's sovereignty by crushing their economy....
He's made sure people that need life saving insulin, are paying more....
He's banning fracking, and energy prices should be going up.....
He's destroyed little girl's dreams of going to college on a scholarship by making them compete with boys....

That's only a week in... There's still 207 weeks to get even more done

Destroyed Keystone? You mean the bottled beer that comes in a can?

Wasn't the plan for corona virus herd immunity all along?

The Indians make millions off casinos and they never could manage their own economy.

My cat is on insulin! Looks like its time to load the .22.

Women play sports? Never seen any women playing sports on on TV, if it don't make $ then why bother? The Olyimpics is one of the biggest wastes of money ever.

Didn't we used to have a Congress and Senate to make laws and policy? Oh, that's right they are still too busy trying to impeach Trump just like they wasted the last 4 years doing.

dust4fun's photo
Tue 01/26/21 06:23 PM

Just when you thought the cancel culture nuts had gone to far they show just how low they will go by trying to cancel the my pillow guy. Pillows! Good luck trying to find a mypillow . Kohls, bed and bath, and probably several more by this weekend . All because he had a opinion that differed from ( big brother) from the George Orwell book ; 1984 . This is a very dangerous road that America seems to be going down. Everyone should be against this way of controlling who’s heard and who’s not. If we keep ignoring these anti-American practices they will pick up enough momentum that they will be hard to stop, once that happens , no ones safe.

You just have to go to there website and use the code "Fight for Trump", they will even give you half off! That guy was a coke head for years til he got cleaned up and started the company, maybe he's back on the blow? He's really into the conspiracy theories on the voter fraud and taking back the country.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 01/24/21 08:18 AM
Under the new socialist plan the government will pay for all your medical care and drugs. Of coarse many people are already on this program, but if you are actually one of the working people get prepared to be taxed 70% of your income. When the government pays for something verses individuals then nobody looks at the price so they can charge whatever they want. Under Obama care they insurance companies charged the people a fortune or didn't even offer coverage in many areas. Trump not only tried to lower drug prices but he also made it so insurance companies had to pay out 80% for claims and could only make 20% for administration costs, saved me thousands. Part of the reason the US pays so much for all medical things is the outrageous restrictions they put on everything and peoples ability to sue for outrageous amounts for anything that may go wrong. Have you seen all the commercials that say if you used this drug or had this procedure you may be able to collect? Also with all the drug advertising people take way too many drugs in the US and then they need to take other drugs to counter act the side affects, not to mention the Opioid abuse. Things are often best left to the private sector because the government just screws them up and wastes tons of money on them.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 01/23/21 07:14 PM
Has anyone ever noticed half the people commenting don't even live in the United States? That's not a bad thing, things often look different on the outside looking in. People who live with the same everyday get used to it and forget to look at what is happening. Biden stopping the pipeline, restricting oil drilling, and wanting to greatly increase gas tax will drive gas prices well over $4.00 a gallon. Last time gas was at $4.00 a gallon the economy crashed really hard. Its not the people putting gas into their cars that causes this but the cost of EVERYTHING goes up and with the trillions being spent on stimulus packages is already making the dollar near worthless.
Trumps plan to create jobs was by putting tariffs on Chinese products and lowering corporate tax to level the playing field so PRIVATE corporations could create manufacturing jobs. Biden's plan is to dump GOVERNMENT money into creating jobs in things like clean energy. Welcome to socialism, however that gets you no where in the world economy.

dust4fun's photo
Wed 01/20/21 08:17 PM
President Trump left a "generous letter" says Joe Biden

dust4fun's photo
Wed 01/20/21 04:55 PM

You know... I wasn’t always thrilled about a number of things Trump said, or did, or failed to do, but assuming that my Trojan Horse hypothesis is wrong, I just don’t see how he was bad enough to merit so much hatred from liberals, or from anyone. The country has certainly seen worse. Besides, he probably could have accomplished more if he wasn’t drug through so much frivolous and spurious litigation. It really appears to me that this visceral hatred toward the man can only have been instilled through mental conditioning.

At least somebody has some common sense. Most of the people here are just seeking attention trying to add to the brainwashing while they try trash talking trash talkers. Remember four years ago with all the protesters outside Trump Towers and around the country going the election was rigged and there is no way Trump will make it four years or accomplish anything? Or people saying they would move to Canada? Well four years and no new wars yet, he did accomplish a few good things the Democrates are trying to reverse as
soon as possible. The pot is calling the kettle black while the media feeds the flames and both are starting to boil over and I don't foresee the media backing down on the heat anytime soon.

dust4fun's photo
Mon 01/18/21 05:14 PM
That's it, we are going to have to DEFUND the Capital police. There was never a reason for all this to go this far. They should have used nonlethal weapons to protect the Capital. They should have held their ground. What the heII we should just DEFUND all police departments, not sure why some brilliant minds didn't come up with that idea sooner?

dust4fun's photo
Sun 01/17/21 04:15 PM

The terrorists say over & over they marched there on trump's request, he knew exactly what he was doing. Pence was so close to being lynched and that's called incitement. Zip ties and gallows aren't playing around.
Chanting 1776, they thought there were in a revolution. He should never be allowed to hold public office again.

Trump told them to march, what these "terrorist" decide to do is on their own. To use the word "terrorist" opens up a whole new way of describing everyone from mass shooters, BLM members, to those holding up a store with a weapon, or the gang bangers that go around shooting people. The "public" chooses who holds "public" office so it should be up to the "public" whether or not he holds any kind of office again. The brainwashing the media has cast upon both sides is what has driven all of this. The propaganda of twisted lies and the people who help spread them is what has divided this country. This "Trumpism" isn't just going to go away when Trump goes away similarly to McCarthyism stuck around for awhile. The bait of Democrates being college educated clearly is not making them any smarter, and a large number of democratic supports are living in poverty and have not even finished high school. Compare that to what they claim of the Republicans of being uneducated white men, most of which are middle class or rich and have some pride for the history and patriotism of the country. Maybe the media needs to be a little more careful of how they try to twist things. The last thing this country needs right now is for Biden to die and that nutcase Karmela taking control.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 01/17/21 09:02 AM

I believe he lead a coup to the capital and telling them their was no other way to stop the voting but to fight like H*ll ... along with rudy and his son ...
this was massive and people died and seems like a inside job to ... this is not democracy... this was treason on our capital and country ... how can anyone call it anything else ... + he sat in the white house letting this happen and not asking for help from the city or calling in the national guard ... took a no. of calls not to him but others to get help ... we don't do this ... this is not what our country is about... an dont even try and label this like Black Lives matter ... so many in their marches... where white conspiracy...people to make their marches look bad an not peaceful ...

Quotes from people who are with us all along:heart:
their words are truthful an honorable :heart:

Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that." "I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.

"Reacting in anger or annoyance will not advance one's ability to persuade."

Government cannot make us equal it can only recognize, respect, and protect us as equal before the law.

"Reacting in anger or annoyance will not advance one's ability to persuade."???

WTF are you talking about that some how BLM is different then the white house protesters? All kinds of politicians urged people to get out and protest in the middle of a pandemic and city officials just stepped aside to let these people do whatever kind of destruction they wanted. They burned a police station, post office, library, and countless other buildings. There is hours of video showing people (almost all black) breaking into stores and coming out with armfulls of goods. Open your F'n eyes and start thinking for yourself instead of being brainwashed by all this leftwing BS that people are being feed. The saddest thing is Floyd died from a panic attack from having so much drugs in his system and the cops were just doing their job, but in order to please the public these officials just feed right into what people wanted to hear. There was no reason for any of the destruction or protests its all just a ploy for BLM to get movement and the people feed right into it. Blacks won't be happy til they have total control over whitey, and that just ain't never going to happen. There is a reason why Africa is still mostly 3rd world countries. What happened at the white house and capital was not organized or planned by the President. There are all kinds of nut cases out there on all sides and people get caught up in the moment. So 6 people died in the mess? That ain't nothing compared to the loss of life that BLM has caused on both sides including the ambush of a number of cops. Pull your heads out and look how you are being manipulated.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 12/26/20 09:10 PM
I'm thinking faces will be covered with masks for at least another year so that can be good or bad depending on who they are. I'm still rocking the quarantine hair cut, and if we can't go any where why bother with fasion? Guys in trench coats? What's hiding underneath? Never mind, don't want to know! Been wearing Levis, Nikes, and T's most of my life and can dig the bomber jacket out, other then that I don't foresee a need to purchase a new wardrobe in the near future.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 12/26/20 04:32 PM

The question remains, was this a test for something bigger? To see how easy it would be to cripple our infrastructure?

The blast was detonated outside the AT&T building. It effectively disabled the 911 system, phone service and a lot of cell service. It also crippled the air traffic control system and tower at Nashville International Airport.

Landline service and cell phones for a lot still remain disabled.

Has ISIS reared its ugly head again, or is this something else?

Talk about 2020 going out with a bang...

Or, is 2021 going to come in with one?

Stay vigilant all.

With the way these phone companies screw with people it was only a matter of time before something like this happened. They think they found the guy, Google image showed a very similar RV in the guys yard that was no longer there. Big brother is watching you much more then you think.

dust4fun's photo
Thu 12/24/20 08:52 PM
What do men want? FWB with NSA:wink:

dust4fun's photo
Thu 12/24/20 08:36 PM

"Hi, do you want to have s** with me?"

No thanks :joy:.

Hey Seamus, if you asked me"Hi, do you want to have sex with me?" in person, I would head in the other direction as soon as possible.

However if you said "Hi, do you want to have six with me?" and you were referring to beer I'd be all over it.

dust4fun's photo
Thu 12/24/20 06:31 PM

A new variant of the virus... so far I am not too concerned about that. All I feel is, now that, right before Christmas, and when they're about to flog the vaccine.
Is it true, or is it part of the fear-mongering program?
And like Blondey said, it has mutated before, if memory serves the first time was very early on, when Covid had just caused major problems in China and was about to spread further. So I guess around Febr/March 2020.

What I find peculiar is that China hasn't had a big problem at all anymore while numbers in the rest of mostly the Western world are sky-rocketing.
Africa is doing okay too and no, that has nothing to do with poor testing facilities etc.

Anyway, too early days to say. Faster spread doesn't mean it's worse. Wait and see and fingers crossed.

Remember the SARS out break in China back in 2002? Its a form of the corona virus, thus China has had a head start in dealing with this, this is also likely how the covid19 virus started as they were doing the research of corona virus. If its a new strain they would probably call it covid20 or something, but it just a mutation as viruses do. China has check points everywhere, people need their cell phones to get thru the check points and their cell phones are also tracked as is everybody in China. They have quarantine for people who even remotely come into contact. They also have fewer restrictions on creating vaccine. The reason for such sudden world wide spread is China has become a major world player. People are traveling to China, and some of the Chinese population is also now able to travel the world. Much like when the Pilgrims arrived in America killing off millions of Indians with the disease they brought had to do with the Indians immune system never encountering such things, very possible Chinese have developed at least some immunity to corona thru the years.

Africa? When was the last time you planned a trip to Africa? How many people from Africa do you see traveling abroad? Ya, I'd like to go shoot a lion and elephant and have them stuffed, but I doesn't excite me to go see the jungle of a 3rd world country with a high risk of dying or getting sick. Haven't heard a lot about Ebola getting out if Africa?

They keep bringing up the influenza out break of 1918 (Spanish flu) and we still deal with the flu and new strains every year, we lose some people and it causes some inconvenience but we have never put a stop to it. I like to think of what is going on more like the Polio outbreak of the late 40's early 50's where people locked down in fear. The thing about that is it affected more young then old. Some of the first vaccines had issues but for the most part it was a huge player in the control. Sometimes thinning the heard isn't a bad thing, makes the healthy more healthy. You know why we can afford insurance or medical care? OLD PEOPLE! Then people who have a life suffer because they can't get the care they need. People are selfish, that we already know, its unfortunate that people can't accept this fact and do something about it to make others lives better.

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