Community > Posts By > dust4fun

dust4fun's photo
Thu 06/17/21 06:31 PM
Have you tried Valley fair? Nickelodeon Universe? Chuckie Cheese? Those are just a few places you may find some fun.

dust4fun's photo
Wed 06/09/21 07:02 PM
Far too complex of thinking of this. The brain is wired in a certain way before birth, siblings raised under the same roof, by the same people can turn out way different from one another. One may be very successful while the other is a dirt bag freeloader, or serial killer. Yes the "morals" are all things made up by society, but nature still has a large input of what goes on in one's life. The more they learn about DNA and genetics the more they could determine if someone is destined to be "evil" or "good". They can do brain surgery to reprogram or erase certain things in the mind but for the most part they are not all that advanced at it at this time.

dust4fun's photo
Wed 06/02/21 05:08 PM
Great, now instead of them charging you $8,000 for a new sign or barrier if you go off the road they will charge you $500,000 for knocking the power out along with the new solar panels. It is a better idea then what they are doing now covering farm fields with solar panels. Like anything it all sounds good just like water power back in the day. But sooner or later there is always some kinda issues involved. Right now the government is giving so much money and tax breaks away that many are taking advantage of it. But when the government is paying for something we all know where that money is coming from. Not the rich, not the poor, but the hard working people trying to make ends meet. It takes materials and energy to make, install, and maintain solar panels and everything else. How many consider this? Maybe the reason they don't want us burning fossil fuels is really because they need it for all the plastic we waste every year. I just recently heard that often times burning wood puts less carbon in the air then to just let it for, and not all forests or trees are really doing as much as people believe. There is plenty of roof and wall space available for solar panels if people really want to do it. And many places are, or use sky lights for light and heat. There is a lot that can be done with out the US government spending $6 trillion on it.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 05/09/21 11:59 AM

"Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it" George Santayana

This article is Sad, more and more like 1984. I hope the Germans show that they have learned from the past.

I think most people do not realize these so called "bad" things have changed and formed the world to what it is. The technology developed in the second world war makes it possible for all of us communicate on here. There were so many things that came out of that time, and other things that resulted because of it. Just imagine if the pilgrims would not have come to America wiping out most of the indigenous people both thru disease and the killing of them. America has been a huge factor in changing the world for better and worse and it started by others going there and claiming the land. Of it was not for slavery the United States would not have formed the way it has. 90% of black people in the US would not even exist if it was not for slavery, and our food, music, over all culture would be way different. Clearly we can't predict what direction things would have went had certain events not taken place or if people and the world would be better or worse off. You have to take the good with the bad, its relative like hot and cold, light and dark, up and down. With out good there is no bad. Without bad there is no good. There is much concern about invasive species, on of the most recent is murder hornets that kill honey bee colonies. Corona Virus is also an invasive species doing much damage. The list is extensive of creatures and plants that have changed ecosystems and peoples way of life. However the most invasive species the world has ever dealt with is the Human. They have caused more destruction then any other, and often they are also the cause of many other invasive species becoming issues. So if we do away with all the "bad" things then do we do away with humans in general and all the destruction they have caused?

dust4fun's photo
Tue 05/04/21 06:06 PM

If someone has to be brainwashed to take protection against a virus that has killed 3.1 million people worldwide, I don’t know what to say to that. And if it’s only shown to be deadly .08 percent is the argument, who is being selfish here? How many would there be if it weren’t for the stay at home, or no vaccine? Did you lose a loved one?

How anyone living in democracy is comparing this to Nazi Germany is beyond me. Anne Frank lived in an attic for four years.

If you get caught drinking and driving, you’re arrested. Is that taking your freedom away or is that a consequence of your actions?

How much of this is still democratic when a large group thinks and chooses and then gets excluded and robbed of their freedom?
Why can't you even open up to see the other side of it all? Even to entertain the possibility of you having had the wool pulled over your eyes?
How can you agree with loads of people that will be robbed of their freedom? How is THAT democracy? How is THAT not selfish?
Comparing this to drinking and driving is like comparing tomatoes and cheese. it makes no sense whatsoever.

You now call lots of people -including me- selfish? Do you feel that's right, only because I exercise my right of freedom and my right to choose?
Anne Frank was one Jew, 6 million were murdered.
Would you agree if the people who choose to remain natural would be put in camps?
How far does your conviction go and how far would you be willing to go to condemn other people who have a different belief -which should be their right if it was truly a democracy.
Would you be fine if I was confined to my home for the rest of my life? Or put in a camp, forced to do labour work, be experimented on, barely given any food? Ridded of my own clothes and belongings, forced to wear camp clothes?
Who are you and others like you to rob me of my democratic rights and the freedom to choose, to live a dignified, human-worthy life?
In a democracy one group of people do NOT have the right to rob other people of their rights and freedom. So how is your conviction congruent with democracy? It is fascistic or communistic.
How have you then not been brainwashed to step out of democratic thinking into fascistic thinking?

Just questions to consider, not to answer.

We're truly not far away from people who chose the vaccine, and the ones who are scared, to condone all this and forcing the other group into a real bad situation.
So... who's selfish here...

I didn’t call anyone selfish for taking or not taking the vaccine. I pointed out that the people I hear say only .08% of the population have died, and then add comments here like “maybe eliminating the weak people is not such a bad idea, or they would have died in a year or two anyway” it’s appalling. And yes, that ideology is selfish. I do not care one way or the other whether a person gets the vaccine or not, I agree, it’s their choice. I resent the tone in all the passive agressive responses here with “8th grade” mentality, etc., I consider myself an intelligent person, and I will just bow out of this discussion as we have a completely different outlook on life and I refuse to get pulled into this extremist thought.

The world must be flat otherwise we would all fall off, you must be an "extremist" if you think it is round. Last time I checked this is the Science and Philosophy section, not the "Politically Correct" section. Things are not always black and white, or what we are told to believe. It takes an open mind to think outside the box that has been formed around us. Science has been a big part of human development, making things up has also been a big part of what makes us human. An "intelligent" person should be more open to different views and understand that they have been programmed to believe what the man wants them to believe. Selfish is one of humans most powerful traits, I see it more and more each day in people. Some know that they are selfish and try to compensate for it, while others are just clueless and therefore unable to open their minds to others. Selfish is keeping Grandma alive while she is in pain and hooked up to machines just because you are afraid to let go of a life. In nature if you take an animal out of a nest and put it back often times the mother will reject or kill it even if there is nothing wrong with it. People forget that people are animals too, but humans have altered much of their natural instinct for better and worse. I really do wish they would teach people in the "8th grade" to think a little deeper into why things are the way they are, and that they are not required to conform to everything their elders have taught them. Things like religion should be chosen by the user, not passed down by each generation. The problem with the pandemic is so much of it needed to be rushed thru without any science involved. The "experts" had maybe 2 or 3 months getting to know the virus. Would you want me operating on you after 2 or 3 months of studying it? Do masks really make things better? Or worse? Maybe the stop the occasional bodily guild from coming into contact? Or maybe touching the mask makes it easier to transmit? Or maybe breathing the same warm air helps incubate the virus? The data is not out there. What are the long term affects of the vaccines? How long will the vaccine last? What about mutated viruses? There is so much that is just a guess and yet the high up politicians took control often disagreeing with other politicians and waving their magic wand like a dictator. Every time you get into a car you have a risk of dying, yet billions of people do it everyday. Everything in life has its risks, and sooner or later everyone of us will die from something.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 05/02/21 04:37 PM

If someone has to be brainwashed to take protection against a virus that has killed 3.1 million people worldwide, I don’t know what to say to that. And if it’s only shown to be deadly .08 percent is the argument, who is being selfish here? How many would there be if it weren’t for the stay at home, or no vaccine? Did you lose a loved one?

How anyone living in democracy is comparing this to Nazi Germany is beyond me. Anne Frank lived in an attic for four years.

If you get caught drinking and driving, you’re arrested. Is that taking your freedom away or is that a consequence of your actions?

The answer is there is so many things that WE WILL NEVER KNOW because the actions have already been taken. Why are some states that had less restrictions with fewer deaths and cases then those with stricter restrictions? What are the long term affects that we will see from things that have been done? And things that were not done? Just maybe eliminating some of the weak people is not such a bad thing? How many of the people who died would have been dead in a year or two anyway? Ironically I was at a funeral yesterday for a friend that died of covid 2 months ago after being on a ventilator for 46 days. There were also many people who did not even know they had it, or were just tired and sore for a week. I have been told my whole life its a virus let it take its course. I don't get flu shots and it is very rare I get flu type symptoms. Do masks really do anything? Or as soon as you touch your mask does that make the contraction that much easier? Is being too clean going to lead to other issues? If you never consume dairy you will become lactose intolerant, if you don't get germs your body won't know how to handle it when you do. Have you looked into the 1918 influenza outbreak? No vaccine, it ran out of hosts, but variants are still around to this day. By stretching things out we have allowed Corona to mutate and it will continue to do so. Nobody knows how this could of been or will be, everything is just a guess at what to do and why to do it. The waste of money and taking of control by the government is also going to be a big issue. People in low middle class and below with kids most likely got $20k to $40k extra thru the last year and a half and I guaranty most of them wasted it, and many have not paid rent because there was no eviction. Its easy to take somebody out of the ghetto, but its hard to take the ghetto out of somebody. The poor will be worse off after all is said and done by their poor choices. Then there is the flip side of corporations taking advantage of "free" money. Such things as payroll protection and then hiring new people at lower wages and no benefits. Then we have the population making more on unemployment then working so they are not going back to work. Brainwashing is nothing new, it has formed society to what it is good and bad. But when is the government control so much that nobody else gets a say in what goes on?
Driving is a privlage not a right and that's why you have to be a certain age and get a license. There are also restrictions involved in drinking. But it's more to do with the government telling you WHAT YOU CAN NOT DO then telling you what you MUST DO.

dust4fun's photo
Fri 04/30/21 09:42 PM

An insight into hitler’s ideology. Taken from one of his political speeches .....

“Only a member of the race can be a citizen. A member of the race can only be one who is of German blood, without consideration of creed. Consequently no Jew can be a member of the race.’

To compare the hate and mass murder of Jewish people to global vaccination efforts against covid is totally absurd .

People have free choice to be vaccinated against covid . If you choose not to , that may mean you will face travel restrictions or employment challenges .. until herd immunity is achieved/ or covid is under control . If Travel passports will allow the travel economy to reopen... that is not fascism or brain washing . It is common sense from a global perspective .

Even Hitler was smart enough to know that blonde hair, blue eyes people where the superior being, even thou he was neither of them. Thru history people have been judged by skin color and generally the lighter the skin the higher they rank, and the darker the skin the lower they rank. However Hitler admitted during the Olympics the Jesse Owens (black American) was an amazing athlete and considered doing something with blacks. Hitler did have a big following, but remember these were different times and not everyone including many Germans agreed to what he was doing. Also WWII was much more involved then just German, there were many conflicts going on during that time and even with all the loss of life there were also many advancements that came from the war changing how we live today.

You say vaccine is a "free choice" but if you can't do what you want unless you get vaccinated then your freedom has been taken. There has been much control by the government partly because people are selfish and have no respect for others, but also as a way to control the masses. Also I would not use the word "free" when trillions of dollars have been spent with out any input or control mostly to be handed to the poor and business taking advantage of handout while the middle class are the ones paying for it and having rights taken away.

dust4fun's photo
Fri 04/30/21 09:19 PM
Edited by dust4fun on Fri 04/30/21 09:21 PM

I don't believe there is a climate crisis. There's been plenty of scientific research that proves it's nonsense.
I'd agree that how we live and use the planet should change, but not the way they are trying to do now.

As for the animals, other fuel etc... I think that's all part of controlling people by food. If you think of it, it is much easier and cheaper to grow plants / crops that are GMed than animals. If people would see GM maimed animals they'd throw a wobbler. Plus, the number of animals you can breed in one barn vs the number of plants you can grow in the same barn... And a plants lifecycle is faster so implemented new GM chit goes faster.

And the crop-based fuel... a nice way to get power AND money away from the Middle East and put it all in America's hands, where the ones in the shadows reside or at the very least have their headquarters.

The question I get is, what were Trump's plans with the huge pipeline from Canada all the way through the US?
It clashes with moving away from fossil fuels. I still don't get which side of the fence he's on.

As for fossil fuels, I'm all for moving away from that, provided the shift is implemented well. And NO nuclear energy in its stead.

In any case, I see the whole lot as part of the one same agenda.

I do believe that humans have affected the climate, however I do not believe it is anything that humans and nature can over come. Things such as pollution actually blocks sunlight and cools the planet verses the solar that warms the planet so it could be a fine line on what they do right or wrong. The building of dams to create power whether direct or by creating electricity was a major factor in the US becoming what it is. Now they are disturbed what these dams have done to the environment and animals. Do people really think wind mills and solar don't have very similar effects? I'm seeing a lot of farm land being covered by solar, where do people think they will get food from when all the land is covered by solar?
People have been modifying plants for thousands of years. Had people not modified plants many people would starve ( not that would be all that bad as far as the environment).
Trump is pro petroleum and against the "climate change" thinking. There are already many pipelines and its more about moving fuel more safely and efficiently and using the oil produced in North America to avoid conflicts and sending money to the middle East. There is much talk about "clean energy" but they fail to address the affects of building such things, and ironically the government is willing to pay for much of what they are doing, sounds a little suspicious on where all that money ends up, sure isn't saving me any money.
Plastic is a petroleum product for the most part and I don't see the production of that going down anytime soon, and the promise of it being recycled is most often untrue. There are ways to make biodegradable plastics out of plant based, but the cost and overall product have its limitations. Once again people have pushed thru things like plastic to make them think it's fantastic, and now we are starting to understand that maybe paper and glass are better in the long run.
We used to use whale oil, but when it got to tough to find them the transition to gas and electric started to happen. When petroleum becomes too expensive to get then we will naturally adapt to other things. Wood was burned for thousands of years and there is still some being used to this day. So it's more about people's habits, but like you say the government and a small group of people want to control how everybody lives.

dust4fun's photo
Tue 04/27/21 06:51 PM

I have thought about their goal many times too. I think power and control, totalitarian on a global level.
The freaky thing of all this is that it goes back centuries. Washington was already busy with the basics of all this chit and I think it goes all the way back to ancient Egypt and with that, Atlantis.
Atlantis also went t*ts up because of serious abuse, manipulation, GM -also on people-, using powers for evil purpose etc.
We have no access to these powers as of yet, but I think the ones in the shadows are way further with that than we can imagine.
Hitler was busy with such things too and the man had an immense knowledge on such things.

I am in a way surprised that they are now implementing control with an illness and a vaccine.
Codex Alimentarius said it would be (mostly) with food. That is happening too, also part of their plan. As is Big Pharma, which was created basically by Hitler.

But the food thing I find alarming as well. Over here they're getting rid of farmers with the lame excuse of the nitrogen crisis -which I doubt even exists tbh- and the climate agenda. The climate agenda that has been taking on board by all is total nonsense for sure.

Over here they are ramming vegetarian food down our throats and at the moment the speed with which they are doing this is accelerating at a scary speed!
Maybe not so much in the US yet as you eat vast and large amounts of meat. But over here the veggie community is growing exponentially -it is truly scary!!-, and more and more products in the supermarket shelves are being replaced by vegetarian crap.
I think in just a few more years meat will have almost disappeared. And that's not a joke, even though you in the US probably don't have that yet.

Farmers have protested, hundreds of farmers going to The Hague with their tractors from all over the country, driving for hours to get their, the whole country in full support of them. Government wasn't happy and I do believe there were some escalations with police even though the farmers were peaceful.
It didn't help at all, government is continuing to force the farmers out of business. They want their land as well.
It's sad, and go figure what a future that leads to, no more farmers? I mean, WTF?
And most of the veggie chit is soy based, which ruins the planet, is unhealthy for us, and often GMed... I think that's what they want, the GMed chit in all people.

As for uniting people/races... I have long seen that coming (decades) with the masses of refugees that are allowed in our Western countries.

Let's just pray it will all come to a screeching halt in hopefully the very near future! As regardless of what their end goal is, we can be 100% certain it is NOT good for us!
And pray that more of the sleeping masses will wake up in time.

Besides the push for so called "healthy" people becoming a reason for pushing vegetarian and vegan culture they are also worried about the production of animal products causing "climate change". There is talk of limiting people to 1/4 pound of red meat a week along with cuts to dairy and poultry production. Methane gas is one big excuse for this, but apparently they are concerned about everything from the food being produced for the animals to the processing. My thought is the direct consumption of vegetable based protein would probably create even more methane gas. Also I have noticed acres upon acres of solar panels taking up existing farm land. There is also a big push for ethanol fuels using up valuable crops. Basically the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing. I would expect the government to come out with even more taxes on such things as meat and sugar drinks until they are high enough that people reduce the amount they use or go to other products.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 04/24/21 09:53 PM
I'm not a big fan of plain water, so why would I drink BURNT WATER?

dust4fun's photo
Sat 04/24/21 09:43 PM
I was told the only dumb question was the one you don't ask? Being the level of fake people and those that don't respond to messages I would have to say go ahead and ask, do you have more to lose or gain by doing so?

dust4fun's photo
Sat 04/24/21 09:34 PM
What Hitler did was bad according to what most people had been taught to believe during that time, but had he succeeded it would be perfectly natural to us now. Everything we say and do was invented at sometime in the past. Many countries have killed many people for many different reasons thru time and it was thought to be acceptable to certain people during that time. People are worried about being more controlled by the government, but look at what happened during WWII where most people were willing to fight for their country, ration food, donate metal and other things to the cause. Generally being more patriotic, I think we have lost much of that and people are thinking more freely now even as they ingest much more information then ever before. Religon has lost a lot of ground in the last few generations. Many people don't attend church on Sundays or have as deep of connection with their church. Times do change and somethings become better and others worse depending on how you look at them or how they affect you. I like to say society is a pyramid scheme where the leaders on top get everybody else to follow what they are saying. Religion is the same way, they promise you eternal happiness if you follow them and spread the word. It all has to do with power and control and money is a big part of it all too. But sooner or later all pyramids will deteriorate and they need constant maintenance or they will collapse. That has happened to many societies and governments in the past and it will continue to happen. Just remember everything people do has been made up at some point in the past and right and wrong is often in the eye of the beholder and what they have been taught, or brainwashed, or programmed to believe. There are certain instincts that people are born with, but for the most part we are programmed starting before we are even born.

dust4fun's photo
Mon 04/19/21 07:38 PM
Has anybody here ever flown in an airplane? You don't think they heavily rely on autopilot and computer control? They have for years. Cars have different levels of self driving but it is becoming more and more available on all level of cars. Auto parking, auto breaking, lane departure, and many now have cruise control that also keeps your car in its lane and avoids other cars. And yes even self driving cars, but they will alert you if you need to take over. Putting markers in the road would make things much safer, but people do need to be willing to pay for this. My cars GPS is not always accurate and doesn't always know the speed limit on certain roads so unless all things are set up I'm sure there will always be certain limitations like pulling into a driveway. Cars are getting safer with all their sensors, however things like the A pillars are now huge causing blind spots so some things that provide safety may also be dangerous.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 04/18/21 05:32 PM

Would you like your partner to be possessive?

Does she give a really good hummer?

A Hummer? Why not a Porsche, Mercedes, how about a Corvette? What year Hummer? And is that really being eco aware, ? What with gasoline prices on the increase and you know Hummers aren't fuel efficient and the trade in value on them isn't that great . How about a Prius (?) instead?

They are coming out with an electric hummer, and I'm thinking there are already a few guys that have already had an electric hummer. Sure would be nice to get a head in life.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 04/18/21 02:02 PM

Do you really want to draft women when, even after they are trained - they don't recognize the difference between a taser and a pistol?

Funny that you mention that being that male officers have made the same mistakes. I the heat of the moment the only difference in feel is the weight which you probably wouldn't notice as you are fighting someone. Ironically the warrant was for unlawful possession of a firearm so I'm glad that thug will never walk the streets again. Clearly he put the car in gear as it took off when he was shot, that also becomes a deadly weapon. Did you happen to see the video off the officer that was hit in the head with a hammer by a guy who refused to wear a mask? The officer got trapped in the man's truck door as the man was driving away, Fourtantly the incident ended with no further injuries to that officer. My concern about women in the military is more about when its that time off month and also the sexual harassment and assaults that have gone on thru the years by these guys that think they are all that. But odds of having a draft are so low, and combat is often much different in these days as we go toward technology, that I would not have a problem with having women sign up for the draft. In the past it hasn't always been if the women can do the job, but more about having them having children and taking care of them to keep the population going.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 04/17/21 06:32 PM
$$$! Just enough so I can do anything or go anywhere I want.

dust4fun's photo
Thu 04/15/21 07:25 PM

So what excuses can you all come up with for the deadly shooting of
13 year old, Adam Toledo, by a chicago police officer?

We don't need excuses. So why is a 13 year old boy running around with a 21 year old thug at 2:30 in the morning? The police call was for shots fired. Toledo ran from the cop until he got to a fence where he threw the GUN he was holding as he was putting up his hands. Its a split second decision on the cop to shot or be shot. Shot first and ask questions later if you want to live another day. Not sure why this story is relevant unless you are trying to prove it is not only black people being killed by cops.

dust4fun's photo
Wed 04/14/21 08:33 PM
What are your thoughts on cryptocurrency? Coinbase exchange goes public on the stock market. Big corporations are starting to take interest as well as hedge funds and other investors. Bitcoin is over half the market with a cap currently over $1trillion and the rest of the market totaling around $1trillion. Is it a useful tool for financial transactions in the future? Or just a giant waste of electricity? Or is it a pyramid scheme or bubble that will soon burst?

dust4fun's photo
Wed 04/14/21 08:06 PM
Edited by dust4fun on Wed 04/14/21 08:09 PM

Police have been acting more like an occupying army than a police force, especially in minority communities, for decades.

How many occupying army’s have you seen that don’t react when the people they are supposedly occupying throw water or eggs and rocks at them . Don’t you remember the videos of cops in the minority community’s walking away while getting humiliated like that. Seems pretty timid for a occupying army. I Do think that the cop who killed George Floyd was responsible for his death . He should have been picked up and put in the squad car instead of kneeling on the mans neck. Guilty of something , not first degree. A handful of bad cops shouldn’t condemn the whole force.

Apparently the media has gotten into your head too and you have only seen Chauvin kneeling on Flyods back. If you would have seen more you would have seen they HAD HIM IN THE CAR, but has to drag him out because he was out of control. While he was in the car he tried to spit out some of the drugs he had taken to try to hide. Have you ever seen anybody overdose? Happens all the time, go hang out at a drug treatment facility for a week and see what these people look like coming in. Floyd did the same things in an arrest just the year before the incident. He also overdosed 2 months prior to his death. The officers detained him while waiting for the medics in order to keep him from harming himself or anybody else, that's was in Floyds best interest, however Flyod had too many drugs in his system, a bad heart, recent covid, and the anxiety of knowing he was going back to jail. The officers job is to serve and protect, not to treat some POS from having an overdose. Things happen in Suburbia and Hicksville as well and nobody gets all worked up when a white POS dies and police are involved.

dust4fun's photo
Wed 04/14/21 04:54 AM
Politicians playing the race card, it has happened many times in history. Lincoln, the Kennedy's, Ohbama, and Biden with picking Karmela Harris, and many more. Now the big corporations are playing the race card too. Jake from state farm became black face, support black owned businesses? What happened to everyone being equal? Its racist to do something just because of someone's skin color whether it good or bad. All of this is being brain washed into our youth and many people are encouraging it to happen over some criminals that shouldn't of been out of jail in the first place. Now black youth think they should be able to get away with anything and not be punished. Doing drugs, theft, carrying guns, running from the police. Pop culture is responsible for much of this from the media, music, movies, and TV. Things do need to change in black communities, but its up to the people in these communities to get off their ***** and do something instead of standing there with their hands out, collecting money, then not doing anything to change things.

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