Business as Usual in US
Finally someone who knows what's really happening in US government!! I posted something similar a week n a half ago in the "Biden accomplishments". And nobody truly knows what goes on in the government, not even the people who work there! It is a wonder how these people get into the positions they do, what they do when they are there, and how they get away with what they do! How do people like Trump, Hillary, Biden, and others even get put on the ticket in the first place. I mean I know the process and how it works, just tell me they truly can't find anybody else to do the job? |
Men's Thread
On the other hand I have a '70 Cougar I bought 20 years ago, built 351w 400hp with a street strip C4. Bought some '80s Pantera wide body wheels a while back cuz you need 345s on the back of a car. It still needs paint, suspension and brake work, some electric to figure out. My first car back in high school was also '70 Cougar, I like the sequential turn singles and hidden head lights. The thing is horse power is cheap in modern cars and they are built to handle it. Drove a '98 Mark viii for awhile. 300hp was a lot when they developed that motor in '93, now V6s have that all day long. My MKZ is 300hp all wheel drive and has plenty of power for what I need but still think of up grading it to the 400hp model. Not sure cuz there are so many ugly cars out there and the cool ones are not always practical cuz they are rwd 2 doors that get bad gas mileage, on top of that they no longer make most American cars so might have to go to an Audi or Mercedes or something. Not a big fan of the 2.0 twin turbo 4cyl they are all starting to use either. Seems like too much car for the motor, and too many things to go wrong.
Men's Thread
So what kinda shampoo do you use? I use the kind with the conditioner built in, find it saves a step in the shower. 🤣🤣🤣
Business as Usual in US
The problem is where the money comes from and where it goes. It all works its way back into the economy one way or another, and the economy is a very complex system anyway. The Republicans take a trickle down affect, while the Democrats take on a trickle up effect. Sooner or later it will probably end up filtering thru the same hands any way, just a matter of where and when. When the government decides to hand out 3 to 5 trillion dollars in stimulus that is not money that they just have sitting around in their top dresser drawer. Basically they are putting that money on a high interest credit card with no plan on how to pay it back. They are printing new money which devalues the money you have. When you and your employer put money into social security it does not just go into a high interest savings fund, instead it goes to a general fund to spend on whatever they want. If someone has 2 kids and makes $20k a year the government will give them money for housing, food, health care, child care, and when they pay their income tax the government will actually give them more money then they paid in. On the other hand someone making $100k a year with 2 kids will pay about $30k in income tax, $10k for health insurance, property tax, day care, food expenses etc. So in the end how much farther ahead are they then the person making $20k a year? My source was wrong and it used to be $75k/$150k for child tax credits but this year they have upped it to $200k/$400k like bastet said, so it will include many more people and make things just a little more fair for people who have children. For those who don't have children under 17 tough luck, you will have to pick up the slack.
Yes, if people are handed money they most likely will take it. I got some stimulus money but between me and my daughter we did get considerably less because of how her age landed and income, and honestly I did not lose any work or need the stimulus money. What really got me was the fact they gave it to people who were retired, what money did they lose? What really changed in their life? Maybe they could not go out as much or travel which would have actually saved them money. Now they are saying people may need a third vaccination shot and possibly follow up shots after that. The cost per shot varies on how much the government gave the drug companies before the development but it averages $15-$20 per shot partly because of the mass production. This price could increase drastically as time goes by and it does not seem like all that much unless you think about their are 8 billion people in the world! Handing money out and raising the minimum wage is just going to raise the price of everything. This may be good if you own a home and it goes up in value, however any money you have saved for retirement will be worth less because it will cost so much more to live in the future. People who are barely making it by will continue to barely make it by. |
Do you mean Christ's consciousness or some bull crap like that? We are nothing if we don't know love and God. The mind is nothing without the heart. It takes love and only love. Until we can except each other and ourselves as one in everything. We will not ever have true peace in ourselves or in this world we live in. There is no duality or wrong or right. There is only energy and love itself. We must see this within and outward of ourselves and our existence. How much longer must we be submissive and turn a blind eye on the people and corporation's that seek to destroy and enslave us all for there own accord? We are of God no matter what. We have the power to move mountains. So why not? We need unity and love for all and our world. If not this world and us all will not and can not survive it's own downfall. Bruce is Buddhist so not sure you are on the same page with Christ and God. We can not just do anything our mind comes up with, there are physical barriers that stop us from doing many things. I can not time travel, I can not leap over tall buildings, I can not create world Peace or equality. Some things are just bigger and more powerful then us. It seems like maybe you should spend more time in the religion section and not the science and philosophy section. If a cat is stuck in a tree you can pray it makes it down safe, you can call the fire department and hope they can get it down, or you can wait and let nature take it's course and hope it gets down with out falling to it's death. The thing about prayer is it is a very selfish act. You have done nothing to help the situation and yet if the outcome is good you take credit for saving the cat. You play the hero for doing nothing. Yes, people are what make up society so doing good, helping, and spreading positive thoughts is a good thing. But action is stronger then words. Religion is a pyramid scheme made up by people over time, it has brought good and bad. We have not gotten to where we are today thru unity and love alone, there has been much conflicts, much wrong and right, yet we will continue to exist. Religion has also enslaved people much like these corporations you talk of. Maybe you should step back and take another look on how you live your life and how you judge others for living their lives. |
Business as Usual in US
It’s for families making 400K joint/ 200k single who file and receive the child tax credit. It is written that families receive at least 1/2 of the credit July 2021- Dec 2021 in payments, the remainder will be in the form of a credit on taxes. This isn’t anything new, other than the early payments. People making up to $75k single or $150k joint will get the full amount. After that it will be reduced down according to how much you make. The child tax credit used to be $1000 per child under 17 with income restrictions, a few years ago they upped that to $2000 per child, now for this year (has not been approved beyond that yet) children under 6 will get a $3600 tax credit and age 6 to 16 will get $3000 tax credit. Half of this will be handed out in monthly payments unless people opt out and take it in a lump sum with their tax returns. The issue is similar to the tax cuts Trump made where people had less taxes taken out each pay period, when it got to tax return time people where shocked that their tax return went down or that they owed money. They had actually gotten more money but unknowingly spent that money each month. It is a crazy amount of money for the government to be handing out, somebody has to pay for it at some point and time. $2000 works out to about $5 a day, enough to feed a child if done right. It already cost about $150k to send a child to school kindergarten thru 12th grade. Then the parents can also file head of house hold and write off the children as dependents lowering the amount of tax they pay in. So by the time a child is 18 the government may have lost $300,000 plus per child. How long would it take someone to pay that money back in taxes plus all the other things the government spends money on? Most of the time I would guess they would never recover all that money prior to start to pay out the social security for those children who would retire before paying off all the expenses the government shelled out for them. The only thing that has saved us in the past is inflation. What used to cost a $1 is now $4.50 so the amount paid years earlier is not as much relative to today. The sad thing the US has taken on so much debt, and continues to take on more debit. While in the global market the dollar is losing value because the US is buying more from others then they sell to others. People no longer have pride in what they do for a living, or a work ethic, it has become give me, give me, give me. Debit can be a good thing if done right, however the reckless spending by the government will catch up. Many people have trouble making ends meet because of the amount of taxes they pay. Then there are the hidden taxes we pay. When a corporation pays tax it's the customers that actually pay that tax. There are also many hidden sales taxes. The government is just not good with money. |
If you have ever watched kitchen nightmares or bar rescue or something similar where they go in and turn a business around you would see that often times people with knowledge, experience, and wisdom get trapped in a box of disfunction that leads to failure of their business and life. While someone looking in from outside the box can often easily see what the problems are and how to fix them.
Sears and Robuck was as powerful as Amazon is today at one time. Now they are bankrupt. Not being willing to change, along with greed, laziness, and selfishness can lead to failure. Having maturity can be a draw back, that is why many of the tech companies are hiring young people. We have gotten to where we are at from taking chances, thinking outside the box, not from playing it safe due to past experience. Yes, this can lead to failure, but it can also lead to successful new ideas. Many government's get trapped in the same way. We elect new law makers with great ideas but in a short period of time they fall into the same routine of spending money while wasting time working on stupid legislation that just leads to more disfunction. So people who think they have wisdom and experience are often just trapped in their box and don't see what is going on around them. We need people who can think outside the box even if they do not have knowledge of what they are looking at because those are the people who have the ability to come up with some really great things. |
Nothing to be sorry about, that is actually 26% fewer people then last year. According to CNN the actual number killed by gun fire over this 4th of July weekend (3 1/2 days) was 233 with another 618 injured. Last year in a same time frame 314 were shot and killed with another 751 injured. The US also has a high incarceration rate compared to most countries. That does not mean people are concerned about walking down the street in most areas. The US only has about 350 million people for a very large area. Homelessness is also becoming a big issue here but it is not always clear why, or if it is just being tracked and reported on more. Not sure that the government handing out money will help this issue, in the long run it will probably actually make it worse.
The 3 officers Shot in Chicago while driving/riding survived the incident. That hardly makes the news when close to 200 died from gun fire over the 4th of July weekend, with over 400 shooting incidents occurring over the holiday weekend across the country. Biden was said to have talked to the Mayor about the incident and the other gun violence taking place in the city. He probably would not have brought up the shooting of police in a speech because it may upset his BLM supporters who are anti police. Shooting across the US have skyrocketed in the last year in a half, and guess where these shootings are happening, and who is doing the shooting? Most often inner-city and by people of color. 2 other officers in Chicago were also shot over the weekend with non life threatening injuries bringing a total of 36 officers being shot in Chicago so far this year. And they wonder why police are sometimes a little trigger happy. My idea of gun control is going to the range for target practice, most of the guns involved are illegally owned so I'm not sure how much new laws and regulations would affect things. Then you have people who are soft on crime being voted into office. People like the DA in Philadelphia who will not prosecute low level drug crimes and fire arm violations so now the police are turning a blind eye to such things.
Do you believe in empaths?
Wow, no response? All the Empaths must have absorbed my negative energy and be curled up in the corner crying? It is thought that only 1 or 2 percent of the population is an Empath, I think empathetic people are getting confused about being an Empath. And I'm not really sure how they even came up with those numbers being this seems to be a newly diagnosed thing. People are jumping on a trend without understanding what it is all about including some of the "experts". Lol, get over yourself. People get bored with topics. I know I do, despite your valid points.... Make some threads yourself. I get tired of making threads, peeps are contentious and if I say black, they say white. If I say white, they say black. But I do like making threads to keep Minglers chatting Hey Ladywind , I was not trying to do make it a you say white and I say black, or even gray. I did not know what an Empath was when I started so you did open my mind to something new. To answer the question yes, I now believe in Empaths, but not to be confused with an empathetic person. Sometimes topics do start to head in a certain direction so I do not respond either, it had more to do to adding to what a true Empath goes thru. Keep up the good work in creating new threads. |
Do you believe in empaths?
Wow, no response? All the Empaths must have absorbed my negative energy and be curled up in the corner crying? It is thought that only 1 or 2 percent of the population is an Empath, I think empathetic people are getting confused about being an Empath. And I'm not really sure how they even came up with those numbers being this seems to be a newly diagnosed thing. People are jumping on a trend without understanding what it is all about including some of the "experts".
They have hydrogen cars already on the market. However there are only 45 filling stations in the US in which 43 are in California. So currently it is not practical for most people to own one. Other countries are doing a better job at offering filling stations. I recently seen a hydrogen car for sale, it was similar to a Prius and affordable, but with out a way to fill it I would have no use for it. They are also doing commercial vehicles that would have access to their own filling stations, but like anything it takes awhile to develop things and make them main stream.
I never sleep alone, the demons in my head are always there to keep me company
Do you believe in empaths?
The "experts" are the issue here. They want being an "Empath" to fit what they want it to be. This is a "disease" just like drug addiction is considered a disease, along with so many other things often times just so insurance pays for it. It all has to do with the way the brain is wired, which parts of the brain are used more and parts that are used less. People are getting confused with showing empathy and what it means to be an "Empath". Until these experts can agree on a set definition to this newly diagnosed condition their will be people saying all kinds of crazy things, and many jumping on board to say this fits me.
This Dr Judith Orloff somehow thinks that there is a surge of this "Empath" that will liberate women and make the world a better place. That tells me she is a nut case, people have been the same all along although certain chemicals in our body has changed over time. Like the commercial says guys have less testosterone then a generation ago because the need is not there for it. Also environment and diet have affects on such things. When she ends with "The age of Aquarius" everybody should have looked at what they just read and say I've been had. The only positive I took from Dr Orloff is when she mentions oxytocin which is one of many hormones that affect the brain. Oxytocin could be a topic on its own as it does affect people in many ways and is being researched for such things as autism to depression. Levels of oxytocin increase during sex and orgasm so maybe people just need to get laid more? It is also said to keep guys more faithful in relationships. But like I said that is a subject in its self. |
Flying Cars
If it flies there is no need for it to be a car. It can take off and land anywhere. Yes, it's just a helicopter! And if they can make self driving cars they certainly can make self flying crafts that know where and how to take off and land and not crash into anything. And $200,000 is not that outrageous of a price when you can easily spend $80k+ on a car or truck nowadays. It will take awhile for the demand and price to balance out and I certainly would not trust flying around in a $30k aircraft that was out of my control.
Do you believe in empaths?
I think what Blondey said was right on track. I did some reading and it does appear that being called an "Empath" has only become a thing in the last few years so not sure how much these "experts" really know. Clearly testosterone and estrogen levels would make a difference which would explain why their appear to be more females. I would like to see brain scans of where and how much energy is going on in their brains when they are in public absorbing other people's feelings, and then what happens when they crash down and need some alone time. It sounds more like a curse to be a Empath as it did not really say that an Empath seeks out ways to help others, more that it just stressed the Empath out to feel the feelings of others. Some of the people just absorb the the energy of other people while others are vultures that have a natural ability to drive people to open up and share their feelings with others. I think nowadays things like "friends" on Fakebook and other platforms can fuel the Empath. There is a lot of drama shared and certain people feed off such things. All humans have the same mental conditions going on in their minds it's just a matter of how extreme they are and how well people are at coping with them. Everybody is bipolar but most peoples swings are very small while a few people have extreme manic states followed by deep depression. Anxiety is a natural instinct designed to protect us from harm, but for some people it can be overwhelming. Everyone has compassion but they have different ways of feeling it and showing it.
BnOH into BnCHO with H2 evolution Maybe, if you break this down to layman terms, people could join a conversation about it. I think he's talking about using sun light to create hydrogen, but I'm no chemist. Some people think hydrogen is a cheap and easy way to make energy. Just put water and electricity together. But most hydrogen is made by using fossil fuel and it really is not very efficient. Some people think of hydrogen as being very dangerous because of the hydrogen bomb (H bomb) or the Hindenburg explosion. The Hindenburg was flying during a lightning storm and when it was grounded the charge went thru the structure. The doping compound used to keep the fabric air tight was very flammable so they are not sure how much the hydrogen was really to blame. Any fuel is very explosive, that is what makes it a good fuel. Just like gasoline vapors can explode if ignited. But if properly contained, and the cost of producing hydrogen can be managed then it could be a very good fuel source in the future. |
Do you believe in empaths?
There are people who remember everything that happened on every day of their life, but they are few and far between. I can not say for sure that empath does not exist, however I believe most of the time it has to do with the people being emotional. As I said the list seemed to be aimed more at people with anxiety, who which are often more emotional. Some people hide things, or suppress their emotions, while others show them on their surface. Drunk people can be happy, angry, or emotional. Often times it depends on what they drink. If the mind can change this much just by adding some liquid then the natural chemical change with in the brain can do something very similar. To show compassion is an animal instinct, has your pet ever tried to comfort you? That does not mean they can directly relate to what you are feeling.
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Sat 07/03/21 02:25 AM
MARS planet long ago was wet.🤽♀️🤽♂️♀️ Sounds like some of the women I have been with 🤪 |
Do you believe in empaths?
If you look at the list it sure sounds a lot more like anxiety then empath. (Which my spell check does not even think is a word!) I believe maybe people feel for people, but they do not directly feel the same pain as the person suffering. If a guy gets kicked in the balls many people may flinch before they break out laughing. They can "relate" to the pain, may even feel some pain. But they do not drop to the ground holding their crotch like the person who got hit. What you are feeling is compassion for somebody, a feeling of sadness or joy based on what you see. It is not a channeling of their direct feelings. Everyone is an individual and their feelings are their own. Yes you can be happy or sad for them, but it just is not that same feeling that person is having.