Community > Posts By > dust4fun

dust4fun's photo
Thu 07/08/21 03:57 AM
The 3 officers Shot in Chicago while driving/riding survived the incident. That hardly makes the news when close to 200 died from gun fire over the 4th of July weekend, with over 400 shooting incidents occurring over the holiday weekend across the country. Biden was said to have talked to the Mayor about the incident and the other gun violence taking place in the city. He probably would not have brought up the shooting of police in a speech because it may upset his BLM supporters who are anti police. Shooting across the US have skyrocketed in the last year in a half, and guess where these shootings are happening, and who is doing the shooting? Most often inner-city and by people of color. 2 other officers in Chicago were also shot over the weekend with non life threatening injuries bringing a total of 36 officers being shot in Chicago so far this year. And they wonder why police are sometimes a little trigger happy. My idea of gun control is going to the range for target practice, most of the guns involved are illegally owned so I'm not sure how much new laws and regulations would affect things. Then you have people who are soft on crime being voted into office. People like the DA in Philadelphia who will not prosecute low level drug crimes and fire arm violations so now the police are turning a blind eye to such things.

dust4fun's photo
Tue 07/06/21 03:00 PM

Wow, no response? All the Empaths must have absorbed my negative energy and be curled up in the corner crying? It is thought that only 1 or 2 percent of the population is an Empath, I think empathetic people are getting confused about being an Empath. And I'm not really sure how they even came up with those numbers being this seems to be a newly diagnosed thing. People are jumping on a trend without understanding what it is all about including some of the "experts".

Lol, get over yourself. People get bored with topics. I know I do, despite your valid points....happy

Make some threads yourself. I get tired of making threads, peeps are contentious and if I say black, they say white. If I say white, they say black.
But I do like making threads to keep Minglers chatting flowerforyou

Hey Ladywind :hugging:, I was not trying to do make it a you say white and I say black, or even gray. I did not know what an Empath was when I started so you did open my mind to something new. To answer the question yes, I now believe in Empaths, but not to be confused with an empathetic person. Sometimes topics do start to head in a certain direction so I do not respond either, it had more to do to adding to what a true Empath goes thru. Keep up the good work in creating new threads.:thumbsup:

dust4fun's photo
Tue 07/06/21 08:11 AM
Wow, no response? All the Empaths must have absorbed my negative energy and be curled up in the corner crying? It is thought that only 1 or 2 percent of the population is an Empath, I think empathetic people are getting confused about being an Empath. And I'm not really sure how they even came up with those numbers being this seems to be a newly diagnosed thing. People are jumping on a trend without understanding what it is all about including some of the "experts".

dust4fun's photo
Tue 07/06/21 06:50 AM
They have hydrogen cars already on the market. However there are only 45 filling stations in the US in which 43 are in California. So currently it is not practical for most people to own one. Other countries are doing a better job at offering filling stations. I recently seen a hydrogen car for sale, it was similar to a Prius and affordable, but with out a way to fill it I would have no use for it. They are also doing commercial vehicles that would have access to their own filling stations, but like anything it takes awhile to develop things and make them main stream.

dust4fun's photo
Tue 07/06/21 12:08 AM
I never sleep alone, the demons in my head are always there to keep me company:smiling_imp:

dust4fun's photo
Sun 07/04/21 07:33 AM
The "experts" are the issue here. They want being an "Empath" to fit what they want it to be. This is a "disease" just like drug addiction is considered a disease, along with so many other things often times just so insurance pays for it. It all has to do with the way the brain is wired, which parts of the brain are used more and parts that are used less. People are getting confused with showing empathy and what it means to be an "Empath". Until these experts can agree on a set definition to this newly diagnosed condition their will be people saying all kinds of crazy things, and many jumping on board to say this fits me.
This Dr Judith Orloff somehow thinks that there is a surge of this "Empath" that will liberate women and make the world a better place. That tells me she is a nut case, people have been the same all along although certain chemicals in our body has changed over time. Like the commercial says guys have less testosterone then a generation ago because the need is not there for it. Also environment and diet have affects on such things. When she ends with "The age of Aquarius" everybody should have looked at what they just read and say I've been had.
The only positive I took from Dr Orloff is when she mentions oxytocin which is one of many hormones that affect the brain. Oxytocin could be a topic on its own as it does affect people in many ways and is being researched for such things as autism to depression. Levels of oxytocin increase during sex and orgasm so maybe people just need to get laid more? It is also said to keep guys more faithful in relationships. But like I said that is a subject in its self.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 07/04/21 07:02 AM
If it flies there is no need for it to be a car. It can take off and land anywhere. Yes, it's just a helicopter! And if they can make self driving cars they certainly can make self flying crafts that know where and how to take off and land and not crash into anything. And $200,000 is not that outrageous of a price when you can easily spend $80k+ on a car or truck nowadays. It will take awhile for the demand and price to balance out and I certainly would not trust flying around in a $30k aircraft that was out of my control.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 07/04/21 03:22 AM
I think what Blondey said was right on track. I did some reading and it does appear that being called an "Empath" has only become a thing in the last few years so not sure how much these "experts" really know. Clearly testosterone and estrogen levels would make a difference which would explain why their appear to be more females. I would like to see brain scans of where and how much energy is going on in their brains when they are in public absorbing other people's feelings, and then what happens when they crash down and need some alone time. It sounds more like a curse to be a Empath as it did not really say that an Empath seeks out ways to help others, more that it just stressed the Empath out to feel the feelings of others. Some of the people just absorb the the energy of other people while others are vultures that have a natural ability to drive people to open up and share their feelings with others. I think nowadays things like "friends" on Fakebook and other platforms can fuel the Empath. There is a lot of drama shared and certain people feed off such things. All humans have the same mental conditions going on in their minds it's just a matter of how extreme they are and how well people are at coping with them. Everybody is bipolar but most peoples swings are very small while a few people have extreme manic states followed by deep depression. Anxiety is a natural instinct designed to protect us from harm, but for some people it can be overwhelming. Everyone has compassion but they have different ways of feeling it and showing it.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 07/03/21 07:35 AM

BnOH into BnCHO with H2 evolution

Maybe, if you break this down to layman terms,
people could join a conversation about it.

I think he's talking about using sun light to create hydrogen, but I'm no chemist. Some people think hydrogen is a cheap and easy way to make energy. Just put water and electricity together. But most hydrogen is made by using fossil fuel and it really is not very efficient. Some people think of hydrogen as being very dangerous because of the hydrogen bomb (H bomb) or the Hindenburg explosion. The Hindenburg was flying during a lightning storm and when it was grounded the charge went thru the structure. The doping compound used to keep the fabric air tight was very flammable so they are not sure how much the hydrogen was really to blame. Any fuel is very explosive, that is what makes it a good fuel. Just like gasoline vapors can explode if ignited. But if properly contained, and the cost of producing hydrogen can be managed then it could be a very good fuel source in the future.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 07/03/21 06:50 AM
There are people who remember everything that happened on every day of their life, but they are few and far between. I can not say for sure that empath does not exist, however I believe most of the time it has to do with the people being emotional. As I said the list seemed to be aimed more at people with anxiety, who which are often more emotional. Some people hide things, or suppress their emotions, while others show them on their surface. Drunk people can be happy, angry, or emotional. Often times it depends on what they drink. If the mind can change this much just by adding some liquid then the natural chemical change with in the brain can do something very similar. To show compassion is an animal instinct, has your pet ever tried to comfort you? That does not mean they can directly relate to what you are feeling.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 07/03/21 02:19 AM
Edited by dust4fun on Sat 07/03/21 02:25 AM

MARS planet long ago was wet.🤽‍♀️🤽‍♂️:swimmer:‍♀️

Sounds like some of the women I have been with 🤪

dust4fun's photo
Sat 07/03/21 02:13 AM
If you look at the list it sure sounds a lot more like anxiety then empath. (Which my spell check does not even think is a word!) I believe maybe people feel for people, but they do not directly feel the same pain as the person suffering. If a guy gets kicked in the balls many people may flinch before they break out laughing. They can "relate" to the pain, may even feel some pain. But they do not drop to the ground holding their crotch like the person who got hit. What you are feeling is compassion for somebody, a feeling of sadness or joy based on what you see. It is not a channeling of their direct feelings. Everyone is an individual and their feelings are their own. Yes you can be happy or sad for them, but it just is not that same feeling that person is having.

dust4fun's photo
Thu 07/01/21 05:45 AM

Flying Cars??? I don't think so. Most people can't even handle riding a Bike, Operating a Motorcycle let alone Driving. They go Completely Mentally Dead when they get behind a wheel. Now throw in them Flaying???

The "car" will fly its self. It's more of a drone then a car, and it will be able to sense other objects and use GPS to navigate. The benefit would be by using different heights you can fit more vehicles in the same space. The Jetsons seemed to do OK with them, but there is still a lot of technology needed to make them affordable and reliable. I have seen a few projects they are working on and some seem more practical then others.

dust4fun's photo
Mon 06/28/21 09:33 PM
Biden started by saying "without hyperbole" ( unrealistic exaggeration) and then you fallow by saying you enjoy his giant egg, or vision and his hyperbole.

Obama, Trump, and now Biden have all said they will bring the troops home from the middle East. If Biden seems to think we have the "greatest fighting force in history" maybe he should use it to make a statement and clean some things up over there before he brings them home? His son fought over there ( no wonder we have not accomplished more there) at Joe's age he should have Grandkids, or even Great Grandkids fighting over there. There is a huge difference between what foreign terrorist want to accomplish compared to what theses "white supremacists terrorist" want to see happen. The WST want to regain control of their own government and rights, to make America great again!

In 2020 81,000 people died from overdoses, 600,000 have died from Corona virus. And suddenly they blame a police officer for George Floyd's death? He was high as a kite and shoved a hand full of drugs in his mouth with a number of existing health problems. The same people who prosecuted Chauvin should be the ones to blame for Floyd's death. Clearly he should have been being supervised by a parole officer or probation officer, or better yet still locked in jail or prison. The system did fail him, just not in a political circus that it turned into. He should of had regular drug tested at the very least. Floyd was a POS and had little to do with his daughter, nothing about the arrest involved the color of Floyd's skin, yet Biden plays the race card, and the baby kissing card in order to attract attention.

Trump's attempt to create jobs in the US ment leveling the playing field with China. Charging tariffs on their goods, reducing some regulations on US companies, and lowering the corporate tax for US companies while also making fuel (for production and transportation of goods) more affordable. Biden on the other hand wants China to be the dominate economy of the world. His idea of creating jobs is by the government spending trillions of dollars on infrastructure and "green energy". So between healthcare, energy, government programs, and infrastructure pretty much everyone will soon be working for the government. Does that not sound like Socialism? Or even Communism? What direction do the Democrats plan on taking the country?

As far as "Trumpublican" maybe he is the only one who can break down the system to bring back power to the people. Not that long ago the Republican party was going to have Sarah Palin as their future, everyone was all worries the teaparty movement would split and destroy the Republican party. People have short memories and it does not take long for things to change in any direction. Democrats have had similar issues in their past. Personally I would love to see someone even more outside the political circle as our president, or in Congress. It's time to break the two party system, get the career politicians out of office. Mange the country more like a business.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 06/26/21 07:54 PM

I feel quite traumatised after reading the news, (dont laugh at me lol), so I stopped reading it for awhile. I was so much more happier. But started reading it again.

What do you do?
Consume the news with an open mind or shut it all out by not reading it?

Can't help but notice you still do social media? If somebody doesn't like coffee you shouldn't force them to drink it. So I don't see not watching the news a big deal. What would you be missing out on that you really need to get out of it. I go thru periods where I do not watch the news, and often times when I do some of the things upset me, while other things I have no interest in at all. Is it an anxiety issue like if you do not watch it you feel like you are missing something? And when you do watch it your anxiety goes way up? That could make things a little more complicated. For the most part humans are very selfish, it's all about them. The news wants to feed into you to make you become apart of the events to keep you coming back. Kind of like being in a group known as society. They make you want to care about things that really do not or shouldn't affect you.

A building collapsed and probably killed 150 people. If my house collapsed and killed me it may, or may not make the local news. Does this mean I am less important then those 150 people? There are many reasons I do not live in a high rise apartment on the ocean in Miami, but should I feel the families loss? I did not build the building, or have anything to do with the collapse. I am not religious so I will not be praying to God that they find some people alive. At what point is the media supporting ambulance chasers? At what point do they show compassion? At what point do they just report cold, hard, facts? And how different people respond to things can be a big factor too. In many ways people should learn to MYOB, while in others the story may touch someone who can change something so this doesn't happen again, or they may be able to help in some way with the current situation. It reminded me of when a major bridge fell in the the river locally a number of years ago. It places a time stamp in our lives so maybe it really does affect us in ways we are not aware of?

dust4fun's photo
Sat 06/26/21 07:02 PM
Nobody else wants to work in America, they are too busy freeloading off the government. You want your roof done? Hire someone from South of the border. Need something painted? Same thing. The meat packing plants made them work thru the pandemic, some dropped dead so they need replacements.
Funny that Trump said he was going to the boarder to check things out and suddenly Kamela jumps on a plane and goes down there. She looked so stupid and clueless and probably caused more issues then helping.
I assume all these people coming into America have already been vaccinated being that they are such loyal and law abiding people.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 06/20/21 10:40 AM

It's easy to take somebody out of the ghetto, it's hard to take the ghetto out of somebody.


Your point comes down to - employment may erode away the ghetto mindset; and I agree with that and 'charity reinforces it'. I'm not so sure that in this pandemic we can differentiate between charity and relief so clearly.

A point I wanted to make is that while it's too late for adults, Biden's most recent accomplishment is going to wreck the future; and this is to some extent explained by a 15 year old.

I am not sure the boy in the video was the right person to put this message across. Everyone wants to play the "victim" nowadays, and the way he came across was just jumping on board with the rest. "Oh poor me". The current movement is a very in your face approach which will rub many the wrong way leading to even more divide. Back in the late 80's, early 90's I seen a similar movement but it was much more subtle. Rap music and hip hop was becoming main stream creating a generation of wannabees or wiggers. White boys who wanted to wear their pants dropped almost to their knees, and picking up that thug attitude. TV started to become "Black" and "White" having almost as many "Black shows" as "White shows". Black people have always been entertainers, from music, to acting, to sports. If we go off the numbers of 14% "black" people in America and compare that to the number in the NBA, NFL, or even pop music or actors the numbers would be show that there are certain areas where "black" people have an advantage over other races. By the mid 90's many had Americans jumped on the country music trend which leveled the field in that time. They have special award shows just for "blacks" and other thing exclusive sending the message they prefer "separate but equal" instead of being a part of the masses.
Just to compare the ADA (Americans with disabilities act) of the mid 70's where handicap people wanted to be treated like everyone else. This being treated like everyone else included all businesses making special parking spaces at the front of their businesses only to be used by the handicap. They also had to spend thousands or even tens of thousands to build ramps and elevator's, making their bathrooms bigger with grab bars and special counter top heights, putting merchandise at a certain level, and sometimes even posting in braille. So is that truly treating them as they treat everyone else? Or is that making special modifications just for the purpose of satisfying a very small group of people? There are many black people who just want to fit in with everyone else, by not stirring the pot, but many others are disrupting this because they want to be put on a pedestal and treated special.

As far as "charity" because of the pandemic, when does that become a crutch that people can not live without? When does "charity" become bribery? I guess all campaigning could be considered a bribe because they are basically telling you they will provide you with something in return for your vote. But when that something includes free health care and cash benefits it just seems so much clearer that it is an actual bribe with direct results.

dust4fun's photo
Sun 06/20/21 10:00 AM

One more thing the democrats love spending money and increase the dept ceiling. oh lets replenish the iron dome, and give Israel billions of dollars for that. Meanwhile on the other hand they give money to the Palestine's to rebuild.

Do they actually know where the money goes to. Palestine will just buy more weapons, and iran will give them also. and the democrats will start another war soon.

cause they are not fixing anyting.

Maybe the US government should be loaning this money out at current credit card rates depending on the country they are lending to current credit rating? It would still be taking from Petter to pay Paul, but when others start trying to collect from the US at least they could point a finger of blame in another direction.

dust4fun's photo
Sat 06/19/21 06:29 PM
Edited by dust4fun on Sat 06/19/21 06:31 PM
Primates, apes and monkeys would probably be the best place to start looking for some of your answers. They too have developed some what of a social order but often a group of them are separated from the masses by being in zoos. So many traits, some of their "good" or "bad" can be seen in different groups. Sure they occasionally rip off the face of a human which is similar to them, But they also have a protective aspect. Like humans I'm sure much has changed over time and been breed into them, but the "nature" part still exists in them and humans too. Many animals show some emotion to loss, or injured others.

dust4fun's photo
Fri 06/18/21 07:29 PM

Personally, I believe Biden has driven a wedge inside America.

Newsweek HL: Candace Owens Says Juneteenth Gives Black People 'Perpetual Victim Mentality'

Just when the color barrier was going, going, and nearly gone!!!

This is not about bashing Biden - but with this one punch he has cleaved at the chest of America. I think he has brought to fore to the world not how Americans will think about fellow Americans but how their children will think perpetually. That last is what hurts most.

Conservative political pundit Candace Owens said she won't be celebrating the new federal holiday of Juneteenth, suggesting that the move to commemorate the end of slavery in the U.S. is just the Democrats trying to "repackage segregation."

In a series of tweets posted after President Joe Biden signed the bill officially making June 19 a national holiday, Owens said she will only be celebrating Independence Day on July 4 instead of the date on which the last slaves were told they were free in 1865.

Owens also suggested the holiday will train Black people to see themselves as "being separate from America" and that the move to recognize the June 19 holiday only came about because the Left started "making up random celebrations" after Donald Trump got permanently banned from Twitter.

"Juneteenth is soooo lame. Democrats really need to stop trying to repackage segregation. I'll be celebrating July 4th and July 4th only. I'm American," Owens tweeted.

"It took all of 2 years for Democrats to train black Americans to worship criminals like George Floyd, beg for violence on the streets via 'defund the police' and to celebrate segregation in the form of 'black Independence Day'. I just cannot comprehend the rampant stupidity," Owens added.

"Every single race has been enslaved at some point in human history. Africans are STILL enslaved today.

"This is not a holiday. This is more emotional training from Democrats to see ourselves as separate

To Democrats - read this right - no hypocrisy here. In India, Krishna is black.

It's easy to take somebody out of the ghetto, it's hard to take the ghetto out of somebody.

The Democrats are playing off the BLM movement for support, playing the race card and telling others to go ahead and play the race card. A hundred years ago all nationalities and religions were judged by other nationalities, but sooner or later they were able to work things out to become "white people" instead of Irish, Italian, Jews, Germans, or whatever. There are black people who fit into society and they are the ones being hurt most by things such as Juneteenth and BLM protests. Every day in every major city there are shootings, mostly by people of color, and of recent it has been getting much worse. Even many children have been shot or even killed. Having a hero like George Floyd who is driving around high as a kite, buying drugs, passing fake money, swallowing a hand full of drugs as he's being arrested to hide evidence, and then dieing from doing so and blaming the police is a big problem. Hero's like Rappers, thug athletes, and convicts it's no wonder why many black youth go down the wrong path. Juneteenth should actually be black people bowing down in respect to white people for all they have done for them. If it was not for slavery 90% of black people in the United States would not even exist. If it wasn't for white people slavery would not have ended. If it wasn't for white people many black people would have starved, been killed, or died. Black people have more rights, and more opportunities then whites, it's just easier if they just complain about things so they can get things for free, or take the easy road. The Democrats want socialism to keep their powers. If they can somehow take credit for ending slavery they can claim to take from the rich (slave owners) and give to the poor (the slaves) They have also started a new program to give parents $250-$300 a month for each child they have. But try getting that money if you are an honest hard working American, ain't gonna happen. Just another way to take from hard working Americans and give the money to lazy, ungreatfull freeloaders, and push even more socialism thru. Plenty of places are hiring but they can't find workers because the freeloaders are making more money off the government then they would working.

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