Community > Posts By > Spartan1968

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Mon 04/13/09 10:44 AM
nip it in the bud and keep a friend. Cross that line and you will regret it me thinks...

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Wed 04/08/09 12:59 PM

Geez I feel the love in this room along with alot of sarcasm.. give the guy a break.. MOST of us hope to find love and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that!

I think there's nothing wrong with levity, jocularity and sardonism with regard to this thread. Sarcasm is a great release for frustration.

Amen -- its all in fun....some people are too serious. WE are fun though!

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Wed 04/08/09 12:51 PM
A really cool nick name...and a genuine movie quality chewbacca mask

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Wed 04/08/09 12:32 PM
I say to be a partner but to protect and provide security to the family. To parent the children and to wear the woman out in bed. just goofing off. I really dont know

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Wed 04/08/09 12:14 PM
"Who loves you baby?"

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Wed 04/08/09 12:05 PM
Ahh yes, I had a 10E beer in Oslo and also had a great time. The UK is not a member either...and many countries that are members are nto truw economic partners..estonia, slovenia, romomia etc. Its an interestign topic though..

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Wed 04/08/09 12:02 PM

Seville,ohio-Home of the" world's biggest yard sale"(not kidding)laugh

My Uncle used to own the Sevelle Inn...maybe he still does now that I think of it. Second oldest building in Ohio.

My town: Mesopotomia, Greece...means between the rivers in Greek. Same name as the region of Iraq that is said to be the cradle of civilization. Also, is part of a region of Greece called Macedonia.

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Wed 04/08/09 11:54 AM

Please. Will you share your life with me? I'm a poet in my heart and dwell on the good within humanity. I want a best friend, lover and to never be alone again.

If you were a friend of mine id junk punch you, tell you to put on your big boy pants and stop being silly. Be a man and be yourself and the rigth chick will come along brother...

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Wed 04/08/09 11:48 AM

This happens to me all the time as well. I am the original thread killer. I don't let it get to me. The forums are for posting your opinion whether anyone cares to read or comment to it or not. So I just state what I think and don't worry about the rest. You can't let it be personal.

You liven up the threads in my opinion...I dig yoru wit

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Wed 04/08/09 11:46 AM
I snorted down some ice cream today and avoided the dreaded brain freeze. In short, I chalk it up as a productive day because of this.


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Wed 04/08/09 11:43 AM

Would be sort of sweet but the whole world already takes dollars and Euros. The EU became the largest trade market in the world after going to the Euro but now they are having issues...germany is pulling their funds. Th emore econimically bound countries are the less likely they are to engange in war...thoughts?

I disagree, completely. I think this would just be another thing for people to fight about. And money, as we all know, is the number one cause of stress in a marriage. That analogy, I think, would be the same between countries. But, instead of divorce lawyers and judges, you have guns and bombs being the decision makers.

Bad idea.

Hmmm, then how to you explain the relative stability and peace in europe since WWII...promulgated possibly by the infusion of American capital and democratic capitalism? In contrast, other regions that dont partner this way like Africa and the Middle east (and Asia to some extent) have more conflict and open hostilities. Just a theory...i really have no idea...

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Wed 04/08/09 11:39 AM
I lack a good barber and a steady supply of sex...and the benefit of evolution. Being a caveman slows a fella down.

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Wed 04/08/09 11:36 AM
Would be sort of sweet but the whole world already takes dollars and Euros. The EU became the largest trade market in the world after going to the Euro but now they are having issues...germany is pulling their funds. Th emore econimically bound countries are the less likely they are to engange in war...thoughts?

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Tue 04/07/09 11:41 AM
Can hairy gents with big foreheads check in as well. I am 40!!

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Tue 04/07/09 11:33 AM
Edited by Spartan1968 on Tue 04/07/09 11:33 AM
I like talking to everyone on here but cant say I would break out in hives and cold sweats if I missed a day...but its fun talking.

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Fri 04/03/09 10:35 AM
Plus, if you can get through life wearing a smile instead of a frown who cares about the little crap anyway. You have to enjoy the little things however they come your way.

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Thu 04/02/09 11:17 AM

I am what I am and that is all I am going to be

ack ack ack ack...Im popeye the sailer man...

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Thu 04/02/09 11:17 AM

I am what I am and that is all I am going to be

ack ack ack ack...Im popeye the sailer man...

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Thu 04/02/09 10:47 AM
Hi all...I hope you are having a great day so far!!

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Thu 04/02/09 10:42 AM
My work day just ended and now I am unwinding to get ready to do it again tomorrow