Community > Posts By > Spartan1968

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Thu 02/26/09 08:32 PM
Kosovo is a nice place to visit. I traveled there for my job 5 or 6 times in 06-08' and enjoyed it. Too bad ther eis bad blood between the locals and the Serbs and it seems that will never end. Plus, there are landmines all over making it dangerous. The people are very friendly though. Food is good too.

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Thu 02/26/09 08:27 PM

Anyone have any interesting travel plans yet for this year? Where are you going? Where would you like to go?

When I leave Iraq I plan to take a week or two and do some travelling. I am thinking of going to Budaphest or Bucarest or maybe Prague. Then after I wrap up all the lose ends in Italy where I live I am thinking of driving up through Austria to Germany to ship my car. Sadly, I am moving to Ohio..haha Im sure that wil be fun too.

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Thu 02/26/09 08:24 PM
Lake Bled, Slovenia (unless you o**** Iraq where I am now). Bled is an awesome place!!!

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Thu 02/26/09 08:20 PM

Hi, I lived in Italy for 8 yrs and in 2007 went for a trip to Tuscany for 10 days by myself - the first time back in over 20 yrs!! It is the most beautiful and hospitable country on earth. :) Few tips, many in the major cities speak English but take a dictionary and at least attempt a few phrases. They appreciate it and are very good natured about our butchering of the language. Emerse yourself in the culture - in other words, don't be an obnoxious American. Be open, gracious and appreciative of their culture. Italians tend to dress better, in other words, you won't see folks in sweats. Khakis, nice slacks, polo or turtlenecks, button up shirts..ladies, heels likely aren't practical when you travel but sandals, boots, jeans are fine if paired with a nicer top. Generally, crime is minimal but be careful anyway - the bigger cities are known for pick pockets. ID theft is rampant everywhere, Europe is no exception. I took one of those money belts. The rural areas likely have less English speaking people so def should know some phrases. The Euro has made things more expensive than they used to be...they say Italians typically do not tip but use your judgment...I doubt it will be refused! We tipped most, tour guides, drivers, etc. Read up on the city before you go - some areas of town are likely known for more being more seedy so be smart. But all in all, have a fabulous time! The history, food, people, will be an experience you'll never forget! Buono viaggio!

Great advice....couldnt of said it better myself!

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Thu 02/26/09 08:17 PM
I have lived in Northern Italy since 2006 so I may be able to help youwith some questions. It will definately be a wonderful trip for you. Italy is like the states...too big to see all at once so you have to decide a theme and see a "snap shot" of ot when you visit. Fire any questions you have at me and I can help you out!


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Sun 02/22/09 09:12 AM
No, but I shot the heck out of my M9, M4 and an Ak-47 at the range the other day. Blew off abotu 50 rounds on auto on the M4. Its all fun and games until you have to clean the blasted thing.

Tried to get the Army fealls at Kirkuk to let me fire off a 120mm round out of an Abrams M1 when they test fired but was instantly rebuked. They dont like AF types playing with their toys.

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Sun 02/22/09 09:09 AM
Dude, you may want to check out the city hall or head to the capital. I hear those people get great benefits from their jobs. Vacation, overtime, sick leave. What more benefits could you want?

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Sun 02/22/09 09:06 AM

i've been on here for over 2 months and no women have even said whats i gettin more ugly as i get older ****...i dont understand

You dont like like too much of a CHUD to me. That's Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller from a crappy B-movie in the 80's in case I lost you. Funny stuff, eh? Ok, not so much but the effort was there. I agree with the other guy that said you have to engage in conversation to meet people. Im sure some young lass will pay you some attention soon enough.

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Sun 02/22/09 08:52 AM

You want to meet every woman in Ohio?
Dude, that's a tall order.

No kidding Heather. This guy is a Playa! A Peeemp. haha He is not even going for a single city, he is taking on the whole blasted state! Dang, leave soem for the rest of us hero! Just kidding.

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Sun 02/22/09 08:49 AM
No, but I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night!

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Sun 02/22/09 08:42 AM
Hey! I am new too and so far it seems like fun. I hope you are meeting some people?

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Sun 02/22/09 08:35 AM

Did I read that right? You are in Italy and are moving to Ohio? Could you not stay in Italy? What part are you in?

You can meet some pretty cool people here on the forums. Welcome!

Definately not by choice. I love Italy, very beautiful but like anywhere it has its pros and cons. I sure will miss it though.

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Sun 02/22/09 08:34 AM

Welcome Ed and thank you for serving... Stay in the forums, some great people here, I am sure you will meet so locals....flowerforyou
BTW I live near Canton, Oh and we have the Pro Football Hall of Fame here if you like football.. Its a very nice place to visit plus home of President McKinley, lots of historic things in Ohio..

I am certainly going to check out Cincinnatti and Columbus and probably work my way all over. It will be fun.

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Fri 02/20/09 10:19 PM

Thanks for the email and the nice words. I'd write you back, but I really prefer to talk in the forums.

Good luck out there... stay safe! flowerforyou

No worries...I have to run anyway. One note..whatever you do today it will cost you a day of your life. So, even in fresno, make it worth it. Take care of yourself.

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Fri 02/20/09 10:02 PM

Welcome...and hey...thanks Man...our men and women in the service are the bestdrinker drinker drinker Hope you have a blast here.....shhhhhhh...Indiana is much better than Ohiolaugh laugh laugh bigsmile flowerforyou

I went to Indiana to watch the NCAA cross country championships a couple years ago. I think it was in Terra Haute and it was a fun trip. Had some beers and some laughs and generally a good time with the locals. Good people there!

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Fri 02/20/09 09:57 PM

So did you look at all the stuff you can do there?

Yes, actually, i was impressed. Close to cincinnati and Columbus. and lots and lots of stuff to do. pro and college sports, I mountain bike so thats a bit lame there but still. There is lots to do. Im excited.

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Fri 02/20/09 09:55 PM

Why on Earth would anyone move to Dayton, Ohio on purpose????noway

Yeah that place is sh!tty been there dont want to ever go actually good on all of Ohio.............uhhhhhh

Ha, Im trying to be positive about the move but you guys dont make it easy. Well, Im sure I will meet some cool people that will help make it fun. :-)

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Fri 02/20/09 09:50 PM
Hello all...Im doing a year in Iraq and then moving from Italy to Dayton, Ohio. This mingle thing seems like a cool way to make some friends so here I am. Im a 40 yr old man that likes trying new things and seeing new places (a year in Iraq is plenty -- seen the whole country and have 4 months to go).

Drop me a note if interested (swimmer1968 on yahoo)


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Fri 02/20/09 09:45 PM

wow what a choice.

No kidding, but after accepting it Dayton seems like a nice area. IM sure it will be fun. I can go to Columbus and watch the Buckeyes play even.

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Fri 02/20/09 09:38 PM
Not on purpose...Im in the USAF. I asked for the UK, belgium, Germany or anywhere in Europe. They offered St Louis or Dayton. So, off I go.