Community > Posts By > Spartan1968

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Fri 05/01/09 11:55 AM

why do people add u to favorites without even messaging u?

it seems like an absolute waste of time to me...

People do this? Hmmm, interesting.

PS- You look like a dude from middle

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Fri 05/01/09 11:53 AM

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Sun 04/26/09 10:59 AM
It depends somewhat on the type of abuse he is inflisting on you. Is he harassing you in general or using disparaging terms to refer to you based on some inailainable trait of yours? Race, color, gender, age, etc? Is he doing it based on religion some deformity etc? All those are protected categoties under the law and would qualify as discrimination. have you or the other employees brought it to his attention that his actions are demeaning or offensive? If not, why? Pulling the guy aside and asking him not to call you names or insult you is pretty appropiate but do it tactfully.

If he continues to rail on you or take further action based on that discussion he is breaking the antidiscrimination laws, sort of. The problem, for you, is this will be his word vs yours unless other empooyees are willign to come forth and support yoru allegations. Additionally, you work for a very small company so that acton could force the guy out of business.

The best thing you can do, in my opinion, is tell him descreetly that his comments offend you and ask politely to stop. I wish you luck brother.

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Sat 04/25/09 04:41 AM
Edited by Spartan1968 on Sat 04/25/09 04:45 AM
Travel the world and never tell a soul I won the money. Id hate for eveyone to think IM the lottery guy instead of who I really am.

...and crush the little people that stood in my way muahahahaha..haha just kidding.

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Fri 04/24/09 02:39 AM
I read lots of autobiographies of historical figures and sports people. Plus, lots of teen age mysteries. I read the Tolkien seriesand probably every book I could get my hands on. I still read a couple books every week. I always ask peopel what they like to read...if its magazines or nothing at all I usually dont have much in common with them....

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Fri 04/17/09 11:42 AM
Up!! Always think positive and never look back!

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Fri 04/17/09 11:08 AM
If you ever saw that show Rescue me with Dennis Leary thats how I envision seeing dead normal people just there and you never know if its you making them up or them being real ghosts. For my part, I have seem many shooting stars and Deja Vu more that a couple hundred times. At least weekly something happens and I know exactly how it will go to the last deatil for a few miutes. Always random crap happening around me never something like lotto numbers or car crashes or anything though. The supernatural is amazing because liek religion is is about faith....I love taking the ghost tours in cities i visit in Europe...they are awesome.

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Fri 04/17/09 10:59 AM
Best way is by preventive medicine...drink responsibly. Option two is drink and hydrate at the same time...mixed drinks with juice or lots of water etc while you drink. Option three...the Spartan approach. Wake up still drunk and start pounding again!

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Thu 04/16/09 11:50 PM
I nudge Jersey girls..

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Thu 04/16/09 11:36 PM

Air Force Pilot or a bartender

Why not do both?

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Thu 04/16/09 08:49 PM
Id like to be a travel expert. Go around the world and write reviews for tourists, maybe write a travel book that was more funny and had off the beaten path stuff to do.

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Wed 04/15/09 11:55 AM

O: I can put my foot behind my head.



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Wed 04/15/09 11:34 AM

I am very flexible!!!

Impressive! :-)

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Wed 04/15/09 11:18 AM

I'm flexible - yoga does a body good. :angel: I'm also twisted but not related to my flexibility! pitchfork

Great rock mind and body!

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Wed 04/15/09 11:00 AM

Im very flexible!!!bigsmile

Flexible Gypsy is hot..haha

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Wed 04/15/09 10:57 AM
I like to send random people "kick in the ass" and then they wonder, "Do I know this joker or what"?

Its funny and all in good fun. Like wavign to a jogger when you drive by and then they are wondering who the heck was that guy?

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Wed 04/15/09 10:53 AM
No...IM Eddie....but I have been known to be seen with some bendy women...

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Tue 04/14/09 11:58 AM

I was told today that I am a "perfect binoway ch"

Considering the source - I did not put much stock in it.

You are a sweet heart...and far from a b*t*h

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Tue 04/14/09 11:04 AM
yes, i didnt believe it and I obviously am not...but I have evolved from my primitive form...

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Tue 04/14/09 10:56 AM
Artistic and musical ability since I have very little. I do appreciate it very much!