Community > Posts By > Spartan1968

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Mon 03/23/09 12:12 PM
Is a closet freak..hehe

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Mon 03/23/09 12:09 PM

still smiling from the tractor ride

I am sure you have put some smiles on a gents face over the years. :-)

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Mon 03/23/09 11:56 AM
N. carolina sounds nice...I am doing som etraveling in Jun when I get out of Iraq....cant wait! Europe here I come!

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Mon 03/23/09 11:52 AM

Forgot, I last went to California: San Francisco, Newport/Laguna/Huntington Beaches and Disney/Anaheim ...

Sounds awesome -- how was that?

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Sat 03/21/09 11:26 AM
Pick part of the Appalatian trail and do it....some parts rock and others are not as great from what I hear. I bet there is some great hiking in west Virginia as well or Southern Ohio.

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Thu 03/19/09 10:36 PM
With the online you can chat briefly and if the person is a total nut case you can screen them before ever meeting face to face. For example, if they are racist or drug users you may be able to avoind the wasted evening for a date. Still, horror date stories are great conversation for the guys..haha

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Thu 03/19/09 10:30 PM
Turn 41 in May...I hope you are all having a wonderful day!

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Thu 03/19/09 10:27 PM
Take a drive to somewhere pretty and stop and have lunch at a pretty bed and breakfastor some sort of mom and pop place. Nothign cleanses the soul like a trip through nature...

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Thu 03/19/09 10:24 PM
Thanks Millier -- great advice and I appreciate it.

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Thu 03/19/09 10:20 PM
In that very picture she is leaning on the building because she just ravished an entire basketabll team and is catching her breath to go back for seconds..

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Thu 03/19/09 10:26 AM
man, I would love to travel there and see it!

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Thu 03/19/09 10:24 AM
When I leave Baghdad in Jun I am heading to Italy and then maybe Hungary and Romania. I will probably travel through Austria as well and maybe Slovenia....I cant wait!!

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Wed 03/18/09 01:09 PM

I LOVE Canyon Lake....I used to camp there when I lived in San Antonio!!

i loved s.a. it's beautiful there.

btw your pic makes me double take nearly every time. i keep wondering how you pulled off that hair in a military pic and then i realize that it's a caveman.

. . .

Classic...I swiped the pic from the "even a caveman can do it commercials" and superimposed it on a rea shot. I wish I could pull off the look in uniform for real. I am growing a porn stach this month. So far I hate it!!

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Wed 03/18/09 01:06 PM
Work -- ungh. Today, my work took me to a place in Iraq called Rustamiyah. It is in the SE section of Baghdad.

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Tue 03/17/09 12:58 PM
Learned how to drive a tractor on a vertical horizon but was driven underground by the auto industry and has been hiding ever since.

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Sun 03/15/09 09:37 AM
I LOVE Canyon Lake....I used to camp there when I lived in San Antonio!!

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Sat 03/14/09 12:03 PM
Im flying to bed now. Early day tomorrow. Was fun chatting with you. Enjoy your Utopia there in Indy and best of luck to you!

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Sat 03/14/09 11:57 AM
I have been everywhere on earth my short 40 years!

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Sat 03/14/09 11:48 AM
Spanky meat...haha you crack me up. You sound like you know your way around the midwest!

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Sat 03/14/09 11:43 AM
Keep that up and Ill spank youre bare butt...smarty! haha

Indy is the promise land eh? Nice...I will be near the land of milk and honey then.