Community > Posts By > Spartan1968

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Sat 03/14/09 11:37 AM
And cocky... How is Indianapolis?bad. You bear watching!

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Sat 03/14/09 11:30 AM
You crack me up....and yoru cute too!

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Sat 03/14/09 11:23 AM
Indeed simply centuries past (1998 and before). That was a different period for mankind....haha

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Sat 03/14/09 11:20 AM
Grunt!! Who said anythign about small meat!? Mammoths are huge. Medical field is good...sounds liek fun. I used to do preventive medicine back in the day...long ago though

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Sat 03/14/09 11:14 AM
Well, back in those days they didnt have money so I will be filled with Mammoth meat. Good as gold back then...and killer instinct and potential!

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Sat 03/14/09 11:09 AM
What can I say...its so easy a caveman can do it.

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Sat 03/14/09 11:01 AM
Nice pencil me in for a date and we will see how that goes...I spend my spare time wearing out chicks and leaving them with a glossy look in their eyes..haha

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Sat 03/14/09 10:57 AM

Yeah, there are some nice burbs but Toledo is one of the worst cities in Ohio I think.

Im moving to Dayton in jul...from Italy...sigh
i like dayton......its a small BIG city. many jobs still in that area so im told. but then it depends on what career your in.

dayton just has alot of wanna be thugslaugh but none the less, they are still considered to be a danger to society. you know, they have to back they sh!t up so they are'nt called a wanna be laugh laugh

Im in the AF so I will be stationed there? What do you do?

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Sat 03/14/09 10:43 AM
Yeah, there are some nice burbs but Toledo is one of the worst cities in Ohio I think.

Im moving to Dayton in jul...from Italy...sigh

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Sat 03/14/09 10:36 AM
Yes, they have dumb ghetto politicians in Toledo and detroit. Only interested in themselves not making the cities better Im thinking.

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Sat 03/14/09 10:32 AM

toledo ohio.............such a beautiful place to visit.

they have lions and tigers and bears. they also have more restaurants per capita then anywhere else in the USA. or so i was told a few years back. probably false info anyway.

they also have a very dirty river, crack heads and hookers walking around everywhere. so nice.

oh, i forgot to mention the violent gang life that lives there. so nice that people can still play cowboy's and indians in the street around innocent children.

I lived in BG for 2 years...I agree about Toledo but I liked the Zoo and the Mudhens games.

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Sat 03/14/09 08:04 AM
Just got back from Doha Qatar.

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Sat 03/14/09 05:21 AM
My sister lives in Akron!! Are you excited abotu school and the move?

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Sat 03/14/09 05:16 AM
You are cute and seem pretty cool. Have you had any success on the site yet?

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Sun 03/01/09 08:53 AM
My personal opinion is if you are not happy being alone with yoruslef then being with a guy wont fix it. You have to really like yoruself and be comfortable in yrou own shoes first! Not sure if that is any help...

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Sat 02/28/09 03:17 AM
I am moving to Ohio in Aug...I am 40 and male.

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Thu 02/26/09 11:23 PM
I will be in Italy -- we would cruise the med and see Italy croatia and greece....beautiful there!!

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Thu 02/26/09 10:42 PM

a cruise is in the works!bigsmile

Sounds where?? Im sure youwill have a blast. I have never taken a cruise!

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Thu 02/26/09 08:40 PM

Allright, people. 2009 is coming and, thank god, I still have time for some hesitation about the destinations. I'm really starting to think about replacing Kosovo with London..

Anyways, happy new year to everyone, shall 2009 be the year that won't have anything you'd regret afterwards.
2009 for me will be the year to live more or less by a quote I heard in a song of Rinneradio: try whatever appeals to you.
And starting 2nd of january I'll beging training to gain some streght to practise parkour again in the summer, and to be more prepared to whatever suprising situation I may find myself.

I'm off to celebrate, later.

Sarajevo is another great city! In the former Yugoslavia but safer than Kosovo while still full of great history and people. Check it out on line. Cheaper than western Europe by a lot too.

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Thu 02/26/09 08:38 PM

I dunno how close you can get to Chernobyl. It's still pretty hot if I remember

Indeed it is...still in the thousands of RADS per/hr range -- basically death from radiation poisoning in less than an hour if you got close enough. Chernobyl is as close as you can get to hell on earth for the next 50,000 years or so. Pass on this one brother. Unless you like seeing one arm kids and devestation...get the national geographic on the subject and thank God you are an American.