Did anyone notice how Wesley Snipes case suddenly dropped from all the media attention? Because for the most part HE WON! And they don't want you to know that!
This is from another prominent tax protester - Tom Cryer: BUT WHAT ABOUT OUR STREETS, OUR SCHOOLS, OUR GARBAGE PICKUP? None of these government services will be interrupted or threatened by holding the federal government to the truth. These are all functions of STATE and LOCAL governments, governments in which we have a say, where we can actually talk to our state legislators and city councilmen. The States receive SOME of our money back from the federal government for streets and schools, but ALWAYS with STRINGS ATTACHED. These strings mean YOUR MONEY is being used to make the States FEDERAL PUPPETS—FEDERAL COLONIES. The State governments are supposed to be OUR PUPPETS! They are supposed to get their money from us and answer to us for it, not some outside authority. LET US DECIDE what laws we want, what services we want and how we are going to pay for those services. GIVE US THE STRINGS to our State governments back! AFTER ALL, IT IS OUR MONEY PAYING FOR THOSE STRINGS! Imagine what your state and community could do if you sent only half of what the federal government has been stealing from you directly to your state and community coffers. That is far more than they are able to beg back, now. You could have better streets and better schools FOR HALF the burden. Not only that, but they will be built where you want them and run the way you choose to run them, not according to the dictates of some bureaucrat in Washington writing out thousands of conditions to attach to your money your State is begging the federal government to return. The other half of YOUR money the federal government has been stealing would go to YOU and YOUR family, to be spent in YOUR state and city, to create jobs and prosperity for YOUR community, not to feather the nest of a lot of federal deadwood. Imagine how much better and faster the wagon would go if some of those riding had to get out, lightening the load, and then actually help us pull! THIS STRUGGLE IS NOT JUST ABOUT TAXES—IT IS ABOUT FREEDOM!! TOM IS RISKING EVERYTHING—WILL YOU RISK A FEW DOLLARS TO HELP |
I think a lot of people are going to stop paying taxes because they simply cannot afford to - and with some political motivation. I just saw a news story last night about people dropping auto insurance for this reason - a growing trend. It will be the same attitude as letting their house get forclosed on - what have I got to lose? When somebody is choosing between food and paying taxes, I think they will pick food. And as the trend snowballs, many people will jump abourd - they can't catch us all.
Gerald Celente is a very well respected trends researcher, and I feel he is right on the money with this prediction. |
Anyone Catholic
But Christ also said (paraphrasing...don't wan't to misquote Scripture) 'I have come not to destroy the Law, but to fulfill it' yes, Christ was a Jew. Yes, He followed every aspect of the Law. But at His Crucifixion, was not the veil of the Sanctum Sanctorium (Holy of Holies in the Temple) torn in two, from the top down? There was no need to be under the Mosiac Covenent, as we were all accepted if we accepted in Him. In Acts was not the dream of unclean meat ment to be the Gentiles? Are we free to break the 10 commandments? No. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can walk as Yashua did, and follow the law. Do you want to walk contrary to the way he walked, and follow the traditions of man? |
Although I have no doubt that a tax-revolt is coming, this is not a Biblical teaching... This will only bring death and hardship upon those who participate in such a revolution. Romans 13 (NKJV) Submit to Government 1 Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. 2 Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same. 4 For he is God’s minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God’s minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil. 5 Therefore you must be subject, not only because of wrath but also for conscience’ sake. 6 For because of this you also pay taxes, for they are God’s ministers attending continually to this very thing. 7 Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor. People want everything; Protection from criminals... Individual rights assured under the laws of the land... A living wage for their labor... Security when they grow old... Medical care and Education for their children... Clean air and water... The list goes on forever... Without taxes, who is going to pay for all this? You need to google: comprehensive annual financial reports exposed In as much as we are a Facist Nation, the government and corporations work hand in glove. They have PLENTY of money, they just don't show YOU the REAL ledgers. Therefore, we always feel obligated to pay for our own slavery. THE CAFR SHELL GAME-THE REVOLUTION-BE A PART OF IT! "GROSS" INCOME of government is now 1/3rd "TAX" income and 2/3rds NON-TAX income derived from: return on INVESTMENTS and money generated from government Enterprise projects. Any Company or in fact Country can be "made" or "broken" through the use of those government investment funds. China and India in 2007 restricted new US "Government" investments, now several trillion dollars strong in China and India so that US Government investments would not further increase control (take-over) in their own markets. China and India learned by seeing what happened to Mexico then Russia when the US Government investment machine came rolling on in. If US Government cashed in their International investment chips (held outside of the dollar), in conversion back to the dollar, the dollar would shoot through the roof, get it? A complete government and (taken over by government) syndicated news media blackout has existed for over 60 years and it started back in 1946. WAKE UP! THIS IS FACT, NOT FICTION AND IT AFFECTS YOUR EVERY DAY LIFE! |
All Americans who are concerned over the fiscal irresponsibility of Congress and the inflationary effects of its trillion dollar deficits, trillion dollar bailouts, and trillion dollar stimulus package, must contact their representative immediately in opposition to H.R. 1, the economic stimulus package. Rep. Ron Paul issued a statement yesterday regarding this bill which makes it clear what type of bill it is and some of the reasons why we must oppose it. Here are some highlights: • "In reality, this bill is just an escalation of a government-created economic mess. As before, a sense of urgency and impending doom is being used to extract mountains of money from Congress with minimal debate..... We are again being promised that its passage will help employment, help homeowners, help the environment, etc. These promises are worthless. This time around especially, Congress should know better than to pass anything of this magnitude without first reading the fine print." • "At least $4 billion is allocated to expanding the police state and the war on drugs ... and the COPS program, both of which are corrupt and largely ineffective programs." • "To help Big Brother keep a better eye on us and our children, $20 billion would go towards health information technology, which would create a national system of electronic medical records without adequate privacy protection." [To read a warning about this RFID-related threat to privacy check out The New American magazine online in a 2005 edition] • "$79 billion bails out states that haphazardly expanded their budgets during the bubble years, but refuse to retrench and cut back, as their taxpayers have had to, during recession years." • "$200 million expands Americorps. $100 million goes to “faith-and-community” based organizations for social services, which will further insinuate the government into charity and community service." • "Of course the bill is rife with central planning projects." • "This bill delivers an additional debt burden of $6,700 to every American man, woman and child." • "There is a lot of stimulus and growth in this bill – that is, of government. Nothing in this bill stimulates the freedom and prosperity of the American people. Politician-directed spending is never as successful as market-driven investment. Instead of passing this bill, Congress should get out of the way by cutting taxes, cutting spending, and reining in the reckless monetary policy of the Federal Reserve." The bottom line is that Americans need to help preserve their freedom and prosperity by opposing this nearly trillion dollar economic stimulus package! Note: The House passed this bill today but not one Republican voted for it and 18 Democrats opposed it. Lets pray that the Senate votes it down!! As Americans,Republican and Democrats we need to stand together and unite against this before this country has lost all its freedoms and liberties. The time is now. Thanks. Bob Smith, 2009 Jan 29 ====================================== |
A Tax Revolt Hits The United States In 2009?
Widespread rebellions, tax revolts, and food riots coming to America In 2008, I wrote a book entitled “No More Taxes,” which gave concerned Americans and foreigners the historical and spiritual perspective on taxation. I revealed how Jesus actually felt about tax collectors and the cunning Jewish Temple which sold out his small nation to the heavy-hand of the Roman oppressors. No More Taxes clearly depicts Jesus the Christ being murdered, by crucifixion, for his wildly public commentary against Caesar’s orders to collect a Poll Tax from all Jews living in Judaea and abroad. Unfortunately, our country and our world doesn’t have a revolutionist like Jesus any longer. He stood firmly against everything big government sought to take away from the individual. He insisted on love than hate, giving up one’s accumulated riches than hoarding, turning the other cheek than striking back, and so on. If Jesus walked the earth in our present age, the Illumunati, our world leaders, and co-conspirators would have much to fear! Certainly, they would conspire to kill a rebel with such an outspoken stance against taxes and government. Since we no longer have Jesus to stand up for us, what if we lived like he did and revolted against the fraudalent system that has become the United States federal government? What if all citizens throughout the world, no matter their nationality or ethnicity, stood against their governments and refused to pay taxes? Queen Boadicea from East Anglia started a revolution attributed to the corrupt tax collectors in the British Isles. In 60 ADE, the revolt she led killed all Roman soldiers within a 100 mile radius. Her No More Taxes revolutionary resistance movement was able to seize London. It is reported 80,000 Roman soldiers were massacred during her revolt. Those 80,000 soldiers faced an unexpected army of 230,000 armed tax resisters. Maybe it is time for people everywhere to stand up against their governments and revolt. In fact, the United States might be the last of the nations to stand up. Other people in different countries are already rioting, insisting their governments bow down to their will and desire. A lot of Americans, all throughout the country, seem to enjoy the financial rape that has been forced upon us and our future generations. When will we finally stick up for ourselves and our children’s children? Gerald Celente predicts a rebellion will hit the United States with widespread food riots and a tax revolt by the year 2012. Celente, the man who predicted the 1987 stock market crash, said in a recent interview: “There will be a revolution in this country,” he said. “It’s not going to come yet, but it’s going to come down the line and we’re going to see a third party and this was the catalyst for it: the takeover of Washington, D. C., in broad daylight by Wall Street in this bloodless coup. And it will happen as conditions continue to worsen.” “The first thing to do is organize with tax revolts. That’s going to be the big one because people can’t afford to pay more school tax, property tax, any kind of tax. You’re going to start seeing those kinds of protests start to develop.” Will a tax revolt hit the United States in 2009? According to Gerald Celente, it’s the first stage in overthrowing the corrupt goverment leaders and forcing them to listen to the People. Here’s a 1-page flyer (pictured above) you can print out and distribute around your city and state. Feel free to download and re-post this image anywhere on the Internet. Let us join together with one voice and proclaim our freedom. Because, if we don’t fight for it now, our children will be slaves! Tax Revolt 2009 (Extra Large) Tax Revolt 2009 (Large) Tax Revolt 2009 (Small) http://freedomarizona.org/2009/02/09/a-tax-revolt-hits-the-united-states-in-2009/ |
Anyone Catholic
If you want to go back to "traditional" Christianity then you mean 1st century. I would suggest a Messianic, Hebrew roots, or anyone who observes the Sabbath. Yashua went to the temple on the Sabbath "as was his custom". The disciples all observed the Sabbath, shouldn't we?
The Catholic church is as far away from traditional Christianity as you can get! You need to read the post "Flee the Harlot Church". |
Not saying the systems are self-aware...yet. It is just getting less personal killing people. Just so many mouse clicks or buttons to push.
Xbox Helped Drone Pilot Be All He Could Be [Military] Loading ...Post Fetched from Kotaku A guy went from high school dropout to drone pilot instructor in the Army - not a position most 19-year-old enlisteds hold, by the way - thanks in part to his video game skills. In an interview, P.W. Singer, a former defense policy adviser to the Obama campaign, and the author of “Wired for War,” explained how video games helped this guy shoot up through the ranks, and how others weren’t so cool with it. Democracy Now! talked to Singer - the conversation ranged into areas of civil rights and what the use of military force means if its deployed by robots. But they asked about the video game pilot, whose story is featured prominently in Singer’s book. The soldier in question was a high school dropout who joined the military to make his father proud. But his failing grades in school made his superiors skeptical of his qualifications to be a helicopter mechanic, his first choice. So they asked if he wanted to be a drone pilot. “And it turned out, because of playing on video games, he was already good at it. He was naturally trained up,” Singer told Democracy Now!. “And he turned out to be so good that they brought him back from Iraq and made him an instructor in the training academy, even though he’s an enlisted man and he’s still-he was nineteen.” (I can’t help myself. Ni-ni-ni-ni-ni-nineteen. Nineteen.) Best part? This doesn’t sit too well with bona fide academy flyboys. Says Singer: “You tell that story to someone in the Air Force, like an F-15 pilot, and they go, “I do not like where this is headed. You know, I’ve got a college education. The military spent $5 million training me up. And you’re telling me that this kid, this nineteen-year-old-and, oh, by the way, he’s in the Army-is doing more than I am?” And that’s the reality of it.” |
Community gardens are a wonderful idea. And you can grow quite a few things on a balcony. When the chips are down, alot of people will have to dig deep into their own resources of what they can do. People helping people. The barter system is a great idea as well. Exactly. During the RNC here in St Paul this fall, the police pulled over and confiscated "The Sustainable Bus". They drive around and educate people on how to start a compost pile and raise chickens - sounds like terrorist activity to me. Remember, during the Great Depression most people lived on farms and were self sufficient to some degree. Also, there were no credit cards and the average person wasn't in 1/10th as much debt as they are now. Now we're all a bunch of fat, lazy Wal-Mart shopping, the State-is-my-Daddy, sheeple. What will happen in the inner city when the welfare checks stop? |
It's OK to have diseased calf lymph injected into the bloodstream but we are not allowed to drink real milk. We can buy dead rats in the vats beer and wine at every corner but you cannot buy real uncontaminated milk anywhere!! I don't know what corners you have been shopping on but I have yet to ever come across vats of wine with dead rats in them. What he is reffering to is the absolute "udder" ineptness of the FDA to protect us from ANYTHING. Every month there is a new tainted product from China, and the American sheeple better get used to it too - it is only going to get worse. Our food supply is already beyond the point of no return. But don't worry, there will probably be a vaccine to protect us. Or just take enough Prozac and forget about it. |
According to the bible, it is better not to marry. But if you must have sex, then get married. It's better to be married than burn forever in hell. That means to burn with sexual passion, not in hell. And hell doesn't even exist as the world knows it to be through false teachings. |
Prepare for the Robot Wars: Six questions for P.W. Singer, author of Wired for War
By Scott Horton P. W. Singer of the Brookings Institution labors at the intersection of the military, defense contractors, and the world of high tech. In his latest work, Wired for War, Singer confesses his passion for science fiction as he introduces us to a glimpse of things to come–the new technologies that will shape wars of the future. His new book addresses some ominous and little-discussed questions about the military, technology, and machinery. (Subscribers may also be interested to read “The Coming Robot Army,” by Steve Featherstone from the February 2007 issue.) 1. The received wisdom is that developments in military technology allow the fortunate nations that control them to fight more effectively and with reduced risk to their own career military. Is that putting too rosy a perspective on things? Systems are being bought in such great numbers (5,300 in the air already, another 12,000 on the ground) not only because they save lives, but also because they offer an amazing array of military capabilities. But we also have to remember that there is no permanent “first mover” advantage in either technology or war. The Turks and Chinese discovered this with gunpowder, the French with tanks, and, in turn, I doubt you still use your Wang computer. Forty-three other nations have military robots programs, including states like Pakistan, Iran, Russia, and China. But, importantly, robotic warfare will also be “open source” warfare. The systems are also available to non-state actors, made all the easier by the fact that so much of the technology is off-the-shelf or do-it-yourself. For a thousand dollars, you can now build a drone that has essentially the same capabilities as the Raven drones our soldiers used in Iraq just a few years ago. The book features a group of college students who raised money to do something about the genocide in Darfur, upon which a private military company offered to rent them an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) of their own. A particular area of concern is the use of such systems by terrorists. During its conflict with Israel, Hezbollah operated at least four drones of their own. A militant website already has offered as a prize the chance to remote detonate an IED in Iraq via your home computer, while one of our bomb-squad robots in Iraq was even captured and then turned back into a mobile IED. So we may also see new sparks of terrorism. One of the people I interviewed was Richard Clarke, the government official who warned about 9/11, but was unfortunately not heeded. He talked about how our new technologies raise such fundamental questions in ethics and law that we’ll see the rise of “neo Ludditism”–people who will resort to violence to stop it. The next wave of terrorism may therefore be a mix of Al Qaeda 2.0 and the Unabomber. 2. Historically, the United States has taken enormous care clearly to define command authority over weapons systems—the introduction of nuclear weapons in the closing days of World War II, for instance, led to extended deliberation over exactly how the principle of civilian control would be maintained, resulting in very complex protocols. However, nothing comparable seems to be happening with the latest generation of weapons—particularly robots and drones. If anything the trend is to make things even murkier as contractors without training regarding the law that governs the use of force direct and discharge these weapons from remote locations. What needs to be done to change this? In all my various interviews, this issue of control, particularly over increasingly autonomous systems is the equivalent of Lord Voldemort in Harry Potter, the issue That-Must-Not-Be-Discussed. What happens to the human role in war as we arm ever more intelligent, more capable, and more autonomous robots? When this issue comes up, both specialists and military folks tend to either change the subject or speak in absolutes, saying things like “people will always want humans in the loop,” as one government official put it. But the reality is that I came across gobs of programs focused on taking humans out of the loop. And we ignore how we have continually redefined what it means to be in the loop. On many of our most sophisticated systems right now, the human power is mere veto power. But even then it is one that we are afraid to use against the perceived better judgment of the computer. This also connects to the increasing civilian role in warfighting, even with these systems. Just as we have more private contractors in warzones, taking on more roles, we are seeing more of these “Soldiers of Fortran” on the digital side. There are all sorts of ripple effects that we are just starting to be aware of, and again, these are already happening with the first generation of these systems, the Model T Fords compared to what is coming. For instance you have the rise of a new type of warrior, who I call “cubicle warriors” These are combatants who have the novel experience of juggling the psychological disconnect of being “at war” while still dealing with the pressures of still being “at home.” In the words of one Predator pilot, “You are going to war for 12 hours, shooting weapons at targets, directing kills on enemy combatants and then you get in the car, drive home and within 20 minutes you are sitting at the dinner table talking to your kids about their homework.” This, of course, has taken the already preexisting tensions that soldiers in the field have towards those behind the lines and put them on steroids. It also has some worried that it might make the experience of war too distant, make us lose respect for the foe who share the bond of risk, and even make the contemplation of war crimes too easy. More than a century ago, General Robert E. Lee famously observed, “It is good that we find war so horrible, or else we would become fond of it.” He didn’t contemplate a time when war became a daily grind of commuting to work each morning in your Toyota Camry, shooting missiles at an enemy 7,500 miles away and then hoping you are going make it home in time for Friends. Being able to move more Americans out of harm’s way may effect our very decisions on when and where to use force. Many I met with worry that more robots will make us more cavalier, a return to the “cruise missile diplomacy” of the 1990s, but on a whole new level. “We’ll have more Kosovos and fewer Iraqs” is what one former Pentagon official predicted. Just imagine all the future digital robot warriors being trained by violent video games. Killing people remotely will be as easy as killing fake digital enemies. Who can make war with the beast? |
Government "Gets Tough" with Parents Befuddled by Color of Law Vaccinations TruthNews | November 18, 2007 Kurt Nimmo The Associated Press reports: "Scores of grumbling parents facing a threat of jail lined up at a courthouse Saturday to either prove that their school-age kids already had their required vaccinations or see that the youngsters submitted to the needle" in Maryland. No word on the fact there is not a law mandating submission to a thimerosal-mercury laden vaccination. Only that parents submit to the "required immunization" and hurriedly line up like sheep and put their children under the needle or face going to jail. The AP did not bother to mention the fact there is vaccination exemption waiver and the "requirement" children of citizens be exposed to autism is nothing but a trick under color of law. "The only wrongdoing is on the part of school officials who, first, neglected to inform the parents of the vaccination exemption waiver, and second, expelled these children from school without any legal grounds whatsoever," writes blogger Mack White . "The reason for these expulsions was to create a situation where, in the absence of a law requiring vaccinations, parents could instead be charged under truancy and neglect laws. In other words, children who are not vaccinated will not be allowed to return to school, thus making them truant and their parents legally complicit." "Several organizations opposed to mass vaccinations demonstrated outside the courthouse. While the medical consensus is that vaccines are safe and effective, some people blame immunizations for a rise in autism and other medical problems," notes the AP. The "medical consensus" (read: big pharma) is "that vaccines are safe and effective," in other words effective in promoting autism, learning disabilities, Alzheimer's Disease, and other neurological conditions. An FDA review conducted in 1998 determined that children who received the full "complement" of childhood vaccines administered by the loving government were potentially exposed to levels of mercury that were 30 to 50 times the acceptable levels established by the EPA. But the question remains: Do the parents in Maryland know that there is a demonstrable link between vaccination and the above mentioned diseases? Do they know mercury is the second most toxic element on earth after plutonium? Do they want to subject their kids to autism, learning disabilities, Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis, depression, and bipolar disorder? "News networks and state authorities are once again engaging in mass public deception by claiming that vaccines for children are mandated by law and that parents will go to jail if kids do not take their shots. In reality, there is no law that says you have to vaccinate your children and waiver forms for personal or religious exemptions are freely available," write Paul Joseph and Steve Watson . "A situation in Prince George's County, MD. has attracted media attention and once again provided the platform for a propaganda push that falsely implies it is the law for children to be vaccinated with mass produced big pharma shots that are often not stringently tested and have been linked with dangerous side-effects." For more on these "dangerous side-effects," watch the video at the right (Vaccination: The Hidden Truth, 1998; 1 hour, 30 minutes). According to school bureaucrats, the color of law letter and court action, described as "very intimidating" by parents, was deemed a "success." School system spokesman John White "said the number of children lacking vaccinations dropped from 2,300 at the time the judge sent the letter to about 1,100 Friday?. After Saturday's session, 172 more students were brought into compliance, including 101 students who received vaccinations at the courthouse and 71 whose records were updated." Of course, "compliance," or submission to "required immunization," is not legally mandated in Maryland. But then it is easy to scare ill-informed parents, especially with the prospect of jail hanging heavy as the Sword of Damocles over their heads. It helps, as well, when the corporate media runs "news reports," as the one above, and the Associated Press publishes stories failing to mention parents actually have an option to waiver out of the mass vaccination-poisoning program. |
Vaccines are a major part of the Medical Industrial Complex, a modern day Medical Inquisition. There is a major push to demonize parents who refuse to vaccinate, and soon it will be against the law to refuse under socialized health care. Forced vaccination! Just what is the history of vaccines?
Edward Jenner—a quack doctor— was the father of the filthy practice of vaccination: Edward Jenner S.J. (1749 —1823). Edward Jenner was an S.J. -- a Slick Jesuit -- who taught the medical world how to use the POISONED NEEDLE. He was the first to associate human diseases with that of animals. This idea paved the way for vaccination which is responsible for the deaths of multiplied millions of people around the world. The idea that humans and animals are related and share the same diseases led to the theory of evilution which is responsible for the spiritual death of multiplied millions more. In the countryside in Gloustershire, England, where Jenner lived, the farmers had a legend or superstition that catching cowpox (a disease of cows which was transferred to the cows' udders by unwashed or bleeding hands) would act like a charm or amulet to make them immune from catching the human disease of smallpox. Medicine man Jenner took this local legend or old wives' tale and turned it into a scientific FACT. He did this by first getting some scientific credentials (M.D., F.R.S. - Fellow of the Royal Society). Next he wrote a book and on the title page only he used the term VARIOLAE VACCINAE. This means in Medieval Latin: smallpox of the cow. Thus associating a human disease with a disease of the cow. There never was such a disease as smallpox of the cow until "Dr." Jenner invented it for the title of his book. Jenner invented a new disease—VARIOLAE VACCINAE—smallpox of the cow!! Cover of Jenner's book written in 1798. Notice how medicine man Jenner cleverly uses the scientific name for smallpox, VARIOLAE, and associates it with the cow disease of cowpox. He NEVER mentions the name VARIOLAE VACCINAE again in his book. It is mostly about HORSE GREASE being the cause of smallpox of the cow. Jenner figured that very few people would actually read the book but most would just look at the COVER and make a mental association between Smallpox and Cowpox. This is like saying that a horse chestnut (a tree) and a chestnut horse are the same thing or that a beetle (an insect) is the same thing as a BEATLE (a decomposing rock musician). The only correlation between smallpox and cowpox is that both names ended in POX. Heaven and Hell both start with the same letter H but they are vastly different places. Jenner inoculating his 18 months old son with swinepox. His son will die of TB when he is 20. "Getting the jab." Jenner inoculates an 8 year old boy named" James Phipps with cowpox. The boy will die of TB at 21. Inoculation came from ancient Egypt via India. Isis or Hathor— the Egyptian holy cow goddess. Her name means "The Dwelling of Horus", for it was thought that Horus as the Sun God came to rest each evening on her breast before being reborn with the awakening dawn. Hathor is the great Sky-goddess that as a celestial cow gave birth to the universe. She was often represented as a cow or with bovine attributes such as a cow's head, cows’ ears or horns on her headdress. Hathor was the goddess of Joy and Motherhood and the embodiment of all that is best in women. She was also considered the goddess of music, song, dance and lighthearted pleasure, but she was essentially a Moon goddess. She was considered the protectress of pregnant women and midwives. Her main cult centre was at Dendera, where she was worshipped along with her husband, Horus. Hathor was the Supreme goddess of sexual love in Egypt, immediately identified with Aphrodite by the Greeks. Her temple at Dendera was in The House of Intoxication and Enjoyments. Her main attributes were two ritual instruments carried by her priestesses, the sistrum, a bronze sacred rattle and the menat, a necklace, thick with beads and a counterpoise long enough to be grasped in the hand which was only worn by Hathor, but used by her priestesses as a healing instrument. In Greece she was also known as Diana of the Ephesians and in Rome as Venus. Papal Rome later stole her from the Egyptians . . . and called her the Virgin Mary!! During the Dark Ages, Papal Rome had a death grip on Europe. The four horsemen of the Apocalypse -- war, famine, disease and death -- rode roughshod over the world for over 1000 years. Lack of personal hygiene and sanitation led to plagues and epidemics which caused the deaths of millions of people. The monkish orders set the course that history took during this dark night of the world: Ignatius LIEola (1491 — 1556) (Mr. I.H.S.). LIEola found that the European demons were powerless to resist the sword of God's Word so he decided to send his disciples to the four corners of the earth in order to find more potent poison to kill the Reformation. One of them, Francis Xavier was sent to India and Japan. Jesuit priests made contact with the most powerful medicine men in order to find more potent poison to kill the Reformation. Francis Xavier (1506 —1552) was sent to India and Japan. Francis Xavier was sent to India and he made contact with the powerful Brahmin priests and medicine men. It was there that the Jesuits learned the Brahmin mode of inoculating to appease the vicious, vengeful demon of smallpox. A Malaba woman invoking the goddess of smallpox and carrying fire on her head symbolic of the disease. Lady Mary Wortley Mongau (1689 -- 1762). In the year 1717, Lady Mary Wortley Montagu was the smokescreen that the Jesuits used to introduce this Indian religious rite into England. Lady Mary was not even a doctor. Inoculation or variolation was given the sanction of the Royal Family when 2 daughters of the Prince of Wales were inoculated. Barbaric as this religious rite was; it was the human disease of smallpox that was injected into the bloodstream. Inoculation was the FOOT-IN-THE-DOOR to prepare the people for something far worse. Edward Jenner (1749 —1823). When Jenner invented his Variolae Vaccinae or smallpox of the cow, he planted the insidious seed that men and beasts share the same disease . . . and therefore must be related. This opened the door to vaccination or the injecting of animal diseases into humans. This new bizarre rite spread like the plague all over England. It was not confined to England however, it soon spread to Continental Europe and even crossed the ocean to America. Dr. Luigi Sacco - The Jenner of Italy. "It was not unusual," Marshall wrote home to Jenner," to see in the mornings of the public inoculation at the Hospital, a procession of men, women, and children, conducted through the streets by a priest carrying a cross, come to be inoculated. By these popular means it met not with opposition, and the common people express themselves certain that it was a blessing sent from Heaven, though discovered by one heretic and practised by another." (Jenner and Vaccination, Dr. Creighton, p. 288). Louis Pasteur - the Jenner of France. Louis Pasteur was the Jenner of France. He conducted all kinds of ghoulish experiments on animals in order to prove his germ theory of disease. His ancestors were Huguenots who were forced to embrace Romanism by the Inquisition. Pasteurization of milk is named after Pasteur. This process involved heating milk until ALL the nutrients are boiled away. We are not allowed to drink real milk but the medical Inquisition lets us be vaccinated with diseased calf lymph. Timeline of the Medical Inquisition. Date Event 1534 Ignatius LIEola founds the Jesuit Order in Paris, France, on August 15. 1541 Francis Xavier is sent to India and Japan by LIEola. 1717 Jesuits introduce inoculation from India using Lady Montague as a smokescreen. Lady Montague wasn't even a doctor. Women doctors did not appear until over 100 years later. 1767 Dr. Holwell sends back his report on the Brahmins inoculation techniques. 1797 Jenner sends a paper to the Royal Society about his newly invented disease: variolae vaccinae or smallpox of the cow. The paper is rejected and returned with a warning "He had better not promulgate such a wild idea if he valued his reputation." 1798 Edward Jenner publishes his Inquiry about his newly invented disease, variolae vaccinae, or smallpox of the cow. 1799 Doctrine and practice of vaccination spreads like the plague all over England. 1800 Doctrine spreads like wildfire all over the world. Benjamin Waterhouse of Harvard University brings it to the U. S. 1839 Smallpox epidemic sweeps England and kills 22,081 people. 1840 Inoculation is outlawed by the British Parliament. 1853 In England, the Compulsory Vaccination Act is passed by Parliament. Every parent is required to have their baby vaccinated within 3 months of birth or face a fine of 20 shillings. 1855 Medical Inquisition begins in U. S. as Massachusetts is the first State to adopt mandatory vaccination laws. Every State in the U.S. has them now. 1859 Charles ape-man Darwin publishes his Origin of Species --microbes to monkeys to men thesis. Since animals, especially monkeys, are our close relatives it should be no problem to inject animal diseases in the blood of humans. 1867 Nonpayment of fines for skipping smallpox vaccination result in harsher penalties. Thousands defy the medical Inquisition and leave Britain rather than submit their children to this barbaric rite. 1868 Anti-Compulsary Vaccination League is formed in Britain. 1870 Outbreak of smallpox all over Europe. 1871 Smallpox continues to rage all over Europe. 1889 In England, a Royal Commission is appointed to inquire into certain aspects of the vaccination question. The committee would be in session for 7 years and would issue 6 reports, with the final report in 1896. The result of the final report was the Vaccination Act of 1898. 1896 Final report of the Royal Commission on vaccination. The commission could not ignore the mountains of evidence against vaccination so they recommended that mandatory vaccination should be stopped. 1898 Vaccination Act removes penalties from vaccination law. 1900 The Rockefeller and J. P. Morgan syndicate buys Encyclopedia Britannica and all derogatory references to vaccination are removed. 1910 Flexner report is issued which calls for the elimination of over half the medical schools in the U.S. 1911 Vaccination is made mandatory in the U.S. armed forces. 1917 U.S. soldiers are vaccinated prior to going overseas to fight in WW I. They begin to drop dead by the thousands. 1918 675,000 Americans and 25 million die worldwide from vaccination in the worst epidemic in the history of the world. The medical Inquisition covers it up by calling it "Spanish flu." 1976 Great swine flu hoax. President Ford is vaccinated before a TV audience of millions. More than 500 people receiving flu vaccinations become paralyzed with Guillain-Barre Syndrome. 1991 Gulf War begins. Thousands of coalition soldiers receive vaccination with the deadly anthrax germ. 2002 Gulf War II -the Sequel -leads to the vaccination of the entire U.S. population!! Children of Israel worshipping the GOLDEN CALF. The Egyptians worshipped hundreds of gods and one of them was the HOLY COW. The children of Israel brought this evil practice out of Egypt with them. Moses was given detailed instructions by God about sanitary conditions. He speaks of frequent bathing . . . and washing of clothes. Quarantine was commanded to prevent the spread of infectious diseases etc.,etc. God describes the promised land as a land flowing with MILK and honey meaning that there would be lots of COWS and bees in the promised land. Moses' Four Steps to Good Health. SERVE THE TRUE GOD DIET PERSONAL HYGIENE SANITATION "If you will diligently hearken to my commandments I will put none of these diseases upon you which I put upon the Egyptians" (Exodus 15:26). Moses prohibited the Israelites from copying the Egyptian practice of inoculation. "Thou shalt not ....make any cuttings in your flesh."(Lev. 21:5). Wherever the children of Israel settled we can be sure that they brought those hygienic practices with them. "For Moses in old time hath in every city them that preach him, being read in the synagogue every Sabbath day." (Acts 15:21). Calf bound and tortured to produce calf lymph for vaccines!! "BY referring to the cut on this page it will be seen that the living calf or heifer is first bound down on a movable tilting table, and its belly is shaved and on the clean, tender skin of a most tender part one or two hundred cuts or scratches are then made, as shown, and into these cuts or scratches is rubbed some "seed virus," obtained directly or indirectly from human smallpox,and other known or unknown human or animal infections. But just what infections this "seed virus" contains it seems impossible to find out, and it seems also that even the virus makers themselves either do not know definitely what they are using and making, or will not state. But they certainly should be compelled by law to disclose fully the exact nature and origin of their viruses, and to publish the same clearly and openly, and should also be rigidly bonded to the State and the National Government for all damages to animals or mankind caused by any disasters from their dangerous methods and products. "(Horrors of Vaccination Exposed and Illustrated, p. 79). Cows are injected with a deadly Growth Hormone. Thanks to Pasteur and the Medical Inquisition, we cannot buy whole raw milk anywhere in the United States but its OK to buy milk from cows injected with a DEALDY Bovine Growth Hormone. It's OK to have diseased calf lymph injected into the bloodstream but we are not allowed to drink real milk. We can buy dead rats in the vats beer and wine at every corner but you cannot buy real uncontaminated milk anywhere!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
6000 years
One must understand the 3 SEPERATE earth ages of time. Only then can one understand pre-existence and election, the 6000 years, and the actual age of the earth.
Peter spoke of it: 3:3 Having first of all the knowledge that in the last days there will be men who, ruled by their evil desires, will make sport of holy things, 3:4 Saying, Where is the hope of his coming? From the death of the fathers till now everything has gone on as it was from the making of the world. 3:5 But in taking this view they put out of their minds the memory that in the old days there was a heaven, and an earth lifted out of the water and circled by water, by the word of God; 3:6 And that the world which then was came to an end through the overflowing of the waters. 3:7 But the present heaven and the present earth have been kept for destruction by fire, which is waiting for them on the day of the judging and destruction of evil men. There have actually been 2 floods in our earths past. The first flood wiped out the entire 1st earth age and NOTHING survived. It was very sudden - a polar shift - that is why the earths axis is still at an angle. It explains why mammoths were found FLASH FROZEN with buttercups still in their mouth. It explains sea fossils found on mountain tops, palm tree fossils at the north pole - the entire earth once had a perfectly lush tropical temp. In Gen, the earth BECAME void and without form. It wasn't created that way. His spirit hovered over the waters of the flood. The earth was RENEWED. It had to be REPLENISHED. We all existed in that age and now have no memory of it, so that we'll all have a fair chance of redemption. The ELECT are the ones who stood for Yahweh then, and will again - they've ALREADY proven themselves worthy. This is why Yah hated Esua - because of what he did in that earth age - while Jacob had a good past. This is why many get caught up in reincarnation. It is only this present earth age that is 6000 years. Man in the flesh. We were spirit in the first age - to flesh for the 2nd - and back to spirit in the 3rd earth age (the Milleneum). Hope this all makes sense. |
I just hope everybody knows the evolution theory is soon going to be "updated" to include the "alien seeding" theory. Advanced aliens visited our planet long ago to "jumpstart" us with their cosmic DNA. Now they are back to check up on their little experiment at earths time of greatest need. They will be offering the next great quantum leap forward in our evolution. We are all doomed if we don't accept their gracious offer. "New" archaelogical discoveries about the bible will conveniately be made to support all this. See the latest "Raiders of the Lost Ark" and the crystal skulls as part of this indoctrination process.
GITMO Detainees
Gitmo was all about getting people used to the idea of not having any rights. Witness what happened at the RNC and DNC - a view of our future police state. How soon before economy collapses, rioting in the streets, and the FEMA camps (our gitmo's)?
ACLU: Bush admin tried to create ‘Gitmo inside the US’ Nick Juliano Raw Story Thursday, Oct 9, 2008 The US military was using the same procedures employed at the controversial Guantanamo Bay prison at other facilities inside the United States where US citizens and legal residents were detained, according to documents released Wednesday. At least one Navy officer was concerned that a detainee was being slowly driven insane by the policies, which prohibited detainees from having items such as shoes or socks, according to 91 pages of e-mails between officers at military brigs in Virginia and South Carolina released Wednesday by the American Civil Liberties Union. “These documents are the first clear confirmation of what we’ve suspected all along, that the brig was run as a prison beyond the law. There was an effort to create a Gitmo inside the United States,” Jonathan Hafetz of the ACLU’s National Security Project in New York told the Associated Press, using the slang word for the U.S. naval facility in Cuba. A pdf of the heavily redacted e-mails can be downloaded here. The ACLU filed a Freedom of Information Act request along with the Allard K. Lowenstein International Human Rights Clinic at Yale Law School to obtain the documents. The obtained e-mails apparently were exchanged between brig officers and military higher-ups between 2002 and 2004. They discuss detentions of Yaser Esham Hamdi, Jose Padilla, both of whom were US citizens at the time, and Saleh Kahlah al-Marri, who was a legal resident in the country when he was detained. “Guantánamo was designed as a law-free zone, a place where the government could do whatever it wanted without having to worry about whether it was legal,” said Jonathan Freiman, an attorney with the Lowenstein Clinic at Yale. “It didn’t take long for that sort of lawlessness to be brought home to our own country. Who knows how much further America would have gone if the Supreme Court hadn’t stepped in to stop incommunicado detentions in 2004?” The detainees apparently were not allowed to speak to family members or lawyers for years, and the e-mails suggest that Guantanamo standard operating procedures were being employed in the domestic brigs. An officer asked what to tell detainees about their legal status and received little guidance. “Best not to discuss his status at all with him,” wrote an unidentified superior, presumably a Pentagon or military lawyer. “Realize that’s tough on a human level but realize anything you say becomes statement of US govt, at least potentially. Safest and honest answer is ‘I don’t know, sorry.’” The documents also include “weekly updates” the brig officers were required to send on the treatment of the detainees, but the ACLU notes that the updates on Padilla and al-Marri were not released because the Navy said the documents were either being withheld or were missing. That the missing updates cover a period “during which the two were being detained incommunicado and interrogated,” the ACLU says, suggests “the possibility that Guantánamo-like interrogations were taking place.” Research related articles: Protesters denied access to attorneys, forced to march in leg shackles, ACLU charges Olbermann: Bush ‘lied’ about intending to close Gitmo ACLU: Memos authorized CIA torture Judge rebukes Bush admin on warrantless spying Secret List of U.S. Military Bases to Replace Gitmo Obama preparing order to close Gitmo ACLU: ‘Mukasey calls on Congress to subvert Constitution’ ACLU challenges FISA update with first legal brief ACLU presses Denver to investigate events surrounding DNC arrests ACLU wants probe into police-staged DNC protest Ex-gitmo guard who saw ‘torture’ calls co-workers ‘psychotic’ Civil rights group to Obama: Release secret Bush memos |
The pagan community?
Since the Druids were actually part of the lost 10 tribes of Israel, why don't you just get into the bible?
Joshua and The Israelites In Britain and Ireland -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given you, as I said to Moses." Joshua 1:3 What do the names: Joshua , Jesus , Hesus , Hu Gadarn , Hu the Mighty, Yeshua, have in common? They are all the names given to the same biblical Joshua who took the Israelites into the Promised Land. The eradicating of the knowledge of Joshua and the Israelite colonization of the British Isles has led to the longest enduring Holocaust, throughout Europe, which has not been properly recorded in history. More Israelite blood has been shed over the identity issue than Jewish blood shed during the Second World War. The knowledge of who the druids were is a major key to solving a historic puzzle. The Druidic priesthood was established in Ireland and Britain, by Joshua of the Old Testament. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Historical Record Hu Gadarn, the Joshua of the Old Testament, came to Britain in the early to mid 1300's B.C. "A fragmentary Welsh record, called the Welsh Triad, reads as follows: 'First was the race of the Cymry, who came with Hu Gadarn to Yns Prydain.' Hu came from the 'land of summer' -- a land located somewhere in what later constituted the realm of Constantinople (the capital of the eastern Roman Empire). ... Who was Hu Gadarn? Gadarn is a Welsh word. It means 'the mighty.' Hu was a short form of the Old Celtic name Hesus... . Hesus is the Celtic -- and also the Spanish -- pronunciation of Jesus. ... Jesus was merely the Greek form of the Hebrew name Joshua. Hu or Hesus the Mighty was Joshua the Mighty, the great general who led Israel into Palestine. And the Welsh Triad records that in his later years he also settled Israel peaceably in the British Isle. From there, for trading purposes, they spread to the coasts of the continent..." (Compendium of World History, by Herman L. Hoeh, Vol. II, page 49-50, 1969, printed in the U.S.A.) "The educational system adopted by the Druids is traced to about 1800 B.C. [editors note: should be mid 1300's B.C.] when Hu Gadarn Hysicion (Isaacson), or Hu the Mighty, led the first colony of Cymri into Britain from Defrobane, where Constantinople now stands. In the justly celebrated Welsh Triads, Hu Gadarn is said to have mnemonically systematized the wisdom of the ancients of these people whom he led west from the Summerland. He was regarded as the personification of intellectual culture and is commemorated in Welsh archaeology for having made poetry the vehicle of memory, and to have been the inventor of the Triads. To him is attributed the founding of Stonehenge, and introduction of several arts including glass-making and writing in Ogham characters. On Hu Gadarn's standard was depicted the Ox; in this possibly may be discovered the origin of the sobriquet, 'John Bull'. Hu established, among other regulations, that a Gorsedd or Assembly of Druids and Bards must he held on an open, uncovered grass space, in a conspicuous place, in full view and hearing of all the people." (Celt, Druid and Culdee, by Isabel Hill Elder, page 53, The Covenant Publishing Company, London, 1973.) Druidic History Edited by Rome Hu Gadarn invented the writing method of Ogham script placed on sticks. Benedictine Monks made sticks with Ogham script and spread them throughout the lands they travelled, centuries later, trying to confuse future historians. The history of Europe was edited and the knowledge of Israelites coming to Britain and Ireland was modified and removed as seen fit by the Catholic monks. The identity of Irish and Scottish ethnic origins was lost to any but astute historians. "Irish history is the only literature which specifically connects Israel with its past. ... And in Ireland the Catholic monks did their best to make it appear that Ireland was not settled by Hebrews at all, but by Magog! ... ...How Confusion Arose in Irish History The Domestic Annals were artfully expanded to make it appear that Irish history commenced centuries earlier than it did in fact. The task of the monks was rendered easy by an unusual circumstance. ... Each of these factors made it easy for certain later monks, who followed the Septuagint, to alter and expand the official record." (Compendium of World History, by Herman L. Hoeh, Vol. I, pages 415-417, 1969, printed in the U.S.A.) "...[they] suspect that these histories have, over the centuries, been doctored by the 'Romanophilic' monks, who copied them as a part of a general policy of putting the ancient Britons in a bad light." (The Holy Kingdom, by Adrian Gilbert, Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett, Corgi Books, 1999, page 213.) "The fact is, Rome began early to covet Ireland. Once they got possession, it was necessary for them to destroy the influence of Jeremiah." (The Ten Lost Tribes, Rev. Joseph Wild, D.D., 1883, London: Robert Banks, Printer, Racquet Court, Fleet Street, E.C.) "But if some day the secret archives of the Vatican are opened, new interpretations are conceivable and, above all, new facts may be brought to light." (Sails of Hope, Simon Wiesenthal, MacMillan Publishing Co., Inc, New York, 1973.) The first church set up outside of Judea, was established by Joseph of Aramathea (Christ's uncle), in Glastonbury, England, about four years after the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Joseph of Aramathea was the wealthiest (Jewish) man in the Roman Empire, second only to Caesar. He was a friend of Caesar and owned tin mines in Britain. Joseph's influence took Christianity to Britain, in the first century A.D., long before Christianity flourished in Gentile Asia Minor, under the Apostle Paul. The Apostles followed their Master's directive to go to the lost sheep of the House of Israel,first. Salvation is of the Jews, first. The tribes of Israel are next, and the Gentiles are sprinkled in, until the Millennial rule of Christ begins. Then, and only then, is the commission to "go ye unto all the world" really fulfilled. Christianity is for Israelites. In the mind of the Vatican, the year 2000 is to begin the millennial rule of the Vicar of Christ, not Jesus Christ Himself. The year of repentance is to prepare the world for the institution of a new world order, under the influence of the Catholic Church. It is too bad if you are Protestant, even worse if you are Jewish or a Seventh Day Sabbath keeper. The Significance of Joshua in Britain What scripture says: " Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given you, as I said to Moses." Joshua 1:3 Never before has there been a historical link which so dramatically sets the British peoples apart from the rest of the world. The presence of Joshua in Ireland and England, makes the British inheritors of the title: 'a chosen people', of the Bible historical account. The history of the British Isles can now be rewritten to re-establish the national inheritance of the Celtic and Anglo-Saxon peoples with that of the chosen people of the Bible. Conclusion The fact that Joshua was in Britain, is the missing link between the Identity Movement and the British peoples. Wherever Joshua placed his feet , became the soil of the Hebrews, known as Israel. The British Isles are the inherited lands of the Tribe of Ephraim, and a refuge for the Houses of Israel and Judah. Who can deny it? It comes from the mouth of the Almighty God of Israel. Further reading and research : Compendium of World History , by Herman L. Hoeh, 1969, Vol. I and II, printed in U.S.A. The Ten Lost Tribes, Rev. Joseph Wild, D.D., 1883, London: Robert Banks, Printer, Racquet Court, Fleet Street, E.C. |
Third Eye
A8. Guarding Your Third Eye
Midway between the two eyes on your forhead is a point which is of great mental and spiritual significance both for the Redeemed and for those who belong to Satan in one form or another. Before we look at its perversion by dark forces, we do need to understand what it is in the divine scheme of things. "And you shall inform your son......And it shall be as a sign to you on your hand and as a reminder between your eyes, that the Torah [Law] of Yahweh is to be in your mouth, for with a strong hand Yahweh has brought you out of Mitsrayim [Egypt]" (Shemoth/Exodus 12:8-9, ISRV). Later on Elohim (God) instructs the children of Israel to go even further: "Hear, O Yisra'el [Israel]: Yahweh our Elohim [God], ....walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise up, and shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets [bands] between your eyes, And you shall write them on the doorposts [mezuza] of your house and on your gates" (Debarim/Deuteronomy 6:4-9, ISRV - also see 11:18). As you read these scriptures, remembering that these are Yahweh's commandments to us, remember also that whatever Yahweh does or says, Satan inverts, twists or perverts. There is nothing novel or original in satanism, the occult, witchcraft or magick - all the black arts are simply abuses of what already is. Only Yahweh is the Creator - Satan has never created anything. After Cain had committed the first murder and was cursed, Yahweh marked his brow as a sign, pledge, or token of His protection which would shield him from retribution (Gen.4:15). Exactly what form this mark ('ôt) took we are not told. "Now the glory of the God of Israel had gone up from the cherub, where it had been, to the threshold of the temple. And He called to the man clothed with linen, who had the writer's inkhorn at his side; and Yahweh said to him, "Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and put a mark on the foreheads of the men who sigh and cry over all the abominations that are done within it." This mark (táv) was a visible sign for Yahweh's ANGELS so that when the punishment of the sinners took place, the righteous would be spared. The mark on the forehead identified Yahweh's true disciples. This system of marking between the eyes on the forehead you will discover is a very common indentifying device - it distinguishes between the good and the wicked. But is it more than just a mark? Why is the mark located at precisely this spot? The reason for that we shall presently see. Please also note that Torah forbade the marking of the flesh in any way, including tattoo marks (qa'aqa') and flesh cutting in general (Lev.19:28). The cutting of flesh is one of the most common symptoms of demonisation, for the shedding of blood by humans empowers demons. This was why the prophets of Baal cut themselves in the contest with Elijah on Mount Carmel. Those who belong to Christ have a seal very similar to the one recorded in Ezekiel. It is written concerning the last days: "They [the angels] were commanded not to harm the grass of the earth, or any green thing, or any tree, but only those men who do not have the seal (sphragis) of God [Eloah] on their foreheads. And they were not given authority to kill them, but to torment them for five months. And their torment was like the torment of a scorpion when it strikes a man. In those days men will seek death and will not find it; they will desire to die, and death will flee from them" (Rev.9:4-7, NKJV). All born-again, blood-purchased believers have this seal on their foreheads between their eyes. The Aramaic version of Revelation says: "the seal of Eloah between their eyes" (v.4, HRV), conclusively identifying its location.This mark I have seen personally in vision - it consists of a bright shining light, and whenever demons see it, it agitates them and stits them up to wrath. So if you have ever been innocently walking down a street and suddenly a completely stranger has started cursing you or has otherwise been disturbed by your presence, then the likelihood is that his demons have seen this seal of Christ. When this happened to me and I asked Yahweh why it was that a complete stranger should suddenly be so enraged at me, it was then I was shown this vision of the mark on my forehead. This 'seal' in the Greek literally means a 'fencing in' or 'protection from misappropriation', or a 'mark of privacy' or 'of genuineness'. In one respect it is like a tradmark, denoting the owner (in this case, Yah'shua/Jesus), but as we will see it is also much, much more. Finally, we come to a mark which believers and unbelievers alike know well: the mark of the beast. And you will no doubt be aware as to its twin locations: "Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, "If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of Eloah [God/Yahweh], which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name." Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of Eloah [God/Yahweh] and the faith of Yah'shua [Jesus]" (Rev.14:8-13, NKJV). Firstly, please note that the mark of the beast is found on either the hand or on the forehead (between the eyes); second, those who do not have this mark are characterised by TWO things: (1) They are commandment-keepers; and (2) they have faith in Yah'shua (Jesus). And what was the sign of commandment-keepers in the passages we began with from Torah? They (that's you and me) "shall bind [the commandments] them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets [bands] between your eyes, And you shall write them on the doorposts [mezuza] of your house and on your gates". There is no full deliverance, and therefore no full protection, until we are willing to submit to Yahweh in obedience because of our love for Christ. I have worked with SRA victims who have adamantely refused to obey Torah after they were saved and who were, as a result, deceived and redemonised. The Torah - the Teachings of Yahweh, including the Commandments confer protection to us in our "hand" and "between our eyes". This I know for a fact. On a number of occasions whilst doing deliverance with a highly demonised person my wife (who is also a deliverancde minister) has noticed a sudden "stirring" between her eyes. On one occasions it was like a cavity appeared between her eyes; on another she had a tingling sensation. And one of the most dramatic experiences she ever had, she became aware that she was "holding" something invisible in her right hand which she described as being like a 'lens' because she could SEE with her hand. In one SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse) victim we came across an alter who was blind. Her sight had, by occultic manipulation and attendant demonisation, been transferred to her hand making her intensely clairvoyant. This was the beginning of our encounter of a demoness who has much influence in our occultised world today who goes by the name of Hecate. The way in which this demoness works is described in another article. Please study these before reading on. The spot between your two eyes is known by occultists as the THIRD EYE, which is not at all an inacurate description of what may be described as a spiritual organ. As explained in my book, The Occult, and especially in chapters 4, 5, and 6, human beings possess what is called soul energy, soul power or psychic power. This energy or power, which is latent in the flesh and not the spirit, cannot be taken with us when we die. It belongs solely to our physical bodies. Furthermore, when it is released, it is often confused by Christians (and particularly charismatic Christians) for the Ruach haQodesh or Holy Spirit. The two are not the same. Many of the manifestations we are seeing in some of the so-called 'revivals' such as Toronto, Pensacola, and others, are mediated by psychic powers which we have been forbidden by God to use. Following the fall of Adam, it was sealed within us because of the enornmous dangers that man might place himself in should he use it in an unredeemed state. THE WHOLE DRIVE OF SATANISM AND THE OCCULT IS THE RELEASE OF THIS POWER FOR THE USE OF DEMONS. Please note this well: All demonic power is derived from HUMAN psychic energy which has been released illegally through the occult arts such as Yoga, Meditation, Tantric Sex, Mediumship, Divination, Martial arts, and so forth. Satan does not possess any power of his own - he steals is from people by causing them to break the commandments and so lose Yahweh's Seal of Protection over their psychic energy. Christians operate in the power of the RUACH HAQODESH (HOLY SPIRIT) and not psychic energy. The spiritual organ known as the "third eye" is the tool which allows mental energy to be used for supernatural purposes, including telekinetics (moving objects around), claivoyance (reading people's minds), healing, and so forth. As you will know from your school lessons in Biology, the human brain is mostly dormant - we use only a tiny fraction of its potential. And the reason for this is that those 'silent' areas of the brain were created for this kind of use IN A SIN-FREE WORLD. The powers inherent in these parts of the brain were almost certainly used by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, but after the Fall, Yahweh-Elohim, our Heavenly Father, sealed up this power because He knew that Satan would try to appropriate it for himself. The whole demonic realm is fuelled by these powers in both human beings and in animals. That is why ritual murder - which releases enormous quantities of this energy - figures so strongly in devil-worship. It was what demons feed on. The breaking of Yahweh's Commandments - His Torah - gives demons the legal right to appropriate this energy which literally "leaks" out of our body like the leak in a nuclear reactor. The opening, and use, of the Third Eye - which has been forbidden by Yahweh until a future time when sin is no longer present, and the demonic hosts have been bound - is therefore strictly forbidden. In its place, the Redeemed have been given the RUACH ELOHIM - the Spirit of God. If you have been involved in the occult and have opened your Third Eye - consciously or unconsciously (if you have, you will have clairvoyant and prophetic gifts mediated by demons) - then your first task is to close it. You don't need it. The "third eye" of the saved soul in this world is the Holy Spirit. A Christian who has his or her Third Eye still open will get visions, guidance and revelation from both demons and God! The place between your eyes is actually the seat of your consciousness. If you close your eyes you will immdiately sense that your thoughts and inner vision are situated between your eyes. The point is not to close down your thoughts (never do that) but to close a DOOR to the psychic realm which currently is infested with demons. The third eye, together with its associated physical organs - the pineal and pituitary bodies - is a key to the human mind. But its powers are not supposed to be used until the full redemption of the human soul and of the planet when it can be used responsibily and under the aegiss of Yahweh. That is why the seal of Christ is placed over it on the foreheads of believers. It's opening and unlawful use opens a Pandora's Box of trouble, creates links to the second heaven presently controlled by demons, and possesses a lure that leads a soul away from Christ and from salvation, making its user a puppet on Satan's string. That is why Satan is so anxious to open it, for it is not only the doorway to a psychic larder for him and his demons but also a convenient portal to corruption. |
Third Eye
I believe the 3rd eye being opened was part of the temptation in the garden "you shall be as gods...". I think there is too much deception from false spirit guides that can take place when one starts playing around with trying to open the 3rd eye. The only spirit that can be trusted is the Holy Spirit.