Community > Posts By > norslyman

norslyman's photo
Mon 12/06/10 04:55 PM

I would not doubt it a bit.
Makes a lot of sense, a child is more likely to accept a friend request from a cartoon character. They get a lot of other people to do it and they can better hide.

Scary how this craze has taken off. Just goes to show you how freakin guillable people are.

End child abuse by helping the pedophiles!
Kind of sounds like 'endless war for endless peace'.

norslyman's photo
Mon 12/06/10 04:50 PM
Isn't all paper money bad?
Yep, good metaphor for the whole rotten mess.

norslyman's photo
Thu 12/02/10 03:48 PM
The sex predators are licking their chops.
Thinking of all the new potential victims.

norslyman's photo
Thu 12/02/10 03:46 PM
Miley Cyrus’ Little Sister Selling Sex to Little Girls
By Vigilant | November 26th, 2010 | Category: Latest News | 158 comments

(MSN) Seems like every time we hear about Noah Cyrus she’s doing something totally inappropriate for her age.

Whether it’s dressing like a dominatrix for Halloween, skipping around a pole-dancing pole or performing the totally un-PG hits ‘Smack That’ and ‘Tik Tok’, we suspect this nine-year-old could easily notch up more scandals than her big sis by the time she hits her teens.

Noah at two Halloween parties last year.
Noah at two Halloween parties last year.

The latest news that’s got us scratching our heads and wondering, yet again, ‘what were her parents thinking?’ …little Noah is set to become a lingerie model.She’ll be teaming up with her pint-sized best friend Emily Grace to launch a children’s lingerie collection for ‘Ohh! La, La! Couture’.

Left: Pole dancing with her little friends last year. Right: With her best friend Emily Grace.
Left: Pole dancing with her little friends last year. Right: With her best friend Emily Grace.

The company’s website describes The Emily Grace Collection as having a “trendy, sweet, yet edgy feel, reminiscent of Emily’s true personality. She is collaborating with Ooh! La, La! Couture designers to create versatile styles that can be worn with sweet ballerina slippers, funky sneakers or paired with lace stockings and boots for more of a rock and roll look. Emily’s collection will appeal not just to little girls – the line also has an exclusive Teen Collection available to a size 14.”Here’s a clip of this poor Emily Grace kid dressed up in a pair of fishnets and chatting about her underwear line with Miley and Noah…
You really should see the pics:

norslyman's photo
Thu 12/02/10 03:39 PM
Looks like a lot of my 'hunches' have proven correct:
Michael Brea: ‘I didn’t kill her. I killed the demon inside her’
By Vigilant | November 29th, 2010 | Category: Latest News | 125 comments

Matthew Lysiak
NY Daily News

Michael Brea says he killed his mom Yannick Brea with a sword after she asked him to pour water from a pot in which she was cooking chickens in.
Michael Brea says he killed his mom Yannick Brea with a sword after she asked him to pour water from a pot in which she was cooking chickens in.

An unhinged actor Thursday calmly described hacking his beloved mother to death with a sword because he believed a demon had taken hold of her soul.

“I didn’t kill her. I killed the demon inside her,” Michael Brea said in a chilling hourlong interview with the Daily News in the prison ward at Bellevue Hospital.

When told his mother, Yannick Brea, 55, had died in the grisly assault early Tuesday, Michael was unrepentant.

“So be it. It was the work of God,” he said.

Speaking with white-hot intensity and unflinching confidence, Brea described a shadowy descent into a world filled with Masonic symbolism and black magic beginning late Sunday when he snapped awake.

“I was sleeping in my bedroom. God came above my bed and reached his arm to me,” said Brea, wearing a light-blue prison jumpsuit and slippers. He told his tale while sitting unhandcuffed on a blue chair behind a wood table.

“I said, ‘God, is my time on earth over?’ I heard a voice say, ‘Yes Michael, today is your last day.’ I asked if I could say goodbye to my family.”

The 31-year-old Brea said he told no one about the dream, but the following afternoon, he said he received another sign while at the Prince Hall Masonic Temple in Harlem, which he’d joined a week earlier.

There, he said, a man approached and tried to put a curse on him.

“[He] kept trying to put something in my hand but wouldn’t show it to me. I kept opening my hand. It was a Freemason pin. I wouldn’t touch it,” Brea said.

Felt like Neo from ‘The Matrix‘

He began feeling ill and left, and while riding the train back to Brooklyn, he said, strangers began speaking to him about his mother.

“I felt like Neo from ‘The Matrix.’ I began hearing voices and feeling powerful,” Brea said. “They were asking about the difference between mom and mother. It was a sign.”

When he returned to the family’s Prospect Heights apartment, the bit-part actor who once appeared on “Ugly Betty,” hugged his mother, a God-fearing Haitian immigrant with whom relatives say he had long been very close.

“I knew I would never see my mother again,” he said. “I gave her lots of love.”

He went to his room and lit candles, placed a dagger and a 3-foot ceremonial Freemason sword by his side.

Investigators said he had stolen the sword from the Masonic lodge, but Brea insisted his father had given it to him when he was a child.

“It’s a powerful sword,” he said.

Brea also arranged three saint cards around him – including one of Saint Jude holding a sword.

His mother then knocked on the door and asked him to go to the kitchen and pour water from a pot in which she was cooking three chickens.

“I looked at these chickens lying dead in the pot and a voice told me it was a sacrifice. It was black magic,” he said.

Brea left the chickens alone and went back to his room. When his mother asked why he did not do what she had asked, he said she spoke with a different voice.

“She had the voice of the demon. I opened the door with the dagger at my side and the sword,” he said.

“I asked, ‘Do you believe in God?’ She said, ‘No, Michael no,’ and began screaming. I began slashing her like this,” he said, bringing his right hand down in a violent hacking motion.

Sickening trail of blood

Brea chased his mother from room-to-room, repeatedly swinging the sword, leaving a sickening trail of blood in his wake.

“I didn’t want to kill her right away. I wanted to give her time to get right with God,” he said.

By this point police had arrived outside the apartment, but Brea said he had no doubt he would be able to finish the job.

“I was slashing my mom and I heard the police knocking on the door yelling, ‘Michael, open up, Michael, open up,’ but I knew they wouldn’t open the door and stop me because the spirits were protecting me,” he said.

“I just kept cutting her. No one could stop me. I was doing the work of God,” he said.

“I’m named after a saint myself – Saint Michael. He was protecting the house from the police. They weren’t allowed to enter the apartment.”

Neighbors complained that the officers who initially responded failed to do enough to get inside and stop the sword-wielding maniac before his mother died.

Police officials said the officers handled the situation properly and were waiting for better equipped and trained Emergency Service Unit cops to arrive.

When they finally broke the door down, cops found a trail of bloody footprints and handprints on the walls and floors, and Yannick Brea crumpled on her knees in the bathroom.

Her son stood amid the carnage with the sword in one hand and a Masonic Bible in the other.

“I heard voices telling me how powerful I was, saying ‘Oh he’s good,’” Brea said.

While recounting the gruesome murder, Brea showed no remorse, and his eyes stayed locked on a reporter.

His intensity only broke for a moment when he said he was thirsty and his mouth was dry. Guards gave him a wet towelette to dab at his lips.

Brea said he is convinced he did the right thing.

“Grand Architect of the Universe means God,” he said, referring to an expression neighbors said he shouted as he was being removed from the bloody scene. “I was praising God. To you it might sound silly, but in my culture demons are very real.”

norslyman's photo
Thu 12/02/10 03:33 PM
They are setting us up for our long lost Alien Space Brothers returning at the time of our greatest need; the coming Global Depression, famine, WWII, ect. It will in fact be, the Great Deception.

That is the reason for all the movies and TV shows like 'V', 'The Event', 'Ancient Aliens', ect. Heck, the History Channel has practically become the UFO channel.

Hopefully the leader will have a hot daughter like in V. She may shape-shift into a reptilian, but oh well, just turn off the lights.

norslyman's photo
Wed 12/01/10 04:08 PM
Edited by norslyman on Wed 12/01/10 04:09 PM
Whatever you think of the man, I think everybody should see this video.

Just brutal.
Journalists are one of the most targeted people in this war. THEY do not want the truth getting out. The less the public sees, the less outraged they will be. Why do you think Bush prevented photos of returning caskets?

Anyone see 'Restrepo' on Nat Geo channel the other night?
I'm surprised they even let a documentary like that out.

norslyman's photo
Tue 11/30/10 06:36 PM

how many people have to die in the name of a loving god? Your right, it's not funny, it is just plain stupid...Atheists being naive? there's that pot - kettle thing again...

Surely there's something more to it than just plain stupidity. Either mental illness or drugs.

In fact, if it's due to just plain stupidity wouldn't that kind of stupidity be considered so severe that it would qualify as mental illness?

How stupid does a person need to be before they are proclaimed to be mentally ill?

In fact, does it even make any sense for a God who supposedly judges people based on their choices to even allow mental illness to even occur within his creation? The very existence of mental illness would violate the principle that people are making sane choices on their own.

I mean, surely if their choices are "insane", then how can they be considered to have made a 'choice'?

Even human courts don't not consider someone to be 'guilty' of committing a crime if they weren't able to make a 'sane' decision at the time.

So the very fact that mental illness occurs in the world suggests that this creation was not designed for the purpose of judging people. So any religions based on a judging God have no merit.

Actually a pretty good argument.
Yes, aren't we all just a little mentally ill. But that is the whole point. We all need help. God isn't so much about judging us as he is helping us. Following sin (drug abuse, illicit sex, ect) usually leads to more mental illness. Following God's laws leads to peace of mind.

I agree, this guy probably was just ill. But anytime the Masons are involved, you never know. What if he'd gone to a 'real' church instead? Same result? I don't think so.

norslyman's photo
Tue 11/30/10 06:22 PM
Typical FBI entrapment.
In every supposed 'plot', there is an FBI agent helping the whole thing along.
They NEED terrorism to justify the Police State.
I even heard a story on NPR's 'This American Life' about a case where the poor muslim guy wanted to give up time and again and the agent just kept nagging him to go through with the plot 'you can't give up now'.
It could've been an SNL skit. But, sadly, it was very real.

norslyman's photo
Mon 11/29/10 06:51 PM
Anyone been watching 'Border Wars' on Discovery Channel is it?
I saw the 'jet ski' episode where the drug dealers killed the womans husband.

No, I don't think they'll ask for help. Criminals have infiltrated into the highest levels. If anybody DID ask for help, their head would be in a sack the next day.

I don't think the US would provide help if asked anyways. Oh, all our threats are half way around the world in some cave. The border? We need somewhere to ship all that Afgahn heroine in. Forget about the violence. Look, Osama........

norslyman's photo
Mon 11/29/10 05:40 PM,0,490069.story

You naive athiests are probably going to say, 'See what the bible does to you'.

Well, wrong again. This guy was obviously dabbling with the Masons. Many in Hollywierd join in order to further their careers. Remember the Kung Fu guy story?

The voices in his head? There is technology that can do that. His friendly Masonic 'brothers' probably decided to play a little game with him. Either that or he picked up a demon in one of their ceremonies.

norslyman's photo
Sun 11/21/10 05:03 PM
No, I think they would have admitted a test. It would have been a better excuse than the pathetic explanation they gave us. They were caught completely off guard.

For anyone who doubts the Chinese could have got that close:

norslyman's photo
Sun 11/21/10 04:42 PM

This came up in another post.

Yes, indeed, it does appear the fallen angels were 'supernatural' in more ways than one:

And the Lord summoned those first seven white men, and he commanded them to bring before him beginning with the first star that had preceded those stars whose organs were like the organs of horses, and they brought all of them before him (1 Enoch 90:21)

These are the angels who bred with the daughters of Eve and whose offspring were giants. Much Greek Mythology is based on them. This was the reason for the flood - to put a stop to the genetic corruption. Eve's bloodline had to be kept pure for Messiah to appear.

As for:
Ezekial 23:19-20

"Yet she increased her prostitution, remembering the days of her youth when she engaged in prostitution in the land of Egypt. She lusted after their genitals as large as those of donkeys, and their seminal emission was as strong as that of stallions."

There was a second influx of fallen angels to try to prevent the Israelites from taking the Promised Land, and again prevent the birth of Messiah. This explains Goliath. The Israelites killed most of the ones in Canaan, but some must have apparently fled to Egypt.

Helps to not edit the verses and to put what it says not the demented view you wish to project. She lusted for having sex with animals. Not men with dongs the size of those animals. But if you read earlier in the chapter you'll see that this was an example of what is not accepted with our father.

Ezekiel 23:19-20

19Yet she multiplied her whoredoms, in calling to remembrance the days of her youth, wherein she had played the harlot in the land of Egypt.

20For she doted upon their paramours, whose flesh is as the flesh of *****, and whose issue is like the issue of horses.

Then we read earlier on then that verse.

7Thus she committed her whoredoms with them, with all them that were the chosen men of Assyria, and with all on whom she doted: with all their idols she defiled herself.

Want you to notice idols and defiled herself. Both are unacceptable, both are sins. Also gotta keep in mind a lot of the bible is history of previously done immoral actions included so that we may not do the same. You can't move into a better tomorrow less you keep in mind the errors of yesterday.

Interesting point. I didn't research the Ezekial verse very well. It very well could have actually been sex with horses & donkeys. The depths of depravity pagan idolatry lead people into are amazing.

But that does not discount the Enoch verse. My only question is did YHVH create them that way, or did they do some type of surgery on themselves. We have that type of surgery available today, and they were far more advance than we are. They knew full well what they were going to do once they got here.

norslyman's photo
Sat 11/20/10 03:13 PM
Edited by norslyman on Sat 11/20/10 03:15 PM
This came up in another post.

Yes, indeed, it does appear the fallen angels were 'supernatural' in more ways than one:

And the Lord summoned those first seven white men, and he commanded them to bring before him beginning with the first star that had preceded those stars whose organs were like the organs of horses, and they brought all of them before him (1 Enoch 90:21)

These are the angels who bred with the daughters of Eve and whose offspring were giants. Much Greek Mythology is based on them. This was the reason for the flood - to put a stop to the genetic corruption. Eve's bloodline had to be kept pure for Messiah to appear.

As for:
Ezekial 23:19-20

"Yet she increased her prostitution, remembering the days of her youth when she engaged in prostitution in the land of Egypt. She lusted after their genitals as large as those of donkeys, and their seminal emission was as strong as that of stallions."

There was a second influx of fallen angels to try to prevent the Israelites from taking the Promised Land, and again prevent the birth of Messiah. This explains Goliath. The Israelites killed most of the ones in Canaan, but some must have apparently fled to Egypt.

norslyman's photo
Fri 11/19/10 06:09 PM
It is the scenerio right out of the movie 'Day After Tomorrow'.
It certainly explains a lot of the freaky weather lately.
Winter is coming early worldwide.
We just had an unusually early snow here in MN, and it hasn't melted yet.
At least maybe we can all burn the IRS tax regulation book for heat like in the movie.

norslyman's photo
Fri 11/19/10 06:01 PM


Do you really think the Russians would have let a Chinese sub get that close (it would have had to come from there cause there ain't no way it would have got past the US navy on that side.)

The Chinese are way more subtle than that...

From that distance it would have had to been a 'blind' shot...

Bit hard for a missle to 'lock on' to such a plane unless it was real close.

Well obviously one did get close enough to fire the ICBM off the coast of LA during rush hour traffic (interesting Obama had the ICBM treaty meeting today). Clinton gave the Chinese all sorts of advanced military technology. Also, the Chinese & Ruskies are getting pretty cozy also. They'll team up together against us.

I listened to NPR a lot today and not one peep about the crash. You'd think people would like to know why our newest, most advanced fighter crashed? They are stalling while they come up with some cover story. Like the laughable excuse they gave for the LA ICBM.

norslyman's photo
Thu 11/18/10 07:34 PM
"How blessed will be the one who seizes and dashes your little ones against the rock," (Psalm 137:9).

Critics often bring up this verse as an attack on the validity of the Bible. But, does the Bible teach that it is okay to kill children? The answer, of course, is no it doesn't. But we must ask what the Psalmist was saying and why he was saying it.

The context of Psalm 137 is the Babylonian captivity. The Psalmist speaks of the captors tormenting the people of God (vv. 1-3), a promise to remember Jerusalem (vv. 5-6), and a curse against the captors (vv. 7-9).

The Psalmist is in exile and had probably witnessed the atrocities committed against his people, babies included. In the revenge-style that was so common at the time, he wishes the same upon his enemy as a description of their utter destruction. Nowhere does it say that God approves of the Psalmist’s request or that he fulfilled it. Just because it is recorded that the Psalmist wrote the imprecation, doesn’t mean it was approved by God.

It is worth noting that the Old Testament records many atrocities. The fact is that God allowed people their sinful desires and he worked within their culture, even as he does now, as he permits all kinds of bad things to happen. "
'Crushing testicles' and castration was a pagan practice to show devotion to some deity.

'Eating of children' actually occured during the seige of Jerusalem due to famine. Something Jeremiah warned them would happen, those who heeded his warning escaped.

norslyman's photo
Thu 11/18/10 07:06 PM
The link I posted, scroll down to red alert.

norslyman's photo
Thu 11/18/10 07:01 PM

They are very unhappy about the Fed's 'quantitative easing' , they and the rest of the world see it as a 'currency war'.

So they fired off a sub-launched ICBM missile off the coast of LA while Obamanation was enroute to G-20 talks.

Has that same sub now shot down an F-22?
Did it also shoot down a Canadian fighter?

norslyman's photo
Wed 03/03/10 12:45 PM
You should check out this website:
Author of this book is Christian Wilde, do a search on his name.

Also, Im in a Network Marketing Company called StemTech.
Their NATURAL product increases the bodies own production by up to 30%. A lot cheaper than 30,000. It just takes a few months for production to start.

The revolution is already going on. We don't have to wait for science and the embryonic issue can be avoided. God put everything we need into nature.

This IS the future of medicine.

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