Community > Posts By > norslyman

norslyman's photo
Wed 01/14/09 05:57 PM

Fake Jews? What or who are you speaking of? Jews in Revelations is a relative term used for the angels of light that preach a false evangel..If that is what you are refering to.. Blessings...Miles

bigsmile Excellent question Miles.bigsmile

happy I was wondering the same thinghappy

You will have to forgive this guy for using the name Jesus, but I basically agree. There are lots of ways to end up being called a Jew. I wonder if Yamin agrees??

It would be well for every Christian to remember that the word JEW has four distinct meanings in the Scriptures:

1 - A DESCENDANT OF JUDAH - an ethnic designation. These are a tiny minority among Jewry.
2 - A REMNANT - of those who went into Babylonian captivity and returned under Ezra and Nehemiah to rebuild Jerusalem.

3 - AN INHABITANT OF JUDEA - a geographical designation.

4 - A PERSON WHO FOLLOWS THE TALMUDIC RELIGION OF JUDAISM - These can be of any race. They developed a corrupt religion in Jerusalem, (see 2 Kings 17:32-34) - "So they feared the Lord, and made unto themselves of the lowest of them priests of the high places, which sacrificed for them in the houses of the high places. They feared the Lord (doesn't say they served Him) and served their own gods, AFTER THE MANNER OF THE NATIONS WHOM THEY CARRIED AWAY FROM THENCE. Unto this day they do after the former manner: they fear not the Lord, neither do they after their statutes, or after their ordinances, or after the law and commandment which the Lord commanded the children of Jacob, whom He named Israel." This is a perfect word description of TALMUDIC JUDAISM. For a New Testament description of them, read 1 John 2:22, 23. Isaiah 29:13 says of them: ". . . they have removed their heart far from me, and their fear towards me is taught by the precepts of men." Jesus said of them in Mark 7:13 - "Making the word of God of non-effect through your traditions . . ."

The destiny of the two categories of Jews, the "good" and "bad" figs can be found in Jer. 24-29. The good Hebrews went into Chaldean captivity where God gave them a new heart to serve Him, while the "bad Jews", who were rotten, were never absorbed or assimilated with other nationalities or cultures, but were always able to maintain their "identity as an evil people." In Mal. 1:4, they are called ". . . the border of wickedness, and, the people against whom the Lord hath indignation forever." These people would be driven through all nations and would become a "taunt and a curse" wherever they went. Here is what Jeremiah 8:3 says about them: "And death shall be chosen rather than life by ALL THE RESIDUE OF THIS EVIL FAMILY, which remain in all the places whither I have driven them, saith the Lord of hosts.''
In the 10th Chapter of John's Gospel, we find Jesus delivering a very important message concerning the "sheep of the house of Israel." (See also Matt. 15:24.) Then in John 10:26, He clarifies this by telling the Jewish religious leaders in very clear terms: "But ye believe not, BECAUSE YE ARE NOT OF MY SHEEP. ." Those of Judah and Israel "the whole house of Israel," would follow Him. This is one reason most of His earthly ministry was not in Judea, but in Galilee to the north, where most of the Israel people, such as Lazarus, Mary and Martha lived. In the John 10 discussion, Jesus is using the example of a shepherd and his sheep. In verse 4 He explains how He goes before his sheep and they follow Him because they know His voice. He indicates by His words in vs. 16, I believe, that there will be members of His fold who will not be Israelites: "Other sheep I have, which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd." Then in vs. 19 we find there was a "division therefore again among the Jews (Judeans) for these sayings." The ones who believed Him, like Joseph of Arimathea, were evidently Israelites and those who did not were of Jewry, the Edomite crowd. These were the "fake JEWS (Judeans) who dragged Him to trial and were responsible for His death, the same crowd that tried to kill Him when He was a baby in Bethlehem. Remember, Herod was an Edomite. These people expelled believers from their synagogues John 9:22, and were the "fake chosen" who tried to kill Him in John 10:31. These are the same one's who have retained their devil's religion (Talmudic Phariseeism) until this day. (See John 8:42-47; Acts 13:45.)

In Jesus time, these Jews had already nullified the word of God through their heathen traditions (Matt. 15:9) - "In vain do they (Jews) worship me (God), teaching for doctrines the commandments of men." The Jewish rabbis who wrote the Talmud said that God consulted them, when He had a decision to make. It was natural that they would reject the Son of God made flesh, (John 1:14.) They had to, in order to maintain their devil's religion.

When they were backed up against the wall in John 19:15 and had to make a decision, these "so-called Jews" asserted: "We have no king but Caesar." If they had been true Israelites, they would have accepted Him as Nathaniel did in John 1:47-49. (See also 43:15, 21; Isa. 44:8.)

In 21:41, where Jesus had just finished telling the Parable of the Nobleman, the Jewish leaders passed judgment on themselves, when they answered His question regarding what the nobleman should do to those rebels who refused to accept the king. They said: "He (Christ) will miserably destroy those wicked men, and will let out His vineyard (Kingdom) unto other husbandmen, which shall render him the fruits in their season." They knew who He was; they recognized Him as such and they knew they were the evil, deceitful husbandmen who were about to kill the King's Son and heir.

Titus 1:13; 14; 1 Timothy 1:4; 4:7; Acts 3:23 and 2 Peter 1:16, all substantiate my claim that JUDAISM was and still is, a false religion. According to Jewish authorities today. the JUDAISM of today, is the PHARISEEISM of the time of Jesus, unchanged. The Prophet Isaiah predicted that the name of the JEWS would be left as a curse to true Israel and that even their facial characteristics would be such that it would be a witness against them: "And ye (JUDAH) shall leave your name for a curse unto my chosen (Israel); for the Lord God shall slay thee (compare with Luke 19:27) and CALL HIS SERVANTS BY ANOTHER NAME (Christian.)" In 3:9, Isaiah said: "The show of their countenance doth witness against them; and they declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not . . ." The Jew is proud of his evil works, he brags about his control of the abortion clinics, the liquor and dope industry, his control of prostitution and pornography.

In 1 Thess. 2:14, 15 we find the Apostle Paul condemning the Jewish pattern of behavior and in verse 15 saying: "They please not God and are contrary to ALL men."

It is interesting to note, that God will use the heathen nations of the world, who are not really free agents, since they operate under his control, for the purpose of chastising His people Israel. These heathen will be sent against a hypocritical people whose motto is "In God we trust!" and who sing about Christ being their King, and who put huge signs which proclaim: "JESUS IS LORD OF THIS CITY!" while the city council votes for equal rights for Sodomites and the people tolerate abortion clinics in the city limits, and filthy, Jew produced films in their theatres. This chastisement will be used to cleanse our Israel people and it will be harsh. We have brought it on ourselves. The present troubles in America, are Christian-Israel made. We are responsible for them, not the Jews, not the aliens who have poured across our borders, but ISRAELITES. Read carefully Isaiah 10:5, 6 and see how Assyria was used to discipline Israel. Notice what will happen to Israel when they repent and turn to their God (Isaiah 54:14 - "In righteousness shalt thou be established; thou shalt be far from oppression; for thou shalt not fear: and from terror; for it shall not come nigh thee." Then a furtherance of this promise is vs. 17 -"No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn (Hebrew - "rasha" meaning: "to declare wrong.") This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord (Israel), and their righteousness is in me saith the Lord." Isa. 60:3 predicts that ". . . the Gentiles (nations of the world) shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising." Isaiah 61:9 "And their (Israel's) seed shall be known among the Gentiles (nations or people), and their offspring among the people: all that see them (Israel) shall acknowledge them, that they are the seed which the Lord hath blessed." This was true of America, a few years ago, when Americans were welcomed around the world and when we were looked up to as an example for others. Now, because of Israel's backsliding, we are the "laughing stock" of these same people and will become their "door mats," unless we return to our God in repentance.

These promises, and many others, were made to "true Israel," they were never made to the "bad figs" that are called JEWS. In fact Jesus said of the "bad fig tree" in Matthew 21:19 - "Let no fruit grow on thee henceforth FOREVER." (Emphasis added.)

In 2 Chron. 6:16, "true Israel" is called the "Temple of God," while in Rev. 2:9; 3:9, the "false JEW" is called "the synagogue of Satan."

Most of our evangelical and fundamentalist theologians assume that the modern Jews are JUDAH; they assume that one day they will all be saved when they accept Christ as their Messiah and that 144,000 of them will assume an evangelistic role and go out into a world, where the Holy Spirit has been withdrawn, and save multitudes. Yet these same preachers say that people cannot be saved without the wooing of the Holy Spirit. How contradictory they are! For the most part, these men have completely lost sight of true Israel; those who disappeared into Assyrian captivity and were finally brought to their APPOINTED PLACE IN THE NEW WORLD.

Let me digress for a few paragraphs, to show you how we know America is the APPOINTED PLACE of 2 Samuel 7:10. There are a few Scriptural clues that are never used by the Identity detractors. Isaiah 41:18-20 gives a description of this new land. "I will open rivers in high places, and fountains in the midst of valleys: I will make the wilderness a pool of water, and the dry land springs of water." This has been done in Palestine on a small scale. But our detractors never want to look at America and see what God hath wrought here. Go to southern California and Arizona, look at areas which a few years ago were nothing but desert and see how they are now producing the food which feeds the world. Vs. 19 - "I (God) will plant in the wilderness the cedar, the ****tah tree, and the myrtle, and the oil tree; I will set in the desert the fir tree, and the pine, and the box tree together." Note the type of trees which will be found in this wilderness area. The "oil tree" which Strong's Concordance (8081) says is the ''pine;'' ''the fir tree, with the cypress'', (1265) and most interesting of all, the ''box'' tree (8391). Why is this of interest? Because there are only two places in the world where these trees grow. In Lebanon, where they are almost extinct, and on the west coast of the United States, where our "giant redwood - identical to the "Cedars of Lebanon" were planted by God, for His people, some over 5,000 years ago. It staggers the imagination.

norslyman's photo
Wed 01/14/09 03:37 PM
Here's something I've found at, bunch of names you could google.

Eleanor White's
Hall of Heroes

Freedom's Angel: Dr. Rauni Kilde, formerly the Chief Medical Officer for Lapland (Northern Finland), is one of our bravest professional supporters. She was given an award from CAHRA for her appearance on a now-unavailable TV show by Transmedia Productions in London, England. Dr. Kilde has been harassed constantly since speaking out, and travels the world lecturing on covert government crimes including electronic harassment, organized stalking, and mind control which is part of electronic harassment.

In 1971, stolen FBI files exposed the government's domestic spying and harassment of citizens program. The break-in by still anonymous anti- citizen harassment and brutalization activists took place on March 8, 1971. After more than a decade of people innocent of any crime having their lives ruined by criminals working for the FBI, and at extreme personal risk, these activists broke into the Media, Pennsylvania FBI office and stole documents proving the FBI was responsible for numerous criminal acts. The candle above represents the heroic shining of light into the darkest recesses of government crime, this one called COINTELPRO.

The Washington Post broke the first story on March 24, 1971.

This is a stepping stone of profound significance in the fight to expose current day version of COINTELPRO, the continuing ruination of lives of innocent citizens by way of organized stalking and electronic harassment.

God bless and keep those brave anonymous activists!

Canadian Member of Parliament David van Orlikow essentially blew the lid off a horrifying involuntary experimentation atrocity initiated by the U.S. government, with participation by the Government of Canada, resulting in the Church Committee hearings in the early 1970s. This program was MKULTRA, and involved 149 sub-projects covering far more than the popularized "LSD trips". David's wife Velma fell into the clutches of arch-criminal psychiatrist "Dr." Ewen Cameron, who severely damaged Velma's life at McGill University.

The Orlikow's revelations resulted in a successful law suit against the CIA on behalf of many victims of these Nazi-like atrocities. Gradually, a few of the victims are being compensated, an another major step towards exposing current-day organized stalking and electronic harassment, essentially "MKULTRA in the home," was accomplished largely thanks to the van Orlikow's efforts.

Perpetrator Children Who Refuse a Life of Crime
On some occasions, organized stalking and electronic harassment targets will be able to observe their harassers as the harassers go about their lives, outside of their harassment operations. OS/EH has been growing since the COINTELPRO and MKULTRA days, and the perpetrators are observed to be multi- generational.

In some of these family harassment operations, OS/EH targets have observed that some of the harasser family children have opted out of the "family business." These opted-out children have in fact chosen the life of targets.

I honour these children who chose doing what's right over a comfortable career in harassing others. Their heroism is on a par with eastern bloc citizens who resisted their communist opressors. May God bless, uplift, and reward these perpetrator children who have chosen a very difficult life, over one of crime.

Greg Szyzmanski, heroic journalist at the level of reporter Victor Riesel (blinded by acid as a result of his exposing organized crime activity.) Greg is the first journalist to consistently and diligently conduct a GENUINE investigation of organized stalking, electronic harassment, and the crimes which made today's OS/EH possible, government mind control and dissent suppression programs like MKULTRA and COINTELPRO. God bless and stay close beside you, Greg!

Like Rachel Corrie, Malachi Ritscher was an activist who gave his all for his cause - in this case, protesting the slaughter of over a million innocent Iraqis based on outright lies which started the U.S. invasion of Iraq. As a result, a literal horror story awaits the living Iraqi people as the result of tons of "depleted" uranium dust spread so thickly in their landscape from U.S. ammunition that it will kill them and their children slowly, painfully, by cancer and birth defects, for the next 4 million years.

On November 3, 2006, in Chicago, Illinois, USA, Malachi Ritscher immolated himself, dying a horrifyingly painful death for atrocities ignored by the media and most people. His story did not get media attention.

From his suicide note: "... if I am required to pay for your barbaric war, I choose not to live in your world. I refuse to finance the mass murder of innocent civilians, who did nothing to threaten our country ..."

U.S. Army First Lieutenant Ehren Watada, in June 2006, refused orders to deploy to Iraq. He said: "My participation will make me party to war crimes."

"I feel that we have been lied to and betrayed by this administration. It is the duty, the obligation of every soldier, and specifically the officers, to evaluate the legality, the truth behind every order including the order to go to war."

This brave young officer faces court martial for telling the truth. May he serve as an example for all who respect truth, freedom and justice.

U.S. Army Sergeant Kevin Benderman wrote: "Having watched and observed life from the standpoint of a soldier for 10 years of my life, I always felt there was no higher honor than to serve my country and defend the values that established this country. My family has a history of serving this country dating back to the American Revolution, and I felt that to continue on in that tradition was the honorable thing to do."

With this background, and having served in Iraq, Sgt. Benderman refused a second deployment, as he felt the Iraq invasion, based on knowingly false "intelligence" about an alleged Iraq "weapons of mass destruction" program, was immoral.

U.S. Army Specialist Michael New's web site, speaking about his decade-long legal battle, reports: "10 October 1995, the day his unit was supposed to be in formation in the U.N. uniforms, Michael showed up in his regulation U.S. Army uniform." However, some 549 U.S. Army soldiers did show up in formation, wearing a United Nations emblem on their baby-blue caps and U.N. patches on their right shoulders! Michael was immediately removed from the parade ground, where he was informed that he would be facing a court-martial. He was read his rights. And this began the chain of events that continues sending shock waves around the country and the world."

At issue is whether U.S. servicemen, who have sworn to uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, compels them to serve under a flag other than that of the United States. Michael New has lost a number of legal challenges, however, this may reflect more on a justice system increasingly ignoring the U.S. Constitution, than the law as set down in the Constitution.

BRAVE POLICE OFFICERS, who have stated to targets of organized stalking and electronic harassment that their departments are aware of organized stalking, and are actually under official orders to IGNORE complaints of multiple perpetrator stalking and electronic harassment. I pray their colleagues will increasingly step forward and break the decades-long silence.

Dr. Doug Rokke, formerly in charge of the U.S. Army's (NOT) "depleted" uranium weapons cleanup in Iraq, has become a very public activist who has the credentials to tell the "depleted" uranium story LIKE IT IS. Dr. Rokke's on-site work in Iraq has resulted in his getting cancer from exposure to DU several times. Some of his co-workers have died from exposure to DU residue (dust form). DU has a half life of 4 BILLION years, and the suffering of Iraqi civilians has ONLY BEGUN. Ditto for the Balkan countries. Thousands of TONS of DU ammunition have been expended to date, and there is no way to get the dust cleaned up, and no way to extract it from the lungs, once inhaled.

Ohio high school coach Dave Daubenmire, former green beret Lt Col James "Bo" Gritz and 45 others including children were ARRESTED at the Woodside Hospice in Pinellas Park, Florida, between March 18 - 31, 2005, for the CRIME of trying to get WATER to government mandated torture victim Terri Schindler. Dying patients who are denied water to hasten death are allowed ice chips in their mouths to ease the pain caused by denial of water. Terri's "guardian", adulterous "husband" michael schiavo denied even the comfort of ice chips as Terri took two weeks to die of thirst. This, after denying even brushing her teeth or letting her window shade being lifted for a DECADE before her death.

Terri was NOT terminally ill - she suffered from brain damage, the cause of which may have been foul play on the part of michael.

The day before Terri died, she LIFTED HER ARM in RECOGNITION of two old friends who visited her during her judicially mandated execution. Stories that Terri was vegetative are outright LIES, and the LYING MEDIA are every bit as responsible for this government torture as are michael and criminal judge george greer, whose torture order was illegal by Florida and federal law.

The first two who attempted to get water to Terri reported she was wide awake and, even as the police rushed to wrench them out of Terri's room, Terri clearly recognized they were there to give her water. This is one of the most horrible cases of government torture of an innocent citizen in human history!

Those 47 people who tried to relieve Terri's suffering are GENUINE HEROES!

Rachel Corrie was the 24-year old woman who stood up against the oppressive government bulldozing of Palestinian homes in Israel. She gave her life voluntarily, standing fast as a government bulldozer ran over her, for the cause of human rights. I only hope on my best day I can be one one-millionth the activist she was! (Note: I consider her a hero as an *activist*. This posting is in NO WAY a comment on the Israeli-Palestinian issue.)

Gary Webb was a California-based journalist who exposed major government crimes, for example, U.S. intelligence services being involved with importing and sales of illegal drugs, apparently to finance "black operations." In 2004, Mr. Webb was found to have "committed suicide" by TWO gunshots to the BACK of his head. You figure that out. As a target of government- ignored and possibly government backed harassment, I consider journalists of Gary Webb's caliber heroes of the highest order.

Russian scientist, Dr. Igor Smirnov, is widely known for his work in subliminal influencing and character assessment using subliminal stimuli, in short, in "mind control." After losing his funding from the post-Soviet Russian government, Dr. Smirnov received visits from Russian organized crime asking for technology to help their unethical/illegal business ventures. Dr. Smirnov REFUSED!

Von Stauffenberg, Claus Philip Schenk (1907-1944) was the youngest of three sons of one of the oldest and most distinguished South German families. As a German Colonel, he placed the bomb at Hitler's "Lair" at Rastenburg, Poland which nearly killed the consummately evil dictator. Would definitely be fighting with us if alive today.

Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a Lutheran minister before and throughout World War II in Hitler's Germany. He absolutely refused to allow any trappings of the Nazi state in or on his church, and refused to preach Nazi praises or doctrine from his pulpit. He managed to survive through most of the war, being hanged just one month before the end of the war. This man was a genuine CHRISTIAN, and would, if alive today, not be telling organized stalking and electronic harassment sufferers to stop bothering him, as has happened with all "Christian" organizations to which we have appealed for help.

Raoul Wallenberg, (1912-1947), Swedish diplomat who walked right past Nazi troops loading death camp trains, passed Swedish identity papers to more than 20,000 Jews and successfully rescued them, at extreme risk to his life. Wallenberg was captured and imprisoned by Soviet troops at the end of the war on false spy charges, and died in captivity. No doubt, this hero would be helping us if he were alive.

John Brown was an American Civil War hero, who made the cause of freeing the slaves a personal crusade, for which he ultimately paid with his life at Harper's Ferry, Virginia. Although his business and family ventures were a shambles, he never wavered in his fight for true freedom. He was an activist ahead of his time who would, if alive today, be one of the most outspoken against organized stalking and electronic harassment atrocities.

Conductor Levi Coffin, and the others, of the American Underground Railroad.

Conductor (participating home owner) Levi Coffin, of Fountain City, Indiana, provided food, shelter, and a safe house (his own), just as thousands of other Underground Railroad heroes did prior to the Civil War. These conductors risked their lives helping black slaves succeed in reaching free states and Canada. Armed fugitive slave hunters scoured the northern territories, and there was always the risk of legal action against them.

These conductors sacrificed immense amounts of money funding their safe houses, and two-horse wagons to move the fugitive slaves at night through the very rough conditions of the pre-Civil War United States, in all seasons.

Any time I think I have it rough as a target of organized stalking and electronic harassment, I only have to think of the heroes of the underground railroad, along with the heroes of anti-Nazi and anti- Soviet resistance.

For anyone who knows American history, Captain Nathan Hale, the school teacher in civilian life, needs no introduction. This brave young man, with promise of a life and a career, and before he was hanged, said "I regret that I have but one life to give for my country."

Would only God let his spirit walk among us who struggle now to take back the freedom that government secrecy, and covered up government crime have stolen from current and all future generations, until this rot at the very core of formerly democratic nations is exposed and purged.

norslyman's photo
Wed 01/14/09 03:26 PM


The reason Yamin probably doesn't refer to herself as a Christian is because it was a term first used by the Romans in a very derogatory manner. Kind of like calling someone a "nigger". It is a name that stuck. I would prefer to call myself a "believer". I think a lot of early church here called "people of the way".


This is not the reason why I do not refer to myself as a xtian. It is not because some despicable white person(s) has referred to some African American people or any people with such a derogatory term as such. Maybe you say this because this gives you a way to show your true hypocritical self. You even have the audacity to show your ugly face on this site with your ugly terms to try and justify my reasons for not referring myself as a xtian. If you want to know then just simply you ask, or maybe you dont refer yourself as a christian to disassociate yourself from the term white devil,simply because the early christians committed many horrific unmerciful murders.


:smile: :heart: :smile:

Sorry, I was making an assumption. And you know what happens when you assume - Make an ass of you and me.:smile:

I brought up the N word purely for comparitive reasons.

I've got to admit, xtian is a new one for me. I'm clueless.

"White devils"? I would say that the sons of Cain would fit this description. Cain was "literally" the son of the devil. Also the Edomites - the sons of Esau. He cared nothing for the things of Yah and wanted a bowl of soup. I believe the Edomites are the "fake" Jews. Would you agree?
I like your style.flowerforyou

norslyman's photo
Wed 01/14/09 02:40 PM
What they are doing in the movies and TV is "programming" us to accept all this stuff as perfectly normal. Who can deny that ALL TV and movies are getting darker and more occult. It used to be that horror movies would only come out during Halloween, now they come out year round.

"Fringe" on Fox is a good example. Sure they did some crazy experiments in the 60's. But now the mad scientist is righting all his wrongs and he's as harmless and absent-minded as a teddy bear.

"Heroes". Who wouldn't want to go to the secret corporation and get the formula to obtain the super-powers. Looks so cool!glasses

"My Own Worst Enemy". Looks like a take off of the Bourne Identity movies. Sure he's under mind-control, but he's a family man and functions just fine in society. We need people like him to protect us.

And on the subject of movies, let me bring up a favorite of mine - "The Three Amigo's". For all you scoffers, you are like Chevy Chase and Steve Martin, riding around and laughing thinking this is all just some big game. :banana:
Then the villian El Guopo says "I like these guys, these are funny guys, just kill one of them."
A bandito fires and hits Steve Martin in the arm, he falls off his horse.tears
Chevy Chase walks over and checks the guys gun "Wait a minute! Just what I thought! Real bullets! Your using real bullets!"rant
He sheepishly walks back over to Steve Martin.
"IT's real. This is real"sad
The Three Amigo's jump on their horses and run for the hills.

I don't know what it's going to take to convince some of you people that they're using REAL BULLETS! frustrated
Maybe when a family member dies of cancer or gets some disease.
Maybe when you lose your job or house.
Maybe when YOU get sick.
Maybe it won't be until you get dragged off to the FEMA camps.
But they are using REAL weapons against us. Whether pschyological warfare or biological.
The plagues probably aren't too far off.

We all have our own El Guopo's in life to face. Mine just happens to be insane Illuminati Elite sicko's who want to rule the world.:wink:

norslyman's photo
Wed 01/14/09 11:05 AM
Here are some more movies:

Order Here

“HOODWINKED: Watching Movies With
Eyes Wide Open”
The Best Politically Incorrect Movie Reviews Ever Published!
What do they want you to believe after you’ve spent two hours in the dark watching a movie?

This is the premise of each of the movie reviews in Hoodwinked: Watching Movies With Eyes Wide Open by Uri Dowbenko, one of America’s foremost alternative media analysts.

From The Matrix to Wag the Dog, Dowbenko deconstructs the movies and explains the hidden meanings of Hollywood’s greatest hits.

Sex. Death. Violence. Conspiracy. The real agenda of the movies is explained in Hoodwinked, a challenging new collection of movie reviews.

“Excellent -- well written, interesting and thoughtful,” writes Katherine A. Searcy, Executive Editor, Creators Syndicate about this collection of politically incorrect reviews by Uri Dowbenko, author of the widely acclaimed Bushwhacked: Inside Stories of True Conspiracy.

Hoodwinked is an exciting and challenging crash course in understanding the truth behind popular movies. Contents include: Poli Sci Fi (Political Science Fiction); Illuminati, Mind Control and Other PsyOps; Into the Mystic; Secrets and Lies of History; Pop Idolatry: Sex & Death and Other Games and Government-Business (Scams) As Usual.

If you want to find out about the hidden meaning of movies, read Hoodwinked: Watching Movies with Eyes Wide Open.

URI DOWBENKO is one of Alternative Media’s foremost writers and media analysts and the author of Bushwhacked: Inside Stories of True Conspiracy. A distinctive voice of modern American journalism, he is also the founder of Alternative Media websites: Conspiracy, Al Martin, Steamshovel, and Conspiracy He works as a professional media consultant in marketing and publishing.

I. Poli-Sci-Fi (Political Science Fiction)
The Matrix: Sci Fi, Metaphysics, and Soul Liberation
Minority Report: Spielberg’s Psychic Dictatorship
The Postman: Reluctant Hero Delivers Hope
Solaris: Life Is A Trance
Soldier: Future Cannon Fodder Goes High-Tech
Signs: Mel Gibson Loses His BS (Belief System)
The Sixth Day: Downtown Atlantis Revisited
Starship Troopers: Teenage Fascists Battle Giant Bugs
The Truman Show’: Storming the Reality Studio
The X-Files: When Conspiracies Collide
II. Illuminati, Mind Control and Other PsyOps
Arlington Road: The Terrorist Next Door
Blade: Secrets of the Illuminati
Conspiracy Theory: Deconstructing Hidden History
Dark Angel: The Threat of Digital Slavery
Disturbing Behavior: Mind Control High School
Fight Club: Secrets of Janus Programming
The General’s Daughter: PsyOps and the Military Career Criminal
Hannibal: Necrophilia Chic
The Skulls: Secrets of the New World Orderlies
Snake Eyes: Deconstructing an Assassination
X-Men: Psychic Warfare and the Mind Control Enigma
III. Into the Mystic
Alien Resurrection: Biotech Nightmare from Hell
Bless the Child: Spiritual Warfare Illustrated
City of Angels: Falling in Love, Falling from Heaven
Contact: Looking for God In All the Wrong Places
The Devil’s Advocate: Leading Us into Temptation
Dogma: Fallen Angels on Earth
The Faculty: Invasion of the Astral Parasites
Fairy Tale: For Believers Only
What Dreams May Come: Life, Death and Beyond
IV. Secrets and Lies of History
Amistad: Spielberg Does Porno – Again
Blow: Bad Karma - Why CIA Dopers Beat the Independents
Collateral Damage: The Truth is the First Victim
****: Clueless at Watergate
From Hell: Masonic Ritual Murders a/k/a Jack the Ripper
The Patriot: Don’t Tread on Me -- Or Else
Saving Private Ryan’: Spielberg’s War Is Just Schmaltz and Gore
Seven Years in Tibet Before the Chinese Holocaust
Summer of Sam: Sex, Drugs and the “Lone Nut” Killer
Three Kings: Flirting with Bush’s War
Traffic: How the Drug War Was Lost
V. Pop Idolatry: Sex & Death and Other Games
As Good As It Gets: Romance Management
The Big Lebowsky: Bowling Stone Comedy
Jackie Brown: Tarantino Running on Empty
Kill Bill: Disney’s Bloody Gore Fest
L.A. Confidential: Film Noir Masterpiece
Magnolia: Bad Karma Ranting
The Man in the Iron Mask: More Wickedness in High Places
Payback: Sadism! Gratuitous Violence! And Mel Gibson!
Ronin: Aging Spooks Fighting It Out
Rounders: Haute Poker Nights
Star Wars: Episode I -- The Phantom Menace: All Hype. No Heart.
There’s Something About Mary: Gross-Out Comedy about Love & Obsession
Wild Things: Sex, Lies and Trashy Fun
VI. Government-Business (Scams) As Usual
A Civil Action: Corporate Criminals Rule
Boiler Room: Reach Out & Scam Someone
Bulworth: The Politically Incorrect Politician
The Corruptor: Dirty Cops Just Wanna Have Fun
Confidence: One Nation Under Fraud
Enemy of the State: Federal Police State(s) of America
The Insider: Big Media Rules
Mercury Rising: Feds in Wolves Clothing
The Peacemaker: Making the World Safe for Globalism
Primary Colors: A $65 Million Commercial for Clinton
The Rainmaker: Southern Fried Flotsam and Grisham
The Siege: PsyOps Movie Prepares U.S. For Martial Law
Swordfish: How to Steal a Government Slush Fund
Tomorrow Never Dies: Mass Media Moguls -- The Perfect Villain
Wag the Dog: How to Manipulate the Media


norslyman's photo
Wed 01/14/09 10:57 AM
First of all, let me be clear. I'm not the author of that article. I thought I had copied the authors name or website.

I make a public apology to Wallace. I'm pretty new around here. All I saw was your post about Schizophrenia. I know very little about you.

I had just seen the movie "Butterfly Effect" the other night, knew it was about mind control, and googled :movies, mind control, mk ulta. I found this article. And I'd heard this guy interviewed before and knew he was a good researcher.

Then warmachine had a post in current events ( I would urge everbody to see it) VETS SUE GOV. Similar topic, so I decided to post this.

This is all coincedence. I would ask everbody to be very respectful of Wallace's feelings. I think this PROVES how real this stuff really is.

I would ask all the Christians to pray for Wallace. All the others to send "positive vibes" or whatever you consider prayer to be.


norslyman's photo
Tue 01/13/09 05:19 PM
Here are some more crimes our loving, Vatican, Nazi infiltrated government are guilty of.:heart:

Anna Nicole, Britney, and Mind Control

Could it be that what we are witnessing in our top pop stars recently is the result of trauma-based mind-control? Have the Monarch mind-controlled slaves gone wild? Anna Nicole mysteriously dies, Britney shamelessly shaves herself bald, Astronaut Lisa Nowak sets off on a mission of doom in diapers; what is going on!?
There is a program so grim, its aspects are difficult to talk about. I am referring to Satanic Ritual Abuse. It is widespread and goes to the upper echelons of the world's rulers. Most Americans won't believe that mind control is going on in the "homeland." Well, it is. Many of the rituals and methods employed in the mind control projects are inspired by the ancient mystery schools; blood and sex rituals to the god and goddess. From ancient Babylon to Nazi Germany and on into America, trauma-based mind control has been the modus operandi of the Illuminati.
The idea that a butterfly's wings might create tiny changes in the atmosphere that ultimately cause a tornado is called the "Butterfly Effect". The flapping wing represents a small change in the initial condition of the system, which causes a chain of events leading to large-scale phenomena. What unseen trigger set these latest pop star phenomena into motion?
The movie "The Butterfly Effect", starring Kabbalist Ashton Kutcher, is a recipe for trauma-based mind-control. Rape, murder and child pornography are just a few of the concepts presented in this AOL Time Warner production. In the film, Ashton's character, Evan, is passed genes from his father that give him the ability to go back in time. The MKUltra mind-control project known as "Monarch" is so named because the Monarch butterfly learns where it was born (its roots) and it passes this knowledge via genetics on to its offspring. The Monarch program is based upon Illuminati and Nazi goals to create a master race in part through is important that parents be found that can pass the correct knowledge onto those victims selected for the Monarch mind-control.
The Illuminati Formula Used To Create An Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave
Child prostitute rings, human slavery, and bloody ritual sacrifice are used everyday by those in power. Few have escaped the grasp of this dark force to bring forth this knowledge; the Mother Goddesses themselves, Cathy O'Brien and Arizona Wilder are two made popular through the works of Fritz Springmeier, Cisco Wheeler and David Icke. They tell us that, most victims of Monarch come from broken homes that usually involves sexual abuse. The Illuminati seek parents that are pedophiles. They want fathers that will abuse baby girls. The handlers program the children with the expectation that they will be "thrown from the freedom train" when they get to age 30. They own you, and when they are done, they kill you. Could our leading stars be part of an Illuminati Satanic Ritual Cult that eats babies for Moloch? The idea is not as far out as it seems. The truth is, this is the more likely reality.

"The people have been hoodwinked for thousands of years. Hoodwinked about their history, hoodwinked about who they really are and the true nature of life. Hoodwinked about the true background and Agenda of those they have allowed to rule them. How apt, therefore that this word should also derive from Freemasonry. Dr. Albert Mackey, the 33rd degree Freemason and foremost Freemason historian of the 19th century, defined the term 'hoodwinked' in his Encyclopedia of Freemasonry as: A symbol of secrecy, silence and darkness, in which the mysteries of our art should be preserved from the unhallowed gaze of the profane.

The human race has indeed been hoodwinked." David Icke Biggest Secret

After checking out of Eric Clapton's Crossroads Centre (named after Robert Johnson's deal with the devil) Britney Spears walked into Esther's Hair Salon and said, "I want my hair shaved off." "While I was talking to her body guard," hair-stylist, Esther Tognozzi said, "she grabbed the buzzer and started buzzing her own hair off. … She buzzed off all her own hair and I just cleaned it up when she was done with it." Spears showed little emotion as she chopped off her brunette locks.
After leaving the salon, Spears headed to the Body & Soul tattoo parlor in nearby Sherman Oaks, Calif. She got two tattoos there, a black, white and pink cross on her hip and "cute little lips on her wrist".
When a Body & Soul employee looked at the pop star in disbelief and asked why she shaved her head, Spears said, "I don't want anyone touching me. I'm tired of everybody touching me,"
"The hair represents the stylists, the handlers, people who are in control of her life and manage her looks,"
Coincidentally, Britney's first tattoo was of a butterfly with a vine, symbolic of the genealogy of the Monarch(y) program. This was followed by a black pentagram and one of the 72 Kabbalistic Hebrew names of God, which is said to have been misspelled.
Another striking coincidence is that in 1998, a large, sinister child-pornography network called the Wonderland Club, named after the "patron saint of pedophiles" Lewis Carrol, was raided in 22 states and 13 foreign countries; over 200 people were involved. It was reported that over 1250 children had been offered up by their own parents and that the photos and videos showed many who had suffered appalling injuries and were seen sobbing uncontrollably. Most of the children were under 10. Disney star and "anti-panty" friend of Britney, Lindsay "Al Gore will help me" Lohan checked into the posh Wonderland Center in Los Angeles last month.
When Arizona Wilder wanted to escape her handlers in the Satanic cult, the Mothers of Darkness, where she held the position of ritual Mother Goddess, she cut off her hair and dyed it brown, then defiled her body. The order wants their high slaves to be pristine. Arizona has presided over blood rituals that included personalities such as, the British royal family, George Bush, Henry Kissenger, Hillary Clinton, Rothschilds, Hapsburgs, Bob Hope, and Rupert Murdoch. The Mother Goddess also conducted Satanic ceremonies in France involving Pope John Paul II. Our current Pope, now known as Pope Benedict XVI, was elected on the 116th anniversary of Adolph Hitler's birthday and is none other than former German Nazi Joseph Ratzinger.
Most of the bloodlines of the elite are kept hidden, such as Hitler's connections with the Rothchilds, Bush's connection to Crowley and Walt Disney, the Dark Prince. "Uncle" Walt was a bastard child that grew up in an abusing home. Much like Hitler's mother and the Rothchilds, Walt's probable mother, Isabelle, was brought to work at the Disney home as a maid in 1905. Disney became an FBI asset through 33rd degree Freemason, J. Edgar Hoover. Disneyland and Disney World have both been reported as being used in what Springmeier calls "Princess Programing" to create high level sex slaves.
The main topic at the studio by the staff during different time periods was Walt’s bizarre behavior-- he would not be available until late afternoon, when he would emerge from the studio’s subterranean maze of tunnels, where supposedly he was “chatting with the maintenance engineers” everyday.
Now, what are the odds that three ex-Mouseketeers have made so many high profile symbolic gestures? Behind Disney’s good front, seems to lie hard porn, snuff films, white slavery, Illuminati mind-control, and the seduction of several generations into witchcraft. This puts a whole new spin on the essence behind Pinocchio.

Britney had just been at the Grammy's with fellow Mouseketeers, Christina Aguilera, and Justin Timberlake, along with Prince and Madonna. Each of these Mouseketeers have been in a high profile occult ritual; one at the Mtv Awards and one at the Super Bowl.
Top CBS executives approved a musical skit where Janet Jackson would expose her breast during the MTV-produced Super Bowl half-time concert, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned. "The decision to go forward went to the very top of the network," a well-placed source explained from New York. The groundbreaking scene came during the most-watched television broadcast of the year. During half-time at the 2004 Superbowl, Janet Jackson exposed her nipple ring adorned breast with Justin Timberlake. The nipple ring was a sun, made of gold. This is the ancient symbols of the goddess and god. Venus and Mars, Ishtar and Marduk, Inanna and Utu, whichever you choose to call them, the attributes are the same. You will find the goddess bearing her breast, as in Lady Liberty, and the male is worshiped as the Sun and gold is his metal, while silver is the metal of the goddess and she is worshiped as the moon.

Madonna is in reality a mind-controlled slave who has appeared in numerous underground porn and ritual porn movies; including Madonna performing an actual blood sacrifice. During an Arsenio Hall show, Madonna, who as a guest acted dissociative, was picked up by the cameras during the show kissing her Baphomet ring. In the ritual performed at the MTV Awards, Madonna dressed in a Worshipful Master's top hat, raised the two Mouseketeers, Britney and Christina, to their new level within the order with a lesbian wedding sealed with a kiss.
Britney and Christina opened the VMA show dressed like brides singing Madonna's classic hit "Like a Virgin," which then segued into Madonna's new song "HollyWood" as Madonna stepped out of the wedding cake wearing a modified tuxedo. What ensued was a drag show of sorts in which Madonna was the "groom" and Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera were the virginal brides, culminating in a french-kiss between Madonna and Britney, and then between Madonna and Christina. During the performance Madonna's dominance was clearly established through the body language and interaction between her and Britney and her and Christina. She frequently put her hands on Britney's and Christina's bodies, both possessively and intimately--stroking Britney's face, putting her hand on her Britney's hip, putting her face against Christina's thigh as she pulled the garter off Christina's leg. Madonna, Britney, and Christina weren't playing tender, lovesick lovers, they were playing raunchy, in-lust lovers.The San Francisco Chronicle described the event as Madonna "dressed like a dominatrix bridegroom...french-kissing both Aguilera and Spears like a she-dog marking her territory" When asked, "What does it feel like to be kissed by Madonna?" Spears responded that "this is something I've dreamt about since I was a little girl. I cannot believe this just like freakin' happened. I am on a major high right now. I feel very cool."
Britney was not the first famous female shaved head. She follows the likes of Demi Moore, who had a Kabbalist wedding with Ashton Kutcher, she had her head shaved as part of military trauma-based mind control in the film, G.I. Jane, and Natalie Portman who had her head shaved as part of the trauma-based mind control in the movie V for Vendetta based on the graphic novel by occultist Alan Moore.
Madonna made a midnight pilgrimage to a Jerusalem cemetery , holding a mystical candlelit ceremony at the grave of Kabbalist sage Rabbi Yehuda Ashlag
So affected by her faith in Kabbalah, Madonna felt she must change her name to go with her belief. She has adopted the Hebrew name of Esther. Do you remember the name of Britney's hair salon?
Esther was a Jewish girl who lived with her uncle Mordecai (who adopted the orphaned girl). Esther is derived from Ishtar (Estar), Akkadian for the Evening Star. The Book of Daniel provides accounts of Jews in exile being assigned names relating to Babylonian gods and "Mordecai" is understood to mean servant of Marduk.
The Order of the Eastern Star is the largest fraternal organization in the world that both men and women can join. It was established in 1850 by Robert Morris, a lawyer and educator from Boston, Massachusetts who had been an official with the Freemasons. The emblem of the Order is a five-pointed star. Each of the woman had a place on the star, the downward-pointing, white ray points to the West. This is the place of Esther.
* Adah (Jephthah's daughter, from Judges)
* Ruth, the widow
* Esther, the wife
* Martha (sister of Lazarus, from the Gospel of John)
* Electa (the "elect lady", from II John), the mother
Esther can also be understood to mean "hidden" in Hebrew. Esther is most likely related to the Median word for myrtle, astra.
In his work, The Illuminati Formula Used To Create An Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave under the section titled Trauma. Fritz Springmeier says that many Illuminati mind-controlled victims remember a special ritual torture device that is put inside of them that causes excruciating pain and is most likely made of myrtle or Esther.
Springmeier goes on to state that Zsa Zsa Gabor, Jayne Mansfield, and Marilyn Monroe, who were girlfriends of Anton LaVey (Head of the Church of Satan) and President Kennedy, were Presidential Model mind-controlled sex slaves. Jayne Mansfield was high priestess in the Church of Satan. Anna Nicole wanted to be like Marilyn. Prince Frederick von Anhalt said, “She wanted to be a princess.”
Princess Diana and Playmate Marilyn Monroe both were born on the first of the month and died at the age of 36 in August. They both married on the 29th of the month to men twelve years older. Marilyn called herself the Queen of Diamonds and Diana the Queen of Hearts.
Semiramis (Ishtar) was called the Queen of Heaven (also Rhea), the Virgin Mother of the Gods, and sometimes known as Great Mother Earth. She was also worshipped under the name Astarte 'the woman who made the towers'.
There's no doubt that Crowley had a huge effect on our music industry. All of the people discussed in this article are admited kabbalists; Jimmy Page lived in Crowley's house on the Loch Ness and has the largest collection of the beast's works. Crowley shows up on the Beatles' Sgt. Pepper album and the Scarlet woman is at the bottom. The Rolling Stones play on Occultist/intelligence agent, Ian Fleming's 007 when they announce they are "On Her Majesties Satanic Service." Madonna was the first to step forth and boldly claim she is practicing Kabbalah. Of course, now the name Madonna is equated with a whore Lillith, Thelema, Ishtar.
Serial killer David Berkowitz, known as Son of Sam, wrote of the Satanic group, which orchestrated the killings, in a letter to a minister. He said:
"...this group contained a mixture of Satanic practices, including the teachings of Aleister Crowley and Eliphas Levi. It was blood oriented...The coven's doctrines are a blend of Druidism, teachings of the secret order of the Golden Dawn, black magic, and a host of other unlawful and obnoxious practices...
...Satanists are peculiar people. They aren't ignorant peasants or semi-literate natives. Rather, their ranks are filled with doctors, lawyers, businessmen, and basically highly responsible citizens...They are not a careless group who are apt to make mistakes. But they are secretive and bonded together by a common need and desire to mete out havoc on society. It was Aleister Crowley who said: "I want blasphemy, murder, rape, revolution, anything bad." Programmed To Kill
Aleister Crowley or the Beast 666 is without question, the most influential occultist of the twentieth century. The Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.), a secret society formed in Germany around 1895 that claims to be a direct line of descent from the Knights Templar, became a major force in the occult world when Aleister Crowley became its leader, but his true passion was to continue where the Golden Dawn had left off. In 1906, Crowley joined George Cecil Jones in England, where they set about the task of creating a magical order they called the A:.A:. (Astron Argon or Astrum Argentium or Silver Star), and it became the primary vehicle for the transmission of Crowley's mystical and magical training system of Thelema, the scarlet Woman. Crowley was British military intelligence and a 33rd degree Freemason.
The Knights Templar and the Freemasons are so named because of their association with Solomon's temple. It is said of Solomon:

The king also desecrated the high places that were east of Jerusalem on the south of the Hill of Corruption—the ones Solomon king of Israel had built for Ashtoreth the vile goddess of the Sidonians, for Chemosh the vile god of Moab, and for Molech the detestable god of the people of Ammon. 2 Kings 23:13

British therapist, Vera Diamond, working with people subjected to Satanic and mind control abuse says, "Children say the word satan is used more frequently than any other, but other demons include Baphomet and Behemoth. Molech seems to be one particularly associated with eating babies, and one called Choronzon. These do seem to be associated with eating babies." p299 Biggest Secret

Automobile accidents, drug overdoses, homicides, a plane crash all have claimed the lives of Playmates. The selection of Anna Nicole Smith as a Playboy Playmate in 1992 made her a member of an exclusive sorority; Playmates who have died before their 50th birthday. The causes of Anna Nicole's and her son Daniel's deaths are still unclear.
Daniel Smith, 20, died Sept. 10 in the Bahamian hospital where his mother had given birth four days earlier. Both a private autopsy by Cyril Wecht as well as an autopsy ordered by Bahamas officials had indicated the young man died as a result of a fatal mixture of three prescription drugs. Toxicology reports now being reviewed by Bahamian law enforcement showed the drugs to be eight times the lethal dose, although the results of this review have not been released.

Anna Nicole commissioned a private autopsy from American forensic pathologist Cyril Wecht, who found antidepressants Zoloft and Lexapro, as well as methadone in Daniel's blood. Wecht, determined that substances, also in question, included Benadryl, Sudafed, and a small amount of Ambien, a prescription sleep medication. Wecht said there were trace amounts of a fourth substance. He refused to identify the substance, but said it was "nothing horrible — no venereal disease or leprosy." Wecht stood by his earlier findings that the combination of Zoloft, methadone and Lexapro caused Daniel to suffer cardiac arrhythmia. "I have no question at all about the cause of death," he said. Coincidentally, Wynne-Hughes asked Britney why her white purse had a pink stain on it. She said she had "spilled NyQuil all over it."
American forensic pathologist Wecht has performed analysis in many high-profile cases, such as JonBenet Ramsey who, according to Wilder, was named after the Illuminati's name for the devil, JonBet. Wecht was indicted by a federal grand jury on charges that he misused his position as medical examiner of Allegheny County, Pa., for private gain. The 84-count indictment alleged he traded unclaimed cadavers for lab space for his private practice.
Michael Scott dismissed media reports that Daniel had antidepressants or other drugs in his system. "It's sheer speculation. It's irresponsible speculation, may I point out," he told reporters.
"The devastation and grief over Daniel's sudden death coupled with the sedation has been so extreme that Anna Nicole experienced memory loss of the event," attorney Scott said.
The chief inspector of the Bahamas coroner's office called the death of the 20-year-old Smith "suspicious" and a formal inquiry that could lead to criminal charges was scheduled.
Police also revealed that a third person was in the hospital room at the time of Daniel's death, Howard K. Stern.
Smith's estranged sister Donna Hogan told FOX News Friday that she blames Stern for Smith's death and the death of her nephew, Daniel. She also doubts that Stern is the father of Dannielynn.
"Well we're not sure who the father is," Hogan said. "I don’t believe it's Stern — I don’t care if he is. He is unfit to raise that child. Both family members (Anna and Daniel) are gone — it's always Howard K. Stern there. It's always his name on the drugs or something."
Howard K. Stern, is listed on Dannielynn's birth certificate.

On Thursday February 8th, a private nurse found Anna Nicole Smith unconscious in room 607 at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Hollywood, Fla. and called 911. A bodyguard performed CPR, but Smith was declared dead at a hospital. It is curious that the nurse did not try CPR and left that duty to the body guard. The autopsy found no pills in her stomach, only a small bruise on her back.
"There were no findings that would indicate continuing drug abuse," Perper said. He called the process a "medical puzzle" and said it would take three to five weeks to conclude the investigation.
"I think she had too many drugs, just like Danny (Smith's late son)," her mother, Virgie Arthur, told ABC's "Good Morning America". "I tried to warn her about drugs and the people that she hung around with. She didn't listen."
"We found no illegal drugs, only prescription medicines" in Smith's hotel room said Seminole Police Chief Charlie Tiger. Nothing unusual was observed on hotel surveillance tapes, which are still being reviewed, and there was no evidence to suggest a crime occurred. Another curious note is why did Broward County take over the investigations?
Then the cannibals showed their true nature. In a court case that can only be described as bizarre, Vergie Arthur, Howard K. Stern, and Larry Berkhead, along with 18 lawyers fought over Anna Nicole's remains. Judge Larry Seidlin declared Smith's corpse would stay refrigerated in the medical examiner's office until he said otherwise.
As the proceedings dragged on, police investigated a burglary report in the Bahamas at a mansion that Stern and Smith shared. Stern, who was at the mansion with the officers, claims a computer, home videos and other items were taken from the house after Smith's death.
The strangest character, by far, in this case, is the alleged thief, Mr. Ford Shelley from Myrtle Beach, and what he stole was the best evidence of mind control. The lawyer called, "Texas" brought this witness to the stand, but Shelley didn't seem to help either side. "Texas" is the lawyer working for Virgie's side (the mom) and she wants Anna buried in Texas next to Marilyn Monroe. Shelley said Anna was afraid to return to California because Billy Smith might file a paternity suit. Shelley then told of how he and Anna had become "more than friends." After looking into laws for unwed mothers in the Bahamas, Shelly picked out a house and loaned Anna the money to pay for it. The note mortgage was never filed with the American International Bank and therefore Shelley jests at "delightfully breaking into my own house" for a tape Howard K. Stern filmed in August of '06.
The tape showed Anna Nicole in a toga with clown makeup scrawled bizarrely across her face.
In the words of BJ Berstein, legal analyst, Anna had a "very child-like, haunting voice."
Stern says, "Anna, Anna listen to me."
"Riley thinks you’ve absolutely lost your mind.”
"Huh?" Anna replies.
“Riley thinks you’ve lost your mind.”
“I didn’t lose my mind.”
“She thinks you have.”
“I didn’t.”
"Is this a mushroom trip?" Stern asks.
"What do you mean?" Anna asks like a 4 year old girl.
"I'm kidding."
"What does that mean?"
"I'm kidding."
The scene then cuts to a closer shot of Anna looking like a member of the Insane Clown Posse and
Stern says, "This footage is worth money."
To which the child-like voice replies, "Why? What feetage?"
"This thing you're looking into."
"That's a camera."
Analyst Bernstein says Anna is "clearly intoxicated". Was she? The autopsy shows no sign of drug abuse and no drugs in her stomach after death. This is a clear case of mind-control, but why show it? Who is Mr. Ford Shelley, son-in-law of G. Ben Shelley from Myrtle (remember myrtle?) Beach, South Carolina. Why was he on the stand and why did he have that tape?
When asked how he had gotten the tape, Shelley went off on a narrative to nowhere and the question was never answered The "crazy" Judge Larry Seidlin said, "Ask another question."
The Lawyer "Houston" stated that Howard Stern had made the tape and Shelley said he knew about it because his daughter was on it and Stern wouldn't let her phone to come home. "I'll never forgive you for that." Shelley coldly said to Stern in the courtroom. This inadmissible evidence, for no one could authenticate the tape, was brought in for a reason. How it helped anyone decide where to put Anna Nicole's deteriorating body is beyond understanding. It did however show many people what a mind-controlled slave acts like. The programming begins when the child is very young. Various torture devices are administered and usually violent rape. When the mind-control victim presents its first alter personality, it will be the age the poor chuld was first molested. Anna Nicole was not "clearly intoxicated," she was dissociative. Shelley said, "She was fine when I dropped her off." Anna was 7 months pregnant with her daughter Dannielyn at the time. Shelley also said Anna claimed Berkhead was the father.
The actual bloodline of the infant child, Dannielynn Hope Marshall Stern, is still in question. Hungarian Habsburg Princess Sari (Zsa Zsa) Gabor's husband, Prince Frederick von Anhalt of Germany has now claimed parentage. "If you go back from September, she wasn't with one of those guys, she was with me," von Anhalt, 59, told The Associated Press in an interview.
Russian historical archives confirm that Prince Frederick von Anhalt was born Robert Lichtenberg in 1943 in Berlin, but not to the German Royal House of Anhalt, but rather as a result of the experiments conducted by the Nazi Scientist German Doctor Carl Clauberg, which puts Prince Frederick in the direct bloodline of the Austrian Schicklgruber’s. Schicklgruber is the actual name of Adolph Hitler.
Could Dannielyn be the result of Nazi experiments to resurrect Hitler and bring about what is known as the Moonchild?

(more to come)(If you want more now, watch Illuminati pt 2)
Watch Esoteric Roundtable discussion on Anna Nicole, Britney & Mind Control

Please realize that I posted this article the day Anna was shown in clown make-up in the courtroom. I already had an 8 page story written on this topic when the fateful video was shown. I cut and pasted the important ideas together from the 8 pages to give you the "Cliff Notes" of the story. Even that was 2 pages long. This is not an easy story to explain to those who don't already see.
I haven't even gotten around to pointing out that the clown make up on Anna's face is the flag of Iran. Could it be more ritual? Hmmm. You do remember the meaning of Shock and Awe (shekinah), right?
The story moves into surreality with Britney checking into the Promises Clinic and scrawling 666 on her forehead, screaming that she is the anti-christ, and then, trying to hang herself. Imagine how you would feel had you been used against little children. Her father says that, "she is a very sick little girl" Yeah, and now they have her in a wig lip-synching concerts. Who's the disturbed one here?
Speaking of disturbed, it was reported that Prince Frederick keeps Zsa Zsa locked in their mansion with a pad lock.
I later find that Paris Hilton had a long lost storage unit filled with her child pornography and people are asking me if I think she is going to jail for losing control of Britney at such a crucial moment as the Illuminati's ritual of sacrificing Anna; curious to say the least. CNN felt the need to do a show on Anna Nicole and mind control a month after my article was posted. The CNN story, of course, had nothing to do with Anna being mind controlled. The story actually is about Anna and then, about the Heaven's Gate cult that committed suicide to get in the craft following Hale-Bopp. Oh, I remember it well. It seemed to me that all the holes I had pointed out were quickly being filled in by the media. All of a sudden the story changed about the nurse giving Anna CPR when it was reported that she went and got her husband, the security guard, to do the nursing, curious.
I also find that Anna had sent Britney a film asking to be friends. She thought, with them both being mommies, they should get to know one another. Can you imagine what it would be like to know that everyone on the television is a Satanist and that you were under their control. Where are you going to go? Who's going to believe you? It turns out that Anna may have visited Body and Soul Tattoo parlor, as well, small world.
Is it all just too perfect? Here, I have been talking about the high profile rituals for a decade and it culminates with the ritual sacrifice of the goddess. Everything I had written and shown led to this story. From explaining the Y2K ritual to Madonna and Britney's kiss, it all makes too much sense but, because it is sometimes so unbelievable, we tell ourselves it isn't true.
How oddly perfect is it then, that, Arizona Wilder says that a Rothschild was in the tunnel when Princess Diana died on the spot used to sacrifice to Diana in the ancient past. The Rothschild in the tunnel was there to receive Diana’s soul, Arizona says. The more you look at this picture, the more the evidence compounds on itself. Consider that baby Dannielynn Marshall Birkhead could be a direct descendant of Hitler. This would make her a Rothschild that has received the souls of the first born and the mother.
How curious is it that when Larry had been announced the father, he had the birth certificate changed, leaving the Nazi oil baron's name in the mix, and went down to get Dannielynn's passport, the US Embassy closed for lunch...all day.
The news casters were saying that could he just escape the Bahamas he wouldn't have to deal with the court cases being brought against him. It seems that Virgie, the mother that wanted the body of her grandson exhumed and flown back to Texas along with Anna Nicole's body, now wanted the baby to stay in the Bahamas! Hmmm. What is it about the Bahamas? And the news casters questioned, "Where does she get the money to bring these cases to court?" Where indeed. The Bahamian courts determined Virgie a nuisance and fined her $3000 for the wasting their time. The news casters at this same time questioned, "How could Sandra Bullock's stalker just pay a $2500 bail and go right back to stalking Sandra? How indeed. I noticed in the list of celebrities with stalkers a common trait: they seemed to have good hearts, and therefore can be a threat to those in power. John Lennon is a good example of one that tried to use his given power for good and was taken out by his stalker. Others on the list of being stalked were Jodie Foster, Brad Pitt, and David Letterman. Then, CNN brought out Penn of the magician duo Penn and Teller to dispute Rosie's coming out about 911. Imagine, Penn has the largest satanic library in the world, in a hermetically sealed vault under his house! After seeing Larry King on "The Illuminati Pt 2" I noticed a trend in his guests. Let's just say I wasn't shocked when I saw the cast of Heroes on his show or when he had Cyril Wecht and “Texas” on to plug some holes in the Anna story.
Project Mayhem has begun. We are watching ourselves being drawn into a new mind-set of violence. Teen sport killing of the homeless, 32 shot dead at Virginia Tech, plus one for the 33rd. We know now, because of the strength of people like Cathy O'Brien and Mark Phillips, that Blacksburg is used by the brotherhood to create these devils. How is it that we remain in denial?
The Age of the Dark Hero dawned with the ritual to Horus that we know of as the Y2K celebration. It continued with the death of Superman and the rise of Hell Spawn. Batman had his back broken and was replaced by the fallen angel Azrael; a bloody avenger like Horus. This age saw the rise of "heroes" like Neo and Jack Bauer. Suddenly, cut-throat killers were all the rage. Then, there is V a hero-villain based on the philosophies of Adam Weishaupt and Aleister Crowley; teaching that trauma-based mind control is good. These movies get heralded by the truth movement as revelations to liberty. The Good Shepherd is a prime example. This movie leaves you with a sick feeling. The cinematography puts you in a dingy dried blood environment that stinks of a sanitarium and the truth movement says, "go see this movie!" They don't see our minds being polluted. They don't, yet, see the true evil of the Wizards of Atlantis. The Blockbusters of Hollywood.

Anna Nicole, Britney & Mind Control Video

Because it is sometimes so unbelievable,
the truth escapes becoming known

Happy movie watching happy happy happy

norslyman's photo
Tue 01/13/09 05:00 PM
It is COMMON knowledge that the Nazis were heavily into the occultfrustrated
Both the History Channel and Discovery Channel have done documentaries seen by millionsfrustrated
Christianity and occult are oppositesfrustrated

by Hannah Newman --

"Creation is not finished. Man is clearly approaching a phase of metamorphosis. The earlier human species has already reached the stage of dying out.... All of the force of creation will be concentrated in a new species... [which] will surpass infinitely modern man.... Do you understand now the profound meaning of our National Socialist movement?" (Adolf Hitler, quoted by Hermann Rauschning, _Hitler ma'a dit [Hitler Speaks]_ p.147, translated in _The Occult and the Third Reich_, Jean & Michel Angebert, p.178.)
"You'll think I'm crazy, but listen to me: Hitler will bring us to a catastrophe. But his ideas, once they have been transformed, will acquire a new strength." (Joseph Goebbels to his aide-de-camp, Prince Schaumburg-Lippe, quoted in Angeberts, p.234)

Nazism and the New Age

While most Jews are sure that Hitler represented the Christian community, his associates knew better. In this section we see not only that Hitler rejected Christianity, but that there is also ample research showing that Hitler founded far more than a political regime - the Third Reich was an occult-based religious movement to usher in the same New Age examined in this series. [For documentation besides the Angeberts, see also D. Sklar, _The Nazis and the Occult_; Joseph Carr, _The Twisted Cross_; Robert G.L. Waite, _The Psychopathic God - Adolf Hitler_; Gerald Suster, _Adolf Hitler, The Occult Messiah_; Trevor Ravenscroft, _The Spear of Destiny_.]

The Nazi President of the Danzig Senate, Hermann Rauschning (who defected to the Allies and in 1939 wrote the book quoted above), recorded statements made by Hitler which are unintelligible except from a NA orientation. [The fact that Rauschning included quotes which he admitted he did not understand only adds to the credibility of his testimony, for these often turn out to be occultic references of the kind meant to be understood by fellow-initiates alone.]

[One of the best sources I have seen is the Angeberts' book quoted above. The strength of their work is ironically due to their positive attitude toward the occult: it appears they rather admire the "Ancient Wisdom" as expressed in Gnosticism, Catharism and other esoteric movements, and they trace its threads through history with nostalgia as well as academic interest. Their far-ranging documentation allows them to conclusively show that Nazism was/is an initiation into the classical Gnostic "path of enlightenment", but unlike me the authors do not fault the "Ancient Wisdom" itself for the infamous results. On the contrary, "the prime lesson to be learned is that the practice of occultism and magic is fraught with danger and, therefore, not to be entrusted to just anyone." (p.160) This book is valuable for its uninhibited look at the many movements and occultists - including unlikely names like Plato, Nietzsche, Goethe and Pythagorus - who shared Hitler's dream of the Holy Grail and a new-age return of the ancient Hyperborean godmen with their "sacred sciences". The English publisher is MacMillan (1974), McGraw-Hill (1975) in paperback.]

Hitler turned against Christianity from his early teens and sought his destiny in the occult. He later joined with associates who also embraced those teachings, and together they built a state guided by the same occultic principles and goals repeated in today's NA. And no wonder, because he drew on the same esoteric sources as the NAers of today. [How have so many scholars overlooked this all-important key to understanding the Nazi mentality? In the words of the Angeberts' English translator, Lewis A.M. Sumberg, nearly all historians missed the "militant neo-Paganism" and "Gnostic racism" in Nazism "because they have brought conventional outlooks and methodologies to their examination of an unconventional phenomenon." (_The Occult and the Third Reich_, p.x) We must either re-assess the Nazi philosophy with these roots exposed, or be forced to settle for theories which fail to completely explain Nazi priorities. Its unconventional nature lay in "magic thought allied to science and know-how" (Angeberts, p.179) - exactly the hybrid being encouraged today by NA leaders like Peter Russell. Sumberg's observation in 1974 about this blind spot among historians fell mostly on deaf ears, which makes it more difficult now - but more urgent than ever - to recognize that not only is Nazism not dead, we are now surrounded by a "kinder, gentler" version of the same philosophy, sprouted from the same roots and having the same priorities.]

1. Hitler and the Occult

According to available sources (see above), Hitler first made contact in 1909 with other occultists, the first of these being Goerg Lanz von Lieberfels and Guido von List, after coming across their occultic-racist magazine _Ostara_ in Vienna. (Sklar, p.5. For samples of the typical copy published in _Ostara_, and how Hitler later echoes it, see p.17-22) Besides his publishing activities, Lanz was known for starting a society called the "Order of New Templars" which imitated the traditions of occultic Grail lore. (Angeberts, p.237) Lanz would later claim credit for influencing Nazi ideology - a claim which has some merit considering that one of his books was found in Hitler's personal library (now archived in the Library of Congress in Washington, DC). As for List, he founded the "Armanen", a Germanic pagan priestly order which apparently accepted Hitler into their brotherhood; evidence is in another occultic book from Hitler's library bearing an inscription from a comrade to Adolf, "my dear Armanen brother." (Sklar, p.48) Books by List were found stamped with the insignia of the SS Ahnenerbe (the Nazi Ancestral Research division), indicating that his teachings were studied by SS candidates. (As an aside, Angeberts note that the documents dealing with the Ahnenerbe itself, which they identify as "the Nazi Occult Bureau", are listed in the U.S. National Archives but for some reason are not available to researchers - p.259-260) Both Lanz and List were obsessed with blood purity, the Jewish threat, Grail legends and a "new world order". Both embraced the swastika as a central symbol, borrowing it from Hindu mysticism. [see comments below]

By 1913, Adolf had passed the novice stage in his occult pursuits. (Carr, p.95) In 1918 (age 29) he claimed to hear voices announcing that he was "selected by God to be Germany's messiah" (Carr, p.36); later he made contact with an "ascended master" whom he identified as Lucifer or "the beast from the pit". He eventually became convinced he was the reincarnation of Woden (or, Woton). At some point, he discovered two German occultists who eloquently expressed his own understanding of Aryan religion and destiny: Richard Wagner [details later] and Friedrich Nietzsche. These influenced Nazi thought so heavily that the authors of _The Occult and the Third Reich_ name them as "the two prime initiators of the Third Reich", (p.119) and devote two entire chapters to documenting this claim. To these can be added a third, who lived before Hitler and tried to weld Wagnerian and Nietzschean thought into one work: the British occultist Houston Stewart Chamberlain, who wrote in his epic _Foundations of the Nineteenth Century_ (1900): "Every Mystic is, whether he will or not, a born Anti-Semite." (Sklar, p.11)

Another occultist to influence Hitler's thinking was Dr. Karl Haushofer, who was introduced to Hitler in 1924 while the latter was in Landsberg prison. Haushofer, a Blavatsky disciple, combined a dubious "science" called "geopolitics" with Eastern mystical texts and _The Secret Doctrine_ principles, and claimed to have clairvoyant powers. It was Haushofer who schooled Hitler in _The Secret Doctrine_. (Carr, p.93) His geopolitical theories found their way into _Mein Kampf_. (Sklar, p.62) It was also Haushofer who forged Hitler's alliance with Japan basing his case on astrological predictions (Sklar, p.69), and who gave him the "Lebensraum" concept. As the Nazi conquest advanced, Haushofer applied his theories through prophecies which overruled the military leadership in directing troop movements. (Sklar, p.69) Besides Hitler, Haushofer had other prominent disciples: Rudolf Hess, later to become Hitler's secretary; and Anton LaVey, who gained notoriety in later years for his promotion of Satanism. LaVey dedicated his work _The Satanic Bible_ in part to "Karl Haushofer, a teacher without a classroom." (Sklar, p.63) Haushofer's fortunes fell, however, when his son Albrecht conspired in the 1944 coup against Hitler and was arrested; father Karl was sent to Dachau.

Hitler, like today's NA philosophers, firmly believed in the coming of a new species of humanity. Like modern New Agers, he expected them to be a literal "mutation" of homo sapiens, achieved by arriving at "higher levels of consciousness". He also believed that the new humanity would be free of "the dirty and degrading chimera called conscience and morality," as well as "the burden of free will" and "personal responsibility" which should rightly be borne only by the few with the fortitude to make the awful decisions necessary for the good of humanity. (Sklar, p.58)

Hitler's associate, Bernhard Forster (who happened to be Nietzsche's brother-in-law) related to Hermann Rauschning how Hitler had proclaimed that he "would bring the world a new religion,... the blessed consciousness of eternal life in union with the great universal life... when the time came. Hitler would be the first to achieve what Christianity was meant to have been, [without] any fear of death [or] the fear of a so-called bad conscience. Hitler would restore men to the self-confident divinity with which nature had endowed them." Forster then added his own opinion: "He drew his great power from intercourse with the eternal divine nature." (Sklar, p.54-55) [The reader should note the familiar "cosmic consciousness" vocabulary here, more appropriate to the founder of a religion than to a political schemer.]

The Nazi sacred symbols and concepts - the swastika or "gamma cross", the eagle, the red/black/white color scheme, and ancient Nordic runes (one of which became the insignia of the SS ) - were all adopted from occult traditions going back centuries, shared by Brahmins, Scottish Masons, Rosicrucians, Manichaeans and others. (Angeberts give detailed histories, p.194-200) The Nazi motto, "One Reich, One Folk, One Fuehrer", reflected the standard 3-fold power circles of the occult. (See a good example in Bailey's _Discipleship in the New Age_ II, p.165, where the Great Invocation is to be explained on three distinct levels.) The Reich was the psychic adepts of the Nazi Party, which would build the bridge between the Folk (the masses which unite into a cosmic Entity greater than its parts) and the Fuehrer (the initiates in the elite leadership which unite with Hitler, the divine incarnation). The outer fringe, the Folk, are taught what they can handle: blind obedience, group service, a new history and identity. The Party elite such as the SS are taught something different: psychic knowledge, tapping into the "Vril Force", self-denial, brotherhood mission, medieval lore, fearlessness of death. The innermost circle was privy to the hard-core Gnostic teaching on the Grail, immortality and godhood. Many neo-Nazi groups continue to pursue these topics with devotion. But under it all was the invisible presence of "Unknown Superiors" (Angeberts, p.178, quoting Rudolf Olden, _Hitler the Pawn_, written 1936. Rauschning used the same term - p.233) who taught Hitler himself and who were assumed by his associates to endow him with his uncanny hypnotic power.

Concerning Hitler's relationship with these Unknowns, there is not much known besides his reference to a guiding voice of "Providence". However, we do have a vivid account related by an unnamed associate of Hitler to Rauschning (both were not sure what to make of it), in which Hitler wakes up in the middle of the night in total panic at some unseen visitation: "Hitler was standing there in his bedroom, stumbling about, looking around him with a distraught look. He was muttering: 'It's him! It's him! He's here!' His lips had turned blue. He was dripping with sweat. Suddenly he uttered some numbers which made no sense, then some words, then bits of sentences. It was frightening. He used terms which were strung together in the strangest way and which were absolutely weird. Then, he again became silent, although his lips continued to move. He was given a massage and something to drink. Then all of a sudden, he screamed: 'There! Over there! In the corner! Who is it?' He was jumping up and down, and he was howling." (Rauschning, p.285-286) [Whatever the reader may conclude about the Unknown Superiors, whether a figment of a sick mind or real entities, please remember that both Nazi cosmology and NA religion view(ed) them as real and independent beings - and also as extensions of one's own untapped divinity. No provision is made in either system for the possibility of ascended beings who first seduce their channels and then torment them. Yet stories similar to the above are not uncommon in NA circles. From those who leave the New Age after such an experience, the verdict is uniform: the Guides are clever deceivers with evil motives. For those who stay, the solution is to blame oneself for the "bad trip" and blindly dive in deeper; this was apparently Hitler's choice.]

Hitler's personal devotion to occult principles was proven ultimately by his self-inflicted death. His choice of April 30 for his suicide may well have been meant as a sacrifice; it was the eve of Beltane (known in Germany as Walpurgisnacht), identified on popular Wiccan websites as a Druid feast in honor of the deity Bel. In witchcraft, this "power-point" day is regarded as a "great sabbat" equal in potency to Halloween. According to Wiccans, Bel is derived from the Canaanite Baal; but Helena Blavatsky goes farther in _The Secret Doctrine_ (vol.2), reconstructing an astrological trinity of Bel/Baal (sun-god, father), Christos (Mercury, son) and Lucifer (Venus, holy spirit). [more on the Lucifer connection in "Gods of the New Age"] As for Hitler's suicide itself, this was not a cowardly act from an occultist viewpoint, but rather an honorable practice known among the Druids, as well as among the Cathari "Perfects", those medieval guardians of the Grail, who called it the rite of "Endura". A curious requirement of the "Endura" was that it was always to be done by pairs of intimate friends, a detail known by the Nazis (Angeberts p.28) which makes sense of Hitler's joint suicide with his new wife Eva Braun. Incidently, Hitler's associates Karl Haushofer and Goebbels also killed themselves in ceremonial fashion along with their wives. (Angeberts, p.275, note 11)

2. Hitler and Christianity

Not only did Hitler regard Christianity as a defective, failed enterprise, he saw himself as replacing both its God and its Christ. At one of the huge Nuremberg rallies hung a gigantic poster of himself, with the caption stolen from the Christian gospel of John: "In the beginning was the Word." German youth were indoctrinated from infancy to pray to Hitler, who they were taught was sent from heaven to protect them. (Sklar, p.56) Nazi-approved sermons in German churches proclaimed, "Adolf Hitler is the voice of Jesus Christ." And lest some readers [especially Jews] should conclude from this that Nazi Christians viewed Hitler as the mouthpiece of the New Testament Jesus, the statement is clarified to leave no doubt: "If Jehovah has lost all meaning for us Germans, the same must be said of Jesus Christ, his son.... He [Jesus] certainly lacks those characteristics which he would require to be a true German. Indeed, he is as disappointing, if we read the record carefully, as is his father [the G-d of Israel according to Christian tradition]." ("What the Christian Does Not Know About Christianity", quoted by Sklar, p.56)

In Hitler's words, Christianity "only added the seeds of decadence such as forgiveness, self-abnegation, weakness, false humility and the very denial of the evolutionary laws of survival of the fittest [social Darwinism]," and would obviously be a handicap to the new species which he was personally commissioned by the "masters" to see properly birthed and nurtured. But Hitler perceptively placed the ultimate blame where it is due: "Conscience is a Jewish invention. It is a blemish, like circumcision.... There is no such thing as truth, either in the moral or in the scientific sense. The new man would be the antithesis of the Jew." (Sklar, p. 57-58) Nietzsche likewise considered the Christian Bible nearly worthless because of its Jewish origin: "In Christianity, seen as the art of sacred lying, we're back with Judaism.... The Christian is but a Jew of more liberal persuasion." (_Antichrist_, quoted in Angeberts, p.126) [Compare with the NA view of how Judaism "defiled" Christianity.] In this context, antisemitism was not a starting point for the inner Nazi society as it was for the masses; Jew-hatred was the inevitable result of absorbing these bedrock occult teachings.

The nurture of the new humanity included the need to "encourage the growth of a violent, domineering, intrepid, cruel youth... nothing weak or tender in it." (Angeberts, p.209, Rauschning quoting Hitler) This reached its climax in SS training, and it corresponded to the Nazi view of "pure" Gnostic, Hindu and Buddhist philosophy, which did not teach compassion and gentleness, but Aryan duty and honor above all (Angeberts, p.220-221). [This would seem confirmed by the presence of Tibetan Buddhists in Hitler's Berlin, as well as Bailey's prediction that Buddhism is destined to drop its image of gentle pacifism.]

But there was an obstacle to sweeping away the Jew and raising this cruel new generation, in the person of that "Jew of more liberal persuasion", the Bible-believing Christian. Knowing that Christian Germany would not easily accept an open return to paganism, Nazism attempted to wean the masses from standard Christianity by removing the Jewish-influenced "negative" parts, that is the Old Testament and most of the New Testament, imposing gnostic meanings on key passages, adding colorful pagan legend, and repackaging it in their 1920 platform as "positive Christianity" (Angeberts, p.202-203). [This term is freely used today by many groups, some of them fervent NAers offering the same package to naive Christians, for the same purpose.]

Hitler's vision of returning to "pure" pagan religion was echoed, or more accurately anticipated, by psychoanalyst Carl Jung in 1923: "We [Germans] need new foundations. We must dig down to the primitive in us, for only out of the conflict between civilized man and the Germanic barbarian will there come what we need: a new experience of God." (Sklar, p.134) When esotericist Jakov Wilhelm Hauer founded the Nordic Faith movment, Jung urged participation on the part of Germans who were "intelligent enough not only to believe but to know that the god of the Germans is Wotan and not the Christian God." ("Wotan", essay by Jung - emphasis his, quoted by Sklar, p.134) The Nazis reciprocated by making Jung President of the German Medical Society for Psychotherapy in 1933, at which time he finally found a forum from which to expound a belief he had held since 1918: the need to distinguish between "German" and "Jewish" psychology. (The Society's Dec. 1933 issue) In his view, such a distinction was not antisemitic, it was liberating for both Aryans and Jews. (Sklar 136-137) When the Jews were fleeing Nazi Germany in ever-increasing numbers, Jung advised his followers in England to keep up their "negative feelings" about Jews and resist allowing them to participate as colleagues, as he also did. [See further details about Jung in Harvard Professor Richard Noll's books.] As for the destruction being wreaked by the Nazis, Noll notes that Jung viewed them as the necessary precursors to the great "light", those whose task was to destroy to make "rebirth" possible. [Compare with Bailey's assessment below.] It took until 1945 for Jung to finally denounce the Nazi extermination of the Jews, but he never retracted his proposal for a "Germanic, Jew-free psychotherapy". (Sklar, p.138-139)

To remove the "bad seeds" of Christian (that is, Jewish) thinking, Nazi preparation of children for the new humanity would be diligent from cradle to grave, centered around the notion that they were born to die for their god, wmbodied in their Fuehrer. The education began with revised fairy tales teaching new-humanity principles of heroes struggling and dying to set their race free. Then group membership started at age 10, followed by continuous reinforcement in group settings for the remainder of their lives, "so that they shall in no case suffer a relapse, and they don't feel free again as long as they live," as Hitler bluntly put it. (Sklar, p.110) There was non-stop activity which required passive participation, allowing no time for reflection or discussion.

And what did Christian leaders think of Hitler? Although many Christians eventually bought into "positive Christianity", apparently there was enough opposition to necessitate an early purge of that community. Before launching his "final solution", Hitler made an effort to remove all churches and pastors who showed the least resistance to policies already in operation. For example, refusal by a church to sponsor a Hitler Youth chapter was sufficient grounds to close it down. Leaders whose integrity would not yield to political expediency, who could not be discredited by scandal, and who had the potential to influence Christians at large, were imprisoned indefinitely (Dietrich Bonnhoefer for example). Although Hitler did not close down many Catholic churches, especially where local support was strong, he vented his rage on Pope Pius XI, who had issued an encyclical condemning him as "a prophet of nothingness". ("Mit Brennender Sorge", March 14, 1937, translation posted by Paul Halsall of Fordham University) The Nazi government lodged a harsh protest with the Vatican shortly afterward (April 12, 1937 - see Georg May, _Kirchenkampf oder Katholikenverfolgung_, p.582). [I would suspect that the most damaging statements in "Mit Brennender Sorge" for the Nazis were those which exposed their "religious war" against the legacy of Judaism found in Christianity. Pius XI flatly equated Nazism with "aggressive paganism", condemned the removal of the Old Testament from churches and schools as an act of someone who "blasphemes the name of God", and reaffirmed the Jewish Bible as "sacred books" which "record the story of the chosen people, bearers of the Revelation and the Promise". The Catholic leader summarily rejected the anti-Jewish dogmas of "race and blood [and] the irradiations of a people's history" as "false coins [which] do not deserve Christian currency". See the end of the next entry, 2a, for related observations

norslyman's photo
Tue 01/13/09 04:16 PM
I just watched "The Bourne Supremacy" the other night, so I've finally seen all three. That and shows like "24" are indoctrinating people to believe that they have to do "whatever it takes" to keep us safe. There will be a Jason Bourne or Jack Bauer there to make sure it doesn't go too far. Sadly, there will be no heroes. If somebody did try to blow the whistle, they'd be killed.

norslyman's photo
Tue 01/13/09 03:35 PM

Since its apparent you’ve never read the bible I thought I would help you out here.

For worshipping other gods

If there be found among you ... that ... hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them ... Then shalt thou ... tone them with stones, till they die. Deuteronomy 17:2-5

If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend, which is as thine own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which thou hast not known, thou, nor thy fathers ... thou shalt stone him with stones, that he die. Deuteronomy 13:5-10

For witches and wizards

A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them. Leviticus 20:27

I would have to say that this was for OT times only. My speculation would be that since a lot of the bible had not yet been written, and the messiah had not yet come, YHVH had to be extremely protective(jealous) of his people until the time of messiah.

The entire nation of Israel fell into the worship of other gods at times, so clearly these laws were not carried out to the letter, otherwise NOBODY would be left. Instead, YHVH would let other nations enslave them until they repented. It seems a gray area. I really would like to know how often people were stoned. Too bad there is no exact written record.

Clearly after Yashua came and the church was given power over all unclean spirits(disciples were amazed at this), it makes more sense to just target the spirit and not the person. Which is what they did with the servent girl. They didn't kill her did they? And like I said, why did they not kill Simon the Sorcerer? Suppose they knew someone else would just take his place.

They expanded the defenition of a witch to include midwives. Just as they are going to expand the defention of a terrorist to include anyone who disagress with the government, which will be primarily but not exclusively Christians. It will be by the guillotine this time apparently, as Rev speaks of the endtime saints who were beheaded. Sounds better than burning at least.

norslyman's photo
Tue 01/13/09 03:04 PM
And lets not forget Columbia as long as we are in South America:

Chiquita in Colombia: Terrorism Gone Bananas?
Written by April Howard
Tuesday, 03 April 2007

What happens when "Business as Usual" clashes with the vocabulary of the "War on Terror"? We got a glimpse of one case this March when the Cincinnati-based Chiquita Brands International, Inc., paid a $25 million settlement to the United States Justice Department for paying off right-wing paramilitary groups in Colombia, groups which Washington classifies as "terrorist organizations."

Chiquita is one biggest and most powerful food marketing and distributing companies in the world, and one of the world’s largest banana producers. The company shows annual revenues of approximately $4.5 billion and about 25,000 employees operating in more than 70 countries.[1] The banana market, worth about $5 billion a year in 2001, is the most important global fruit export. The majority of the 14 million tons of bananas exported every year come from Latin America.[2]

The charges state that from 1997 to 2004 several unnamed, high-ranking corporate officers from Chiquita and its Colombian Banadex subsidiary made monthly payments, totaling $1.7 million, to the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC).[3] Even though Chiquita's outside lawyers insisted that payments stop in 2001, Banadex continued write checks to the AUC, though Chiquita executives later decided that cash was a better idea.[4]

The AUC, often described as a "death squad," was incorporated as one of 28 "Foreign Terrorist Organizations" on the U.S. Department of State website in September, 2001.[5] Not without reason; even Forbes Magazine describes the AUC as "responsible for some of the worst massacres in Colombia's civil conflict and for a sizable percentage of the country's cocaine exports." With approximately 15,000 to 20,000 armed troops, the AUC uses "kidnapping, torture, disappearance, rape, murder, beatings, extortion and drug trafficking" among its standard techniques.[6] One of many massacres committed by the AUC took place in 2001, while the AUC was receiving funds from Chiquita. In the early morning on January 17, 80 AUC paramilitaries entered the rural town of Chengue and killed 24 men by smashing "their skulls with stones and a sledgehammer." Only one 19-year-old paramilitary member has been punished, though he named police and navy officials who organized the mass murder.[7]

Apparently, the company also funded two other Colombian groups on the US lists include the National Liberation Army, or ELN, and the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC, both of Colombia’s main leftist rebel groups, which Chiquita also paid off as these groups took control of the banana-growing area.[8] This area has inspired deadly battles between left and right-wing paramilitary groups. Most of the victims of these wars are local residents, human rights workers and trade unionists.[9]

Chiquita's involvement with the paramilitaries developed at a time when the right-wing groups were growing quickly and deepening their ties with politicians, security forces and businesses across Colombia. In the state of Antioquia, Chiquita's business boomed as the groups took over banana-growing lands and were blamed for the killings of human rights workers and trade unionists. As the U.S. complaint noted, "by 2003, Banadex was defendant Chiquita's most profitable banana-producing operation."[10] Chiquita sold its wholly owned subsidiary Banadex to the local company Banacol in June, 2004 for between $43.5 and $52 million.[11]

From United Fruit to Chiquita: An Inglorious Past

Chiquita’s history in Colombia is more than a century old. Its roots grow out of the United Fruit Company, notorious in Latin America as a U.S. Army backed opponent to agrarian reform and agricultural workers’ unions. Though later known as United Brands in 1970, and then Chiquita in 1989, business in Latin America has continued in similar veins. In 1928, several thousand workers of Colombia’s banana plantations began a strike demanding written contracts, eight-hour days, six-day weeks and the elimination of food coupons. According to the United Fruit Historical Society, the strike turned into "the largest labor movement ever witnessed in the country."[12] The strike continued in 1929, and received national attention and support from opposition political parties.

When the army fired on strikers during a demonstration in the city of Cienaga, killing a disputed number of workers (between 47 and 2,000), it created waves that contributed to the downfall of the Conservative Party and features in the masterworks of two famous Colombian authors.[13] The Santa Marta Massacre, as it came to be known, appears in Álvaro Cepeda Samudio’s novel "La Casa Grande" (1962), and Gabriel García Márquez’s epic novel "One Hundred Years of Solitude" (1966). Nobel-awarded Chilean writer Pablo Neruda also recognized the influence of the United Fruit Company with a chapter of the same name in his epic work "Canto General" about the history of Latin America.

Through out the 20th century, the company was infamous for using a combination of its financial clout, congressional influence and violent refusal to negotiate with striking workers to establish and maintain a colony of "banana republics" in Latin America. Often the CIA and the US Marines provided the company’s muscle, as in the case of the overthrow of the populist Guatemalan president Jacobo Arbenz in 1953.[14] Currently, Chiquita employs most of its 45,000 workers in Honduras and Guatemala.

United Fruit/United Brands/Chiquita has owned banana exporting companies in Honduras since 1899, and the U.S. Army has come to call frequently since then, first in 1903, then 1907, then 1912, 1919 and 1924. Chiquita workers have gone on strike more than 40 times during the 89 years the company has operated in Honduras. In 1930, workers held strikes against the company. In 1932 Juan Pablo Wainwright, the leader of the 1930 banana workers' strike in Honduras, was assassinated in Guatemala. It wasn’t until 1949 that the Honduran Congress passed labor regulations for children and women and establishes an eight-hour working day. In 1954, however, massive strikes for wage increases paralyzes all banana operations and peak with 25,000 striking workers (around 15% of all the country's labor force). United Fruit fired 10,000 workers. [15] More recently, in 1992, workers went on strike to demand housing, health care and schools for their families, increase salaries by ten percent.[16]

It wasn’t until March of 1974, that the governments of Honduras, Costa Rica, and Panama signed the Panama Agreement, imposing banana export taxes of $1 per 40-pound box. Later the same year, the governments of Costa Rica, Colombia, Honduras, Guatemala, and Panama formed the Union de Paises Exportadores de Banano (UPEB) -Organization of Banana Export Countries- to defend the interests of the member countries, raise and maintain high prices, and adopt common policies. United Brands threatened unsuccessfully to pull out.[17]

In 1975, "Bananagate" struck. A federal grand jury accused United Brands of bribing Honduran President Osvaldo Lopez Arellano with $1.25 million, with the promise of another $1.25 million later, in exchange for a reduction in the export taxes Honduras committed under the light of UPEB rules. Lopez Arellano was removed from power, but later investigations revealed repeated bribes carried out by the company. [18]

Silencing Reporters

Over twenty years later, business proved to be similar. In May of 1998, The Cincinnati Enquirer published a series of articles that exposed Chiquita's still-questionable business practices. The articles, written by Mike Gallagher and Cameron McWhirter, reported cases in which the company used tactics including "bribery, abusive corporate control in Honduras and Colombia, the use of harmful pesticides, and repressive actions against workers" to bolster profits.[19] Bribery proved to be the least of it.

The investigation found Chiquita to be the secret owner of "dozens of supposedly independent banana companies." The writers found cases of worker and union suppression on Chiquita-controlled farms, though the "employee pamphlet" assures worker that they have the right to unionize.[20] In one case the company used the Honduran military to "evict residents of a farm village; the soldiers forced the farmers out at gunpoint, and the village was bulldozed."[21] When Chiquita does face competition, they prove to be similarly ruthless. A federal lawsuit filed by a competitor’s employee filed charged that Chiquita-hired thugs attempted to abduct him in Honduras.[22]

The investigation also found that Chiquita was aerially spraying workers, despite its pact with the Rainforest Alliance since November of 2000, which forbids aerial spraying.[23] Furthermore, in defiance of the "Better Banana" pact to abide by pesticide safety standards, Chiquita subsidiaries have used pesticides in Central America that are banned in the U.S., Canada, and the European Union, such as Bitertanol sold as Baycor, Chlorpyrifos, sold as Lorsban, Carbofuran, sold as Furadan and five other dangerous pesticides and fungicides.[24] In Costa Rica, a coroner’s report attributed a worker’s death to toxic chemicals released into farms by the company. Despite probably well funded articles and a book green-washing Chiquita’s transformation in 2004, it’s questionable if Chiquita has really changed its practices.[25]

Chiquita didn’t take the criticism kindly, however, and when their shareholders sued the company, Chiquita sued the newspaper, claiming that reporter Mike Gallagher obtained voice-mail tapes illegally . "The Cincinnati Enquirer published an apology across the top of its front page and said it had agreed to pay Chiquita Brands International Inc. more than $10 million to avoid being sued for a series of articles that exposed the fruit company's criminal practices." [26] In court The Enquirer was forced to fire Gallagher. The facts found in the investigations were never challenged, however.[27] Several years later, on January 23, 2001, news leaked that Gannett Co. Inc., The Enquirer's owner, paid Chiquita $14 million in an out-of-court settlement.[28]

Bananas, Cocaine and AK-47s

While the company claims that it was strong-armed into making the recent payments to paramilitaries in Colombia in order to protect its employees, human rights groups accuse the company of paying the paramilitaries not only to ‘protect’ workers, "but also to target union leaders and agitators perceived as going against the company's commercial interests," and to force communities off farming land.[29]

In fact, beyond simply paying the AUC, local human rights groups say that in the past the company has used its company-controlled ports to smuggle weapons into the country for the AUC.[30] Nor would this be the first time that Chiquita’s ships have been used to transport something other than bananas. The Enquirer’s expose also found that in 1997, authorities seized more than a ton of cocaine from 7 Chiquita ships, though the shipment was attributed to lax Colombian security than the company.[31] A 2003 report by the Organization of American States states that a Banadex ship could also have been used illicitly in November 2001 to ship 3,000 rifles and 2.5 million bullets to the paramilitary groups. In late march, the chief prosecutor's office in Colombia said that it would ask the U.S. Justice Department for more information about the case.[32]

Michael Mitchell, Chiquita spokesman acknowledged the OAS report, however, "there is no information that would lead us to believe that Banadex did anything improper," he said. However, Colombia's chief prosecutor's office has noted that Banadex's legal representative, Giovanny Hurtado Torres, was one of four people already convicted in the arms smuggling scheme. Politicians are also wondering about the role of the U.S. Government. Leading opposition lawmaker Senator Jorge Robledo queried publicly, "My question is: How much more does the U.S. government know about payments to the paramilitaries?''[33]

Drug Traffickers to the U.S., CEOs to Colombia?

In light of the smuggling scandal, CNN reports that Gloria Cuartas, a former mayor in the banana producing area, is calling for a boycott of Chiquita products. Colombians like Cuartas know the implications of the U.S. funding for the AUC. After the information was filed, Colombian officials announced that they would seek the extradition of senior executives of the company. Extradition is a well known term in Colombia, where hundreds of suspected drug-traffickers have been extradited to the United States as part of the US War on Drugs. Even President Álvaro Uribe, possibly the Bush administration's closest South American ally, gathered up a semblance of righteous indignation to comment that extradition "should be from here to there and from there to here."[34] However, since Uribe’s own links to the drug cartels are only overshadowed by his links to the paramilitaries, it is unlikely that he will be seeking any real action in the case.[35]

Former Colombian attorney general Jaime Bernal Cuellar, along with opposition law makers, called for an immediate "criminal investigation of the people who financed these illegal groups."[36] Extradition supporters point to Federal Prosecutors statements that the Chiquita Company itself did business with the AUC, that senior executives in the company’s Cincinnati headquarters approved the payments and kept corporate books to hide the deals. The Justice Department reported that Chiquita's payments to the paramilitaries "were reviewed and approved by senior executives of the corporation, to include high-ranking officers, directors and employees,'' but did not mention names.[37] In the court filing prosecutors wrote that "No later than in or about September 2000, defendant Chiquita's senior executives knew that the corporation was paying AUC and that the AUC was a violent paramilitary organization."[38] Though this could be a sign of greater scrutiny of the company in Colombia, the U.S. is not known for sending its own ‘traffickers’ to other countries to do jail time.

A Slap on the Wrist

While headlines about the fine insinuated that Chiquita had been caught in the act, the company is dangerously nonchalant about the case. In fact, besides pleading guilty and paying the fine, counts which it has offered no objection to, the company faces no other sanctions.[39] This has most to do with the way that the Justice Department chose to file the case, through a "document of criminal information," as opposed to handing down indictments through a federal grand jury. While grand jury indictments can lead to a criminal trial, a "document of criminal information" usually leads to a settlement, as in this case.[40]

The company had no qualms it declaring that it will now pay a fine of $25 million, payable in five annual installments. Actually, it’s even possible that Chiquita suggested its own fine, as "the company recorded a reserve in 2006 for the full amount of the fine in anticipation of reaching an agreement."[41] This possibility is expanded by the fact that Chiquita carried out the payments for a time with the full knowledge of the Justice Department to which it will now pay its fine. "According to U.S. court documents, Chiquita told the Justice Department in April 2003 that it was funding the paramilitaries, and then kept paying them for another 10 months with the department's knowledge." [42]

Chiquita itself shows no signs of shame or concern. Chairman and CEO Fernando Aguirre described the "information" as "a reasoned solution to the dilemma." In fact, the company says it voluntarily disclosed the information to the Department of Justice in 2003, but only "after senior management became aware that these groups had been designated as foreign terrorist organizations under a U.S. statute that makes it a crime to make payments to such organizations."[43] In other words, "The War on Terror" clashed with its old mentor, "Imperialism as Usual". What of President Bush's policy that anyone financing a terrorist organization should be prosecuted as vigorously as the terrorists?

The fine gives no reason to suppose that Chiquita’s overall policies will change. As journalist Sean Donahue notes, "death-squads' victims won't get any money from the multinational, and none of the company's executives are facing jail time. Nor has the U.S. Justice Department shown any interest in investigating companies like Coca Cola or Drummond Coal that have even clearer links to paramilitary violence in Colombia than Chiquita."[44] Ultimately neither the U.S. State Department nor the company show any continued concern for the true victims of this kind of business: Latin Americans.

April Howard is a Journalist and History Teacher in Vermont and abroad. You can contact her at April.M.Howard(at)

We need a banana with AK-47 smiley!


norslyman's photo
Tue 01/13/09 02:54 PM
I would only use meds for short term solutions. You will want to turn to proper nutrition and natural health for healing - and prayer of course. Also essential oils can help:

Flower Essences: Mind-Body-and-Spirit Alternative Medicine for Physical Disability

Laurance Johnston, Ph.D

A popular, holistic healing alternative, flower essences are sun-infused solutions that possess flowers’ subtle vibrational energy imprint.

Unlike herbal remedies or aromatherapy’s essential oils, flower essences mediate their healing without pharmacologically active molecules. Representing a higher vibrational octave of the plant’s herbal or molecular properties, flower essences energetically restore balance on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. Because physical disability has so many nonphysical components at the deepest soul level, flower essences greatly expand the healing armamentarium available to individuals with physical disability, such as spinal cord injury (SCI) and multiple sclerosis (MS).

Because no biologically active molecules essentially exist in a flower-essence solution, it can be difficult for a biochemist like me, trained to explain biological phenomena through molecular interactions (e.g., neurotransmitter interacting with a receptor on the neuronal cell surface), to understand how essences can possibly work. It requires that we revisit a concept inherent to most ancient and indigenous healing traditions - that our body’s physiology and biochemistry is a function of us being, first and foremost, beings of energy.

Flower essences were developed based on intuitive observation, and, until recently, have lacked scientific scrutiny. However, to put this lacking into better context, the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment concluded that only 10-20% of medical interventions physicians practice are scientifically proven. Most conventional, as well as alternative, medicine is based on a history of use and experience. The results of modern science’s carefully designed clinical trials are only a small fraction of our healthcare reality.

Flower Essences = Energy Medicine

Flower essences’ mind-body-and-spirit healing is difficult to explain with traditional biomedical precepts. To help us understand it, we need to briefly review some key principles that distinguish conventional, allopathic medicine from energy-based healing traditions.

Mind-body-and-spirit perspectives have, in fact, been integral to most healing traditions throughout history. In Western medicine, however, a philosophical schism grew between spirituality and healing as church authorities deemed spirituality off limits to scientists. As a result, a medical system evolved in which mind and spirit had no relevance to health.

Reflecting Isaac Newton’s seventeenth century physical laws and Rene Descartes’ philosophy of mind-body duality, a mechanistic medical approach was adopted that saw the body as a machine composed of parts. Fix the parts, and you fix the machine.

In contrast, the energy approach to healing believes that our mind, body and spirit are holistically integrated because we are beings of energy. The emphasis is on the whole not the parts. Over the ages, our energy system has been described in many ways, such as qi circulating through acupuncture meridians, prana flowing through chakras, vital force, or electromagnetic energy fields by modern physicists. Because mind-body-and spirit healing sounds too intangible for scientific scrutiny, scientists had to invent a new, intimidating-sounding discipline called psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) to help explain the mechanisms by which emotions and attitudes can affect physical health.

The differences between the mechanistic and energy-healing perspectives have profound implications when it comes to disability. For example, conventional medicine assumes that physical health produces happiness and, therefore, considers that emotional reactions, meaning of life, and belief systems to be irrelevant to medical practice. In the energy model, happiness leads to physical health, and, consequently, our beliefs, the meaning we attach to routine events, and our emotional reaction to these events are crucial to health promotion and maintenance (see Trieschmann, R.B., Rehabilitation Education Vol. 9, No. 2, pp.217-227).

Some people speculate that our attitudes and emotions are transformed into our biochemistry and physiology through subtle electromagnetic fields that permeate and surround our bodies. It is through these fields that flower essences are said to exert their effects. Specifically, the flower’s electromagnetic patterns that have been released into the solution interact with the body’s electromagnetic fields, restoring energetic balance and, in turn, physical health.

People have compared flower essences’ subtle energetic influences to the uplifting effects we experience listening to music or seeing majestic views. For me, the problems of the world disappear when I hear Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy” or watch the sky fade into subtle lavender hues as the sun recedes over Colorado’s snow-capped Indian Peaks. The contour and arrangement of light and sound energy, including aspects that are not consciously perceived, evokes profound feelings. Through a cascade of PNI mechanisms, these feelings manifest into beneficial and measurable physical changes.

Bach to Basics

Flower-essence healing was influenced by the thinking of Paracelus (1493-1541), one of history’s most prominent physicians, and the well-known German poet and nature scientist Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832). Called the “doctrine of signatures,” Paracelus believed that plants’ physical forms revealed their therapeutic potential by correspondence with human anatomy. Goethe’s holistic approach to natural science, perhaps due to his poetic insight, reflected the soulfulness of and connection to nature, an approach that contrasted to the prevailing scientific method of reductionistic analysis

Although a part of ancient healing traditions, English physician Edward Bach (1886 – 1936) catalyzed flower essences’ modern re-emergence. A conventionally trained physician, Bach (photo) specialized in bacteriology and vaccine development. He later shifted to homeopathy, philosophically a close relative to flower essences. In 1930, Bach quit his practice and devoted the last six years of his life to developing his now well-known 38 flower essences.

Bach’s holistic healing view was emphasized in his writings. For example, in Heal Thyself, he says: “Disease is in essence the result of a conflict between soul and mind and will never be eradicated except by spiritual and mental effort… No effort directed to the body alone can do more than superficially repair damage and in this is no cure since the cause is still operative and may at any moment again demonstrate its presence in another form.”

Because each plant has the potential to be transformed into a unique healing essence, many new flower essences have been developed in response to the therapy’s popularity. Although a miniscule amount compared to the $100-billion pharmaceutical industry, the U.S. flower-essence market has grown to over $5 million.


Flower essences are prepared by placing flower petals - the plant part believed to have the most life force - into a glass bowl of water. The bowl is placed under sunlight (photo), which melds the flower’s energetic imprint into the water. Although nothing physical gets transferred, using highly specialized photographic procedures, the flower’s energy imprint has been observed on the solution after removing the flowers. This sun infusion is called the mother tincture, which, in turn, is often diluted and preserved with brandy. You commonly administer essences by placing several drops under the tongue.

Selecting Flower Essences

Determining an essence’s healing properties is an intuitive, observational process – so to speak, a communion with nature that reflects Paracelus’ statement “If you wish to know the book of nature, you must walk its pages with your feet.”

Patiently observing the plant and perceiving its manifold characteristics results in insights that are translated into healing attributes. These attributes are usually defined at the emotional and mental level and often verified through user feedback.

Because of the plethora of available essences, selecting the right ones can be difficult. Traditionally, you would attempt to identify your underlying, health-affecting, emotional and mental issues and then match these to essence healing attributes as listed in various resources or repertories. For example, the Bach Sweet Chestnut, Gorse, Wild Oat and Wild Rose essences are indicated for depression or despair-related health issues.

Due to the difficulty in accurately identifying health-affecting core issues, a muscle-testing procedure - called kinesiology - can be used to select essences. You hold an essence in one hand while another person attempts to gently force down the opposite outstretched arm. If the remedy energetically resonates with you, it will subconsciously increase your strength, and you will resist more force than with an unneeded remedy.

Machelle Small Wright, Perelandra flower essences creator, has simplified this procedure by developing a self-test involving finger strength, as well as alternative procedures when disability inhibits finger testing (see Flower Essences: Reordering Our Understanding and Approach to Illness and Health, Perelandra, Ltd., 1988).

Although kinesiology theoretically eliminates the need to identify often complex and vague underlying mental and emotional health determinants, it requires some skill gained through experience. Without the skill, flower-essence selection can be a hit-or-miss process.

Fortunately, several combination remedies are available that provide wide-spectrum healing protection. For example, the Bach Rescue Remedy, composed of five key flower essences, exerts a stabilizing effect for many physical and mental stresses. This product alone represents 43% of the U.S. flower-essence market. Based on nearly 70 years of case studies, the remedy is considered the emergency first aid of flower essences because it prevents the disintegration of our energy system after physical or emotional trauma, thereby, promoting physical recovery.

Another popular combination remedy is the Flower Essence Society’s Yarrow Special Formula. Developed in response to the 1986 Chernobyl Nuclear plant disaster, the remedy protects your energy field’s integrity from harmful environmental influences, especially from all types of unnatural radiation that now ubiquitously affects modern society (e.g., dental x-rays, airport detection devices, computer monitors, cellular phones, etc.).

Flower-Essence Science

Concepts of soul healing and molecule-independent energy mechanisms are troublesome for most scientists. Nevertheless, Dr. Jeffrey Cram, a clinical research psychologist with extensive scientific credentials, has shown in several controlled studies that flower essences can, indeed, exert measurable physiological effects.

Specifically, Cram’s studies show that the aforementioned combination remedies can reduce the stress response induced by various situations as measured by skin temperature and conductance and various electrophysiological parameters, such as brain waves and muscle electrical activity. Intriguingly, the flower-essence responses were especially notable at locations corresponding to specific chakra sites, which according to ancient wisdom are the points in which the flow of life-force, pranic energy into the body is the greatest.

Cram is also conducting a study examining the use of flower essences to treat depression. Preliminary results indicate that the essences have comparable effectiveness to many antidepressant drugs.

Spinal Cord Dysfunction

Flower essences expand the healing armamentarium available to people with spinal cord dysfunction, enhancing health and wellness and, therefore, potentially reducing the side effects associated with a heavy medication burden. Unfortunately, little focus has been placed on the therapy’s healing potential uniquely relevant to spinal cord dysfunction.

Some people theorize that spinal cord dysfunction profoundly disturbs the body’s energetic patterns, inhibiting physiological healing. With this view, any therapy that stabilizes these patterns has healing potential. Wright speculates that flower essences are one of these therapies.

“I would love to get essences in on spinal cord injuries,” she states. “This is the thing I think that would take spinal cord injury right over the top because now you’ve got an electrical pattern that’s going to be addressing the very base of your electrical operation; the nerve center. And I think when you’re talking about regeneration and you put that electrical system on, it will regenerate.”

In one of her audio resources, Wright uses her finger-test procedure to establish a flower-essence treatment regimen for a woman with multiple sclerosis. The procedure revealed an intricate regimen, suggesting that the woman’s multiple sclerosis was due to numerous, interacting factors. As the woman continued her regimen over time, her MS symptoms gradually and permanently disappeared.

The book Flower Essences and Vibrational Healing (Gurudas, 1989, Cassandra Press) briefly alludes to several essences that may have relevance to spinal cord dysfunction. For example, bo (native to India), California poppy, and chamomile flower essences are listed as useful for multiple sclerosis; and comfrey and khat (native to Africa) essences are indicated as potentially beneficial for rejuvenating or regenerating damaged neurological tissue (all available from Pegasus Products). The poppy and chamomile essences supposedly enhance the body’s assimilation of gold, the lack of which according to the medical intuitive Edgar Cayce is responsible for causing or aggravating many neurological disorders, especially multiple sclerosis.


Because spinal cord dysfunction has so many non-physical aspects at the deepest soul level, flower-essences’ mind-body-and-spirit approach may have the potential of expanding our healing spectrum beyond therapies that are just directed to the physical. Although flower essences’ underlying philosophy has, until recently, fallen beyond the pale of orthodox scientific thinking, if there is one scientific truth it is that today’s cutting-edge insights are often tomorrow’s anachronisms.

As Paracelus stated, “That which is looked upon by one generation as the apex of human knowledge is often considered an absurdity by the next, and that which is regarded as an superstition in one century, may form the basis of science for the following one.”


norslyman's photo
Tue 01/13/09 02:46 PM
There are also essential oils that would be very helpful. You could just google them to find a good price.

Specific Aromatherapy Applications

Pain: Often applied through massage oils, lotions, liniments, or compresses, essential oils reduce pain by different mechanisms:

Numbing: Some oils - such as clove bud, frankincense chamomile, lavender, and lemongrass - dull pain by numbing nerve endings,

Anti-inflammatory: Oils such as chamomile, geranium, juniper, lavender, marjoram, myrrh, rose, and tea tree diminish pain through anti-inflammatory actions.

Heat: Some oils – e.g., as bay laurel, bay rum, black pepper, cinnamon, clove bud, ginger, juniper, peppermint, and thyme - relieve pain by producing heat and increasing circulation.

Brain: Some oils - such as frankincense, ginger, and lemongrass - interfere with the brain’s processing of pain signals.

Neurotransmitters: Oils such as birch (containing aspirin-like compounds), cayenne, and ginger hinder the production of neurotransmitters that carry pain messages from nerve endings to the central nervous system.

Relaxation: Using chamomile, clary sage, lavender, lemon, lemon eucalyptus, lemon verbena, marjoram, melissa (lemon balm), myrtle, and petitgrain (a citrus-related plant) may help relieve pain through relaxation.

Insomnia: Sleep-promoting oils - including bergamot, chamomile, clary sage, frankincense, geranium, lavender, melissa, mandarin, neroli (orange blossom), rose, sandalwood, and tangerine - can be inhaled, rubbed on the skin with massage oil or lotion, or used in bath water.

norslyman's photo
Tue 01/13/09 02:41 PM
This product can be obtained at for only $6 - go to the powermall section. I would recommend some of their other magnesium products too - bath crystals. I would just give them a call and ask for their advice. You can hear the show at (world wide christian radio).

Magnesium Bath Crystals (Available in 2 sizes)

Magnesium Supplement for Your Bath--For Ultimate Absorption

Enable cellular regeneration to exceed degeneration
By simply bathing in Magnesium Crystals you can restore vital magnesium to your body.

Magnesium supports healing, regeneration and maintenance of all living cells. It soothes your nervous system (providing deeper rest), and is essential for the production of amino acids that are critical for virtually every chemical reaction in your body.

Magnesium is an extremely important mineral that your body requires for cellular health (along with calcium, sodium & potassium).

These white crystals contain pure medical grade (USP) magnesium chloride, to conveniently & cost effectively restore cellular magnesium through your skin. Bathing allows efficient absorption of the magnesium through your skin, the largest organ in your body.

Directions for Use: In your bathtub (preferably), dissolve 1/4-cup Magnesium Crystals and soak for at least 20 minutes, for 5 consecutive days. After this initial period, repeat twice a week or as often as you wish.

Alternately in a foot basin, dissolve 1/4-cup Magnesium Crystals in heated Prill Water, and soak your feet for at least 20 minutes, for 5 consecutive days, and twice a week thereafter.

If you are not becoming calm, relaxed, and stress-resistant, try a double dose of Magnesium Crystals, or repeat the baths more often. To enhance the effects, use with 1 teaspoon of Magnesium Powder and Laminar Powder, or try using our Bath Prills to improve the water structure.

Magnesium is the ultimate companion in your battle with aging.

3/4 lb. Pound
List Price: $9.00 + S&H


5 Pounds
List Price: $32.00 + S&H



Magnesium Oil

Relax Stiff Joints and Alleviate Pain---Treat Skin Conditions and Signs of Aging

Restore vital magnesium to enable cellular regeneration.

Magnesium oil can help alleviate joint pain & stiffness.

And it's also an excellent treatment for skin conditions such as psoriasis and resistant skin rashes.

Soften and smooth wrinkled skin, fade age spots and nourish sun-damaged skin.
Used as massage oil in physiotherapy and chiropractic applications.

Spray on any area of concern as often as desired, to enhance your vitality and reverse the effects of aging, by stimulating regeneration.
Magnesium Oil is an extreme concentrate of the form of magnesium that is the keystone of cellular regeneration. We call it the 'fountain of youth in a bottle'

An excellent means of absorbing critically needed magnesium and essential moisture for cellular regeneration. This liquid solution of magnesium chloride in Living Water gives immediate delivery & absorption into living cells.
Magnesium is critical for your cellular health, your nervous system, regenerating & maintaining living tissue, a nutrient essential for virtually every reaction in the body.

Directions for Use: It is recommended to apply after a shower or bath. Apply onto your skin, massage and leave. Or add some to your daily bath for a soak of at least 20 minutes. Let dry and do not rinse it off. If irritation occurs when applied on your skin, dilute 50% with Prill Water.

Magnesium Oil - 4 oz
List Price: $6.00 + S&H


norslyman's photo
Tue 01/13/09 02:21 PM
I study with The Shepherds Chapel (Dr Arnold Murray) and he uses the Companion Bible written by E.W.Bullinger. Who Murray calls one of the greatest scholars of all time.

norslyman's photo
Tue 01/13/09 11:47 AM
You're missing my point. I'm going purely by what the bible says. I can't go by what these people wrote because they were part of/or influenced by the Catholic church, which was itself founded by Simon the Sorcerer - a true witch.

norslyman's photo
Tue 01/13/09 11:39 AM
I'm going to cheat and use somebody elses work because I'm lazy and this relates to my other post.

Medical Evidence

First of all, 2 things to keep in mind: the existence of germs was unknown until the late 1800s. The first 5 books of the Bible were recorded by Moses approximately 1491-1451 BC. In these books God gives the Israelites medical instructions that far exceed the level of even the Egyptians back then. (The most advanced civilization at the time.)

In Exodus 15:26, God told the Israelites that if they obeyed all of His commandments and statutes that He gave to Moses, He would protect them from the plagues and sickness that afflicted the ancient Egyptians.

The medical laws and principles He then gave them were designed to protect everyone from the devastating diseases that have afflicted mankind throughout history.

Remember the Jews had lived as slaves to the Egyptians for 430 years. Whatever they knew of folk medicine and remedies was what they learned from the Egyptians. And they probably had all the same sicknesses. Deut. 28:27-28 tells us what they were; “The Lord will strike you with the boils of Egypt, the tumors, with the scab and with the itch from which you can not be healed. The Lord will strike you with madness and blindness and confusion of the heart.”

The Egyptian’s level of medical knowledge was extremely primitive and dangerous. For instance, for healing of an infected splinter wound, they were to make an application of an ointment of the blood of worms mixed with donkey dung! The author said that the various germs in this, including tetanus from the donkey dung would have made the patient forget the pain of the splinter because he would be dying from the treatment!

For snakebites they poured water over a pagan idol and then gave it to the victim to drink. Some of the other things they used in their medicines were: lizard’s blood, swine’s teeth, moisture from pigs’ ears, putrid meat, waste from just about every animal and even humans, etc. etc.

This would have all been familiar to Moses and the Israelites. But, Moses didn’t write about any of this. Only what God told him to. 213 out of 613 Biblical commandments found in the Torah are detailed medical regulations.

People back then, and even thousands of years later didn’t know that invisible and deadly germs could exist on eating and cooking utensils. Yet Lev. 6:28 says to discard broken pottery (because the cracks could contain harmful germs). They were also told to scour metal utensils.

Also throughout history, because they didn’t have refrigeration, people would eat decaying meat and just disguised the smell with lots of spices.
In Lev. 11:35 Moses wrote, “And everything on which a part of any such carcass falls shall be unclean; whether it is an oven or cooking stone, it shall be broken down; for they are unclean, and shall be unclean to you.” They weren’t to eat decaying meat; it was to be kept separate so it didn’t contaminate anything else. They weren’t to eat already dead animals because whatever they died from could affect them. That’s in Lev. 7:24

God also gave them laws to prevent the spread of infections. Numbers 19:14-17 talks about if a man dies in a tent, the people who had been in the tent should be kept in quarantine. If there were any vessels in the tent, which weren’t covered, they were unclean. If a person touched a dead body, they were unclean for 7 days and had to purify themselves. All of these rules we skimmed through while reading the Old Testament were given to keep them healthy!

An Hungarian Doctor worked in Vienna in 1845 and he noticed the high number of deaths of women who had babies in hospitals. (And these were mostly homeless and poor because well off women had their babies at home during this time.) He noticed that the doctors would be treating a woman who died and then go treat another woman without washing their hands. This was normal medical practice back then – because they didn’t know. But, 3500 years before this, God commanded the Israelites to wash their hands in running water when dealing with the sick. And it’s in Lev. 15:13.

God even knew not to wash your hands over again in the same bowl of water because the germs would just be floating there!

Leprosy killed millions of people over the course of history. But, the Bible had the priests acting as sort of medical control officers. They examined sick people to see if it was leprosy. If it was they pronounced him unclean and kept him from other people. Lev.13:43, 44, 46

There were laws for people recovering from illnesses and having to purify themselves and wait 7 more days, so they didn’t infect someone else.

Everyone knows about the Black Plague back in the Middle Ages. It seemed unbeatable. Almost 1/3 of the population of Europe died from it in the 14th century. Entire counties and towns were wiped out. The doctors had no clue what to do for these people even though they made the rounds – and then often died from it themselves.

Do you know how it was finally stopped? Some church leaders looked to the Bible for a divine medical solution for an apparently hopeless solution. And they began to follow the basic laws of sanitation and disease control. Lev. 13:46 told them what they needed to know: Quarantine!

There were more instructions for the caregivers: start cleaning their clothes and putting the clothes out in the sunlight. But, Moses’ instructions to segregate infected patients from their families and other people was one of the most important medical advancements in human history. The quarantine. Part of what the church fathers who read Lev. back during the plague did was, make a special medical quarantine compound outside the city where the sick were taken and caregivers fed them. Those who died in the streets or at home were instantly buried. Before, the dead would often be left in the house for a time with the living family.

God also gave the Israelites (and us) strict laws of hygiene and cleanliness. People used to not take baths (except the Jews). King James I of England (who was the one who ordered the translation of the Bible called The King James Version) never took a bath in his life! And Queen Isabelle was known to have said she only had one bath at birth and one on her wedding day! That’s why people back then loved snuff and perfume so much!

But, way back in Exodus 19:10 God told Moses to have the Israelites wash their clothes!
And the priests were told to wash their hands and feet in running water and their clothes. Remember the priests were the ones responsible for preparing and sacrificing animals on the altar.

The Bible also contains detailed instructions concerning the purification following the birth of a child.

There are a lot of other things: like the Israelites were told to build a kind of huge incinerator outside the city to burn the germ filled waste of sacrificed animals. Lev.4:11-12 says, “the bull’s hide and all its flesh, with its head and legs, its entrails and offal, the whole bull he shall carry outside the camp, it shall be burned on wood.”

At that time no one knew that animal waste and decaying organs would be dangerous because of microscopic germs. How would Moses have known – unless God told him?
Labels: medical laws in the Bible, proof the Bible is true, The Bible is the inspired word of God


norslyman's photo
Tue 01/13/09 11:30 AM

What? They are not christians? Then who the heck have we been talking to all this time.. geezuz.. ok what are Yamin and Norsly anyway?

Ugh and we are supposed to figure out who the real god is>> ya right..

Will the real god please stand up.. ugh

Oh and what faith are you David?

The reason Yamin probably doesn't refer to herself as a Christian is because it was a term first used by the Romans in a very derogatory manner. Kind of like calling someone a "nigger". It is a name that stuck. I would prefer to call myself a "believer". I think a lot of early church here called "people of the way".

norslyman's photo
Tue 01/13/09 11:20 AM

:wink: Well actually I had asked Norslyman if he felt the church was justified in torturing and killing women as Witches and I never got a straight answer. I wasn’t really expecting one.

I know it says something like "Suffer not a witch to live" - now is that live in your town, your land? Saul made a death threat to all witches in the land, and then goes and visits one himself? I see no record of the Witch of Endor being put to death however.

The servent girl in Acts how was bothering the Apostles wasn't referred to as a witch? It just says "a servant girl with a familiar spirit". They didn't kill her. They just cast the spirit out of her.

Here's the big one. When Simon the Sorcerer wanted to purchase the power of the Holy Spirit with money, they just cursed him. If ANYONE deserved death it would have been this guy. Look what he went on to do:

by Ernest L. Martin

What were the origins of Catholic-Babylonian Christianity? What was Simon’s religion before he met Peter? Where did that religion originate? Read in this series of articles the detailed and documented account of Simon Magus and his great COUNTERFEIT CHRISTIANITY!

THE FALSE religious system began very early -- almost with Pentecost in 31 A.D. Even in the earliest of Paul’s epistles, he informs us that "the mystery of iniquity DOTH ALREADY WORK" (II Thess. 2:7). Paul wrote this in 50 or 51 A.D. The plot to supplant the Truth had already begun. In the later epistles of Paul and in those of the other Apostles, we find it gaining considerable momentum. However, even though the Apostles discuss the diabolical system which was arising, THEY NOWHERE MENTION HOW IT STARTED. They had no need in mentioning its beginning -- that had already been done!

The book of Acts is the KEY to the understanding of Christian beginnings. Not only does it show the commencement of the TRUE Church, but it equally reveals the origins of the False Church masquerading as Christianity. Indeed, you would think it odd if the book of Acts did not discuss this vital subject.

The Book of Acts -- the Key

First, let us recall two points of necessary understanding.

1) The book of Acts was written by Luke about 62 A.D.-- some 31 years after the True Church began. Acts recalls ALL events which affected, in a major way, the True Church. It especially tells us about the beginnings of matters relating to Church history.
2) Acts does NOT record every single event relative to the Church, important as one might think them to be.

For example, Luke doesn’t mention a single thing about the activities of ten of the original twelve Apostles of Christ. Yet are we to assume that they did nothing important in the history of the Church? Absolutely NOT! They must have done many mighty works. But we can see from this omission that Luke recorded ONLY THOSE EVENTS WHICH WERE ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY for God’s Church of the future to know.

Notice that Luke’s geography leads him towards the Northwest and West of Palestine. He discusses Church history in Asia Minor, Greece and ROME. He wanted to leave us with the truth of what was going on in the West and North because the prophecies showed the false system arising in these localities.

All other activities of God’s Church -- all about the other ten Apostles, etc. -- fall into relative unimportance because the trouble wasn’t going to come from Palestine itself. It was to come from ROME and adjacent areas. It is no wonder that Luke spares no pains to tell us the truth of what was really going on in these critical areas, and that is the reason Acts concerns itself primarily with Paul. These are well-known principles that help us understand the overall viewpoint of Acts.

With the foregoing in mind, read the incident recorded by Luke, of the first encounter of God’s Apostles with a heretic. This encounter was not with an ordinary run-of-the-mill individual, but with one of the greatest men in the East at that time -- Simon the Magus!

The reason Luke describes the intentions of this man so thoroughly is the profound effect this man, and his followers, had on God’s Church in Asia Minor, Greece, and ESPECIALLY ROME. Actually, this man by 62 A.D., (when Luke composed the book of Acts) had caused the True Church so much trouble that Luke had to show the people that he was NOT, as he claimed to be, a part of the Christian Church.

All scholars realize that Luke tells about Simon’s beginning because of his later notoriety and danger to the Church.

In this regard, notice the comment of Hasting’s Dictionary of the Apostolic Church, Vol. 2, p. 496: "It seems beyond question that Luke KNEW THE REPUTATION which Simon acquired, and that he regarded the subsequent history of Simon as the natural result of what occurred in the beginning of his connection with the Christians."

If we assume that Luke recorded this encounter of the Apostles with Simon Magus simply to show that "simony" was wrong, we miss the point completely. There is a score of places in other parts of the Bible to show the error of buying ecclesiastical gifts.

Luke was exposing SIMON MAGUS HIMSELF. This IS the important point!! Luke was clearly showing that Simon was NEVER a part of God’s Church, even though by 62 A.D., many people were being taught that Simon was truly a Christian -- taught that he was the HEAD of the only TRUE Christians; the Apostle to the Gentiles!

What Luke Tells Us About Simon Magus

Notice the points Luke places clearly before us.
1) Simon was a Samaritan, not a Jew -- (Acts 8:9). Remember that the Bible tells us salvation was of the Jews -- not of the Samaritans (John 4:22).
2) Simon Magus greatly used demonic powers to do miracles and wonders (Acts 8:9).
3) The whole population of Samaria (both small and great) gave heed to him (Verse 10). He was looked on as the greatest prophet -- all Samaritans BELIEVED IN HIM!
4) The Samaritans WORSHIPPED him as "the Great One" -- a god. "This man is that power of God called Great [that is the Almighty]" (RSV. Verse 10). Imagine it! They called him god in the flesh!
5) Luke is also careful to inform us that Simon had become firmly established in Samaria as "the Great One" and had practiced his powers "for a long time" (Verse 11).
6) Luke wants us to understand that he nominally became a Christian ("Simon himself believed") and was baptized -- that is, he physically, outwardly "entered" the Christian Church (Verse 13).
7) Simon even recognized that Christ’s power was greater than his but wanted to be associated with that great name (Verse 13).
8) Simon, seeing the potential of the Christian religion waited until the authorities, Peter and John, came to Samaria and then offered to pay them money to OBTAIN AN APOSTLESHIP IN THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Verses 18-21).

Simon Coveted Apostle’s Office

Those who carelessly read this section of Scripture may get the mistaken notion that Simon wanted only to buy the Holy Spirit. Yes, he wanted that -- but his main intention went far beyond. He had eyes on becoming an APOSTLE!

Peter immediately perceived his intention and said "You have neither PART nor LOT in this matter" (Verse 21). The true Apostles had been chosen after Christ’s death to take PART in the apostleship by LOT (Acts 1:25, 26). Peter was telling Simon he couldn’t buy an APOSTLESHIP.

Luke is showing that Simon wanted to be one of the APOSTLES -- a top man in the Christian Church. He was after that office. After all Simon imagined himself to be fully qualified to be an APOSTLE, especially over the Samaritans since they already looked to him as the greatest religious leader of the age. However, Peter rebuked him sternly.

9) Peter perceived that Simon was in the "gall of bitterness, and in the bond of iniquity [lawlessness]" (Verse 23).

NOTE: This verse has been misunderstood because the King James Version fails to give the full force of Peter’s accusation. This verse when understood in the manner Peter intended, is one of the most important of the whole chapter. IT IS A PROPHECY! Peter knew the mind of this man and what this man was to become. This is made plain by Sir William Ramsay in his Pictures of the Apostolic Church, p. 60. He says: "Peter rebuked him in strong and PROPHETIC TERMS. The PROPHECY is concealed in the ordinary translation: the Greek means ‘thou art FOR a gall of bitterness and a fetter of unrighteousness [lawlessness]’, i.e., a cause of bitterness and corruption to others."

This makes it plain. Peter was uttering a prophecy by the Holy Spirit. He was telling what this Simon was to become; Lange’s Commentary says: "Peter’s words, literally, mean: ‘I regard you as a man whose influence WILL BE like that of bitter gall [poison] and a bond of unrighteousness [lawlessness], or, as a man who has reached such a state’." (Vol. 9, p. 148).

Not only was Simon, in Peter’s time, a great antagonist to the Church, but he would be the adversary in the future.

This prophecy is the KEY that opens to our understanding the ORIGINS of the heresies mentioned in the letters of the Apostles. Peter clearly knew Simon wouldn’t repent. Verse 22 shows that in the original.

Gall of Bitterness Defined

It is also interesting to note Peter’s statement that Simon was to become a "gall of bitterness." People today may not realize the exact meaning of such a phrase, but no Jew in the First Century was in any doubt as to its meaning.

It was a figure of speech adopted from the Old Testament which denoted going over to the idols and abominations of the heathen. Read Deuteronomy 29:16-18 and see how plainly this figure of speech is used. When the Apostle Peter applied to Simon Magus the phrase "gall of bitterness," he meant that Simon would be the responsible party for the introduction of heathen beliefs and idols into Christianity. The prophecy takes on a new and important scope when we realize this real meaning of Peter’s prophecy.

No wonder Jude later says, speaking about the very men who followed Simon Magus (including Simon himself): "For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ORDAINED to this condemnation" (Verse 4). We can be confident that Peter recognized that Satan was going to use this Simon Magus as the GREAT PROTAGONIST OF FALSE CHRISTIANITY.

The later history of Simon Magus shows that Peter’s prophecy came true in a most remarkable way.

Simon Magus Unrepentant

10) Even after Peter’s strong rebuke, Simon DID NOT REPENT! And Peter knew that he wouldn’t!

Conclusion: This means that Simon thought he deserved to be an Apostle -- if not the chief Apostle -- in the Christian Church. He became baptized which, in a physical way, made him ostentatiously a "member." It is important to remember that he DID NOT REPENT of his error. There is not the slightest hint that he gave up believing that he had divine right to be an Apostle.

He deliberately continued in this error, with his later followers -- calling himself "Christian"! It is because of the later deceptive activities of this would-be Apostle that Luke was compelled to show his ignominious beginning and to reveal what Peter prophesied about him.

It is by identifying the real beginning of the great false church system with this Simon that opens up a whole new vista of understanding in regard to the counterfeit Christianity which began even in the infancy of the Church.

What Did Simon and the Samaritans Believe?

One of the most scholarly of early church historians was Harnack, who wrote an extensive seven-volume work titled The History of Dogma. This man is recognized as one of the top authorities in the world on this subject.

He states: "Long before the appearance of Christianity, combinations of religion had taken place in Syria and Palestine, ESPECIALLY IN SAMARIA, insofar as the ASSYRIAN and BABYLONIAN religious philosophy . . . with its manifold interpretations, had penetrated as far as the eastern shore of the Mediterranean" (Vol. 1, pp. 243, 244).

Notice he says the Babylonian religion had come ESPECIALLY TO SAMARIA! !

And why not? The Samaritans were largely Babylonian by race. The Bible tells us in II Kings 17:24 that most of the Samaritans had been taken to Samaria from Babylon and adjacent areas. Later on, Ezra informs us that others who were mainly of Babylonian stock came to Samaria (Ezra 4:9-10). These people amalgamated their Babylonian religious beliefs with some of the teachings from the Old Testament. But they NEVER DEPARTED basically from their own Babylonian-Chaldean religious teachings.

If anyone doubts that these Samaritans practiced outright paganism under the guise of YHVH worship, let him read the extraordinarily clear indictments recorded in the inspired Word of God (II Kings 17:24-41).

So it is a Sorcerer who inspired the killing of witches.

norslyman's photo
Mon 01/12/09 05:27 PM
I call a temporary cease-fire, so we can all agree that herbs, natural medicine, wine and Pot are all good.drinker smokin

And that the IRS (haven't even touched them yet) are very, very bad because they will throw you in jail and seize your car and house for a dime bag.pitchfork