Community > Posts By > norslyman

norslyman's photo
Mon 01/12/09 05:20 PM
I've already talked about the Vatican, the Nazis, operation paperclip, and the CIA. First couple pages I think.

I honestly do need to read up on the founding Fathers. I've been told that the early freemasons were good, and got infiltrated by the Illuminati. But that is second hand info.

norslyman's photo
Mon 01/12/09 05:06 PM
Edited by norslyman on Mon 01/12/09 05:15 PM

Satan in misunderstood. The Bible is very hard on Lucifer, Beelzebub, or whatever name you will give him.

If you read the Bible FIGURATIVELY, the way BOOKS are meant to be read, and not FANATICALLY, then Lucifer embodies change. God tells man not to eat from the apple tree and the serpent tempts them, thus giving rise to civilization. Lucifer tempts Jesus Christ in the desert in an attempt to have some of Jesus' power. In both of these cases, Lucifer dares man to question God. If Jesus had gone with Lucifer then maybe Pilate would not have killed him.

If Eden really was a place, then life would be impossibly different if man still lived in it. Time has progressed the way it has and people have met each other because we are NOT in paradise. So, if you truly believe all that jargon in the Bible as FACT, like some evangelical preachers do, then NONE OF US would exist without Lucifer.

When Lucifer defies God and wishes for more power, he is overthrowing a system ruled by a tyrant. You can say anything you want about God being benevolent and always having the best interests in mind (although if you look at the first half of the BOOK then he seems like quite the anti-hero), but
He doesn't like to share power. He also smites people he doesn't like or anyone who disobeys his ten rules without exception or appeal or a trial. That sounds a lot like a tyrant to me.

Joseph Campbell says of Lucifer:
"One of the most amazing images of love that I know is Persian – a mystical Persian representation as Satan as the most loyal lover of God. You will have heard the old legend of how, when God created the angels, he commanded them to pay worship to no one but himself; but then, creating man, he commanded them to bow in reverence to this most noble of his works, and Lucifer refused – because, we are told, of his pride. However, according to this Muslim reading of his case, it was rather because he loved and adored God so deeply and intensely that he could not bring himself to bow before anything else, and because he refused to bow down to something that was of less superiority than him. (Since he was made of fire, and man from clay.) And it was for that that he was flung into Hell, condemned to exist there forever, apart from his love."

Lucifer is not evil. Christians call Lucifer evil. When's the last time you read about Lucifer killing anyone in the Bible? Ever? Did Lucifer flood the entire world killing everything but a single family? Did Lucifer commit genocide on every Egyptian family?

That isn't to say that Lucifer should be worshiped via Pentagram and the occult, nor that he shouldn't. Lucifer embodies change, and change can be good or evil. Judge the man and his actions, not the image that you are told of him.

You would make a good Mason. This is pretty much what they believe. Lucifer embodies CHANGE, reminds me of Obama. We are headed for change in this country all right.

Lucifer didn't want more power, he wan't it all! It was an attempted coup. And you're darn right Yahwehs a dictator, he owns it all. How about if I waltz into your house and start ordering you around - it would be a change wouldn't it - and therefore a good thing.

When has Lucifer ever killed anyone? Are you kidding me? Reminds me of a story from the Soviet gulags. A poor prisoner starving to death tried to get a letter off to Stalin asking "Does Stalin know what is going on here, someone should inform him so he can stop this." Go ahead and write a letter to Lucifer.

And Joseph Cambell really does write myth, I'll stick with the facts. Like Sgt Joe Friday "Just the facts ma'am."

norslyman's photo
Mon 01/12/09 04:57 PM
Edited by norslyman on Mon 01/12/09 05:11 PM
We haven't nailed down the defenition of a witch.

norslyman's photo
Mon 01/12/09 04:52 PM

:wink: Well actually I had asked Norslyman if he felt the church was justified in torturing and killing women as Witches and I never got a straight answer. I wasn’t really expecting one.

Of course not, silly question. I thought that had been made clear.

What I do agree with is the wars that Israel fought against it's enemies in the OT. These cultures were so into the worship of their gods and so demonized that there was no hope for them. This truly was a battle of the gods. Yahweh vs Baal. They trusted in their god Baal so much to bring them victory in battle, Yahweh had no choice than to let it play out so that everbody could see who the true god really was. Hard to attend a church when everybody is dead. Eventually all the surrounding nations began to greatly fear the Israelites, but did they repent, no. So the killing went on. And don't call it murder. Killing in a just war is not murder. Not like the Iraq/Afgan wars though. We ARE murdering innocents in these wars.

norslyman's photo
Mon 01/12/09 03:59 PM

The heart of man is wicked and deceitful and his tongue is full of poison. We hate the natural condition of man. But man's nature is imperfect and fallen. someday we shall all change in a twinkling of an eye and be restored. At least some of us.

Ok this is going to sound mean but no meaner than what is above, unless one can't see the manipulation in the words.

How perfect is it to set man up to mistrust his fellow man as well as himself with the repeated assertions that he is deceitful and wicked and should hate his own natural condition. Set up the conditions where by you can control a man that has no self worth but that which you allow him in some limited and controlled way. Yet at the very same time the charismatic leader type sees the value in using the man with no self worth to do his bidding.

Now we have created the church leader and the followers.

Wow the rulers of the world must have seen the value of manipulation in the bible immediately. The value in using peoples fears against them to gain power and treasure, and those that will be so frozen in their fears, staunch in their prejudices who will be the work force to gain that power and treasure.

How brilliant that the same book can empower some and enslave others. And of course avoid too much education for the masses, it should be seen as evil for obvious reasons, take care not to give women too much power, especially, you know how they are.. grin

So now you have more that will be the slaves and the few that will rule the world.

Absolutely brilliant, add Intelligent design and creationism to solve the boredom factor and write a few zillion books from Nostradamus to Left behind series and you have access to the idle and depressed minds of the new age.. wow, it just gets bigger and bigger until all minds are as obedient as all others.

I would refer you to my post on who really runs the world. They are the TRUE manipulaters. The bible sets us free - and don't confuse it with the Harlot church. Nostradumbass has nothing to do with the bible. Left Behind series is part of the Harlot Church. The bible says we are all equal, and teaches us to be humble. We have ONE king - Yashua. He rules, we follow. No need for power struggles when HE has all power. You want masters and slaves? Just wait a few more years. You will learn to love Big Brother.

norslyman's photo
Mon 01/12/09 03:35 PM

I would only define a witch as someone who knowingly contacts familiar spirits - divination. They disguise themselves as "spirit guides" who are there to help. In all the stories of witches in the bible, it is always in this context. I think the defenition of a witch has changed over time. Can you find an example in the bible where a witch was an herbalist and used natural healing?

The practice of Witchcraft and herbal medicine predates Christianity by thousands of years. The bible was hostile to it as you know and sought to suppress it at all costs. You will hardly find anything of use in the bible. You will need to look at actual historical accounts of Paganism itself. What do you think existed prior to Christianity? How do you think our pre-historic ancestors treated illness? huh

I stand by my defenition of a witch. What you are talking about would have been called a midwife I believe. You still have to find me an example out of the bible, not the 15th century. I remind you of the false church and refer you to the Harlot Church post. These are the people who expanded the defenition of a witch to include midwives and natural healers. THEY love to change the meaning of words, right out of the novel 1984, it's called "newspeak". A conveniant way to get rid of people they don't like.

The bible has a rich history of healers. The midwives in Egypt were well known - and I'll admit, maybe they learned some things from the Egytians. Remember, Moses was schooled in Egyptian arts, and I'm sure healing was one of the things he learned. "Not one Israelite was sick or lame when they left Egypt".
The "Balm of Gilead" was well known.
Oils were widely used.
Yashua was known as the "Great Physician" and most of his miracles were healing sickness.
Luke was a physician.

I'll admit the church has dropped the ball on this one. More like taken the ball and buried it in a hole. I applaud people like Tom Cruise and what's his name who's son just died - they take a lot of flak. I don't agree with anything else about Scientology except their stron anti-drug stance - especially the Ritalin, Prozac issue. They put the church to shame. We should be the leaders in the entire field of health and healing. I got a great documentary from Scientology "Pshycology, Industry of Death" - it was excellent.

norslyman's photo
Mon 01/12/09 03:10 PM

1 lb ground beef
1 lb hot breakfast sausage
2 cans Rotelle diced tomatos and green chillies
1 box of vellveta
1 12 oz bag shredded sharp cheddar cheese
Preparation: Brown beef and sausage then drain
Cut velvetta into chunks
Throw everything into crock pot and heat for a couple hours until well blended. Serve with tortilla chips.



norslyman's photo
Mon 01/12/09 11:23 AM
I would only define a witch as someone who knowingly contacts familiar spirits - divination. They disguise themselves as "spirit guides" who are there to help. In all the stories of witches in the bible, it is always in this context. I think the defenition of a witch has changed over time. Can you find an example in the bible where a witch was an herbalist and used natural healing?

Here is a testimony:

Escape from the Power of the Ouija Board
I was eighteen years old. The summer was long and boring. One day I decided to purchase a Ouija Board. My friend and I attempted to work the board for about three days. Finally the wedge began to move from letter to letter. There were no clear messages for several days. My friend grew tired and fearful of the board. She decided not to play the game anymore. She would not touch the board again.

The garbled messages only peaked my curiosity. I attempted to move the play the game alone. The first day or two the wedge did not move. Finally, the wedge seemed to come alive moving from letter to letter. The messages were finally clear. The board told me that a spirit came to me through the board. The spirit said it was to be a friend who was to protect me from the dangers in life. It would guide me to a better life because it knew the future.

I spent all my free time with the board. The spirit told me that it loved me and I should let it direct the activities of my life so that my future would be secure and happy. We discussed life and love through the board. It kept promising happiness and security if I would listen and do what it said.

This continued all summer and then it was time to go to college as I planned. I took the Ouija Board with me to school. I spent all my free time with the board and found it cumbersome. I had roommates and it looked weird for me to work the board alone. The spirit suggested through the board that it use my hand for automatic handwriting. I tried that but all I could get was the figure "8" drawn over and over again. I spent all my time tying to get messages. Of course, there was no time for study--I failed out of college. I returned home pale, tired and nervous. I kept communicating with the spirit through the board for the remainder of the year.

Year Two

The spirit suggested through the board that I attempt to let it use my voice. The automatic handwriting did not work since I could only manage to get "8" on a paper. I thought I would try that so I just permitted the spirit to speak through me. I let it use my voice and words started to form. At first gibberish then other words. It would use my voice when I was alone.

During this time I worked at a full-time job. I was not very good at the job because my concentration was bad. The spirit kept wanting my attention--my tapping my finger--attempting to make letters with the movement of my finger. I could keep the spirit from using my voice and the finger movements if I concentrated but it detracted from my concentration.

Year Three

One day the spirit was using my voice--curses and obscenities were being spoken. The cursing and obscenities were about Jesus Christ. I was in shock that these words were coming from my voice. It told me to kill myself. I could feel hatred that I never felt before. This made me step back and look at myself. What kind of spirit was this? What had I done?

I finally took a good look at myself in the mirror. I was pale, tired and nervous. I wanted the spirit to leave. It would not go. The spirit became more aggressive and would fight for control of my voice. I would be talking and sometimes the spirit would speak. I had to control my every word and movement. My hands and arms moved overly fast sometimes. I could not sleep peacefully. The nightmares began of creatures chasing and laughing at me. I slept with a knife under my pillow. I dreaded sleep.

One day my Dad said that he saw a large, ugly devil in our house. He said that he chased the thing and it left through our dining room window. He kept talking about that experience all day. I just made jokes and laughed.

I decided to ask God for help. Who else could help me? Anyone else would probably send me to a mental hospital. I began to pray and fight for control of my mind and body. I always believed that Jesus existed and now it was time to see if Jesus was real. Obviously, the spirit hated Jesus because of it's cursing of Jesus.

Year Four

I began to gain some control of my mind and body. I decided to ignore the spirit as much as possible and enrolled in a local college. While attending the college, I joined a Christian group called "Campus Crusade For Christ." The people in that group taught me how to communicate with Jesus. They taught me how to read the bible and I went to church. The people did not know about the spirit. I was too ashamed to tell them or ask them for help.

I learned how to fight a spiritual battle. I memorized and meditated on scriptures concerning the victory of Jesus over Satan. I claimed the blood of Christ every time the spirit attacked--it was so automatic that I claimed the blood of Jesus in my dreams. One night while sleeping, I woke with a sharp jerk to the muscles of my body. I knew the spirit was gone. My mind was clear and at peace. That was over 25 years ago. The spirit never returned.

I finished college and graduated with the BA Degree in Sociology and minor in Psychology. I thank Jesus every day for saving my life. I am the author of the Ouija Board Pages which were written to warn you not to channel the spirits.

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The people of the world can be divided into two groups. The first group are those who can clearly point to the intervention of Jesus Christ in their lives. The second are those who cannot. If you are in this latter group PLEASE don't let another hour go past before you get right with God. He loves you and has a great plan for your life! But there must be change. If you are religious but can't point to a definite work of God in your life YOU NEED to get born again in the Bible way. To find out how to get right with God, click here now.

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norslyman's photo
Sun 01/11/09 07:34 PM
Can't figure this stupid quote function out yet, bare with me.

If the bible was so "pro medicinal herbs" why were they killing both males and females as "sorcerers" and Witches? You can’t have it both ways here. And do you not understand where we actually get "hard drugs" from? Pharmaceuticals are routinely derived from PLANTS. They are recombined and chemicals are added as stabilization compounds. You need to brush up on some of this if you are going to study natural medicines.

"The compound from which the active ingredient in aspirin was first derived, salicylic acid, was found in the bark of a willow tree"

How do you think pre-historic women (and later midwives) were able to induce abortions when the woman’s life was in danger or it was bad timing? You guessed it. Medicinal herbs. The practice of Witchcraft.


Well if the compounds are recombined with chemicals, it is no longer in a natural state now is it? I would say a lot of chemicals get added. The hard drugs I was refering to are cocaine and heroin. Why is it that poppy production has GROWN since the Afgahn war? Surely they could put a stop to it. And don't tell me they're concerned for the poor farmers. They could care less about them.

And a witch is someone who consults evil spirits. She/he may or may not use drugs to do this. Someone using herbs to cure sickness is blessing people and not a witch. The classic example is the witch of Endor whom Saul consulted. She brought up Samuel from the grave. Only it wasn't Samuel, it was a familiar spirit. Do a google on witchcraft and deliverance sometime. You can read plenty of stories about people toying around with witchcraft for kicks and finding out it's very real. They get a spirit that won't leave them alone when they are done fooling around. It gets worse and worse until they find deliverance. Oija boards are a superhighway to this realm. All you unbelievers go get one and play around with it - see what happens. It's very real and very dangerous.

norslyman's photo
Sun 01/11/09 06:51 PM
We say Hallelujah, not Hallelujes don't we??

The name "Jesus"... a Falsehood to be avoided.


I submit to the reader that there is more merit to the relationship of Iesous and Zeus than what many people have allowed for. The similarity is in the ending of these two names. "Sus" or "Sous" is equal to "Zeus" in the Greek language, and if you don't believe me, then look at the name of "DionySUS." Most people are familiar with "Dionysus." "DionySUS" is the Greek mighty one (god) of wine, one of the sons of Zeus. The "SUS" in "DionySUS" is a reference to Zeus. "SUS" in "IeSUS" is definitely a corruption of the Name of the Son (Yahushua) as a reference to Zeus. Many scholars of Greek mythology have shown that the "sus" ending of male names and deities refers to Zeus, just the same as "El" or "Yah" at the ending of Hebrew names refers to "Yahuah" or "Elohim." Examples are "Mattit[h]YAHU" (commonly Matthew) and "Dani'EL" (commonly Daniel). Finally, you may have figured out in all of this paragraph's information that "Zeus" is just a transliteration of the Greek "sus" or "sooce" into English!

Most people are familiar with Zeus, the big man who holds the lightning in his fist... what a mockery of Yah who truly sends forth the lightning like an arrow shot from a bow.[1] Dionysus was the Son of Zeus and Semele, known for fertility of nature and of wine, identified by the Romans with Bacchus.[2] It is even more interesting to note that the birth of Dionysus took place during the winter solstice, which according to the Roman date is December 25th. I think the implications of this to Christianity are obvious.[3]

Having dealt with the "sus" ending as a reference to Zeus, we look at a deity which is very significant to understanding the origin of the name "Jesus." That is, "Iasus." According to Edith Hamiltons book Mythology, on page 180, we find that "Iasus, pronounced" Yeah-sooce "is called the father of Atlanta, he wanted to sail on the Argo, and took part in the Calcydonian boar hunt." It is interesting to note that at Christmas time, Christians used to have the traditional stuffed pig with the apple in its mouth. References of Greek mythology state that Iasus was also known as a female moon-deity of healing, but this deity is mostly considered male because of the "sus" ending. Rightly, "Iasus" is noted very forcefully by scholars of Greek mythology to be "one of the four sons of Phoroneus (a mighty one/deity of fire). As one of four sons, Iasus ruled over a division of the Peloponnese."[4]

b) While it is hard to believe that Christian minds used "Iasus" to refer to the Name of the Son as a deity of healing or the father of Atlanta in relation to Zeus, I'm sure the Almighty can't be too pleased about the coincidental (if it is) use of "Iasus" to refer to His Son by Christians. The use of "sus" at the end of Jesus as a direct relation to Zeus[5] should cause Scriptural believers to seriously think about using the proper Name of the Son (as it is in its original Hebrew/Aramaic state). At the very least, we know that "Iesous," which became "Jesus," is a bad transliteration of the proper/original Name of Yahushua. Again, Yahushua declares the "deliverance of Yah." Although some people think that "Iesous" is the best they could do with Greek language, Iesous and Jesus have no relation to the Name of Yah or deliverance! "Yeshua" is a name that uses the Hebrew "shua" meaning "deliverance." Yahushua refers to the deliverance which is from Yah. Iesous has no reference to either of these. Therefore it gives us no reference to the mission accomplished in the life of Yahushua. Furthermore, scholars have not been able to find an origin and original meaning of Iesus besides the Greek male deity known as Iasus. Therefore I appeal (as I have earlier) that for the sake of clarity we should use Yeshua or Yahushua. My preference of course is Yahushua.



Please remember Acts 17:30 "Certainly, truly, the times of ignorance the Mighty One (KJV God) overlooked; but now He commands all men in all places to repent."

norslyman's photo
Sun 01/11/09 05:48 PM
The bible condemns sorcery.

I will take these one at a time but I have the most familiarity here. You do understand that the practice of "sorcery" and Witchcraft was very often the traditional use of herbal medicines? This is what the Christians condemned and murdered thousands of people for in both the US (Salem, Massachusetts 1692) and to a much greater extent, Europe


Genesis says that "every herb bearing seed is given for the service of man". The bible is 100% pro herbal medecine and natural healing. Sorcery would be the "hard" drugs that can open the mind to demonic influences and the "chemical" unnatural modern drugs that don't cure anything, just mask the symptoms. Whoever is wiping out herbalists and natural healers CANNOT call themselves a true Christian. During WWII not one bombing raid targeted the drug companies like Bayer (a pretty important target wouldn't you think) - these Nazis eventually formed our modern Pharma industry. But a town like Dresden, known for it's high population of herbalists, was fire bombed into oblivion. I agree with you guys on this issue. Again, the true/false Christian argument. I forgot to add that the CIA ships in most of the hard drugs into this country. They were also behind the acid craze of the 60's and Tim Leary was their asset. The safe things like Pot (natural and herb bearing seed) are outlawed so that they get more business. They are about to do the same with vitamins with the CODEX laws. It will start with regulation and turn into outlawing. Vit C illegal? Someday yes. And when they bring in the free health care, you will play by THEIR rules. You sneek some vitamins on the side? Bye bye coverage, they'll throw you out on the streets, or even in prison. It's all in the book "Brave New World" by Aldox Huxley. A COMPLETELY DRUGGED and controlled society. Tell me THAT doesn't scare you.

norslyman's photo
Sun 01/11/09 04:22 PM
I caught bits and pieces of it. They ran it last year too. Secular world seems to be getting more fascinated with the subject of the endtimes. They had a lot of Nostradomus stuff, which is silly. He was no prophet at all. Under biblical law, if a prophet is wrong in one thing, he is to be put to death. Lots of stuff on the year 2012 because of the Mayan calender. I think that any culture that was into human sacrifice like they were was probably in touch with some pretty powerful demonic beings - which can impart knowledge to humans. So they did have remarkable astronomy. What are they up to, getting people all excited about 2012? And the whole thing about the world ending. The earth is NOT going to be destroyed. It is going to be PURIFIED BY FIRE. Yashua is going to rule and reign in Jerusalem for the Millenium.

And the bible expert they get - the guy who helped write the "Left Behind" series - a work of fiction! They don't get an actual bible scholar! So lots of disinformation. Reinforcing myths about the bible. But maybe it is good to get the secular world thinking. What do you think?

norslyman's photo
Sun 01/11/09 04:06 PM
Back on topic of the elite who rule the world:

The bible condemns usary (charging interest).
This is the international banksters #1 weapon.
This is why you end up paying $400,000 for a house worth $100,000. This is why we are having a housing crisis which will bring down the entire economy (which has all been planned that way). Ending usary alone would improve peoples lives tremendously world wide.

The bible condemns sorcery. Which can be translated pharmekia - or the pharmaceutical industry. They suppress all natural cures and promote only their drugs which they make huge profits on. Heart disease and cancer are the two leading causes of death. Both of which are easily preventable. #3 leading cause - adverse reactions to drugs! Any doctor who has ANY success curing cancer naturally will get a SWAT team visit and put out of business. They are getting all the kids on Ritilan and Prozac as young as 5 yrs old!

The bible condemns porn. This is an epidemic in our country. USA is the #1 producer and consumer. Does this help society? THEY do everything to promote it because it destroys the family unit. This bailout thing is a sick inside joke.

Israel was THE example of a sound healthy country. They kept a national identity. THEY are doing everything they can to destroy us through illegal immigration. They could close the border in a second if they wanted to. They want us to come down to Mexicos level, instead of a strong nation helping Mexico come up to ours.

I could go on. But these are some major issues that affect us all. Please don't tell me you blame the Christians for all these things. Please don't tell me we wouldn't be better off doing things the bibles way. Do you know anybody losing their house? Anybody with cancer? Oh, well just blame those pesky Christians.

norslyman's photo
Sun 01/11/09 12:47 PM

God wishes for none to perish, but many will, because of their unbelief.

God wishes none to parish, but many will, because they don't believe. Sounds like a contradiction to me.

And if Satan has already been defeated, one might want to discuss that with some fellow Christians would absolutely disagree with that one.

For me, I just refuse to live in fear of anyone I can't see, much less carry on a conversation with that wouldn't get me hauled off to the loon farm if I did it in public.

Now if we are talking about fear of people I can see, that would be Christians dominating the world. That is scary to me.

That is the whole point of this post. There are real people that you can see who rule this world and they just so happen to worship the Devil. And you're afraid of us? The very people trying to expose them? Reminds me of when Yashua was casting devils out of people and they accused him of having a devil himself. Things don't change much do they? Yes, Satan has been defeated. His sentence has not been carried out yet. We still have to go through Jacob's Trouble (Tribulation). Then you WILL get to actually see him as the False Messiah (AntiChrist). Sad thing is, most of you WILL worship him at that point because he'll be doing a lot of "good" works - just like the Masons pretend to do (and like the Red Cross). Many will perish because God doesn't interfere with our free will. It's our choice to make. The Devil DOES like to have total control over one's will. Addictions, habits, and eventually demonic possession. Apparently you're perfectly happy with the present state of the world. False Messiah won't have to do much of anything to buy your soul.

norslyman's photo
Sun 01/11/09 12:28 PM
I'm getting more and more interested in "common law". Our court system has been completely corrupted and common law is a way to take that power back as far as I know. I think people get a common law marriage to keep the State out of their business. Marriage is a covenant between you, your spouse, and God - the State has NO business sticking its nose in your affairs. I've heard that some people become what's called a "sovereign", then the State has no power over you at all. You don't need a drivers license, don't need to pay property tax, carry your own insurance, get rid of your SS #. I'm all for it, but sounds like a lot of hoops to jump through.

norslyman's photo
Sat 01/10/09 07:50 PM
Edited by norslyman on Sat 01/10/09 08:01 PM

To be perfectly honesty with you I feel that Mediterranean mythology got way off track in many areas.

The Bible, the Torah, and even the Koran all stem from the same Mediterranean folklore. Why would they have gotten so disoriented and off-track if they were based on "The word of God"?

Also, why believe in the Bible over the Torah or Koran?

I mean if you're going to believe in the Mediterranean folklore why single out the Bible?

As far as I'm concerned Jesus denounced some of the major commandments of the God of Abraham. Such as stoning sinners to death (which the Jews were still doing in Jesus day), and Jesus also taught to turn the other cheek (forgive) instead of, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth (seek vengeance), that the God of Abraham taught.

I don't see how Jesus could have possible had anything to do with the God of Abraham. I believe that Jesus was trying to teach the way of the wizard (i.e. Buddhism)

The Torah IS the Bible. Yashua fulfilled every word of the Torah. He lived the Torah, he WAS the Torah, he wrote the Torah. He said he would not even change "one jot or title" of the Torah. He didn't bring in a new covenant, but a RENEWED covenant. Where he would write the Torah on our hearts. Before Abraham was, he existed. The only part of Torah done away with is the animal sacrifice. There is a major revival going on in Israel right now among the Messianic churches, many Jews are accepting their Messiah. I believe we should still put muderers and rapists to death - not necesarily by stoning - a bullet would suffice.

norslyman's photo
Sat 01/10/09 05:35 PM
Actually, there is a bible verse that covers that: Romans 2:14"For when the Gentiles, who have not the law, do by NATURE the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves." So I guess you are a law unto yourself. But the vast majority of humans need some help in becoming righteous. Oh, I forgot one charity that is pretty much non-Christian, but very good - The Heiffer Project. I've given to them. They help families become self-sufficient by giving them sheep, goats, cows, ect.

My main point is that we all have a common enemy that wants to destroy us all. The bible helps pinpoint the exact spiritual nature of that enemy. Do you deny the supernatural exists? Ever seen "A Haunting" on the Discovery channel? Could you tell one of those families they didn't experience something?

We have a freight train coming down the tracks at us called The New World Order and we're all just standing in the middle of the tracks arguing with each other instead of focusing our energy on the real enemy.

And by the way, the first time Bush Sr. ever used the phrase "New World Order" was Sept 11, 1990. 11 years to the day of 9-11. Occult symbology is their way of bragging.

norslyman's photo
Sat 01/10/09 04:27 PM
My sister is an independent writer who does fund raising. Many of these so called charity organizations are total rip-offs. So much money gets siphoned off the top its not even funny. The bigger the organization, the better the odds of corruption. Sadly, the same is true for many so-called Christian charities. And how about George Bush senior and Bill Clinton teaming up to beg for money after the Tsunami and Katrina for Red Cross was it? What a joke. They are both old CIA drug-running buddies. They laugh at the stupidity of the American people. They'll use tradgedies to get even more money. I'll admit that some aid probably made it to some people, but the vast majority got siphoned off.

norslyman's photo
Sat 01/10/09 04:14 PM
I'm all for freedom of speech. Good for them. I wonder what they will do with the money? What big Atheist group out there is feeding the poor and helping the needy?

norslyman's photo
Sat 01/10/09 03:50 PM
Nobody has tackled my main question yet. If the Devil does not exist, why do the elite (who control the world) worship him? And surprise, surprise - their deeds are evil. I would further add the the #1 religion in America has become Asthoreth worship - the porn industry. In the OT Israel's enemies always worshipped these gods of fertility. The Masons are obsessed with sex. Who speaks out more against the porn industry today than the church? Who supports family values more than the church? There are UN quotes such as "The family is a disease and must be destroyed". If man were to come up with an ideal religion it would be Baal and Astoreth worship. Lots of free sex and just sacrifice the children so you have no responsibility. Anyone that thinks the bible was conceived by man is kidding themselves. Living a life is high morals is very difficult. Now really, tell me who you would rather have as a neighbor? Ned Flanders, or Ted Bundy (seemingly a good little law student). Not one of you is going to want to live next to Ted Bundy. Not one of you has acknowledged all the good things the church does in the world.