Community > Posts By > Seamonster
By the way, the Muslim God offers 72 virgins in Heaven for people who convert to Islam... Can Jesus beat that? I want me a heram when I get up there passed those pearly gates! Yeah thats all nice and all 72 virgins, but I think after like the 4th virgin or so I would be looking for a pro. I'm gonna want someone that kinda knows what the hell their doin' at some point.. |
who is to say these dragons were not descendant of dinosaurs tho...for instance think off nessie sitings....doesnt it make sense that those creatures are descended from some of the very same we find in archaeological digs? i mean we find proof of such descendants in the oceans and rivers everyday as technology makes further advances. or it could be a mutated life form but while mutations are extremely rare they do happen and some of these cases definitely fit the bill and have had enough time to mutate genetic structure enough to insure continued survival. actually nessie has been proven a hoax, that famous pic, the guy admited to fakeing it. |
| what's your point? Someone fell into sin because of the bombardment of LIB speak all these years? Like seculars don't have their own hypocrisy to deal with? It just goes to show how far people have sunk & why all people need Jesus. Thanks for making the case. wow thats probably the most ignorant thing ive read in a while. |
This Water Is Nasty - India
Rush Loves Sheeple!
He is a reactionary talking head.... That is a given... But what about these talking heads??? These men are Racists in the SAME vein as the KKK and yet everyone seems to forget the BS they preach all the time. Americans over look them because they are black and "we" don't want to offend them now do we? It isn't PC to offent black people... Oh Wait a minute... They are supposed to be called Afro Americans these days! Why isn't just being considered an American good enough? Too equal for them and they have to get back at all us whites for slavery? My forefathers NEVER owned slaved so what do I owe them or anybody? You can smash on Rush but what about the REAL troublemakers of this country? If Jessie Jackson can call the Hebrew community in NY "Hymies" by calling NY "Hymie Town"and then apologize and expect it to all get swept under the carpet is as ludicrous as me going on a radio station saying Los Angeles is NIGG*R Town then then I can expect to be absolved with just a simple "I'm Sorry" the day after? Come ON! ALL THREE OF THESE MEN ARE RELIGIOUS LEADERS! All three hate Whites as much as the KKK Hates blacks. Two are Christian, one is Muslim. ALL Of them make as many appearances as they can on the media. Where is the hate for them? Personally if God struck all three down tomorrow I would feel no love lost for them! Rush makes his living being a voice of dissension just like MANY MANY OTHERS! At least he is not lying and preaching racial hate. He is right about SOME of the stuff he is talking about! Why not bash someone that really REALLY deserves it more than Rush. The only way to really silence him is if Obama did do something right but he is already screwing up. His economic stimulus proposal is just going to put America a lot deeper into the hole. Again where is all the money for his bail outs supposed to come from? Just print more money? YEAH JUST LIKE GERMANY IN THE 1930s! Look it up on the internet and maybe you might get a hint of why Obama's plans bother me so much! What the HELL do you think is going to happen when our currency begins to start really devaluating like it is NOW? I think enough of us know by now you hate Rush. Isn't it time to move on? Besides, Obama has already back peddled on some of his promises and more to come. Heck, do you like Howard Stern? I would think you do by the way you bash on Rush so much! Howard Stern is a total CHOAD! Still he made MILLIONS being a CHOAD. I wish I was making their money right now! I got too much heart though. Rush is no diffrent than those three, I do not like any of those three either but to try and put Rush in a diffrent catagory is just being a sheep to the right. Rush Limbaugh is a bigot and as much a racist as any of the three pic you put up. Who do you think the KKK listen to on talk raido? Not Howard Stern, RUSH. He speaks their language. Hate. |
sarah palin
She is the dumbest thing to come around in a while.
GW is dumb but Palin, wow is she dumb. |
Is Obama really christian
I will only consider someone a true Christian when they can chug the bottle of Drano under my sink and not fall ill and die. Jesus said himself his true followers cold do et! Billy.... There is a BIG BIG DIFFERENCE between FAITH ...... versus FOOLISHNES..... with the faith of a mustard seed you can move mountians but no-one seems to have even that much faith in their god. hmmmm |
The Atheist Jihad
god and satan, a goad a code, what be two, if all be one, words once spoke, made the mote...... um....WTF? |
This story makes me laugh, I love to hear about big money christians going down (no pun intended). He just needs to admit he's gay and live with it. |
Is Obama really christian
In reply to your question.."Is Obama really a Christian", here is the BIBLICAL answer to it. Scripture tells us, "by their fruits ye shall know them". Now to make that even simpler still, if Barak Obama was to be stood right beside Jesus Christ this second and was to look into the face and eyes of The Son of God, could he do so with a clear conscience, having just signed an executive order, KNOWING 100% in his heart, that that executive order would ultimately result in the deaths of millions of unborn babies. HOW WOULD HE EXPLAIN THAT ONE AWAY TO THE LORD JESUS CHRIST??? I will tell you categorically right now what Jesus Christ will say to Barak Obama if he does not repent of that so called executive order.... Jesus will say... "Depart from me ye who work iniquity". Therefore, when I look at Barak Obama and as much as I can, ATTEMPT to line his so called salvation with Gods Word, I can without fear or reservation say, Barak Obama is not a Christian as Jesus Christ Himself would describe someone who is HIS follower and HIS disciple. Jesus Christ will one day JUDGE Barak Obama for his recent "executive order", and as The Judge of the whole earth and THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OF HEAVEN and THE WHOLE UNIVERSE, I believe that the words which will come from the mouth of Jesus Christ will be...."Depart from me, I never knew you". How much greater the punishment for the HEAD OF A NATION, who chose to grant women the right to CHOOSE to KILL the unborn child. It is without doubt the "executive order" to grant someone the right to MURDER another human being. God alone has the right to give life and to take away life. Did not HIMSELF command..."THOU SHALT NOT KILL"?? kind of like when Bush sent thousands of me an woman to their death for his personal gain. |
The Atheist Jihad
I will let my son learn what he wants. I will never pressure him to believe what I do. If he wants to know about any religion at all, I will get him the tools to do so. It will be up to him. agreed, the last thing I want is for my kid to not learn anything. But I would also try to stear him away from what I deemed unhealthy. For instance if he came home and said he wanted to join the KKK, I would'nt tell him he can't but I would show him a side of that I think he obviously has'nt seen yet. The same with religion. |
Are we about due...
Not sure about something THAT crazy and big, but people are being brainwashed every Wednesday and Sunday when they walk into their church. Giving their hard earned money away to these theives. How do you know that? well this for starters. |
Why I believe In God.
There is no "proof" that Jesus rose from anywhere. There is nothing to substantiate the premise behind reanimation of dead flesh. There is some evidence to indicate that they simply went back to the wrong tomb. All those caves looked similar and people have been known to make mistakes. The best explanation for the four facts I presented is Jesus rose from the dead. you presented 4 opinions they were not facts. |
Why I believe In God.
Edited by
Fri 01/23/09 02:25 AM
" God makes sense of the origin of the universe. Have you ever asked yourself where the universe came from? Why everything exists instead of just nothing? "Nubby" ..if you say that the universe couldn't have just pop out of nothingness and therefore have to had been created then do the same logic apply to the existence of God ... if not then could you explain in a brief synopsis rationally why not ... There must be a fist cause, the cosmological argument asks for anything that BEGINS to exist must have a cause. Whats the BEGINNING cause of God? If everything that begins must have a cause then what caused god? And even if the universe had a cause, that cause did not have to be a god. So it proves nothing. |
Why I believe In God.
Edited by
Fri 01/23/09 02:24 AM
" God makes sense of the origin of the universe. Have you ever asked yourself where the universe came from? Why everything exists instead of just nothing? "Nubby" ..if you say that the universe couldn't have just pop out of nothingness and therefore have to had been created then do the same logic apply to the existence of God ... if not then could you explain in a brief synopsis rationally why not ... There must be a fist cause, the cosmological argument asks for anything that BEGINS to exist must have a cause. double post |
atheist holy day
I'm an Atheist,(well for the most part),
And have never had a problem with the religious holidays. |
The Atheist Jihad
fight it all you want...teach your kids whatever you want...teach'm they are little mini-gods if you like. Don't tell me how to teach mine... This is truly hilarious coming from a Christian. When are Christians going to quite proselytizing their religion to the children of others? The whole problem with Christianity in the first place is it's proselytizing nature. And the fact that it wants to put it's beliefs into the law of the land and have its beliefs taught in schools as those it has scientific merit. When Christians quite pushing so hard to brainwash my children maybe I'll consider leaving their children alone too. But until then, let them get a good solid dose of their own hateful hurtful medicine. As long as Christianity is a proselytizing religion it deserves NO RESPECT whatsoever. It is constantly trying to brainwash the children of others, and threating them that God will hate them and send them to hell if they don't convert. It's the most underhanded disrespectful religion ever created by man. It's clearly ungodly, and there is nothing divine about it. It has historically proven itself to be the works of arrogant egotistical men, and not the word of any divine being. The works of Christianity have historically been shown to be clearly hateful and bigoted, and thoroughly ignorant. It's a proven failure and clearly not of divine origin. It's spreads hatred, division, and bigotry. Just the opposite of the brotherly love it pretends to support. just have your own axe to grind abra. You can rant and rave all you like but you're as powerless as who you really serve. I for one am sick of your ridiculous rants. Same ol, same ol... As who you really serve? WTF does that even mean? So now he worships the devil because he has an oppinion diffrent than yours? |
Atheism Weak or Strong
Look around you. You all want to put down the bible. It is true thier was a day when atrocities happened. In todays world where the Holy Bible is held as a guidence book you have the freedom to say and speak what you want. Just like on here. In a communists or socialists country you have to watch what you say. Because at the top is an Athiests and he has decided he has total control. So why don't Athiests and non believers flock to Russia to where they won't have to hear anything about the Scriptures? Blessings...Miles actually Athiests can flock to most of Europe. Sweedan, the Netherlands, Britan, Germany, most Europian countries are mostly non-religious. The truth is that no-one can truly say there is absolutly no god. And no-one can say there absolutly is. If we are to honest with ourselves we are all agnostic. But the god of the bible is pretty well ruled out by basic logic. |
The Atheist Jihad
Now you are blaming Chrisitans for what the Radical Muslims are doing and saying.Nice one!Anything else you want to use Christianity as a scapegoat for?Maybe you can blame Christians for you high electric bill or maybe you can blame them for your late truck payment.You have blamed them for everything else. |
The Atheist Jihad
Why do we fight religion? Brainwashing children to believe that myths are facts and that science is a joke is a start. Also, religion supports, enables, and justifies some of the most absurd acts on this planet. What has our past and present taught us? What have we seen? Jihadists, crusaders, inquisitors, martyrs, and many subsets that mimic these despicable themes. Today we have people flying planes into buildings and blowing themselves up so they can enter an eternal paradise. We have people who claim to be worshipping the only true god and everyone else on this planet (4 out of the 6 billion people alive) are going to burn for eternity. These people call themselves Christians. What about religious tolerance and all the good-hearted moderates? 'Religious moderates are, in large part, responsible for the religious conflict in our world, because their beliefs provide the context in which scriptural literalism and religious violence can never be adequately opposed...We must find our way to a time when faith, without evidence, disgraces anyone who would claim it' -Sam Harris Religion is often the catalyst for unreasonable atrocities. Whether it is the main cause or merely an excuse to help justify the acts, religion is responsible. 'I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.' -Adolf Hitler Today the world fears a self fulfilled prophecy from the book of Revelations. We have thousands of Jihadists chanting 'death to America!' these confused apes would see a silver lining in a skyline-altering mushroom cloud. They say it is their religious duty to acquire nuclear arms. They say, 'I'm fighting so I can die a martyr and go to heaven to meet God.' -Osama Bin Laden |