Community > Posts By > Seamonster

Seamonster's photo
Mon 01/19/09 05:56 PM

Well I'm not sure about all you wrote about Billy Graham... only God knows the content of any man's heart. Maybe it was God who was opening doors in places no other person could go.

It's like the arguement about the Patriot Act... it's a good thing except in the hands of evil people.

Having said that...I agree there is alot the govts. are doing that we don't know about but God still says we are to abide under the shadow of the Almighty...where our lives are HIDDEN in Christ. Hint Hint... :smile:

I agree!!!!:thumbsup: winking

Correct...the scriptures are ripe with pointing to the "secret place" of God where we are hidden, protected & shielded by God.

"Tho 1000 fall to your left & 10,000 ro your right, you will not be harmed."

I'd say that's a "calling it close, cutting edge" faith living. Yu think? :wink: flowerforyou

no-one is protected by any god.
Again go to the childrens hospital and tell them how protected they are while they die in pain.

Some people are suckers.

Seamonster's photo
Mon 01/19/09 09:27 AM

Yes ...God not only loves us but likes us too!

If you aren't in agreement with that one then you need to change the mindset/heart set that says otherwise. Right? :wink:

just like he loved every one he killed in a flood.

All the children, he loved so much that he drowned them in a masive flood.spock

Seamonster's photo
Sun 01/18/09 12:57 PM
Edited by Seamonster on Sun 01/18/09 01:07 PM

Seamonster's photo
Sun 01/18/09 11:02 AM

If we go by the writing's back in ancient times it would appear this happened a lot

Really? Why don't you quote some for us.

you would be hard pressed to find a god that was not born of a virgin.
The Jesus story has been told many many times born of a virgin, betrayed, crusified, rose from the dead three days later.
It's a story that goes back long before Jesus.

Oh but Jesus was the real one. pfft

oh well my bad then.

my statement still stands, but my appoligies for getting off topic.

Seamonster's photo
Sun 01/18/09 10:51 AM

If we go by the writing's back in ancient times it would appear this happened a lot

Really? Why don't you quote some for us.

you would be hard pressed to find a god that was not born of a virgin.
The Jesus story has been told many many times born of a virgin, betrayed, crusified, rose from the dead three days later.
It's a story that goes back long before Jesus.

Oh but Jesus was the real one. pfft

Seamonster's photo
Sun 01/18/09 10:45 AM

Not true.

there is evidence that Jesus never existed and you can use the bible to show that.

The author "John Armstrong" has no credentials to give his statements any weight. Historians and theologians agree that a man named Jesus existed, preached and was believed to work miracles. There is simply too much historical evidence to deny that. The Gospels are too accurate to be denied on historical evidence. Now you are welcome to your own opinion, but how much is an opinion which goes against historical scholarship worth? Honestly, it's prejudice and bias. So keep your prejudiced and biased opinion, but I would think that anyone who valued intellectual honesty would be ashamed to hold a belief that is so completely against what we KNOW to be true.

the gospels are by far accurate.
They contradict each other so how can they be accurate?
I still have not seen any proof of this resarection.
And show me what in that video is false.
There is no real evidence of a jesus.
And even if there was, there is nothing outside of the bible that proves he did anything the bible says he did.

Historically accurate.

Pontius Pilot was the governor of Israel when Jesus was alive. It accurately names the ruler of Syria. It accurately describes events that are confirmed by other historical documents. The grammar and words used were used during the first century. Customs described are confirmed by other documents. Crucifixion in the style described in the Bible wasn't recorded in any other place and was thought to be a lie. But they found a human ankle bone that confirmed that the manner of crucifixion was used. I could go on. That's what it means to be historically accurate.

oh so someone was crucified in a time when it was a regular accurence.
Well that proves jesus was not only Jesus crucified but was resurrected.

I do not say that people where not crucified but wheres the proof that Jesus was and of his resurrection.

The resurrection was being put up as a fact I still have not seen any facts at all of this accurence.

Seamonster's photo
Sun 01/18/09 10:16 AM

Not true.

there is evidence that Jesus never existed and you can use the bible to show that.

The author "John Armstrong" has no credentials to give his statements any weight. Historians and theologians agree that a man named Jesus existed, preached and was believed to work miracles. There is simply too much historical evidence to deny that. The Gospels are too accurate to be denied on historical evidence. Now you are welcome to your own opinion, but how much is an opinion which goes against historical scholarship worth? Honestly, it's prejudice and bias. So keep your prejudiced and biased opinion, but I would think that anyone who valued intellectual honesty would be ashamed to hold a belief that is so completely against what we KNOW to be true.

the gospels are by far accurate.
They contradict each other so how can they be accurate?
I still have not seen any proof of this resarection.
And show me what in that video is false.
There is no real evidence of a jesus.
And even if there was, there is nothing outside of the bible that proves he did anything the bible says he did.

Seamonster's photo
Sun 01/18/09 08:33 AM

The bible cant even get it right.

Heres another short vid that blows holes all threw your so called facts and again it's all from the bible.

Apparent Contradictions? Blows holes in my facts?

yes because they are not facts, the bible can not get the story strait and is supossedly the word of god.
So these "eye witnesses" can not be trusted.
There are many people that say they have seen alien space ships but does that make it so?
And there are alot of people that say they have been on them, there are many people that say they have been cured of illnesses because they touched a stain that if you looked at it from the left and scwinted it kinda looked like the virgin mary, is that real?
What you have are not facts.

And those were not Apparent Contradictions they were Glareing Cnotradictions.

I believe the Bible is the word of God, but a Christian does not have to believe in the inerrancy of scripture to believe Christ rose from the dead. That is why apparent contradictions have nothing to do with the four facts.

your facts are based on hearsay and rumour.
That is not how we get facts.

And jesus was not the first to die and rise from the dead 3 days later it has been in religions thousands of yrs before jesus.
So it is realy nothing that special or diffrent anyway.

My facts are based on Scholarship.

You still want to beat a dead horse? LOL

Since most here completely ignore the faith aspect of the Christian walk it is impossible to think they will get it without some "good" faith.

God will always find those with an opened mind. Just as Jesus found us when we were lost. :smile: flowerforyou

of course faith is ignored, faith is the opposite of facts.
faith is what you have when you just want to believe something, it has no room in a fact based conversation.

Seamonster's photo
Sun 01/18/09 07:12 AM

The TRUTH... but anyone can find that out by reading & testing it for themselves. :smile:

tell that to the next parents of a child that died in pain from cancer after they prayed over them.

I think they did test and the test faild.

There is no REAL evidence for any of this in fact the evidence points the other way.

I have a question. What does the Atheist say to the parents of that child. So what, thats it, to bad. ?????????

I can’t speak for Atheists but they do not believe in god. They believe that life has a time and purpose and that is here in the material world. They honor the earth. They do not fear it and they do not make excuses to offset their own insecurities.

nicely put.

Seamonster's photo
Sun 01/18/09 07:11 AM

The TRUTH... but anyone can find that out by reading & testing it for themselves. :smile:

tell that to the next parents of a child that died in pain from cancer after they prayed over them.

I think they did test and the test faild.

There is no REAL evidence for any of this in fact the evidence points the other way.

I have a question. What does the Atheist say to the parents of that child. So what, thats it, to bad. ?????????

they console them, instead of hey we prayed god must just not like you or your child.
The bottom line is god did nothing to help the child.
So I prayers go unanswerd because had had some other plan then there is no use in praying.

Seamonster's photo
Sun 01/18/09 07:08 AM

The bible cant even get it right.

Heres another short vid that blows holes all threw your so called facts and again it's all from the bible.

Apparent Contradictions? Blows holes in my facts?

yes because they are not facts, the bible can not get the story strait and is supossedly the word of god.
So these "eye witnesses" can not be trusted.
There are many people that say they have seen alien space ships but does that make it so?
And there are alot of people that say they have been on them, there are many people that say they have been cured of illnesses because they touched a stain that if you looked at it from the left and scwinted it kinda looked like the virgin mary, is that real?
What you have are not facts.

And those were not Apparent Contradictions they were Glareing Cnotradictions.

I believe the Bible is the word of God, but a Christian does not have to believe in the inerrancy of scripture to believe Christ rose from the dead. That is why apparent contradictions have nothing to do with the four facts.

your facts are based on hearsay and rumour.
That is not how we get facts.

And jesus was not the first to die and rise from the dead 3 days later it has been in religions thousands of yrs before jesus.
So it is realy nothing that special or diffrent anyway.

Seamonster's photo
Sun 01/18/09 06:55 AM

The bible cant even get it right.

Heres another short vid that blows holes all threw your so called facts and again it's all from the bible.

Apparent Contradictions? Blows holes in my facts?

yes because they are not facts, the bible can not get the story strait and is supossedly the word of god.
So these "eye witnesses" can not be trusted.
There are many people that say they have seen alien space ships but does that make it so?
And there are alot of people that say they have been on them, there are many people that say they have been cured of illnesses because they touched a stain that if you looked at it from the left and scwinted it kinda looked like the virgin mary, is that real?
What you have are not facts.

And those were not Apparent Contradictions they were Glareing Cnotradictions.

Seamonster's photo
Sun 01/18/09 06:38 AM

The bible cant even get it right.

Heres another short vid that blows holes all threw your so called facts and again it's all from the bible.

Seamonster's photo
Sun 01/18/09 06:30 AM

The only problem I see with those who blaspheme religion the existance of God, is that THEY are the ones who are rejecting what humanity has known since the beginning of time. That God exists & He has revealed Himself thruout time.

All this new age witchcraft is nothing more than man's human attempts to put God of the Bible in a box to calm their own frustrations. They will always have the choice to enter in anytime they choose, but how about all the mind they pollute along that way? Shake your fist at God but don't kill another's option is what I say.

FACT: What about those who have the testimony of faith in them including the end result...answers to prayer? That can't be denied.

I'm in agreement with one poster who said...ignore what you reject. I have never seen the absolute hatred toward Christianity like on these boards. I guess all the closet devil worshippers are working OT to kill off man's real hope. Talk about sad....

If your child was deathly ill would you keep them home and just pray god makes them better?

No, of course not, you would put your trust in mans science and rush them to the hospital.

Faith crumbles when you need science.

Seamonster's photo
Sun 01/18/09 06:17 AM

The TRUTH... but anyone can find that out by reading & testing it for themselves. :smile:

tell that to the next parents of a child that died in pain from cancer after they prayed over them.

I think they did test and the test faild.

There is no REAL evidence for any of this in fact the evidence points the other way.

Seamonster's photo
Sat 01/17/09 08:13 PM
and yet that one little video shows facts that contradict all of that.

I can cut and past many many scholars that will contradict everything you just put there.
And show evidence for it.

There is no evidence for a reserrection what so ever.

You still have not responded to the facts in my video. And yes they are facts, and they are from your bible.

Seamonster's photo
Sat 01/17/09 07:40 PM
and I gave facts to the contrary.

Seamonster's photo
Sat 01/17/09 07:27 PM

I am not trying to be mean seamonster, but that man is not a scholar, I do not know of any scholar or theologian that would agree with Him. Even if the time lines did not add up, although they do, it still does not disprove the ressurection.

disprove the resarrection?

No-one has to disprove it.

Your the one makeing the claim that this event happend.

And as far as the video you have shown no proof that what he said was wrong.
And how do you know he is not a theologian or a scholar, have you seen his credentials?
Show me that everything he said in that video is not accurate.

Seamonster's photo
Sat 01/17/09 06:58 PM
you obviously did not watch the video.

The time lines do not add up.

Plus there is absolutly zero evidence of a reserrection.

Seamonster's photo
Sat 01/17/09 06:54 PM
Not true.

there is evidence that Jesus never existed and you can use the bible to show that.

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