Community > Posts By > Seamonster

Seamonster's photo
Sun 01/11/09 08:27 AM
Christians have come with excuses for those.
Realy realy lame excuses but they always need to make stuff up to explain things why god pramotes rape and slavery and why he has never heald an amputee.
It's actually a bit pathetic.

Seamonster's photo
Sun 01/11/09 08:23 AM

Yes well those secular orgs do just that...kill steal & destroy...but they have the public think they are a bunch of do gooders. I have a bridge to those people too. :wink:

yeah like the red cross, all they do is kill steal and destroy.
We need to get rid of scular orgs. like them.
And start giving our money to people like Ted Haggard and Robert Tilltin and Pat Robertson.

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Oh man your funny

Seamonster's photo
Sun 01/11/09 07:27 AM
Edited by Seamonster on Sun 01/11/09 07:28 AM
Acording to the bible women are nothing but property.
So if you beat them or rape them there is very little consequence.
You can also beat your slave if he can get up with 3 days of the beating.
The god of the bible is just a racist woman beating hillbilly.

laugh laugh laugh And people worship this guy.laugh laugh laugh

Seamonster's photo
Sat 01/10/09 08:28 PM

Explain how it is they can't know.

Christians worship a book as the "word of God".

But that book has been shown to be so self-contradictive and self-inconsistent that it couldn't possibly be the word of any God.

So whether or not "a God" might exist abstractly is irrelavent. What we can know is that the biblical account of God can't be true because the biblical stories are self-conflicting.

I think atheists clearly have the upper hand when it comes to proof. Especially in light of the new Inflation theories that show how the universe could indeed start from nothing without violating the known laws of physics. There's no longer a need to have a God create it all from nothing.

Your post does nothing to explain how a person can't know there is a God.

And if there is any group of thinkers lacking proof to their beliefs - it's Atheists. They can do nothing to support their conjector that there is no God. Impossible to prove. Even you know that.

I can't prove that Thor does not exist so does that mean he does?
And Athiests do not have anything to prove because they are not the ones makeing the claim.

Your not explaining how it is I can't know there is a God. Would you just rather retract your statement?

again, You have no evidence what so ever so you can not know there is a god.
Well and be honest anyway, but I doubt you will let that detail stand in your way of makeing claims.If you are religious then honesty and evidence are your enemy.

I'm not "religious". What does that even mean?

I believe there is a God - and I believe God. The evidence I have is that there are promises He makes in his word, and He fullfills them. That is my evidence. I actually have more evidence for God than I do for any president I've ever had - none of whom have been able to keep their word, as well as any employer I've had - and even most of my friends. None of whom have been able to keep their promises. That's enough evidence for me. He keeps His promises.

So again I ask - how is it I cannot know there is a God?

if anyone says they know that leprechauns exist, they are just as valid as you saying you know your god does.
So I guess on that level you can, because you have just as much evidence.

Surely you can at least come up with a plausable analogy. And one of these posts maybe you'll answer my question. I doubt it though.

Would you rather retract your statement?

that analogy works fine.
So no, no retraction here.
Maybe you would like to retract yours.

Seamonster's photo
Sat 01/10/09 08:24 PM

I'm all for freedom of speech. Good for them. I wonder what they will do with the money? What big Atheist group out there is feeding the poor and helping the needy?

there are alot of secular groups that do alot of good the red cross is not part of a religious org.
for one.

Seamonster's photo
Sat 01/10/09 06:37 AM
Edited by Seamonster on Sat 01/10/09 06:38 AM

Explain how it is they can't know.

Christians worship a book as the "word of God".

But that book has been shown to be so self-contradictive and self-inconsistent that it couldn't possibly be the word of any God.

So whether or not "a God" might exist abstractly is irrelavent. What we can know is that the biblical account of God can't be true because the biblical stories are self-conflicting.

I think atheists clearly have the upper hand when it comes to proof. Especially in light of the new Inflation theories that show how the universe could indeed start from nothing without violating the known laws of physics. There's no longer a need to have a God create it all from nothing.

Your post does nothing to explain how a person can't know there is a God.

And if there is any group of thinkers lacking proof to their beliefs - it's Atheists. They can do nothing to support their conjector that there is no God. Impossible to prove. Even you know that.

I can't prove that Thor does not exist so does that mean he does?
And Athiests do not have anything to prove because they are not the ones makeing the claim.

Your not explaining how it is I can't know there is a God. Would you just rather retract your statement?

again, You have no evidence what so ever so you can not know there is a god.
Well and be honest anyway, but I doubt you will let that detail stand in your way of makeing claims.If you are religious then honesty and evidence are your enemy.

I'm not "religious". What does that even mean?

I believe there is a God - and I believe God. The evidence I have is that there are promises He makes in his word, and He fullfills them. That is my evidence. I actually have more evidence for God than I do for any president I've ever had - none of whom have been able to keep their word, as well as any employer I've had - and even most of my friends. None of whom have been able to keep their promises. That's enough evidence for me. He keeps His promises.

So again I ask - how is it I cannot know there is a God?

if anyone says they know that leprechauns exist, they are just as valid as you saying you know your god does.
So I guess on that level you can, because you have just as much evidence.

Seamonster's photo
Sat 01/10/09 06:16 AM
London, Jan 7 (IANS) In a move to counter Christian advertisements running on London buses, an association of atheists has launched a "no God" advertising campaign on buses across Britain and on the London Underground with the slogan: "There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life."A total of 600 buses in Scotland, England and Wales and 200 bendy buses in London will carry the slogan for four weeks following a fundraising drive that raised more than 140,000 pounds. The money raised will also pay for 1,000 advertisements on London underground and a pair of giant LCD screens opposite Bond Street tube station in Oxford Street.

The fund-raising drive developed from a suggestion by British comedy writer Ariane Sherine in a blog post on the Guardian newspaper's 'Comment is Free' column last June. It found support from the British Humanist Association (BHA), prominent atheist campaigner Richard Dawkins and philosopher A.C. Grayling, among others.

At the launch of the campaign in London, Sherine said: "This is a great day for freedom of speech in Britain and I'm really excited and thrilled that the adverts have been approved and I hope that they will make people smile on their way to work. I am very glad that we live in a country where people have the freedom to believe in whatever they want."

The organisers also unveiled a set of quotes from public figures - including Albert Einstein, Douglas Adams and Katherine Hepburn - who have endorsed atheism, or at least expressed scepticism about a Creator.

Hanne Stinson of the BHA said the advertisement was a simple statement of non-religious belief designed to reassure people there was no reason to worry about being non-religious.

Theology think tank Theos and the Methodist Church said it was a great way to keep people thinking about God.

However, the offices of London Metro, the government body responsible for the city's buses and subways, received several complaints from the devout about the advertisements.

The initiative of the atheists prompted non-believers in Spain and Italy who are now likely to launch a similar campaign in Barcelona and some Italian cities, The Guardian has reported. In the US, some buses in Washington have already been carrying such advertisements supported by the local humanist association.

Seamonster's photo
Sat 01/10/09 01:01 AM

Explain how it is they can't know.

Christians worship a book as the "word of God".

But that book has been shown to be so self-contradictive and self-inconsistent that it couldn't possibly be the word of any God.

So whether or not "a God" might exist abstractly is irrelavent. What we can know is that the biblical account of God can't be true because the biblical stories are self-conflicting.

I think atheists clearly have the upper hand when it comes to proof. Especially in light of the new Inflation theories that show how the universe could indeed start from nothing without violating the known laws of physics. There's no longer a need to have a God create it all from nothing.

Your post does nothing to explain how a person can't know there is a God.

And if there is any group of thinkers lacking proof to their beliefs - it's Atheists. They can do nothing to support their conjector that there is no God. Impossible to prove. Even you know that.

I can't prove that Thor does not exist so does that mean he does?
And Athiests do not have anything to prove because they are not the ones makeing the claim.

Your not explaining how it is I can't know there is a God. Would you just rather retract your statement?

again, You have no evidence what so ever so you can not know there is a god.
Well and be honest anyway, but I doubt you will let that detail stand in your way of makeing claims.If you are religious then honesty and evidence are your enemy.

Seamonster's photo
Thu 01/08/09 07:53 PM
Edited by Seamonster on Thu 01/08/09 08:34 PM

Explain how it is they can't know.

Christians worship a book as the "word of God".

But that book has been shown to be so self-contradictive and self-inconsistent that it couldn't possibly be the word of any God.

So whether or not "a God" might exist abstractly is irrelavent. What we can know is that the biblical account of God can't be true because the biblical stories are self-conflicting.

I think atheists clearly have the upper hand when it comes to proof. Especially in light of the new Inflation theories that show how the universe could indeed start from nothing without violating the known laws of physics. There's no longer a need to have a God create it all from nothing.

Your post does nothing to explain how a person can't know there is a God.

And if there is any group of thinkers lacking proof to their beliefs - it's Atheists. They can do nothing to support their conjector that there is no God. Impossible to prove. Even you know that.

I can't prove that Thor does not exist so does that mean he does?
And Athiests do not have anything to prove because they are not the ones makeing the claim.

Seamonster's photo
Thu 01/08/09 07:52 PM
Edited by Seamonster on Thu 01/08/09 08:35 PM

For any christian - "I don't know" - is not a viable option to their certainty that God exists. The proof is in the life they live and the experiences thereof. The key word here is experience. Certainly one's world view comes into play here. I can look at a tree and know that the mere existance of it is part of the total ecological system of the functioning of the planet, and attribute that as part of an intelligent design - but to a chemical evolutionist - I cannot share this experience of certainty, for their world view is that the same tree they see is here by random chance, and has adapted itself into the eco-system through it's need to survive. Yet what we can both claim with absolute certainty is that "there's a tree". The "how" of the tree remains uncertain - unless one of us planted it - which then begs the question "how did the seed get here", and on and on it goes. There's just no means of establishing "evidence" to support the assurity with which one wishes to claim their belief that something is "the" truth - to convince another that they somehow are the only true witnessess of truth.

I don't think this is a unique attribute of christians. I believe we all share this.

When you ask a christian if there is a god they will not say I don't know they will say yes or of course even though they realy do not know, they can't know. They believe there is but they don't know there is.

Explain how it is they can't know.

oh ok so you have absolute proof there is a god?
Great, show it us I would realy love to see it.
And if thats the case then yes at that point they can say they know there is a god.
So please show me your proof.

Seamonster's photo
Thu 01/08/09 05:48 AM

For any christian - "I don't know" - is not a viable option to their certainty that God exists. The proof is in the life they live and the experiences thereof. The key word here is experience. Certainly one's world view comes into play here. I can look at a tree and know that the mere existance of it is part of the total ecological system of the functioning of the planet, and attribute that as part of an intelligent design - but to a chemical evolutionist - I cannot share this experience of certainty, for their world view is that the same tree they see is here by random chance, and has adapted itself into the eco-system through it's need to survive. Yet what we can both claim with absolute certainty is that "there's a tree". The "how" of the tree remains uncertain - unless one of us planted it - which then begs the question "how did the seed get here", and on and on it goes. There's just no means of establishing "evidence" to support the assurity with which one wishes to claim their belief that something is "the" truth - to convince another that they somehow are the only true witnessess of truth.

I don't think this is a unique attribute of christians. I believe we all share this.

When you ask a christian if there is a god they will not say I don't know they will say yes or of course even though they realy do not know, they can't know. They believe there is but they don't know there is.

Seamonster's photo
Tue 01/06/09 08:01 PM
when you ask a christian if there is a god they will almost always say yes.
And that is intilectualy dishonest.
Because they realy don't know but they will not say I don't know.

Seamonster's photo
Mon 01/05/09 08:59 PM
um......yeah o.k.what

Seamonster's photo
Mon 01/05/09 08:14 PM
Many fundamentalist Christians ask me questions like, “If God didn’t create the Universe, how did the Universe get here?” First, this question concludes the answer right from the start and then goes on to suggest that it is the only possible answer. Instead of using the evidence to come up with a theory, the fundamentalist has the “Truth” and then looks for evidence to support their “Truth.” Should they find evidence which contradicts their “Truth” then that evidence must be wrong because we already have the conclusion, i.e. the “Truth.”

Now, the common response to this question about the creation of the Universe is to ask how did God create the Universe (according to the Fundamentalist Christian) and who created God? Of course the Fundamentalist Christian has an answer to these questions. God is God and outside of time and space and not bound by the laws of the universe so he neither has a beginning nor an end. God just is. How did God create the Universe? He works in mysterious ways. But what you won’t hear a Fundamentalist Christian say are “I Don’t Know.” They have an answer to everything and they expect science to have an alternative answer for everything.

The problem is that science doesn’t really have answers. Science has theories which fit the facts and the evidence as we know them, but tomorrow we can learn something new and all of science can change. Science doesn’t really have “Truth” in the same way that religion has “Truth.” There are some scientific theories that are so solid in evidence that we think of them as truth, but they are not “Truth.” We are pretty certain that the world is a spherical (more or less), but we may discover some new dimension which changes the way we look at the Earth. And while we are pretty certain, maybe even reasonably certain, we are not absolutely 100% certain. That’s just not science because the fact is that we don’t know everything. We discover the world and try to make sense of it using the scientific process.

The irony is that Fundamentalist Christians often claim that people of reason think they know everything while at the same time telling us that they know with absolute 100% certainty that there is a God and that the Bible is His Word. In order to skirt the pot calling the kettle black, Fundamentalist Christians often fall back to their fake humility of “I am an evil sinner, an ant to God, and He knows everything, not me.” But it does seem that they know with absolute certainty that God exists, wrote (or inspired the writing of… with the Holy Spirit) the Bible, and that this God has communicated this knowledge to them. How do they know that with such absolute certainty? I bet they won’t say, “I don’t know.”

Seamonster's photo
Mon 01/05/09 05:46 AM

One does not compare the creator with the creation.
God's "jealousy" can NOT be compared with our own.
For this comparision, there surely is no frame of reference, for we are only the creation.

so he did not create us in his image?

Any other lies in the bible you would like to bring to light?

Seamonster's photo
Mon 01/05/09 12:40 AM

Take off the fleshly blinders...

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

faith is the belief in something because there is no evidence for it.
The only you have are your fear tactics, they worked on you and out of shear embarrassment you need to get others with them so you don't feel as gullible and you can point fingers and and say well it fooled you to.....
That and the driving fear of your own death, but either way it is a fear based religion that must be avoided at all costs.

Seamonster's photo
Sun 01/04/09 06:39 PM

THere is A GOd and hes Father of Jesus Christ. Believe it or not. Its kind of weird that everything that is happening was prophesied and yet we are here sitting and like " O well its suppose to happen. Hey some will follow and others wont. We all have our own wills to choose what we want.

Realy? EVERYTHING thats happening was prophesied?

No it isnt.

There are no biblical prophises that have come true.
People love to delude themselves.

Seamonster's photo
Sun 01/04/09 02:31 PM

In which case, you are stating that Yahweh would have required subordinance in the face of these older gods/goddesses, thus empowering them to some extent. Explain?

Uh... as I's your choice to make up anything you want to believe in...even if it is hugging trees, but God doesn't change. From the Christian perspective of what God says in His word. God's word is living Krimsa & instead of resisting why don't you just try Him...God says to test & approve what is approved & acceptable to Him.

He does respond...when you sense in your very soul His approval of you just because...then you will know what all the rest of us who don't know eachother do know. Then if you want to walk away I would be satisfied, but I really do wish everyone experienced God in that personal way because then they would never leave Him. That's the truth that no other philosophy or religion can boast of.

yes pray over an amputee tonight if he grows a leg back then there is a god but if he does not then either he does not care about you or the amputee or there is no god.
I agree, try it and see what happens.

Seamonster's photo
Sun 01/04/09 02:26 PM


I truly wish this were true but unfortunatly there will allways be plain and star bellied sneeches.

Seamonster's photo
Sun 01/04/09 01:54 PM
The End of Christianity

Is there a reason to believe in God? The majority of the world believes that a supernatural god exists. They do so for various reasons: Because they know that everyone they love will die including themselves; they were conditioned from childhood to do so; they do not know how everything came to be and they want answers; they want to be something more than a mammal that will live for 75 years...the list goes on.

People also believe because of their personal experience with God. They talk to God, and they find guidance through him and his teachings. Looking at such things from a rational perspective, one can see that it is much more likely that the people are talking to themselves, and that the human brain is perfectly capable of creating sensations that seem supernatural. The only way prayer has been proven to work is in some placebo effect studies, which simply means the brain is strong enough to release endorphins that relieve pain. It is much more probable that ones personal experience with God is not supernatural considering the supernatural does not exist as we know it. 'We are all atheists about most of the gods that humanity has ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further.' -Richard Dawkins.

The God who Wasn't There

Regardless of the fact that God does not exist in scientific terms, many have spent their lives as devout Christians; they ask God to spare one second to talk to them or to give them a small sign, but many (including myself) are ignored, even when we pray the 'right' way and for the 'right' reasons God epitomizes the deadbeat father. When we have dozens of people praying for us, nothing happens. While God is silent to our prayers, there are children slowly dying of starvation every 5 seconds, there are natural disasters claiming the lives of millions, and there are viruses using innocent hosts in the most detestable ways.

Christianity, the Unoriginal Myth

All throughout history humankind has depended on gods to explain how things work. Before and after Christianity, humans have invented many gods. To say all of the gods before and after the Christian god are fakes is to shoot one's self in the conceptual foot. Many of the main concepts of Christianity are unoriginal and can be found in texts older than the Bible. The concept of souls, hell, sin, everlasting life, rules to enter eternity, the creator of the universe, the object of sacrifice, redemption, etc can be found in one book that predates the Bible: it is the Bhagavad-Gita, mostly based on the teachings of Krishna. This is just one archaic text out of many that share similarities with the bible, though they were written before it.

Not only is the Bible unoriginal, but it is full of inaccuracies and contradictions. Read individual stories from the Gospels; many of the stories do not match up, i.e. the crucifixion and resurrection. Not only do they not match up, but every story about Jesus 'was written 35 to 65 years after Jesus' death, not by people who were eyewitnesses, but by people living later.' -Bart Ehrman leading New Testament scholar. There were other faith healers at the time of Jesus whose followers claimed to have seen them after they died. Were they all correct? 'Other faith healers in the time of Jesus -the tradition of miracles done by Apollonius of Tyana, Hanina ben Dosa, Honi the Circle-Drawer, and Vespasian.' -Bart Ehrman

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