Community > Posts By > Seamonster
Their plan will add $6700.00 in new debt to each American Household. For each each job thier plan might produce, it will cost $214,000. The bill is all spending programs to pay off campiagn debts. They were forced to remove money for contraceptives and refurbishment of the "Mall of America." Check out the entire plan @ Pissed off American that doesn't want to see future generations saddled with debt!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have you missed the last 8 years? No kidding, have to wonder who gets to pay for the illegal war in Iraq. Experts are saying that the economy needs to be flushed with cash in order for us not to go into a depression. the Congress shall have the Power to declare war...NOT BUSH !! the Congress shall have the Power to collect taxes...NOT BUSH !!***beep***...this is a recording...***beep*** Feeling the need to defend Bush? nope...just a little something called...The Constitution... oh yeah, that thing bush wiped his ass with for 8 yrs. |
The God Who Wasnt There
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Thu 01/29/09 08:19 PM
I own this movie it's good up until the end, I think he realy could have left out his wierd personal grudge aganst his old school.
and Abra a few movies I highly suggest are Memento,No Country for Old Men, and one my personal favs Glenn Gary Glen Ross. I just read up and if your looking for docs then those are not what your looking for (but good movies none the less). I don't know about Docs on witchcraft so much but I realy liked the Aristacrats it's a Doc about a joke (not for the easily offended). And theres a good one I like called F@CK. And it goes through the origins of the word. Probably not what your looking for but Good stuff if you ever get the chance. |
yeah I like his telling of this joke.
And of course Gottfried did a great job telling this joke also. |
A popular argument taught to fundamentalist college students is what I like to call the Christian Car Bomb Argument. The beauty of this argument is that it can be used to justify the most despicable actions in the name of love. It basically turns morality on its head. The argument may vary in many of the details, but basically it goes something like this:
If you knew that there was a bomb in your friend’s car wouldn’t you do what ever you could to stop your friend from getting into his car? If you really loved your friend, you would stop him or her from getting into his or her car at all costs, right? The argument goes on to explain that Sin is the car bomb and Hell is a spiritual death. So if you really loved your friend, you would do what ever it took to make him or her swear their allegiance to Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior… because God so loved the world that he sacrificed his only begotten son so that we can be with Him in Heaven and be granted eternal life forever and ever. If non-Christian friend doesn’t believe this, they will not be forgiven from sin (the bomb) and they will go to Hell for all eternity to be torture forever and ever. Therefore, a good loving Christian must do anything and everything (moral or immoral) to believe and worship Jesus. The ends justify the means and anything goes. All options are on the table because the fate of someone’s eternal soul rests in the balance. There are a couple of problems with this argument. Let’s start with the fact that if there is no evidence for the existence of a Car Bomb in my car, I would ignore my friend’s warning. Especially if the bomb squad came and couldn’t find a bomb anywhere and my friend still kept ranting and raving about the car bomb. My friend might even say that you have to trust him or her or have “faith” that the bomb is real, but after awhile and a ton of evidence to the contrary, I would just assume that my friend was off his or her meds and get in my car and drive away. My friend might then say that it was still a bad idea, because no one knows the time or the place in which the car bomb might explode, but that it will explode “soon.” In other words, the fact that I drove the car and it didn’t explode is not evidence that the bomb doesn’t exist. In fact there can never be evidence that the car bomb doesn’t exist to my crazy friend. The second problem is what I pointed to earlier that this argument teaches Christians that any and all actions (including immoral actions) are justified if it will save someone’s eternal soul. Christians are free to lie, cheat, steal, and even use physical force to save their friend’s eternal soul. After all, who cares if you hurt your friend’s physical body if you can save his spiritual life, right? Even Jesus said this when he talked about cutting off a thieving hand and plucking out a lustful eye. Con your friend, bribe him or her to come to a meeting, use fear, and even your sexuality to win his or her soul for Jesus. Like I said, anything is permissible. Don’t worry about sinning yourself, because Jesus died for your sins already and God will understand. The ends justify the means. Incidentally enough, this was the same reasoning used during the Spanish Inquisition for the torture on non-Christians. It doesn’t matter how much the physical body is tortured as long as you can save their eternal soul. So next time you hear a Christian talk about the car bomb or some other variation on this argument (and there are many) you can ask them for proof of this “sin” thing and proof that you will go to Hell. You can tell your Christian friend that if you knew there was a bomb in his car, you would just show him the damn bomb and if he still didn’t believe you, you would let him drive off. |
Bill Hicks
I have been a fan for a very long time.
I met him back in 1990 through a mutual friend and you would be hard pressed to meet nicer guy. He will be missed. |
well there goes their softball team.
Republicans say NO !!
Good for the Republicans....HOORAA Now when this fails utterly and miserably it is ALL on the heads of Democrats and YES your right it is an eye towards mid terms :D were we will take back the Senate and stop ANYTHING from comeing out of this admin for the following 2 years God help us all the NEXT 2 PALIN in 2012 Baby Palin? She's a moron. |
Sickest most offensive funniest joke ever. Do not watch if easly offended. Or if you can be offended. |
Jewish Laws
An ultra Orthodox couple met their rabbi at their temple to consult their upcoming wedding. they had one problem that they needed to ask the rabbi about.
"Rabbi," said the man, "my fiance and I really want to dance together at our celebration, can we?" "Absolutely not!" replied the rabbi "The men and women have to dance seperately to be modest and dignified!" "Fine," says the woman. Then a huge question comes up on her mind. "Can we have sex?" "Absolutely," says the rabbi, "reproduction is a mitzvah!" "Even before marriage?" says the man. "It's all a mitzvah." "Woman on top?" "A mitzvah." "On the kitchen table?" "It still doesn't change the fact that it's a mitzvah, so go right ahead." "How about standing up?" "ABSOLUTELY NOT!" yells the rabbi. "Why?" both partners ask? "Could lead to dancing." |
Morris and his wife Esther went to the state fair every year, and every year Morris would say, "Esther, I 'd like to ride in that helicopter".
Esther always replied, "I know Morris, but that helicopter ride is fifty dollars -- and fifty dollars is fifty dollars". One year Esther and Morris went to the fair, and Morris said, "Esther, I'm 85 years old. If I don't ride that helicopter, I might never get another chance." Esther replied, "Morris that helicopter is fifty dollars -- and fifty dollars is fifty dollars". The pilot overheard the couple and said, "Folks I'll make you a deal. I'll take the both of you for a ride. If you can stay quiet for the entire ride and not say a word I won't charge you! But if you say one word, it's fifty dollars." Morris and Esther agreed and up they went. The pilot did all kinds of fancy maneuvers, but not a word was heard. He did his daredevil tricks over and over again, but still not a word. When they landed, the pilot turned to Morris and said, "By golly, I did everything I could to get you to yell out, but you didn't. I'm impressed!" Morris replied, "Well, to tell you the truth, I almost said something when Esther fell out, but you know -- fifty dollars is fifty dollars." |
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Tue 01/27/09 05:35 PM
| what's your point? Someone fell into sin because of the bombardment of LIB speak all these years? Like seculars don't have their own hypocrisy to deal with? It just goes to show how far people have sunk & why all people need Jesus. Thanks for making the case. He's gay because of "LIB speak"? of course, it is because of the "LIBS" that anyone is gay. There were no gays until the democrates started turning people gay with their invisible gay guns. I can't believe you don't know this. Fact: Freddy Mercury was a republican pastor and part time lumberjack until he was sniped by a "LIB" gay gun, then look what happend to him. DAMN THOSE LIBS!!!! He was a great lumberjack. |
More Idiotic Offense Taken
Thomas I'm sure it was Freedom of choice of donuts.Unless they have a new fetus flavor I am unaware of.You really need help. mmmmmmm fetus flavored donuts. |
Let us Prey
Rick Warren is a pastor...and people get mad when he preaches about Jesus? I guess thats why they did'nt invite Ted Haggard. |
Let us Prey
Tuesday, the Reverend Rick Warren gave his much feared invocation. For the most part, he didn't touch on any of the controversial issues many expected. One line in particular of his invocation I actually agreed with. It is a line which had it been taken out of context from the rest of the invocation would have been seem by me as a great deal of progress. Warren said, "United not by our race, religion, or blood, but by our commitment to Freedom." I think this is a great statement about America and one which I continually fight for. However, Reverend Warren didn't really mean this statement. I say that because the entire rest of his invocation contradicts that statement.
Warren laid the Jesus talk on thick. His use of the big stage to push his religious views was stunning. If any other religion was professed to the extent that Reverend Warren professed his beliefs, there would be mass outrage. But because most of the nation is Christian or at least some derivative of the Abrahamic religions, this type of invocation is not just tolerated, but applauded. Quite frankly, I am appalled. Many Christians seem to not understand why this type of thing is so disturbing to non-Christians. But all one has to do is replace ever instance in which the Reverend uses “God” or “Jesus” with “Allah” and I “betcha” that they would be plenty outraged. Many Christians seem to only care when they are being marginalized and not based on the principle of divisive invocations themselves. If Richard Dawkins was called to do the invocation and declared that "there is no god," I would be equally outraged on the grounds that this type language isn’t appropriate at that time and place. I think the person giving the invocation should talk about the strength of the American principles of diversity, hard work, ingenuity, entrepreneurial, and creativity. I think the invocation should talk about the joys of humanity and the greatness of the human spirit. To me that is a worthy invocation. |
I don't know I guess I am just sensitive about this subject. I went to high school with a girl that had 3 abortions because she was a whore and just would not use anything. Those are the types of people I am referring too. A girl enjoys sex and she's a whore? hmmmmm I'm all for protection and yes kids now days should know, and alot of them do. But for me to step in and tell a woman what she can or can not do with her body is (to me anyway) a violation in of itself. It's realy only the religious that are up in arms about it. It seems they can't wait to tell other people how to live their lives. |
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Mon 01/26/09 06:11 PM
no good what so ever.
There have been countless messiahs and none of them proved to worth anything. except something for the scared and uneducated to cling onto. So I guess if it them some false hope then o.k. but as soon as they try to clumsily push their superstition onto the freethinking public then it becomes a problem, but if they keep it themselves and contain their prayers and chants to their homes or their superstitionariums then fine. |
Do you think Jesus
Do you think Jesus ever danced or played music in his lifetime? Do you think he laughed alot or do you think he was more depressed? I ask for I don't see many pictures of him laughing and none to where he dances unless someone alternated it through photoshop or something. Now Buddha shows when he was heavier laughing alot. Yes well that smile was from all the opium he smoked. Jesus was known as a bit of a meth guy. He does look a bit white trashy. |
sarah palin
I think Palin is the bomb. ...but so much for the bloviators who post here. Talk about no class. Maybe you should take a closer look at just might learn something about grace & class. Give me a break. She is a hillbilly. You don't like hillbillies!? But I am one Anyway, here is what i liked about Palin; She never tried to be anyone but herself during the campaign. McCain kept rolling over for whomever was talking to him, yet Palin stayed herself and if nobody liked it than screw em. I wish more people were like that There is nothing better than a hillbillie! LOL You are correct. She is real...not like OBAMA or McCain. I still think most americans are waiting to see what OBAMA does. If he doesn't come thru they will eat him for breakfast. They will be singing "another one bites the dust." That's what half the population has become...a bunch of spolied rotten ingrates who always wants what someone else worked for. yep screw the poor. Not much of a thinker are you quickstep? If by spoiled rotton ingrates you mean someone that realy cares for others and does not just pray and then forget about them, then yep I'm proud to be a spoiled rotten ingrate. |
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Sun 01/25/09 05:09 PM
It just goes to show how classless the left in this country is. I watched the prolife rally the other day... There were more people there than at the inaugeration parade. No wonder OBAMA kept getting back in the car. What they didn't tell you was that the prolifers were probly letting their numbers be known. Ever wonder why nothing is said about those who protest the lib sickos? Oh! That's right...they take away all the protester signs they don't want to see to make it look like everyone agrees with them. DUH! Why not? sick willie did it. I saw that first hand. Yes well it was on TBN...they had about 400,000 people there. The march went on for hours with no end in sight. You might be able to catch in on CSPAN or TBN. BTW, that rally is held EVERY year on January 21st...the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. Nonetheless...DEMS don't allow protesters where they show up. TBN? Yeah, great place for facts. and btw, yay for abortion!!! |