Looking for opinions
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Wed 10/01/08 10:46 PM
from what i was aware, it doesn't say women should not take the lead in the Bible. it just says so about in their marriages. a man should be followed by his wife in marriage, but only if he is a God fearing man who loves his wife as much as he loves himself, and also only if he is worthy of being followed. and when God speaks to his wife, he should always listen to her counsel. as for public life, i feel that i don't care who is running the country, i just wish someone with a strong sense of morals would run it, not one who changes values with the breeze. JC for pres, '08!!! Though you have valid points of what "should" be........the woman submitting to her husband had absolutely nothing to do with his "Christ-likeness" or "love" for her. It was a cultural norm at the time, not a Christian mandate. (Christian being coming from Christ). A man was to be respected and "served" simply because he was the man. A woman was NOT free of her marriage vows simply because he was not a Christian. To answer the OP, the Bible speaks of not "usurping" authority over a man........ I would imagine that it means to self proclaim authority... I would also venture to say that when it comes to filling "offices" it is the office that holds the authority and not the person themselves........ So, Palin would be viewed as Governor, and not a woman, and a governor, president, vice president, mayor has authority over the men in their jurisdiction. I personally do not agree with the levels of supposed "authority" people claim the Bible presents. God, then pastor, then husband, then wife, then children. A pastor was never meant to be the mediator between man and God, Christ himself was..........otherwise "Christians" should admit their religion is a fallacy. Men were supposed to go directly to Christ, but unfortunately for "Christians" the Church has twisted it around and made "Christians" view the pastor the same as Jews did the priesthood. Anyhoo, I rambled a lot in there, I'm not even sure if I adequately answered any questions, lol. |
I don't believe that Obama is playing the race card. He is half white and half black. Which one is he supposed to be playing the card for? Everyone knows that being "white" is not considered to be of any "ethnic" background........... And I didn't point blank say he was playing any card.........but there are people who support him that do so simply because part of him is "black". It matters little to me, I will probably vote for him when elections come, because I like him better than McCain. I honestly don't know which card he supposedly is playing. And I never said that HE I'm not sure why you keep posting that??? I said, some people play it FOR him..... That bothers me, not he himself...and as I said, that isn't going to effect how I vote, either. I am not arguing with you. I was trying to learn about the race card because I have not seen evidence of it. You had said, "I like Obama, but if race doesn't matter, then why does he play the "race card"? Sorry..........I took it the wrong way. I don't keep track of everything I read or hear.............let me just say it was an impression. Having Jesse James Jr in ur campaign.......probably had an effect. Things like this: (link to youtube) I could find more if I wanted to........but I won't, because everything reported has a flip side. I'm simply explaining why I said what I did............It wasn't Obama himself, but his wife in this one. Polling African Americans..and women with Hillary, and wondering why not all African Americans didn't support, imo, bringing race into the equation. As if voters should vote for him just because they are black and so is he. P.S. I'm new to politics.........I don't know everything about the was simply an "impression" I had..based on things I've mentioned. |
I don't believe that Obama is playing the race card. He is half white and half black. Which one is he supposed to be playing the card for? Everyone knows that being "white" is not considered to be of any "ethnic" background........... And I didn't point blank say he was playing any card.........but there are people who support him that do so simply because part of him is "black". It matters little to me, I will probably vote for him when elections come, because I like him better than McCain. I honestly don't know which card he supposedly is playing. And I never said that HE I'm not sure why you keep posting that??? I said, some people play it FOR him..... That bothers me, not he himself...and as I said, that isn't going to effect how I vote, either. |
Plainome- Tho I agree with you, typically people do "judge a book by it's cover" however... I learned a long time to get away from that. Tho at times it's difficult, I always put forth my best effort not to judge anyone before I get to know them. I have some of the best and dearest friends because I didn't look at how they were dressed, or what color their skin is. I realize how much I would have robbed myself of by being ignornant and racist. Oh, I know. In essence it simply causes problems in your own life, and "limits" you. However, if they aren't being hateful or violent, but are simply uncomfortable with it.......then as I said, education and helping them understand why they feel that way is much better than judging their problem as being a moral one. (I'm not saying you did/have, but many people do.........) It isn't really a matter of "race" but is simply because they are viewed different. It exists everywhere. Doctors/Lawyers don't usually marry cashier's at a local gas station. It is a matter of being are uncomfortable because your mind doesn't identify with the person..... That is why I hate the way society has decided to deal with the problem. Civil Rights movements think they have to give minorities more "pride" more "power" some cases to where they believe that their "minority" is better than others. Rather than focusing on us all being the same in many ways, they emphasize the differences, and how those differences make them "better". Note: I said some civil rights advocates, not all. Making an all black college, is no different than an all white one........... Having one month a year to promote black history, is imo a disgrace to black history. If it isn't incorporated ALL year round, then it is an insult. Children being taught that people "like" them did this or if the other people who accomplished the same things are not at all like them. Don't get me wrong, I understand the motivations, I just think that in some cases it makes the problems worse. At one point of another in history........we have all been mistreated, raped, had our property stolen..........simply because we were weaker. All throughout history. I do not wish to relive the sins of my forefathers.......nor do I wish for those whose forefathers have committed sins against mine to continue to relive them. I'm hoping at some point we catch up to the fact that we are all humans........and equality means just that, that none of us deserve special attention, but at the same time we all do. |
I don't believe that Obama is playing the race card. He is half white and half black. Which one is he supposed to be playing the card for? Everyone knows that being "white" is not considered to be of any "ethnic" background........... And I didn't point blank say he was playing any card.........but there are people who support him that do so simply because part of him is "black". It matters little to me, I will probably vote for him when elections come, because I like him better than McCain. |
completely true. now i won't say who i'm voting for to spare myself from the glare of republicans . But I completely agree that if that was the only reason then case and point...she's a racist. If she can't be honest with herself, then thats a sad, sad existence I can see the points, but in all reality most people are "racist" according to your definition. If by "racist" you mean making a judgement call based on race alone........then these would be considered racist: Not dating someone because they are of a different ethnic background. (Though you could have some other valid points, such as common interests, etc. which are influenced by one's background, etc.) In a group, deciding who you will approach to start up a conversation........(more than likely someone you can "identify" with..........) Despite what some think........we make assumptions about people based on the "outside" all the time, why should their race or color be any different?? How they are dressed. If they are pretty or ugly. If they are fat or normal or even thin. If they are short or tall. If they have a booger hanging out their nose. Everyone has a "group" that they most identify with and therefore are more comfortable with. It is as simple as that. I will admit that I am a bit "uncomfortable" approaching the "gangsta" type....and it doesn't matter what race they are, it is because of the way they carry themselves....and what I associate with gangs. Fear. I am intimidated by most men, if I haven't gotten to know them. (This has probably had an effect on my "love" life, lol). I prefer for them to address me first, in a kind way.....otherwise I get a bit nervous. I have to consciously make myself talk to taller/fit/handsome men......because they intimidate me.......and for no real good reason. Other than for "hate" reasons........... being somewhat "racist" is a normal psychological function when you haven't been around too many people of that certain race. It make you uncomfortable because you do not know what to expect or how to behave. You feel that they are "different" and in some cases people are very different based on their culture and ethnic heritage. Am I saying you SHOULD be that way, no.........but it is natural and isn't a matter of "morality". The only way to get over it is to be more diversified in ur activities. You have to make a conscious effort to mingle........and people can pick up on that..which in turn makes them uncomfortable and may make them label you as racist when you are simply unsure of your place or how to act, or how to relate. It takes practice. The problem is when people who are uncomfortable with a situation avoid that situation..........and then externalize the problem to be a "group" of people, rather than their own insecurities. I must say......that when it comes to voting for president you should vote on their credentials and NOT their race.....some people have trouble with that. I like Obama, but if race doesn't matter, then why does he play the "race card"? Why even make an issue of it, or support those who do?? Just as a white person shouldn't NOT vote for Obama simply because he is not caucasion, people who are not caucasion should not vote for him simply because he is of their ethnic background.......... Anyhoo, sorry it was so long. |
We SHOULD have it, not MUST. Anyhow, the biggest problem with the system is that it doesn't allow people to get ahead. There needs to be some way to regulate out many of the people that abuse the system. For instance, I know several people that avoid working too many hours because they jst got a raise. That would put them into a slightly bigger income bracket than they would lose insurance, or take a pay cut, and that would actually put them behind. And the people who just refuse to work because they cand live for free, or the ones that pop out kids so they can both stay on welfare, and make more money on the system. Then there are the immigrants who come to this country and immediate go on welfare. And why is it they get free education, yet little Jonny whose parents bust their asses to pay taxes has to fork over an arm and a leg to pay for an education? Maybe the welfare system shouldn't be a free paycheck, maybe it should be an actual job? Make the people clean up garbage on the side of the street, plant some trees, work on the highway, or SOMETHING...? Not sure what they should do, but someone in charge needs to do their homework... Clean up garbage on the side of the road??? These aren't prison inmates. In the majority of cases they are single mothers. You're going to force them to put their kids in daycare (which the state will have to pay for) so they can clean up trash on the side of the road. And call it job training?? Or claim that it is benefiting them in some way, considering you aren't willing to pay them a living wage to do it??? I could see offering legit jobs, but then you should be paying legit wages for the jobs being done.......... $255-$300 a month.........and you want them to clean up trash on the side of the their job.... |
What if...
This went right over my head...........
Is there a way u can clarify what you mean. Sorry, my brain is a bit sluggish lately. |
If you knew that things were
It depends on what is "wrong" and what is "right"..........If the person is willing to work and try with me.......or if I'm doing it myself, etc.
I don't think that any time invested is a waste........but there does come a point where it is time to move is different for every person and every relationship. |
I believe in equality. I believe that a woman should take care of a man as much as a man should take care of a woman. On that note, I am also a firm believer that men's jobs in the home should be the same as a woman's. There shouldn't be that classification of what is a person's role. The problem is that there are quite a few women who believe that " equality " is defined as " I don't have to do sh*t as far as keeping the relationship going ". They seem to ignore the fact that, contained in the word equality, is the word EQUAL. They have been ingrained with the ideas that they are more intelligent than men, that we ( men ) are nothing but a bunch of beer swilling, fat, lazy jerks who care about nothing more than when we will be getting laid next. These are the same women who p*ss and moan when a guy cheats on them. Well...if a guy is not getting what he needs ( mentally AND physically ) from the one he is with, chances are that he is going to start trying to find someone who DOES give him what he needs. Getting what you need/want is YOUR responsiblity.........and if you are in a relationship and are unhappy.......... breaking up and moving on is not the same as cheating........ What you described is not a man not getting his needs met at home so goes somewhere else to get them, but is a selfish egotistical person..........who wants the comfort of home, but isn't willing to give up the excitement of travel. It is not someone elses responsibility to make you happy. And here is a very important note.........are you listening............THEY CAN'T. No one else can make you happy anyway, so why should they try?? A partner adds to your happiness, not gives it to you..... The problem with relationships is that people think others are supposed to make them happy. People don't take responsibility for themselves. If I'm upset, it must be because you are/n't doing this or that........which means I have to go find someone else. They do, only to find that their problem is STILL there............. That is when they start to generalize and make it the "man" "woman's" fault. It isn't them is it all those around them. If you are having problems in your life and relationships..........instead of blaming the other person/people take a good hard look at that is the only thing you can change anyway. |
If I may add.........if a man is having a hard time finding a woman who is a "lady" then it is his choices, because we are around.
The problem lies in the fact that a lot of young men want barbie dolls........but they want those barbie dolls to not be egotistical......... Why do you think they spend hours at the gym, money on tanning, money on manicures, pedicures, etc. It is because they are egotistical. You want a model, but you don't want the "diva" Find a real woman then, but buddy, u have to be a real man to be able to handle her. |
Edited by
Fri 09/26/08 12:57 PM
What is so funny is that a big percent of the American Men that think this way are controlling. They tend to want a woman to wait on them hand and foot it ends up all about them. Not only that there are many of these relationships that turn abusive. You see American Women has learned that they deserve the same respect as the American Men do. That a relationship is not all about the Men but the Women as well. We give in life what we receive. Once the Foreign Women learn that they have rights as well and can be whome ever they want to they will become American Women as well. Then what do those men do but leave them for another one they can control. Alot what you said Kristi was going through my mind and is true, i was just looking at it as alot of the younger generation has lost what was passed down like what your mother may of taught you I have more to say about this thread.....but let us start here. What my mother taught me.......... My mother taught me that when your husband calls you lazy and a *****, to suck it up and give him a silent treatment. My mother taught me that when your husband slaps your teenage daughter across the face and bloodies her lips because she asked why you couldn't do the dishes (since she went to church that night) that you sit there and do/say nothing. My mother taught me that when life gets hard, go sleep it off. Ok, enough of the negatives.... My PARENTS taught me how to keep a house. How to be abusive towards children when they don't behave as you want them to, meanwhile presenting any old example you want.......... I'm of the "younger" generation...........and I'd have to say that a lot of younger women are they way they are, because we don't have a lot of true men around, either. I'm not lumping all men my age, but I was married for seven years to someone who was not a "man" in a true sense of the word. The longest he held a job while we were together was nine months. He played video games more than he played games with the kids. Whenever something was bothering him he did a "vanishing" trick into his computer. There is a difference between being an INDEPENDANT woman and a selfish egotistical one. I want a man I can love/respect/honor and cherish..........but this doesn't happen just because he is of the male gender. He needs to be able to prove to me that he can take care of himself and what is his. He needs to be able to show compassion and concern for those around him. He needs to be able to let me in as much as I let him in. He needs to have control of his own emotions, but yet be able to show that he has them................. See my point. It isn't about being an "American" woman, anyway. How many of us can afford to hire a maid and nanny?? Other women in other countries who have the funds, do the same.... I prefer to clean my own house, because I know how I want it done. I can cook anything that has a recipe, and can make something yummy out of whatever is left in the fridge (within reason). I have yet (even the relationship that I am in, though I'm trying to work on it and help) to find a man who is stronger than I, who can stand up to me when I need it, but not be mean or cruel about it.........who can be an example to me and my children............who has his life in order..........and is under the age of my father.......................... So, some women are taught that a man is a man.........because he is born one and has a schlong...............the rest of us realize that just as being a woman doesn't make you a "lady" being born male doesn't make you a "MAN" and it takes a REAL man to make a lady want to dedicate her life/heart/soul to more than just words. |
What will you do?
Edited by
Thu 09/25/08 02:18 PM
Well golly are a very bitter person. I hope you get some help for that. Whoa there QS!!! Plainome is not bitter, she shared her opinions, which as you know, we all have... Dismissal is an indication of having moved out of dialogue, and into monologue... Your dismissal of Plainome is inappropriate and unfortunately quite disappointing, for me to read. You are welcome to your god, no one can take that from you.... and Plainome is welcome to her beliefs. Interesting how things can be interpreted differently by different people. Personally, I took that "...bitter..." statement as just playfully humourous sarcasm, and the flower as an indicator of same. I could see your point if anything the poster had said in previous posts showed that she had "humor" me it seemed to be condescending, but that could easily be "bitterness" on my part. I must admit to being a bit "bitter" when it comes to dealing with people who send me to "hell" because I do not believe as they. I struggle with not "judging' them for their judging of others........ It frustrates me to see people "preach" love, but yet they have no idea on how to "practice" love...........but arguing with them never does any good, so I'm not sure why I do it, lol. I became a bit judgemental myself with a few comments in my posts, and for that I apologize. I do not apologize for my "points" just any attacks I made have made in the process.... |
Why are people pushy?
Hmmmmmmmm, I don't "know" as in "factually" but a theory is that they see things in you that they don't like about themselves.....and rather than seeing it and changing it within themselves.........they choose to judge you and try to control you.
(Just a theory, can't remember where I read it) |
Do you have one?
If I may.........having a thread that asks about preferences is going to get you BOTH sides of the equilibrium. You will have people call others "shallow" and "superficial" and others who claim it isn't "shallow" or "superficial" to have preferences.
Judgements made based on your preferences or lack thereof..... Some people do actually have more/less than others. Anyhoo, it is indeed superficial to judge whether or not you will date someone based on their looks. Though everyone does it. It is impossible for you to have sexual feelings for someone who you find to be ugly. However, for someone you find to be "ok" their personality may boost their looks and make them beautiful to you. What I'm saying, is yes, everyone has preferences and even requirements (as I choose to define them differently, as is my right).......but it really doesn't do much to list them on a forum, except to separate and divide....but that is me, and this isn't the Philosophy forum. Anyhoo........I'm done. It seems to me these kinds of threads are designed to boost certain people's egos, while possibly harming others...... |
Fully Body Pics!
Edited by
Wed 09/24/08 06:59 PM
As I said, I could care less what someone elses "preferences" or "requirements" are. Have them, you are only limiting yourself.......but at least you don't have to put up with what you don't want............. Thats the difference between you and me...I "prefer" to make it known what I want.... And that is what I love about Jim the most...although he does take the prize for my hardest match lol But, Deb, u "heart" almost everyone........ I will admit that everyone has both preferences and requirements......if not we would never have moved away from arranged marraiges........ And knowing what you do/do not want and waiting for it, is better than being in a relationship where your eye "wanders" because you aren't getting what you really want...... |
Fully Body Pics!
Edited by
Wed 09/24/08 06:52 PM
As I said, I could care less what someone elses "preferences" or "requirements" are. Have them, you are only limiting yourself.......but at least you don't have to put up with what you don't want............. Thats the difference between you and me...I "prefer" to make it known what I want....
LOL, true enough....... I suppose I just don't understand why you would care to make it known to the general populace.......but that is me. |
Do you have one?
I was just thinking about this..... Yes, everyone has preferences.........but IF you refuse to date someone because they do not fit in line with ur "preference" then it isn't a preference it is a requirement. I have a lot of preferences.....and they aren't worth mentioning because they mean lil in the big scheme of things. Most people will not fit a set guide of preferences. My REQUIREMENTS are: Compassionate Intelligent Responsible Adaptable Wise Etc........but only I can define what these things mean to me. People are people, and should be treated as such........not like they are a commodity you can order out of a magazine. You are right most people won't and "part" of the reason why so many of us are single... The point is you have a right to want what you listed and everyone else has a right to want what they list.. No one can make us feel for someone that we're not attracted too... I have my "preferences" and they are quite numerous, some small, some silly, some I will not budge from... I do not date the same kind of men but I'm attracted to the same types if I'm "looking"... I know some are attracted to me and some aren't... Some like blonde, some red and some brunette.. I'm a brunette with blonde hair.. WHY b/c I like it.. The guys I've been attracted to have preferred brunette, did I change my hair color no.. would I NO, would I be upset if they didn't want to date me b/c of hair color??? I would have thought "silly, your loss" but also "your loss and your CHOICE" maybe I'm not the one... has anyone ever thought that if one that has preferences met the one that knocked them off their feet the preferences wouldn't matter??? And it can happen so who really cares, especially if it's not hurting you personally... Agreed.........100%, actually. |
Fully Body Pics!
There is a very simple formula here... If your big? Say it If your small? Say it It's obvious when you show headshots only... I respect those like Izzie, she is an awesome woman and has a great man. She is genuine...Just like Deb is...there is nothing to hide there. THose can be my best of friends!!! Do you not see the arrogance?? I don't see how you can't. I'm taken, so I could care less..........and probably wouldn't be interested in you anymore than you would be me..........BUT You ASSume that anyone who only puts up face shots, is fat, and hiding it........... Well, I only have face shots, because I can't take a full body shot that looks halfway decent (and if it doesn't look like me I ain't gonna post it.) I do have one that isn't too bad but it is from a few years ago. The thing go into a forum and post that people are "hiding" or "lying" because they only put face shots up is RUDE, INCONSIDERATE, and JUDGEMENTAL. All "negative" qualities imo. Now, if ur talking with someone, and wanna know, just ask. If ur not interested in even talking with someone because you can't judge their looks.............then well, don't be on the internet, because a pic doesn't exactly capture the person anyway. Trust me, I'm larger, but pics of me make me look much larger than I actually am, unless they are taken right. ALSO: It is one thing to have "preferences" but what you define as a "preference" is actually a requirement. So, stop trying to make it sound better than it is. IF you will not date overweight women, then it is not a preference, it is a requirement to date you........which is fine, but call it what it is. Also, to have a preference is one thing........but to start a thread to promote your preferences (if asked in a topical fashion is different) is a bit egotistical imo. If someone asks and you share, but to say HEY, I WILL NOT DATE FAT WOMEN, to someone who didn't well, just rude, imo. Preference/requirement= potatoe/potato no more no less Shall we look up the definition then?? Geesh. A preference is not a requirement. When someone asks you what you prefer, or to list your "preferences" in order of is not a requirement. You prefer vanilla ice cream, but that doesn't mean that you will refuse someone who offers you chocolate. When someone uses the word "preference" they are trying to make it sound different, or they would use the word "requirement". If you prefer the window seat, you will still fly even if they have no window seats available. If you prefer blondes, it means that you are naturally inclined to date them..............but you may date someone with red or brown hair. If you absolutely know you will not date someone who is FAT, it is a requirement to be non-FAT to date you, not a preference. People accept others who are not within the bounds of "preferences" they will not with things they "require". A potato is a potato no matter how you pronounce it or spell it........but I do believe "preference" and "requirement" are quite different indeed. As I said, I could care less what someone elses "preferences" or "requirements" are. Have them, you are only limiting yourself.......but at least you don't have to put up with what you don't want............. |
Do you have one?
I was just thinking about this.....
Yes, everyone has preferences.........but IF you refuse to date someone because they do not fit in line with ur "preference" then it isn't a preference it is a requirement. I have a lot of preferences.....and they aren't worth mentioning because they mean lil in the big scheme of things. Most people will not fit a set guide of preferences. My REQUIREMENTS are: Compassionate Intelligent Responsible Adaptable Wise Etc........but only I can define what these things mean to me. People are people, and should be treated as such........not like they are a commodity you can order out of a magazine. |