Tithing and Family First?
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Sun 09/21/08 06:00 PM
This comes close to children's father makes sure to pay his tithes, but doesn't pay child support unless he can "afford" it.
Anyhoo, tithing in today's society is ridiculous imo. It was set up in the old testament to provide for the Levites, who had no inheritance. Tithes were their inheritance. They lived at the temple, ate from the tithing was their livelihood. Their lives were dedicated to the priesthood, they did not own their own personal land that was paid for by the tithes............ There is no need for a fancy building to have faith in Christ, and every person is commissioned to spread the "good news". People and religion have made a business out of spirituality. Pastors living the high life (though not in all cases, there are many who pastor churches that are small and they have their own jobs, etc.) while some of their "patrons" scrape by. From a biblical standpoint I would say that your family is a priority when it comes to finances. A man who doesn't take care of his family is considered an infidel (nonbeliever) in the new testament. It is also the responsibility of the church congregation to help out those in need.......that is why "tithes and offerings" were taken up in the new testament. It was to feed the widows and children...those who couldn't work for their food. It was not meant to be for the "ministers" alone. If a church used tithes as they should biblically, then the congregation would be taken care of. |
Simply go to the Housing Authority in ur town/city/county and have ur friend file an application. The problem is sometimes there is a huge waiting list. Even if they can't stay in ur house, maybe they can get housing somewhere else through the program.
However, if they do get approved and you want to rent your place to will have to let section 8 know you want to be approved for their renters. There is usually a walk everything must be up to code, etc., etc. |
What are you
Ummmmmmm, quiet. Peace and quiet would be good about now.
Moi?? It isn't me, it's everyone else.
I agree with everyone must take care of yourself first and foremost (otherwise how would you be able to help them if you couldn't afford to pay the mortgage??)
Anyhoo, I would discuss the situation with him, brain storm possible solutions......and then work together to see them happen. Everyone hits hard times, but it doesn't help anyone to drag more people in to the hard times. I'm not sure how u all would get along living together. By your explanation you do not feel that they are "mooching" but are genuinely working to better the situation... If ur friendship is strong, and you both can effectively communicate.......everything will work out fine.. |
but do you realize that part of another's body actually enters the female?? I are inside of her...........but anyhoo. *snickers* Oh, the visuals here... /immature hijack Nancy You ba a a a ad girl, lol. Hiya back atcha Koury. |
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Sun 09/21/08 04:12 PM
i just wish humans were like the mammals we are,mate and then go on without any strings attached or feelings hurt, but yet we can some just refuse to and wait for time to fix things. Maybe because we are not "just" animals....... Don't get me wrong.......I can see someone having "sex" with no strings attached, but sex does not equate love. Though true love has no strings attached either........... We are emotional beings...........sorry but it is a matter of fact..... To have relationships based on how animals do it, is ridiculous......they have sex with whatever (including pillows) is available at the is an intimate thing. I mean, maybe not so much for men, but do you realize that part of another's body actually enters the female?? I are inside of her...........but anyhoo. You/we/humans are actually more like animals than you think in the sense that MOST people are with someone for as long as they get what they want from them........and then they move on. The other person may not have been done "getting" and that is where the problem is. I do believe that we would be better off if we learned that we don't need others to make us happy. That others add things to our lives, and even when they are gone, those things are still there. That once touched by someone........that person will forever be a part of you.......... But, anyhoo. |
I think everyone is different..........and each relationship is different within that one person.
I'm not sure that you ever "get over" it..... For me it will always mean something to me, and I will continue to "love". It is like tucking something away for safekeeping. I choose not to REGRET, though. Everything in life is a possible lesson learned. If I had never experienced it I would not have learned about myself/others. Even the pain has taught me something about life. I think it is easier to "deal" with a breakup when you know why the breakdown occured. It is harder when someone just "ups" and decides they don't want to be with you anymore.......and then completely cuts you off..........but that is me. Just try to keep in mind that everything changes. EVERYTHING. Some relationships last a lifetime........but they still change and evolve through life. Few people fall in love and marry the first person they were ever romantically involved with......let alone stay with them forever...... I think too many idealize the marraiges of those who've been married for twenty years.....when those people may have been with four people before they found the one they married.........but anyhoo. lol, all things change. When someone leaves, they may blame it on u, but ultimately it was something they NEEDED to do for themselves............can you regret that or deny someone of it?? |
A psychiatrist I know told me that 75% of everyday human behavior comes from the subconscious. I wish I could learn an effective way to meditate, my mind is much to busy ALL the time. Well, like Jess Lee suggested, practice is the key. It's just like anything else. If you want to learn to play an instrument you need to practice. If you want to get good at a sport or craft, you need to practice. If you want to gain control over you mind you need to practice. A good way to start is to learn to meditate. This quiets the mind and makes it easier to control it. At one point in my life I was pretty deep into meditation. For about 3 years I lived very close to nature and meditated a lot. I was into gardening, nature photography. I had horses, I kept bees, I even used to make my own bread twice a week. I never listed to the radio or television. Once in while I would listen to non-vocal mood music (often times oriental music). I did think though. I studied math and physics. I just love intellectual thought and logic. I would never give those things up. Anyway, getting to my point,... At the end of those 3 years I things changed and I had no choice but to get back into the 'rat race'. When I went back to work in the real world everyone appeared to be on 'fast-forward'. They sounded like a 33 rpm record played at 78 rpm. (that may not mean much to you in this day and age I guess. ) It took me a while to get 'wound-up' again. Human societies truly are a rat race, there's no question about it. It's hard to calm your mind when living within one. Especially if you watch TV and listen to radio all the time. Those things are just driving your mind into overtime. I'd like to add to this if I could. Meditation/prayer can be the same thing.....if ur prayers are not "asking" for things, but simply reflecting for a while. I never used to "meditate" but as I was "Christian" at the time I prayed a lot. Most of it was for the souls of others........yeah yeah, but anyhoo. When I felt sadness or grief I would allow it to fill me, and then I'd release it in prayer........ To let an emotion fill you and then release it......seems to naturally bring about a calmness......especially when tears are shed (releasing oxytocin and all that good stuff). A good way for me, was to be filled with compassion for genuinely care for them, and "feel" for them.......... Somehow in the process I forgot about "me" and got caught up in just "being". For some they must first work through the feelings before they get to the "still" place. Now, I can get there quite easily, when I choose to............but that is the path that helped me learn how to do it. (Hope this helps) |
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Sun 09/21/08 02:51 PM
Kewl, thx.
Just like anything... with a little practise it become a part of you, with no thought, or wrestling with oneself to get back to that place.
Being Nothing... is really being part of everything. Exactly.........thx for the reminder.......I've been missing it. Too many thoughts distracting me. |
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Sun 09/21/08 02:01 PM
Looks like we were all posting at the same time, |
"Here we enter a state of being that has nothing to do with thought. It is neither conscious, nor subconscious. It's totally outside of the realm of thought altogether. It's a state of pure being without having anything to do with thinking at all. It's a state of pure emotion without any analytical process of thought required."
That is what I call the "nothing"..........not sure if Jess would agree.....but that is what it is for/to me. It is as you said, simply being. (I haven't figured out how to quote only parts of a post, and advice??) |
Doesn't history show that a palpable sense of peace with one's self has been most highly sought. Isn't this Human desire what inspires the pursuit of Religion, Spirituality, Philosophy, Psychology, etc...? What if our ability to access this state of peacefulness somehow involved the subconscious mind as a link or unseen umbilical cord to our angel/higher self? History shows humankind's hunger for reconnecting to an essence, a hint, a memory of something....I suspect it is remembering BEFORE this coming back into human form. Humankind's historical grapple with creating what they think it may be... and all the fractured differences (religion), of what we have in common... Yes Splendid, I feel all of those avenues, religion, philosophy, psychology, etc...are humankind's way of getting back to what they left behind, to be a human experience. Why does the subconscious mind have to be separated from the conscious mind, the psyche, the ego, all of it? That sense of peace, of coming Home, is all encompassing... it is the Who of us... all the separating is trying to define the What of us.. That sense of peace requires nothing. Nothing. Perhaps people could try it sometime, it is quite peaceful....Being Nothing. LOL, simplified...... I love simplicity. And it is all boils down to "nothing". (a concept not easily grasped, and I still have a bit of trouble with it) |
I know, it may not be how everyone views it, it is simply how I view it. Well, I certainly would never argue with semantics. I think everyone is entitled to use words to mean whatever they want. I would also agree with you that many pscyhologists probably do use this definition for the 'subconscous'. It's a valid concept, and the word fits this concept quite well. This is why I'm kind of amazed that the term 'supraconscious' never became popular. A word that could mean something different from the technical psychological view of the subconcious. I guess what I'm trying to get at is the fundamental idea of whether we are just our brains (all of consciousness stems solely from our physical brains), or whether we are indeed linked to some 'higher' spiritual or collective consciouness. When I meditate and watch the river of thoughts flow by I wonder there they all come from. They aren't 'mine'. I don't feel like I'm generating them. All I can do is reach into the river and pluck one out to ponder. But where do they come from? And where do they go? If I don't grab onto them they just flow away. In fact that vast majority of them do flow away. There are far too many thoughts to possibly focus on them all. They are endless! I must pick and choose. And like Jeanniebean often suggests, whatever thoughts we grab onto similar thoughts are sure to follow. It is true that like thoughts attract like thoughts. This is even evident between people. People who think alike are much more apt to be attracted to each other than people who think totally differently. (unless sex is involved, then all thinking goes in the trash can ) LOL....unless ur me..... I see what you're saying, and I suppose I could see part of the "subconscious" being ur "supraconscious" in the thoughts/feelings did not/do not originate from u. BUT, who is to say that there isn't more than just "you" in there?? I mean, if you believe in reincarnation...maybe those thoughts come from "others" you have been, but are no longer consciously aware of?? (just a thought) Or maybe....there are many different "aspects" to you. I read a book called "When Rabbit Howls" about a woman who had many different split personalities....but it was a mirror of some of my own thoughts. The difference was/is that I am consciously aware of what the "other" parts of my mind are thinking....but not always. I have access, but am not always using that access. When I am in "scientific" mode I'm not thinking so in "philisophical" mode. And "mommy" mode isn't the same as "sex slave" mode, lol. They are all aspects....and sometimes I'm aware of it, and these different "aspects" even "argue" and I try to find common ground between them. Maybe I'm just weird, lol. Sometimes I feel like my mind is having a tug of war.....but anyhoo. It could very well be that there is a higher consciousness that we all can plug into, or that is constantly flowing..... I can see it, and somewhat attest to it. (P.S. My last point was to clarify what I feel the difference between the subconscious and conscious mind is.....that once it becomes "conscious" it is no longer "subconscious".....but u got that, lol) |
I personally believe that the subconscious holds the keys to a lot of things.......... A lot of why we do what we do is based in the subconscious........why we react a certain way to others......why the smell of a particular food brings a certain feeling but we can't quite figure out why. The "whys" are there.......we just have to uncover them. I have learned that it isn't difficult to access the "subconscious" (or the part of the mind that is usually hidden). When I use the word, I don't necessarily mean it in any scientific way......simply the part of our brain that holds information that we aren't constantly aware of. I am surprised at how many people never examine why they may feel a certain way about something. Why they may not get a long with certain people............ It's all there...........u just have to start by asking why?? I'm not sure what "EMDR" means?? I'll have to look. Anyhoo..... As I was reading this thread I was beginning to wonder why we call it the 'sub'conscious? Why aren't we calling it the 'supra'conscious? Then when I got to Plainome's post I began to realize that there maybe many different kinds of 'subconscious'. See seems to be eluding to the 'subconscious' as parts of our regular brain that we simply ignore most of the time, but that we can access if we choose to do so. She then goes on to suggest that most people simply never examine these 'issues'. This seems to suggest that are 'subconscious' is simply anything we refuse to think about or face. I'm not sure if I would agree with that concept. I don't think of the things that we simply don't address as being our 'subconscious'. I think what she describes is just parts of our conscious mind that we simply refuse to think about or face. Does not thinking about something make it become 'subconscious'. I suppose in a specific technical way that definition could be valid. If you're not currently concious (or aware) of something that you actually have the ability to know or address, then does that information reside in your 'subconscious' mind? Like I say, from a purely technical point of view I suppose that definition makes sense and would certainly be useful jargon for psychologists. However, for me, this view of the 'subconscious' isn't what I would consider to be the 'subconscious'. For me, this would just be a part of our concious mind. Just because we aren't currently focusing on something doesn't necessarily push it into our 'subconcious' does it? When we are at work on our job we probably focus on things that we don't even think about at all in normal casual social situations. We can never be fully conscious of everything we know at any one point in time. Our brains simply aren't geared to be used that way. We just can't access all our thoughts at once. When I was younger I used to be able to think quite deeply on logical matters. By that I mean that I could follow many different trains of logic simultaneously. I have always been amazed at the ability of the brain to be able to do that. However, my brain isn't as sharp as it used to be. I've definitely noticed a decline in my ability to keep track of many different lines of logical simultaneously. This shows up most when thinking about mathematics and physics problems. I just can't keep as many simultaneous trains of logic going at one time anymore. I now need to reduce my focus to as few as two or three ideas at a time. When before I could keep track of maybe 20 or more different simultaneous logical pathways. I've found this to be so crippling that it's no longer fun to delve into the complex mathematics of things like quantum physics. I've burnt out some of the CPUs in my brain evidently. Moving on,... I often wonder why they never coined the term 'supraconscious'. I think what many people mean when they refer to a 'subconscious' is not the idea of parts of our ordinary brain that we don't normally access, but rather they think of it more in a mystical sense of a higher-self. More like our 'true spiritual mind'. So I guess the very term 'subconscious' can mean different things to different people. To me, when I say the "subconscious" it is what drives us to do what we do....... It is what we are unaware of. If you know you are hungry and you get something to eat.....hunger is not in ur subconscious. But, if you are intimidated by men with beards........and have no idea why, the answer is in ur subconscious. Once it has become accessed.....and you can continue to access it when you so choose, it is now a part of your conscious mind, you just simply choose not to think on it. Answers that simply come out of "no where" come from the subconscious. Art and poetry, imo, come from the subconscious. You feel something.....but do not know how to express it, so you put it into paintings, or art..........the subconscious is speaking.......and it is usually your subconscious mind that such paintings and words speak to...... The conscious mind is the world of explanations........the subconscious mind is the world of feelings and is what you can not explain. Once you can explain becomes the conscious. I know, it may not be how everyone views it, it is simply how I view it. |
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Sun 09/21/08 12:30 PM
If I may......without quoting a bunch of people.
BUT, to explain how/why something happens in a purely scientific/biological way............can in no way take away from the spiritual/mental side. Just because you can explain something in scientific terms doesn't mean that the spiritual/mental part of someone is not what affects the biological. There have been many studies about how you are what you think.....etc. We are "whole" beings. TO try to simply explain things in a physical context is good, but it isn't the "whole" picture. For those who are threatened by science and physical evidence.........well, you simply have no/lil faith. For instance.......IF science proved that there was a Great Flood, and that it was caused by A and B........who is to say (if I was a believer in a specific "God") that "God" didn't simply use A and B to accomplish his goals. There is no such thing as "supernatural" as everything is both spiritual and this realm that is. As human beings, living and breathing a world that has dirt/grass/water/gasses etc. IF there is a "God" he would be using these said elements to effect change in this world. So........there should be no need to limit your fear that it would cause harm to your believe system. Just as there is a biological explanation to depression, why they prescribe antidepressants, there is also a mental/emotional side...... Psychology doesn't assume that one part is better or explains things more clearly........but they are simply different aspects to the same problem........ can not remove "evolution" from science as it is the premise of a lot of study.......... BUT I'd like to say.......does it really matter where it all came from anyway?? I mean, what does it matter what happened several millions (or thousands) of years ago.........We know what we know now........everything else is conjecture. In other words. Science and spirituality can live side by side.........IF one remembers that we are made of both worlds, and every aspect of the human experience effects the others. |
What do you think?
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Sun 09/21/08 12:06 PM
Oops, double post.
What do you think?
How about no religion at all? I agree with this actually, just look at our world now. The more we take religion, take God out of society, the worse we become as people. There's nothing to uphold, no standard for how to be. Removing "religion" isn't removing "spirituality" or "morality". No one can "remove" "God" from the world.........nor their own spirit. Things have always been this way........."nothing new under the sun". The difference we have a much larger population, therefore MORE violence. We have awesome technology that keeps us connected AROUND THE GLOBE, so we know about EVERYTHING, rather than just what happens in our own neck of the woods. The American way is about making money.........all about capitolism.......rather than about people. Greed is encouraged. Charge as much as you can for a service/product and forget about whether it is worth it or not. Charge the most for necessities because people have no choice but to pay them......... This has been going on since the beginning of this country. We stole the land from the natives............greed. The same men who claimed "Christianity" as their way of life.......slew "infidels" and stole their land. Nothing new under the sun. |
What do you think?
Many... not all... but many many people act accordingly to their religions. They do what they think is right by their God. Now... this doesn't mean all atheists are running around causing chaos. I'm just saying generally speaking, with no "punishment for your crimes" such as "hell" then people would do whatever they wanted. That would lead to chaos. Actually people usually find "God" or "religions" that fit their own personally morality. Seriously......that is why so many people raised in a certain religion leave it........because it doesn't "fit them". People attribute things to their "God" but really it is them. Why do you think some "Christians" are all "Hell Fire and Brimstone" where you can't even look at a women and appreciate her form without being in danger of going to hell.........and other "Christians" believe that all you have to do is accept Jesus as your savior.........or be baptized even if you were only three months old, and you are good for eternity???? It is because their own personal "morality" is causing them to pick and choose which portions of the Bible they would like to focus on.........causing them to see "God" one way or another. You will not stay in a religion that doesn't match your inner will always move on. That is if you have a mind of your own. |
I personally believe that the subconscious holds the keys to a lot of things..........
A lot of why we do what we do is based in the subconscious........why we react a certain way to others......why the smell of a particular food brings a certain feeling but we can't quite figure out why. The "whys" are there.......we just have to uncover them. I have learned that it isn't difficult to access the "subconscious" (or the part of the mind that is usually hidden). When I use the word, I don't necessarily mean it in any scientific way......simply the part of our brain that holds information that we aren't constantly aware of. I am surprised at how many people never examine why they may feel a certain way about something. Why they may not get a long with certain people............ It's all there...........u just have to start by asking why?? I'm not sure what "EMDR" means?? I'll have to look. Anyhoo..... |