Your profile doesn't exist anymore........
Bah! WTF is this? 50/50 love and hate, not putting in the effort... blah blah blah! It's quite simple.... Remove the sepia out dated MOVIE of what you think love is, it got bad ratings, and was a flop! And try looking at how others love... the mother for her child... the doctor for her patient... the baker with his bread... the gardener with his plants... the farmer with his dog.... That's LOVE... unselfish, freely given, with absolutely NO EXPECTATION of it being reciprocated... Love is GIVING. and until you earn it, learn it and be it, you won't have a f*ckin clue what I am on about. ![]() Matt... your very simple statement said it all... you are looking for a person who will give to you... which means you are TAKING... no expectations... means just that... Love isn't a commodity... there is no marketing strategy that one can use, there is no public shares one can purchase.. Mostimes in life we bungle around completely oblivious to whom may love us... for simply being us... that is LOVE... a given, without a demand for receipt. You asked what the definition of love was to "you"....... Love does not require an active "relationship" What you are looking for is romance, lust, desire, passion, etc. The list goes on........but those things do not make up "love". If it can be explained by any other definition it is not love, imo. I've posted this in a poetry thread, but it fits ur topic, and is the expression of what I think "love" is. It is something that you can have for a perfect stranger AND the one you share your bed with. It is not what makes you want to have sex with someone....... It is not what makes you want to spend the rest of your life with someone...... You can indeed love someone and never desire to talk to them again........anyhoo: True Love Written by: Plainome So close… Yet so far… Elusive to my touch. I want to reach out and take it To pull it to my chest… And never let go. Why can’t I grasp it? Why can’t I take hold? So fragile… Yet so strong. It drives grown men to their knees. Most would give anything To feel it just once… To have a glimpse. Why can’t I grasp it? Why can’t I take hold? What must I do? Where must I go? Who must I meet To make this dream a reality? Finally, it become clear… I can do nothing…. There is no where I can go… There is no one person I can meet. For it must start in me. True Love is something That in order to experience… Must be shared. One can not own it, It goes where it will. No one can grasp it, And lay claim. True love must be a gift… Given without care… Of whether it will come back… Of if it will return. Why can’t I grasp it? Why can’t I take hold? Why can’t I pull it into my chest And never let go? (Because if I did, it wouldn’t be love.) |
Miss understood.
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Sat 09/20/08 12:47 PM
<quote>Recap: Lately I feel misunderstood by people. I have had mood swings over this and it freaks people out. I go from being a nice guy to being an Ass when I feel that people are being rude, stupid or taking advantage of my kindness.And then I end up looking like the bad guy. Nice guy syndrome - people mistaking my kindness for weakness. Any one know what I'm talking about? </quote> Yeah, I know what you're talking about. You THINK you are a "nice guy" but you really aren't. If you were really kind, understanding, and blah blah, you wouldn't get put out when someone mistakes your "kindness" for weakness. Actually, it IS weakness. You are too weak to maintain your facade of being "nice". Generally speaking, people who identify themselves as "nice" never are, and in particular those ones who go around expressing self-pity because they (supposedly) get treated like crap for being so "nice". This is just how they get attention and attract more victims. (Women do this, too, by the way.) I've known lots of men who were genuinely kind, understanding, and considerate of others. One and all, this type of man never makes a big deal about being the way he is. I hope this helps answer your questions. yours in Chaos, Scarlett What I believe Scarlett was trying to say is.........IF you are really a "nice guy" then you are always a nice guy. A nice guy is not someone who is nice when he feels like he is getting what he wants........but is simply nice and considerate all of the time. If you are being "taken advantage" of all the time......that is indeed all your fault. If you give something with the expectation of it being returned then you are not a nice guy.......but an average that his how most people are. If you offer something out of "niceness" or "kindness" then nothing in return is expected or simply did it because you cared, and because you wanted to. It is only men who believe they are "nice guys" that are used and abused for their "niceness" because they are using "niceness" to garner something from another person.......and then they feel "used" when they don't get it. P.S. This is not a psychological evaluation of you personally..........but simply the mentality itself.......if the shoe fits, wear it, if it doesn't toss it in a barrel. |
GOD, a sadistic tyrant ?
Anything that is truly "opposite" means that there is none of it's "opposite" within it. To be defined as light it can not have dark. There are different levels of sight in a lighted room......but if there is light at all, it is not "dark". If it is "dark" there is no light. This is what I argue about with my children who insist on turning the lights on in their rooms in the middle of the day. Just because there is not enough "light" for your comfort doesn't make your room dark. If it is cold it has no heat.......opposites. You can not have truth in evil........or evil in truth......opposite. We are not talking about "good" vs "bad" as they are a matter of opinion. The opposite of truth is lies (the only true evil in the world) But I see what your saying.......u turn on a light to get rid of darkness, but u don't turn anything "on" to get rid of light......... That is the way all true opposites work, you must add to something negative to get the opposite of it. "To be defined as light it can not have dark." This is a very strict assessment of the meaning of the word "opposite". I would hold things which cannot be expressed in a finite set can still be considered to have opposites. Websters online dictionary First entry: Define Dark - devoid of or deficient in light or brightness; shadowed or black; "sitting in a dark corner"; "a dark day"; "dark shadows"; "dark as the inside of ..." It can be dark without having to be completely devoid of light in most peoples definitions of the word. Words are very deceptive things by themselves. When left alone they don't like to be definitive. Opposite is an even harder word to define. . . Websters online dictionary: # moving or facing away from each other; "looking in opposite directions"; "they went in opposite directions" # antonym: a word that expresses a meaning opposed to the meaning of another word, in which case the two words are antonyms of each other; "to him the antonym of `gay' was `depressed'" # the other one of a complementary pair; "the opposite sex"; "the two chess kings are set up on squares of opposite colors" # reverse: a relation of direct opposition; "we thought Sue was older than Bill but just the reverse was true" # opposition: a contestant that you are matched against # altogether different in nature or quality or significance; "the medicine's effect was opposite to that intended"; "it is said that opposite characters make a union happiest"- Charles Reade # face-to-face: directly facing each other; "the two photographs lay face-to-face on the table"; "lived all their lives in houses face-to-face across the street"; "they sat opposite at the table" # diametric: characterized by opposite extremes; completely opposed; "in diametric contradiction to his claims"; "diametrical (or opposite) points of view"; "opposite meanings"; "extreme and indefensible polar positions" # inverse: something inverted in sequence or character or effect; "when the direct approach failed he tried the inverse" Is Evil the inverse of truth . . . no I dont agree. I think it is evil to kill. Their does not seem to be any lies involved with cold blooded drive by shootings, that seems evil. I think truth can stand alone. Truth even can create potential evil, truth makes nukes . . . Lies . . . . sometimes lies can prevent evil from happening . . . I have seen it. The truth would have got someone killed. The truth itself was wrong in nature but not evil . . . . So in science we trap words with adjectives, or make new ones, or express something mathematically. Out side of science you just cant get hung up on words. You have to use alot of them to get at meanings. If you mean to say god = truth = balance = good Then who's sense of good are we talking about? From what frame of reference? God? What if good to god is a smaller population? Then maybe aids is good? Darwin Awards? What is good or bad or evil, or true(Empirically true, and math true aside)is based on perception. Black holes are good, because they promote galaxy formation, but if one eats your solar system its bad . . . . however its both true and very bad and balanced, and natural. Now the only thing that stands out here is that evil requires a will. There must be conscious thought to be evil. But evil is still determined by the subjective reference frame of the individual, it is proportional to bad on yer good/bad scale, evil lies at far edge of the curve. I mean is there an absolute evil even? Can someone be more evil? Do you think hitler was less or more evil then Jeffrey Dahmer, or John wayne gacy? Ok, evil does not equal bad, imo. Good does not equal truth, imo. Truth, indeed stands a sense of the word. I'm not talking about our personal truths, but the fundamentals that everything is built on.......this is a theory. If I may, I do not believe that killing is many cases it is a necessity for survival. Death is not "evil" as it is a natural process of life....... Evil = lies. Lies are never good imo...........and I don't see how they "safe" anyone. If someone threatens to shoot you if you claim to believe in God.........and you tell the truth and say that you will not deny God (that is IF you believe in God) then it isn't the truth that got you killed.........but the lies the person tells himself in order to justify killing you. IF you lie........your denying truth...........what good is your life if you have no integrity........if you will lie to save your own skin??? It is the little lies we tell ourselves added to the little lies everyone else tells us.........that makes the GIANT lies that cause this world havoc......but that is a matter of my own opinion. I will agree that words are limited in meaning by the person speaking them and by the person hearing them............ But truth is truth, and a lie is anything that is not truth. Is it a lie to say that you are sad........when sadness is something that changes from moment to moment........ Truth and lies are things that do not change. It will be a lie yesterday and a lie if it something that can be changed it is a matter of perception and not simple truth..............but anyhoo, now that I've thoroughly confused myself........ I do not view Adolf Hitler or Jeffrey Dahmer as being evil in and of themselves........they are truth, evil is everything else that surrounds them. Lack of knowing who you are and your true place is what causes people to do horrendous is because they are deceived into believing something that they are something they are not (evil=lies). Knowing who they truly are and being able to see clearly......taking away the lies.......well that is the process of living and then dying. |
Hmmmmmmmmm, seems like a lot of people think they know everything.
![]() For one, children are people just as you or I........and though you may have had fairly manageable ones.........there are others who are as strong willed as any adult I have ever met. It IS NOT the parents fault when a child is the child's responsiblity. Kids do not learn from spankings as effectively as they do from examples.......... There are several physical/mental/emotional reasons that effect a child in public places with a bunch of people that they don't know.......that may indeed cause them to "meltdown". Each child is different..........please do not assume what worked for you or yours will work for all. Children are not lil robots.......who are polite, well behaved, perfect beings who do as they're asked........UNLESS you have broken their will, and that is a sad thing indeed, imo. But, anyhoo...........I have a difficult child, who challenges me I kind of know what it is like.....and understand rather than judge. |
What will you do?
Where faith exists... Fear is not. indeed.....not sure how to respond to such, as many interpretations and many branches of thought could come from such statment, lol... "faith in what" would be the question from me if there was anything said leading into more discussion, lol.... there are few "professed believers" that would EVER say what they believe was first founded on FEAR OF SELF DAMNATION, which if one wishes for self, so be it, each is free, but to preach a "truth of peace" then it must be able to create peace, and things sought to be believed steming first from FEAR FOR SELF ONLY, seems can only create for others more same TRUTH OF ONE........ is fear a bad thing? if say sought to "remove fear" to have more self peace, so be it, but if seeking to have understanding for others, one would have to have walked completely thru fear themself, so this could only come from first seeing fear, so fear brought to this place, so fear was needed and as a good teacher, but it's USE cannot be disolved it seem unless greater truth does not contain it, which would seem to be some possible meaning of what you say....... seems one's "root motive" for all done is at the very heart of what all things believed will create for one, and then for all if spoken to all, if words spoken are believed by others...... just rambling ideas man...... peace One awakens to the sheer magnitude of all they've been and done to escape that feeling of self-damnation and shivers at the vast open-ness of a life beyond that place. Riding this razor's edge of recognition and admission, one can wholly feel the stark contrast between two worlds. It makes for giddiness comparable to feelings felt at the youngest age remembered. Ahuh, ahuh........ |
What will you do?
I don't have to have the imagination to believe anything but what God says...I won't be decieved anymore by the lies & tricks of the devil. If you want to be decieved that's your choice...don't try to denegrate mine because I KNOW what I believe in. I don't have to wonder who or what God is anymore...I know because He reveals Himself to the faithful. It IS finished! AMEN! Does that mean I'm the devil???? Ohhh ahhhh!!!! really???? Holy crap, batman! to the batmobile!!! Ok, enough of the sillies.....QS.... I respect your rigidity in your belief structures.... I applaud your decisions to remain true to your faith.... But I have to ask.... why is it that a question, a completely simple game of 'imagine if...' has created such a large reaction? If I may say this without actually insulting (something I do my best to avoid). What is faith?? Is faith believing in what you know to be true?? Is it depending on your experience because "God" has "proved it to you"??? Is it being unchangeable, unmovable, unimaginative in the sense that you will not consider the possibility of anything else..........considering that you may be wrong??? See, because I thought faith was trusting.....trusting in what you do not have any proof of?? If "God" has proved anything to you, that proof is not is fact to you. Faith is what goes beyond the facts. Faith is what you have when you have NO facts. Faith is what you have when you have NOTHING to go on. Faith is believing that if you are wrong.........everything will work out as it should anyways. Faith is admitting that you may not know the answers........that the answers may be unknowable to you at this time...............BUT Faith is what you have left........when all the "facts" all the "rituals" all the "titles" all the "names" are taken away......... Faith isn't something someone else can give (including some other "God") but something that is in every person.......something that religions try to have a corner on.......but really can't because every human being has it. I took out the last part because it was a very wrong should be because FAITH proves itself. As noticed, I highlighted the imperative in your statement. Another false assumption is saying faith is something not given by God. Also faith is something that God gives us all because, as God's word says, we are all BORN WITH a measure of faith. I have no other statement other to say that some here have found the truth & others are still seeking. Therein lies the difference. Keep looking, God will find you. It's my prayer that you all come to the full knowledge of the truth. They were not any more of an assumption than what you have are no more qualified to know what is truth than I am..........but you seem to think you are. And I am the one who has pride??? Anyhoo, you can not "prove" your statements to me. As I have said many times in this forum, and I don't have many posts, the Bible is not "God's Word" imo so I do not/can not/will not use it as fact or "proof" as you choose to. I'm not stupid, unspiritual, uneducated in the biblical sense, or lacking God simply because it doesn't fit your "program". I do not claim that your personal God is not God to you, I simply say he is not mine.........but yet you try to push him on me??? Anyhoo............... You, and the rest like you are very good at.........proving my main points. Thank you! |
GOD, a sadistic tyrant ?
Edited by
Mon 09/15/08 02:37 PM
and if you have ever read the bible before, you would know that God does in fact send you there. Duet 7:10 Absolutely. If an all-powerful God allows anyone to go to hell then he is sending them there. Period. Some people even say that God weeps when someone goes to hell. But that's absurd. Why would God be weeping? If the person deserves to go to hell there's nothing to weep about. If they don't deserve to go to hell then something's drastically wrong with the system. It's as simple as that. The idea that a God would allow any decent person to go to hell just because they didn't appease the arrogant Christians is the most asburd thing I can imagine. It's much more likely that the arrogant Christians would be the ones are their way to hell. Even Jesus said that there will be many who claim to know him but he will not acknowledge them. People think they can 'save' themselves just by claiming to be a born again Christian. But they don't have the power to do that. Who are they to tell Jesus who he will or will not 'save'? They are seriously kidding themselves when they start judging. In fact, Jesus said that we will be judged as we judge others. So if Jesus tells the truth, then the Christians are in some deep sh't. If your child became a prostitute or a murderer or a child molester etc. You would despise their actions but would still love the child that you created. The loss of what might have been or became of your child if they had only made the right discussions would be the thing that would break your heart and make you weep. Not to mention God knows what awaits us in hell...we only have an idea. If my child became a prostitute I would see it as her choice. I would wonder if it were due to a lack of money and out of necessity. I would wonder if she simply looked at it as a job.........I would not judge her, nor would I not be in her life anymore because she chose such a thing. If one or both of my children became child molesters, I would want to find them help as I believe it to be a psychological disorder, not necessarily a simple matter of choosing evil over good, but something that is deep seated that causes them to get sexually excited at the thought of another child. I would not judge them, or hate them, of kick them out of my life..........I would be concerned for them and try to keep them away from children. IF they became murderers I would wonder why?? What happened that made them feel that killing another was their only way out of something. I would not judge them for it, and would be by their side until I no longer could be. People who make these kinds of choices do so for reasons far beyond a desire to sin. What is sin?? Who decides what sin is, and if God created everything, he created sin then, no?? If he created sin, then he is capable of being in the presence of sin. As a matter of fact, one who creates can not create something that they do not identify with. So then, if you follow that logic, GOD KNOWS AND HAS SIN! Sin/Evil is the opposite of God. The Ying and Yang if you will. The balance. I believe God has everything in balance. God is Balance and Balance is God. Just as God is Love. Evil is hate Love is God. Is God the balance or is he the good?? You can't both be the balance and the good. And you are wrong, the opposite of TRUTH! Actually - the "absence" of truth is evil. It is a matter of opposites - but quantity and quality. ?? ur point was? That you are speaking in terms of quantity. That these concepts are opposites. A ci has opposites - heads and tails. Evil and Truth are not opposites. Black and white are not opposites. Hot and Cold - etc. One is defined as the lack of the other. Anything that is truly "opposite" means that there is none of it's "opposite" within it. To be defined as light it can not have dark. There are different levels of sight in a lighted room......but if there is light at all, it is not "dark". If it is "dark" there is no light. This is what I argue about with my children who insist on turning the lights on in their rooms in the middle of the day. Just because there is not enough "light" for your comfort doesn't make your room dark. If it is cold it has no heat.......opposites. You can not have truth in evil........or evil in truth......opposite. We are not talking about "good" vs "bad" as they are a matter of opinion. The opposite of truth is lies (the only true evil in the world) But I see what your saying.......u turn on a light to get rid of darkness, but u don't turn anything "on" to get rid of light......... That is the way all true opposites work, you must add to something negative to get the opposite of it. |
Hmmmm, interesting tribo, I hadn't honestly considered that.......
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What will you do?
Edited by
Mon 09/15/08 10:29 AM
I don't have to have the imagination to believe anything but what God says...I won't be decieved anymore by the lies & tricks of the devil. If you want to be decieved that's your choice...don't try to denegrate mine because I KNOW what I believe in. I don't have to wonder who or what God is anymore...I know because He reveals Himself to the faithful. It IS finished! AMEN! Does that mean I'm the devil???? Ohhh ahhhh!!!! really???? Holy crap, batman! to the batmobile!!! Ok, enough of the sillies.....QS.... I respect your rigidity in your belief structures.... I applaud your decisions to remain true to your faith.... But I have to ask.... why is it that a question, a completely simple game of 'imagine if...' has created such a large reaction? If I may say this without actually insulting (something I do my best to avoid). What is faith?? Is faith believing in what you know to be true?? Is it depending on your experience because "God" has "proved it to you"??? Is it being unchangeable, unmovable, unimaginative in the sense that you will not consider the possibility of anything else..........considering that you may be wrong??? See, because I thought faith was trusting.....trusting in what you do not have any proof of?? If "God" has proved anything to you, that proof is not is fact to you. Faith is what goes beyond the facts. Faith is what you have when you have NO facts. Faith is what you have when you have NOTHING to go on. Faith is believing that if you are wrong.........everything will work out as it should anyways. Faith is admitting that you may not know the answers........that the answers may be unknowable to you at this time...............BUT Faith is what you have left........when all the "facts" all the "rituals" all the "titles" all the "names" are taken away......... Faith isn't something someone else can give (including some other "God") but something that is in every person.......something that religions try to have a corner on.......but really can't because every human being has it. If you have "proof" or a "formula" that you isn't faith. So, to answer ur question, People who are unable to even consider/contemplate that they may be wrong........are not exercising their faith. Notice I said "not exercising" it, as they have it........they just simply have their "proof" and "experiences" confused with what true faith is.......they are afraid of losing something that can't be lost. |
What will you do?
I'm really bad about not reading everything before I post......but I'll have to come back to this one anyway. In essence I have already experienced this once in my life.......having the rug pulled out from under me.....coming to the realization that everything I believed and everything I had done to try to be the "best" Christian was pointless....... That all along all I needed/wanted was to be me. No heaven, no hell, no greater being to hear me when I prayed............ Your whole equilibrium is thrown off, and it takes a bit for u to get ur footing again. Sometimes you simply jump into something else.....but find out it is the same, and then you avoid commiting to any concrete beliefs at all. The best you can do is hope that it is not all for naught. Unlike some here........I do not do what I do, or live how I live because I am afraid of it coming back on me......... Everything I do is because I want to be a better person. I would not change much......unless I just decided what the point in living life now was, just to die in the end. Everything is fleeting, and why suffer the misery that is life......longer than I have to. I'm not saying I'd commit suicide......but I would probably go into a state of depression for a while. Until I decided to live life to the fullest despite how it may end.......and I would do my best to pass something on......something that would help those to essence I would do what I hope to do anyways. Plainome....I like the passage that states... "Until I decided to live life to the fullest despite how it may end.......and I would do my best to pass something on......something that would help those to essence I would do what I hope to do anyways." That resonates in me, and the question comes up....why wouldn't you live like that right now? What would stop you? Only myself......... (And I strive to keep him out of the way.) ![]() |
What will you do?
Edited by
Mon 09/15/08 10:16 AM
Plainome ..only you yourself KNOW if you have already asked Jesus into your heart and meant it...and if you have already asked Jesus in...well, then just because you are fleeing from religiousity ,doesn't mean you are fleeing from the Lord...ok? nd don't let anyone make yuo feel that way. When the Lord comes into our life, we are not supposed to feel tied down..... and I would say, if some one or some group is making you feel tied down.....or controlling you....RUN from that...... That is called religious bondage. Hmmmmmm, I see your point, but there is a slight problem. Anything that has absolutes has a box, anyone in a box, is tied down. The aboslute that I must accept "Christ" the man/god into my heart.......and serve "him" faithfully ties me down to: 1. Having him lord over my life......when he is another man/being 2. Believing that I need someone else to "save" me........and to "intercede" for me. 3. It means that I can not go directly to my own "God", my god is in is this not understood by you??? I do not need to pray to request forgiveness from anyone but myself and those I have personally wronged...... I do not have "sins" that cause me bondage, and there is no HELL that I will go to because of said sins. I do not/nor can I sin against any "God" that is really a God. I am who I am, no apologies, no guilt, I am me. You so completely do not understand............that teaching/preaching that one must reach out to something outside of themselves in order to be "good" or "holy" or "accepted" is bondage............. I know what/who "Christ" is for me.......and as I stated he is energy, not a man. He does not wish worship of me, but is part of me. It is religions that separates man from their inner god, yes...........but to assume that one needs forgiveness for being born what they are.........does the same thing. "Jesus Christ" is just a title...........a name. Maybe it was a man who existed at one time........or possibly just an"idea".........Even in the Bible he never requested "worship". He said he was the way, yes...........but which way did he lead?? With compassion, love, forgiveness.........and eventually death to this world. SO, the only way to "Heaven" is by his example (if he was a man) not by how you are baptized, or whom you worship, or the means you learn to love and accept yourself. IF you NEED to seek forgiveness from someone else, to be able to forgive yourself, by all means do.........BUT no one but my own heart/spirit/energy/life is "God" of me. Everything I need, everything I am, is right here within me.....I am not in need of anything more. "Jesus" is not the only way to freedom...........he may be A way for many...........but others who claim "Christianity" are no more free than a fox caught in a trap. So, my friend..........rather than accepting that Jesus doesn't set everyone (being egotistical) assume that they aren't doing it right........because if they were, they would be as you!!!!!!!!! It isn't Christ that sets you free, it is the ability to forgive and love that sets us free, plain and simple. Whatever path works for a good path, but NOT everyone is meant to tread YOUR path. |
What will you do?
I'm really bad about not reading everything before I post......but I'll have to come back to this one anyway. In essence I have already experienced this once in my life.......having the rug pulled out from under me.....coming to the realization that everything I believed and everything I had done to try to be the "best" Christian was pointless....... That all along all I needed/wanted was to be me. No heaven, no hell, no greater being to hear me when I prayed............ Your whole equilibrium is thrown off, and it takes a bit for u to get ur footing again. Sometimes you simply jump into something else.....but find out it is the same, and then you avoid commiting to any concrete beliefs at all. The best you can do is hope that it is not all for naught. Unlike some here........I do not do what I do, or live how I live because I am afraid of it coming back on me......... Everything I do is because I want to be a better person. I would not change much......unless I just decided what the point in living life now was, just to die in the end. Everything is fleeting, and why suffer the misery that is life......longer than I have to. I'm not saying I'd commit suicide......but I would probably go into a state of depression for a while. Until I decided to live life to the fullest despite how it may end.......and I would do my best to pass something on......something that would help those to essence I would do what I hope to do anyways. Plainome.......first of all, you are Very VERY Beautiful...nothing plain about you atall. Precious...... you wrote and I quote... "....In essence I have already experienced this once in my life.......having the rug pulled out from under me.....coming to the realization that everything I believed and everything I had done to try to be the "best" Christian was pointless....... " See.....being in a chrsitian environemt ..and having it shoved down your thoat, did not make you a christian. And Precious? Franklin Graham felt the same way, and rebelled aganst God for years...and his father is the famour Billy Graham. BUT....ONE DAY....ONE DAY...... franklin Graham came to God ON HIS OWN FREE WILL..and today, he is MIGHTILY USED OF GOD!! And the same goes fro you precious... God wants YOU to Come to Him on your own, Not becasue it was shoved dowen yuor throat. And God knows when you will be ready..and He waits..patiently and lovingly. But don't hesitate if God is dealing with your heart, Precious....even today...cause that is God wooing you. Don' turn away, when He gently tugs at your heart...cause that is God reaching down to you...cause He knows you are now ready and willing to recieve Him now..on your own.....willingly. Today is the day of salvation. ![]() No offence, but I found ur post rather patronizing. You got it all wrong, while belittling my experience. It was not force fed to me, as a matter of fact I tried to force feed it to my parents who were living a life of "sin". I wondered why they just wouldn't come back to "God"......and doubted whether my dad could even be heard when he prayed..... Anyhoo, I have had very deep revelations while walking the "christian" walk........I even wanting to become an evangelist......... It was not something I "rebelled" against, and it seems u missed a main point in my post. It would not have been a "rug pulled out from under me" if I had rebelled and never truly believed it for myself, now would it?? I am happier now, and am more at peace NOW than I ever was walking that path.....and I WILL NEVER BE TIED DOWN BY IT AGAIN. But, thx for your "concern". |
Edited by
Sun 09/14/08 06:49 PM
If I were to use the Bible to make a point of truth......... I would argue that outside of "man" there is no "good" or "evil". We were "made to know" good and evil, as in made to know what pain is. Pain doesn't exist outside of the body. If you want to mention mental/spiritual pain, they only exist when there is a lack of harmony or a lack of understanding. In essence you can't know one without the other......the only way to live in "peace" imo is to cater to neither. (I know I'm not explaing this correctly.) It seems to this reader as though you've explained quite clearly and concisely (makes complete sense here). Does it seem "not correct" to you because you doubt your own words or does it seem so because you doubt how others will hear? I would guess the later. I think......I doubt it because I get caught up in my own thinking....and am not sure that others follow it........but I suppose some of u have, so it does make sense. I have a thing about just because something makes logical sense/is true to me doesn't mean it will be to anyone else....or that they won't necessarily understand it the same way I do...... Thx, david, I had never considered that is what they were talking about.....this way of thinking is relatively new to me, only two-three years. |
What will you do?
So the point is.... NO Jess..God does NOT want BLIND ROBOT FOLLOWERS of HIM.... WITHOUT REAL FAITH IN HIM!!! It's impossible for me to ever believe that the Bible has anything to do with the creator of this universe MorningSong. I don't believe that God is that stupid or that cruel. And I never will believe it. More to the point; why would I even want to? It's impossible for me to believe in the Bible MorningSong. Absolutly impossible. It's not an option. Therefore if the story is true then the Biblical God did not give me any options. I can't possibly believe that God is as stupid and as ignorant as the Bible claims he is. I don't believe that God is at war with a fallen angel. And I don't believe that God is a loser. According to the Bible God lost almost all of humanity to Satan during the Great Flood. God actually had to cheat by intervention to avoid losing the last few remaining souls. So the biblical God is not only a loser but a cheater as well. It's an utterly dispicable picture of a God IMHO MorningSong. I could never believe that the creator of this universe is as lame as the God the bible portarys. I don't believe that our creator is that stupid, nor that callous. So it's not even an option for me. Abra.. I say this with love and with upmost sincerity, my friend... ![]() Satan is LYING to you Abra...and is having a heyday with you....the enemy has sold you a Lie about the truth of God's Word...and you have bought it .... hook, line and sinker. Abra...I am praying your spiritual eyes will be opened to the truth of God's Word, and not the lie that the enemy has been telling you. You see Abra, when your spiritual eyes DO become finally opened, you are gonna be such a threat to the devi's kingdom.....becasue of all those years he lied to you..and the devil knows it.....and that is why the devil is trying to keep you in the dark, Abra. But one day ,you ARE going to see the light...and the devil trembles..cause the devil KNOWS..that once you see the Truth, you are gonna fight FOR God and His WORD...just as hard as all those years , you fought against the Word of God. Quick question..........If you are going to pray for him......why not just do it?? Why do you have to post all about it on a public forum??? |
out of mud??
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Sun 09/14/08 06:25 PM
does anyone really think that god made man out of clay or mud, or earth? I mean come on - this is just allegory or parableistic right? or are their those who really think this is the case? ![]() Our bodies are made of the same fundamental building blocks as clay or mud... ALL matter contains these same building blocks. The belief in/of what brought this Universe (comprised of these building blocks) into existence is the launching point of Religion (interpretation). so are you saying then that the writer of that day [we will say moses] really was receiving this info from god then? has it not been just recently that man has been able to discover this fact of what we are made of a at a fundamental level of scientific endeavor? how is it that Moses, or the writer, would have knew of such a thing back then if that's the case?? I don't see why it would have taken "God" or any highly scientific mind to realize that when one dies they decompose into dirt................?? Then to assume or claim that if we end as dirt.......we started as dirt. |
What will you do?
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Sun 09/14/08 06:21 PM
Ok, the thing that gets me about "Christians" (or at least the ones who do this) is that they assume that if u just experienced what they have........IF you only knew what they knew.........IF you were to truly accept the faith, and love and commune with "God" that you would be just as they are....... That "God" can only be interpreted or understood on their terms....... Yanno, all it is is trying to have a hold on "God" as was previously said. Anyone who follows a formula for salvation follows the same path. If I do a+b+c then I will get d.
I was "Christian" for twenty three years of my life......and I'm only 28. For three years I didn't want to let go of it, but realized that I could not attest to it, as I didn't truly believe it with all my heart anymore, there were too many inconsistencies in what I felt in my spirit and what I heard taught/read in the Bible. I am now treated as a sinner/outsider/enemy by those who once claimed to love me......the only time they want to talk to me is to try and convince me that "God" will accept me back...........I never turned my back on "God" so why would he need to take me back??? It is all so egotistical. They claim that it is non-believers who are full of pride.....but it is quite the believe that your way is the only way......and to even believe that your denomination gets "Christianity" right while others get it "wrong"..........that you have some kind of hold on "God" because you are his child.......while claiming that he created everyone (that would make all his children)..........What could you possibly use as a better example of PRIDE?? Anyhoo, my point was that I lived it, wholeheartedly. I believed in Christ.....but as time went....I realized that my believe in what Christ was didn't line up with what the church taught. What I felt when I prayed.....didn't line up with what the Bible said in some places. The spirit that came with some words in the Bible didn't match up with other "vibes" of other verses.............I finally came to the conclusion that I know what "Christ" is to me, but that others definitely could know this same energy but could give it a different name..........a simple one is "compassion". I've been there, done that.........I know what the Bible has to say, and have been given the gift of the "Holy Spirit" (another thing the church lays claim to........that is open to anyone that is open to truth, imo) and that spirit is what has guided me to love and accept myself, to strive to become better, to let loose of guilt and shame........and to truly love others unconditionally............ I have OUTGROWN Christianity, not backslid from it........GET IT?? Anyhoo, I just had to throw that in there. This process is NEVER easy for someone who truly believed it, and I hate it when someone makes light of it, as if u are just lazy, or that you dont' care about your soul. I came to this conclusion about "God". If he is indeed all powerful, all knowing, all loving.......if he is I AM THAT I AM.........then he indeed knows what/who I am better than I do myself. I trust, I have faith, I believe that whatever happens will be. I have no need to secure my place anywhere......I will go wherever it is I am to go.......and will do what I can with that situation. If you truly believe that your "God" was who you say he is.......I mean the good parts......then you would have the same faith. You would know that it is not your place to judge. God does not judge by outside appearances but by the heart.........and no one can determine another's heart......NO ONE. He is not limited by your "book" and you only do him a disservice by quoting it as an authority. Any God that is a true "God" as Christians claim theirs is........could never have his laws, his heart, his spirit put into something so..........barbaric as a book............. To reiterate what I said before........if I knew for a fact (which I don't believe could ever really happen) that any belief I had was false and that when I die I am just "gone" (it is impossible for something to become nothing in the general sense of the word...but anyhoo) I would not live my life any differently. I think I would be saddened, but it is not my beliefs about that afterlife that control what I do in this life. |
What will you do?
I'm really bad about not reading everything before I post......but I'll have to come back to this one anyway.
In essence I have already experienced this once in my life.......having the rug pulled out from under me.....coming to the realization that everything I believed and everything I had done to try to be the "best" Christian was pointless....... That all along all I needed/wanted was to be me. No heaven, no hell, no greater being to hear me when I prayed............ Your whole equilibrium is thrown off, and it takes a bit for u to get ur footing again. Sometimes you simply jump into something else.....but find out it is the same, and then you avoid commiting to any concrete beliefs at all. The best you can do is hope that it is not all for naught. Unlike some here........I do not do what I do, or live how I live because I am afraid of it coming back on me......... Everything I do is because I want to be a better person. I would not change much......unless I just decided what the point in living life now was, just to die in the end. Everything is fleeting, and why suffer the misery that is life......longer than I have to. I'm not saying I'd commit suicide......but I would probably go into a state of depression for a while. Until I decided to live life to the fullest despite how it may end.......and I would do my best to pass something on......something that would help those to essence I would do what I hope to do anyways. |
It's a work in live in the now.
I have a habit of living both in the past and the is a conscious struggle everyday. |
Just wondering
lol, I get the same thing. Most of my friends are 35+.