SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Wed 07/05/23 02:11 AM
19C sunny, stormy with strong storm gusts.
In the NE they even got Code Red!! People have gotten an NL-alert on their phones telling them to stay indoors unless absolutely necessary.
They've got Storm Poly there.

I have NEVER even seen a Code Red!? And since the real bad ones are still 'only' Code Orange, it must be pretty bad up there now.
I'm guesstimating our national airport Schiphol is also shut for the moment.

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Tue 07/04/23 02:03 PM

Very cool, Crystal, thanks! I also love the confirmation, haha.

When I first started my journey learning about the cosmic energies, I would purposely wait until a week after the forecasts, readings, or event. I'd do this so not to be influenced by what I read or listened to. I would stay consciously aware of what I was feeling during that week, then read about it. It was always spot on.

Now I keep up with it beforehand so I am able to work with the energies rather than against them. A much better flow, haha. And I'm able to share with others who are confused or struggling with what's going on in their lives or surroundings. This past Friday, I reminded a friend about Neptune going into retrograde. Everything suddenly made sense to her.

It's always nice to share with others :)
I decided a few months ago to more often attend events that are done by a great woman, a priestess of Avalon, trained in the UK. She lives on the next island up so I do have to drive, but I feel 30-45 mins (depending on location) is worthwhile to participate in these group events.
I did a Samhain one 2 yrs ago, then nothing for a while, but decided to go more regularly. I've been to the Beltane event and now I'm going to the Lammas one end of this month.
Basically because for some reason I'm not doing much myself anymore concerning those things, but also because I enjoy learning things from her and celebrating in a group.

At the beginning of my own spiritual path I was very much into Avalon. Someone told me I've had a past life there, a strong connection with it so I began reading about it and then felt that connection myself.
It got me going on my path, Goddesses, ritual work, paganism, etc. etc.
I even tried to dye fabric with woad! Failed, but at least I tried, hihi.
And then after I moved house it faded into the background.
Through the events by this woman I reconnect to it again. And it feels great :)

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Tue 07/04/23 10:13 AM
21C quite sunny.
Now overcast, dark clouds, dead silent, no wind.
We're headed for Code Yellow tonight and tomorrow morning for storm gusts of up to 10 Beaufort and heavy rainfall.

This current silence feels like the calm before the storm. It feels really odd outside. Even the birds and swallows are quiet.

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Sun 07/02/23 04:31 PM
Learn what exactly?
I am.
Recently had to tell a man 'no' because he's on the rebound. Been there, done that, not going there again!
He again contacted me about an hour ago as he really wants to meet me etc. Serious interest in relationship.
But I stood my ground. Not going there with someone who's recently out of a long term relationship.
Personal rule, made the mistake to not stick to it, paid a heavy price.
Not again.
So yes, I have learnt.

On many other areas as well, but I'm guesstimating you mean in the arena of love.

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Sun 07/02/23 01:16 PM

Traffic / travel can be a nightmare in any well populated area. But hey, if I thought it might be worth it, or I had nothing better to do I'd spend a day on the road. I love to drive.

Oh wow, that's an option too of course, haha.

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Sun 07/02/23 11:34 AM
Info from Celia Fenn and she mentions/explains why we feel this weird brain fog/spacey!!
I LOVE confirmation, haha.
The entire text (energy report) is very much worth it, so I'll share it and bold the section on the brain stuff.

Sirius Rising and the Lions Gate 2023
Today is the first day of July, a very powerful and wonderful month for Earth. The Sun is in Cancer, a water sign that focusses on home and family, but moves into Leo, the sign of the Lions Gate later in the month.
Important also is the Bright Star Sirius, which moves towards its heliacal rising with our Sun. This means that Sirius is seen in the sky alongside the Sun at dawn, creating the impression of two suns. These were called the White Sun and the Blue sun by the ancient Egyptians.

Sirius is the home star of the wise Star Teachers who worked with the Egyptians to remind them of the knowledge that was lost at the fall of Atlantis. They continue to bring us Light Codes and Wisdom at the time of the Lions Gate, which are amplified by our Sun. And of course, as the Sun is very active right now these Light Code energies are intensified.
The Royal Star Lions and the Solar Fire Lions are also very active, preparing for the Lions Gate, that Sacred Portal that begins another spiral and cycle of our journey on Earth.
Archangel Michael speaks of the emergence now also of the Galactic Deep Human, who can dive deep into the Earth layers and rise high up to Source, gathering many levels of wisdom. This new ability is why so many of us feel weird and spacey, as our brains are operating on all frequencies from alpha to delta and omega, and all in our waking state. We will learn to integrate this with "normal" life.

Also exciting is the emergence of a new generational wave of incoming souls called the Diamond Starfire children, or Starfire children. They have been incoming since 2017 to assist us to raise our frequencies to New Earth level. They are powerful and sensitive and deeply connected to the Earth and to their Galactic and Angelic Roots. They are compassionate and pure souls whose mission is to assist us to create New Earth and New Earth communities.

So we can expect July and August to be full of Magic and Mystery and a little weirdness as we welcome Star Lions, Starfire children and the Sirian Star Teachers into the energies! And of course, I will be offering my usual Lions Gate webinars, which are up on my website right now.
Have a great week end everybody!

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Sun 07/02/23 10:55 AM

Hi Crystal. I agree on the stress subject, it affects us in all kinds of ways. I work at the less busier store today, so I think I'll perform a little experiment with working with the energies in my workplace. Now I'm excited to go to work, on this crazy busy holiday weekend, haha. Thanks!

Fingers crossed that you do as well. :heart:

Thank you, and enjoy the experimenting, hihi!:thumbsup: :heart:

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Sun 07/02/23 03:30 AM
Hi River!
I switched back to my normal breakfast today instead of the porridge I'd been eating in the mornings the last 1,5 - 2 weeks and I feel much clearer and better today?
Not sure if it was that, although it was supposed to be so much healthier for many reasons, or simply the shifting energies.
Regardless the cause, I'm happy to have a clearer head today, haha!

Stress is a big cause for dizziness and so on. Stress causes a lot of health issues. My dizziness & tinnitus is also most easily triggered by stress. Thank goodness I don't work, in that sense anyways, as stress is almost always a big cause of stress for people.
The man I've been talking to for months now -also a Taurus funny enough, haha- has the same thing.
He does like his work but the work load is too much. As such he has a lot of stress which in turn triggers his tinnitus and sometimes dizziness.
He's currently on sick leave and immediately his problems got much less.

Great that you have found your way with the energy work!
I've recently had an enormous growth spurt, deep dive, during which I did many transmissions.
Since about a week it petered out again. I guess I needed to integrate it all, or maybe simply prepare for the upcoming energies?

In any case, enjoy the full moon!
I hope I get to see it tonight :) Last chance for this one. Last night was cloudy after a day of drizzle and clouds.
Fingers crossed!

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Sun 07/02/23 03:08 AM
Edited by SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž on Sun 07/02/23 03:10 AM
Distance is such an odd thing. Not just literally but also how it is perceived.
I always feel that most interesting men live on the other side of the country, to the east or north-east.
Funny enough I've heard men from those areas say they experience the same thing concerning women.
That would almost suggest that all the great women -like me blushing :angel: - live in the W or SW of our country and all the great quality men on the opposite sides.
In other words: not evenly spread?
Weird phenomenon.

Then there's travelling time/distance for love.
My country is small but has the highest population density of Europe which means traffic through most of the country is a nightmare!
The distance you can travel in an hour here compared to most areas of for instance Australia or US are much smaller.
Driving 150kms can very well take you 3 hours because of traffic jams!
That means if you date someone that technically only lives 1,5 hrs from you it becomes almost impossible to see each other.

Because of that the viable circle to find love got a helluva lot smaller! Just because there are too many people in my country and too much traffic.

Another side-effect of the traffic thing and the country being minute (try finding it on the world map if you don't know The Netherlands!) is that the perception of "too far" is also different from that in for instance Australia. For many here 50kms or more is considered "too far" while in large countries that's "no biggie", round the corner. Some feel more than 25kms is too far!

I can understand that in larger countries like the US and Australia you can experience the opposite: living in such a rural area that you cannot find someone and would have to travel maybe 5+ hours to get to an area with a bigger/better 'assortment', or any assortment at all.

How is this for you? Would and should it be easy to find someone where you live?
Or does distance and traffic form a hindrance as well?

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Sat 07/01/23 03:42 PM

That's what they call Polyamourous

Polyamory is when all people involved consent to it.
From what was said this wasn't the case in that situation.
So it isn't polyamory but lying & cheating, potentially putting people at risk of STDs, and leading them on.
In short: being a total @$$hole.

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Sat 07/01/23 12:35 PM
What they should've done... get together and give him hell!
Sisters gotta stand together!

As for what to learn...
Surely if he has 3 women in his pocket he can't make time for each on regular intervals. He probably came up with weird excuses a lot as to why he couldn't see them, as he was spending time with the other, and constantly alternating this.

So pay close attention to the signs, the red flags, and intuition. If something feels off, it is off. Trust that, not the man or what he says.
Then ask questions and if you're not satisfied with them, take appropriate action, even if that means having to deal with heartache and loss.

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Sat 07/01/23 12:26 PM

Crystal :gem::heart::hugging:

Always love when you post these! But this one is leaving me baffled laugh not for sure if that's what I'm suppose to be feeling or if it's just my life circumstances that's affecting me:thinking:

But as always appreciated :hugging::heart:

Hi KitKat!!
Nice to see you and hear from you again :D
Not sure what you mean? You don't recognize any of it and thus you're not getting it?

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Sat 07/01/23 08:18 AM
I myself really feel all these energies. I feel a bit tired/groggy, last night in bed I couldn't sleep while I'd been so incredibly tired that I even went to bed earlier than my normal.

Also, time seems to go by so oddly fast? Look at the clock and it's half one, next I look -which feels like half an hour later- and it's gone 5???

I just talked to my mum about it and she's having the exact same things.
She's also a bit dizzy.

It's really weird, feeling like you should and could sleep where you stand, yet wanting to do something, anything, but not really feeling 'it'.

I was glad to hear my mum feels the same as I was thinking it was my neck trouble, impairing bloodflow to the brain. That sometimes happens when I overdo it and I have been doing a bit too much.

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Sat 07/01/23 07:05 AM
You're welcome :)

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Sat 07/01/23 05:25 AM
Edited by SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž on Sat 07/01/23 05:32 AM
CET: 13.39
UK: 12.39
EST: approx. 7.39

We’re approaching an important time of the year with the buildup of the Lion’s gate in the near future now. So I’ve decided to translate this month’s full moon report. I know some enjoy & appreciate these, so here you are!
Since a lot is happening it’s also longer than usual. If it interests you and you are prone to these energies, I suggest you read it though!

Under influence of the warm sunlight and abundant light, crops will have reached their peak and come to fruition. They know and live their blueprint, grow and reach their most beautiful self.
Maturing, growing up and developing are processes that first happen on the inside.

We live in a time where more light comes in than quantum-physics can explain. More light particals means that more information is coming to us, a bigger and growing consciousness and more that comes to light (both within as with-out yourself).
Focus on what you want to let ripen & develop, give energy to what you truly wish to manifest. That what you have sown is strong and big enough now, all it asks is time to ripen a bit more.
Even though the moon is full, this is a good time to turn within and to experience what your blueprint is, here and now.
What want to be lived by & through you? Which beautiful strength have you come to share with the world?
Shine a light onto yourself, see which program is running within that doesn’t belong with your Soul, or which role you have been conditioned to play in your social network and is done. Where have you given your power away, where do you suppress your strength?
Which part of YOU are you going to put in the spotlight and how?

The moon in Capricorn makes ambitious, serious and comes with a larger sense of responsibility. Expressing how you feel is difficult, but what is important is that you know yourself and take your feelings into account.
Saturn –the ruler of Capricorn- makes a harmonious aspect with the moon and this causes Capricorn qualities to be helpful as opposed to a hindrance.
What you want to reach can be done with perseverance!

Jupiter helps you to dream big, so not go for what’s small and safe, but for that which makes you truly feel a YES!
Saturn keeps you solidly grounded, both feet on Earth, so you won’t get overzealous or chasing unrealistic goals.
Finding the balance between holding back and being overzealous is important. For this make sure you stay in touch with your feeling, your soul-knowing, and plan time for rest to tune into self.

Venus square Uranus can cause you to be wayward/quirky.. You want to prove you’re independent while in actual fact you feel unsteady.
This isn’t a time to take impulsive risks concerning love or finances.

The days following full moon Mars & Neptune aren’t harmonious, causing you to possible lack energy and having difficulty to stand up for yourself.
Writing down during full moon what drives you, gives you energy or joy, what wants to be lived by/through your soul can help if you experience difficulties causes by this Mars – Neptune thing.

From 4-8 July the sun and Black Sun are together, making you β€˜dissolve’ so to speak. You will experience & feel little ego and identity, but will also not have the drive to take action.
Make sure you have time for rest, going within, enjoying and especially: listen to and feel your intuition and what comes up in your consciousness.

Sirius (THIS RELATES TO THE LION’S GATE) isn’t above the horizon yet, but sends awareness through the sunlight to your calling and greater needs. What re-memory comes to your mind in this light?

Happy Full Moon!

Translation: Yours truly

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Thu 06/29/23 03:36 AM
22C cloudy, could get some sun this afternoon, but rain is also forecast.
Quite windy.

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Wed 06/28/23 02:21 PM
Hi fellow Dutchie!
It's okay the way it is. You could add a bit on what kind of man you're hoping to find.

Good luck!

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Tue 06/27/23 11:15 AM
I've come to realise that losing Roosje last month did affect me a lot, and in a way still does.
I notice that with the new kitten, Stella, I'm holding back, for instance with doing or buying things.
I didn't understand why at first, then it dawned on me that I'm afraid something is gonna go wrong again and I will get that horrible news a 2nd time.

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Tue 06/27/23 11:11 AM
My new kitten's name is Stella. She's not with me yet, I'm going to bring her home next week :D

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Tue 06/27/23 08:36 AM
Thank you, Julie :)