Community > Posts By > SparklingCrystal 💖💎
Danger of Superhuman Movies
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SparklingCrystal 💖💎
Wed 03/12/25 04:37 AM
Hiya Crystal, yes it's a worrying trend, and what you say makes sense to me... It seems like religion and belief in God (belief without the need for evidence) is being diluted with all forms of science, and the desire to create more and more powerful weapons... I guess the world is being prepared for major changes, and the most obvious targets are the young people as they are more easily seduced by the sexy marketing... It's worrying for for, maybe not for us, but for our children and grandchildren... It is indeed worrying. Big concern. We can do something to slow that down or turn it round, but problem is all this stuff is deliberately introduced and implemented at such a slow rate that people don't revolt. They might feel uncomfortable for a while about certain things, then they settle in with an "oh well, it is what it is" and accept it. I think that's the innate psychological human way of dealing and adapting to change, once needed to survive and evolve I guess. Now it's being used against us. It's also this entire LBGQT stuff. No disrespect to these people, but because of them the ones in power ram changes down our throats that are destructive to our evolution, and possible our existence. Think of how they now are busy erasing gender identification, also from children's toys. Brainwashing young children to not be a boy or a girl but genderless/neutral. A very dangerous movement and since governments control what happens at schools, and it's mandatory to send our kids to school, we as parents are rendered powerless to protect our children from this. I could elaborate as to why this is so dangerous but I don't think most are interested in that. Suffice it to say it is related to mankind moving out of the obsolete patriarchal into the matriarchal. The ones in power won't have that power in the matriarchal, they do, however, in the patriarchal. This gender-erasing program is a tactic for them to maintain their position of power (and billions that come with that). It will be the downfall of mankind though. We'd lose our footing without any identification and likely willingly accept any chips, nano stuff, body-replacements and so on. |
Thank you. Wow. So many things need to change. I appreciate your coaching. Wish we could get someone like you to coach us lamebrained guys. LOL One question. Is a three-year-old picture, which it is, too old? It's the best portrait that I have but it's not ancient. Hi DeRoy! ![]() Personally I feel 3 years is too old. I've also read/heard say that 1 year old is the max. But it's your profile, you can do what you want :) Whether it is helpful to have older photos is another. I think the best rule of thumb would be to make sure the photo you use resembles what you see in the mirror. That's what people see when you show up for a date as well, not the you of 3 years ago. |
First of all, looks like your photo isn't recent. Why not use a recent one?
Comes across as a resume. Or a flyer to campaign for something, not love though. Feels like you're a nice guy, the kind that freewheels through life without (m)any attachments. Nothing wrong with that, but not appealing if a woman wants a relationship. I'm not certain you even want that? Isn't really clear to me --> You also state you're looking for a relationship AND an intimate encounter. Those two are at odds with each other, to me anyways. Considering the life-style you describe that makes me think you're more after having a different gal in each town. Again, nothing wrong with that if that's what you want and suits you. If that is not what you want you may want to change your profile text. |
Pros & Cons of having a G/F?
Oh you guys!
![]() And then you wonder why you're still sat alone on your settees, watching a game as opposed to having a good time with a great woman by your side! ![]() |
Rate me why not would be fun
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SparklingCrystal 💖💎
Sun 03/09/25 04:24 AM
Use punctuation.
Now it's a bunch of words without even a single period. "After all these years..." what years? You're referring to something that isn't clear to the reader. Maybe not necessary to elaborate, but maybe it is. Depends on what was going on in 'these years'. Make up your mind as to what you want. You've got all the options checked, from sex to relationship. I personally will never get talking nor involved with a man who's open to anything & everything. If you just want sex & casual, be clear about that. If you want a real relationship be clear about that. Or make clear you don't give a toss as long as it's something. Get a photo without a hat on and use that as a profile photo. This one doesn't do much for you with that shadow on your face. I was surprised to see your age as the photo makes you look much older, prolly because of that shadow. |
Danger of Superhuman Movies
Superheroes: Hercules, Perseus, Odysseus, Daedalus, Achilles, Thor, Loki, Jesus, Durga, Osiris, Sekhmet... Those are ancient gods and goddesses, Jesus an Ascended Master. Being who they were they had special powers. Yet that could make it even trickier. But you neglect to mention Superman, Batman, Spiderman, Aquaman, Cpt Codpiece and so on. How many boys dressed up as Superman and then pretended to be him? How many girls & women were smitten by the character and wished they were Lois? That's what I meant by "sexy marketing". And that's just movies & games. There's much more going on to get this program off the ground. Fear is another good motivator to get people to want things. Think back to the pandemic days. Millions desperate to get some mysterious substance shot into their perfectly healthy bodies. Only to get all kinds of ailments & illnesses later on because of it, many even dying from it. It's so easy to influence people, and from what we've seen even on a global level. |
They can never get enough respect, carrying the weight of future generations upon their shoulders. ![]() ![]() |
Danger of Superhuman Movies
We've been flooded with superpower movies for almost 2 decades now I think.
Much to my annoyance as I don't like them. Yet one after the other is being pumped out. But now a bigger concern relating to these movies: the ones in power are working on programs to alter are human bodies with all kinds of crap so they allegedly function better. They use very sexy marketing to make people, and especially young people, believe that are bodies are flawed and need enhancements. It is a very dangerous movement! Let's say they'll flog something that can control emotions and feelings. They could then easily turn us into a heartless beings and people with feelings would and could easily kill others. That's just one example, it goes much further. I personally believe the billions spent on superpower movies is part of this program. They portray the superhumans as heroes, macho, alphas. Very attractive. And very sexy! Many wouldn't mind being like that, only because of those movies and series. Then there are games. Same story. Now I'm inclined to say it's mostly men and young people (males) that are sensitive to such marketing. But then women have the tendency to fall for such seemingly strong characters, Alphas... And the movies, series & games are just the tip of the iceberg. But they all make people, the masses even, open and willing to embrace such powers and/or superhumans. That is really creepy. Because we've become accustomed to it via movies & games we have lost are natural "red alert!" Our danger-filters for anything unnatural has been carefully soothed, calmed, and put to rest. Instead, many would now be open to getting some superpower. I've even come across it in quizzes on dating sites: What would you prefer: XYZ or a superpower? Most go for the superpower?!! The idea of having a superpower has become normal, attractive, sexy. People would queue up to get it. If you want to know more check out Gregg Braden on YouTube. Costs you nothing. He's investigated this thoroughly as he too finds it very concerning. He's also written a book on it as it's so damned important! As he says, we could be the last generation of natural people. Our bodies are so advanced, so incredible and beautiful. We can heal from any disease as our self-healing ability is flawless. Some have even regrown an organ they'd lost! We've just not been taught how to do this but right now this knowledge is available to all, via for instance Dr Joe Dispenza (epigenetics). I've said for decades that our bodies are the most fine-tuned, highly evolved 'machines'. Gregg Braden calls it 'soft technology'. Boils down to the same thing. I do hope you'll think about all this when you switch on your tv to watch the next superpower movie! Remember it's part of a brainwashing program. |
Happy International Women's Day!
It's celebrated to honour women's achievements and advocate for gender equality. Online you find a lot of political correct reasons. I find it unbelievably important to get true equality for women as we then can finally become ourselves: in touch with our feminine energy & power. That in turn allows men to shift into their true masculine energy being. Then men & women can complement each other like we're meant to! This will change societies and individual lives. More love, respect, kindness, oneness, sisterhood, brotherhood, and so on. That's why it's truly important for mankind's progress! |
Pros & Cons of having a G/F?
There shouldn't be any. A partner should add to your life. If there are cons then it's likely a reflection of how and who you are as partners mirror. For instance, if you're not truly happy & positive, don't have proper self-esteem & self-confidence & self-love you cannot attract quality partners either. In that sense dating / trying to date is like free therapy: it shows (reflects) directly what you still have to work on. If you want that of course, it's a choice. Pros: Do we really have to list those? Someone to share your life with, to talk, have fun, have new adventures and discoveries, grow & evolve together, support each other, intimacy. Cooking, dining, spending evenings together. Also having time to yourself so you can do your own thing or hang out with your own friends. Very important to not give up everything and make the relationship your universe. In essence someone who complements you. |
Spring is in the air, sun is shining. I'm feeling happy and this buzz of spring energy, wanting to do things, go out, go on dates and so on, hihi.
Thinking last week I had a break from school and I went to Da Nang, Vietnam. I had such a great time! I've been all over most of Asia, but for some reason I have never been to Vietnam until now. Loved it! Sounds wonderful! For some reason I always feel both Vietnam & Cambodia are different from other Asian countries. Do you have that experience (assuming you've also been to Cambodia)? |
The Gorge - 2025 REALLY good movie!
Flight Risk - 2025 Also a really good movie. I can seriously recommend both, in a way especially The Gorge as it was quite unusual. And not just action with some creepy stuff thrown in, but also a love story. Nevertheless, I rather try my luck on a dating site than in the gorge, lol. |
I have a granddaughter!!
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SparklingCrystal 💖💎
Tue 03/04/25 03:58 AM
Wow! Congratulations, Crystal! That's wonderful! So happy for you! ![]() Thank you! The little one is adorable ![]() ![]() |
Company that you desire?
I love this topic! "Home" is not a place. It is where the people who matter to you, are, I have 2 of these wooden things with text painting on them saying "Home is where the Heart is". That feels right to me. It's more than people (to me), also the place, country/region, home and so on. |
I have a granddaughter!!
Thank you so much!
SOUFIE, yes, the smell, the little sounds they make! ![]() ![]() I always have a thing for a baby's hands and especially feet! So cute, so tiny. Kind of weird since I really don't like people's feet to the point of finding it gross to touching another person's feet, hihi. But baby feet... love 'em!! ![]() Tomorrow is the day, I sure as heck am going to enjoy it! |
I have a granddaughter!!
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SparklingCrystal 💖💎
Mon 03/03/25 02:51 AM
My 2nd granddaughter is just over a week old now and she's adorable!!
![]() ![]() She was born on Feb 24. My daughter has that beautiful glow of a new mum, radiating pure love and happiness. So beautiful to see! ![]() My other granddaughter -2 yrs in April- is adjusting really well. I'm going to see them day after tomorrow ![]() ![]() To add to that: daddies of new born babies also have this special glow! As if their eyes shine brighter and their faces somehow seem softer as they too radiate happiness & love. I see that in my son in law as well. |
New black kitten Meggie
Awwwwwe she's Gawjuss Thank you! She still is even though she's a little bigger now :) Right now she's almost 10 months old. It looks like she'll remain a relatively small cat, like her mother. |
New black kitten Meggie
What a pretty little girl! I hope she is doing well and has taken to your home and other cats. My little black kitty is Mystic, born on July first. In the five months I've had her I have come to realize that black cats are a unique catonality, smart and fearless. Black cats definitely seem to be different. Little Meggie, now 10 months, sure is strong willed and never has been one to sleep in my lap. Trying to type the above took me some 5 minutes as I had to get up 5x to make clear to Meggie that what she was doing was not on. I think she finally understood. For now. Hihi. |
Depends on my mood (as in, what I feel like doing), the weather and how my neck & back are holding up.
Today my back wasn't happy as I've done just a bit too much in the garden the last couple of days. I nevertheless managed to do a bit more in the garden. Weather was really good and then I find it hard to not do something while there's so much to do! Normally I never do much in the garden this time a year, but I have an extra 27m2 that's bare ground to fill in. There used to be a hedge there and that was taken out, fencing put up instead. Normally it's more lightweight stuff like painting :) (on canvas) |