Community > Posts By > Richard

Richard 's photo
Tue 02/08/22 09:56 AM
Edited by Richard on Tue 02/08/22 10:11 AM

Johns Hopkins has released a 62-page study claiming that COVID-19 lockdowns did more harm than good.

The joint study involved Jonas Herby, Lars Jonung, and Steve H. Hanke, three academics in the field of economics, from Denmark, Sweden, and the United States.

They concluded: “Lockdowns have had little to no public health effects, they have imposed enormous economic and social costs where they have been adopted.”

The three authors added: “In consequence, lockdown policies are ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument.”

Their review on the ‘effects of lockdowns on COVID-19 mortality’ took a broad approach, vetting the research into three groups.

These groups were: ‘lockdown stringency indexes, shelter in place order (SIPO) studies and non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPI).

The process ’employed a systemic search and screening procedure’ engaging with 18,590 studies, which located 34 ‘eligible studies,’ with ’24 qualifying for inclusion in the meta-analysis.’

I'm sure the CDC, Fauci, Facebook and Twitter are all conducting studies of the study before saying it's misinformation/disinformation before getting the MSM to start attacking.

theres a problem to that john.. it is already in the mainstream media, just like all the other formerly labeled as misinformation articles coming out recently, that has now been admitted by the CDC as being factual information, that they had previously "canceled" for the current admin and their supporters fallowing Fauci's guidance.
CNN, MSN, CNBC ect.. have all published articles now exposing the truth. the rats have begun to leave the ship.
now that OMI has suppressed delta, covid is now

they need to find the next distraction.
what??? you think this show going on now with russia aint strategic?

Richard 's photo
Tue 02/08/22 09:24 AM

if his Daddy wasn't the Pres he would have been arrested by now for the porn on his lap top.
He is a perv...addicted to many things. sex, drugs, money & power
All while riding Daddys coat rail

speaking of hunters lap top.
I'm waiting for the mid terms, because if the house and senet flip, the FBI investigation of hunters lap top will no longer be stalled.
and then ol' daddy Joe and the rest of the Biden clan, will have a lot of explaining to do.

Richard 's photo
Tue 02/08/22 08:59 AM

Did a quick search for restoration parts/monte carlo.

You have a nice project going there. Gunna take some time...hope yer not in a hurry.


no not in a hurry, (dont have the bank roll to be in a hurry) the blue I've had for close to 17 years, and the red I've had for about 5. it was originally going to be a parts car. but it turned out to be a rare canadian landaugh and also it is the last year for the folded rear window, and round headlights.
so they are good side by side examples of the second gen body. so I decided to keep them both as drivers.
and right now, I need to track down a dohner car for my way gun, because it's heater box caught fire and spread to the whole dash before I got it put out.
my wagon is my work truck. so I need to get it back up ASAP.

some pics of my way gun

this is now.

Richard 's photo
Tue 02/08/22 03:20 AM
Edited by Richard on Tue 02/08/22 03:24 AM

Did a quick search for restoration parts/monte carlo.

You have a nice project going there. Gunna take some time...hope yer not in a hurry.


no not in a hurry, (dont have the bank roll to be in a hurry) the blue I've had for close to 17 years, and the red I've had for about 5. it was originally going to be a parts car. but it turned out to be a rare canadian landaugh and also it is the last year for the folded rear window, and round headlights.
so they are good side by side examples of the second gen body. so I decided to keep them both as drivers.
and right now, I need to track down a dohner car for my way gun, because it's heater box caught fire and spread to the whole dash before I got it put out.
my wagon is my work truck. so I need to get it back up ASAP.

some pics of my way gun

Richard 's photo
Tue 02/08/22 02:53 AM
Edited by Richard on Tue 02/08/22 03:01 AM

Did a quick search for restoration parts/monte carlo.

You have a nice project going there. Gunna take some time...hope yer not in a hurry.


no not in a hurry, (dont have the bank roll to be in a hurry) the blue I've had for close to 17 years, and the red I've had for about 5. it was originally going to be a parts car. but it turned out to be a rare canadian landaugh and also it is the last year for the folded rear window, and round headlights.
so they are good side by side examples of the second gen body. so I decided to keep them both as drivers.
and right now, I need to track down a dohner car for my way gun, because it's heater box caught fire and spread to the whole dash before I got it put out.
my wagon is my work truck. so I need to get it back up ASAP.

Richard 's photo
Tue 02/08/22 12:48 AM
Edited by Richard on Tue 02/08/22 12:50 AM

are you modding the blue one or did you buy it as a project to finish?
will you be painting the overspray in the wheel wells or coating them with tar/undercoat?

When I did my Vega I was in the process of cleaning up the wheel wells for flat black spraybomb, then a nice undercoat after I had it painted but I sold it before I got into it too deep.

Thinking back on my customizing days I wish Line-X was available back then.

I've stripped a bunch of frames and bodies to preserve them. Even went as far as using lead based primers. That Line-X product would have been really useful. I was primarily in the snow belt and underbody/frame corrosion was always the biggest starting task. Back then we coated them with tar and flat black primer but that Line-X I think would have been so much better.

You kids have it made!
I'm adding custom work to both the red and the blue monte's.
the blue is further along, I tucked the bumpers and added metal fillers to the rear quarter, replacing the larger rubber panels. I'm not much of a mechanic.. just good enough for minor repairs(parts replacement). I painted the blue with a custom paint color, 3 parts medium metalic blue, 1 part champion white.. the result was a metalflake matt finish.

I also added the louvers to the opera windows and deleted the chrome plastic trim. eventually I'll have the frame and under side powder blasted, and then rhino lined( it's like line-X)
the second gens are still orphans, too old to find NOS parts easily, and too new to find much in the after market for them.
it also dont help that they were popular dirt track and demolition derby cars either. theres not a lot of survivor parts left in wrecking yards any more.
the buckets and console are out of a 77 cutlass supreme.

the red I'm slowly changing the interior to black and I am going to have to modify the rear plastic sale panels that goes between the rear package tray and the head liner, as the sun has completely rotted them away in several places. and no one reproduces them.
I've also added a sunken console in the center of the bench since it and the back seat needs re upholstered any way. the black vinyl roof, is actually dupli colors truck bed liner, that I used a 3/4" paint roller to apply. it's thick enough to cover and hide pock marks from surface rust that was under the original vinyl. and still looks like a vinyl top until you get up close to it and notice there are no sewn seams.
they are not perfect, but they are fun driver projects. and it is fun to listen to younger people trying to figure out what they are. when I drive to local events. or take them on a club run.

Richard 's photo
Mon 02/07/22 03:00 PM
Edited by Richard on Mon 02/07/22 03:02 PM

speaking of motivators:
my neighbor just bought a schwinn trike, with a large basket between the rear wheels.
the thought is, with stores being between a couple blocks and a couple miles away.
his wife could use it to do some of the house hold shopping, and he can do some of his smaller honey do errands with it. instead of jumping in the car.
saving some money on gas, and also working off the "table muscle" his wife has been nagging him about.

I guess the costs of living and fuel increases, could have some positive effects for some.

I always get the groceries in by cycling. The supermarket is 450 meters from my house. I'm not going to start the car for that, would ruin the engine and battery real fast!
I've had to walk a few times during winter, with my bike, when the roads were slippery because of snow, hihi. STill taking my bike with me as then I don't have to carry heavy stuff and some parts of road could still be cycled.
Not a tricycle though. We are a cycling nation, so a normal bicycle. Bag goes on the rear luggage carrier :)
On the rare occasion I take the car because I for instance need a helluva lot of heavy stuff I drive a number of kms first to heat up the engine and get the oil going through it. But I prefer not to do that at all.

So if it inspired you... go for it! Breathe in fresh air and get the lungs going, hihi.

I learnt to cycle when about 3 yrs old. I mastered it quite fast but I had one problem: for some reason I couldn't break. No idea why, but I just couldn't. So I had to ram the kiddie bike into a barn or some other structure to stop, hahahaha.

back in my 20's I road bike 14 miles everyday to and from work. I was clocked by an officer doing 30 in a 25 LOL, he actually gave me a ticket for unsafe passing. this was back when I worked at a nursery (tree farm) and everything I needed for work was supplied. I had a custom built mountain bike, and it was geared like a sprinter for speed. it had an egg shaped front crank to provide maximum leverage on the down stroke.
I also had a front and back bag rack made for it that locked the bags in place. to guard against their theft.. I rode it for over 8 years. but I was replaced by someone younger at a lower wage. so I went into landscaping, and needed a truck. so I sold the bike to help pay for it.

took the new mongoose out for a lil ride yeasterday.. about 6 showed me this morning just how out of shape I've gotten as far as bike riding is concerned, calves, quads, glutes and lower lats. were all talking to me about it. not terrible... just a hey.. you know, we aint done this in a long time right?? reminder.
I also have to get used to the bouncy Mono shock frame it has LOL.

Richard 's photo
Mon 02/07/22 02:10 PM

this thread seems to be doing better than mine did..
I have 5 cars,
a 78 dodge wagon, a couple monte carlos, and
an elan thunderbird, that has a marti report saying that it was a one of one off the assembly line.

and then theres my grand voyager that I turned into a camper. TV, DVD, cook stove. even turned the center bench side ways so it can be used as a bed.

these are my monte's.

Richard 's photo
Mon 02/07/22 01:30 PM
Edited by Richard on Mon 02/07/22 01:30 PM
my longest road trip consisted of leaving from oregon to tejuana mexico, over to arizona across to texas up to wisconsin (to visit the family museum on madiline Island), then back home to oregon.

Richard 's photo
Mon 02/07/22 01:01 PM
Edited by Richard on Mon 02/07/22 01:09 PM

Hi fellow patriots,
I'm sure many of you are frustrated with what is going on in the world right now. Have you had enough of the current issues in our xountry? I am starting to see that there is hope coming probably sooner than you think It is important to have faith that it will get better soon. Based on the world, faith and where you stand politically are important within for a relationship to be "on the same page" Any Republicans who support Trump who are Christian, reach out to me and let's talk. Cindy

I have always been a Trump supporter and if he runs again in the primary election I will support him again. But regardless of who republicans choose to run against the democrat. He will have a blueprint on what works and doesn’t work for a great economy thanks to the Trump presidency. So I’m not worried about if it’s Trump , Pompaio or DeSantis . I’m fairly positive the democrats have little chance to win in 2024.
I think Jr would also be a good choice.. the DON is getting up there. and he's a high stress target. so grooming JR to run and teaching him what he learned while in the big chair( as with his business empire). may be the better move.

Just make sure little Donny get's enough coke. If he runs out of it he is brain dead, oh wait, he is already brain dead, lol. Never mind.
I always wanted to see how America is dealing with a drug addict as president. Oh wait, they had Donny senior already, addicted to lies, deception and idiotism. Good luck to all my friends in the US.
2024 will show what America is standing for, I hope I will be there to watch it.

Biden says Hunter got addiction 'disease from mommy and me ...

At least five members of the Biden family have apparently received treatment for drug or alcohol abuse, according to a report on Wednesday.

They are said to include the president's brother Frank, children Hunter and Ashley, niece Caroline and his late son's widow, Hallie.

The revelations are said to come from Hunter's abandoned laptop. The FBI launched an investigation into Hunter in December 2020 after the New York Post published incriminating files on a laptop he put in for repair.

According to reports on Wednesday, citing text messages purportedly sent by Hunter, Hallie - Beau's widow and later Hunter's lover - has been to rehab four times.

more links to news reports about who is actually on drugs

these are not accusations later proven false, but admissions from the Biden family and hunter them selves.

Richard 's photo
Mon 02/07/22 12:35 PM

Physiotherapy. An hour :/ We're supposed to go into the gym today. I'm looking forward to it. Not...

common crystal... it's good fer ya....MWAHAHAHAHAHA!! (evil laugh) ;-)
atleast you dint have to wear a hazmat suit for the last couple days like I did.

I never liked fitness. I'm more a Tai Chi kind of person :) (martial arts)

No hazmat suit and you don't have to wear a face mask either in there. Still mandatory elsewhere though.

trust me.. you would not do my job at times with out
a hazmat certification. LOL
I wont tell you why I was in the suit as it would gross you out. lets just say some people should not be allowed pets.

Richard 's photo
Mon 02/07/22 10:41 AM
Edited by Richard on Mon 02/07/22 10:44 AM

more people have died of covid in 2021 under Binden ( who inherited 2 vaccines) then Trump who had none .
Biden stated when running against Trump " any President who lost as many people as Trump to the virus should resign"
well.. time to show yourself to the door. Joe

the CDC has admitted that up to 80% of the people fully vaxed counted as covid deaths were actually from other causes. they just happened to have also tested positive for covid.
so that begs the question, how much has that ben inflated amongst the general populous. just to drive up the fear factor.

Richard 's photo
Mon 02/07/22 10:15 AM
Edited by Richard on Mon 02/07/22 10:34 AM

we men suffer a similar condition, called low T.
we start loosing muscle mass, balding, weight gain and even mood swings.
we start loosing testosterone in our 40's, and it also has a wide range of side effects that will effect each man differently. and to different extents..

it aint anything us guys like to talk about. but it happens to all of us. just like you lady's and menopause.
most of us guy's will even experience prostate issues because of it.
thats why you see adds for the lil blue pill, T-boosters and hair treatments all the time.

it is just what we as humans have to deal with as we get older.
lucky for you lady's out their you feel more comfortable talking with each other and comparing notes, then most guy's will ever be , even with their doctors.
so you actually have that advantage over US guy's.

(hey I might never have been married, but I got older 6 sisters LOL ;-) )

I'm actually not so sure that women talk a lot about their menopause. I guess if it's a really good friend, maybe. But in a way it seems quite the taboo thing and I'm also not sure that all women are comfortable with the fact they're losing their fertility.
well, I was not exactly suggesting that a woman would sit down next to another woman on a bus, and have it as part of a normal conversation ;-)
but I have been exposed to many embarrassing conversations, to which my being male, had me politely excusing myself. when my sisters and their friends got to talking. even with the girls and women I've dated over my life time to date.
from childhood to present. women talk about everything from getting their period, and comparing breast size, and bra's, to boys and pretty much everything in between.
perhaps it is just my observation.
but, it seems.. you ladies are just wired to be more open to talking about things of a "more personal nature". (generally speaking) then most men are.

I mean how often do you see guy's asking each other if they need to go to the bathroom??

I think that's related to the fact that women being together with other women is what is soothing to us. It's how we're wired. Sisterhood is what reduces stress, releases oxytocin, and makes us feel good.
For men that works differently, the competition thing works that way for them ---> sports for instance. That's why you can see the men that lost a match still have this comradery. Also other friendly competitive things are part of this.
For us women it's exactly the other way round, NOT competing but sharing, supporting, doing the sisterhood thing that way.

And yes, we women talk about a great many things. Often the man in our life has no idea, haha. It is relationship, sex, money, sex, men, relationship, sex, etc. hihi. And yup, we can talk about quite private and intimate stuff!
It's a good thing most men haven't a clue, lol.

thats what I meant by being wired differently crystal.
our phyches are developed completely different by gender. most men for example would rather club each other with a bat, then discuss how many times we get up to go to the bathroom. LOL ;-)
PS: we also love to lie about our conquests, because it's easier them admitting the truth. this is known as bragging. the more a guy boasts, the bigger
the lie he's telling. ;-)

Richard 's photo
Mon 02/07/22 10:04 AM
Edited by Richard on Mon 02/07/22 10:12 AM

I read a very interesting article yesterday about oestrogen dominance.
BOTH men & women often experience this and suffer from it.
We as women can of course naturally get this during/after menopause, but there is an extra BIG factor at play here too that affects BOTH genders:

These are petroleum based oestrogens that are all around us these days as we are surrounded by products that are petroleum based. From synthetic materials (clothes, rugs, curtains and so on) to products we use like make-up, care products and so on.

These xeno-oestrogens are fat-soluble, not water-soluble like normal human oestrogen, and the body doesn't know what the heck to do with it to rid itself of it.
And because there's so much around us now most people have these in their system, and too much of it, which causes oestrogen dominance, with all the symptoms and ailments that go with that. Not just in women, MEN ALSO!

This overdose of xeno-oestrogen wreaks havoc on the males hormones, his testosterone levels, and can cause for instance depression -esp when 40+ -, weight gain, prostate problems, ED problems and so on.
Lord knows even hairloss in men is related to this as oestrogen is related to that, so is testosterone btw.

And like men, many women also suffer because of oestrogen dominance, especially during/after menopause, but it can also mess up hormones before that.
Girls getting first period before even 10 yrs old for instance.

The way the body mostly deals with oestrogen dominance is by creating fat cells. It can be stored in there, which is the bodies way of keeping you safe. Since this xeno stuff is fat-soluble the body doesn't know how else to rid itself of it.
Odd thing is that the body can also make oestrogen in fat cells!
So there's a clear link here between gaining weight when getting older, for both genders, and oestrogen.
It's amazingly intricate stuff, hihi. Worth a full study to understand the whole lot!

In a way we've messed up so many things in our natural world that we've messed up our own bodies too. A good hormonal balance is crucial to a healthy, balanced body, whether male or female.

yah, estrogen is a problem as testosterone declines with some men. in many cases we can actually start growing breasts because of it.
men should also read possible side effects of taking supplements like testiphine, because they can actually trigger estrogen production if taken in too large of a dose.
Us men, should really ask the advice of our doctor rather then listen to sports stars and actors.
before taking supplements.

Richard 's photo
Mon 02/07/22 09:49 AM

we men suffer a similar condition, called low T.
we start loosing muscle mass, balding, weight gain and even mood swings.
we start loosing testosterone in our 40's, and it also has a wide range of side effects that will effect each man differently. and to different extents..

it aint anything us guys like to talk about. but it happens to all of us. just like you lady's and menopause.
most of us guy's will even experience prostate issues because of it.
thats why you see adds for the lil blue pill, T-boosters and hair treatments all the time.

it is just what we as humans have to deal with as we get older.
lucky for you lady's out their you feel more comfortable talking with each other and comparing notes, then most guy's will ever be , even with their doctors.
so you actually have that advantage over US guy's.

(hey I might never have been married, but I got older 6 sisters LOL ;-) )

I'm actually not so sure that women talk a lot about their menopause. I guess if it's a really good friend, maybe. But in a way it seems quite the taboo thing and I'm also not sure that all women are comfortable with the fact they're losing their fertility.
well, I was not exactly suggesting that a woman would sit down next to another woman on a bus, and have it as part of a normal conversation ;-)
but I have been exposed to many embarrassing conversations, to which my being male, had me politely excusing myself. when my sisters and their friends got to talking. even with the girls and women I've dated over my life time to date.
from childhood to present. women talk about everything from getting their period, and comparing breast size, and bra's, to boys and pretty much everything in between.
perhaps it is just my observation.
but, it seems.. you ladies are just wired to be more open to talking about things of a "more personal nature". (generally speaking) then most men are.

I mean how often do you see guy's asking each other if they need to go to the bathroom??

Richard 's photo
Fri 02/04/22 03:18 PM
Edited by Richard on Fri 02/04/22 03:24 PM
this thread seems to be doing better than mine did..
I have 5 cars,
a 78 dodge wagon, a couple monte carlos, and
an elan thunderbird, that has a marti report saying that it was a one of one off the assembly line.

and then theres my grand voyager that I turned into a camper. TV, DVD, cook stove. even turned the center bench side ways so it can be used as a bed.

Richard 's photo
Fri 02/04/22 02:53 PM
Edited by Richard on Fri 02/04/22 03:08 PM
seen this

and remembered this thread the worlds first certified and approved for public private use flying car.

The “AirCar” was awarded an official Certificate of Airworthiness by the Slovak Transport Authority after completing 70 hours of “rigorous flight testing,” according to Klein Vision, the company behind the “dual-mode car-aircraft vehicle.”

The test flights — which included more than 200 takeoffs and landings — were compatible with European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) standards, the company said in a press release on Monday.

“The challenging flight tests included the full range of flight and performance maneuvers and demonstrated an astonishing static and dynamic stability in the aircraft mode,” the company said.

so all you need is about 192,000 bucks and a pilots license and you can go buy your new air car and fly it home.

pic address wont show sorry.

Richard 's photo
Fri 02/04/22 01:22 PM
Edited by Richard on Fri 02/04/22 01:24 PM


my club house?? depends on which car I'm driving. today it is my grand voyager.

Richard 's photo
Fri 02/04/22 01:14 PM
Edited by Richard on Fri 02/04/22 01:17 PM

Physiotherapy. An hour :/ We're supposed to go into the gym today. I'm looking forward to it. Not...

common crystal... it's good fer ya....MWAHAHAHAHAHA!! (evil laugh) ;-)
atleast you dint have to wear a hazmat suit for the last couple days like I did.

Richard 's photo
Fri 02/04/22 01:08 PM
prepping for new carpet and pad, and vinyl in the kit and bath of a unit. finished painting it this morning.
got to refinish the cabinets also. the last tenant had big dogs, in a small 2 bedroom apartment. that they left locked up at home during the day. so the dogs did, what dogs do.

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