Community > Posts By > Bi_CurizGrl

Bi_CurizGrl's photo
Thu 05/28/09 08:58 AM

laugh this is my serious side in here (ok...maybe not) but more serious than you've seen lol

really, I could have sworn it was your silly side? :wink:

Bi_CurizGrl's photo
Thu 05/28/09 08:57 AM

hey are ya girl??? decided to stray into politics today??? laugh flowerforyou

lol...i guess so yellowrose...saw this topic and decided i had to say flowerforyou smokin

Yellowrose, I think I actually got lost in the mean to tell me this isn't automechanics?...oops rofl :wink:

Bi_CurizGrl's photo
Thu 05/28/09 08:53 AM

hey are ya girl??? decided to stray into politics today??? laugh flowerforyou

lol...i guess so yellowrose...saw this topic and decided i had to say flowerforyou smokin

Bi_CurizGrl's photo
Thu 05/28/09 08:51 AM
I've already met...4 people from the internet....1 turned out to be a very bad person (a murderer)....sometimes there are no warning signs sometimes with people. Other times if they want all your information (where you live, your last name, etc.) and they keep talking about sexual things with you then you might want to put a red flag in your mind. If you start talking to someone and they say they have a girlfriend but are willing to still talk sexual/intimate details with you, you might want to stay away from them. If they start telling you information about how they molested their step-siblings you might want to put a big question mark there, too. All the guys I've met from the internet were not worth meeting, although one is my boyfriend of 1.5 years. But if you've read any of my other posts you know he's not the greatest guy in the world. But sometimes you can't know. I didn't with the murderer.

Bi_CurizGrl's photo
Thu 05/28/09 08:44 AM
already have unfortunately frown embarassed

Bi_CurizGrl's photo
Thu 05/28/09 08:36 AM

i am not a liberal, nor am i gay.

i do, however, fully support gay marriage; i'm also very saddened by this verdict. i had thought we were finally progressing...and then we take three steps back.

flowerforyou happy I totally agree with this....I was hoping gay marriage would spread throughout the entire U.S. Loving someone is just plain loving someone and race and sex cannot make it wrong. Love is love period.

Bi_CurizGrl's photo
Thu 05/28/09 08:32 AM

We are surrounded by the Great Lakes which prevents really bad environmental storms such as Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Hurricanes, extreme Tornados, etc. We get some blizzards in the winter and some Tornados but nothing to the extent that most states get. We get a few small floods, sure, but nothing really awful. Sure we get a lot of snow depending upon where you are (in winter anyway). Usually you can give the weather 10-20 minutes and if you don't like it it'll change. I've lived in Michigan my entire life and I honestly plan to stay here unless I cannot find a job or my SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) gets worse. I unfortunately live in a town where it's constantly gloomy, rainy, stormy, snowy, and the weather changes very frequently (like a little valley of screwyness). My hometown is 45 minutes away and the weather there can be quite different than here a lot of the time. ohwell happy flowerforyou

It's safer without all the severe storms (volcanos, earthquakes, tornados, hurricanes, etc.), yes indeed bigsmile flowerforyou

Bi_CurizGrl's photo
Thu 05/28/09 08:30 AM

Parts of this were very strong....and strong with feeling. Well done.

Keep on learning about yourself and feeling. With time, the feeling will become more moderate and softer....bringing contentment, serenity, even happiness.

Beautifully expressed Angel :thumbsup:

I agree flowerforyou flowerforyou

Bi_CurizGrl's photo
Thu 05/28/09 08:28 AM

I was not even going to comment on this thread BUT I seriously feel like I have to. Here is a question that I really think YOU need to ask yourself...have you noticed that you are messing with men that are already taken? Your boyfriend is married and your ex has a girlfriend so many hours away, so they are both CHEATING to be with you!! Now, in the end there is going to be someone that comes around that is going to be better then they are going to end up CHEATING on you. DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND this??
OH MY GOD, I can not handle everyone being so nice about all of this when the real problem here is FIND YOUR OWN MAN!! Maybe that might be a start?? I don't understand how people want us to feel sorry for them when everything started out with cheating!! It is just beyond me!
Now IF this guy is being mean to you and has raped you...what the hell are you doing going back to him? You said he was a freeloader and he doesn't do anything for you but give you great sex BUT yet he raped you!! In all need to go and talk to someone!! I think if you are still on your parents insurance, you should make an appt with your family doctor and talk to them about depression!
Good Luck

I have been with guys who were single but were far away from me. I couldn't deal with the distance. If you have read any of my posts you'd know I have 3 mental illnesses, an addiction, and severe physical knee problems. No, it didn't all start because of cheating. Honestly though your comment didn't anger me because it was misguided because you don't me and haven't read anything I've posted in the past or even looked at my profile. Women who have been in abusive relationships understand how hard it is to deal with these issues. Those who haven't been there do not. When you don't understand something you don't have a right to judge it or assume you know what's what. True you made good points, but I've already either crossed them, tried them, they didn't work, or I cannot use them. Thanks for the try I guess? indifferent

I didn't try to anger you, I was trying to get across to you that being with someone that was taken was not a good thing. If they can not stay in a committed relationship with someone else, do you really think they are going to commit to you, that was my question. I have read MANY of your post but I have decided not to voice my opinion. I don't feel that I am misguided at all, I feel that you are the one going down the wrong path. I truly hope you find the help that you honestly do need.
Actually I have been in an abusive relationship, it was my very first relationship. BUT my parents noticed what was going on and they MADE me get the hell away from him. Plus I thought more of myself then to have to put up with someone disrespecting me. I think when you realize that you are worth something...then you will wake up and walk away from the terrible situation that you are in. Trust me, sex is not everything! You are still a young lady and you think sex is a big thing and if you have great sex that is all you me, IF YOU CAN NOT GET ALONG OUTSIDE OF THE BEDROOM, ITS NEVER GOING TO WORK!!
I wish you luck but I really don't think you are going to leave this guy because I think you have low self-esteem at this point. You need to look into that mirror and realize that you are worth more then what you are getting!!

I'd be able to leave him if I met anyone decent around here other than him, but any of the other guys I've met around here are not any better than him. My parents do not care about my situation. My mom doesn't believe he's done anything bad to me and my dad said that if he were to hurt me again to tell him and he'd do something about it (that was like 5-6 months ago?). I no longer tell my dad the bad things about my bf. I don't talk to mom about him anymore. I guess you were lucky that you had parents who intervened. If I do come across someone better than my bf though, I'd be able to leave him easily. I've been alone before (taken breaks from my bf when he's an extreme jerk) so I could get out. I just need to find someone better, but around here it's like trying to find a needle in a haystack. You may be right that I may never get out. I don't know. I hope someday I can.

Bi_CurizGrl's photo
Wed 05/27/09 03:35 AM
on the cheek smooched flowerforyou

Bi_CurizGrl's photo
Wed 05/27/09 03:31 AM
Not knowing what I want and therefore not knowing if I'm doing it right or if the other person is doing it right...slaphead frustrated

Bi_CurizGrl's photo
Wed 05/27/09 03:29 AM
Atheists are much more popular than people realize these days. I've met more of them than I have Christians/religious fanatics. I'm a Christian but very open-minded to other people's ideas. Because of what I've endured in my life I've questioned enough times if there really is a God because He never seemed to be there when I needed Him. And I also agree with RandomTandem when he stated "Who says any religion is correct/true?" I get sick of different denominations trying to claim that they are right and the others are wrong. Who cares who is right or wrong. It's about what works for each person. flowerforyou

Bi_CurizGrl's photo
Wed 05/27/09 03:23 AM
family, friends, doing the things I love no matter the cost, but mainly spending time with family and friends...:heart: :heart: flowerforyou

Bi_CurizGrl's photo
Wed 05/27/09 03:21 AM
Edited by Bi_CurizGrl on Wed 05/27/09 03:22 AM
We are surrounded by the Great Lakes which prevents really bad environmental storms such as Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Hurricanes, extreme Tornados, etc. We get some blizzards in the winter and some Tornados but nothing to the extent that most states get. We get a few small floods, sure, but nothing really awful. Sure we get a lot of snow depending upon where you are (in winter anyway). Usually you can give the weather 10-20 minutes and if you don't like it it'll change. I've lived in Michigan my entire life and I honestly plan to stay here unless I cannot find a job or my SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) gets worse. I unfortunately live in a town where it's constantly gloomy, rainy, stormy, snowy, and the weather changes very frequently (like a little valley of screwyness). My hometown is 45 minutes away and the weather there can be quite different than here a lot of the time. ohwell happy flowerforyou

Bi_CurizGrl's photo
Tue 05/26/09 10:00 PM

You're welcome BCG....perhaps because of the "BPD" you will best come to know what you want and need? I don't know....

I only know I just reread your write twice, and I see a number of things you appear to be very clear about in terms of what you want and

to engage with transparency ... "Step forward Out of the shadows"

to acknowledge you feel angry, and that you desire truth

to be seen as a person, not as a "game piece"

to be able to freely move, without being constricted by someone else's need to control your movements

to not be used in any situation or by any person

to commit, when you are able and ready...."keep true"

to be accepted by self and others

to know who you are, and simply be free to be "that"

to find your clarity, despite confusion....the abyss

to know love, despite "cold, darkness, scars"....

Anyway, that's what I see in the write....perhaps you know more about what you want/need than you think? Just some thoughts...

Wow....flowerforyou shocked happy Thank you for pointing this out to me because I honestly did not see this as vividly as you saw it. I truly appreciate your input like this. flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Bi_CurizGrl's photo
Tue 05/26/09 09:57 PM

and these are the days of our lives

Ain't that the life has been a soap opera for quite some time to join? :laughing:

Bi_CurizGrl's photo
Tue 05/26/09 09:56 PM

No one would blame you or judge you if you looked elsewhere. However, don't stoop to his level. Cheating and lying isn't okay, no matter the circumstances. I know some may adopt a "don't ask/don't tell" stance; but, in the end, its still asking for problems.

Edited to ask: is there a free support group in you r local area for survivors? You may want to look into it. flowerforyou

I never lie. I'm too honest. I tell when I cheat. I tell when I have a bf before I sleep with someone. I have never done the "don't ask/don't tell" thing. I'm too openly honest/blunt/brutal. And I don't believe there is a free support group for survivors in my area. If there was I don't know if I'd want to go. ohwell

Bi_CurizGrl's photo
Tue 05/26/09 09:53 PM

I was not even going to comment on this thread BUT I seriously feel like I have to. Here is a question that I really think YOU need to ask yourself...have you noticed that you are messing with men that are already taken? Your boyfriend is married and your ex has a girlfriend so many hours away, so they are both CHEATING to be with you!! Now, in the end there is going to be someone that comes around that is going to be better then they are going to end up CHEATING on you. DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND this??
OH MY GOD, I can not handle everyone being so nice about all of this when the real problem here is FIND YOUR OWN MAN!! Maybe that might be a start?? I don't understand how people want us to feel sorry for them when everything started out with cheating!! It is just beyond me!
Now IF this guy is being mean to you and has raped you...what the hell are you doing going back to him? You said he was a freeloader and he doesn't do anything for you but give you great sex BUT yet he raped you!! In all need to go and talk to someone!! I think if you are still on your parents insurance, you should make an appt with your family doctor and talk to them about depression!
Good Luck

I have been with guys who were single but were far away from me. I couldn't deal with the distance. If you have read any of my posts you'd know I have 3 mental illnesses, an addiction, and severe physical knee problems. No, it didn't all start because of cheating. Honestly though your comment didn't anger me because it was misguided because you don't me and haven't read anything I've posted in the past or even looked at my profile. Women who have been in abusive relationships understand how hard it is to deal with these issues. Those who haven't been there do not. When you don't understand something you don't have a right to judge it or assume you know what's what. True you made good points, but I've already either crossed them, tried them, they didn't work, or I cannot use them. Thanks for the try I guess? indifferent

Bi_CurizGrl's photo
Tue 05/26/09 05:01 PM
nice rhyming to the beauty of your poetry...i like it...flowerforyou

Bi_CurizGrl's photo
Tue 05/26/09 04:59 PM
thanks AngelLight....flowerforyou flowerforyou i just wish it was less confusing for me to know what i want and what i need....thanks mostly to my borderline personality disorder i don't know who i want/need to be most of the time...ohwell

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