Community > Posts By > Bi_CurizGrl
Update: Thanks to a new birth control pill (Loestrin24Fe) I was on for a week I had the warning signs from the pamphlet they give you: migraines/headache, blurred vision, dizziness, depression, and insomnia. They say to stop taking the pill if you have these symptoms so I stopped today and already I feel a bit better. I called the damn doctor and left a message saying I'm not going to be on anything for the next two weeks unless he puts me back on Enjuvia (which helped everything) because I have to finish up school and I can't be freakin' dizzy and not able to sleep with severe migraines, etc. while trying to finish up my classes here. I'm waiting for a response from them.
You know what I've noticed with these stupid birth control pills is that there is a warning in every pamphlet saying you shouldn't be on the pill if you have these things: irregular bleeding, depression, high cholesterol, migraines/headaches. I have all of those and yet they are persisting to put me on all of these damn pills that make me so sick. I'm already tired of being their damn lab rat. Can't wait to see what's in store for me 2 weeks from now...haha... |
Glimpse Of You
you write like an angel....
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My perfect life
so very, very true....
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The writer
beautifully poetic...
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excellent write! so true to the reality of those who suffer from this horrible plague!
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First off, thanks to PacificStar.
![]() ![]() So I've been sick for 2 days due to a birth control pill I was put on that turned out I was already on before. The best part about it was that this time it gave me these horrible dizzy spells where I felt I was going to black out/faint. I couldn't look at the computer/TV without everything spinning. I had a migraine, hot/cold chills, my fingers/toes tingled, my stomach was upset, I had diarrhea, I couldn't eat/didn't want to, etc., etc., etc. So I called the doctor today to tell them about all this crap and guess what they tell me? "None of these things can be from the pill you're on. You must have the flu." Haha. And I get dizzy often? I've never felt like this ever before in my life and they're telling me this. Then they tell me that what I was on before, Tri-Sprintec is not the same as Sprintec. At least they tried to tell me that. Haha. The nurse I talked to wanted to believe she was "god" but I am a patient who knows what is going on with her body and what the hell she's been on before. So, she talks to the doctor and they have me on a new birth control pill now. Why they didn't just put me back on the estrogen pill that gave me no bad symptoms and actually made me feel better than I was I have no idea, but now I'm not something new called Loestrin. If this doesn't make me sick and I don't keep having a period from it then I get to stay on it. Mind you I'm still in school right now and I'm being tested on like a lab rat by these people. If the birth control pills, devices, and all this crap doesn't work and I end up having to get a hyesterectomy anyway my insurance is going to get a very mean letter from me about all of this and all the crap they put me through because they thought they knew my body better than me. If I find something that works and stops the bleeding and stops me from having a kid, great. But if I don't and I still am going to be having the surgery I wanted to have in the first place and I had to struggle through all this sickness and crap along the way then my insurance isn't only going to pay for my surgery but I may even sue them for taking my health away for however long they do. You can't assume you know someone's body when that person knows their body better than you. I mean HELLO, it's THEIR BODY!!!! I'm already sick and tired of being sick and tired and I've barely begun the process. I know I'm ranting but this is a very serious matter that people just don't freakin' get, especially stupid insurance companies. "We won't let you jump to the extreme until you've tried everything else." Well what if you know that everything else won't work? And what if you make them try everything else and you were wrong? How in the world do you make up for that? That's what I want to know. My head hurts. I need to do more homework, but I'm still shaky/not feeling 100% better. Why can't someone else feel all this crap for once instead of me? Let someone else deal with it for once; how about a man; especially someone who works for an insurance company; and then come back to me and let me know how it felt to walk in my shoes if only for 5 freakin' minutes.... ![]() |
Ready To Fly
thanks to AngelLight
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Ready To Fly
I kept waiting for you to change,
Thinking somehow, some way We could make it work. But through the help of others I came to see that I Have to stand my ground When it comes to Respect and plain old decency. I tried to make it work. I shut my eyes to All the lies, all the abuse You put me through. I told myself it would Get better with time. But honey, you ain't Worth the sweat And the tears anymore. I'm not wrapped around Your finger like you think I am. I am breaking free of all this Hell Because I don't need you to validate me. I can live without you. You'll be the one who's sorry, But I won't care because You ran out of sorry long ago. It's too late for us. I don't have the strength to care. So it will hurt. You will be another memory, Another scar inside of me. But I can be free. I don't need you. I won't need you ever again. You were not the man I thought I loved. You sucked me in to your misery, And I don't need another reason To lose my mind. I will heal with time. I will move on, But you will still be the same man. Yet there's nothing I can do. I've found my wings and I'm ready To break free from this prison, This trap you had around me. How could I have stayed with you As long as I did? You never respected me. I never truly loved you; I just needed you Like an alcoholic Needs that drink. For everything you did to me, For everything you are, You are my yesterday, And I'm starting over as of today. You will never hurt me again Because when tomorrow comes You will be alone And I will be free at last. |
What Have I Become?
thank you to all who replied: 2cool4school
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What Have I Become?
![]() ![]() not sure how to reply to this except to hope that it is just a write I wish it were just a write.... ![]() ![]() |
What Have I Become?
I don't know how to make
These thoughts into words, Let alone anything that Would make sense To the human race. I don't know how to Make anyone understand What I'm feeling. I don't even know what I'm Supposed to be feeling anymore. I've watched too many people Come and go throughout my life That a part of me has become numb While the other part will not Accept anybody's goodbye. If you lose your virginity Is it expected that you Provide sex to anyone Who comes along? I don't know how to say no To anyone anymore, Nor do I see a point In arguing about it. It's just sex, isn't it? It doesn't have to mean That you love someone, does it? Isn't it just about pleasure? Or is it supposed to be Something sacred, something cherished? Have I indeed become a whore? Why is it that I'm surrounded By so many men who want me But I come home feeling so empty? I feel like crying, like crawling Into a cave and disappearing. What the hell is wrong with me? Why is the ache back in my wrist? Why does that razor tempt me again? Why does sex seem so fake? And why do I want to cry When someone tells me I'm beautiful? I don't want to be pretty. I don't want anyone to want me. I never wanted to feel this alone. I never thought I'd be wanted like this, But I never wanted to be wanted like this. I just wanted to be loved. I just want to be loved. I'm so alone. I can't even love myself. |
Home Sweet Home
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Thank you to PacificStar48 for sharing her personal struggles on this thread.
![]() With all of my mental and physical problems I know there is no way that I can have a child. I've been around a couple of them due to dating a few men who had them and I've found that I don't hate children like I thought I did. I can be great with kids when I try, but I'm still not 100% fond of them. I never was. I'm just hoping that either whatever I'm experimented with (birth control, devices, etc.) will either fail and I will have to resort to a hysterectomy or we will find one that works (hopefully one like Mirena). Or maybe my ultrasound results will come back and I will have fibroids and he will have to perform a hysterectomy. I want something that is permanent and that will work for me. Birth control pills did not work in the past and depo obviously made things worse. I just want to be able to #1: get through a day without being in constant pain, being ill, being constantly tired and #2: not have to worry about getting pregnant permanently as well as not worry about having a horrible, painful period. Again I appreciate your thoughts on this and I'm glad you got through okay with your kids. I was actually given up for adoption because my biological mother had the same disorder I have (Borderline Personality Disorder) among many other problems. The three children before me were taken away from her because of her emotional state. I know I would not be able to handle a child. I can barely handle myself most of the time. I have to focus on just being able to get through a day with just plain old me and that is always going to be a struggle for me. That's just the way I was born. Others don't have to struggle like this daily. People say I'd be a great mom, but they don't see the real me when they say that. It's hard enough working on yourself, trying to improve. I can't imagine having a child and trying to raise it. I have a cat and she's enough for me. ![]() ![]() |
Update: So I was taken off the estrogen--Tuesday being my last day and that night I had a major breakdown, probably due to being taken off the medicine (I thought I'd have to go to the hospital and be institutionalized again but I got through it with the help of a friend). This Sunday I start a new birth control and I have to get my blood pressure checked in 3 weeks. My blood pressure has always been normal, so this better not mess it up. I'm supposed to call after the first month and let them know how it went and all. I also had my ultrasound and am waiting for those results. If I have anything I'll post again to let you know. If things are normal I'll wait until my next post to put that it was normal. Well, that's about it for my update--at least with that part of
the god that never was
really good write.....
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Depression support - part 4
Depression is a disease that never seems to go away...I hate it...I have dysthymia Depression, the lowest well as two other disorders...but that's my depression one...little zoloft and topomax ever wonder if the pills help? I've never gone off of them or anything, but, sometimes I just wonder...other times I notice I'm more depressed without them...depression hurts, not only yourself, but everyone around you (I know that's from the commercial, but it's true...I've lived it) all those who suffer I'm sorry you too have to endure it... ![]() ![]() ![]() I have dysthymia too, didn't get diagnosed until my 40s though, the meds don't work for me, I have pretty much every side effect in the book from them, so I try counseling and have learned to get along pretty well. I hope things work out for you. Welcome to our thread. It has been quiet in here for awhile, people have apparently been busy. Keep up your fight, you can conquer it or get control of it anyways. Take care. I take Topamax too, for my migraines. Good luck. ![]() Wow, I'm sorry to hear you didn't get diagnosed until later on. That sucks. Oh I know how it is to get every side effect in the book from meds because when it comes to surgeries I can't take anything for pain (literally--not even morphine, penicillian, etc.). Topamax for migraines? Odd. I still get migraines and I've been on Topamax for a few years. Excedrin works for me. Nice to meet someone who knows what it's like. ![]() ![]() I am only on 200 mg of Topamax a day, but without it I get auras for migraines, I actually get "retinal auras" where I get the auras but the headache doesn't happen, really bizarre. Scared me, I was having them daily, went to the ophthalmologist, was scared my vision was going bad, he said they wouldn't affect my vision, but I get them when I am stressed. The Topamax helps control them. I know you can take up to 600 a day of Topamax, I have been on 300, but do okay on 200, so have been on that for maybe 3 years now. I still get headaches but not like I was. Stress seems to dictate my headaches, when I am super stressed, I will get stuck in a headache cycle that can last for months. I have muscle relaxants that help some with the arthritis in my neck and slows the headaches down too. After all these years, guess I am finally finding a combination that works. Yeah, it does **** to walk around for 40+ years and wonder what the he1l is wrong with you, finally someone put some words to it, it was relief to finally know what it was. I do okay without meds, but have done a lot of counseling to work on my issues and have developing some coping skills so I do okay. I actually can't take aspirin or Tylenol, but do take some Vicodin or another pill for the major headaches, can take the Tylenol if there is some narcotic there to buffer it, I guess, but my stomach won't take the straight Tylenol after all these years. Welcome again, this is normally a really safe place to hang out, lots of good people here. Take care. Yeah I was relieved when I finally had names for my disorders, too. I am on 150 of Topomax and Zoloft and when either are increased I either get physically or mentally ill. I was in therapy for 3 years and it really helped, too. Wow, you can't take tylenol or aspirin? Aspirin itself never worked for me, but Excedrin always did, at least for my migraines. My mom (I'm adopted, so she's not technically related) had a hysterectomy when she was in her early 30's and ever since she hasn't been able to work because she gets severe migraines where all she does is sleep, feel like crap (everything bothers her--light, sounds, smells, etc.), and treats everyone around her like crap. When she's sick you learn to stay out of her way. But my entire life she was a stay-at-home mom and probably half of it she was sick. When I was really little it was worse and she used to throw up with the migraines. It sucks because her migraines predict the weather (SE wind means she will be sick and if there's going to be a storm coming she's sick). They've gotten worse since I moved out of the house, too. Wonder if your adopted mom needed estrogen after her hysterectomy, lack of estrogen or too much can cause migraines, any type of hormone imbalance can cause them. Sorry you had to go through that nightmare with her. There are doctors out there that could likely have helped her regulate them some with medications, hormones, maybe some other type of preventative medications. At least you made it through and are out of there now it sounds. My mom was depressed, I am sure, was a yeller/screamer all my life and a major name-caller. There is something to be said about getting out on your own, that is for sure. Again, welcome to "our little home away from home." ![]() I actually am on estrogen now because of my severe PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder) adoptive mom is definitely on a hormone that she keeps cutting down due to the fact that she is aging....the estrogen is making me feel better than I was with minor side effects (most of which appear and then go |
Tale of a Bi-polar girl
one of the best poems I've
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The Lonely Goodbye
Thank you to carold
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The Lonely Goodbye
Edited by
Mon 06/22/09 07:25 AM
thank you to: MzEm ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I appreciate all of your comments and input on my writings/poetry/song lyrics. It's because of people's comments that I continue to write and post on here after all, so thank you all. And to njmom05, I'm glad to hear I'm not alone in this "farewell", and I'm also happy to hear that you are doing better now. Again, thank you all for reading. ![]() ![]() I rarely read all the way through the poems, but every now and then one just catches my attention and it hits a cord within me. I am doing better, I am trying to let go and move on. But its hard when it sure felt like we were soulmates, but thankfully we had one amazing year together. We had a connection like I've never had with anyone and doubt I'll ever feel again. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I know how that is, to feel a connection with someone like that and knowing you'll never have that's like a soul mate thing....It never does truly go away, but you have to move on (and I'm glad you have even though it is very hard)...I know how hard that can be and I'm sorry you've had to endure it... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The Lonely Goodbye
thank you to: MzEm
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I appreciate all of your comments and input on my writings/poetry/song lyrics. It's because of people's comments that I continue to write and post on here after all, so thank you all. And to njmom05, I'm glad to hear I'm not alone in this "farewell", and I'm also happy to hear that you are doing better now. Again, thank you all for reading. ![]() ![]() |