Community > Posts By > JTstrang

JTstrang's photo
Mon 06/16/08 11:03 AM
What I can touch, what can be empirically proven, not superstition and fantasty.

JTstrang's photo
Mon 06/16/08 10:45 AM
You sit there smug and satisfied
with the consequences of your lies
it's like you planned out a tradgedy
You have to make me miserable for you to be happy
So now I'm left seeing red in a very dark place
only thing I see is you when I see any face
and I have to hold back this murderous rage
Or I'm gonna end up locked up in a cage

Tell me that you love me You never showed me
I feel ugly but I'll show you how ugly I can be
While I watch you laughing having a good time
Your black heart emerged now it's time I show you mine

Until death do us part you said like you didn't care
I said with a tear in my eye a precursor for despair
I gave you a ring, I gave you an Idealistic soul
You took off the ring and in me tore a hole
My muscles are tearing while i strain to hold it back
while I turn more blue the more contol I lack
I want to make you feel blood boil from betrayal
I want you to live hurting from a wound that only feels fatal

JTstrang's photo
Mon 06/16/08 10:09 AM
It's not like any of it is real any way.

JTstrang's photo
Mon 06/16/08 09:07 AM
I once gave a mc donalds an upper decker

JTstrang's photo
Mon 06/16/08 08:54 AM
Yeah a few times, once for mooning a homecomming parade, once for punching my wife's lover in his balls a few times, and once for DUI. alway in county though no serious time, like a night or two at a time, the ball punching episode was dropped, because that dude started it by cocking off to me while I was sitting alone at the bar, he basically bragged about how he was banging my wife, so I busted out a couple teeth, and when he was down on the ground punched him the sack a few times hoping to sterilize the douche.

JTstrang's photo
Mon 06/16/08 08:28 AM
yes, it was the police

JTstrang's photo
Mon 06/16/08 08:04 AM
I'm kind of Athiest with a touch of agnostic, does that count?

JTstrang's photo
Mon 06/16/08 08:03 AM
Life does suck, and most of the people you meet are so self involved they care only for themselves and hurt others. Just keep moving maybe you'll find one that doesn't suck, then again maybe not.

JTstrang's photo
Mon 06/16/08 12:56 AM
It's actually shaved off now I need a job, wasn't gonna get one in iowa with it.

JTstrang's photo
Mon 06/16/08 12:50 AM
Love is real, real depressing after it's good or you think you had it reciprocated. I know I can love others, but also know I will never be loved. Maybe it is due to pheremones, my face, my body. I don't know. But a long life seems depressing when it will be me walking through the darkness alone.

JTstrang's photo
Sun 06/15/08 08:40 PM
Gracious applause never follows me around
just angry little people being loud
I take steps to move forward on a lonley dusty trail
Eyes pointed down don't want to look a head just to fail
But I keep on moving towards some unknown goal
I try to be a nice guy but I'm seen as an asshole

You can't break a heart that's already broken
You can't hear my words when they are never spoken
I try to act on what I feel is right
But I've been blodied, beaten down and I don't want to fight
You're love was all i had, and you took it away
was it something I did wrong or something I didn't say
Please tell me where I got off track
I'm just calling from jail to say I'm sorry take me back

I stayed by you after you told me to off myself
And you pushed me away in the hospital when I had failing health
Now the scars I have are for nothing but heartbreak
a reminder of your support of my own life that I tried to take
But it doesn't matter to you, you're smiles with me gone
with a new littler cuter man, you said you loved me, now you say that you were wrong

JTstrang's photo
Sun 06/15/08 06:46 PM

most of the guys on that show are good people. I was on there 2 times and it was great I got to be on TV :D so joking

Earlier you were looking for 16 and 17 years old in another thread remember !!!!.
to talk to not have sex with or meet in person

And, why? What in the world do you have to discuss with a 16-year-old?

Hanna Montana?

JTstrang's photo
Sun 06/15/08 06:45 PM

There is a diffence between discussion and oversimplifing one's statement.

Everyone knows what is right and wrong and I spelled my position on this issue . You keep going in circles . It does not take a genius to figure out that helping to catch pedophiles is a public service and well appreciated by any sane person . Anyone who goes to meet a minor has only one thing in mind : SEX .

Can you read? Or do you just read what you want? Alot of this I was playing devils advocate. You just half-assed read something and put it in a skewed perspective.

JTstrang's photo
Sun 06/15/08 06:27 PM
Ok, my actual opinion on this subject, i got some good responses now I can speak my peace.

I like the fact that they get some of them off the street. or atleast known by the public to warn them of a potential danger. I don't believe it to be entrapment because they don't intiate the sexual talk, but they walk a very thin line with it.
I would rather someone murder than molest a child, I am opposed to capital punishment, but this is one crime where I question my feelings on it. That kid will be F'd up for life, I wish only the worst for pedophiles, and want them caught. But legally because once we start doing things illegally when does it stop? do we regress back to the times of Mc carthy? At what point are we protecting people from bad people and at what point is it a which hunt or inquistion of sorts? The is there to protect us all and give us due process, and after we go through that(which I believe the show does) then let them burn. That being said, this is not journalism, it is reality entertainment. They are making news, not reporting it.

JTstrang's photo
Sun 06/15/08 06:18 PM

flowerforyou The Bible and other Holy scriptures teach us that all men and women can be redeemed.flowerforyou

Are you saying then that we should greet pedophiles with music and flowers ?.

I don't think you read what people are saying dude. You earlier simplified one statement I said horribly wrong. Just because someone disagrees on tactics and someone else thinks they can be saved or redeemed doesn't mean the condone the act.

This is a discussion remember . WE are debating ideas here .

There is a diffence between discussion and oversimplifing one's statement.

JTstrang's photo
Sun 06/15/08 06:00 PM

flowerforyou The Bible and other Holy scriptures teach us that all men and women can be redeemed.flowerforyou

Are you saying then that we should greet pedophiles with music and flowers ?.

I don't think you read what people are saying dude. You earlier simplified one statement I said horribly wrong. Just because someone disagrees on tactics and someone else thinks they can be saved or redeemed doesn't mean the condone the act.

JTstrang's photo
Sun 06/15/08 05:58 PM

the answer to this quesion is easy if you google it.

in the first and part of the second season of "to catch a predator" it was simply dateline doing "research". there were no cops involved. after the positive results of the show, the poice got involved and now are coordinating the effort. and dateline is essentialy funding the task force for it. (i am "dumming down" this explination just so you know) they are given the option of wether or not to be put on tv. and the poice are there to make suer that everything is done according to police protocol.

and i say that if the media wants to provide funding to get perverted azzheads off the streets and away from my kids!!!
all the better.

they get arrested now and work with police now as this is suppoosed to be getting them off the streets. Also the group they work with was started by Orin hatch R of Utah the group is called Perverted Justice.

JTstrang's photo
Sun 06/15/08 05:54 PM
Entrapment - The act of government agents or officials that induces a person to commit a crime he or she is not previously disposed to commit.

If the police put the idea in the Perp's head then it is entrapment. A cop acting like a hooker just standing there, is not entrapment, intiating conversation about paying for sex is. It isn't easy to prove but police have to prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt.

I am only asking these questions because I have a term paper due tusday and am looking for different perspectives and am trying to initiate some arguments.

JTstrang's photo
Sun 06/15/08 05:43 PM

I don't like pedophiles either, I wish the worst to them. But really is an angry mob mentality the best way to deal with this? and making it entertainment seems just as perverted as the people they are catching. Chris Hanson tries to act like a hero but the conviction rate isn't as high as if they would use proper police procedure. Infact in TX they let 23 out of 24 go. The 24 was a prosecutor from a neighboring county and shot himeself.

Are you saying we should feel sorry for pedophiles now ???!!!.

No, what I am saying is that when proper police procedures are used you actually get them off the street?????!!!! Rather than make a mockery of the justice system by making it entertainment.

JTstrang's photo
Sun 06/15/08 05:38 PM
I don't like pedophiles either, I wish the worst to them. But really is an angry mob mentality the best way to deal with this? and making it entertainment seems just as perverted as the people they are catching. Chris Hanson tries to act like a hero but the conviction rate isn't as high as if they would use proper police procedure. Infact in TX they let 23 out of 24 go. The 24 was a prosecutor from a neighboring county and shot himeself.