Community > Posts By > cashu

cashu's photo
Mon 03/29/10 04:03 PM
To day the federal government arresed 15 white americans for playing soldier in the woods . How can they find 15 people out in the woods when they can't find 59 million illegals on our streets .
Those arrested broke no laws other than being christain god loving humans . They havn't smuggled drugs into the country , taken jobs from people who have a right to them .
I'd bet money that you checked the personel records of the FBI you could find a lot of illegals there , and even more at social secruty office to .
Do you take this as an attact on christain america for being christain . This country has a record of over prosicution of christains . Does this tell you where there heart is. What they have planned . Lets tell them this time and from now on no more citizens to be persecuted because of there religion or legally playing soldier in the dam woods

cashu's photo
Mon 03/29/10 12:21 PM

As is the case with being heterosexual, being homosexual has nothing to do with faith, beliefs, or religious dogma.

As an analogy, if a religion, as a part of its ridiculous dogma, claimed that 'blacks' were an abomination in the eyes of god', and that its followers were to 'feel violated' in their rights, being in the presence of blacks that didn't 'paint their faces white' (to stay true to the situation at hand),
... we would all, and I mean unanimously, find the delusional followers of that faith 'out to lunch' (I hope)!!!

You can personally and privately believe what you wish, BUT DON'T CONFUSE IT WITH THE REALITY OF EQUAL RIGHTS FOR ALL HUMAN BEINGS: the fundamental rights of a human being, regardless of sexual orientation, TRUMPS PERSONAL CHOICES AS TO WHAT ONE WISHES TO HOLD AS RELIGIOUS BELIEFS!!!

It is a fundamental and intrinsic aspect of being human beings, for both heterosexuals and homosexuals.
It is not a 'choice' in the eyes of the law. Not anymore than being white, or black would ever be considered a 'choice'!!!

While you and all other free nations citizens are afforded the freedom to believe, and not believe, one's beliefs or non-beliefs has absolutely NOTHING to do with the rule of law (law affords rights to practice faith, BUT IT IS NOT BASED ON FAITH).

Christian fundamentalists persist in their personal beliefs that 'homosexuality' is an abomination, and PERSIST in this delusion that homosexuals, BEING just what they are, 'homosexuals', IS AN ABOMINATION IN FACT!!! That is a pure delusion!!!


Homosexuals, just like heterosexuals, or transsexuals, are all equal human beings, with absolute equal rights under the law. And as such, their 'human beingness' will never represent a possible infringement of the equal rights of other equal human beings!!! Let's all get real. There is limit to twisting everything around to fit delusional religious doctrine.

One 's religious dogma cannot discriminate against the fundamental rights of another human being. That in part, is why a secular morality has displaced church and religion dogma with the emergence of free and democratic Nations.

... and that important change in civilized nations, has happened a few hundred of years ago. It would high noon to get with the program!!!

HOMOSEXUALS ARE 100% HUMAN BEINGS, and as such, ARE AFFORDED FULL EQUAL HUMAN (being) RIGHTS. No religious rights will ever trump that universal principle in the FREE NATION PARADIGM!!!

I'm afraid msharmony that anyone whom persists in claiming that their RIGHTS OF RELIGIOUS PRACTICE are violated simply by 'being exposed to homosexuals being homosexual', ARE JUST plain bigots, demonstrating an extreme degree of INTOLERANCE, and ultimately are guilty of discrimination toward EQUAL HUMAN BEINGS!!!

Except I did not persist any such thing,,, I equated others right not to be exposed to my EXPRESSION of myself(because it is tied with a religion) as no LESS ridiculous than the choice not to be exposed to anyone elses expression of themself(by whom they CHOOSE to bring to a dance).

Certainly, if one can come to a school dance with whomever they wish, being protected from any guideline from the school of who that can be,,,another can play a song at a school graduation of whatever choice they wish(excluding vulgarity) and be protected similarly from guidelines from the school. Loving god is as much WHO I am as being homosexual is who someone else is. So its GREAT that a homosexual has the same right to show up at a dance with whomever they wish that a heterosexual does and it should also be that a CHRISTIAN should have the right to express the musical piece they wish to during a graduation with the same protection(separation of church and state ensures BOTH that the state does not give specific support to religion NOR hinder the personal religiious choice of others)

My point, in summary , was. This case may now be precedent for the rest of us not to be discriminated against for WHO We are,, even if who we are is a Christian.

Try as you may msharmony, while you can confuse the two on your personal time, who you are in the eyes of the law, isn't a christian as in 'Who I am is a christian human being'!!!

In a rule of law, and free democratic society, you are a human being period, like every other human beings, as defined in the universal human rights charter. It just so happens that as a human being (first), you have PERSONALLY 'chosen' to practice christianity as a religion (second). The first has no legal connection with the second, from a legal treatment perspective.

So first, you are a human being, and afforded protection under human rights laws right alongside all homosexuals.

Following that, as a human being, you may personally choose to practice or not practice a particular religion. And should you personally choose to practice a religion, as is your case, your rights of freedom of practice will afford the right to 'PERSONALLY' practice the religion of your choice.

But that personal right of practice, will never give you, or anyone else, the right to impose any part of your religion publicly, much less TRUMP the universal right of another human being.

About the partner Prom 'invite'. You keep saying 'inviting anyone one chooses!!!'. That is profoundly inaccurate. It boils down to inviting another human man being!!! That's human rights!!! And human beings of 'same sex' orientation, happen to dance with 'same sex' partners, just like opposite sex orientation human beings, happen to dance with opposite sex partners.

There is no direct connection between the administration of Universal Human Rights issues, and the administration of freedom of practicing a religion of one's personal choice.

Confuse in your private right to practice your religious dogma if you wish, but in the public domain, it's not going anywhere!!!

and god bless you devil

cashu's photo
Mon 03/29/10 12:07 PM

People will be more likely to believe the worst when they constantly see the worse out of people.

Teabagger parties are havens for racists and the theme of hatred and terroristic action is obvious at these rallies. Low intelligence and violence are emanating at these rallies which is a dangerous combination.

If there is any legitimacy to the rallies, which I have yet to see, the element they consort with is draining their credibility.

Hatred never looks intelligent or credible.


cashu's photo
Sun 03/28/10 11:47 AM
Edited by cashu on Sun 03/28/10 12:00 PM

The school is public property..........

The is the ONLY time I will ever say this in my life, I hope the ACLU east the principal and all the school people involved in this discrimination for lunch.

I don't see where these schools now days think they have the right to tell anyone how to dress or who to asso. with . When they get there day in court I hope most of the money they lose has to be paid from the principles bank account and not the dum as tax payers
Its called equalty under the law .
I have never seen any laws that says you can't speak of your faith in schools . but under our laws If you don't fight for your rights you have no rights .. And that is a court ruleing . But you have no right to interupt the schools business either .

cashu's photo
Sun 03/28/10 11:32 AM
O well. I guess he had better learn to bob and weave . uck them all .

cashu's photo
Sun 03/28/10 11:27 AM
were they locked up at night , could they have left at any time? volenters to help for free or at least no pay can't come back later . If you have no understanding of pay ,you have no agreement for pay , you aren't going to get paid ..

cashu's photo
Sat 03/27/10 05:06 PM
Edited by cashu on Sat 03/27/10 05:17 PM

most of my adult years I have heard over and over how african americans are such a majority of prisoners but that is perhaps false information,,,,,,


In a debate at the historically black college, Gravel said, "one of the areas that touches me the most and enrages me the most is our war on drugs that this country has been putting forth for the last generation."

Then he put forth statistics. 2.3 million people in jail. 70 percent of them African-American. Yikes. He got the first one right, but that 70 percent figure? That's not just wrong, that's Pants-On-Fire wrong. The real figure, according to the June 2007 report of the Bureau of Justice Statistics that counts federal, state and local jails, is 40 percent.

WOW,,40% incarceration as opposed to 70%,, I wonder how such false information (the higher numbers)took such a stronghold

Your playing with numbers ..blacks are appox. 10% of the country but 40% percent of the prison pop. I don't think they are { by head count ] the morjorty of the prisnors . I'd guess its the mexicans now . That figure about blacks says the rate is 4 to 1 more than it should be , SO THEY SHOULD STOP STEALING NOW .
It is now estamated that 35% of all americans well be in prison in there life time .. Of course there no longer work for them when they get out so they have to repeat .. So that percentage has to go up even higher . Have fun ....... There coming to your home soon .

cashu's photo
Sat 03/27/10 04:43 PM
Edited by cashu on Sat 03/27/10 04:54 PM

I don't see why she doesn't take the school district to court . should be worth millions .......

except she can no longer prove discrimination as the dance has been cancelled for EVERYONE

this does not prove she was not dediscriminated against . in fact I'm not even a lawyer and could win this .. It just shows how bad they would go to to punish her .
little towns , big towns , states cannot make laws over the federal laws . it seems people have not recieved much of an education in consitutional laws lately . give it up bigots they have as much rights as any of you , even as much as people who come here and lie about there poor lifes .

cashu's photo
Fri 03/26/10 02:42 PM
all the citys that are failing is because of the stupid people who are in that government . and when those people move on to the next city i can only hope they don't do it again . some people just don't understand what a government can and can't do .

cashu's photo
Fri 03/26/10 02:28 PM
Edited by cashu on Fri 03/26/10 02:31 PM

This ***** gotta stop. These clowns are just encouraging the violence.

don't be scared now . if you havn't screwed over anyone why would you be afraid ? You can always shoot back . this would be a lot nicer place to live if people were nicer to each other and those of you who come here and lie about things that have NOT HAPPENED need to stop before you get some one killed . liars aren't nice people . no body loves a liar

cashu's photo
Fri 03/26/10 02:22 PM

using "other people's monies" to pay for things......eventually, "other people" run out of money.

Other people just left the buliding ....

cashu's photo
Fri 03/26/10 02:16 PM

My car pool buddies wife is a big shot in our local hospital system she recently attended an awards ceramony for five ten and fifteen year workers. Shwankiets party center around filet mignon and open bar. This was funded by you and me and sick people. Damn bagles seem like small potatoes compared to some of the excesses of capitalism. OH did I mention there were about five hundred people there ? spouces invited.

how does become equal one is government and the other is private business . one is corrupt and one is bad business .

cashu's photo
Fri 03/26/10 02:11 PM
there was slogan used in vietnam that rises to this time period ... KILL THEM ALL AND LET GOD SORT OUT THE GOOD AND THE BAD THE RIGHT AND THE WRONG .. i DON'T SEE A RUSH AT THE GUN STORE TODAY . Do you think the dummys already have there guns and ammo.
I bet you folks with all those degrees have to wonder about that ' I mean sence none of you have been able to test out smarter than a 5 grader ...I be sweating bullets if i were you all .

cashu's photo
Fri 03/26/10 01:56 PM

I don't think she's inciting violence at all...........

I'm not just saying this because im a Republican, because I can't stand her. I left my position with the McCain campaign when she got picked for the VP slot, as did a lot of other people.

I doubt shes smart enought to even lead a sunday school class . Shes probly got a doc. in breathing like so many in the usa government .
but if your scared of being shoot you really should not be in the government that is a high profile job . and when you have a government that doesn't hear the people then you better leran to boob and weave .

cashu's photo
Fri 03/26/10 01:44 PM
reminds me of history in school . a war that is not won well repeat it self time after time . so all you can say is if your not welling or able to WIN don
t start a war . ask israel ...ask greese look up persa . read a book . and don't vote in people who want to start wars for fun and games . and if you do fight to win til its won ..

cashu's photo
Fri 03/26/10 01:33 PM
Edited by cashu on Fri 03/26/10 01:35 PM
the health care bill isn't the only problem we have causing the reaction . its years and years of abuse from the corrupt government . the idea that they think they can just run over the tax payers and nothing well ever happen .
well you may be wrong .......
my self don't see anything wrong with a health care bill and hope what he said about this one is true . god i hope its true .
but if it isn't i'll be looking for whites to get even ... love ya

cashu's photo
Fri 03/26/10 01:24 PM
I don't see why she doesn't take the school district to court . should be worth millions .......

cashu's photo
Fri 03/26/10 01:22 PM
insurance just makes it easier to raise the cost of medicial treatment . we would be better off with no insurance that way they would have to lower there fees in order to stay in business .

cashu's photo
Thu 03/25/10 01:40 PM
This is just a small part of the corruption . john kerry took 19,000,000 million dollars from the bankers for his support in congress . which caused thisworld wide depression .and MCCAIN TOOK 7,000,000 . AND THERE WAS ABOUT 9 MORE BETWEEN THEM .

cashu's photo
Thu 03/25/10 01:33 PM

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