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Topic: Rep. Cantor's Richmond Campaign Office Shot at Overnight
Lpdon's photo
Thu 03/25/10 09:35 AM
Republican Rep. Eric Cantor's Richmond campaign office was shot at Wednesday night, Fox News has learned, the latest in a rash of apparent threats and acts of intimidation against members of Congress.

Most of the threats so far have been reported by Democrats, but Cantor -- the No. 2 Republican in the House -- is one of about 10 lawmakers who has asked for increased security protection, Fox News has learned. As a member of the House leadership, U.S. Capitol Police already provide Cantor with a security detail around the clock, but he has asked for more security.

As House Republican whip, Cantor is the highest elected Jewish politician in the country.

The Department of Homeland Security is involved in the Cantor case because he is a member of the House leadership.

Fox News has also obtained a threatening message left Friday on the voicemail of Rep. Jean Schmidt, R-Ohio.

msharmony's photo
Thu 03/25/10 09:39 AM
the politicians should stand up on both sides and say this will not be tolerated,,,,its quite ridiculous

boredinaz06's photo
Thu 03/25/10 09:47 AM

Not condoning it but breaking office windows is one thing, shooting at an office has far more serious implications behind it!

msharmony's photo
Thu 03/25/10 10:06 AM

Not condoning it but breaking office windows is one thing, shooting at an office has far more serious implications behind it!

I think if the office is empty, a brick is no more harmful than a bullet,,and if it isnt a brick is no less harmful than a bullet

AndyBgood's photo
Thu 03/25/10 10:07 AM
The way they act and treat us? They get everything handed to them and dump policy and taxes on us like they don't care. They to not govern us. They are ruling us under the guise of an elected body! They need to be reminded they are not above the law nor are they immune from the wrath of the people if they step too far out of line. I doubt he was shot at because he was Jewish. There is not enough information as to why someone is out to kill him and until we know more I am not going to condemn this action. At the rate our government is going the only way we will see real positive change is through a bloody revolt and that sucks in ways you can't imagine. Worst is that sentiment is increasing.

Now let us look back to the incident where prior to tHe Obama Care voting where a black Congressman was called a Ni@@ger at Congress. I would bet money that it was a member of the Democratic Party who shouted those remarks knowing that the Republicans and everyone else would get blamed and possibly discredit the tea party. The DNC has done a lot of illegal and questionable stuff over he years to make their ends happen. ACORN anybody? Home loans to prostitutes and crackheads? What is happening to them these days? It may very well have been a member of this group who shouted those remarks. The shooting could very well have been an attempt by the DNC to motivate republicans like Rep. Eric Cantor's Richmond to vote for more unnecessary gun control laws. The DNC loves to use fear on everyone!

Big deal, a congressman got shot at. How many others get shot at? Oh but us little people deserve no mention. Hell, I was shot at by an idiot that shot into my deer blind thinking I was a deer in the bush. Lucky for me the clown couldn't hit the side of a barn with a shotgun (he was using a HP Rifle). Needless to say I was also hunting jackrabbits with a .22 and shot back. Needless to say I can hit what I am shooting at. That is gun control.

There is something to be said about being one of the few nations with an armed civilian population. Our democracy is protected from hostile takeover because of us having guns.

Remember that line that "God created all men as equals?" BULL F**KING ****! I could not take Mike Tyson on in a one on one fist fight. He would clobber me. But with the help of Samuel Colt we are now equal because one shot and I could dispatch Mike Tyson. That whole "All men are created equal" shpeil should be changed to "SAMUEL COLT made all men equal!"

Don't blame the tool for the evil in man's heart!

boredinaz06's photo
Thu 03/25/10 10:12 AM

Andy, I like what you said!

msharmony's photo
Thu 03/25/10 10:15 AM
wow,, the fact that something happens often doesnt excuse its unacceptableness...

as to being created equal,, Im sure had you been next to Mike Tyson in the nursery,, he wouldnt have had such an EXTREME advantage,, but mentoring and TRAINING put him at an advantage later in life.

and we have all been equally capable of death since time began,,guns didnt do anything to improve that situation,,,its a constant

boredinaz06's photo
Thu 03/25/10 10:22 AM

wow,, the fact that something happens often doesnt excuse its unacceptableness...

as to being created equal,, Im sure had you been next to Mike Tyson in the nursery,, he wouldnt have had such an EXTREME advantage,, but mentoring and TRAINING put him at an advantage later in life.

and we have all been equally capable of death since time began,,guns didnt do anything to improve that situation,,,its a constant

Guns don't kill people, PEOPLE who use guns illegally, kill people! A gun won't take aim and pull its own trigger, a person has to do that.

no photo
Thu 03/25/10 10:23 AM
There's a clear and distinct difference here between the event with GUNSHOTS FIRED at Cantor's office and the phony 'immediate events' the 'craps had ready RIGHT AFTER the vote was taken. They KNEW that they had pissed off the at least 68% of the American public and knew they had to deflect the blame away from themselves and onto 'someone else' ... the fact that they IMMEDIATELY had TEN 'congressmen' who received phony 'talking point threats' says more than most who hear about it are willing to admit. This is POLITICAL THEATER by the 'craps. The Cantor shooting, however, is provably real with the bullet. NOTHING like that has yet happened to a 'crap. It won't happen. During the campaign, who saw Republican thugs dressed in black leather carrying billyclubs in front of polling places? Who forms the 'rent-a-mob' for protesting every meeting of the WTO? Who has campus protesters against only conservative speakers? Wanna try answering those ... ? I'll wait. The 'craps are the party of Communism and anarchy. The 'incidents' they 'report' are PRODUCED incidents. And there always just 'happens' to be a 'reporter' from the State-controlled 'media' handy to 'inform us' about the 'evil' being perpetrated against these 'loyal public servants'. Please. This is just adding to the load in my diaper ...

msharmony's photo
Thu 03/25/10 10:26 AM

wow,, the fact that something happens often doesnt excuse its unacceptableness...

as to being created equal,, Im sure had you been next to Mike Tyson in the nursery,, he wouldnt have had such an EXTREME advantage,, but mentoring and TRAINING put him at an advantage later in life.

and we have all been equally capable of death since time began,,guns didnt do anything to improve that situation,,,its a constant

Guns don't kill people, PEOPLE who use guns illegally, kill people! A gun won't take aim and pull its own trigger, a person has to do that.

likewise,, drugs dont kill people,, people ABUSING drugs kills people,,,Cars dont cause ACCIDENTS, people driving cars cause accidents, wmds dont kill people,, people USING wmds kill people,,,,and so on and so on

therefore PEOPLE need to be regulated when it comes to the USE of things that can cause death

msharmony's photo
Thu 03/25/10 10:27 AM

There's a clear and distinct difference here between the event with GUNSHOTS FIRED at Cantor's office and the phony 'immediate events' the 'craps had ready RIGHT AFTER the vote was taken. They KNEW that they had pissed off the at least 68% of the American public and knew they had to deflect the blame away from themselves and onto 'someone else' ... the fact that they IMMEDIATELY had TEN 'congressmen' who received phony 'talking point threats' says more than most who hear about it are willing to admit. This is POLITICAL THEATER by the 'craps. The Cantor shooting, however, is provably real with the bullet. NOTHING like that has yet happened to a 'crap. It won't happen. During the campaign, who saw Republican thugs dressed in black leather carrying billyclubs in front of polling places? Who forms the 'rent-a-mob' for protesting every meeting of the WTO? Who has campus protesters against only conservative speakers? Wanna try answering those ... ? I'll wait. The 'craps are the party of Communism and anarchy. The 'incidents' they 'report' are PRODUCED incidents. And there always just 'happens' to be a 'reporter' from the State-controlled 'media' handy to 'inform us' about the 'evil' being perpetrated against these 'loyal public servants'. Please. This is just adding to the load in my diaper ...

since the same sources are reporting all the incidents, I am curious how you gauge what is a 'load' from what is accurate reporting?

no photo
Thu 03/25/10 10:30 AM
The 'reporter' (to be polite) is not the one to be evaluated - the 'reporter' is just the TOOL being used to disseminate FALSE INFORMATION (a/k/a 'misinformation' and 'disinformation' - or 'agitprop' - look it up). The fact that only ONE party, the 'craps, had TEN ready-and-waiting 'incidents' to 'report' tells everything we need to know about which side is lying. You can believe whatever makes you comfortable - it won't mean you're correct.

boredinaz06's photo
Thu 03/25/10 10:32 AM

wow,, the fact that something happens often doesnt excuse its unacceptableness...

as to being created equal,, Im sure had you been next to Mike Tyson in the nursery,, he wouldnt have had such an EXTREME advantage,, but mentoring and TRAINING put him at an advantage later in life.

and we have all been equally capable of death since time began,,guns didnt do anything to improve that situation,,,its a constant

Guns don't kill people, PEOPLE who use guns illegally, kill people! A gun won't take aim and pull its own trigger, a person has to do that.

likewise,, drugs dont kill people,, people ABUSING drugs kills people,,,Cars dont cause ACCIDENTS, people driving cars cause accidents, wmds dont kill people,, people USING wmds kill people,,,,and so on and so on

therefore PEOPLE need to be regulated when it comes to the USE of things that can cause death

You CANNOT regulate criminals.

msharmony's photo
Thu 03/25/10 10:38 AM

wow,, the fact that something happens often doesnt excuse its unacceptableness...

as to being created equal,, Im sure had you been next to Mike Tyson in the nursery,, he wouldnt have had such an EXTREME advantage,, but mentoring and TRAINING put him at an advantage later in life.

and we have all been equally capable of death since time began,,guns didnt do anything to improve that situation,,,its a constant

Guns don't kill people, PEOPLE who use guns illegally, kill people! A gun won't take aim and pull its own trigger, a person has to do that.

likewise,, drugs dont kill people,, people ABUSING drugs kills people,,,Cars dont cause ACCIDENTS, people driving cars cause accidents, wmds dont kill people,, people USING wmds kill people,,,,and so on and so on

therefore PEOPLE need to be regulated when it comes to the USE of things that can cause death

You CANNOT regulate criminals.

so why have laws? why start wars over WEAPONS, arent they the same as a gun, that is, only as dangerous as the person who possesses them chooses them to be? Why can we make the argument, that having a gun should be our right as long as we are not using it criminally,,but having a WMD should not be a right of a country which isnt using it? Its a hypocritical stance. Without the guns,, people would stand more of a fighting chance , but Im not even a supporter of gun bans,, just gun regulation.

People on these threads have been known to BOAST about practical ARSENALS of guns they own,,,in case the government needs to be taken over and thats a legitimate legal argument. But we certainly take issue with other GOVERNMENTS having WMDS,, for this same reason(in case). Rules need to be consistent. I understand why WMDS and nuclear weapons come with some regulations and expectations and completely believe guns should carry the same.

boredinaz06's photo
Thu 03/25/10 10:40 AM

To say you cannot regulate criminals is not saying we do not need laws, c'mon now, you're better than this.

msharmony's photo
Thu 03/25/10 10:44 AM

To say you cannot regulate criminals is not saying we do not need laws, c'mon now, you're better than this.

I agree, we need laws, including those concerning guns.

kc0003's photo
Thu 03/25/10 10:46 AM

The way they act and treat us? They get everything handed to them and dump policy and taxes on us like they don't care. They to not govern us. They are ruling us under the guise of an elected body! They need to be reminded they are not above the law nor are they immune from the wrath of the people if they step too far out of line. I doubt he was shot at because he was Jewish. There is not enough information as to why someone is out to kill him and until we know more I am not going to condemn this action. At the rate our government is going the only way we will see real positive change is through a bloody revolt and that sucks in ways you can't imagine. Worst is that sentiment is increasing.

Now let us look back to the incident where prior to tHe Obama Care voting where a black Congressman was called a Ni@@ger at Congress. I would bet money that it was a member of the Democratic Party who shouted those remarks knowing that the Republicans and everyone else would get blamed and possibly discredit the tea party. The DNC has done a lot of illegal and questionable stuff over he years to make their ends happen. ACORN anybody? Home loans to prostitutes and crackheads? What is happening to them these days? It may very well have been a member of this group who shouted those remarks. The shooting could very well have been an attempt by the DNC to motivate republicans like Rep. Eric Cantor's Richmond to vote for more unnecessary gun control laws. The DNC loves to use fear on everyone!

Big deal, a congressman got shot at. How many others get shot at? Oh but us little people deserve no mention. Hell, I was shot at by an idiot that shot into my deer blind thinking I was a deer in the bush. Lucky for me the clown couldn't hit the side of a barn with a shotgun (he was using a HP Rifle). Needless to say I was also hunting jackrabbits with a .22 and shot back. Needless to say I can hit what I am shooting at. That is gun control.

There is something to be said about being one of the few nations with an armed civilian population. Our democracy is protected from hostile takeover because of us having guns.

Remember that line that "God created all men as equals?" BULL F**KING ****! I could not take Mike Tyson on in a one on one fist fight. He would clobber me. But with the help of Samuel Colt we are now equal because one shot and I could dispatch Mike Tyson. That whole "All men are created equal" shpeil should be changed to "SAMUEL COLT made all men equal!"

Don't blame the tool for the evil in man's heart!

wow....just wow!!!!

Lpdon's photo
Thu 03/25/10 10:58 AM

The way they act and treat us? They get everything handed to them and dump policy and taxes on us like they don't care. They to not govern us. They are ruling us under the guise of an elected body! They need to be reminded they are not above the law nor are they immune from the wrath of the people if they step too far out of line. I doubt he was shot at because he was Jewish. There is not enough information as to why someone is out to kill him and until we know more I am not going to condemn this action. At the rate our government is going the only way we will see real positive change is through a bloody revolt and that sucks in ways you can't imagine. Worst is that sentiment is increasing.

Now let us look back to the incident where prior to tHe Obama Care voting where a black Congressman was called a Ni@@ger at Congress. I would bet money that it was a member of the Democratic Party who shouted those remarks knowing that the Republicans and everyone else would get blamed and possibly discredit the tea party. The DNC has done a lot of illegal and questionable stuff over he years to make their ends happen. ACORN anybody? Home loans to prostitutes and crackheads? What is happening to them these days? It may very well have been a member of this group who shouted those remarks. The shooting could very well have been an attempt by the DNC to motivate republicans like Rep. Eric Cantor's Richmond to vote for more unnecessary gun control laws. The DNC loves to use fear on everyone!

Big deal, a congressman got shot at. How many others get shot at? Oh but us little people deserve no mention. Hell, I was shot at by an idiot that shot into my deer blind thinking I was a deer in the bush. Lucky for me the clown couldn't hit the side of a barn with a shotgun (he was using a HP Rifle). Needless to say I was also hunting jackrabbits with a .22 and shot back. Needless to say I can hit what I am shooting at. That is gun control.

There is something to be said about being one of the few nations with an armed civilian population. Our democracy is protected from hostile takeover because of us having guns.

Remember that line that "God created all men as equals?" BULL F**KING ****! I could not take Mike Tyson on in a one on one fist fight. He would clobber me. But with the help of Samuel Colt we are now equal because one shot and I could dispatch Mike Tyson. That whole "All men are created equal" shpeil should be changed to "SAMUEL COLT made all men equal!"

Don't blame the tool for the evil in man's heart!


no photo
Thu 03/25/10 11:05 AM
Edited by Kings_Knight on Thu 03/25/10 11:06 AM

Hell, I was shot at by an idiot that shot into my deer blind thinking I was a deer in the bush. Lucky for me the clown couldn't hit the side of a barn with a shotgun (he was using a HP Rifle). Needless to say I was also hunting jackrabbits with a .22 and shot back. Needless to say I can hit what I am shooting at. That is gun control.

wow....just wow!!!!

I support gun rights, private ownership of guns, and the Second Amendment ... but I am (to use a term) absolutely blown away by this comment. You ADMIT on a public forum that you SHOT at another hunter who accidentally sent a round downrange in your direction? Yeah, I'd be pissed about that too, but I would NOT - repeat, NOT - reply with return fire and then brag about what constitutes 'gun control'. Sorry, but your action was just plain wrong and doesn't do one damned thing to make the anti-gun nuts think that we're not all like you. Haven't you ever been told that you NEVER point a gun (much less pull the trigger) at anything you don't intend to kill? JeeeeeeeeeeZUS.

Lpdon's photo
Thu 03/25/10 11:12 AM

The 'reporter' (to be polite) is not the one to be evaluated - the 'reporter' is just the TOOL being used to disseminate FALSE INFORMATION (a/k/a 'misinformation' and 'disinformation' - or 'agitprop' - look it up). The fact that only ONE party, the 'craps, had TEN ready-and-waiting 'incidents' to 'report' tells everything we need to know about which side is lying. You can believe whatever makes you comfortable - it won't mean you're correct.

Unfortunately, someone is going to get hurt. This is a bad sign. It started with spitting and name calling, escilated to office vandalism then sabotage of a propane stove\tank now shots being fired.

Hopefully they are taking this serious. It definately appears to be some serious escilation here and one can only imagine whats next.

Imagine if people took all this anger and put it into something constructive, not destructive.

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