Community > Posts By > cashu

cashu's photo
Thu 03/25/10 01:27 PM

the politicians should stand up on both sides and say this will not be tolerated,,,,its quite ridiculous

we got to demand these schools teach better . shooting at empty building whats that , who does that impress .
If you want to get someone to stop stealing from you . you need to get face to face with them and work out you problem s . make them understand your not going away till they stop ripping us off .
I my self well be sitting on my hands till we get control of the 2 partys and put the government workers who fail to enforce all the laws in jail for stealing from us { there pay ] they didn't earn it .
I well not think poorly of anyone who confronts those a holes in any way and i won't step up to stop anyone who in flustration does a crimnal act against them . whats fair is fair . if you don't feel safe get out of office and let someone whose is not corrupt have the job ..

cashu's photo
Thu 03/25/10 01:09 PM

The American people will not allow a corrupt machine to dictate their future.

the ameican people have and well continue to allow the corrupt partys to screw up there futures because thats what they have been dueing sence before the last icy age . there sheep and so are the rest of the worlds working class . speak to them in cow if you kneed them to understand you . like , moo mooo mo moo '
sadum had some wmds because we the usa and geogre bush senior gave them to him . ourgovernment gavehim the big ok to the invasion of kuwait and saudi araba . sadaum was our ally in the area and did not give his money to terriost groups except when he needed a group thugs .
As far as the american people spitting on our politicians , all I can say is { maybe you should of been doing what they voted you all in for , represent them not the world . } don
t expect it to get better . small groups should leave now . stop corrupting our government . we want our country back you worms need to know that your payoffs are over .

cashu's photo
Wed 03/24/10 04:26 PM
Edited by cashu on Wed 03/24/10 04:30 PM

With the shrinkage of the GOP base we're seeing what's left and what they believe. These are beliefs of the most delusional people in America exposed in these polls.


Scary new GOP poll

"The poll, which surveyed 2,230 people right at the height of the health-care reform debate, also clearly shows that education is a barrier to extremism. Respondents without a college education are vastly more likely to believe such claims, while Americans with college degrees or better are less easily duped."


NEW YORK – On the heels of health care, a new Harris poll reveals Republican attitudes about Obama: Two-thirds think he's a socialist, 57 percent a Muslim—and 24 percent say "he may be the Antichrist."

To anyone who thinks the end of the health-care vote means a return to civility, wake up.

Obama Derangement Syndrome—pathological hatred of the president posing as patriotism—has infected the Republican Party. Here's new data to prove it:

67 percent of Republicans (and 40 percent of Americans overall) believe that Obama is a socialist.

The belief that Obama is a “domestic enemy” is widely held—a sign of trouble yet to come.

57 percent of Republicans (32 percent overall) believe that Obama is a Muslim 45 percent of Republicans (25 percent overall) agree with the Birthers in their belief that Obama was "not born in the United States and so is not eligible to be president" 38 percent of Republicans (20 percent overall) say that Obama is "doing many of the things that Hitler did" Scariest of all, 24 percent of Republicans (14 percent overall) say that Obama "may be the Antichrist." These numbers all come from a brand-new Harris poll, inspired in part by my new book Wingnuts. It demonstrates the cost of the campaign of fear and hate that has been pumped up in the service of hyper-partisanship over the past 15 months. We are playing with dynamite by demonizing our president and dividing the United States in the process. What might be good for ratings is bad for the country.

The full results of the poll, which will be released in greater detail tomorrow, are even more frightening: including news that high percentages of Republicans—and Americans overall—believe that President Obama is "racist," "anti-American" "wants the terrorists to win" and "wants to turn over the sovereignty of the United States to a one-world government." The "Hatriot" belief that Obama is a "domestic enemy" as set forth in the Constitution is also widely held—a sign of trouble yet to come. It's the same claim made by Marine Lance Corporal Kody Brittingham in his letter of intent to assassinate the President Obama.

This poll is the latest and most detailed evidence of the extent to which Wingnuts are hijacking our politics. It should be a wakeup call to all Americans and a collective reminder, as we move past health-care reform, that we need to stand up to extremism."

Sence we don't let them have anything anyway , lets not let them vote anymore . They don't have the compacity to think the proper way like us .Their a bunch of beer drinking bums not like us smart people do .
Everybody knows how smart liberals are I mean don't we marriey our sisters .
The shrinkage we have at least is all in our pants . God loves this place thats why we liberals are here, to make it perfect .

cashu's photo
Wed 03/24/10 04:15 PM

cashu's photo
Wed 03/24/10 04:13 PM

cashu's photo
Mon 03/22/10 09:22 PM
Edited by cashu on Mon 03/22/10 09:24 PM

Israeli Rights in the Territorie
It would be far more accurate to describe the West Bank and Gaza Strip as "disputed territories" to which both Israelis and Palestinians have claims. As U.S. Ambassador to the UN Madeleine Albright stated in March 1994: "We simply do not support the description of the territories occupied by Israel in the 1967 War as occupied Palestinian territory."
[quote ]
its an occupation alls has been and the hebrews started the war . the city of jerusalem was there before the jews got there .they traviled there from all over araba . but most came from yemani . they over threw the orignel peoples who had been there for thousands of years . that what happens when you don't control imagration . they stated for 212 years before being run out by the latins and came back after being run out of europe and started another war with the orignals which puts use here today . all those big noses that bribed the un and or officials .who said it was theres had NO RIGHT TO TELL ANYONE WHAT TO DO THERE .
in this ilmoral world you can buy good well .

cashu's photo
Sun 03/21/10 08:10 PM
whineing gets higher welfare payments and free medical care so why wouldn't they if it works and you want better things you'd be stupid not to milk the dum cow . For all you can . if your stupid your stupid an thats all you can say .

cashu's photo
Sun 03/21/10 07:53 PM
Edited by cashu on Sun 03/21/10 07:55 PM

They need to get BLACK members to do that so we can expose the double standards in our society a little more. Like it is supposedly acceptable for a black man to call another n***er, as if ?????????????noway

i don't under stand what all your saying but the part i do i well . the part with n>>>er . before you were born there was a different definition for the word . some college grad [ proably a liberal ] changed the difination . the dictonary hires college people to update word diffentions and they on there own slipped in the new wording to say it was an insult to black people . when the real meaning of the word was trash . with no claim to the term black . it was equal to red neck trailer trash ect .. and yes you could anyone you want nixxer . with out being wrong or right because its an insult an not much of one .not being from the so I do not why they started calling people that but I bet it was because they loss so much money when you were sit free with out compasation . I have heard that at the end of the civil war there was close to 1 million blacks , there value before the war was $1000. dollars a head . do that math and then figure the year and you can see a real reason for a lot of hate .

so you now know that it was not a race word but the spelling was close to negro and a close parity . but the hate came from the war an wasn't caused by blacks but suffered by them .if lincoln had handeled it differently we proably would of setteled it peacefully .

cashu's photo
Sun 03/21/10 07:10 PM

Can a person have too many firearms?


I would have to say NO

I would have to say yes.. especially when children are around. Its kind of like owning cars,, you can only use one at a time.

Wrong I have 2 Hands :D

I stand But seriously, other than in the movies, what chance has two hands and two guns if a MILITIA of fifty plus hands and guns are on ones behind?

Gurella Warfare........One shot One kill Steal there Ammo...Think the Movie RED DAWN :-) the death isnt really that grand, in my opinion.

but walking away the winner is really great .......

cashu's photo
Sun 03/21/10 06:49 PM
Edited by cashu on Sun 03/21/10 06:51 PM

40 acres and a mule

Many historians trace the phrase to General William T. Sherman's Special Field Order Number 15, issued on 16 January 1865, which set aside a thirty-mile tract of land along the South Carolina and Georgia coasts for former slaves and promised the army's help securing loaned mules.

as to OBAMA hating a website... really? where is this information from?

I mean its politics to persuade politicians to vote our way, whatever way that is.. dems push their constituents to call their representative and urge their support, just like the repubs do. Its nothing to waste hate on as it is just a part of the political process.

The land you just described was part of the cherokee home land . How ironic . and i't not sure if that was 40 and a mule or 40ac for a mule ?

cashu's photo
Sun 03/21/10 06:36 PM
Edited by cashu on Sun 03/21/10 06:40 PM

KHAN YUNIS, Gaza Strip - UN chief Ban Ki-moon slammed Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip saying it caused "unacceptable sufferings," during a visit Sunday to the Hamas-run coastal enclave.

Said Khatib)"I have repeatedly made it quite clear to Israel's leaders that the Israeli policy of closure is not sustainable and that it's wrong," Ban told reporters in the southern Gaza Strip town Khan Yunis.

"It causes unacceptable sufferings to ... the people and population" of Gaza, he said.

"This policy is also counter-productive. It prevents legitimate commerce and encourages smuggling. It undercuts moderates and empowers extremists."

I think we and the rest of the world should mind our own business and let them fight till its done . why should we stop it we din't start it we don't support it and we don't benafit from it going on forever . so start the shooting and be ready to make peace with the last man standing ....

cashu's photo
Sun 03/21/10 06:34 PM
Edited by cashu on Sun 03/21/10 07:18 PM

i do agree with death penalty. course being a man not my choice on abortion.

its your sperm,, your offspring,, so I disagree. I dont agree when a child enters the world that society should deem full responsibility on me as mother and I likewise dont agree that while the child is in the womb society should deem full privileges to me as the mother either. It takes two,, from beginning to end.

WELL WE ARE ON THE SAME PAGE AGAIN .soldiers make a choice to go or not to go . babys don't they can't even pick there scummy miserable parents .
what I don't agree with is people who don't think enought of our country to go in the military but sit around and rank on it . we need a law here where we can club a person for not supporting our soldiers when they are fighting people who have attacted our country ...what good are they to any one or the country .

cashu's photo
Sun 03/21/10 06:24 PM

We Americans were willing to spend trillions of dollars to go to (illegal)war and kill millions of innocent people but we are unwilling to spend any money to save those of us who have no healthcare.

How can that be? What does that say about us?

cashu's photo
Sun 03/21/10 06:20 PM
another 10 million kids killed wow we need the labor to fill all these jobs and help the mexicans so they can stay home . and don't let me to be the last citizen to thank them for takeing all those jobs we wouldn't man . BY NOW AND HAVE A GOOD WALK HOME .

cashu's photo
Sun 03/21/10 06:12 PM

Taliban commanders have revealed that hundreds of insurgents have been trained in Iran to kill NATO forces in Afghanistan.

The commanders said they had learned to mount complex ambushes and lay improvised explosive devices (IEDs).

The accounts of two commanders, in interviews with The Sunday Times, are the first descriptions of training of the Taliban in Iran.

According to the commanders, Iranian officials paid them to attend three-month courses during the winter.

They were smuggled across the border to the city of Zahidan, in southeast Iran, an hour’s drive from training camps in the desert.

Instructors in plain clothes provided daily exercises in live firing. The first month was devoted largely to teaching the Taliban how to attack convoys and how to escape before NATO forces could respond.

During their second month they were shown how to plant IEDs in sequence so that the rescuers of soldiers wounded in one blast would be caught in further explosions.

Full Story.............

Hmmmmmmmm, I seem to remember President Bush and top military and NATO commanders saying this a few years back..........

To bad we don't have a President right now who has the guts and integrity to handle this.

personelly I think obama is doing a pretty fair job in afganistan . the only thing I see him doing wrong so far is not getting rid of the boobs in his cabinet ROHM JANET ALAN ECT .

cashu's photo
Sun 03/21/10 06:04 PM

Teabaggers should be ashamed of themselves, for one reason this ......

I cannot believe that there are people like this in this country.

The shameful things humans do to each other.....

I agree with you here . when people do things that you don't agree with they should be immediately deported some where .
but if you like them even if they have killed and raped some one you don't know . we well forgive them . send them home with a hard scollding and make sure they under stand we won't stand for this to many more times .
insulting the corrupt well not be tolerated at all .

cashu's photo
Sat 03/20/10 03:19 PM

cashu's photo
Sat 03/20/10 03:03 PM

no one seems to be able to answer why there is such a rush to pass something that won't take effect until after the next Presidential election four years from now

uh were tried of it . he could of got a bill thru mos. ago if he had kept his liberal dogs under control .

cashu's photo
Sat 03/20/10 03:01 PM



- End of slavery
- Women's voting right
- Civil rights battles

Must all have been BAD BILLS, 'cause they all went through hell before landing!!!

Anyone suggesting today we should...

... take away women's voting rights!?!?!?

... go back to slavery (maybe white slavery for balance!?!?)

... or go back to segregated everything!?!?!?

Real Change is always met with Real Resistance.

Obama promised Real Change, and promising to provide 30 million + people with health coverage is met with Real Resistance!!!

At the end of the day, after all the resistance will have voiced and accounted for (years of fun and excitement), I doubt very much that the enlightening Constitution of the USA would argue against justice and fairness for ALL of the 'WE THE PEOPLE'!!!

I'm with you on this when you gona start rounding the peckerwoods up .

cashu's photo
Fri 03/19/10 07:49 PM
sence that is a rule they have been useing in congress for a while now . if the court rules it illegal then many things well change besides the health bill . but the republicans don't make good laws any way , who cares .

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