Community > Posts By > cashu

cashu's photo
Tue 03/16/10 07:16 PM
i've been around for a long time and I have never seen it so bad in congress before . now on a state level yes its been like this a lot of time but a few indicments and it ok for a few years .. but if you take it you'll get it . vote them all out .

cashu's photo
Tue 03/16/10 07:06 PM

Well, gee ... have you tried the 'DATING & RELATIONSHIPS' thread ... ? THIS one is for POLITICS ... duh.

must not be the room he needs .. bo on bo

cashu's photo
Tue 03/16/10 07:03 PM
our government may dodge votes but they never miss a bribe or woody .

cashu's photo
Tue 03/16/10 06:58 PM
theres a earth day movie out talking very quietly about in forty years the usa well have so many people that we well not be able to feed our selfs . let alone drink water . the enviroment in the usa can only grow so much and water is fast becomeing a shortage to.
I'm tried of people who think with there sex organs .this movie that i saw did not even take into consideration the illegals . so whose ready to stop eatting so we can have a rainbow . people coming from countrys that have went to war to strangers out .

cashu's photo
Mon 03/15/10 05:43 PM
Edited by cashu on Mon 03/15/10 05:46 PM

We are rapidly becoming a 'surveilled' society - and now they seem to have crossed the last line ... ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES, folks ... need more proof than this ... ?
I think you used the wrong adjective . DEMENTED IS THE WORD WE NEED WHEN TALKING AOUT SCHOOLS NOW DAYS . If someone wants to see whats the kids are doing ,they should get a teacher to look . They are paid for the WHOLE DAM DAY YOU KNOW ..

cashu's photo
Mon 03/15/10 05:13 PM
If you really want to change things , then you well have to take over a party . The partys have built there selfs protection ,it's so hard to run as an independant the election is over before you get our freedom to kick in .
But we could take over a party . thats what happened in the 60's with the vietnam era rats . I would say that the democrates would be the easiest to take over . Think about it it would be the fastest way to end the corruption .

cashu's photo
Mon 03/15/10 04:34 PM
I vote for FDR as the best president this country ever had . congress may of perverted some of the things he acieved but even though HE WAS THE BEST ..

cashu's photo
Sun 03/14/10 05:28 PM

to put stupid, fundiMENTAList people in concentration camps? So that way they can CONCENTRATE on there own stupidity and leave the rest of logical and rational world alone for once?

Hmmm, just my thought of the day

Someone already did that.He just replaced stupid with the word Jew.How about we put you in there first for this idea which is so stupid I find it hard to take seriously.

let me let me i won't be a racist i promise .but I would change it males and old women . yea fat ones too .

cashu's photo
Sun 03/14/10 05:17 PM

I loved that movie Soylent Green!

I did too but I suspect that the morons are running a test here to see if that well work . Over population was the cause of that .

cashu's photo
Sun 03/14/10 05:07 PM
Edited by cashu on Sun 03/14/10 05:12 PM
God has a set of laws which he said these are the laws man must live by and YOU well live in heaven with him . But in all religions man puts his own words in there . GOD HAS TOLD MAN IT IS YOUR CHOICE TO OBEY THEM OR NOT He did not tell anyone to make the choice for any one else . When you stand before god you have to tell him why you couldn't live with his rules , it had better be a good reason . like the guy was trying to murder you or maybe your family . but if you say it was because he [god ] said that you shouldn't do this so he killed him for not obeying gods law then you are in trouble .

cashu's photo
Sun 03/14/10 04:38 PM

Fact...Incidents related are due to improper floor mats

Tell that to all of the people who didn't use floor mats and were KILLED! whoa

""I'm absolutely certain that in my situation, it was not the floor mats," Elizabeth James told ABC News. She was driving her Toyota Prius outside Denver, CO when she says it suddenly shot up to 90 miles an hour, even though her foot was on the brake and not the gas pedal.

"I kept going faster and faster," James said. "And all of a sudden… my foot was pressing on the brake super, super hard and I wasn't slowing down."

James and some other Toyota owners suspect the accidents have been caused by some kind of glitch in the electronic computer system used in Toyotas that controls the throttle."

"A haunting 911 call captured Lastrella telling the others to pray before the car launched off the embankment.

According to the lawsuit, the Lexus ES350 "began to accelerate on its own." Saylor attempted to apply the brakes and do everything possible to stop the car, but he was unable to do so"

"Bulent Ezal was driving with his wife of 46 years in their Toyota Camry in central California, when he says it suddenly took off. The car plunged over a 100 foot cliff into the Pacific ocean, and while he survived, his wife did not.

"All of a sudden the car surged with force and I was thrown back to the seat," Ezal said. The last thing he heard was his wife screaming before he blacked out."

Thats odd? Consumer reports is still ranking Toyota third?

Toyotas own president admitted that they were NOT focusing on safety.... and he publicly apologized for it... wow... that's gotta hurt jim :wink:

Toyota sales are now down 16% and they are still dropping....

Read'em and weep :thumbsup:
this is what happens when you hire boot lickers for management


cashu's photo
Sat 03/13/10 05:22 PM
Edited by cashu on Sat 03/13/10 05:26 PM

laugh laugh laugh

Sorry Middle..that just struck my funny bone, Beck is whack, whack I say!

If you think beck is a wack job you must not of been hearing the lateist word from heaven . Theres no group more wacky than moderen christian preachers ...

cashu's photo
Sat 03/13/10 05:06 PM
Edited by cashu on Sat 03/13/10 05:16 PM

To become a presidential nominee,, proof of citizenship was required. He proved it just as much as any other nominee has to the people whom he is required to prove it to.

As for the rest, he has done PLENTY, it is a broad generalization to say someone in the position of president spends a year doing NOTHING. One can go to or many of the other fact checking sites to see a LIST of all the things he has been busy with since he took office.

Things are still not great, and possibly not improving at a rate some are happy with, but we didnt get here overnight or even in one year so it will take time to recover. I am glad we did not see another depression.

As to paycuts, this particular president took a HUGE paycut in return for a position where he receives such grief. He has also been part of other measures to reduce government salaries,,,but he is just the president, and not a dictator. Once he puts an idea on the table , he cant wave a wand and FORCE it to happen , it takes a team of people (senate and congress) to make it actually come to fruition.

and school,, well, I am not a politician but I have pondered sending my kids to private school for many reasons. IN such a high power position and such a violent culture, the decision for a president to send children to public school is more complex than just economics. With the danger posed to these particular children, I dont blame him for sending them to a private school. It is what I would do if I had the threats upon me and my family which he does. It is also what I would do if I wanted them to have the best 'education' in an environment that supported my own values and ideals.
Id love to see a woman president as well, and hopefully, with the election of our first minority,, that is a reality that is not far away.

well he did show us how to grow our own food . we should of known then he wasn't worried about us supporting our familys . that and the fact he's going to try to push threw a immigration bill makeing all the new criminels legal . they well then have a vote of 50million .
What do you dumb a's thing of those numbers .... losers

cashu's photo
Sat 03/13/10 04:52 PM

Yes, it would be unethical, but how would you judge who fits this category?

I won't even charge for it .

cashu's photo
Sat 03/13/10 04:45 PM

I will be glad when SOMETHING passes so that changes can start taking place. The longer it gets postponed, the longer progress gets

I'll be glad when its over one way or the other . It's stopped the government in place for a year now . There is way more important things we need than over priced health insurance. Like jobs , You dam well don't need health insurance if you're starving to death . And who needs the government making you new bills that you can't pay because the government gave all the money to the rich. And who needs a government that 's not on your side ... WE DO need to get rid of all the congress members who vote against us

cashu's photo
Sat 03/13/10 04:32 PM

that is considered overhead. the profits still go to Japan

It's called "jobs" that the american people need and something that domestic builders can not provide. I think most americans are worried about having a job right now rather than the profits to others. Americans just want to pay their bills and live, something our "American" government has lack in figuring out


cashu's photo
Sat 03/13/10 04:26 PM
Edited by cashu on Sat 03/13/10 04:28 PM

Sick of people trying to blame Toyota for their own stupidity
Worried about your job at toyota are ya.... smokin


cashu's photo
Thu 03/11/10 06:40 PM
Thats where the hebrews came from before they took over palistine . but it was called canite before that .

cashu's photo
Thu 03/11/10 06:34 PM
we need a mandatory draft so we can get rid of these freaks . i refuse to go to NEW YORK AND EAT AGAIN .

cashu's photo
Thu 03/11/10 06:28 PM
Edited by cashu on Thu 03/11/10 06:29 PM
This just goes along with all the other stupid decisions the schools are making now days , like not allowing the kids to take there perscribed meds for them . Somebody should tell these brain dead people to get away from our kids there doing more damage than good .

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