Community > Posts By > cashu

cashu's photo
Wed 04/14/10 11:18 AM

No sympathy. WHY did they prevent her from offing herself? That coulda been the most appropriate end possible. She should be stood against a wall and shot for doing this. Life in prison is too good for her. Give it time, and in a year or two, she'll have 'found jesus', 'converted', and been 'reborn in the blood of the lamb'. Seen too much schit like this ... she needs to be permanently deprived of further use of oxygen.

And yet WE as a people allow women and there doctors to murder millions of babys every year here . I don't see the dofference here between the two . Except this women is more than likely mentally ill . I also see the fault to be the studs fault who was watching out for safty of HIS children .

cashu's photo
Wed 04/14/10 11:10 AM
theres a book that describes what you have said its called mein kampf .. read it and you well find that it was not the soviets that do this but people a lot closer to you than over there ...

cashu's photo
Wed 04/14/10 11:02 AM
Yea thats pretty good comeing from a slave owner . the part about people who work for it and those the just take it .I wonder which one he was . the welfare hog maybe ? I wonder did he ever use his own hand s for work ? Being a parasite in life he would fit in todays cos. very well . A few liveing high on the backs of the many . I use to like some of his views before I read about his lack of morals with his wife when he'd sneak out to the slave quarters like a snake and force the slaves to breed him . and only after his death did we find out that he also had black kids whom he never admitted as his .
I guess only to be fair to him maybe his mother before him had been that way with a dog or something .

cashu's photo
Wed 04/14/10 10:50 AM

Apparently, Obama is well aware of the effect of missinterpretation of the leader's words that are often published even before the leader's had a chance of completting the sentence!!!

It would be a different story, if the press simply transmitted the speech word for word, But they dare publishing their often-erroneous interpretations! Hence, his decision was justified!!!

apparently you don't understand , that these misinterpations are what makes the politicals sound smart . Even though they didn't say or mean them . most speachs by people are misleading and meant to be so as not to trap the rats in there own words . but on the other hand there is a older ezplaination for this . and it gos . I don't believe you under stand but what you heard me say and what i said may not be the same thing as what i intended to say .

cashu's photo
Tue 04/13/10 05:30 PM
Edited by cashu on Tue 04/13/10 05:39 PM

Getting involved and getting others to join you is the key to change. If you do not like the current regime, work hard to change it. Join your local REC (Republican Executive Committee) or DEC (Democratic Executive Committee) and help in the GOTV (Get out the Vote) efforts in your community. Building from local up is the way to go. Representation by the people for the people. Vertical Politics!

quick where's the lacky line , I feel the need to meet the people who are distroying this country . after i beg you for some change i'll go to the demo headquarters and do the same thing . I really need to shake the hand of the people who are distroying us . [the bribers and the bribed , hand and hand passing the soul of the nation back aqnd forth . as if we owe this country no more than our contemp .
hey 2010 your arguement is moot . and your answers are predictable . at least lets argue in the same year . bush is a bum and history books are going to say the same thing .

cashu's photo
Tue 04/13/10 11:26 AM

I'm afraid of Americans!smokin

lol,, dont be afraid,, just be afraid of the extremists,, in EVERY country

WHICH HAND DID YOU TYPE THIS WITH ? and you do live on a one way stret to don't you ?

cashu's photo
Tue 04/13/10 11:09 AM

cashu's photo
Mon 04/12/10 02:16 PM
change the names and you can use that letter here . when a government doesn't protect its own people then the ownership of is gone ..... AND THEN TRY AND MOVE TO WHERE THEY COME FROM AND SEE IF THEY EXTEND A WELCOME TO YOU MORON.

cashu's photo
Mon 04/12/10 02:08 PM
god i hope the stock market is still open . that guy has just ruined the co. future . this must be a fake letter no CEO IS THAT STUPID AS TO SAY THIS EVEN IF ITS TRUE .

cashu's photo
Mon 04/12/10 01:59 PM

What's a measly 15 million to Congress?That's like bending over to pick up a penny.They probably use 100 dollar bills for toilet paper and napkins.
Thats not as much as the banks gave to JOHN KERRY to tank the economy . we all knew what it takes to get this government to work .. Thats why they like mexicans so much there already use to government like that . we still have to be trained .....

cashu's photo
Mon 04/12/10 01:51 PM
So whats new ? they are also sending money to cuba . with out a treaty they are just changeing things as if all the old white folks that run this place were wrong . I hear that a lot now days but haveing been here these guys that are in charge now are not superior as they think . one reason they haven't done the budget is theres no money left to budget . between what they just throw out the window and the money they are sneaking to mexico [ social securty ] and now to cuba . theres just nothing left to budget ... welcome to the third world dumb a$$ ....

cashu's photo
Sun 04/11/10 05:15 PM

someone tossed an explocive device over the fence of the us consulate in Laredo, Mexico. windows were shattered but no injuries were reported. over all damage to the consulate appears to be light. both the motive and perpatrators of the attack are unknown at this time. for more information see


cashu's photo
Sun 04/11/10 04:58 PM

Do the math. No matter how you slice it, or how you shift the perspective on the causal factor to 'sanitize' it, this is NOT a good time to be female in China (as if there was EVER a good time) ...


Gendercide: China's shameful massacre of unborn girls means there will soon be 30m more men than women


In the cruel old China, baby girls were often left to die in the gutters. In the cruel modern China, they are aborted by the tens of millions, using all the latest technology. 

There is an ugly new word for this mass slaughter: Gendercide.

Thanks to a state policy which has limited many families to one child since 1979, combined with an ancient and ruthless prejudice in favour of sons, the world's new superpower is beginning the century of its supremacy with an alarming surplus of males.

DAM I BET ITS REALLY HARD TO GET LAID THERE ....makes you wonder why there so many wanting to marry american men if there such a shortage there . an why are 3 hugh states there 100% prostitutes.[ i can't say that i know that just read it in a state department dispacth .]

cashu's photo
Sun 04/11/10 03:18 PM

If the public schools would teach the kids what the parents ask there wouldn't be anyone standing shakeing there heads . if teachers would go back teaching the 3r s we would all be happy . I see no reason for teachers to inject them self in the sex lives of kids and i do expect them to be protected when they are in school . An parents are not a part of the teaching program . SO STOP BLAMEING THEM FOR YOU NOT DOING THE JOB YOU WERE HIRED FOR .
acadiemics not bull sh . We don't sennd them to school for you to friends with . One last thing , don't get involed with the politics in school kids lifes . Your not there to take sides , no one needs you to side with the rug rats you like against the ones that are not so popular . to put it in a simple way for you . teach them how to read write and add . nothing else ......

I may have read wrong, but here are just a few things I got from this:

A)Parents aren't responsible for teaching their children.
----Really? It has been my experience that most (note the word most, not all) children whose parents don't play a part in their learning experience end up being worthless morons.

B)Children should learn to read, write, and add. Nothing more.
----Hmmmmm.... Only knowing how to read, write, and add... well, that makes it pretty difficult to think on your own, which is a huge problem with this generation. But, I can't complain too much about this one, seeing as how you must have come from a school that didn't teach these.

C)Teachers shouldn't get involved in student life outside the school.
----Once again, just from personal experience, I have found that students who didn't have a relationship with their teachers had problems at home as well, and ended up turning to drug and alcohol abuse.

If you haven't noticed, I strongly disagree with your apparent ignorance (or maybe mine is causing me to disagree lol). JMHO, and I felt it should be known :D
Have a great day everybody
i can only hope it was a female that gave you all that special att. and as i said I want teachers to do what the job discribtion they were hired for . I want the schools to do what we built them for . we don't need worthless peope around our kids [ teach them don't breed them ] now just because you have been humped don't think they all should be .....

cashu's photo
Sun 04/11/10 03:18 PM

If the public schools would teach the kids what the parents ask there wouldn't be anyone standing shakeing there heads . if teachers would go back teaching the 3r s we would all be happy . I see no reason for teachers to inject them self in the sex lives of kids and i do expect them to be protected when they are in school . An parents are not a part of the teaching program . SO STOP BLAMEING THEM FOR YOU NOT DOING THE JOB YOU WERE HIRED FOR .
acadiemics not bull sh . We don't sennd them to school for you to friends with . One last thing , don't get involed with the politics in school kids lifes . Your not there to take sides , no one needs you to side with the rug rats you like against the ones that are not so popular . to put it in a simple way for you . teach them how to read write and add . nothing else ......

I may have read wrong, but here are just a few things I got from this:

A)Parents aren't responsible for teaching their children.
----Really? It has been my experience that most (note the word most, not all) children whose parents don't play a part in their learning experience end up being worthless morons.

B)Children should learn to read, write, and add. Nothing more.
----Hmmmmm.... Only knowing how to read, write, and add... well, that makes it pretty difficult to think on your own, which is a huge problem with this generation. But, I can't complain too much about this one, seeing as how you must have come from a school that didn't teach these.

C)Teachers shouldn't get involved in student life outside the school.
----Once again, just from personal experience, I have found that students who didn't have a relationship with their teachers had problems at home as well, and ended up turning to drug and alcohol abuse.

If you haven't noticed, I strongly disagree with your apparent ignorance (or maybe mine is causing me to disagree lol). JMHO, and I felt it should be known :D
Have a great day everybody
i can only hope it was a female that gave you all that special att. and as i said I want teachers to do what the job discribtion they were hired for . I want the schools to do what we built them for . we don't need worthless peope around our kids [ teach them don't breed them ] now just because you have been humped don't think they all should be .....

cashu's photo
Sun 04/11/10 03:04 PM

Most kids today are not finished at 22 and this allowed my son to be covered while be worked on his Masters

There is always a negative way to look at everything, but I choose to be a positive person. I'm educated I see the pitfalls and the downslides but I also look for what is going right. You have the freedom to be negative if that makes you feel better. Negativity serves no purpose in my life.

ah Its nice to have no pressure in your life and to be so secure that you don't have to worry . But most of us have never been granted that in life we live at whims of the pigs in life .
an as far as those master degrees go that only makes you a little smarter than a third graer but not as smart as a fifth grade ......bigsmile

cashu's photo
Sun 04/11/10 02:48 PM
if we are short on water , and i question that . why do i have to swim to my car .

cashu's photo
Sun 04/11/10 02:40 PM
dam did someone leave a cage open . get the chickens back in there cage s . we are not all related never were never well be .

cashu's photo
Sat 04/10/10 06:06 PM
It sounds bad but its not new . haveing kids is one thing you don't a test for , to bad really .

cashu's photo
Sat 04/10/10 05:53 PM
il tuo stupido come merda

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