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AdventurousOne's photo
Thu 04/17/08 12:28 PM

As many are aware, my neighbor Jason Kazarick, was killed April 7, 2008 in Iraq. He enlisted as he believed in the cause, wanted to go fight for the freedom of the people of Iraq and continued safety of the people of the US.

DID YOU EVER listen to what our troops in Iraq want and have to say? I doubt it. Jason's letters to home were of encouragement and progress. He was there to give backup support to the Iraq Army. Proof right there good things are coming out of the war in Iraq and against terrorism. Jason was killed by a rocket fired gernade - Iran, AlQ terrorists.


First, my condolences to your loss. Any fallen soldier I also feel the pain, because they are my brothers and sisters in arms.

Now please be very clear I mean absolutely no disrespect to ANY service man or woman in the armed forces.

With that said, I must present the facts from all points of views and as the overall condition.

Jason was a good man. He followed his orders and he did what he was told to do, just as any good soldier is trained to do. However, it was not his choices that sent him to Iraq. he had an extremely limited view of what was going on there. Both political and social. They were sent there on LIES!!! They were sent there on POLITICAL AGENDAS!!! They were sent to fight and die for someone elses gain..NOT AMERICAN FREEDOM!

Iraq was NEVER a true threat to America! It has just over 25 million people in population..Los Angeles and New York City combined has more people!!! They had not legitimate way of ATTACKING AMERICA!!!

MOST of the terrorist in the 9/11 tragedy were from SAUDIE ARABIA!!!!!

So PLEASE do not try to use the death of a single soldier as facts that this "war" is JUSTIFIED! The American government is putting American lives on the line for OIL!! THAT IS FACT! The Iraqi people will HATE America and Americans as they always have as soon as America stops its support and money flow into that country! It's historical FACT!

Let Jason rest in peace believing he died for a just cause. But please do not try to use it as any type of justification of trading American lives for OIL INTERESTS and POILITICAL AGENDAS! flowerforyou

AdventurousOne's photo
Thu 04/17/08 10:38 AM

I agree with the starting post for this thread. In fact, I've said for years now that we need to put EVERYTHING to a popular vote. Sure, we would lose some politicians. But is that a bad thing?

It would also create a huge new job industry. You would need better access to information on the issues. Publication, in print and online, would increase. There could be a whole industry just making the legal language of the bills make sense in layman's terms.

Not to mention full time voting locations, since there would be many more things coming up to vote upon. People staffing these sites.

Research into more reliable methods. I don't see what's wrong with bubble sheets. Seems to be less of an issue than with hanging chads or the electronic boths.

Anyway you look at it, it creates jobs, lets people become more involved with politics. And we have a true democracy.

Oh yeah, that's why they won't do it. Contrary to popular belief, we don't have a democracy at all. We have an oligarcy. In which most of the decisions are made by a select group of people. I'm sure those people don't want to give up any power they currently have.

What a great post!!! drinker flowerforyou

Very good information! And I TOTALLY AGREE on the fact that PEOPLE MUST BE INFORMED OF ALL THE DETAILS on any given issue up for vote!

As they do in legislation now, they start with a little good pointed issue, then when the general populous says its ok, they throw in the last minute changes and "pork rolls" and make it into something very dirrent, or at least added a TON of CRAP that we the people never even know about!

And absolutely! As was posted, this would be a hell storm fight, because the powers that be (and its not only the government, its the money powerful ones that pull thier strings) will put up one hell of a fight to keep thier control and thier MONEY.

But, IT CAN BE DONE AS LONG AS THE PEOPLE UNITE AS AMERICANS..AS ONE PEOPLE! Hell China could do the same thing! No power in the world can hold back over 300 MILLION people! That government WILL LOSE! but they will use scare tactics, threats, even violence if need be. They will lie, deceive, name it, they will try it!


AdventurousOne's photo
Thu 04/17/08 10:18 AM
Edited by AdventurousOne on Thu 04/17/08 10:18 AM

I have to go man.
Early day!

Peace outdrinker

Later bro!

I think we can both agree on this....

If *ssholes could fly, Capitol Hill would be the busiest airport in the WORLD!

noway drinker drinker laugh laugh laugh flowerforyou

AdventurousOne's photo
Thu 04/17/08 10:03 AM

This sounds good in theory, but is it practical?

I think not.

There’s are two major problems with this.

First off, we can’t do without a ‘commander-in-chief’ – someone who has the ultimate authority to direct our military in the event of an emergency.

So as long as we live in a potentially hostile world we’re stuck in a situation where one person simply must have the ultimate authority to act on our behalf quickly and decisively. We simply must have a commander-in-chief with ultimate authority to make decisions. That’s just the nature of our situation.

One could also argue that we also need someone to basically be the ‘commander-in-chief’ of our economy as well. This is true because, like it or not, we are a nation that is totally dependent on mammon. We may pretend to worship God, but we ultimately kneel to mammon.

We could still implement something along the lines that you are suggesting. This is supposedly what we already have in place with the House and Congress. Those guys are supposed to be our representatives and they are supposed to be influencing the decisions of the commander-in-chief. The command-in-chief is supposed to believe in a democracy and serve the wishes of the people.

The fact that our command-in-chiefs seldom serve the people is our nemesis.

However, having the masses run the county via instantaneous voting via modern technology is not a good idea for several reasons,…

Like adj pointed out, if the majority really did rule who would protect the civil rights of the minorities? And what would the majority rule when it comes to things like cutting taxes or lowering gas prices, etc.?

Of course they are going to rule for the cheapest life they can buy!!! They aren’t going to consider the consequences. If the majority rules they’ll just vote for what they want not necessarily what’s best for them.

It would be like little kids all voting for ice cream all the time and never voting for the vegetables they need.

They would vote for things like animals rights (because they are compassionate). What would happen then? They’d soon realize that the price of meat has skyrocketed, or it has become impossible to obtain. They wouldn’t realize that by voting for animal rights they are also voting to become vegetarians.

Some thing is true with things like the environment. They’d vote to simultaneously lower gas prices and protect the environment. Well duh? Make up your minds!!!

I hold that your majority rules idea isn’t going to fly. Because the majority of people would simply vote for what they want without thinking about the consequences of those actions. You can imagine a world where everything is just the way you want it, but is that imagination possible?

For example, you might vote against war now, but the results of that could very well be that an enemy left unchecked now would grow strong and a few years down the road totally destroy our civilization and enslave the few of us that survived destruction.

It’s easy to vote for what you want right now, but will those decision really be based on sound principles, or will they just be based on what you want right now? Like kids voting to have ice cream and candy for every meal.

I think the system we have in place is about as close as your going to get. The best thing we could do is focus on that, and try to make sure that we get presidents who truly want to serve us, and representatives in the house and senate that truly represent us.

That’s the whole idea and how it was originally supposed to work in the first place.

Whether we can ever restore it to what it was originally meant to be I don’t know.

But the idea of majority rules via instantaneous voting on every issue I have serious doubts would work very well at all. Like I say, it would be like kids always voting for ice cream.

I agree that something needs to be done. But in all honesty I think that can only come from a really special person running for president and obtaining that position. Unfortunately I don't think that's going to happen this year because I don't see any person that special running for the office.

I confess that I'm really baffled that in this great nation of ours, we don't have really exceptional individuals running for president. I mean really exceptional individuals.

If the people who are currently running are the best this country has to offer I think we're really in pathetic shape.

And I'm still in completely and utter shock that a bozo like our current president was even able to run for the position much less actually obtain it. ohwell

Where are the truly exceptional people?

Does the USA not have any truly exceptional citizens???? huh

Thanks for the input. Now let me clarfy a few points. I never said the President would be fired. And when I referred to going to Capitol Hill and telling the congress and senate "you're fired" that was meant to the current bunch of crap we have sitting there, because the huge majority are carreer politicians who are bought and paid for.

I totaly agree we need REAL LEADERS for time critical situations that need immediate action. So a President and at least certain amount of cabinet type members is an absolute, and they would have the power to act on the people's behalf in times of crisis and time sensitive issues. However, no power would be "absolute".

A perfect example would be the "war" in Iraq. The majority of people, being well enough now informed, have seen the whole thing was BS! And the majority want our troops HOME! The President has the authority to send them there because it was deemed a state of emergency. But now its BS and we are sacraficing American lives for OIL! Its is another Vietnam and a total government cluster-f*ck!!! The people are screaming to get our troops out, but the government isn't listening!

As to the people ebing able to vote on all issues, let me also clarify. That was a GENERAL statement meaning that there would be a certain process that must take place first. Petition drives, showing cause, like a good benefit for the people, etc. Then a vote to occur on the matter.

It would be insanity to just allow some person to say, let's outlaw chocolate icecream! Thats frivolous and BS and simply will not happen.

On the other hand, certain extremely important issues can be set into motion, I can think of many that have been issues since I was a child and even before. Education, social security, health care, poverty, our so-called welfare system, etc. These are real problems that should have been solved years ago, but have only been manipulated as main subject matters to take the American's focus off other issues and visa versa.

I also very much agree, where are all the leader??? Lee Iaccocca wrote a wonderful book in the last couple of years. Take a read, you might enjoy it. It's called "Where have all the leaders gone?" I love it! Lee does not mince words, he tells it like it is.

But I also know that our government does not want things to change and they want to keep total control. I worked with a Congressman back in the early to mid 1990's. he was a good and honest person, but after his 4 year term, he stepped down. he told me personally that we could not even imagine the corruption, the backstabbing, the bs that goes on up on Captiol Hill and that he was not going to be part of it. It was too strong for any one person to change and if that person tried, they caught major hell from everyone else on the hill (which included death threats to him and his family!)

But a detailed plan COULD WORK! And the individual will ALWAYS be protected on many issues and that would be a priority. However, the minority will NOT dictate over the majority! Point in case, the moment of silence. Whether it be in school, at a high school football game, any other public event, if one person has an issue, well simply TOO BAD! Don;t go or deal with it! We should never allow 1 person to dictate to the majority. that is rediculous! Everyone has thier right to have thier opinion, but it will not be placed on the society as a whole when the majority has a different united stand. You live with that, or leave. No one will ever "force" anyone to do something they do not want to do. But that should NEVER prevent someone else the opportunity. As in a moment of silence at an event. That is not forcing anyone to do anything. if affords those who wish to pray (to any relious figure they choose..which include Satan) or they can sit there and do nothing for that 15 or 30 seconds.

And many things will be designed on a case by case basis at all levels. Not every situation is exact, therefore things must be considered as such.

But it is certain and fact. The United States of America is NOT the greatest country in the world any longer and is actually becoming a travesty ran by the greedy who has no real concern for this country and its people.

They PURPOSELY keep the people divided on many . Ever hear of the military strategy "divide and conquer"? Well that is being used on our own society now. And they have deliberately ran our education system into the ground, because people with non-thinking brains are easy to manipulate and lead to where they want them to go... and thats right to the slaughter house.. just like cattle!

So a detailed plan of "majority rules" and a "vote of the people make law" can resolve many critical issues with some time. But the American people MUST UNITE AS ONE and stand up against the government that has been built and shut them down! flowerforyou

AdventurousOne's photo
Wed 04/16/08 11:40 PM

This kind of emotional propaganda is misleading a lot of people.

A private prayer in school is not illegal.

Public conducted prayer is disallowed because it is done with a captive audience at assembly or in a class, some would even end with "in Jesus name" amen.

This is not really appropriate or respectful to other faiths, but most importantly it is an open practice of government sponsored religion.

If you think nothing is wrong with government sponsoring a religion, think how you would feel if they were sponsoring one that worshiped Satan or some other deity that you knew nothing about.

To say that a student does not have to participate if he does not want to, is to expect him to publicly attract attention to himself by objecting to the process and this could open himself up to judgment and ridicule etc. from others.

People need to be more aware of the reason for this ruling and stop giving other people the wrong idea about what it means.

The government is not trying to take away your God. They are trying to maintain your freedom of religion. Be grateful for that.


I fully agree with the seperation of church and state. But as was my personal experience in school, there were no prayers said outload in the classroom. It was a simple 5 min of "silence" for the students to have before class. Some, including myself, prayed, others slept, some did nothing at all. never once did I see, nor hear of, any person being uncomfortable with this time. No one was ever looked differently upon.

Just because someone "feels" uncomfortable because everyone else is doing something is no reason to force others to stop. "The need of the many outweigh the need of the few". If that person has a problem going to a high school football game and the wish to say a prayer before the game, one to ask that no players get hurt, etc, etc, then why not? You don;t have to participate. And if you feel uncomfortable, then leave, or wait to enter until that time is over.

What you refer to is called "peer pressure" and that in many cases is self imflicted. That's also a part of life, so people need to learn to deal with thier problems and insecurities.

I am of the Christian faith, but have been to Jewish ceremonies, native American ceremonies and also some of the eastern cultures. I never once partook in the events, also nor did i feel uncomfortable or obligated to do so. I simply respect other's beliefs and if that is thier thing then its ok with me. If I was to ever feel uncomfortable, then i would simply leave and not return. It's that simple.

The United States of America was founded as a Christian land. Just as in other areas of the world, specific religions dominate. In the middle east, they are so strict, you could be killed for even bringing a Christian Bible into thier land. So the United States foundation was set on the Christian faith and values. So you can expect that to be the majority, thats just common sense. And to expect anyone just to drop thier religion or faith is just ludacris. We are all entitle to practice any faith here in the USA, it just so happens that Christianity is the domonant one.

But now, people go on crusades to rid this country of all religious identity. Like removing the word "God" from all government facilties. Well suess what, thats basically IMPOSSIBLE, unless you make sure all money is not on the premises. because on all the money it says "In God We Trust"!

So what does this hurt? People are simply too sensitive and its all about the "me" generation. More specifically, i would rather spend my time on much more important things, like bringing our troops home from Iraq, fixing our educational system, fixing our social security, fixing our industry, getting everyone over the poverty line, working on things that can help this country become great again.

i'm not going to waste my time because one person "get's thier feelings hurt" on something so pathetic and minute as they see a Biblical scriture posted someplace in a goverment building and they get thier panties in a wad. There are so many more IMPORTANT things that should take priority and that energy to use to fix more meaningful problems. Like I'm going to get upset if a Jewish person wants to pt some Jewish text on a pillar of a courthouse, giving it a Jewish blessing or something? Hell no! I'm not Jewish, but I would even consider that a good thing, because the intension is GOOD, no matter what the faith/religion! And that goes for even satanism..if they want to give Satan's blassing to guard, watch over and protect a courthouse of government building..go for it! I may not believe in thier religion, but hey, they are posting something good and positive..and thats all cool with me. flowerforyou

AdventurousOne's photo
Wed 04/16/08 11:00 PM
Edited by AdventurousOne on Wed 04/16/08 11:07 PM

The government has NO BUSINESS IN BUSINESS in MANY cases! Certain regulation must exist in some basic forms, but to attempt to restrict a company from making a profit (of ANY size), is NOT for our government to decide!

Without this price gouging would run rampant!

Two years in a row these oil giants have made these obscene profits. Made them with excuses mind you. None having to do with the price per barrel of oil.

In these two years, their major A #1 excuse refinery capabilities, has received only about 12 billion to address. barely enough to maintain their current capabilities!

Transportation in this country is a necessity just as groceries!
Its not a luxury, you either have it or you die! If they raised the cost of bread and corn 3-400%, you'd say something, right!

What gives an oil company the right to unchecked profits when we are all dependent on their product!
I'll tell you.
Two reasons, Bush and Cheney!drinker

Yes, certain things are needed, I don;t argue that. But that is well less than HALF of this nations comsumption! The rest is the lazy ass American who feels the need to drive thier HUMMER down 6 blocks to the convenience store to grabs some chips to widen thier already fat ass, instead of walking down. I don;t see many stepping out to take a bus to work, traffic jams all over the country with millions of cars, with onlyt ONE PERSON in them!

So BS! There are hundreds of real ways for America to cut down its DEPENDANCY, or should I say LAZINESS and SELFISHNESS!

I have vehicles, yet I ride the city bus as often as i can..serves two fold, I conserve on fuel and it gives me a little exercise to boot.

I don't need to save the money, I could better afford it than most Americans, i do it because i don;t just pay lip service, I put ACTION behind it! I DO MY PART and not just talk about it. Now tell me how much could be saved? I say at LEAST 50% reduction. How can i say that? Because I cut mine down by 63% in 2007 (I kept logs), so I'm not just guessing. I also switched over to partial solar panels and looking into the wind turbines for this area.

So I speak from first hand experience and I know its not some major task, its actually VERY EASY to do.

And the oil companies "gouging"?? My *ass, they are making thier profit and they are entitled too.

If you were selling shoes and found that people would pay $50 for the shoes you usually sell for $20, you're telling me you would not sell them for the $50?? My *asss you wouldn;t and you sell at what people will pay. The bigger the profit the better for you and you would be very happy!

It's another simple issue. you don;t like it, then DO SOMETHING about it, stop your dependency on it, or at the very least LOWER you depndency on it. Conserve and the price goes DOWN! It's the CONSUMERS responsibility, NOT the governments. flowerforyou

Oh and as to Bush and Cheney..holy sheep chit Batman!! They are BOTH OIL OWNED..geez frickin Louis! Don't you know who these guys are??? noway The Bush family has so much oil interest it flows from every oraphis of thier bodies..and word.. HALLIBURTON!!!! Cheney made like 2.6 MILLION dollars last year (was listed on CNN) and he make 225K as VP...the rest was from HALLIBURTON OIL MONEY!!!! noway noway noway

AdventurousOne's photo
Wed 04/16/08 10:42 PM
I also checked out your link.

As it points out there, and it verified that this same thing just happened back in 2000, where Gore won the popular vote but Bush won the Electorial.

Now that we have much better technology, don;t you think we should reform and go to the straight "popular" vote..the actual vote of the people? I think that everything is in place to be able to do that easily now, and it ensures the people's voices are truely heard. What do you think?? flowerforyou

AdventurousOne's photo
Wed 04/16/08 10:35 PM

It is factored in.
In 48 States its the law, requiring that States electoral vote go according to that states popular vote.
I believe Maine and Vermont are the two where the electoral is split!

That simply can't be. Please provide a link that would show this. Because it comes down now to simple math. If it is the "popular" vote that decides all Electorial votes, then it would be IMPOSSIBLE for the Electorial votes to differ from the popular vote and the Electorial vote would NEVER be possible to win over the popular vote. Again, simple math and common sense. flowerforyou

AdventurousOne's photo
Wed 04/16/08 10:27 PM
Pushing up daisies...

Worm feast....


AdventurousOne's photo
Wed 04/16/08 10:20 PM
Edited by AdventurousOne on Wed 04/16/08 10:21 PM

Don't really know what ur askin?huh

Do YOU think that internet dating,,,TEACHES YOU

to BE or ACT like a PLAYER??
If YOU find someone and it doesn't workout.
But you had sex with them. WHATS THE DIFFERENCE between THAT and what a PLAYER does???

Wait a sec. You don;t seem to know what a "player" is. So let me splain it to joo Lucy.

A "player" (both men and women) that are only out after a sexual conquest. Not for anything meaningful of a relationship.

Now from what you described, you are just talking about two poeple seeing each other, seeing if a relationship develops, has had sex, but things just don't work out. Nothing wrong with that. Both consenting adults, both attempting for a relationship...not any problems in any areas that I can see.

As to the does the internet make people want to be "players'. No, if that is thier mentality and drive, they will do it anywhere. Actually the internet is a dual edged sword. It has its downsides, but it also has some upsides as well. can be a great way to learn how to hone communication skills and enables you to get to know "the person" in ways without having to be face to face, so there can be less stress, especially for those who may be a bit shy.

So you wrap it up and take it home...turn the oven to 350 and cook for 45 min, then take off the first page and set to broil until its golden brown. serve warm. noway :tongue: laugh flowerforyou

AdventurousOne's photo
Wed 04/16/08 10:07 PM

Trust me!
In my State the popular vote decides the electorial vote!
As far as Nationwide, the most populous areas,
New York and the NE (cant manage their own states), Calif. (too liberal for my tastes), and Florida (retired folks),
I in no way want to decide my vote!
Thats what the electorial vote was designed for and it works well!
Only three times in the history of the US have the electorial and popular vote differed.

In a multi-candidate race where candidates have strong regional appeal, as in 1824, it is quite possible that a candidate who collects the most votes on a nation-wide basis will not win the electoral vote. In a two-candidate race, that is less likely to occur. But it did occur in the Hayes/Tilden election of 1876 and the Harrison/Cleveland election of 1888 due to the statistical disparity between vote totals in individual State elections and the national vote totals. This also occured in the 2000 presidential election, where George W. Bush received fewer popular votes than Albert Gore Jr., but received a majority of electoral votes.


Thanks for the specifics. drinker

I can't tell you all the specifics, because i don;t know all that are out there. I simply know that the popular vote can be one thing, but the Electorial vote be another and the Electorial is the one that decides it. So by just looking at the common sense standpoint, that would make it impossible for the "popular" vote to even count, since it is not factored in and it is the Electorial vote that decides it.

Scary to think the majority of people would vote for someone like George W. Bush (and I am NOT picking on a party, I am niether REPOlican nor demoCRAP...I am AMERICAN and do what is best for my country) I mean just watching the man, he could be the poster child for MORONS! noway :tongue: laugh

At least he has given a lot of material to work with to the comedians! drinker laugh laugh laugh flowerforyou

AdventurousOne's photo
Wed 04/16/08 09:58 PM

With loved ones..........or having sex.......tossup really.

Wouldn't having sex with loved ones in the same room make it your "best of both worlds"?? noway :tongue: laugh laugh laugh flowerforyou

(just joking)

AdventurousOne's photo
Wed 04/16/08 09:53 PM

Is there anything about your ex that you would have change physicaly. Like my ex I would have tried harder to get him to get rid of the una brow.

I have a question...what kind of question is this??? noway huh

Did you just break up with your ex and still having issues? Just curious. flowerforyou

Nope just bored first question that poped into my head.

OK, no offense, just seemed kinda creepy seeing people thinking of things they could have changed on thier of those "fatal attraction" kinda things. I mean afterall it is an EX. flowerforyou

AdventurousOne's photo
Wed 04/16/08 09:48 PM

I gave up watching television. It makes me want to shoot myself.

And I am not even suicidal. smokin

LOL..yeh I know what you mean. Someone summed that topic up a while back in the threads. Now don;t quote me exactly, but it was something like back in 1983 there were like 56 media owned companies for there are 5. noway Hmmmm wonder who controls what we are watching??? smokin

AdventurousOne's photo
Wed 04/16/08 09:41 PM

It decides my States Electorial votes!

Isnt that how it works in your State?

No actually that's not correct. Your vote does not decide really anything. That's why it is possible to have the "popular vote" vote be for one candidate, but they lose because it is based on the Electorial vote. your vote does NOT make the deciding vote in the Electorial vote. if it did, then it would not be possible for the Electorial vote to win over the "popular" vote. flowerforyou

AdventurousOne's photo
Wed 04/16/08 09:30 PM

Even with almost all Independent voters saying they would never vote for Hillary.
The Democrats, half anyway, thought they could win a Presidential election without the Independent vote.
With both parties voting along party lines, and the country split evenly between the two parties, that's impossible.
The Independents will decide this Presidential election!

By the time the election hits, it will already be out of the PEOPLE's hands. The "popular vote" (the vote of the people) doesn't mean jack anymore. Hasn't for years. flowerforyou

AdventurousOne's photo
Wed 04/16/08 09:27 PM

Last year made 40 billion in Profits!
That is the largest profit ever recorded for a company in history!drinker

And I applaud Exxon!!! They did just as they set out to do as day1 of thier business, make it success and PROFITABLE! Not for only them but all thier shareholders and thier employees!

That is basic business 101, supply and demand. You have the demand, makes the price go UP. You decrease demand, supply goes up and cost go DOWN.

The government has NO BUSINESS IN BUSINESS in MANY cases! Certain regulation must exist in some basic forms, but to attempt to restrict a company from making a profit (of ANY size), is NOT for our government to decide!

We, as comsumers have the power to change that ourselves! Simply by CONSERVATION! That alone would help greatly!

And the way the marketeers are manipulating the oil God man!! If there is ANYTHING our government should do is to stop the manipulators from fleecing the sheep! In oil, in the stock market...look what happened in housing..all done by MANIPULATION!!!

We are headed straight for the depression crash! And it's NOT far off brother! flowerforyou

AdventurousOne's photo
Wed 04/16/08 09:14 PM

1. MAJORITY RULES (If you need this one explained, then don;t bother reading anymore)

flaw ##1 ^^^

A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.
Thomas Jefferson

this is a republic

and the rights of the individual need to be protected

Again, this is just a general outline. Of course individuals need to be protected. But that is on a "case by case" basis as it should be.

But now, "lawmakers" make laws we, the PEOPLE, don;t even get to see, know about or anything! Hence the reason why America is screwed!

It's the same now on state levels. the attorneys and business have passed laws giving them SPECIAL PRIVLEDGE and thats not right! But now since it is "law" nothing you can do about it unless you CHANGE it!

And that is what this is designed to do! The individual is very well covered in this. It's main objective is break the "golden rule" (those with the gold make the rules) and put the power back into the American people's hands in the PROPER form. flowerforyou

AdventurousOne's photo
Wed 04/16/08 09:08 PM

The power lies with the individual who is creative.

Do petitions really work?

I have my doubts.


I understand your concern. Honestly a petition is only as good as those who are willing to stand behind them!

We MUST UNITE as a PEOPLE for this to work! Just as our history shows, the founder of America had to fight for thier freedom. and here we MUST do the same! Not as in a physical fight, but more effectively a UNITY fight!

Some sacrifices MUST be made and PEOPLE MUST be willing to STAND TOGETHER!

That means once the petitions are in place, then the PEOPLE make thier DEMANDS on the government! If the demands of the PEOPLE are not met, then the PEOPLE can simply shut everything down. How? easy, by doing NOTHING! Meaning,before this happens, stock up on supplies. A months worth of food, etc. Then simply do not work, do not drive, do not pay anything, do not buy anything, etc.

You could not imagine the POWER that will have! It will bring the government and business to thier knees! Even after only 1 week, the government will collapse! Hell, it's on the brink of that already!

You may think small things don;t count..let me give you a TINY example. Say I bet you something..and if I lose, then I work for you for the month of May, first day you pay me a penny, next day two cents, next day four cents, next day 8 cents and so on for the month of May. I'm going to lose that bet on purpose...why, get out your calculator and see how much you have to pay me by May 28th??? bigsmile That small little thing at first just grew to make me a millionaire. drinker

So don't be fooled! many great things can happen with small steps! And if the PEOPLE UNITE, we CAN take back this country!

Once the PEOPLE regain control, we build a new and proper foundation again, starting back to our own CONSTITTIONAL RIGHTS AS AMERICANS!

AdventurousOne's photo
Wed 04/16/08 08:56 PM

that sounds really interesting. I'd support that.
However, 95% of the North American population is in a sedative state, so my friend is something that might not happen.
The sedative is not other thing that endoctricnation of the population from early childhood in the public schools with history books with wrong information about history.
ANd it continuous throughout the lifespan of a person with what the media sells.

Oh I agree with that. We can't blame them however, because thats what they were taught. Thier ignorance (in its true form of simply not knowing) is not thier fault in this case. Now those of us who actually think outside the box, have to step up to the plate and do something about it. That's the tough part.

I have already been working on the platform and know it can be done. One person can make a difference..but I'm going to need HELP in getting things distributed. basically have to organize the people. Have people in all states organise groupd and get the petitions signed and I'll personally take them to Capitol Hill and present them to congress and senate and say "You're FIRED!"

I've put my *ss on the line for this country before, I'll gladly do it again...AS LONG AS ITS NOT IN VAIN!

The government and the powers that be..oh they will be looking for heads to chop, make no mistake about that. because they LOSE CONTROL! And that means TRILLIONS of dollars for them..hell maybe into quadrillions now.

But it has to be done to save this country! "I regret that I have only one life to give for this country" .. well I can;t think of a more honorable way to go out and it will protect my family, our children and future generations to come. and HOPEFULLY get this country back to the greatest in the world! drinker flowerforyou

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