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Topic: Gas Tax
no photo
Wed 04/16/08 02:38 PM
McCain wants to suspend the federal tax on a gallon of gas say through Labor day, Hillary wants to spend billions on renewable energy, and Obama is talking about a windfalls profit tax on oil companies.

McCain probably has come up with the best idea to immediately help the economy. I have notice a few less cars in the Wal Mart shopping lots.

Obama may have the worst idea -

Bornnaked's photo
Wed 04/16/08 02:39 PM
Eat more beans.

Robbyboy's photo
Wed 04/16/08 02:42 PM
yeah it seems like Obama is losing steam very quickly

no photo
Wed 04/16/08 02:44 PM

Eat more beans.

My toilet is my gas tank on my car but I keep having having to change the filter!!!

AdventurousOne's photo
Wed 04/16/08 02:50 PM
OK, now I see. You are just an Obama basher. This isn;t just to "post information" have a target.

As to the economic situation, the American people let it happen, let them get themselves out of it. ( I am an American by the way, so I'm not saying from an outsiders view)

And to the oil companies, GREAT JOB!!! You have lived the American and demand! Make that profit as ALL business is set out to do! Let the American selfishness and stupidy line your pockets with gold!

All this when all the people would have had to do is CONSERVE! To do what they needed to to cut back on demand and that would lower the prices.

The Americans are getting almost as bad as the French in erogance! sick

And to you Obama basher...keep trying to lead the sheep off the cliffs...its been working. drinker

(please note this post was dipped in very heavy sarcasm before posting) noway :tongue: laugh flowerforyou

no photo
Wed 04/16/08 03:03 PM

OK, now I see. You are just an Obama basher. This isn;t just to "post information" have a target.

As to the economic situation, the American people let it happen, let them get themselves out of it. ( I am an American by the way, so I'm not saying from an outsiders view)

And to the oil companies, GREAT JOB!!! You have lived the American and demand! Make that profit as ALL business is set out to do! Let the American selfishness and stupidy line your pockets with gold!

All this when all the people would have had to do is CONSERVE! To do what they needed to to cut back on demand and that would lower the prices.

The Americans are getting almost as bad as the French in erogance! sick

And to you Obama basher...keep trying to lead the sheep off the cliffs...its been working. drinker

(please note this post was dipped in very heavy sarcasm before posting) noway :tongue: laugh flowerforyou

Just an Obama basher - not true I seriously gave the man an ear for a short while.....

Lindyy's photo
Wed 04/16/08 05:27 PM
I sure Senator McCain is able to pull this off. Would be great, even if just for the summer.


no photo
Wed 04/16/08 06:25 PM

(please note this post was dipped in very heavy sarcasm before posting)

the proper way is
<sarcastic mode off>

That way YellowRose knows when you are being a wise-ass, and when you stop.

AdventurousOne's photo
Wed 04/16/08 06:30 PM

Just an Obama basher - not true I seriously gave the man an ear for a short while.....

OK, thats spit out all the crap for Clinton and McCain??? They both have LONG lists of dirty laundry too. Hell every career politician does.

Seriously, what do you expect here??? ANY career politician already bought and paid'll get basically what you want to hear and absolutely NOTHING will change. I have personally seen 40 years of it and realized it for well more than 20.

The EXACT same issues STILL UNRESOLVED! Edication! Social Security, Poverty, chit in the middle east (where we should NOT have our nose in PERIOD...what happens in other countries is NOT our business! Even foriegn aid?? WTH??? Lets fix the USA problems FIRST, then we are in a position to help others!

They keep the smoke and mirror machines going and people still fall for it all. There is an old addage that remains very true...

THOSE WHO CAN NOT LEARN FROM HISTORY ARE DOOMED TO REPEAT IT! I can already see the writing on the wall and America is DOOMED to fall, because the people are not intelligent enough to have learned from the past.

Both sad and pathetic, because we once were the greatest country in the world! Wow, that was a short empire span of less than 200 years.

AdventurousOne's photo
Wed 04/16/08 06:32 PM

(please note this post was dipped in very heavy sarcasm before posting)

the proper way is
<sarcastic mode off>

That way YellowRose knows when you are being a wise-ass, and when you stop.flowerforyou

LOL, honestly, I don't think many can even realize the difference even when you spell it out for them anymore. flowerforyou

AdventurousOne's photo
Wed 04/16/08 06:37 PM
Edited by AdventurousOne on Wed 04/16/08 06:44 PM

I sure Senator McCain is able to pull this off. Would be great, even if just for the summer.


Please explain to what that will do? It will lighten Americans load just that tad bit so they can CONTINUE to glutteny for the summer? Then we loose all those tax dollars and simply build on the national debt for later????? That's just like thinking by using a credit card you are saving anything??? NO! You still have to pay for it..and worst yet (just like the national debt) NOW YOU HAVE INTEREST TO PAY ON TOP!

So explain would that help????? noway flowerforyou

I for one do not want my family and grandchildren and down the line to be paying for anyone elses stupidity!

Fanta46's photo
Wed 04/16/08 06:50 PM
They will never get it.
You cant just print money to cover the debt and expect it to boost the economy.
Without the tax on gas, where will the money come from.
Never and I mean never, Look a gift horse in the mouth!

Can you pay your bills at home without an income?noway noway noway noway noway

AdventurousOne's photo
Wed 04/16/08 06:54 PM

They will never get it.
You cant just print money to cover the debt and expect it to boost the economy.
Without the tax on gas, where will the money come from.
Never and I mean never, Look a gift horse in the mouth!

Can you pay your bills at home without an income?noway noway noway noway noway

We disagreed on the Olympic boycott....but I totally agree with you on this one! flowerforyou

kriesybear's photo
Wed 04/16/08 06:57 PM
There all liars who will screw us in the end somehow.

Fanta46's photo
Wed 04/16/08 08:39 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Wed 04/16/08 08:40 PM
Last year made 40 billion in Profits!
That is the largest profit ever recorded for a company in history!drinker

no photo
Wed 04/16/08 09:18 PM

With a tax rate of 41% on its taxable income, one corporation(Exxon Mobile) pays as much taxes as the entire bottom 50% of individual tax payers - 65,000,000 people

Exxon Mobile paid 30 billion in taxes in 2007

In 2006, 27 billion in taxes paid.

As far as the gas tax break, it could be the difference between gas or medicine or gas or food or gas and a job.

AdventurousOne's photo
Wed 04/16/08 09:27 PM

Last year made 40 billion in Profits!
That is the largest profit ever recorded for a company in history!drinker

And I applaud Exxon!!! They did just as they set out to do as day1 of thier business, make it success and PROFITABLE! Not for only them but all thier shareholders and thier employees!

That is basic business 101, supply and demand. You have the demand, makes the price go UP. You decrease demand, supply goes up and cost go DOWN.

The government has NO BUSINESS IN BUSINESS in MANY cases! Certain regulation must exist in some basic forms, but to attempt to restrict a company from making a profit (of ANY size), is NOT for our government to decide!

We, as comsumers have the power to change that ourselves! Simply by CONSERVATION! That alone would help greatly!

And the way the marketeers are manipulating the oil God man!! If there is ANYTHING our government should do is to stop the manipulators from fleecing the sheep! In oil, in the stock market...look what happened in housing..all done by MANIPULATION!!!

We are headed straight for the depression crash! And it's NOT far off brother! flowerforyou

Fanta46's photo
Wed 04/16/08 10:46 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Wed 04/16/08 10:47 PM
The government has NO BUSINESS IN BUSINESS in MANY cases! Certain regulation must exist in some basic forms, but to attempt to restrict a company from making a profit (of ANY size), is NOT for our government to decide!

Without this price gouging would run rampant!

Two years in a row these oil giants have made these obscene profits. Made them with excuses mind you. None having to do with the price per barrel of oil.

In these two years, their major A #1 excuse refinery capabilities, has received only about 12 billion to address. barely enough to maintain their current capabilities!

Transportation in this country is a necessity just as groceries!
Its not a luxury, you either have it or you die! If they raised the cost of bread and corn 3-400%, you'd say something, right!

What gives an oil company the right to unchecked profits when we are all dependent on their product!
I'll tell you.
Two reasons, Bush and Cheney!drinker

AdventurousOne's photo
Wed 04/16/08 11:00 PM
Edited by AdventurousOne on Wed 04/16/08 11:07 PM

The government has NO BUSINESS IN BUSINESS in MANY cases! Certain regulation must exist in some basic forms, but to attempt to restrict a company from making a profit (of ANY size), is NOT for our government to decide!

Without this price gouging would run rampant!

Two years in a row these oil giants have made these obscene profits. Made them with excuses mind you. None having to do with the price per barrel of oil.

In these two years, their major A #1 excuse refinery capabilities, has received only about 12 billion to address. barely enough to maintain their current capabilities!

Transportation in this country is a necessity just as groceries!
Its not a luxury, you either have it or you die! If they raised the cost of bread and corn 3-400%, you'd say something, right!

What gives an oil company the right to unchecked profits when we are all dependent on their product!
I'll tell you.
Two reasons, Bush and Cheney!drinker

Yes, certain things are needed, I don;t argue that. But that is well less than HALF of this nations comsumption! The rest is the lazy ass American who feels the need to drive thier HUMMER down 6 blocks to the convenience store to grabs some chips to widen thier already fat ass, instead of walking down. I don;t see many stepping out to take a bus to work, traffic jams all over the country with millions of cars, with onlyt ONE PERSON in them!

So BS! There are hundreds of real ways for America to cut down its DEPENDANCY, or should I say LAZINESS and SELFISHNESS!

I have vehicles, yet I ride the city bus as often as i can..serves two fold, I conserve on fuel and it gives me a little exercise to boot.

I don't need to save the money, I could better afford it than most Americans, i do it because i don;t just pay lip service, I put ACTION behind it! I DO MY PART and not just talk about it. Now tell me how much could be saved? I say at LEAST 50% reduction. How can i say that? Because I cut mine down by 63% in 2007 (I kept logs), so I'm not just guessing. I also switched over to partial solar panels and looking into the wind turbines for this area.

So I speak from first hand experience and I know its not some major task, its actually VERY EASY to do.

And the oil companies "gouging"?? My *ass, they are making thier profit and they are entitled too.

If you were selling shoes and found that people would pay $50 for the shoes you usually sell for $20, you're telling me you would not sell them for the $50?? My *asss you wouldn;t and you sell at what people will pay. The bigger the profit the better for you and you would be very happy!

It's another simple issue. you don;t like it, then DO SOMETHING about it, stop your dependency on it, or at the very least LOWER you depndency on it. Conserve and the price goes DOWN! It's the CONSUMERS responsibility, NOT the governments. flowerforyou

Oh and as to Bush and Cheney..holy sheep chit Batman!! They are BOTH OIL OWNED..geez frickin Louis! Don't you know who these guys are??? noway The Bush family has so much oil interest it flows from every oraphis of thier bodies..and word.. HALLIBURTON!!!! Cheney made like 2.6 MILLION dollars last year (was listed on CNN) and he make 225K as VP...the rest was from HALLIBURTON OIL MONEY!!!! noway noway noway

Fanta46's photo
Thu 04/17/08 05:32 PM

The government has NO BUSINESS IN BUSINESS in MANY cases! Certain regulation must exist in some basic forms, but to attempt to restrict a company from making a profit (of ANY size), is NOT for our government to decide!

Without this price gouging would run rampant!

Two years in a row these oil giants have made these obscene profits. Made them with excuses mind you. None having to do with the price per barrel of oil.

In these two years, their major A #1 excuse refinery capabilities, has received only about 12 billion to address. barely enough to maintain their current capabilities!

Transportation in this country is a necessity just as groceries!
Its not a luxury, you either have it or you die! If they raised the cost of bread and corn 3-400%, you'd say something, right!

What gives an oil company the right to unchecked profits when we are all dependent on their product!
I'll tell you.
Two reasons, Bush and Cheney!drinker

Yes, certain things are needed, I don;t argue that. But that is well less than HALF of this nations comsumption! The rest is the lazy ass American who feels the need to drive thier HUMMER down 6 blocks to the convenience store to grabs some chips to widen thier already fat ass, instead of walking down. I don;t see many stepping out to take a bus to work, traffic jams all over the country with millions of cars, with onlyt ONE PERSON in them!

So BS! There are hundreds of real ways for America to cut down its DEPENDANCY, or should I say LAZINESS and SELFISHNESS!

I have vehicles, yet I ride the city bus as often as i can..serves two fold, I conserve on fuel and it gives me a little exercise to boot.

I don't need to save the money, I could better afford it than most Americans, i do it because i don;t just pay lip service, I put ACTION behind it! I DO MY PART and not just talk about it. Now tell me how much could be saved? I say at LEAST 50% reduction. How can i say that? Because I cut mine down by 63% in 2007 (I kept logs), so I'm not just guessing. I also switched over to partial solar panels and looking into the wind turbines for this area.

So I speak from first hand experience and I know its not some major task, its actually VERY EASY to do.

And the oil companies "gouging"?? My *ass, they are making thier profit and they are entitled too.

If you were selling shoes and found that people would pay $50 for the shoes you usually sell for $20, you're telling me you would not sell them for the $50?? My *asss you wouldn;t and you sell at what people will pay. The bigger the profit the better for you and you would be very happy!

It's another simple issue. you don;t like it, then DO SOMETHING about it, stop your dependency on it, or at the very least LOWER you depndency on it. Conserve and the price goes DOWN! It's the CONSUMERS responsibility, NOT the governments. flowerforyou

Oh and as to Bush and Cheney..holy sheep chit Batman!! They are BOTH OIL OWNED..geez frickin Louis! Don't you know who these guys are??? noway The Bush family has so much oil interest it flows from every oraphis of thier bodies..and word.. HALLIBURTON!!!! Cheney made like 2.6 MILLION dollars last year (was listed on CNN) and he make 225K as VP...the rest was from HALLIBURTON OIL MONEY!!!! noway noway noway

LMAO, I just erased a 500 word post grumble grumble grumble FUK!

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