Community > Posts By > AdventurousOne
Do you believe ?
feel how you want. Have a wonderful day It's not a "feeling"'s a common sense thought process. You can be sitting on a train track..and FEEL like you just want to sit there..but when a train is coming, which takes feeling like sitting there, or the common sense thinking that say "if I sit here the train WILL hit me" and you move? Feeling are fine..but they also have thier place. |
Can you drive a stick?
Can ya? I can drive anything with wheels baby! Me too..I can also drive people CRAZY! |
Can you drive a stick?
Edited by
Sun 04/20/08 11:38 AM
I got wheels Go get her! Hit one out of the park for the home team!!! Make us proud!!! |
Do you believe ?
I have had and have animals. They are the most precious things ever. The love, the comfort and full attention they give me gives me great comfort. I do not see how something so wonderful and loving cannot have a soul. I have seen them in pain. It is the same as ours. I have seen them feel mine, felt them feel mine. They hover close when I am in turmoil or worry. If I have an owie, they know it. If I am sad they know it. When I am happy they feed off it. If they have been bad...they know it. They feel guilt. They feel remorse. I do not believe humans have the corner on souls. It just may be they have deeper ones than we do. Kat Most definitely AGREE! And don;t you love watching your pet DREAM! My dog, she will run in her the growls, barking, etc. She understands exactly what I am saying most of the time. Animals are SMART! OK, not all, but MANY. Some can even be THINKERS and have an actual logical thought pattern! I have seen this first hand. I was in a parking lot (about 6-8 months ago) and I kept hearing a "dog bark". After several minutes of this I took a look around to see what was going on. The barking I heard was NOT from a DOG!!! There were two black birds by a camper. A dog was tied up outside, but he wasn;t doing the barking! One of the black birds would sit at one end of the camper just around the corner and "bark". The dog would get up to try to see what the barking was and go to that end of the camper. Then the other black bird would run up to the dog food bowl and take the dog food! So no one on this earth can try to tell me animals can;t actually THINK! That is THOUGHT in is PUREST FORM! And I agree also, animals are loving, loyal, devoted .. a sight better than most humans! |
trust me, they can't round up all the rednecks....half the armed services would be arrested. they, and guy's like me will never give-up our weapons,....bear reppellent neither. I grew up in the mid-west and grew up around guns. I'm not a big collector, only have a S&W 40 cal now. But it's for its proper use .. PROTECTION, not of only myself, but others as well. There have been MANY cases where armed civilians have made a GOOD impact in this society. But you rarely if ever see those. Like the law shcool shooting, I think it was in New York state (I can;t hardly remember any details on this, so please don;t quote me exact here), but someone went to go on a shooting spree at the law school (just like Virginia Tech and others) but two other students were armed and shot the bad gunman. I think the bad gunman had shot a couple of people (can't remember if there were fatalities), but the bad gunman's spree was short lived and sure to have saved MANY lives due to the simply fact that two GOOD people with guns took him down! Or like the mall shooting a while back in Nebraska. If I was there, I would be running towards the shooter in an attempt to take him down. Have guns in the hands of GOOD people SAVES LIVES and DETURES CRIMINALS! Just fact! |
I surrender... Ok..ok, let me find the handcuffs! |
Do you believe ?
Soul to me, is James Brown. Is he still alive???? |
Do you believe ?
Cloudy......Ive seen the ghosts of pets before........and yes they do have souls just like all living things..... What did Eric see??? |
Its very simple, they have DISARMED most of the GOOD GUYS!
The ONLY people who will abide by the laws aren't packing! Do you think ANY law is going to stop CRIMINAL'S from having guns!!??? Let ban CARS! They run over poeple and animals!! It's all the CARS fault! The CAR did it!!! It's already been proven MANY times over. Those places where guns are ALLOWED have LESS CRIME..MUCH LESS! Why? because the criminal has no idea who has the guns then! You take away the guns, you give the criminal a safe haven for TERROR! Wow, yet another "just think about it" moment. |
Edited by
Sun 04/20/08 10:52 AM
My photos are real. They are varied because they express different aspects of my personality. Basically what you see is what you get whether it be by my postings or photos. People post photos they are most comfortable with. While a few may be "hiding" I think most people have a photo that represents a certain CHARACTERISTIC or ASPECT of who they ARE, not of who they can't be. And, maybe some are simply having fun with it. Got to love a person with a thinking mind! Nice post! However, I may want to turn myself silver and hit the surf .. just depends on how much I would have to drink! (just JOKING!) |
Do you believe ?
Edited by
Sun 04/20/08 10:47 AM
There are two things I will no longer debate on this forum. One is religion, the other is constitutional rights. Both only end in name calling. Feel free to flame all you want, but I am sticking two my new rules. I will offer my opinion to a question, but I will no longer try to defend my position. Take what I wrote for what it is worth Hmm yet he tells me to "read the Bible"?? Somehting definitely wrong with that it seems. Opens mouth, inserts foot. Must be like one of those scientific types that said "humans don't dream in color" .. or "milk causes cancer" Just what I have seen... you opinion's worth.. ZERO! Why, because you have no specifics, just general blah blah. Simple fact through simple THOUGHT. If "God" can make everything and put animals on earth, why could he not give them them a soul? Are there animals in heaven?? I'm pretty sure your Bible mentions this as well. Why don't YOU go read?? |
Do you believe ?
animals do not have souls, so no Hmmm, really??? And how to you prove/claim that??? |
<---------me Always has been me, always will be me. Ummm..can I be you too..maybe on Tuesdays???? |
They LOVE US!!!!
Edited by
Sun 04/20/08 09:28 AM
It is nothing new. How can they like us? They did not ask us to remove Saddam, they did not ask us to "democricize them, they did not ask us to be there at all. We preemptively struck them and have since done to them the same power pull that Saddam did to them. I understand Dragoness and you are correct. This is NOTHING new. I simply posted it to shed a little light for those who are in denial and attempt to justify this travesty, saying things like "we are helping the Iraqi people" and or "the people appreciate what we have/are doing". They DON'T! I want our troops OUT of that place where we should have NEVER been in the first place. And even another step, take those responsibe for this kind of manipulation,and drop them in the middle of Bagdad and tell them "you're on your own now!!! |
They LOVE US!!!!
Just a couple of sections from the can read the whole thing at
The American propaganda machine just took yet another hit. They (or government mainly) try to make this a rightous war and want people to believe its making a differnce for "the good" Well.....HOW GOOD IS THIS!!???? <<<Fawzi Tarzi, a Sadrist member of parliament, made his remarks as U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice made an unannounced visit to Baghdad. His comments also follow airstrikes and firefights Saturday that left seven Shiite militants dead in Baghdad's Sadr City. "Let it be known that disbanding the Mehdi Army will mean the end of [Prime Minister Nuri] al-Maliki's government, and therefore the siege of Sadr City and Shula should end immediately or all options are open to us," Tarzi said. "There is a fierce military and media campaign and a dirty political conspiracy planned and supported by the occupier against the Sadr trend.">>> <<<Loudspeakers at Sadr City mosques announced al-Sadr's warning Saturday evening, calling for followers to fight the "occupier," a witness said.>>> STOP SACRAFICING AMERICAN LIVES FOR OIL AND POLITICAL GAIN!!!! |
Back hair...
...on women....what say you???? Braided....yeh, definitely braided!!! |
Edited by
Sat 04/19/08 10:24 AM
INJUSTICE grows quickly..but so few stand up to change it, simply because it has not hit them directly.....yet. So does everything else in life, prevention is only thought of if the person is touched directly. Nobody truly cares for their brothers anymore, it's all about the wal-mart Amuricun Dream! Buy cheap, sell high, make profit at everybodys expense. I have to agree with you! Selfish, self-centered, self serving ... I am ASHAMED these days of America! And I must clarify about the Wal mart statement. It is true NOW what you are saying, but it was NOT started that way by Sam Walton. Sam bought AMERICAN over EVERYTHING ELSE! Sam was a GREAT MAN of HONOR and INTEGRITY! It was only after he died did all that change and it became to disgrace it is now. Just had to let that be known...because Sam Walton was a GREAT man. |
This is where "common sense" and what's RIGHT should ALWAYS take presidence!!!
This poor man had 26 YEARS OF HIS LIFE STOLEN!!! All due to man-made laws that were twisted into something they were NEVER MEANT TO BE! "Two attorneys recently revealed that their former client, Andrew Wilson, admitted committing the crime that sent Logan to prison, but attorney-client privilege had kept them from coming forward. Wilson's death last year allowed the attorneys to unseal an affidavit stating that Logan was not responsible for the fatal shooting of security guard Lloyd Wickliffe at a McDonald's restaurant in January 1982." full story on CNN at INJUSTICE grows quickly..but so few stand up to change it, simply because it has not hit them directly.....yet. |
ive missed you!!!!!!
have i missed anything good? been gone tooooooooo long!!! Hmmm, why do you look familiar? Have we met before??? dont think so Hmmm..guess you are correct. Sorry for the mistake. |
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this is not aliscia silverstone.. this is really me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hmmm..looks more like Micheal Jackson in that Pepsi commercial from what I can see. OK, maybe a Richard Pryor after free-basing, but the pic looks too new! |