Community > Posts By > Rathil_Thads

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 06/09/08 05:05 PM

((O.O.C. who is talking for her? Is it you))

((OOC: Yep its me. Just wait until I'm playing 6 characters at once. Its Even MORE fun))

*Cosmina sighs* Humans, even I - Cant survive the trip. they die instantly. Something in the blood. Half humans can but full humans... no

Interesting. I can't imagine that I have never heard of such a place. It must be quite far from here then.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 06/09/08 05:01 PM

((O.O.C. who is talking for her? Is it you))

Yes, it is her. She is playing two characters right now

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 06/09/08 05:01 PM

*Looks at Aerabdir as he asks for a job. A Dark smile crosses her lips. She looks back to rathil* the more the better. I need an item returned but I can't get there but others should be able to.

Hmmm thats odd, a place that even Cosmina can't reach?

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 06/09/08 04:55 PM

*Aerabdir enters the Inn. He's looking around and walks over to the bar and sits down* Hello, I'm Aerabdir and I was wondering if you knew anyone that would have a job for me?

Good evening friend. It's been awhile. I seem to remember you in there a long time back and then you disappeared for a bit. I was starting to think the orcs got ahold of you.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 06/09/08 04:53 PM

*Looks around slowly * How many warriors are here in the city that would take up a quest?

Not a lot a fear. We lost a lot when the orcs started attacking. Although I am sure we can round up a nice group of 4 or 5 if there was something you needed done.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 06/09/08 04:39 PM

So.... *Looks around trying to recompose herself and adjusts her eyepatch* This is Sinatorium huh? I almost expected more...

Definately not as thriving as some of the major cities in this area but it suits my needs.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 06/09/08 04:35 PM

*Slowly takes his hand and kisses it softly* Never got over you ratty

Nor I you, my dear. There has not been a day that has gone by that I don't regret letting you get on that ship and sail away and not go after you.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 06/09/08 04:28 PM

Why not? Everything that happened is my fault *shakes head* You were right you know? All humans are dumb.

*Rathil shrugs*

I couldn't tell you why I don't. Just don't have it in me I guess. I also don't recall every saying all humans are dumb. I may have said most but certainly not all. You can't blame yourself for everything in our past.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 06/09/08 04:20 PM

*Nods* I.. Im sorry *Her head goes down* Its just... with what happened. . . i rather you hated me for the right reasons. . .

*His face that was letting his anger show through a bit softens when she says that. He lets out a little sigh before sitting down at the table.*

I never hated you Cos. I tried, but even after all these years I couldn't.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 06/09/08 04:11 PM
I've been fine considering the circumstances. 300 years...

*He kind of trails off*

That is certainly one long getaway

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 06/09/08 04:07 PM

*Cosmina freezes and turns on a time seeing Rathil. She slowly picks up the rum and takes a sip* Aged well. How are you doing? *A slow smile foreces its way across her lips*

*He laughs a bit*

Aged well I have, but alas I have aged. The years have been better to you I think.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 06/09/08 04:02 PM
*Rathil steps through the inn doors*

Not quite as good as the stuff you are used to transporting around but it serves our purposes.

*Rathil points at a bottle of Rum behind the counter and flicks his wrist a bit. The bottle flies forward a bit and lands in front of the human*

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 06/09/08 03:22 PM
It's okay. Anybody that has spent any time in these forums knows that you wouldn't do something like that Feral. I haven't even really talked to you directly all that much and I know that! flowerforyou flowerforyou

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 06/09/08 03:11 PM

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou for miguel

Feral cat, you need to give those flowers to your husband. He might be out late though.meeeooowwlaugh

Please don't think you even have a clue as to who I am....or my relationship with my hubby....because you don't...

I am only back because you just emailed me. Your words were filthy and disgusting. You are weird too. I have sex with dogs? No wander you chose to email me instead of post it on this forum. Please don't be a Christian. Then, we will really get bashed.

Feralcatlady would never do such a thing.

You truly should seek professional help tiffany. Try to go to a civilian doctor, those military doctors won't help you.

JB your only defending that lady because I get you both into a corner. Get serious. And yes she did say those things.

I have seen feral get into heated arguments with people but always has she been respectful and presented herself in a dignified way. You picked the wrong person to try to say something like that about. I don't believe for an instant that Feral said anything like that.

drinker drinker Feral!

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 06/09/08 02:14 PM

Well so far the poll indicates that it is only Christians who would vote no. Though not all Christians would vote no.

What is it in the Christian faith that allows some Christians to take a beleif meant to teach that person alone, how to conduct their own affairs, and then use that information to judge another?

And worse than that, they would back up their own judgement by determining that those they have found guilty are not worthy of the same treatment under the law as they would expect themselves?

You just took a poll off JSHlaugh You could say that about my Wiccan military friends ( not all of them ) too. A couple I knew of were afraid a gay soldier might be watching them shower.laugh You could say why do some Muslims want to kill Americans and some just want peace. You could say that about any human being. People are people. Just because you practice a particular faith does not make you without judgement on others.


She's not trying to pass this off as a scientfic poll of the world. She was just merely commenting that from the people that had answered already. Only Christians were opposed to voting yes and not even all of them at that. She wasn't saying that it's not possible for Wiccans or Muslisms to be opposed to wanting the laws passed. Just that none of them were posting here.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 06/09/08 01:53 PM

Why do so many Christians feel vindicated in judging others by the standards they are personally unable to meet?

The problem is that there are a lot of false Christians who use the religion to support bigotry and hatred.

Just because someone calls themselves a Christian doesn't make is so. Many people who claim to be Christians are really just hypocritical bigots who spit in the face of Jesus.

Even Jesus himself said that he will deny many who claim to know him.

You can't preach bigotry in the name of Jesus, it doesn't fly.

Such people are shallow hypocrites who do not know Jesus. They are pseudo Christians who use the Bible (mainly the Old Testament) to support their bigotry and hatred whilst spitting in the face of Jesus (the New Testament).

Nothing is more disgusting than a false Christian. ohwell

drinker {{{{{ <<<<< James >>>>> }}}}}drinker

smokin Abracadabra: Oh James ~ You are so intelligent, so wise & so very perceptive smokin


flowerforyou so exquisitely eloquent in the delivery of your message flowerforyou

blushing I am so fortunate & so blessed to know you blushing

flowerforyou and to be able to read the things you write flowerforyou

:heart: drinker smokin thank you so very much smokin drinker :heart:

Jeannie love

:tongue: :tongue: laugh laugh laugh laugh

Woah Jeannie! You made me to a total double take there. I was like but the forums say that Jeanniebean wrote the last message but Rapunzel typed it... I thought I was losing my mind... laugh laugh

That was funny.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 06/09/08 01:33 PM
((Just wanted to let everyone know that I found an items list that I have put on my profile. So if you would like to by anything that is on that list send me an email telling me what and how much you want to by. I will give you a tally of how much it costs and you can add it to your profile. Send me an email before you purchase anything so I can keep track of items and gold expenditure please. thank you. ))

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 06/09/08 09:14 AM


i hope everyone who is searching their mind's about whether or not to possibly try christianity, becuase of what you say is true of love,forgiveness,acceptence of other's sin's, mercy,justice,and all else your christ teaches, reads this post over and over, you've just made a better case for "NOT" ever even thinking about the truth you hold so dear and high in your christian way's and ideals - ""i could never have come close to showing christians intent's as you have stated in this thread"" - thank you so much - may this continue to lead people away from the things you call or consider "light" - no offense to Jesus, or god, just to those who think in their remarks that in some way any outsider wanting to find out more about christians and there ways really are in "real" life.

most sincerely - a non believer

Hi ZW nice to see ya again, karma - thoughtful responces,
JB - nice control.

In the real world guns are available, I wonder who would possess them here??

I know I sure don't. Man, I am away for a few days and I miss all this? Tribo!! What have you let happen my friend?!? laugh laugh

I honestly can't imagine that Jesus or the God that some of these people try to say are watching over us and teaching love, tolerance, patience, and understanding would approve of some of the horrible things being said in this thread by the people that follow that message. So much anger in this thread. :cry:

And Rapunzel?? I don't think I have ever seen you in a battle stance. You are usually one of the voices for peace and everyone getting along on these forums. I am way confused here.

Oh well, Just wanted to stop by and say hey to Tribo! drinker as well as JB and Redykeulous. Keep up the good information guys and I will jump back into the fray later if this stuff keeps up after I have a chance to go back and read everything that was said.

Rathil_Thads's photo
Mon 06/09/08 07:48 AM
((STORYTELLER NOTE: First off sorry for so many of these lately guys. I try to not interrupt gameplay as often as I can. I just wanted to let you know that there will be a game running tomorrow night that Eveningkiss is running and I will be running a game on Wendesday. So I want to make everyone aware of that. On a side note since the last game I have only had one person email me looking to buy equipment for their character to use on missions. I just want to remind everyone that if you don't have equipment bought by game time and on your sheet you do not have it. That includes torches, flint, steel, rations, rope, or anything that you may feel would be useful. And things don't even need to be as simple as that. If you want something tell me what you want and I will see what I can do. Like Phara wanted something to attach to her staff to give it a sharp point for attacking. Nothing like that exists in the game but I thought it was an awesome idea so I made up a price and let her have it. Be creative guys and I will always reward creativity within reason. Obviously there are no guns or super weapons or anything and you have to account that you are still low level so anything really strong you may not be able to afford yet. Anyway. Just a thought for everyone. Thank you and I hope to see you all at the games this week. Sorry for the long note.))

Rathil_Thads's photo
Sun 06/08/08 08:43 PM
1.) No

2.) Yes

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