Community > Posts By > RKISIT

RKISIT's photo
Sat 06/08/13 01:29 PM

I dont follow war gods, so I Cant answer questions about them

all power/ability/capacity is given by God, what we develop and how we use it is a different matter

without the bible, the evidence of God is (for me) the magnificent and perfect complexity of the human body, the complexity and unity of nature itself,, the beauty of trees, the very existence of the world around me,,,,


I just dont believe that the totality of it is some cosmic accident or coincidence,, to me it SCREAMS of intelligent design,,,
So then you worship Jehovah then?
Which Israelite god do you worship maybe El?

different languages call God different things, I believe in God, the God who is the Creator. who created me in my mothers womb (under whatever name one so chooses)

Uh there are different names for hebrew gods msharmony.You didn't know this?

RKISIT's photo
Sat 06/08/13 01:24 PM
Edited by RKISIT on Sat 06/08/13 01:28 PM
I dont follow war gods, so I Cant answer questions about them

all power/ability/capacity is given by God, what we develop and how we use it is a different matter

without the bible, the evidence of God is (for me) the magnificent and perfect complexity of the human body, the complexity and unity of nature itself,, the beauty of trees, the very existence of the world around me,,,,


I just dont believe that the totality of it is some cosmic accident or coincidence,, to me it SCREAMS of intelligent design,,,
So then you worship Jehovah then?
Which Israelite god do you worship maybe El?
Sorry the hebrew god El Elyon

RKISIT's photo
Sat 06/08/13 01:12 PM
Edited by RKISIT on Sat 06/08/13 01:16 PM

I'm not saying I believe in the existence of a god, because I don't.
I'm mostly posting here because the atheist forums are practically dead, which I don't really understand. Over 200k posts in religion and 1k in atheist forums. How do so many people in the age of logic and reason still believe in the existence of a god?

God exists because like an imaginary friend when we have no other, we want him to exist and if we stop believing, he will not exist.

You have oviously put a lot of thought into you post and interpreting of scripture but my reasons for believing in God is due to certain biological facts that evolutionist do not like to talk about.

1) Life formed by a chemical reaction. Answer: Only life has the complete mechanisms to create life.

2) All life evolved from a single celled organism. Answer: Multi-cellular creatures can only form inside an egg or womb and needs a specific DNA code to determine its formation.

3) Life evolves by a process of natural selection that favors beneficial mutations. Answer: Any mutations in the genetic code only results in confusing the cell and causes deformaties that are weeded out by natural selection rather then favoured.

The real reason for atheism is that people want to sin and they want to be told that it is a good and moral thing. We see this clearly with the gay rights and equality movement. To make sin a moral thing in a society, you have to take God out of the picture and that's where Darwinism comes in.

Darwinism is a complete fairytale, but it take God out of the picture and so atheist's support it and anyone else who wants to sin. SO IT IS SIN AND NOT SCIENCE THAT SUPPORTS EVOLUTION. there are numerous Bible passages to support this psychological based science.

2 Thessalonians 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 2:12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Evolution is a lie. All who have no love for the truth (that they might be saved) believe this lie because... THEY HAD PLEASURE IN UNRIGHTEOUSNESS. For this very reason men hide the truth for the sake of unrighteousness.

Romans 1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; 1:19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse.

It all comes down to the evidence of God in creation and the denial of that evidence through the work of ones imagination.

Romans 1:21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 1:22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, 1:23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

Which leads us to this present battle of hiding the truth in lies to justify the sins that denying the truth has both been put into effect and has ultimately resulted in.

Romans 1:24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: 1:25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. 1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 1:27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

Evolution is just another lie to support the same old sin. Evolution is popular because it does away with the need for a God, therefore homosexuals and the like can feel good about themselves. Evolution has been so effective in achieving this goal, that children are literally brainwashed by Darwinian ideology and atheist propaganda at school.

Only evolution is allowed to be taught to keep control of what these children are allowed to see. All the science that disproves evolution so easily is forbidden. Evolution is a lie to keep secularism as the dominating world view. This is nothing new but has always been the method of promoting sin as a moral right.

Cute a bunch of verses from a book written by desert dwellers.
Answer this.Yahweh the war god let it rain bread for moses why hasn't he let it rain bread for starving people in the world?
Ask yourself this also,where did the egyptian preist get their powers from when them and moses got into changing a staff to serpent contest?
Ask yourself this without the bible what evidence is there for your god?

RKISIT's photo
Fri 06/07/13 05:33 PM
Edited by RKISIT on Fri 06/07/13 05:34 PM

Evolution is a lie. All who have no love for the truth (that they might be saved) believe this lie because... THEY HAD PLEASURE IN UNRIGHTEOUSNESS. For this very reason men hide the truth for the sake of unrighteousness.
This entire statement is a lie because evolution is empirical.
I don't want to go way off topic but hominids do exist,16s rRNA and DNA homology are very strong supportive evidence for evolution.
What do the creationist have to debunk evolution?Ah wait a second here it comes............"the flagella" and it's spinning tail?Alrighty then.

Comparing similarity in species or DNA has been a common trick to support evolution.

The many differences though are not reconcilable.

DNA itself is far to complex to allow for any new genetic material to be transferred from progenitor to progeny.

To have any strong evidence for evolution, you have to demonstrate how new genetic material, that is not inherent in the species, can come about.

Since all life is determined by DNA then there are bound to be similarity between species, just as there are similarity in binary code and software.

An extinct primate is not proof of evolutionary ancestor, since many primate species exist.

Many species of animal have become extinct.

So any extinct primate is no more proof for evolution then any living one.

The discovery of DNA proved evolution from one species into another, impossible.

Even if benefitial mutations were possible and you haven't proven that they are, how can one freak biological trait become a universal phenomenon in a species?

On a rare few occasions babies have been born with six fingers, but it have never been passed on or become a universal biological trait, and rewrote our DNA?

Mutations are the result of mistakes in the transfer of DNA which only confuse the cell, since it can only read specific DNA.

These mistakes lead to lose of limbs etc.

One small mistake in DNA and the cell cannot read it.

Benefitial mutations was invented by Evolutionary biologists to keep the theory credible. It did not come about by emperical evidence.

It is just one of the biological fantasies evolutionist teach to keep the only support for atheism and secularism afloat.

Evolution is not supported by science but by atheism which just happens to be the dominating world view.

It is Darwinian ideologies that children are brainwashed in.

Evidently you have not much knowledge of evolution or DNA.God was made up by man too and people believe mythology to be true.
Your god is made up just like all the other gods before it and after it.

Dna and the human genome does not require intelligence.It requires covalent bonding along with prebiotic synthesis of organic molecules.
Delta 32 is evidence of beneficial mutation.
Alleles play a key role in how some humans can have immunity to certain diseases while most can't.Hereditary traits that are passed on with these immunity traits has been proven.
chemicals to biology created intelligence.Irreducible complexity has been debunked and still doesn't mean there's a roguish intelligent cloud surfing deity out there some where.
You also forget to mention how some humans are born with tails also.Care to explain that?
Let me guess that's a deleterious mutation which there's more of other than neutral mutations yet why doesn't it happen more often?
Mutations are the result of mistakes in the transfer of DNA which only confuse the cell, since it can only read specific DNA.

^^Funny that you typed this...where exactly is the intelligent design in this statement

RKISIT's photo
Thu 06/06/13 07:29 PM
Edited by RKISIT on Thu 06/06/13 07:41 PM
So let me see if I get this right. Teaching religion could be child abuse and is at least brainwashing.

Then would you say all religious schools are nothing but Brainwashing institutions?

If you all are right then we have a lot of schools and colleges like say Notre Dame should be closed. We should only let what Washington and the states say should be taught because they are the only ones who offer choice?
Actually it's all about the money even with religious schools.
Cause without money religious schools wouldn't stay in business.Although if it's a catholic school the vatican may bail them out instead of feeding the hungry in Ethiopia.Wait though do to the differences in the "orthodox churches" it's hard for it to happen.It's all part of gods plan.

RKISIT's photo
Thu 06/06/13 05:30 PM
Join a mosque and talk to a cleric?

RKISIT's photo
Thu 06/06/13 04:23 PM
It can be a mental illness but i think of it as more as what acodger typed in a thread on another site "wishful thinking"

RKISIT's photo
Thu 06/06/13 04:11 PM
Evolution is a lie. All who have no love for the truth (that they might be saved) believe this lie because... THEY HAD PLEASURE IN UNRIGHTEOUSNESS. For this very reason men hide the truth for the sake of unrighteousness.
This entire statement is a lie because evolution is empirical.
I don't want to go way off topic but hominids do exist,16s rRNA and DNA homology are very strong supportive evidence for evolution.
What do the creationist have to debunk evolution?Ah wait a second here it comes............"the flagella" and it's spinning tail?Alrighty then.

RKISIT's photo
Thu 06/06/13 04:06 PM
Edited by RKISIT on Thu 06/06/13 04:11 PM
Evolution is a lie. All who have no love for the truth (that they might be saved) believe this lie because... THEY HAD PLEASURE IN UNRIGHTEOUSNESS. For this very reason men hide the truth for the sake of unrighteousness.

RKISIT's photo
Thu 06/06/13 03:35 PM
Edited by RKISIT on Thu 06/06/13 03:48 PM
etc....too many to list
If i had to pick just 1 out of them all it would have to be Patsfan,i sure do miss him.

RKISIT's photo
Sun 06/02/13 12:13 PM
Edited by RKISIT on Sun 06/02/13 12:16 PM
dont know, how many have been killed over power and territory,,,religious power, power over boundaries, government power,,,etc,,?

I doubt anyone has the numbers,, its part of what humans do

the kill ratio for God and those in the bible is probably lower than the kill ratio for greed and power,,,,,human attributes,,,,
I don't care about outside of nonreligious wars.My point is about religious wars please stop trying to pawn true facts about people killing each other over religious beliefs with wars and killings that had nothing to do with religion.
Fact is people have killed in the name of their gods and religious beliefs.Along with the abrahamic god even though it is imaginary he still murdered many unjustifiably according to the bible.
Anyone who worships a god that had 42 kids mauled by bears and murdered babies are scary,evil and demonic themselves.
As george carlin also said "why would i join a cult whose symbol is a man nailed to two pieces of wood?"

RKISIT's photo
Sat 06/01/13 03:05 PM
Edited by RKISIT on Sat 06/01/13 03:20 PM

"Other than rail on how irritated you personally are that some people believe in God, you have not offered much at all in the way of "education.""

Clearly you've been reading between the lines Jean. I have brought quite a few facts into the conversation, whether you choose to believe them or not is up to you, but that does not make them any less factual.

"Religion is what is used to incite people into wars, and manipulate people but that is not really what wars are about."

Does it really matter if it is what the wars are about or not, "it is used" to start the wars.

A gun at a murder scene is not what the murder was all about, the gun caused no harm? Should we give guns to all of our children and teach them how to use them? Hello Columbine! Obviously not.
Guns can be used to protect people or they can be used to take lives. Religion can be used to bring a deeper spiritual understanding of life or bring on genocide.

"With most christians they have what is known as cognitive dissonance." I looked up that phrase and if I understand correctly it would roughly translate into lamens terms as "they're fooling themselves" but I do prefer the way you said it.

"You will not "educate" anyone with your attitude which clearly shows your anger and frustration."

I do apologize if I seem frustrated but it's difficult not to be a bit so when trying to explain to closed minded people that religion is the worlds oldest hoax and that god is simply a metaphor and getting a lot of really redundant replies in return(not all the replies but a lot of them). I understand that you can't exactly enlighten people that have been brainwashed since they were children but then hey, I got off the religion wagon at the age of 27.Up into my early 20's I would have likely made a lot of the same arguments that people have given me in this thread. But I managed to open my eyes and see religion for what it really is, a political weapon.

"I hope you find peace." I'll find peace if and when neurological and computer sciences advance enough to transfer my consciousness into a computer/robot. There is no god and life is pain.

its interesting that you should be able to become 'frustrated' by what someone else chooses to believe

Im not frustrated with those who are putting their faith in MAN (science),,,,,,whatever floats your boat,,,

belief and action are not the same thing,, although belief can inspire action,,, it is a correlation, not a causation,,,,

there are men of both religious and scientific conviction that do wonderful deeds, and those that do terrible deeds

blaming the deed on the belief system instead of the choice of the person,, is an exercise in ignoring the accountability humans should have for their own actions

ironically, something that the 'religious' are often accused of doing in this thread,,,,

So if someone claims they killed because god told them to or because it's in the bible where children can be stoned to death and homosexuals can be killed then how is this not their beliefs fault?
Ah maybe because in certain countries it's illegal or someone who wrote a part of the bible where follow the laws of the land because people were actually killing others cause of their beliefs?
Like the inquisition,the crusades,the kkk,the christians vs muslums in africa,the salem witch hunt,the philistines massacre,the islam extremist,the army of god abortion doctors killings,the serial killers who went to church,george bush jr.......etc.

it is not the fault of anyone but he who chooses to take the action,, period

many things can INFLUENCE people one way or the other, the bible says to turn the other cheek as well, it says not to throw stones unless you are sinless as well,,,,

those choices are available for interpretation, but the human mind decides what it will and wont take from the words it reads,,,,,

none of the activity you mention does NOt predate religion, it just added religion as another factor into the choice

people live with allegiance to their beliefs, and some people are willing to harm others who dont share their beliefs,, its as simple as that

with or WITHOUT religion....

How many have killed in the name of the abrahamic gods vs. killing in the name of Hinduism?
Hell for that matter what's the kill ratio for God and those that murdered for him in the bible compared to satans kills?

RKISIT's photo
Sat 06/01/13 11:19 AM

"Other than rail on how irritated you personally are that some people believe in God, you have not offered much at all in the way of "education.""

Clearly you've been reading between the lines Jean. I have brought quite a few facts into the conversation, whether you choose to believe them or not is up to you, but that does not make them any less factual.

"Religion is what is used to incite people into wars, and manipulate people but that is not really what wars are about."

Does it really matter if it is what the wars are about or not, "it is used" to start the wars.

A gun at a murder scene is not what the murder was all about, the gun caused no harm? Should we give guns to all of our children and teach them how to use them? Hello Columbine! Obviously not.
Guns can be used to protect people or they can be used to take lives. Religion can be used to bring a deeper spiritual understanding of life or bring on genocide.

"With most christians they have what is known as cognitive dissonance." I looked up that phrase and if I understand correctly it would roughly translate into lamens terms as "they're fooling themselves" but I do prefer the way you said it.

"You will not "educate" anyone with your attitude which clearly shows your anger and frustration."

I do apologize if I seem frustrated but it's difficult not to be a bit so when trying to explain to closed minded people that religion is the worlds oldest hoax and that god is simply a metaphor and getting a lot of really redundant replies in return(not all the replies but a lot of them). I understand that you can't exactly enlighten people that have been brainwashed since they were children but then hey, I got off the religion wagon at the age of 27.Up into my early 20's I would have likely made a lot of the same arguments that people have given me in this thread. But I managed to open my eyes and see religion for what it really is, a political weapon.

"I hope you find peace." I'll find peace if and when neurological and computer sciences advance enough to transfer my consciousness into a computer/robot. There is no god and life is pain.

its interesting that you should be able to become 'frustrated' by what someone else chooses to believe

Im not frustrated with those who are putting their faith in MAN (science),,,,,,whatever floats your boat,,,

belief and action are not the same thing,, although belief can inspire action,,, it is a correlation, not a causation,,,,

there are men of both religious and scientific conviction that do wonderful deeds, and those that do terrible deeds

blaming the deed on the belief system instead of the choice of the person,, is an exercise in ignoring the accountability humans should have for their own actions

ironically, something that the 'religious' are often accused of doing in this thread,,,,

So if someone claims they killed because god told them to or because it's in the bible where children can be stoned to death and homosexuals can be killed then how is this not their beliefs fault?
Ah maybe because in certain countries it's illegal or someone who wrote a part of the bible where follow the laws of the land because people were actually killing others cause of their beliefs?
Like the inquisition,the crusades,the kkk,the christians vs muslums in africa,the salem witch hunt,the philistines massacre,the islam extremist,the army of god abortion doctors killings,the serial killers who went to church,george bush jr.......etc.

RKISIT's photo
Sat 06/01/13 11:08 AM

Belive in urself...


RKISIT's photo
Sat 06/01/13 11:07 AM
When you consolidate what the bible has about sex and what it's followers really due it's totally opposite.When it comes to sex the bible is put back in the night stand.The kama sutra is pulled out.

RKISIT's photo
Thu 05/30/13 05:02 PM

This is a reminder to leave the insults and personal attacks OFF of the forums. You can debate the topic/post but not make it personal toward other members.


Yes, let's just insult g-d instead. Focus your anger on him, blame it on him, blame it on the devil, why don't you blame it on the bossa nova? Or how about we take a little responsibility for ourselves.

Ya, we did all of the evil things I've spoken of in this thread, it was us that started the wars, us that created evil bias religions even us that at one point plunged humanity into the dark ages. But, god and religion(formed around the concept of god) has been the driving force behind the lot of it.

God and religion can be very easily compared to alcohol, there's those that can drink a few at a party, have fun and be themselves, then there's those that go overboard with it and become a detriment to other people's lives.
I'd sooner ban them both from use if I had the power to do so because both have been badly abused to no end. These things turn us into powerful weapons and should not be allowed to exist.

"this whole thread is arguing 'beliefs',, not 'facts' "
The atrocities caused by man while following god based on whatever religion they follow is far from just being a belief.

I heard a recent poll suggest that "less than 10%" of Christians have read the whole bible. How much can you vouch for a bible, call it 'good' and 'just' and 'fact' when there's a good chance that you have not read but a few pages from it? To agree with something so wholeheartedly and yet know so little about it. That alone suggests how uneducated the religious community can be. (I'm not calling people stupid, "uneducated" merely means lack of wisdom, not intelligence)

With most christians they have what is known as cognitive dissonance.

RKISIT's photo
Thu 05/30/13 02:25 PM
Edited by RKISIT on Thu 05/30/13 02:42 PM

Lazarus, I have watched your youtube video and this is nothing that most educated people do not already know. However, I believe that you missed some key phrases due to the film's and your mindset. for example, most pagans did not believe that their myths were actually true, but allegories about life and nature and the world around them. And as my old theology professor used to say, people who respect the Bible, never actually read it and what is says. Yes Religion is an opiate and means of control, but what you miss is the deep spirituality of what these allegories can teach you and you alone. My advise is go and read the original Pagan authors, especially those debating such people as Justin Martyr. Xianity is basically based on the teaching of Paul, because most people can not handle what Jesus actually says. These myths can be powerful tools to help one find peace and their place in an often confusing and frightening world if understood. For example, look at the strong followings of the work of Joseph Campbell, as well as, the Iron John stories. I hope you find peace.

This is your opinion though,i have read the bible and got nothing out of it but a story to promote a manmade god.Just like all the other deity based mythological faiths.
The quran is the same way.I got actually nothing out of it other than it's what muslums believe and allah hates jews and doesn't particulary care for nonmuslums.
Reading about spiritual "whatevers" isn't for everyone.
I have seen people like you try to make it as if reading about religions especially the bible can and may help you.For some but not all.Common sense and piss poor or very,well chosen,choices plays a key role in life.Not a renegade rabbi.You state that people need to take responsibility for their actions.Funny thing i accept people shouldn't be followers and should live their life free of prescriptive laws from ancient writings
Noone blames god and his baby boy jesus.He's a myth and jesus,who knows what he was,but it's fundamentalist delusional zealot followers are rather how can i say?......Delusional.

RKISIT's photo
Wed 05/29/13 04:37 PM
Edited by RKISIT on Wed 05/29/13 04:39 PM
I'll just pretend that a god exist and since i pick on the abrahamic mythology i'll pick the christian trinity god.
Ok i die and go to the land of make believe kingdom of heaven and i'm in front of the 3 amigos(god,jesus and the holy spirit)god says you didn't put your faith in me so you're going to suffer eternal damnation".My rebuttal would be "wait i didn't worship any other god either so what's your point?What happened to free will there buddy?"
So anyways i get poofed into hell and satan is there.He says "haha i have your soul and i can't wait to watch you suffer."Then i say "wait,i thought the multiple personality trinity god was a loving god."
What would satan say to me then?"He isn't"

RKISIT's photo
Mon 05/27/13 10:34 AM

so it works out,, those who dont want to reside forever with a 'genocidal maniac' will have the option not to,,,

works for me,,,,

Red herring i see,so how is god love if he is a genocidal maniac?

RKISIT's photo
Mon 05/27/13 10:23 AM

God is love,not humans ,God is in heaven humans are on earth, can i go slower?so can we all understand? Now i dnt care your term on evil but that is another factor you didnt put it in the equation,theres no such thing as a two legged table the least of legs you need is three,anyway grasshopper always respect high above, you might need mercy one day,one last note, is not gonna bring you true answers when you generalize,religion,gays etc etc

How is god love?In the OT he's a genocidal maniac,in the NT there's going to be an apocalypse and in the Quran if you're not of islam you're going to burn in hell.
Where exactly is gods love in the abrahamic faith?
You can cherry pick verses in y'alls books but there's always a contradiction verse for rebuttal.

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