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Fri 06/21/13 06:23 AM
I see what you mean, you are talking about a continuous wave. So yes, your amplitude will always have the same value starting from zero seconds. You can have a constant amplitude but amplitude is not a constant.
------------------------------------------------------------------ Again i know this and you at least understand what i was getting at. Amplitude can't be the physics meaning of "a constant" but it can be constant. I think the constant i was referring to and what others thought i meant got misconstrued. Then again particles are my thing not radio wavelengths. |
God is NOT a loving god.
Oh yeah... And most atheists agree. What fun is that? It is much more interesting to talk about our disagreements. ![]() Admittedly this thread turned out far better than it would have if I'd done it in the atheist forums. My complaint about the atheist forums being dead was more in my making a parallel comparison of the forums and the amount of religions/non-religious people in reality; which was likely wrong of me, I'm sure there's far more atheists in the world than what have come forward in these forums. I'm sure a lot of atheists don't come forward because they're here trying to score a date and they put themselves outta the running with half the people on the site if they don't believe in god. On the other hand if I was trying to score a date, I still wouldn't give a crap if people knew I was an atheist; if some chick wants to put me on the back-burner cuz I don't take fairy tales as being proof positive reality then to heck with her. I can handle religious people as long as they at least use some of their brain and view it all objectively but if all they do is read outta their bible and god this and god that and "it is because it is" while blindly following an invisible non-existence then go back to your religious-zombie lifestyle, don't got the time for you. lol. Well you have to see it as on atheist forums when discussion of religion and deities is brought up it's basically in a forum where everyone pretty much agrees and it's random posting here and there. Now if you go on a general religion forum as an atheist then theres much more debating. Sometimes you'll get a weak atheist vs a strong atheist debate or even a humanist vs strong atheist debate but that's as rare as prayers being answered...hehe. Your prayers don't get answered? Poor baby. ![]() Is playing the lotto a form of praying?If it is that's about as close as i get to it. |
God is NOT a loving god.
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Thu 06/20/13 05:53 PM
Oh yeah... And most atheists agree. What fun is that? It is much more interesting to talk about our disagreements. ![]() Admittedly this thread turned out far better than it would have if I'd done it in the atheist forums. My complaint about the atheist forums being dead was more in my making a parallel comparison of the forums and the amount of religions/non-religious people in reality; which was likely wrong of me, I'm sure there's far more atheists in the world than what have come forward in these forums. I'm sure a lot of atheists don't come forward because they're here trying to score a date and they put themselves outta the running with half the people on the site if they don't believe in god. On the other hand if I was trying to score a date, I still wouldn't give a crap if people knew I was an atheist; if some chick wants to put me on the back-burner cuz I don't take fairy tales as being proof positive reality then to heck with her. I can handle religious people as long as they at least use some of their brain and view it all objectively but if all they do is read outta their bible and god this and god that and "it is because it is" while blindly following an invisible non-existence then go back to your religious-zombie lifestyle, don't got the time for you. lol. Well you have to see it as on atheist forums when discussion of religion and deities is brought up it's basically in a forum where everyone pretty much agrees and it's random posting here and there. Now if you go on a general religion forum as an atheist then theres much more debating. Sometimes you'll get a weak atheist vs a strong atheist debate or even a humanist vs strong atheist debate but that's as rare as prayers being answered...hehe. |
metalwing my whole entire point is if a wavelength is constant let's say the planck constant and the amplitude is the distance between rest and crest wouldn't that mean amplitude is constant? Which you insisted that amplitude isn't constant. i seen an error i meant to put the word "same" between "the" and "distance" Wavelengths are not constant. They are whatever you want them to be. "C"(the speed of light) is a constant. An electromagnetic wave can have almost any frequency or amplitude you want from what's possible. One doesn't have anything to do with the other so it could not cause a "constant" to magically appear. The amplitude of electricity is typically 120 volts but with line loss it drops to 115 or even 110 volts. Much of the rest of the world is 220 volts and it drops with line loss too. The frequency varies from 50 hertz in Europe to 60 hertz in the states strictly as a matter of convenience. So as you can see, the amplitude drops with anything that bleeds off energy such as resistance. You're absolutely right amplitude can't remain constant only if oscillators are used and that would be a fabrication also it's not a guarantee because there are still resistances that can interfere even with an oscillator being used. RKISIT, Constants are variables that never change. Examples of some constants would be: speed of light, gravitational constant, the golden ratio, 1.618...., Pi is a constant, Feigenbaum constants are my personal favorite, and so on. I know what a constant is.FM radio has constant amplitude and AM doesn't.I was referring more to radio frequency and wavelengths. Depending on what field(job) you're in,constant amplitude exist it's just the behavior is different.The speed of light versus recycling of photons in an LED.Or polarity in electrical work...etc. Constants have different meanings depending on what your studies are. |
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Thu 06/20/13 07:50 AM
metalwing my whole entire point is if a wavelength is constant let's say the planck constant and the amplitude is the distance between rest and crest wouldn't that mean amplitude is constant? Which you insisted that amplitude isn't constant. i seen an error i meant to put the word "same" between "the" and "distance" Wavelengths are not constant. They are whatever you want them to be. "C"(the speed of light) is a constant. An electromagnetic wave can have almost any frequency or amplitude you want from what's possible. One doesn't have anything to do with the other so it could not cause a "constant" to magically appear. The amplitude of electricity is typically 120 volts but with line loss it drops to 115 or even 110 volts. Much of the rest of the world is 220 volts and it drops with line loss too. The frequency varies from 50 hertz in Europe to 60 hertz in the states strictly as a matter of convenience. So as you can see, the amplitude drops with anything that bleeds off energy such as resistance. You're absolutely right amplitude can't remain constant only if oscillators are used and that would be a fabrication also it's not a guarantee because there are still resistances that can interfere even with an oscillator being used. |
metalwing my whole entire point is if a wavelength is constant let's say the planck constant and the amplitude is the distance between rest and crest wouldn't that mean amplitude is constant? Which you insisted that amplitude isn't constant. i seen an error i meant to put the word "same" between "the" and "distance" |
Edited by
Tue 06/18/13 04:47 PM
metalwing my whole entire point is if a wavelength is constant let's say the planck constant and the amplitude is the distance between rest and crest wouldn't that mean amplitude is constant?
Which you insisted that amplitude isn't constant. |
Someone still has to tell me why Nuclear Power,and all the other Calculations using 186'000miles/sec works! Frequency to Wavelength uses it,and so do many others! If the Speed of Light weren't a Constant at least in this Corner of the Universe,none of those Calculations,and therefore not even a simple Radio-Frequency-Oscillator would be possible! Also if it wasn't possible how does amplitude remain constant ah i see the wavelengths crest and trough measures by the strength of the frequency.More amperage higher the crest and the trough becomes shallower. So basically amplitude being at a constant would depend on the distance of transmission Geez. Amplitude is not a constant and distance has nothing to do with it. Amperage has nothing to do with the crest and the trough, it has to do with the number of electrons having a crest and trough. Frequency has no "strength". It is merely the measure of how quickly the waves are passing. In light, the shorter the wavelength, the higher the energy carried by the photon. On a "common sense" level, the higher energy the photon, the faster it wants to vibrate. See amplitude is the distance between each crest and trough wavelength metalwing.So i don't see how you figure distance has nothing to do with it.I understand all about particles cause nanostructures,atomic molecular and optic physics is my forte.Anyways frequency does have strength as long as a wavelength oscillates vertically(MHz). Now of course you may know more about it than i cause radio waves aren't really in my expertise so i can handle constructive criticism on that subject on the other hand i do know a little bit. Amplitude is normal (90 degrees) to the direction of travel so it really doesn't enter the velocity/distance equation. Frequency does so it is directly affected by speed and is defined by the number of waves per unit of time. In electromagnetism, amperage is the number of waves and has nothing to do with the individual waves. Voltage is the amplitude of the wave and frequency is the "color of light" as it were... even beyond the visible range. So in other words amplitude is understood 90 degrees? Makes no sense because there's is distance between rest and crest and rest and trough which is amplitude.Distance from crest to trough is wave height. So if amperage is the number of waves and not individual waves doesn't it take individual waves to make a number of waves? |
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Tue 06/18/13 02:26 PM
Someone still has to tell me why Nuclear Power,and all the other Calculations using 186'000miles/sec works! Frequency to Wavelength uses it,and so do many others! If the Speed of Light weren't a Constant at least in this Corner of the Universe,none of those Calculations,and therefore not even a simple Radio-Frequency-Oscillator would be possible! Also if it wasn't possible how does amplitude remain constant ah i see the wavelengths crest and trough measures by the strength of the frequency.More amperage higher the crest and the trough becomes shallower. So basically amplitude being at a constant would depend on the distance of transmission Geez. Amplitude is not a constant and distance has nothing to do with it. Amperage has nothing to do with the crest and the trough, it has to do with the number of electrons having a crest and trough. Frequency has no "strength". It is merely the measure of how quickly the waves are passing. In light, the shorter the wavelength, the higher the energy carried by the photon. On a "common sense" level, the higher energy the photon, the faster it wants to vibrate. See amplitude is the distance between each crest and trough wavelength metalwing.So i don't see how you figure distance has nothing to do with it.I understand all about particles cause nanostructures,atomic molecular and optic physics is my forte.Anyways frequency does have strength as long as a wavelength oscillates vertically(MHz). Now of course you may know more about it than i cause radio waves aren't really in my expertise so i can handle constructive criticism on that subject on the other hand i do know a little bit. |
Someone still has to tell me why Nuclear Power,and all the other Calculations using 186'000miles/sec works! Frequency to Wavelength uses it,and so do many others! If the Speed of Light weren't a Constant at least in this Corner of the Universe,none of those Calculations,and therefore not even a simple Radio-Frequency-Oscillator would be possible! Also if it wasn't possible how does amplitude remain constant ah i see the wavelengths crest and trough measures by the strength of the frequency.More amperage higher the crest and the trough becomes shallower. So basically amplitude being at a constant would depend on the distance of transmission |
Someone still has to tell me why Nuclear Power,and all the other Calculations using 186'000miles/sec works! Frequency to Wavelength uses it,and so do many others! If the Speed of Light weren't a Constant at least in this Corner of the Universe,none of those Calculations,and therefore not even a simple Radio-Frequency-Oscillator would be possible! Also if it wasn't possible how does amplitude remain constant |
The mark of the beast
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Tue 06/18/13 09:00 AM
In the old testement God sent the phrophets to warn the people of what was to come if you read the book of daniel the Lord gives him a sight through dreams of what was to come during the end times but because the time was not yet he told him to conceal the words and seal up the book. (Daniel 12:4 "But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time; many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase)... Over time knowledge has increased and God is revealing this great mystery to people so they won't be caught unawear The government is making it easy for people to accept the mark without question and for people that dont know or think it's a (JOKE) of will take it not knowing that they cannot be saved but by then it's to late because you have already made your allegiance with the #ONE WORLD GOVERNMENTAL SYSTEM# which now controls you http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Book_of_Daniel Grieves me when Believers tell me that those "Prophecies" were for the present Times,when anyone can see how badly they have been taken out of Context! haha qft believers need to practice what they preach when they say nonbelievers take verses out of context. The whole entire New Testament is about a renegade rabbi(jesus) who went on teaching john the baptist ministries and both were killed for it.Then to promote this change in judeism the apocalypse story was created for propaganda uses for the simple fact of "accept jesus or die in the apocalypse".Massive amounts of evidence shows the writers of the new testament express how paul,peter..etc all believed the apocalypse was coming soon after jesus death(disciples running around telling others to stop having kids,john the baptist himself made a claim the end times were coming),not 2,000 years later more like a couple of years later. Again jesus himself claimed i'll return in your generation,speaking directly to his disciples. It is interesting that revelations is very similar to what Nero did to the christians.So really revelations is about an event that occurred and the theologians made it out to be that it's an event that will happen. |
P.S. It wont be a neuro scientist who finds out what consciousness is, It will be a quantum physicist. And, I would love for you to explain to me why the sky is blue, and why the rain falls. Because when it comes down to it not even the greatest scientists can explain gravity. The curvature of the atmosphere is curved because of gravity. Who can explain the mechanics? We can do our best to measure everything. And I'm sure we can always dive deeper into the rabbit hole to uncover new variables. So yeah, no one knows why the rain falls essentially. ------------------------------------------------------------------- dovebear please type you do know why the sky is blue and why rain falls.I mean at least lie and type you do. You're not really serious are you? |
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Mon 06/17/13 10:47 AM
Dovebear is right.
What do you think a brain is anyway? It is just grey matter. It cannot have consciousness and it is not what produces consciousness. Take a brain out of a person and keep the grey matter alive in a jar and it cannot have consciousness. It does not produce consciousness nor does it create consciousness. The brain provides for electrical impulses to navigate throughout the body that's all it does. Absent a brain, the universe has its own way of navigating electrical impulses throughout. The brain is specific to certain life forms. It is created (actually it is manifested) by consciousness. There is nothing 'mystical' about the truth. If scientists would stop ignoring the evidence just because they can't understand it, they would soon have it all figured out. There are two levels of scientists in this world. The ones who actually KNOW about the fabric of reality and the ones who can't grasp it and who cling to traditional and the concrete things they can grasp. In my opinion, it is better that they do not know any of this. The first thing they would do is attempt to make a weapon with this information and then proceed to use it for their own agenda. If you don't believe there are scientists who are doing this anyway, then you are naive. They are working on hacking reality as we speak. Yes, hacking reality through consciousness. They know that what people believe shapes events. Hence, propaganda. Another great example of hacking reality is hypnotism. Another is mind altering drugs and mind control. Another is a project where they are reading people's minds, implanting false memories etc. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Until a neuroscientist comes up with what consciousness truly is i'll just keep typing they really don't know(could be just a philosophical word also) or there is one person on this earth that has solipsism and we are all in his or hers mind. |
Consciousness is the substance of the Universe. The physical Universe exists within the conscious Universe. Look at it like this, time is consciousness. Time derives from our memory, we remember what just happened, we see what is happening and we can predict what will happen. But the only real time is the moment you are in, right now. past and future are illusions, They do not exist. We have the power to speed up the perception of time and the power to slow it down. Any athlete will tell you when they are in "the zone" time can slow down and they can see things move in slow motion. The opposite is true, If you get Knocked out by falling out of a tree, time will fly by in an instant till you awaken. Now imagine you take consciousness out of the universe. It would be like knocking the universe out. It has nothing to be relative too. No reference point, nothing to observe it, nothing to experience it. Time would move infinitely fast and the universe would revert to being a singularity. (All space and time all at once) it is consciousness that divides the universe into its segments of time. It is consciousness that exists at any giving space and time period of the universe but as far as the physical universe is concerned it is a singularity. It is life itself that splits the universe up and creates the space we live in right now. The function of science is to describe how nature operates on a mechanical level. Why IS the sky blue? Why DOES the rain fall? A scientific explanation will explore the nuts and bolts of the question without invoking unsupported god-from-the-machine stories to set everything right. So when the mystic or the theist demands to know how science accounts for this or that, and then proffers his mysticism as an answer worthy of equal consideration, the mystic engages in both a bate-and-switch and a logical fallacy. The bait-and-switch where the mystic demands a mechanical explanation from science and then proffers a non-mechanical 'solution' to fill the gaps, and a logical fallacy because it does not follow that ignorance is evidence for mysticism (or the gods). You can not argue that BECAUSE we do not know therefore we DO know the answer -its a God, Cosmic Consciousness or insert your favorite fantasy here. Mysticism, Creationism, Theism, The Matrix or the gods do not win by default. They must stand on their own evidential feet, and ignorance by science is not evidence for any of these. Mystic oranges are not equivalent to Newton's apples, regardless of what the new-age gurus pretend. So believe in mysticism if you wish, just know where to draw the line understand why science and mysticism are not the same. You completely missed my point, What I am saying is consciousness can be measured. And the source of this measurement is related closely to time. (if not time itself) SO no I am not offering any mysticism or god explanation and nor have I ever mentioned god. I'm saying consciousness has been the elusive variable that scientists for a long time could not fit in to their equations. But finally in recent years, with the advancement of Quantum mechanics, scientists now understand the importance of consciousness and how the mere act of observing greatly transforms the matter and energy around us. Quantum Entanglement is yet another proof that all things are connected on a deep intrinsic level. SO I CAN argue this point because WE DO have so much evidence that the source of the universe is in fact consciousness. Every great scientist will not deny this. It just takes a level of thinking that differs from common knowledge of what "layman's" think the substance of time and matter truly is. I have a very valid argument. Yes it may seem "Mystical" to you, because anything people do not understand they label it as "mystical" But there is real science supporting it and real Math involved in the study of consciousness and the true substance of the universe. You're missing my point also,how can consciousness exist without a brain?Yes it could be possible for our brains to have somehow be part of the universe cause we are made up of compounds that exist in the universe.Though without a brain does consciousness still exist?That can't be proven,for that matter science really can't prove YET what consciousness is. Layman terms isn't how i see it the fact is consciousness can't be proven to exist without a brain.As evolution of humans began from a common descent which is proven so did encephalization which has a lot to do with consciousness. Is consciousness just simply the human brain at work being aware or is it more than that?No one really knows yet. ![]() ![]() ![]() See me being conscious has allowed me to observe there is a duality in consciousness |
Consciousness is the substance of the Universe. The physical Universe exists within the conscious Universe. Look at it like this, time is consciousness. Time derives from our memory, we remember what just happened, we see what is happening and we can predict what will happen. But the only real time is the moment you are in, right now. past and future are illusions, They do not exist. We have the power to speed up the perception of time and the power to slow it down. Any athlete will tell you when they are in "the zone" time can slow down and they can see things move in slow motion. The opposite is true, If you get Knocked out by falling out of a tree, time will fly by in an instant till you awaken. Now imagine you take consciousness out of the universe. It would be like knocking the universe out. It has nothing to be relative too. No reference point, nothing to observe it, nothing to experience it. Time would move infinitely fast and the universe would revert to being a singularity. (All space and time all at once) it is consciousness that divides the universe into its segments of time. It is consciousness that exists at any giving space and time period of the universe but as far as the physical universe is concerned it is a singularity. It is life itself that splits the universe up and creates the space we live in right now. The function of science is to describe how nature operates on a mechanical level. Why IS the sky blue? Why DOES the rain fall? A scientific explanation will explore the nuts and bolts of the question without invoking unsupported god-from-the-machine stories to set everything right. So when the mystic or the theist demands to know how science accounts for this or that, and then proffers his mysticism as an answer worthy of equal consideration, the mystic engages in both a bate-and-switch and a logical fallacy. The bait-and-switch where the mystic demands a mechanical explanation from science and then proffers a non-mechanical 'solution' to fill the gaps, and a logical fallacy because it does not follow that ignorance is evidence for mysticism (or the gods). You can not argue that BECAUSE we do not know therefore we DO know the answer -its a God, Cosmic Consciousness or insert your favorite fantasy here. Mysticism, Creationism, Theism, The Matrix or the gods do not win by default. They must stand on their own evidential feet, and ignorance by science is not evidence for any of these. Mystic oranges are not equivalent to Newton's apples, regardless of what the new-age gurus pretend. So believe in mysticism if you wish, just know where to draw the line understand why science and mysticism are not the same. You completely missed my point, What I am saying is consciousness can be measured. And the source of this measurement is related closely to time. (if not time itself) SO no I am not offering any mysticism or god explanation and nor have I ever mentioned god. I'm saying consciousness has been the elusive variable that scientists for a long time could not fit in to their equations. But finally in recent years, with the advancement of Quantum mechanics, scientists now understand the importance of consciousness and how the mere act of observing greatly transforms the matter and energy around us. Quantum Entanglement is yet another proof that all things are connected on a deep intrinsic level. SO I CAN argue this point because WE DO have so much evidence that the source of the universe is in fact consciousness. Every great scientist will not deny this. It just takes a level of thinking that differs from common knowledge of what "layman's" think the substance of time and matter truly is. I have a very valid argument. Yes it may seem "Mystical" to you, because anything people do not understand they label it as "mystical" But there is real science supporting it and real Math involved in the study of consciousness and the true substance of the universe. You're missing my point also,how can consciousness exist without a brain?Yes it could be possible for our brains to have somehow be part of the universe cause we are made up of compounds that exist in the universe.Though without a brain does consciousness still exist?That can't be proven,for that matter science really can't prove YET what consciousness is. Layman terms isn't how i see it the fact is consciousness can't be proven to exist without a brain.As evolution of humans began from a common descent which is proven so did encephalization which has a lot to do with consciousness. Is consciousness just simply the human brain at work being aware or is it more than that?No one really knows yet. |
Edited by
Mon 06/17/13 05:47 AM
Consciousness is the substance of the Universe. The physical Universe exists within the conscious Universe. Look at it like this, time is consciousness. Time derives from our memory, we remember what just happened, we see what is happening and we can predict what will happen. But the only real time is the moment you are in, right now. past and future are illusions, They do not exist. We have the power to speed up the perception of time and the power to slow it down. Any athlete will tell you when they are in "the zone" time can slow down and they can see things move in slow motion. The opposite is true, If you get Knocked out by falling out of a tree, time will fly by in an instant till you awaken. Now imagine you take consciousness out of the universe. It would be like knocking the universe out. It has nothing to be relative too. No reference point, nothing to observe it, nothing to experience it. Time would move infinitely fast and the universe would revert to being a singularity. (All space and time all at once) it is consciousness that divides the universe into its segments of time. It is consciousness that exists at any giving space and time period of the universe but as far as the physical universe is concerned it is a singularity. It is life itself that splits the universe up and creates the space we live in right now. The function of science is to describe how nature operates on a mechanical level. Why IS the sky blue? Why DOES the rain fall? A scientific explanation will explore the nuts and bolts of the question without invoking unsupported god-from-the-machine stories to set everything right. So when the mystic or the theist demands to know how science accounts for this or that, and then proffers his mysticism as an answer worthy of equal consideration, the mystic engages in both a bate-and-switch and a logical fallacy. The bait-and-switch where the mystic demands a mechanical explanation from science and then proffers a non-mechanical 'solution' to fill the gaps, and a logical fallacy because it does not follow that ignorance is evidence for mysticism (or the gods). You can not argue that BECAUSE we do not know therefore we DO know the answer -its a God, Cosmic Consciousness or insert your favorite fantasy here. Mysticism, Creationism, Theism, The Matrix or the gods do not win by default. They must stand on their own evidential feet, and ignorance by science is not evidence for any of these. Mystic oranges are not equivalent to Newton's apples, regardless of what the new-age gurus pretend. So believe in mysticism if you wish, just know where to draw the line understand why science and mysticism are not the same. |
God is NOT a loving god.
That's right "Ladies and Gentlemen" they are back The Deity Team featuring MC"I AM"...MC Trinity God...and DJ Allah with their #1 creation song
![]() ![]() There will be a special fathers day appearance by Jesus Christ for his trinity dad he'll be doing Crossroads by Bone Thugs n Harmony. |
The fact that nothing does not exist, and zero does not really exist either, (its not a number, as it represents something that cannot exist) ---proves that time and space do not actually exist. This is already a singularity. This reality is an illusion. Do the math. There is your proof. Consciousness is all that exists and consciousness creates this illusion that we insist is "real." But I guess if we want to call it real, we certainly have the power to do that. Its our illusion after all. Yeah well theres also the vibrational interpretation where everything is nothing but waves and vibrations of energy that our senses can interpret what is observed through the brain. Anyways the zero i'm referring to means all the laws of physics have ended. Exactly. Which they will, when we discover the true nature of "reality." But for now, the laws of physics are for the purpose of being used within this reality construct matrix that we have created with our minds. It actually helps hold it together. ![]() I don't really agree with vibrational interpretations that was actually sarcasm.Although if a cherry picked it enough i'm sure there would be something in it that has validity |
The fact that nothing does not exist, and zero does not really exist either, (its not a number, as it represents something that cannot exist) ---proves that time and space do not actually exist. This is already a singularity. This reality is an illusion. Do the math. There is your proof. Consciousness is all that exists and consciousness creates this illusion that we insist is "real." But I guess if we want to call it real, we certainly have the power to do that. Its our illusion after all. Yeah well theres also the vibrational interpretation where everything is nothing but waves and vibrations of energy that our senses can interpret what is observed through the brain. Anyways the zero i'm referring to means all the laws of physics have ended. |