Community > Posts By > RKISIT

RKISIT's photo
Sat 05/12/12 05:59 AM
Water under the bridge at this point.

RKISIT's photo
Sat 05/12/12 05:47 AM
Edited by RKISIT on Sat 05/12/12 06:03 AM
Yep those dang illegal mexicans who pick those strawberries you eat,oranges you eat and drink,have a hand in building new homes and business,keep up the lawns so your community can look better.They are just horrible people i tell ya.They milk a system that lets itself get milked.

Hell as a citizen of the US if i can get this also i will...fu(k the IRS,rich people do.

RKISIT's photo
Fri 05/11/12 03:58 PM
meh..the states should abolish marriage period,it doesn't serve a purpose other than making divorce attorneys money.

RKISIT's photo
Sat 05/05/12 10:46 AM
Edited by RKISIT on Sat 05/05/12 11:06 AM

matter makes energy as long as energy exist so will matter,it's been around for billions and billions of years may have always been around.God on the other hand is defined by scripture written by man so technically God is a theory to skeptics to you God is a belief to me God is a myth this is why we always reach a stalemate.

Entropy is unusable energy, it cannot be turned into matter. Since all matter will eventually be transformed into entropy, matter cannot be eternal. Don't believe me? I'm not surprised, but your disbelief doesn't change reality.
So Spider how long do you believe matter in our universe has been around..just curious?This entropy word you keep throwing around isn't the point yes the universe may fade into nonexistence but when will it end,noone knows that.So in the mean time matter could have always existed but the ending of it(matter)is unknown.So as long as matter exist so will energy.Anyways i gotta try to find out about what happened to my prepurchase order of Diablo 3.Somehow my confirmation number got lost.

RKISIT's photo
Sat 05/05/12 08:03 AM

energy makes matter as long as energy exist so will matter,it's been around for billions and billions of years may have always been around.God on the other hand is defined by scripture written by man so technically God is a theory to skeptics to you God is a belief to me God is a myth this is why we always reach a stalemate.

Well this thread is more about empirical evidence, which is a level I'm happy to debate on. So we have two opposing concepts

1) I think there's a supreme being that created matter, and this supreme being always existed
2) You think that matter probably always just existed

I have no problem with a stale mate on that basis, what I do have a problem with is when evolutionists appear arrogant yet without facts to back themselves up.

On a seperate note, I personally feel that there are enough supernatural occurrences in life to acknowledge a whole supernatural world out there, just ask your neighbour, your best friend etc etc. Most people will acknowledge having seen a spirit, had a wierd experience with an Ouija board, a prophecy fulfilled, a healing. People normally come across these occurrences a couple of times in a lifetime. There's a spiritual world out there inexplicable to science.
actually i messed up i meant matter makes energy so as long as enegy is around so will matter..had to fix that....ooops

RKISIT's photo
Sat 05/05/12 07:23 AM
Edited by RKISIT on Sat 05/05/12 08:01 AM

Howzit you also have to realize theres the question of "How did the creator evolve into existance?"Also other than thousands of year old scriptures that have been translated and copied by humans which leads to errors what evidence is their of a divine being other than those scriptures.

So to say a creator has always existed is no different than saying matter and antimatter has always existed.

It is different. We know that matter is not eternal. Eventually, all matter will be turned into entropy. God is beyond our knowledge or comprehension. God is not composed of matter or limited by time. God is outside the human experience and it is therefore plausible for an eternal God to exist. For an "eternal matter" to exist, it would have to go against known science, making it far less plausible.
matter makes energy as long as energy exist so will matter,it's been around for billions and billions of years may have always been around.God on the other hand is defined by scripture written by man so technically God is a theory to skeptics to you God is a belief to me God is a myth this is why we always reach a stalemate.

RKISIT's photo
Sat 05/05/12 05:29 AM
As for your DNA thingy,lets take a look the DNA bonds are connected by hydrogen which is on this planet hell the sun is mostly hydrogen.Now lets go with one of the 4 chemicals Adenine which is B4 and that is contained in food we eat so as humans evolved they changed eating habits which in return changed the appearance.In other words if you eat to much fatty foods you evolve into a fat person.But what i mentioned before the evolving of humans take a longer time to happen unlike getting fat.

So to answer your question thats where the chemicals and elements came from the earths own elements that make the chemicals.People seem to forget our planet is one big chemistry set.

RKISIT's photo
Sat 05/05/12 05:07 AM


Your straw man is frightfully obvious.

You preset a false dichotomy and confuse abiogenesis for evolution, and pretend that we have no empirical evidence, nor observations

RKISIT presented himself as an atheist and an evolutionist, my arguments were related to him being an atheist and so you are correct to point out my error in semantics, let me then repeat my point with the more correct semantic wording which is important to you:

ATHEISTS also believe in miraculous processes.

1) The spontaeous creation of matter from nothing.
2) The spontaneous creation of DNA, the smallest observed is over 500000 base pairs long, how did it get there?
3) Favourable increases in the DNA length from less than 1 million base pairs to organisms of over 150 billion base pairs.

It takes an extreme faith to believe in all these processes that are never observed in reality. As unbelieveable as the thought of an eternal loving all-powerful being is, the alternatives are also unbelieveable. If you take a perfectly scientific approach, I believe the balance of evidence points to a creator, that is how little actual evidence there is for beneficial DNA lengthening on which the whole concept of evolving is based.

Now you also point out a strawman argument? Could you tell me where? Also where is your proof that DNA can lengthen in a beneficiial manner to an organism and to such an extent that it would result in natural selection of the mutated organism? Without that proof you do not have any evidence for evolution as an explanation for the appearance of modern advanced life-forms. Its just an hypothesis, let's say an interesting idea without any backup.

Howzit you also have to realize theres the question of "How did the creator evolve into existance?"Also other than thousands of year old scriptures that have been translated and copied by humans which leads to errors what evidence is their of a divine being other than those scriptures.

So to say a creator has always existed is no different than saying matter and antimatter has always existed.

RKISIT's photo
Fri 05/04/12 06:53 PM
Do people watch FOX news cause it's similar to the 700 Club or do they watch it to see how many untrue stories FOX news can come up with in a day?

RKISIT's photo
Fri 05/04/12 06:11 PM
So why even have a election if Obama is the New Dictator of the US,when he gets to old to continue his regime he'll pass it to Mark Zuckerberg.

RKISIT's photo
Fri 05/04/12 05:05 PM
Muslim extremist aren't the only terrorist in the world,theres the US government,the Kach and Kahane Chai...etc.

RKISIT's photo
Fri 05/04/12 10:02 AM
I wonder what its called when an expert decides to support crazy theories and cashes in on the conspiracy entertainment sector?

In this country that would be called entrepreneurship

RKISIT's photo
Fri 05/04/12 04:58 AM
Edited by RKISIT on Fri 05/04/12 05:03 AM
I really don't even understand how creationism is even a thought,i thought we were adults and can have some kind of rational ideas on how things came to be,but to claim some mythical Zeus like wanna be figure poofed everything into existance in 6 days is far from rational thinking.If anything it's a funny joke.

RKISIT's photo
Thu 05/03/12 01:36 PM
I have 3 words why i like latinas South Miami Beach

RKISIT's photo
Thu 05/03/12 06:31 AM

So what do you think about the scientists speculating there is a black hole at the center of the earth? (Due to the voracious appetite of black holes I don't see how this can be).
some believe that most galaxies have a blackhole at the center of them.That the reason it's so bright in the center of galaxies is because of the heated gases around it that the blackhole didn't absorb.Then they also discovered that theres objects that orbit around each other near the center of our galaxy similar to how protons orbit around an atom.
As for gravity at the center of the earth there has to be the magnetic field/force to be considered,thats out of my league but it's just a thought.

I think you mean electrons around an atom, not protons.

The reason supermassive black holes are expected to be found at the center of galaxies is the speed of the innermost stars as we view them from a distance. They quickly orbit a massive invisible object that can be no known object but a black hole.
yeah i meant electrons and yes i believe the center of galaxies are blackholes cause 1.i believe quasars to be one of the phases of galaxy formations and quasars are a result of a black hole.

RKISIT's photo
Thu 05/03/12 05:12 AM
Edited by RKISIT on Thu 05/03/12 05:30 AM

So what do you think about the scientists speculating there is a black hole at the center of the earth? (Due to the voracious appetite of black holes I don't see how this can be).
some believe that most galaxies have a blackhole at the center of them.That the reason it's so bright in the center of galaxies is because of the heated gases around it that the blackhole didn't absorb.Then they also discovered that theres objects that orbit around each other near the center of our galaxy similar to how protons orbit around an atom.
As for gravity at the center of the earth there has to be the magnetic field/force to be considered,thats out of my league but it's just a thought.

RKISIT's photo
Wed 05/02/12 02:58 PM
Edited by RKISIT on Wed 05/02/12 02:59 PM
noway wow this a big shocker,i didn't see this happening

RKISIT's photo
Wed 05/02/12 02:30 PM

I bet we could make an even longer and more impressive list of people that say otherwise. Especially if we are able to use people like biologists who don't really do structures or motion.

Actors! We need to quote actors!!!

The reality is that there is NO EVIDENCE of demolition charges being used in the buildings.

There is EXTENSIVE PROOF of the plane and fuel bringing the buildings down.

The MATH and PHYSICS 100% back up the plane and fuel bringing the buildings down from forensic modeling, empirical modeling, predictive modeling, and evidence.

The MATH and PHYSICS 100% prohibit a demolition scenario.

ALL "Evidence" submitted by the "truthers" has been debunked to the infinite detail.
I deal with engineers on a daily basis structual,civil,MEP...etc.What i've seen and heard from the nontruthers side i lean towards them.Wow i believe nontruthers now thats irony

RKISIT's photo
Wed 05/02/12 12:06 PM
Muschristews seem to forget about their Gods genocidal acts for some reason it's almost as if they believe their deity never did it even though it's in their scripture.

RKISIT's photo
Wed 05/02/12 12:04 PM

I hadn't read this post till now....and I need to comment on this...

"How often have Christians killed people for expressing unpopular ideas?"

Ever hear of the Spanish Inquistion? Salem witch hunts? How about Ireland, or 100 other countries?

Religion has killed more people than a combination of most everything else!

Shotgun argumentation...


Yes, I have heard of the Spanish Inquisition. That happened over 500 years ago. I guess I should have been more specific and asked for a recent example.

Salem witch hunts. If you look at the actual history, you will discover that the legal authorities imprisoned, tortured and executed "witches", while Christians (such as minister Cotton Mather) called for the "witches" to be freed. It wasn't until the governors own wife was accused of being a witch that the arrests were finally stopped. The Salem witch trials were an example of out of control government, not religious extremism.

The Irish issues were more about loyalists vs separatists. The only thing that made it religious is that Catholics were mostly separatists, so the loyalists targeted Catholics in an attempt to destroy the separatists power base.

Democide (murder by a person's own Government) has killed more people than the crusades, the Salem witch trials, the Spanish inquisition and every war in recorded history combined.
you forgot to add God flooded the earth and wiped it clean minus Noah and his gang.That genocidal hitler wanna be.

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