Community > Posts By > RKISIT

RKISIT's photo
Mon 12/30/13 11:03 PM
Funny thing people are so vulnerable the"spiritual crap" a long with religious crap it's all they believe and choose to accept.Why?Do humans really want and feel the need to believe in imaginary beings because there's no other alternative?Dungeon and dragons is a cool MMO but hell i don't believe in "oh oh oh it's magic."
Look i shoot right from the heart i'm not no jesus jew worship him s h i t like most because i really could care less about him.This unproven messiah is a money making scam that has existed for 2,000 years and you idiots actually fall for that s h i t?Why?

RKISIT's photo
Wed 12/25/13 01:21 AM
Riskit, that is one way to look at religious adsurdities, but it might skip over some of the grey areas inherent in such an emotionalsubject... Would you ask current Buddhas if it works for them? I heard praying helps the brain activate certain regions even if the person is an athiest. I don't pray, but many religious practices are like going to the gym, even if you say this isn't going to work, muscle breaks down, no? If a temple is well designed, anyone will go into a meditative state, and such temples exist in India, but i admit most western buildings, even churches, are built stupidly. So just because it is perfect, doesn't mean it doesn't work. And why the emphasis on the real reality? That seems pretty redundant, saying that there is some quality of being real that must go before realitiy. It is my guess that the sense of real as observable, factual, documented by science, will not go past the state of science found today, which everyone woulod agree has its problems. Instead, a reality that includes inner facts and outer might push science along.
Of course it works for them cause they chose to believe it.Point is i can sit under a oak tree with a legal pad and write all kinds of philosophical reasons of how i see things.Some can be proven others can't.Others is nothing more than common sense.
My real reality comment was simply stating in her post that how buddahs perspective of what humans can do and we are actually able to do are two different present time observations.Also real reality is real not a made up reality that some create.

RKISIT's photo
Wed 12/25/13 12:49 AM
So, I ask with honest intentions of curiosity... What do you believe in ? What gets you through the dark times?
I accept i never believe.
Perseverance is what gets me through the "dark times".

RKISIT's photo
Mon 12/23/13 10:45 PM

In Nd Buddhism they talk alot about Cause and Effect and the "mystic Law" the seen and unseen is fascinating ...The chant they do is Nam Myoho Renge Kyo penetrates into the universe into future and is very powerful like a ripple effect goes beyond science ....try it's awesome ...that type of Buddhism believes we are a microcosm of the universe and that we can attract positive change within our lives ...which has a ripple effect changing the universe and protecting it .....:smile:

Can we as humans protect the universe?No because we can't even make it to the closest star to us.So that's a acid dropping fallacy.We humans here on earth have dumb conservative fundamental republicans that think a renegade jew will come down and raise them from the dead because they believe in it along with the climate change isn't happening.
Buddhism is cool but still as time went on it's just not realistic.Philosophy is like a perfect world it sounds and looks good but it isn't the real reality.

RKISIT's photo
Mon 12/23/13 10:30 PM
Actually msharmony hit the nail on the head,it's because people choose it.Still a lot has to do with influence from parents to children but as they become adults religion can be up to the individual.Do i need it ,nope it serves no purpose to me.Hindus,christians,jews and muslims they seem to follow the traditions and choose to accept their faiths.
I choose not to accept deities as the answer for purpose.Why? Cause man created purpose just like they invented gods.

RKISIT's photo
Tue 12/17/13 01:14 PM

Again,according to the theory of evolution,now if my memory serves me correctly,man supposedly evolved from ape.If that theory is true,why are apes still here?Aint they supposed to be extinct by now? What is stopping the other apes from evolving into man?Dont they want to be alpha dogs and enjoy the good things of life as well?.Millions of years since the "big bang",man have not evolved into something else,why?If life came from the big bang,which came first-the chicken or the hen? Traditionally,when a question throws an atheist off balance they reply with silly accusations or try to make you look silly or they resort to name calling and insults.I hardly reply such a dude.

Evolution is the process of natural selection to help offspring adapt.
Apes and humans share a common ancestor.Mutations occur during both mitosis and gene duplication.These mutations of cells,genes,alleles can be deleterious for one generation and then become beneficial the next.Which is why humans are able to adapt to their environment along with having instincts and intelligence to protect themselves from certain disasters.
Most of evolution is about adaptation.
The reason there are still apes is because humans and modern apes split from a common ancestor.There's not just hominids for ancient humans there's also for ancient apes showing gradual change over time when humans and apes split from their common ancestor.

RKISIT's photo
Fri 12/13/13 08:34 AM

You may say Uche9aa likes controversy,yes.I dont get blinded or intimidated by erring majority.In addition while i wait,why do meteors skip our earth or end up in areas nobody lives like the two that landed in Russia recently?I submit that everything points towards an overseeing being.We cant explain it thats why He is I AM.The begining and the end.He is my God

Perfect example of a Abrahamic lemming.indifferent

RKISIT's photo
Sun 11/24/13 05:37 PM

Is it what we see from the Jim Bakers, or Jimmy Swaggarts of TV fame or is it from the exploits of people like Billy and Franklin Graham (both of whom I have met), or Mother Theresa. Everything good can be corrupted and will be. There is a saying about not throwing the baby out with the bath water. That is definitely relevant today. The practicing of true christianity does not threaten anyone or anything. What are the two most basic principles taught by Christ? Love the Lord your God with all your heart mind and strength. The other part of that is to love your neighbor as yourself. Please, anyone tell me the evil in that.

Yes, terrible things have happened over the centuries in the name of Christianity. None of those things were taught by Jesus or any of the inscribers of the Bible. If I go on a killing spree and scream that I am doing this in the name of McDonalds, does that mean we condemn McDonalds? I am no fan of McDonalds but that is a preference not a condemnation.

All I ask is that you have an open mind and heart. Be critical in your thinking and examine facts. I did for about 27 years before I finally realized that there is a God, He does love me, and I have a place reserved at His table. Am I perfect? Yeah right and I am also the King of Spain, and a world class athelete.

I will say this again at the expense of being obtuse. If you are right and Christians are wrong what have we lost? If, on the other hand, Christians are right and you are wrong what have you lost?what oops spock tears

This is the longest theological bulls h i t i've ever read besides the bible.Again you're going with the Pascals Wager crap.What do you have to lose?I don't know maybe you pick the wrong faith and Allah sends you to hell.
Won't happen cause it's all mythology so really no one has anything to lose except existence when they are gone.

RKISIT's photo
Tue 11/19/13 07:44 PM
God or gods are a man made being or beings used to explain the unknown.
It also makes for a great fictional story.

RKISIT's photo
Fri 11/08/13 09:03 PM
Edited by RKISIT on Fri 11/08/13 09:25 PM

Grow up.. Why are you on here if you not want to learn? ( to disrupt, try and pull away weak believers) That's why you will not say much to me. Its easier to find a lamb just born than his older sibling. Science even says knowledge is key. I wonder where they got that from. huh?
Uh,i'm not the one on here plastering bible verses so how am i trying to convert anyone?This is a general religion not a christian forum and all i see is xian verses plastered on every thread.So who is actually trying to spam bible verses and subliminally passive aggressively reassuring people that they're not alone in believing abrahamic mythology is true?Not me i'm just giving my opinion on how i see religion.

Huh I thought u were not religious. I have said over and over I am not a Christian. I do not want that label. I am a Yahwist, I do though use the same verses. This form will not let me go on the Christian form for that very fact. actually I learn more from you all than I ever will from them. I am open to what the scriptures say. I have studied for decades and have a natural nak for it IMO. I have no problem with what u believe. That's your choice and you can say whatever you want. My question was if you do not believe in a creator which I think most religions do. you must be on here to either draw people away from their beliefs, Belittle them or you are searching for more. which is it?

Miles i accept that a supernovae occurred in our galaxy which formed a nebula which then formed the star we call our sun.The remains of this supernovae called dust attracted to each other because of the low gravity yet there was electromagnetic static which hit the dust particles that caused it to become a solid.As the solid became bigger it's own gravity caused other electromagnetic particles to attract to each other.This is how earth formed not a spirit in a void pointing it's finger saying "presto there it is"aka magic.
As for the origins of life i accept that chemical bonding rather it be hydrogen bonding or covalent bonding or both occurred with organic and inorganic molecules that already existed in the galaxy.The amino acids that DNA turns to proteins exist in comets and astroids which bombarded our planet.H2O which a cell is 70% of gathered all these chemicals and dissolved them in our early hot planet to coding what eventually became a cell.Many cells eventually through mitosis had mutations which eventually became multicells then became macrolife.
I do in some regards may accept bacteria already existed but there isn't enough evidence yet to claim it a theory.So microbes which are part of our survival may be already existing at this time or not.Science hasn't solved that yet.
As for evolution it is nothing more than common ancestory,natural selection,mutation and time.

I tried to explain in the shortest and layman terms i could.This is what i accept i do NOT accept supernatural beings created the earth and life.

BTW feel free to explain how yahweh or jehovah did it without magic.

RKISIT's photo
Fri 11/08/13 03:29 PM
Grow up.. Why are you on here if you not want to learn? ( to disrupt, try and pull away weak believers) That's why you will not say much to me. Its easier to find a lamb just born than his older sibling. Science even says knowledge is key. I wonder where they got that from. huh?
Uh,i'm not the one on here plastering bible verses so how am i trying to convert anyone?This is a general religion not a christian forum and all i see is xian verses plastered on every thread.So who is actually trying to spam bible verses and subliminally passive aggressively reassuring people that they're not alone in believing abrahamic mythology is true?Not me i'm just giving my opinion on how i see religion.

RKISIT's photo
Fri 11/08/13 04:54 AM
They have been told u do not have free will you can not believe in a creator and be a scientists yet our most famous ones used the Scriptures to guide them to what they were seeking,. For our Good.
Who told them that they can't be theist and scientists?Francis Collins is a theist and is the director of the NIH.
Yeah scientist in the past were theist sometimes by choice and sometimes because they didn't want to die because they would've been labeled a heretic.
Theism is mostly for the afterlife.People don't accept when you're dead you're dead.They want to believe there's life after death.Again there's really a lack of physical proof for that also(Miles starts posting bible scripture as evidence).
Science works and tries to solve what's in the natural world not the supernatural realm.

RKISIT's photo
Thu 11/07/13 04:13 AM

Darwin cried to God for mercy before he died.Its easy to deny God when you are healthy.Five minutes to die and five minutes after death makes one to eat his or her own words when reality stares you on the face

That's a myth his daughter verified he never said that.She was there the lady who claimed he repented wasn't.Christians lie to promote their dogma also.

RKISIT's photo
Wed 11/06/13 11:28 AM

First off, can I just start by saying what an AMAZING site Mingle2 is.

Now to my many men on this site are aggressive in their approaches. Conversation starts well, then all of a sudden you're being questioned about your bust size, offered money for sex etc. Maybe its my own warped sense of thinking that makes me feel like this, but I do believe not every single woman on earth would like to be greeted by something like this: "hey baby! Would you like my fat d**k to smack you in the face?" Or "My c**k is so hard for you right now" I just think its so inappropriate. I used to think it was my profile portraying me in such a manner, but I was wrong. My profile is fine. What makes men act like this?

Shall we shag now or shag later?flowerforyou

RKISIT's photo
Wed 11/06/13 11:01 AM
Edited by RKISIT on Wed 11/06/13 11:19 AM
I'm an atheist because i accept science.I'm an atheist because i will never accept a renegade jew is coming to save me from the evil forces of the antichrist.I also don't accept a renegade jew is going to raise me from the dead and give me eternal life.I'm an atheist because i don't believe there's an afterlife where my "spirit/soul"(whatever that is)is floating to a spirit realm up in a fluffy cloud where a kingdom is that a renegade jew,his daddy and a holy ghost reside to be judged by them or some lake of fire where an outcast(satan)causes me to suffer eternally.
I'm an atheist because i didn't choose to accept the sales pitch "you'll have eternal happiness if you accept a renegade apocalyptic preaching jew as your lord and savior"
I'm an atheist cause i know that having morals has nothing to do with the lie christians try to force feed with their dogma by saying you have no morals if,you don't believe in what man wrote claiming an imaginary supernatural being says is morally right.

BTW im not antisemitic it's just jesus was a jew aka renegade jew.

So show me how atheism is a deity based religion.I'm labeled an atheist because i don't accept any deity exist.

RKISIT's photo
Wed 11/06/13 09:16 AM

Im an outdoorsy nature kinda girl. I've been horseback riding since nine. I've had two long term relationships and I'm single for the first time in love ten years. I'm 26 and im starting to feel old . I was called mam the other day. Im still a miss and that made me feel older I hope I'm not losing my sex appeal check out the pics
love Girl you are to me,all that a woman should belove

RKISIT's photo
Wed 11/06/13 07:25 AM
I would hope that we would believe a persons word. If he says he was an Athiests what makes you think he could not research the scriptures and find a very new exciting way of life. That's what he is speaking of is a better way of life IMO he has now. People leave believing the Bible and oh they finally seen the light. Yet someone says they found the Holy Spirit or I would say more like his heart the Holy Spirit found. Double standards like poor thing. I could say the same thing about u. POOR THING
So theist can't answer for themselves?Someone has to answer for them?Poor things.

RKISIT's photo
Tue 11/05/13 11:19 AM
Edited by RKISIT on Tue 11/05/13 11:23 AM

As a former atheist, I can now say the Holy Spirit guides me and miracles really do happen. So much of the original bible has been lost from the variances in the translations. Many times one language will have a completely different definition for a word or no word for a written word. When I read the bible I ask the Holy Spirit guide me to the truth as I read it. I can say that I feel more power when I open my bible than when I read it on my phone. There is definitely power in the bible. I have never opened up a book that I could actually feel life come out of it. Before I accepted Jesus as my Saviour, it was just a boring long book. Now....well it is very hard to explain, but I can feel it especially in between the lines.

They got you....poor thing.I don't think you were ever an atheist.You just interpreted a giggity feeling as a "holy spirit",meaning you weren't really an atheist

RKISIT's photo
Mon 10/28/13 04:15 AM
Edited by RKISIT on Mon 10/28/13 05:01 AM

Science is real until they find out they were wrong. you want scientific proof when I have time we will see how much science is a belief system that over and over is wrong. yet the scriptures never change.. pretty easy to say science is so real when changing it from day to week or years is ok.. but we will see how wrong science is with proof I look forward to it.. Abra tried and gave up we will see.
Miles the scriptures have been altered and religious faith requires NO EVIDENCE.Also what the bible claims has already happened before the bible was written.You don't think that people back then didn't observe natural disasters then claim their gods were behind it cause they didn't understand how these natural disasters actually happen and what causes it?
Or they didn't witness social uproars and political power?
They did and that's what is written in the bible it's simply going by the "history is bound to repeat itself".Apocalyptic christianity was used as propaganda to get followers.Authors of the bible did have a imagination but they also copy cat from other religious text.

Science can be wrong and science is what admits when it's wrong but it's also right.

Also i bet Arbra gave up cause you couldn't stop plastering bible verses.

RKISIT's photo
Sun 10/27/13 05:56 PM
No i accept it as a plausible theory based on empirical facts for the diversity of life do to mutations,natural selection,genetic drift,gene duplication and time.

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