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Sat 03/23/13 01:05 PM
With no due respect to deity worshipers and messiah freaks,prebiotic synthesis of organic molecules has way more merit for the origins of life than a supernatural imaginary deity "did it".
Try looking outside the religious dogma and put down the historical fiction bible,then read about realistic possibilities.. |
First of all the imaginary diety you are referring to is GOD. Simply GOD. Yes, we are given free will. The will to choose between good and evil, right and wrong. If i cant answer some of your questions, that is because " Gods' thought is above my thought." As i say praying is a way to connect and communicate to him. About our first parents: they are given everything yet the disobey the only order God had given, "not to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge." God have a plan for us read Jeremiah22:11. For i know the plans i have for you, declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. " You're not understanding what i'm getting at this deity already knew what eve was going to do matter of fact he threw in a "talking serpent" to influence eve.Then this imaginary deity cursed humans for her eating the "forbidden fruit" and punished the serpent by turning it into a snake.Remember your god is omnipotent and omniscient. So then this mythological story makes no sense.A deity knew this was going to happen yet it happened then this deity punishes what it created. seems kind of pointless, from a gods standpoint....he didn't have anything better to do with a whole universe out there? Not only that it's followers claim it's a "loving and caring god". |
First of all the imaginary diety you are referring to is GOD. Simply GOD. Yes, we are given free will. The will to choose between good and evil, right and wrong. If i cant answer some of your questions, that is because " Gods' thought is above my thought." As i say praying is a way to connect and communicate to him. About our first parents: they are given everything yet the disobey the only order God had given, "not to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge." God have a plan for us read Jeremiah22:11. For i know the plans i have for you, declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. " You're not understanding what i'm getting at this deity already knew what eve was going to do matter of fact he threw in a "talking serpent" to influence eve.Then this imaginary deity cursed humans for her eating the "forbidden fruit" and punished the serpent by turning it into a snake.Remember your god is omnipotent and omniscient. So then this mythological story makes no sense.A deity knew this was going to happen yet it happened then this deity punishes what it created. |
Not that mighty he is not just listening to one prayer. HE is all-knowing. He already know what each and everyone of us pray or felt. He knows you even to the deepest of your soul. Seems you're describing a Santa Claus for adults.Maybe even a kinky Santa Claus for adults. What exactly is the point in praying if god is all knowing.He already knows what he /she/it is going to do with you and what you're going to do so what does praying actually do?Seems like a waste of time to me. i've been trying to figure it out... not much success so far, though... Yet this imaginary all knowing gave it's followers free will even though it has your life already planned out.So where exactly is the free will? So atheist exist because god planned it that way?If so how is that free will?Then there's this infamous imaginary satan which is used as an excuse for the "evil" that's in the world but god knew this was going to happen so you can't blame evil existing on satan you have to blame god.Seems more like a drama of good vs evil fictional story. Then there's the curse he bestowed on his creation.If he is all knowing he should have known his creations would disobey yet he cursed them even though he already knew they would disobey him.This imaginary deity has mental issues. |
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Fri 03/15/13 03:01 PM
Not that mighty he is not just listening to one prayer. HE is all-knowing. He already know what each and everyone of us pray or felt. He knows you even to the deepest of your soul. Seems you're describing a Santa Claus for adults.Maybe even a kinky Santa Claus for adults. What exactly is the point in praying if god is all knowing.He already knows what he /she/it is going to do with you and what you're going to do so what does praying actually do?Seems like a waste of time to me. |
basic wormholes found?
Through GR they can exist without QM.
I believe those who reject Christ suffer until judgement day, when I also believe there is no longer a hell,,,, Interesting... probably why most Biblical scholars believe that if Christ came back today he would not recognize the religion named after him. |
My opinion is prove there's a Snuckleuphudthy and Frijklodiffhils.
I have always wondered how scientists figure time? They tell us the earth and universe are billions of years old. yet when it comes to like Methusula (sp) was 969 years old when he died. They will say the days were shorter back then.. even believers say this. If this is so, then how do we measure time at all if the length of days has ever changed? First off scientists can measure time with atomic clocks, which are immune to all of the changes in planetary motion which can cause the length of our days and years to vary slightly. Technically, relativistic effects can cause time to move slightly differently on a mountain top vs at sea level, but the effect is TINY. incredibly tiny. nothing to worry about. We also don't need to worry very much about the duration of days messing a great deal with our measure of time. This would only matter if we are using historical records, right? If you read a passage from four thousand years ago, and they say "forty days passed", you want to know if that 40 days is the same as 40 days today, right? well it pretty much is. the variation in day length is tiny. its not like 40 days from long ago could be, say, 50 days. It might be like 40.3 days, or maybe much less. For the most part, when scientists calculate the passage of time in the distant past, and off planet, they aren't even worried about how we use the rotation and revolution of the planet to mark time. That's just a unit of measure being used, the actual rotation and revolution have *nothing* to do with the act of calculation or measurement. They use processes that are known to proceed at pre-defined rate, and for which we have evidence of the progress of that process. Do you doubt that the universe is billions of years old? As for people living to be 989 years old well that's just exaggerated deity based faith mythological stories.Campfire stories gone wild. |
I have always wondered how scientists figure time? They tell us the earth and universe are billions of years old. yet when it comes to like Methusula (sp) was 969 years old when he died. They will say the days were shorter back then.. even believers say this. If this is so, then how do we measure time at all if the length of days has ever changed? |
Was Jesus a Zombie?
This thread was brought back from the dead! Zombie thread! It's a miracle? ![]() |
Man the universe is way older than what is claimed it's probably 10^1,000,000,000 years old.Energy and matter has always existed and this crap they keep feeding people about how if the universe was older radiation energy would have destroyed everything is BS. There's no 100% scientific evidence that the universe is even an isolated system along with "monopoles". This Higgs boson they keep searching for had to come from either converted energy to matter or other matter that exist.Problem is so much time has elapsed they probably may never have a 100% accurate answer on the origins of the universe if there even was one. |
Man the universe is way older than what is claimed it's probably 10^1,000,000,000 years old.Energy and matter has always existed and this crap they keep feeding people about how if the universe was older radiation energy would have destroyed everything is BS.
There's no 100% scientific evidence that the universe is even an isolated system along with "monopoles". This Higgs boson they keep searching for had to come from either converted energy to matter or other matter that exist.Problem is so much time has elapsed they probably may never have a 100% accurate answer on the origins of the universe if there even was one. |
Was Jesus a Zombie?
George Carlin said it best "why would i join a cult whose symbol is a man nailed to 2 pieces of wood."
mythology QFT ![]() |
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Fri 03/08/13 04:27 PM
4. Darwinism also supports the accuracy of the Bible. How? One-hundred percent of the ‘missing links’ (1859 to 2012) were discovered by atheists. (Can you say conflict of interest?) All of there so-called ‘finds’ were filled with fraud … forgery … and fabrication.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Hey massagetrade, here's 40 more facts for you to answer with ... cartoon characters. (That's 320 [plus] factual evidences vs. your 12 cartoon characters.) Evolution Frauds, Forgeries & Fabrications 1. 1812 - Lady of Guadeloupe (female human skeleton fossils cover-up) 2. 1856 - Neanderthal Man (human fossils with rickets and osteoarthritis) 3. 1856 - Dryopithecus (fossils of deceased chimpanzees) 4. 1859 - Darwin’s Theory published 5. 1860 - Castenodolo Skull (radiocarbon dating shows its’ a modern human skull) 6. 1860 - Archaeopteryx (forged bird-reptile slabs/plates) 7. 1860 - Ernst Haeckel (German biologist, atheist and artist; embryo drawing fraud) 8. 1863 - Moulin-Quignon (gravel pit in France; human tooth & jawbone forgery) 9. 1866 - Calaveras Man (California; American Indian skull hoax) 10. 1868 - Cro-Magnon Man (cave in SW France; modern human skeletons) 11. 1879 - Hyracotherium (horse fraud: fossils “appear fully distinct; remain unchanged”) 12. 1888 - Wadjak Skulls (fraud by evolutionist Eugene Dubois; modern human skull) 13. 1888 - Galley Hill Man (Darwin supporter, A. Kings’ fraudulent dating of human skeleton) 13. 1891 - Java Man (Eugene Dubois’ [student of Ernst Haeckel] missing link fraud) 14. 1907 - Heidelberg Man (fraudulent dating method of human jaw) 15. 1912 - Piltdown Man (evolution fraud: human skull & orangutan jaw joined together) 16. 1914 - Australia Man (human skull fraud) 17. 1921 - Rhodesia Man (human skeleton fraud “…misinterpreted … curious errors…”) 18. 1922 - Nebraska Man (Hesperopithecus - pig’s tooth; from a peccary [species of pig]) 19. 1924 - Australopithecus Africanus ( evolution fraud; skull of extinct species of chimpanzees) 20. 1929 - Peking Man (small human skull-cap ‘reconstructed’ to resemble a missing-link) 21. 1932 - Ramapithicus (fossils of extinct orangutan) 22. 1935 - Swanscombe Man (human skull fragments; discovered in England by A. Marston, [dentist and avid evolutionist]; the 1937 the Royal Anthropological Institute said the small fragments were “ … indistinguishable from homo sapiens.”) 23. 1938 - Coelacanth (evolutionary ‘transitional form’ proven false; currently a living fish) 24. 1947 - Fontechevade Man (human skull cap pieces found in cave; modern looking) 25. 1953 - Peppered Moth (natural selection f-r-a-u-d by B. Kettlewell of England) 26. 1972 - KNM-ER 1470 (Kenya; evolution fraud of large ape skull ‘creatively’ reconstructed) 27. 1974 - Lucy (deception; skeleton 3 and ½ foot tall; resembles modern chimpanzees) 28. 1977 - Darwin’s Finches (natural selection fraud re: beaks; no evolution whatsoever) 29. 1983 - “Flipperpithecus” (dolphin bone fraud; found by evolutionist Dr. Noel Boaz) 30. 1984 - Turkana Boy (Mr. & Mrs. Leakey’s fraud attempt; skeleton of 12 year-old human) 31. 1984 - Orce Man (discovered in Spain; later found to be a skull fragment of a donkey) 32. 1986 - Stone Age Swindle (Tasaday tribe hoax; local tribes paid to dress in leaves) 33. 1994 - Boxgrove Man (human bone fragments -- not missing link -- found by atheist Mark Roberts) 34. 1999 - Archeoraptor (evolution forgery - bird fossil with dinosaur tail glued on) 35. 2000 - The Devils’ Archaeologist (artifact forgeries by Japanese archaeologist) 36. 2001 - Vestigial Organs (whale’s vestigial [useless] pelvis & leg bones proven false; bones are found only in males and are necessary for reproduction) 37. 2004 - Bacteria’s Resistance to Antibiotics (fraud; horizontal gene transfer already built-in) 38. 2005 - Anthropology Fraud (German Prof. Dr. Reiner Protsch found guilty of falsifying dates on fossils -- for the past thirty [30] years) 39. 2009 - Ardi (evolution fraud involving Modern Bonobo [pigmy chimpanzee]; fossils were very small, scattered, broken, fragments. 40. 2010 - Darwinius Maxillae or “Ida” (huge evolution fraud/media blitz; fossils have exactly the same characteristics as modern lemurs) |
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Fri 03/08/13 04:14 PM
Christianity is no different than any other religion it's the same ole s h i t with different characters,a god and magical delusions.It's the most popular cause back in the day if you didn't convert you were killed so it was either be a jesus freak or die.Then it just traditionally stuck with most.
There maybe evidence that christians existed but still none for god unless you accept the creationist pseudoscience of the flagellas spinning tail(lol) which is basically all they can grasp straws at. |
god may be satan
He treat us fairly. God give us ten commandments yet we still disobey. Did we die. NO, NOT YET. There is time for judgement. We still have time to repent. By their disobedience it justs closes the gate of heaven. It reopened when GOD send His son on earth. The death of him gives us the chance to enter heaven again. How many times did you disobey? Yep that fluffy cloud with a castle floating on it just beneath the "firmament"is now back open for business because a renegade rabbi named jesus died for your sins......riiiiight? Problem is i don't accept that a renegade rabbi died for my sins cause i don't accept i can sin because i don't accept the abrahamic trilogy faith.I accept it's all bullsh i t.I don't choose to believe i either accept it or i don't. |
god may be satan
He treat us fairly. God give us ten commandments yet we still disobey. Did we die. NO, NOT YET. There is time for judgement. We still have time to repent. By their disobedience it justs closes the gate of heaven. It reopened when GOD send His son on earth. The death of him gives us the chance to enter heaven again. How many times did you disobey? Yep that fluffy cloud with a castle floating on it just beneath the "firmament"is now back open for business because a renegade rabbi named jesus died for your sins......riiiiight? |
--- Is God real? ---
If the almighty imaginary creator was real there would be no debate over it's existence or any other mythological deity based pantheon. If he was real he or it or she is one roguish,scared to come out of hiding deity.I mean he supposedly floats on a fluffy cloud under the "firmament?" in a castle where a renegade rabbi jew(jesus) sits on it's right side.Yeah sure i'm really going to accept that as truth?NO! See. Thank you for stating your view and your opinion of what you believe. I respect that. I have a question though. What all ways interests me is that someone who clearly doesn't believe, spends all there time posting in a section relating to something they don't believe in. In you case a ton a posts in the religious section. Seriously. What draws you to the debate. Its not like you spend time in the other forums also but basically here, arguing against the believe of a God or creator. What is the draw for you? It's more like killing time,i really have no issues with people who believe in "ancient desert tribal gods" stories made into a book that contains most of them to only look like one imaginary monotheistic god.Really they choose to believe in that mythological pantheon,just like others did before the Abrahamic Trilogy was written. I just will never choose to pick a mythological pantheon and become delusional over it,because i think i will have an afterlife by having faith in a man made imaginary desert god or gods.I accept that humans decompose and that's it.Believe what you want but I even knew Dungeons and Dragons was just fantasy. Hey you dissed D&D. Now you've gone too far. I actually play it online i would be playing it right now but it's been down for 2 days cause of "hot fixes"aka having major problems. |