God is NOT a loving god.
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Thu 06/13/13 04:17 PM
The Bible I read shows me God is a loving God. Don't know what all the boohooey is about. ![]() Read Joshua. Slaughter without mercy.... men women and children. In the name of God. Yep, that sounds real loving ... ![]() ![]() Ive read Joshua! God is Good!! Joshua leads a successful military campaign to clear idol-worshipping people from the land. Joshua shows over and over how God blesses His people. The Promised Land was His gift to them, as were the military victories that he engineered. Joshua said: "Choose you this day whom ye will for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." (Joshua 24:15) So what about in 2 Kings where god sent she bears to kill 42 kids for making fun of a mans bald head? That's justifiable cause god did it.Wow can someone say delusional ![]() Amen to this logic any war is good if it's waged by God.....seems a lot like how we justify war now doesn't it? If we do it it's good, to hell with the people that die in its' wake. Funny huh? 2 ways to look at it,it could be using a belief in a god to wage war or it could be a psychological delusion that a voice in their head they accept to be god told them to wage war. In the minds of a neocon war mongrel deity believer there's false dichotomy in their views to wage war.Just ask George Bush Jr. Example of it is "God is a loving god,but he wanted me to kill all the Philistines." |
God is NOT a loving god.
"the difficulty is in defining what would be 'proof' to an atheist outside of God hiself speaking to them which they may still dismiss as a result of something else,,,, " Actually I'm fairly sure if "god" was all the religious people believe him to be, that god talking to me directly wouldn't simply occur to me as "a result of something else" it would be an extremely spiritual experience that no one in their right mind could deny. Sad to say, it's completely impossible to prove the non-existence of something like "god" because what the entire existence of "god" boils down to is a thought in people's minds. It is comparable to love because it is nothing more than a thought or way of thinking. So the only way that I could possibly prove to you that he does not exist is to alter the way you think and clearly that will never happen as you refuse to listen to logic and truth. So I can define perfectly what would be proof to you, but the definition is of non-existence as you have a mind that refuses to bend to see that truth. But I've been saying it since I was a kid, if the all powerful god wants to prove himself to me, DO IT ALREADY. Oh also I've noticed that you seem to base your belief in "him" on all the beauty and structure and whatever that you see in this world, but what of all the chaos and destruction, the heinous acts and horrible deeds. It seems you hold a very convenient double standard, if something good happens it's god, if something bad happens it's our fault. to quote a beloved family member "I cant reveal God to you, I can only share how He reveals himself to me' Im quite logical and open to truth, no amount of condesention masked as self proclaimed superiority proves otherwise,,, belief in or against God has no LOGIC behind it except the logic drawn drawn for all of us on our UNIQUE life experience,,, and I Also notice that similarly, non believers tend to blame God for all the atrocity and not have much gratitude towards him for all the blessings and beauty,,, Actually I hold no double standard, I know that when it comes right down to it, all the good and the bad that happens to us is our doing alone. The topic of this thread is to simply point out the conflict in the way religious people think. God did all of the good things in life, man did all of the bad. Much too convenient of a double standard. If god did all of the good things then you must also hold him accountable for the bad things. But from the same branch of reasoning, if god has no control over us and we do all of the good and the bad, then your entire supposed reason for believing in his existence goes out the window because all of the beauty and structure you see in this world is the work of man, not god and science can explain the rest. And if you really think I'm being so condescending, then think about what you would think of me if I told you a pink flesh-eating bunny rabbit lives in my closet and whispers secrets to me in my sleep. I read it in a book, I feel that it's true and therefore it must be! Perhaps you'd just brush it off and say "well, that's his belief, who am I to judge?" well, what if I built a whole religion around it and started preaching it to you in person "have you heard of the pink flesh eating bunny rabbit, let me tell you about it, he talks to me!" and what if the pope of my new religion started coming to your bible studies and policing what you can or can't do(just like the actual pope interferes with medical science). Ya getting irritated yet? Well that's how I feel about religion. if dozens of books were written about your bunny rabbit, and billions of people over thousands of years reinforced that same entitys existence I probably would consider it,, just on one persons word and one book though,, probably not and as far as God having control, that is a different issue, I can lay out flour, sugar, milk, and eggs in front of you,, but if you bake a wonderful cake or burn it,, is YOUR control I may CHOOSE to intervene to assist you at some point or I may sit back and let you learn on your own none of those things are inconsistent God creates life, and nature, and then leaves the rest to us to proceeed with,,, there is nothing illogical in that,,, He allows the circumstances which create both the good and evil that we experience, but the details are up to us as is the result,,, except for the fact that he knowingly does this and then yet expects ONE way of living above all others despite stacking the deck against that, and punishing in a way no human ever a way where you CANNOT learn anything because you are left dead eternally. Not a God I choose to worship who will act in that type of way. more of the if its not what makes me happy it cant be loving..... mentality he hasnt stacked the deck,, WE have,,,,it only is difficult now because we have caved in so much against it for so long what should have been simple is now difficult for us because of all the EXTRA stuff we have come to expect to receive instead of expecting to give,,,,, I'm sorry, love doesn't make demands to love, it just gives it. Your God makes demands in order to love, therefore it fails the love the test, that's how I see it. God gave no "command" to love. You can not command anyone to love or really command anyone to do anything. God tells us, informs us of what he wishes. It is our choice to obey or not. Therefore if one does remain dead eternally, it is there own fault, not God's. Choices my friend, choices. Cowboy this is your typical paradigm. You keep typing god informs us and blah,blah,blah.Point is who is us cause god has not informed me of anything.If he did i wouldn't be an atheist. |
God is NOT a loving god.
Edited by
Thu 06/13/13 03:14 PM
The Bible I read shows me God is a loving God. Don't know what all the boohooey is about. ![]() Read Joshua. Slaughter without mercy.... men women and children. In the name of God. Yep, that sounds real loving ... ![]() ![]() Ive read Joshua! God is Good!! Joshua leads a successful military campaign to clear idol-worshipping people from the land. Joshua shows over and over how God blesses His people. The Promised Land was His gift to them, as were the military victories that he engineered. Joshua said: "Choose you this day whom ye will for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." (Joshua 24:15) So what about in 2 Kings where god sent she bears to kill 42 kids for making fun of a mans bald head? That's justifiable cause god did it.Wow can someone say delusional ![]() |
God is NOT a loving god.
God created people, man and woman.
----------------------------------------------------- Bingo we have a fundamentalist winner. I ask:How do you know this Cowboy replies:Cause it's in the bible(of course he'll copy and pastes the verse showing this from genesis). I ask:How do you know the bible is correct? Cowboy replies:Cause it's inspired by god. I ask:How do you know this? Start the conversation back at "cause it's in the bible".The circulatory conversation begins. |
God is NOT a loving god.
Edited by
Mon 06/10/13 03:45 PM
I don't hate god because i don't accept he exist.I just don't see why people worship a mythological being or beings. If someone ask me a hypothetical question like "Ok rob what would you consider god to be?" i would say minus the psychological part i would say god isn't a being god is energy and matter.This is weak because calling energy and matter god is lame but it's more like if a gun was pointed to my head answer. Because we exist, there is a creative force of some kind manifesting life. I call that God. It is conscious and intelligent and permeates all things, connected and sharing energy and information. Because I exist, I see that as proof of God. God is existence. Do you just use god as a synonym for consciousness or this is what you actually believe? |
God is NOT a loving god.
I don't hate god because i don't accept he exist.I just don't see why people worship a mythological being or beings.
If someone ask me a hypothetical question like "Ok rob what would you consider god to be?" i would say minus the psychological part i would say god isn't a being god is energy and matter.This is weak because calling energy and matter god is lame but it's more like if a gun was pointed to my head answer. |
God is NOT a loving god.
Edited by
Sat 06/08/13 08:45 PM
Short side note: msharmony, you double posted on page 11, could you please delete one of the posts, thx. "not to be uncharacteristally dismissive, but after a while . honestly, I feel like its a debate with children constantly wanting to know 'why' and why they suffer consequence, and why they cant just do what they want, and why didnt you do even more for them or give even more to them,,, it rings of 'never satisfied' syndrome for which I have not yet found a cure except to move on to another topic ,,,," Nono, not at all, it's very characteristic for religious people to get dismissive when their beliefs are picked at and they're unable to give specific answers, not because they don't want to but because they don't have those answers to give. Let me tell you one thing, if children didn't ask "why, why, why?" then they'd never learn and grow, the true intellectuals don't stop asking "why?" simply because they're adults. The world alone(never-mind the universe) is far too vast to simply leave your "why's" at the door when you hit adulthood. Unless of course you're into religion, because then you can forget about all the why this and why that and simply say "god did it!" to every question that comes your way. Course if everybody took that path we'd still be in the dark ages and living in stone huts with straw roofs. You deem us "children" for asking "why?" but I'd consider you more the child for not asking "why?" for you only limit the potential of your own intelligence when you stop seeking the answers. Is it plausable to accept an unknown being?No it isn't cause gods of all faiths have no merit of existence. Telescopes haven't found these wizards of first cause so why isn't gauge bosons,photons and gluons which hold protons and neutrons together are accepted?Cause Bill Nye the science guy went to Texas that's full of jesus freaks and told the truth about the moon. As a particle physicist i wonder about these things? |
God is NOT a loving god.
not to be uncharacteristally dismissive, but after a while . honestly, I feel like its a debate with children constantly wanting to know 'why' and why they suffer consequence, and why they cant just do what they want, and why didnt you do even more for them or give even more to them,,, it rings of 'never satisfied' syndrome for which I have not yet found a cure except to move on to another topic ,,,,, ------------------------------------------------------- Msharmony it really isn't about why,i'm messing with you.I do know a little bit about the bible i just ask "why" a lot to see how theologically apologetic you'll be. I'm killing time....wait does that make me the "time god"? Unbelievers like you come on to press thier beliefs on people who just want to discuss their belief. I see all the time on here where you are not speaking of the viable convictions of believers whether right or wrong but do just as you have said. You just want to see how much and if possible you can "cause confusion" that is a sign of an Anti- Messiah.. We are told not to have anything to do with you for the very reason you have exposed yourself. MS Harmony was very patient with you and I applaud her for this very patience that she has tried to show you is the very essence of the scriptures.. I am glad you have showed what your true reason on this thread is. Because its very easy to see you know nothing about the Hebrew scriptures. you chose to accept a faith in mythology that has consequences.How dare you pawn your beliefs on me.I gave a history lesson about your "I AM" god you chose to believe in. Do not ever blame me about your inner child feelings on a man made god.Just because you chose to believe in a god that punishes those who worship it. You need to believe in yourself cause whatever you choose to do is on you,not your imaginary deity. |
Edited by
Sat 06/08/13 03:43 PM
Don't spread false & fake statements among the people about Islam & Muslims.. There is no such thing in reality.. I am from Pakistan & there is no religious boundaries in my country. Every person is free to live & free to adopt any religion of his/her choice. Even non muslims are more respectful & secure than muslims in my country & also in Egypt.. First verify then share the statements with others. I have a lot of Christians & other religions friend in Pakistan & they are living comfortably and freely in Muslim countries. Ok Thanks. Yeah let a jew go into egypt and start yelling 'Mount Temple" belongs to us.I'd feel sorry for that person.Try it in Iran and see what happens...haha.Omar would start rolling in his grave. Why would a Jew even do that? Every Abrahamic religious zealot (Christians, Muslims or Jews) have the delusion that the Temple mount belongs to them. It is because the Temple Mount is the cradle of civilization where an advanced race of ALIENS created genetically modified human beings. Now all these off spurts of humans worship their Alien Gods and fight over the stupid Temple Mount. I say to them all, grow up and get a clue. It is the Temple Mount that everyone expects their Gods to return to, including Jesus. You're right it is temple mount but i switched it to mount temple i think it looks and sounds better ![]() |
God is NOT a loving god.
not to be uncharacteristally dismissive, but after a while . honestly, I feel like its a debate with children constantly wanting to know 'why' and why they suffer consequence, and why they cant just do what they want, and why didnt you do even more for them or give even more to them,,,
it rings of 'never satisfied' syndrome for which I have not yet found a cure except to move on to another topic ,,,,, ------------------------------------------------------- Msharmony it really isn't about why,i'm messing with you.I do know a little bit about the bible i just ask "why" a lot to see how theologically apologetic you'll be. I'm killing time....wait does that make me the "time god"? |
God is NOT a loving god.
Edited by
Sat 06/08/13 03:18 PM
Satan has surely won, if that is what you believe. The Earth is the Devil's domain. (after being thrown out of heaven) The death of Jesus on the cross was to give us a chance at a better life ... someday very soon. THE POWER OF CHOICE, WAS THE GIFT GOD GAVE TO EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US. That is why he has to allow this term of the Devil on this earth ... for each and every person to choose this day whom he will serve. I'd sure hate to pay the ultimate penalty of choosing the Devil's deception of making people believe there is NO GOD. The Devil will win many people ... BUT, he doesn't have to win YOU! It's your choice to make! Study to show thyself approved! Satan is just as imaginary as god what is your point?I can give you a history lesson on how man created satan also. |
God is NOT a loving god.
IM sure there are thousands of topics that people have not taken an interest in learning what that has to do with God being loving and all the arguments put forth so far,, Im not sure,,, I can disect any topic people have an opinion on, to try to belittle their opinion by specific 'documented' history or subtexts,,, but that is a very long and circular type debate that seems more about trying to prove some superior point of view than it does actually debating an issue,,, ------------------------------------------ The debate i'm getting at is gods don't exist people who believe in them do.So with that stated this god thingy about not being a loving god or not is rubbish.The abrahamic god the OP is referring to doesn't exist because it's all a copycat literature that others have done before the "I AM" was even created by the Jews,then along came renegade jews called christians,then came jew haters called muslims,which as time went on a lot of christians hated jews also.. so fine you dont believe God exists so, TO YOU, a debate about his loving nature is irrelevant thats your perogative,, Gods meaning plural don't exist including your mythological supreme being. How in the hell can you call the OT god a loving god when it supposedly killed more people than the black plague?Why would anyone worship a murdering deity then say abortion is wrong?It's beyond comprehension,it's beyond stupidity that means it's called delusional. now that makes little sense death is a part of life, WHATEVER is responsible for us living (for those who dont believe in God), has killed more people (natural deaths) than anything else,, thats a given,, to me that has nothing to do with any emotion , it has to do with the nature of living on the earth with other organisms, people, animals,,etc,,, the one who creates, the thing that creates life, will also inevitably take life away, as death is a part of LIFE,,, get it? the insistence that these facts of life equate to whether the creator of life has the capacity to 'love' or not is what is delusional to me,, so,, to each their own,, Why would a god create then destroy what it created with a apocalypse or a deal it made between David and Saul?Seriously how ignorant can someone be especially if the almighty lived in a tent......ooops did i just type that. |
God is NOT a loving god.
IM sure there are thousands of topics that people have not taken an interest in learning what that has to do with God being loving and all the arguments put forth so far,, Im not sure,,, I can disect any topic people have an opinion on, to try to belittle their opinion by specific 'documented' history or subtexts,,, but that is a very long and circular type debate that seems more about trying to prove some superior point of view than it does actually debating an issue,,, ------------------------------------------ The debate i'm getting at is gods don't exist people who believe in them do.So with that stated this god thingy about not being a loving god or not is rubbish.The abrahamic god the OP is referring to doesn't exist because it's all a copycat literature that others have done before the "I AM" was even created by the Jews,then along came renegade jews called christians,then came jew haters called muslims,which as time went on a lot of christians hated jews also.. so fine you dont believe God exists so, TO YOU, a debate about his loving nature is irrelevant thats your perogative,, Gods meaning plural don't exist including your mythological supreme being. How in the hell can you call the OT god a loving god when it supposedly killed more people than the black plague?Why would anyone worship a murdering deity then say abortion is wrong?It's beyond comprehension,it's beyond stupidity that means it's called delusional. |
God is NOT a loving god.
Edited by
Sat 06/08/13 02:58 PM
IM sure there are thousands of topics that people have not taken an interest in learning
what that has to do with God being loving and all the arguments put forth so far,, Im not sure,,, I can disect any topic people have an opinion on, to try to belittle their opinion by specific 'documented' history or subtexts,,, but that is a very long and circular type debate that seems more about trying to prove some superior point of view than it does actually debating an issue,,, ------------------------------------------ The debate i'm getting at is gods don't exist people who believe in them do.So with that stated this god thingy about not being a loving god or not is rubbish.The abrahamic god the OP is referring to doesn't exist because it's all a copycat literature that others have done before the "I AM" was even created by the Jews,then along came renegade jews called christians,then came jew haters called muslims,which as time went on a lot of christians hated jews also.. |
Don't spread false & fake statements among the people about Islam & Muslims.. There is no such thing in reality.. I am from Pakistan & there is no religious boundaries in my country. Every person is free to live & free to adopt any religion of his/her choice. Even non muslims are more respectful & secure than muslims in my country & also in Egypt.. First verify then share the statements with others. I have a lot of Christians & other religions friend in Pakistan & they are living comfortably and freely in Muslim countries. Ok Thanks. Yeah let a jew go into egypt and start yelling 'Mount Temple" belongs to us.I'd feel sorry for that person.Try it in Iran and see what happens...haha.Omar would start rolling in his grave. |
God is NOT a loving god.
repeating for clarity the GOD who created me in my mothers womb I simply refer to him as GOD,,,, ------------------------------------------------ Ok so your a christian that narrows it down to jehovah,El and Yahweh.Hope you picked the right one cause if it wasn't Yahweh ewwww the games he'll play with you.Just like he did with Job. Im picking the one who created me,, dont know how that can be the 'wrong' one my mom is my mom,, whomever she was , or whatever others in other places 'call' her there is only ONE who carried me in her womb and whom I refer to as MOM likewise there is ONE who created me , and I refer to him as GOD, and give him the reverence he deserves as my creator,,, no way to get that wrong,,, For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments. Read more: My God, makes it as specific as it needs to be,, just like My Mom does,,,, Oh i get it you're just covering your arse by just saying god so it's less specific...i see. haaa, and your just nitpicking to make a mountain out of a mole hill MY God is pretty specific, If I say MY Mom,, its pretty specfic too,,, ,,,,if that title 'MY MOM' equates with 'covering my ***' to some,, thats their issue, not mine my mom knows exactly who I am speaking to when I call her Mom, and Im sure God knows too,,, My bad you keep referring to your mother so actually you mean Asherah Yahwehs wife,she's a goddess not a god.You do know that jews changed the story about yahweh having a wife named Asherah to asherah meaning a tree....whatever.Anyways so you have really narrowed it down to either Asherah or Baal.Forgot about Baal sorry about that don't want to offend you. comprehension is not a strong point huh? MY MOTHER,, who carried me in her womb.... Im sure that persons name wasnt Asherah,, so perhaps the only thing 'narrow' here is the persistent and irrelevant debate about names,,, Msharmony when it comes to comprehending about the abrahamic faith very few know the true history of it's mythological history and it's origins. |
God is NOT a loving god.
repeating for clarity the GOD who created me in my mothers womb I simply refer to him as GOD,,,, ------------------------------------------------ Ok so your a christian that narrows it down to jehovah,El and Yahweh.Hope you picked the right one cause if it wasn't Yahweh ewwww the games he'll play with you.Just like he did with Job. Im picking the one who created me,, dont know how that can be the 'wrong' one my mom is my mom,, whomever she was , or whatever others in other places 'call' her there is only ONE who carried me in her womb and whom I refer to as MOM likewise there is ONE who created me , and I refer to him as GOD, and give him the reverence he deserves as my creator,,, no way to get that wrong,,, For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments. Read more: My God, makes it as specific as it needs to be,, just like My Mom does,,,, Oh i get it you're just covering your arse by just saying god so it's less specific...i see. haaa, and your just nitpicking to make a mountain out of a mole hill MY God is pretty specific, If I say MY Mom,, its pretty specfic too,,, ,,,,if that title 'MY MOM' equates with 'covering my ***' to some,, thats their issue, not mine my mom knows exactly who I am speaking to when I call her Mom, and Im sure God knows too,,, My bad you keep referring to your mother so actually you mean Asherah Yahwehs wife,she's a goddess not a god.You do know that jews changed the story about yahweh having a wife named Asherah to asherah meaning a tree....whatever.Anyways so you have really narrowed it down to either Asherah or Baal.Forgot about Baal sorry about that don't want to offend you. |
God is NOT a loving god.
repeating for clarity the GOD who created me in my mothers womb I simply refer to him as GOD,,,, ------------------------------------------------ Ok so your a christian that narrows it down to jehovah,El and Yahweh.Hope you picked the right one cause if it wasn't Yahweh ewwww the games he'll play with you.Just like he did with Job. Im picking the one who created me,, dont know how that can be the 'wrong' one my mom is my mom,, whomever she was , or whatever others in other places 'call' her there is only ONE who carried me in her womb and whom I refer to as MOM likewise there is ONE who created me , and I refer to him as GOD, and give him the reverence he deserves as my creator,,, no way to get that wrong,,, For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments. Read more: My God, makes it as specific as it needs to be,, just like My Mom does,,,, Oh i get it you're just covering your arse by just saying god so it's less specific...i see. |
God is NOT a loving god.
repeating for clarity
the GOD who created me in my mothers womb I simply refer to him as GOD,,,, ------------------------------------------------ Ok so your a christian that narrows it down to jehovah,El and Yahweh.Hope you picked the right one cause if it wasn't Yahweh ewwww the games he'll play with you.Just like he did with Job. |
God is NOT a loving god.
I dont follow war gods, so I Cant answer questions about them all power/ability/capacity is given by God, what we develop and how we use it is a different matter without the bible, the evidence of God is (for me) the magnificent and perfect complexity of the human body, the complexity and unity of nature itself,, the beauty of trees, the very existence of the world around me,,,, etc,,etc,,,etc,,,, I just dont believe that the totality of it is some cosmic accident or coincidence,, to me it SCREAMS of intelligent design,,, ---------------------------------------------------------------- So then you worship Jehovah then? Which Israelite god do you worship maybe El? different languages call God different things, I believe in God, the God who is the Creator. who created me in my mothers womb (under whatever name one so chooses) Uh there are different names for hebrew gods msharmony.You didn't know this? I dont follow any God but one,, so why would I need to know the names of any other? Because there are others according to reality such as the hindu gods,the hebrew gods,the canaanite gods.There isn't just one the jews tried to make as if there was with Yahweh but there were other tribes that worshipped different gods.So technically the question arises which god is it is it the hebrew gods,the israelite gods,the canaanite gods,the hyksos gods..etc. When the judeic "synagogues" were established it was then stated that Yahweh was the god and none other existed.Which of course was their opinions because the Roman gods and pagan gods were still around. |