God is NOT a loving god.
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Mon 05/27/13 08:12 AM
See the problem with this god is that a lot of this going to hell and satan crap was after the Babylonian wars.
Secondly the "hebrews" actually didn't believe in an afterlife.You praised and worship elohim,el or yahwah whatever they called him while you were living. Thirdly the exodus in the bible has very weak merit because the biggest exodus from egypt was by a people called the hyksos. King david was over exaggerated by israelite folklore. Everytime the israelites got their *** kicked in a war it was their gods punishment.According to mythological history the israelites got their ***** kick quite often. Then of course there's the new testament which is using the scare tactic of the end times coming for propaganda promotional purposes. Funny thing christians seem to forget that Peter or Paul went around telling others not to have kids cause the apocalypse is coming and both Rabbi jesus and John the baptist all preached that the end times are coming. Jesus even said he would come within his disciples lifetime.Funny thing i have yet to see or meet 12 2,000 year old jews. Don't get me wrong the bible is a cute copycat from other religions promoting deity mythological spiritual book,but that's all it is. |
God is NOT a loving god.
As I said in a previous post I edited(but not sure if it was read) I don't ask anyone to drop their religion cold turkey, only to look at the scientific logic that's proven time and time again that god isn't all he's cracked up to be. For instance birth used to be considered a miracle very much so as the methods for bringing a child into the world were much more crude and not as many babies survived childbirth, but these days it's much more rare to have complications. So it's not so much a miracle as your teenage daughter just got knocked up, now she's stuck with a kid. lol. Also I find it funny how my more important statements keep being entirely overlooked and avoided, like the only proof of the existence of a god is an old badly interpreted book. Don't get me wrong, I know the feeling of being a "believer" I was hardly raised by a god freak(my mother wasn't that religious). But I did get some religion taught in school and other places, and to this day I still subconsciously believe even though I cognitively know it's all rubbish. But then that's why I mentioned brainwashing. Learn a bit about psychology and you may understand what I'm saying. Cuz otherwise I'm betting that you're interpreting that as me having a spiritual connection to god. But that is not at all what I mean. how should one respond to a statement that the only 'proof' of existence is in a book that requires an agreement that it is the only proof,,, people look for proof in different places the bible is MANY different books combined into one,, so its not really just proof in 'one book',,,there are different perspectives told by different people, and in different time periods there is the constant reiteration of others about their experiences with God its just a matter of believing what we are told or not, applying it in life, seeing if it seems to make sense and hold true,, most of what we learn we havent learned it from a direct experience in validating its truth,, we have learned it from books whose authors knowledge and integrity are trusted,,, I dont know that columbus existed, I know his name has been written in books and stories imply he is real if I do feel he existed, I dont have proof he did what he is alleged to have done because its only in 'a book' ,,,,,,,but, yet, I believe he was a real man and really did (At least some of) what he is claimed to have done 'proof' is a different standard for everyone,, most of it doesnt involve us seeing things firsthand and for ourself,,,until the suggestion is put in our head for what we see and experience to MATCH UP With at a later time,,, msharmony after all the attempts of trying to get an answer of showing evidence of gods existing physically instead of psychologically.Can you provide a picture or other source of a god that exist,rather it be a hindu,abramic,greek,wicca,norse,pagan.Please provide something that these gods or your god exist besides faith in them. |
God is NOT a loving god.
You have Free Will,but you had better do what I tell you to do,or I'll Burn Your Arse! ![]() Haha QFT.Amazing isn't it.I AM gave out free will passes yet if you don't believe in it you'll fry.So i guess certain individuals get VIP membership to heaven. |
God is NOT a loving god.
Exhibit A of circulatory answers. "absence of 'proof' is not proof of absence,,,," And you still owe me organ lessons... ![]() lol,, is it not true? how long before they had 'proof' the world wasnt flat? didnt make it any less true though,,,, im a little out of practice on the organ,, perhaps vocal lessons though,,, ![]() I keep reminding you of the organ lessons because i have made circulatory statements reminding you for what,a year or so may be longer.....Now it's turned into a vocal thingy,i'm shocked and stimulated at the same time.Meaning you can sing to me or vocal me anytime ![]() |
God is NOT a loving god.
Exhibit A of circulatory answers.
"absence of 'proof' is not proof of absence,,,," And you still owe me organ lessons... ![]() |
God is NOT a loving god.
Edited by
Fri 05/24/13 07:12 PM
All the new testament is is part 2 of the old testament for propaganda to get followers and it uses the messiah events from the old testament to make an guy look like the messiah and then throw around an apocalypse is gonna happen and if you don't follow this messiahs teachings "then may "I AM" have mercy on your soul."
It's just propaganda the author or authors used to get people to join their ministries.Hell Peter,John the Baptist,John all were created in the story to scare people into following their beliefs by saying "the end is coming" good will be fighting evil" Unfortunately 2,000 years later and no apocalypse,people still fall for it. Oh please don't get me started on part 3 of the old testament called the quran. |
God is NOT a loving god.
Edited by
Fri 05/24/13 06:48 PM
The Bible is a good way to live. If you don't think so it just reflects on your poor understanding. This is the other problem with religion, and in this case the Bible, and it goes along with the infallibility thing spoken of earlier. You CANNOT challenge it! If people ever try, it's always twisted by believers as our own failure to understand the thing like above, it's never ever ever that MAYBE what we are being told is wrong or incorrect. Now how are you supposed to have an objective debate about the validity of something when whenever one comes up with an argument that is the response? You can't do it, the whole thing is rigged to make you look bad unless you agree with them. That is a biased system looking to support itself, not the actual truth. What exactly are religious people afraid of? If the Bible is right as they say, if what they believe is right, then certainly the facts will prove it right? So what is the need to place the blame always on the questioner instead of the thing being questioned? Afraid of being wrong? I think that's what it comes down to to me, they don't wanna be wrong so they shift the focus on the one making the argument instead, or even try to make excuses for the bad behavior done by their God or in the name of their God. Catholics even have a term for this, they call it apologetics, which is basically another form of saying apology. If something is good and right it need not be apologized for. That a religion would feel the need to have a term that basically means just that, trying to justify their behavior somehow, says a lot about it. So yeah bottom line is, you cannot have an honest discussion about this if every single time someone challenges it, you make the issue about them and not about what they are trying to argue against. You want truth? Then you'll follow it wherever it leads, even if it means you were wrong. Anything else just indicates you wanna cling to what you believe no matter what evidence is shown otherwise. It's like arguing with a wall or a broken record.They say it's in the bible.So if you ask them what other evidence is there to support the bible they just say the bible is the evidence.It's a massive circulatory debate with theist or jesus freaks.It's not that you can't win it's that they are good at avoiding the question with circulatory answers. First thing the survivors of the Oklahoma tornadoes will say."Thank God".My opinion of that whole event was their imaginary being they worship said "ooops,oh well s h i t happens"" |
gay christian conversation
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Fri 05/17/13 05:27 PM
According to the bible God said homosexual acts are an abomination and punishable by death.
You have christians that say "well eating shellfish was an abomination and Jesus cleansed them and it's no longer an abomination." Ok but did Jesus say "i cleanse homosexual acts and it's ok to have them"?No. In other words if you're a christian and support homosexualality you're opposing your own God or messiah. That's why i'm an atheist i can choose what i want to accept and not let desert dwellers of ancient text interfere. |
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Sun 05/12/13 03:37 PM
Actually metalwing hit the nail on the head.The inflation theory is from the multiverse concept(theory) that eventually was attached to the big bang theory do to explaining the vacuum of space time.
In my honest opinion the multiverse theory makes sense because deuteriums,baryons,hadrons and tritiums had to have come from somethings aka the higgs boson.So in other words either a vacuum has always existed or energy and matter has always existed. There really is no other way around it.I accept the whole theory of the universe will start making sense when quantum gravity starts making sense.Gravity i think plays a key role in all of it. |
Religion and Science
Galileo's infamous epicycles and equants was an occams razor but he did get F=mg correct thanks to Newton.
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Sun 05/12/13 08:04 AM
In science nothing is something.
Some people seem to think that the universe came from nothing.Technically Big Bang supporters claim that the universe was dense and hot.Well hot is heat,heat is energy so there's your energy.Second if it was so dense and small what force held it to stay small there had to have been matter. Energy and matter could have always existed even if you're a Big Bang kind of person. If you claim that matter and energy can only be in a vacuum then how can you claim that before a vacuum occurred that at least energy was a source of the cause of a vacuum? |
Exhibit A....^
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Thu 05/09/13 06:34 PM
yes, even the dull minded can have faith,,,and Gods grace its not earned with mans tests, or diplomas,,,,,, and people can believe in the cycle of life being a big cosmic coincidence too,,, its all relative,,,, There's more physical evidence to support the cosmic coincidence though. Pray to your god and ask why did he create black holes,tell me what he says. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Do you know the function of a black hole? They are at the center of galaxies and quasars so the function is galaxy formation.I asked her to pray to her god and tell me what he said though.Now that i typed what i did she can type he said what i did....thx ![]() ![]() Right, we get it. You think people who believe in a creator are stupid and hear voices in their head. We forgive you for your arrogance. Well i wouldn't call them stupid but i do question why they believe mythology to be true.It's a fact that all deity based religions are myth but for some reason abrahamic faiths get a little bit more leniency because it's the most popular myth. |
Religious faith doesn't require a degree or intelligence for that matter. People choose to believe what they want.I can choose to believe in an invisible fluffy puppy that floats on a white fluffy cloud below the firmament.With religious faith i don't have to prove it exist because i believe it does. I don't agree that people can choose to believe what they want. You can imagine an invisible fluffy puppy that floats on a white fluffy cloud below the firmament, but you can't make yourself 'believe' it exists without some reason or evidence to support that belief. You can "say" you believe it, but that is just a lie. But to really believe it, is not that simple. That is not the point. The point is, you can't just choose to believe in something. You could no more believe in a deity than you could in an invisible fluffy puppy. You can't choose what you believe. You either have a reason to believe or not. You apparently have no reason to believe. So you don't. That's very simple. |
yes, even the dull minded can have faith,,,and Gods grace its not earned with mans tests, or diplomas,,,,,, and people can believe in the cycle of life being a big cosmic coincidence too,,, its all relative,,,, There's more physical evidence to support the cosmic coincidence though. Pray to your god and ask why did he create black holes,tell me what he says. there is no physical evidence pointing anymore to it all being coincidence than there is it being designed,,,, OK never mind you don't keep up with science i see. I keep up fine with what FACTS and EVIDENCE are scientifically, and I keep up fine with knowing that all the scientific evidence in the world cant prove a NEGATIVE ,,, it isnt proven that all the things science discovers didnt have a design that was created,,,,and it never will be,,,, No you just use god of the gaps to fill in what science hasn't figured out yet...come on it's ok even theist scientist do it too.Admit it you worship the god of the gaps. |
and it never will be,,,,
------------------------------------------ I see another belief. |
Religious faith doesn't require a degree or intelligence for that matter. People choose to believe what they want.I can choose to believe in an invisible fluffy puppy that floats on a white fluffy cloud below the firmament.With religious faith i don't have to prove it exist because i believe it does. I don't agree that people can choose to believe what they want. You can imagine an invisible fluffy puppy that floats on a white fluffy cloud below the firmament, but you can't make yourself 'believe' it exists without some reason or evidence to support that belief. You can "say" you believe it, but that is just a lie. But to really believe it, is not that simple. |
yes, even the dull minded can have faith,,,and Gods grace its not earned with mans tests, or diplomas,,,,,, and people can believe in the cycle of life being a big cosmic coincidence too,,, its all relative,,,, There's more physical evidence to support the cosmic coincidence though. Pray to your god and ask why did he create black holes,tell me what he says. there is no physical evidence pointing anymore to it all being coincidence than there is it being designed,,,, OK never mind you don't keep up with science i see. |
yes, even the dull minded can have faith,,,and Gods grace its not earned with mans tests, or diplomas,,,,,, and people can believe in the cycle of life being a big cosmic coincidence too,,, its all relative,,,, There's more physical evidence to support the cosmic coincidence though. Pray to your god and ask why did he create black holes,tell me what he says. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Do you know the function of a black hole? They are at the center of galaxies and quasars so the function is galaxy formation.I asked her to pray to her god and tell me what he said though.Now that i typed what i did she can type he said what i did....thx ![]() ![]() |
yes, even the dull minded can have faith,,,and Gods grace its not earned with mans tests, or diplomas,,,,,, and people can believe in the cycle of life being a big cosmic coincidence too,,, its all relative,,,, There's more physical evidence to support the cosmic coincidence though. Pray to your god and ask why did he create black holes,tell me what he says. |