Community > Posts By > Serious

Serious's photo
Tue 12/22/20 11:22 PM
Edited by Serious on Tue 12/22/20 11:24 PM
Sure, who needs some sugar?

I have white and brown and some powder sugar, Coconut sugar is a bit healthier.
For those that need to watch their Glucose levels, I recommend Erythrol, Stevia or monkfruit.
I personally prefer honey though.
But under any circumstances avoid artificial sugar, it's poison...

whoa noway

Serious's photo
Sat 12/19/20 06:47 PM

They all think that God is going to protect them but I don't think He works like that, if you do something you already know you shouldn't. And He also said to follow authority.

What is it you are saying that God said we shouldn't do, we are doing already?
WHERE did God say to not assemble to practice your faith, or to stay home and fearfully obey your government by forbidding you to exercise your God given rights, or NOT going out to preach the gospel to all creatures and "laying hands" on people so they will be healed?
Any idea?

Where did you get the idea that God doesn't work like that? or doesn't protect you? Did He tell you that personally?

Serious's photo
Sat 12/19/20 06:06 PM
Edited by Serious on Sat 12/19/20 06:10 PM
There are no "soulmates" from God, this comes from a pagan story. However God knows what you need and will allow you to eventually meet the right "match", meaning that your paths are going to be on the same way, direction and purpose.
There has to be the same kind of vision and some of the same interests, even though two people can be total opposites otherwise, it will just "fit" and then you will be aware of this.

Now the typical dating is the worldly answer to what the biblical way should be - a courtship. We should not have to hop from date to date to desperately seek someone. If you are truly a Christian you will "know" before you seriously consider someone to be more than a friend. Also there is nothing against going out with someone as a friend or with several friends, between both genders, making friends, getting to know people. It's the pressure that comes with dating when it becomes "romantic", if you start having "feelings" for a specific friend, I would seriously search and pray where these come from.

If you believe that God has shown you someone, then with their permission (has to be the same on the other side) there will be a courtship which it's only purpose is to seriously make a commitment to the other person in order to make sure that after getting to know each other in a deeper more personal way (without sex of course) will then lead to marriage. This should be the reason and purpose for that. Pretty much the step before and through an engagement period.

To the OP: You BOTH are responsible for God, each separately. There is no pushing responsibility to someone else. You alone are responsible for your own actions, no matter what pressure comes from the outside or other side...
Don't put yourself in a position where you are vulnerable and make no provision for the flesh to be overrun by it. If you are "feeling" too much physical attraction, do not be alone somewhere with each other. Common sense! And avoid all appearances of evil> i.e, do not move in together, even though you keep separate rooms, just not wise!

Serious's photo
Sat 12/19/20 05:34 PM
It wasn't GOD and there can be no mention of "blessing" of what Abraham did (NOT GOD), when he had a child with his concubine (officially not married and by God never intended either). She also never became his official wife (even though it once mentions the term "wife" with different meaning), only Sarah was his wife. He remarried after Sarah's death but that's just the normal biblical way we also have nowadays under this New Covenant.

Serious's photo
Sat 12/19/20 05:10 PM
Having said that, of course there is and always should be support for those that struggle with this or any kind of other sin (eg. Alcoholism, Pornography any kind of sexual sin, drugs, etc) that seems to be hard to get out of, so that they will overcome it.

Serious's photo
Sat 12/19/20 05:03 PM
Edited by Serious on Sat 12/19/20 05:05 PM

Love has no gender, we all call it love:rainbow::heart:

Depends what kind of "Love" you are talking about! The problem with the English language is that it's not very distinguishing or detailed in some of the wording contrary to others. We love our spouses, we love our children, the neighbor and the dog and pizza. But those are all different kinds of LOVE.

What you seem to be referring to, if I understand this right, is more on the side of LUST (The Greeks call it:"eros"). It's physical love for someone and that GOD Himself has ordained this kind of love ONLY in marriage between ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN (born that way!). Everything else is an ABOMINATION in God's eyes and it will be judged. Even though God still loves the person and Jesus died for those that are in sin (whatever it is!), but He wants them to repent and stop it and turn from it. If you die with/in it (unrepented sin) you can't be forgiven anymore, until then there is still hope.

Serious's photo
Sat 12/19/20 02:41 AM
^^^ THIS - Love Sweden for it!

Serious's photo
Sat 12/19/20 02:35 AM

Belly fat is probably the most stubborn fat to lose. I'm considered skinny (at just 155 lbs for a 5'10+ guy) but I have what I estimate to be around 3 lbs of fat around the lower abdomen and waist area. You can't see it but I can feel it. I'm a one-meal a day guy and have been for the past 30 years yet I find it very hard to lose this fat. What I have noticed is that consuming carb-rich foods (bread for me) WILL result in accumulation of fat in the belly area. There's just no way around it, especially if you're older.

Two things are most effective to melt away that fat - Exercise and cutting back on carbs, even if you don't eat much to begin with.

Exercising isn't easy and I'd say it's hard and boring but if you like cycling then that's the easiest way to shed the extra weight while actually enjoying the activity. I really enjoy riding my bike -even when I ride hard- and I could go hours without getting bored especially in summer. If you ride at say about 20-25 KM/hr you will burn around 400 cal/hr. 2 hrs = 800 calories burned. Go faster or go uphill and you're going to almost double the amount of calories burned. I easily burn 1000 cal every time I ride. 3X/wk and that's the 3500 cal you need to burn a wk to lose one pound in a wk.
Cycling is the way for me.

Actually better to do short but intense power burst work-outs. Like sprinting for 5 minutes then rest then go again, etc. Long cardio workout, like running for miles, actually keeps you from loosing weight and even gains more overall.

Serious's photo
Sat 12/19/20 02:26 AM
There is only one: Bayern München shades "Mia san Mia!"

Serious's photo
Wed 12/16/20 09:17 PM
Love these generalizations and stereotypes. Like: "men always.. - women never..." etc, etc...
Well unless one has met all 7 Billion people on this earth, these statements only reflect ones own opinion usually derived through (bad) experiences.

Serious's photo
Tue 10/27/20 05:23 PM
You cannot generalize this. It depends on each individual and their preference. Also whoever is concerned about medical issues, this is mostly an issue of how well someone takes care of their own health, especially right nutrition and exercise. On the other hand many people nowadays have medical issues way in their younger years and have debilitating sicknesses and diseases (mostly because they didn't take care - from child age on). Then you have the opposite case where the much older one has to take care of the younger one.

Serious's photo
Wed 06/17/20 10:21 PM
Especially in Spain, with the social distancing going on there might just be the running of the bull or two and maybe one or two men... lolwhoa

Anyways, as it seems there are more people dying in this tradition than the bulls, by being trampled. Never read the statistics, but would make sense. If anybody wants to be that stupid, whatever it's still a free world (mostly so far) to be stupid....

Serious's photo
Tue 05/05/20 01:09 AM
The way I understand the statement of the OP is that she didn't mean " not for fun" as not enjoyable or without pleasure but more in a sense of it not to be used in a casual way. In this case I totally agree with her. It was never meant to just use it for everyone you casually meet, ONS or even FWB, etc. - not even a lot of animals behave like that. A lifestyle like that will eventually catch up with you, emotionally and physically (no matter what you think about it - it's proven!).
It's rather the physical expression of the love two people have for each other in a committed relationship (in my opinion - in a marriage).

Serious's photo
Tue 05/05/20 12:22 AM

Most men don't read Profiles on dating sites.

It's more important to chat and eliminate them by conversation.

Interesting enough the same I can say about most women on these sites (and I have to proof to back this up!). If I take a statistic of all the different sites I had been on over the years I would have to say that 60-80% of the women never read my profile, which is mostly evident by virtual winks, kisses, nudges, etc. sent but no profile views from them or the ones that contacted me through messaging and at times even mentioned they liked my profile while it was evident that they didn't read it at all, judging from content of their own message and/or no profile view evidence. And that even after we account for all the scammers that pretty much never read profiles nor your messages you sent back to them...

I found that most profiles that are not or scarcely filled out usually belong to scammers on most websites. They do mostly have pictures that don't seem to fit to the person described or just too perfect, etc. The ones that don't have any photo I totally ignore (mostly scammers, bots or not serious). I know some do not like to have their picture out there and I am the first one that feels the same way, but if you are on the dating website and you want some positive results, there is just no way around this. - Even worse is a pic of their pet only - yeah, not dating a dog!whoa slaphead

Another thing I find amusing that I read on a lot of women's profiles that they don't want anyone to message them a "Hi, "Hello" or a "How are you", etc and proclaim they will block all who do so because they think it's boring and not inventive enough, but then about 80-90% of women (yes that many!) do the exact same thing writing men.whoa Most of the rest write a whole story (the copy and paste kind) which scammers like to do many times, but very, very few are actually putting some thought into it and mention something specific from my profile when they initiate a conversation.

Everything you are observing happens on both sides...

Serious's photo
Sat 04/18/20 11:15 PM

This year people will think twice before they TP ("toiletpaper") someone's house [throwing TP unrolled over the house and trees etc - for those that don't know], this is usually a dare here in this country...- yes definitely think there is not going to be a lot of that going on now..bigsmile whoa

just for that................... i'ma doo it.

I got an extra roll....shades

Go for it! I think you might make someone's day, especially if they are out if it. lolbigsmile
Maybe some people are secretly wishing now their house to be TP'dlaugh

Serious's photo
Thu 04/16/20 11:58 PM
This year people will think twice before they TP ("toiletpaper") someone's house [throwing TP unrolled over the house and trees etc - for those that don't know], this is usually a dare here in this country...- yes definitely think there is not going to be a lot of that going on now..bigsmile whoa

Serious's photo
Thu 04/16/20 11:21 PM

Its the Media that pushes the gloom and doom.

The media report the statistics.
Ignoring the statistics doesn't make them go away.

Sure, Mankind as a whole will eventually be healed of COVID-19, but such healing has not happened yet.
IF the media only reported the statistics without opining the doom and gloom, many people would be less fearful.

Ah, but the fear is profitable.

YES, it sells toilet paper, like never before!

Serious's photo
Sun 04/05/20 01:44 AM
Nothing really changed for me except now I have to go shopping 5 times instead once in order to get everything needed, which is kind of counterproductive to what actually is intended.
One time there are no eggs , then there is no lettuce, then there are no tomatoes, other times there are hardly any meat/poultry/fish products. Then there is no pasta/rice etc. So in order to put a simple meal together you have to go shopping several times throughout the week.
Small town, we only really have two grocery stores, so always have to check both of them.

Now they only let you take one item each category, and since I also have to go shopping for my parents who don't really want to go outside at all, so then I have to do this all over again... slaphead

Today I saw the first few rolls of toilet paper again after 3 weeks.whoa

Serious's photo
Tue 03/31/20 12:50 AM
It's called constructive criticism. When it's followed by what, how, where and or why something can be done better about what is being criticized.

Serious's photo
Sat 02/22/20 10:26 PM

Lol what a difference a comma makes.....pretty, ugly person versus pretty ugly

Yeah no kidding!

For example:

Let's eat grandma ...! vs. Let's eat, grandma...!

The right use of commas can save lives! bigsmile