Community > Posts By > Serious

Serious's photo
Tue 02/11/20 11:32 PM
Traveling all over the world I have seen many people who are the spitting image of someone I knew from somewhere else, even some family members at times. It sometimes seems freaky but it now happens so often that I almost expect it. Sometimes even see people that look like prominent, known actors. Recently even two on the same train in Europe. Whenever I can I take a quick snapshot, to compare.
The weird thing was when an upcoming actress appeared in Hollywood movies several years ago that looked very similar to my ex-wife (back when we were still married). Especially in certain movies or pictures when the actress was made up a certain way. To test this I put a picture of her and one of the actress' pic next to each other and showed them to people in my family who knew her well, they sometimes did not pick out the right one.

Serious's photo
Tue 02/11/20 11:09 PM
Someone thought I was about 10 years younger than I am. He is going to be my BFF from now on...loltongue2 shades laugh

Serious's photo
Tue 02/11/20 10:18 PM
Someone who has a gentle spirit, is full of love and compassion for people, great personality, attitude and character, humble (considers others before herself), teachable (meaning open and willing to learn), feminine, and our vision, goals, calling in life fit together.

Serious's photo
Sun 02/09/20 10:09 PM
I know two very different couples, who are friends of mine. One is a young couple who got married a few years ago, he is a head taller than me (like a basketball player) and she is about 2 heads shorter than me. On the first glance it does look awkward but it was never an issue for them. They really love each other and just had a baby.
The other couple: she is about 2 .5 heads taller than him (he is half Asian, she is Caucasian and taller than the average woman here). He is in his mid 50's and she is about 25 years younger. Just recently had another baby. Neither the height, nor their age difference ever mattered to them, they are happily married and one of the most funniest people I know and they complete each other very well, like made for each other.

I mentioned that to point out in general:
So, yes people have their set preferences but never let the smaller issue (or taller - lol) hinder you from maybe overlooking someone that might be otherwise "perfect" for you - and especially do not choose (maybe minor) preferences like that because of what other people might think. You are not in a relationship with THEM. Sometimes we care about people's opinions that we don't even know, rather than to see what really makes us happy/fulfilled and what matters in the long run.

Serious's photo
Sun 02/09/20 09:37 PM
Thanks diosadevida.
I am more old fashioned in this way I think, I can use any media but I rather like the face to face conversation. What gets lost in our digital world most often is the real personal interaction. When you have the person right in front of you it is a lot easier to "read" many different signals of their behavior that you just can't online messaging (unless you have a video call maybe).
Unfortunately I find myself currently in a place where I have to rely on this media, since I live in a very small community further away from the next large city, so I have to find people this way. But I also have no problem once I found the right person to move to a different place and even if it's on the other side of the world. But I am really in my element when I am traveling and can meet new people ("google translate" became a good friend of mine - lol).

Serious's photo
Sun 02/09/20 09:20 PM
Edited by Serious on Sun 02/09/20 09:22 PM
Thanks, appreciate it..:sunglasses: .. seriously!

Serious's photo
Sun 02/09/20 09:14 PM
I am not answering for women but just conveying what I read in a lot of women's profiles which is that they want taller men and some even figure in the inch difference to go with their high heels noway
To me this seems kind of shallow and actually a bit silly, but whatever makes them happy. People placing emphasis and priorities on different qualities.

Serious's photo
Sun 02/09/20 01:54 AM
Now I am looking at people's post counter and just saw some people with over 50K posts...shocked surprised
OK ...- I'm out.. 🤯 . scared

Serious's photo
Sun 02/09/20 01:08 AM

The overall energy he exudes and his eyes as those truly are the mirror of the soul.
Some people have 'empty' eyes. A no-go for me. I need someone who has what I call 'the light on' in his eyes.

:thumbsup: I usually look at their eyes first also because to many people can fake a smile but the eyes are the window to their soul

^ Dittos

I can see a lot in their eyes. They can look like a supermodel but if I don't like what I see in their eyes I am not interested.
-"Beauty is in the eye of the beerholder - ...ehm, I mean beholder..!"-bigsmile

Lol, but you will never outwit our CosmicCharlie....
You are too Serious bigsmile

CosmicCharlie? You lost me there... I think I am missing some insider info..?what

Serious's photo
Sat 02/08/20 11:42 PM
part 71 of this thread!!!!surprised shocked
This must be the local daily hangout...

Serious's photo
Sat 02/08/20 11:21 PM
Edited by Serious on Sat 02/08/20 11:22 PM

The overall energy he exudes and his eyes as those truly are the mirror of the soul.
Some people have 'empty' eyes. A no-go for me. I need someone who has what I call 'the light on' in his eyes.

:thumbsup: I usually look at their eyes first also because to many people can fake a smile but the eyes are the window to their soul

^ Dittos

I can see a lot in their eyes. They can look like a supermodel but if I don't like what I see in their eyes I am not interested.
-"Beauty is in the eye of the beerholder - ...ehm, I mean beholder..!"-bigsmile

Serious's photo
Sat 02/08/20 11:09 PM
Depends what country she is in and in what country you live. For the legal part , some countries are easier, some not so easy, some very hard. But usually if this is meant to be there will be a way...

Serious's photo
Sat 02/08/20 10:51 PM
Like someone here before mentioned, it all depends on the current situation and if it is a known familiar environment (like a church, special group, private party, etc. ) or captive "prey" (to use also aforementioned term LOL) e.g. in an airplane, standing in line or unfamiliar setting, pretty much everywhere else or even in a different country. I adapt to the situation. But usually trying to break the ice by making the other person feel comfortable, I ask a question, make a funny comment to see if they will engage in a conversation. By that time I know if they are interested or not, if I like them I will at least ask for their email and so far always got it. If in a different country (and different language)then this is the easiest, I usually have learned a few phrases and open the convo in their language, that ALWAYS gets positive attention no matter where in the world, if they do not respond much then they are too shy to talk (or they cannot speak any of my known languages, then of course it's a dead end, happens sometimes). I met some amazing people that way.

Serious's photo
Sat 02/08/20 09:52 PM
At first glance I read "Mutual dating of Koalas.."noway 🤣 - I guess it's time to call it a day and go to bed..:thinking::sleeping:

Serious's photo
Sat 02/08/20 09:41 PM

I'd rather a guy write me a message.

catinidaho - 6565 posts WOW :flushed: - just saw that. Are you getting paid to be on here!?
WOW, I guess I say that backwards again... - WOW!

Serious's photo
Sat 02/08/20 09:33 PM

Guys may find it hard to do that, since he fears rejection and worse, no answer to said message....

Then (online) dating is not for them...
What's the difference between a rejected (unanswered) nudge vs. an unanswered letter?
Happens all the time, wasn't the right match (or a person who is not reading, checking their mail or not online anymore) -> ..Next...!
Some other people are too lazy to write a letter, they just nudge hundreds of people and see what returns, another way to do this, very un-selective though, probably not a lot of quality returns, probably and mostly from the dude in Nigeria again... LOL

Serious's photo
Sat 02/08/20 09:25 PM

I don't understand when a guy sends me a nudge, and that's it. I figure if they like me, they'd write a message. There are are some of the same guys over weeks, that keep sending me nudges. Give it a rest.

The same goes vice versa, I get exponentially more nudges, winks, virtual kisses (whatever else a website offers) than a letter. And even if that then it's mostly a lonely "hi". I always read in so many rants where women complain that guys are not very creative when opening a conversation, but about 90% of women that actually do write do exactly the same, the rest of them that write more or a whole story are usually bots or scammers (some dude in Nigeria who copied and pasted..), LOL!

So if anybody (doesn't matter if women or men) wants to get someones attention at least write a couple of lines. I hardly ever pay attention to nudges, kisses (that are virtual - I mean come on, what good is that? )What's even the difference between a virtual nudge, kiss, wink or even a pinch ,poke or a virtual kick in the butt?:rolling_eyes:

Serious's photo
Sat 02/08/20 08:36 PM
Edited by Serious on Sat 02/08/20 08:38 PM

So I am interested to know what difficulties you face the most with dating and relationships?

With dating:

Is it distance?

Having the courage to ask someone on a date?

Knowing what to do on a date?

Knowing what to say on a date?

Age difference?

Not much in common?

Worried about scammers?

You just want sex, not a relationship?

Or is it something else?

With relationships is it?

Lack of communication?

Not knowing how to effectively communicate?

Lack of sex?

Not knowing how to have good sex?

Sexual incompatibility?

Lack of intimacy?

Not knowing how to communicate effectively with your partner?

Or is it something else?

To the pre-relationship part (let's call it dating phase):

First of all finding a real match is the hardest part, which can include several things you mentioned above.
And then other things not mentioned. It's the compatibility issue (personality, character, goals, believes, ,attitudes, etc). Even if you find the almost-"perfect" partner for your part (happened before!) in order to make it a match the other person still has to feel the same about you or be actually really available for a personal relationship (long term/marriage in this case). That is the hardest part, finding the infamous "needle in the worldwide haystack". Even if someone is willing to go the distance, in my own experience it's very rare (and I even mean that in the literal sense - worldwide!).

As far as in a relationship:
Usually the most relevant reason for problems (or eventually breakdown) is failure in communication and understanding of what is really communicated. One (or both) partner may say one thing and it is totally misunderstood as something else because of different perception, sometimes the lack of communication at all. Another reason is selfishness (can be one sided or both) and finding mutual agreement on issues or problems , etc.

Serious's photo
Fri 02/07/20 11:27 PM
Edited by Serious on Fri 02/07/20 11:29 PM

your WHAT hurts?noway

Mkay... let me break it down, now hhhaaaaeeyyyy, now hoooooooo, bumbacha bumb bumbum....chica-bumb-chica-wa-wa!!!
first the earth cooled, then the dinosaurs came, then humans, then all hell broke loose...

Actually the correct order would be:
First the earth put into existence, then humans, then all hell broke loose pitchfork and then the dinosaurs appeared creating more chaos (just think about Jurassic Park and Godzilla:flushed:), finally a flood came to wipe them out to end hellish chaos - no more dinos.. - then alcohol was created drinks - chaos starts all over again...frustrated
LOL just had to...bigsmile

Serious's photo
Fri 02/07/20 11:04 PM

All your questions are answered in the various threads here.
I could go looking and quote them but perhaps you should just read them.

I referenced God and religion as a way religious people might understand what I wrote.

One thing that must be considered is we don't now the baseline unit of energy.
Since we are part of the energy of the Universe, we can't have an outside view.
If you think about it, energy is movement, movement is heat. At true absolute zero, there is no movement/heat so there is no energy.

If everything were AZ and movement/heat were initiated, we don't know the value of the energy needed.
Therefore, all the energy of the Universe might exist in that initial change of state and we are merely products of that energy over time.
Time exists because energy causes a continuous state change. At AZ, there is no energy, no change of state so no time.

If the argument is what caused the initial change of state that initiated the Universe there is no way to know because that would require a view from outside the Universe and since everything which exists is part of the Universe, impossible to know.
Any speculation is just that, speculation.

What I'm saying is everything we call the Universe may be a single energy.
Force, matter, heat and time are all just a single unit of energy. The product of the original change of state.

Sorry still a contradiction. Since matter and energy exists and you even quoted the laws that define it. This universe and the energy that is contained in it has to still be "created" (come from somewhere) even if the universe is part of another "outside" universe, it still had to have some sort of beginning and even if there was only ONE particle that "exploded" for whatever reason. So since you do not know and for you this then becomes a theory, but not science, since science can only study the known, given facts and might even extrapolate from there but when that is exhausted then you end up with speculation and in order to carry that theory the only thing left is carrying it in "faith" , you will not get around that, it is what it is!
And even though 0 Kelvin (which is a only a theoretical state) means everything stops and energy stops moving the atoms (yet matter still exists and doesn't just cease to exist in that state), yet light still penetrates it (moves through it!), can't explain that, (nobody knows yet) all only by faith!

We could discuss this this till the cows come home, but we would not reach any further insight into the detailed matter of matter in this case, but I want to leave this with some thoughts and quotes of people that are the great minds behind of what we are discussing, who know far more about this and discovered the building blocks we now can build on.

BTW, speaking of Kelvin:

- “As the depth of our insight into the wonderful works of God increases, the stronger are our
feelings of awe and veneration in contemplating them and in endeavoring to approach their
Author…So will he [the earnest student] by his studies and successive acquirements be led
through nature up to nature’s God.”
“I believe that the more thoroughly science is studied, the further does it take us from anything comparable to atheism.”
“If you study science deep enough and long enough, it will force you to believe in God.”
--William Lord Kelvin (d. 1907), inventor of the Kelvin temperature scale, ennobled for for
his feats in science and engineering.--

“Astronomy leads us to a unique event, a universe which was created out of nothing, and delicately balanced to provide exactly the conditions required to support life. In the absence of an absurdly improbable accident, the observations of modern science seem to suggest an underlying, one might say, supernatural plan.”

—Arno Penzias, winner of the 1978 Nobel Prize in Physics.

“Astronomers now find they have painted themselves into a corner because they have proven, by their own methods, that the world began abruptly in an act of creation to which you can trace the seeds of every star, every planet, every living thing in this cosmos and on the earth. And they have found that all this happened as a product of forces they cannot hope to discover…. That there are what I or anyone would call supernatural forces at work is now, I think, a scientifically proven fact.”

–Robert Jastrow, the astronomer and physicist who founded NASA’s Goddard Institute of Space Studies, as cited in his book God and the Astronomers.

Where man's thoughts end, God begins:
“Religion and science demand for their foundation faith in God. For the former (religion), God
stands foremost; for the latter (science), at the end of all thought, For religion He represents a
basis; for science, a crowning solution towards a world view.”
“There can never be any real opposition between religion and science; for the one is the complement of the other. Every serious and reflective person realizes, I think, that the religious element in his nature must be recognized and cultivated if all the powers of the human soul are to act together in perfect balance and harmony. And indeed it was not by accident that the greatest thinkers of all ages were deeply religious souls.”
---Max Planck (d. 1947), the founder of quantum physics and one of the most important
physicists of the twentieth century.

Last but not least one of the "fathers" of Physics:

“The most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets could only proceed from the counsel
and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being.”
“God created everything by number, weight and measure.”
“In the absence of any other proof, the thumb alone would convince me of God’s existence.”
“I have a fundamental belief in the Bible as the Word of God, written by those who were inspired. I study the Bible daily.”

—Sir Isaac Newton, who is widely regarded to have been the greatest scientist the world has ever produced

There are hundreds more, but it seems like everyone of these great minds, if they research with and open mind come to the same conclusion - the universe was created by intelligent design, the chance of pure coincidences and chance cannot be mathematically nor physically conceived !