Topic: I might be looking for a job Monday.........
millsdd's photo
Sat 10/28/06 10:26 PM
Not really because my branch manager thought the Haloween prank I played
on my boss today thought it was hilarious too.
I own a couple of snakes... Betty an 8 foot redtail boa and Cuddles a 13
foot burmese python. On my way out to work this morning I noticed Betty
had done an almost complete shed this morning (1 piece). Unfortunately I
only managed to get about a 3 foot piece of it because they were
entangled in it but I got that and took it to work with me.
My boss keeps his office locked but we all have keys so I took the skin
in and laid it in his chair and pushed it back under his desk for him to
find Monday morning.
Then I told his boss (the branch mgr) that 1st thing Monday morning when
he hears a womans scream to just ignore it and told him what I was
doing. He thought it was hilarious.
Before I left for the day I wrote my boss an email.
the email said............

Keep your eyes open.
I brought Cuddles with me to work Sat to show Darren and the guys and
then we locked his bag in your office so no customers would get upset by
seeing the bag move.
But when we locked up to leave and I went to get him the bag was empty.
We searched all over the room but couldn't find him. I know he's still
in there because he's too big to get out under the door.
I'll get a rat 1st thing Monday morning and bring it in a carrier when I
come in at 9, he'll come out of his hiding place once he smells it.

Who wants to bet I get a call a LOT earlier than the 9 oclock I'm
supposed to go in at Monday?!? I'm supposed to be off but they're going
to be short handed and he asked me Friday if I'd come in and work 2 of
my days off for the mid mornings. Easy for him to ask since I'm still on
salary and don't get OT for it but now he may think about that twice

Gotta love Haloween ! ! !

Amathyst's photo
Sat 10/28/06 10:29 PM
That's hilarious. Hope he doesn't have a bad heart.

Morena350's photo
Sat 10/28/06 10:35 PM
lmao, that was f...funyyy


but it was a joke don't think you will loose your job

millsdd's photo
Sat 10/28/06 10:39 PM
nawww Mikes great to work for and has a good sense of humor (and is in
better health than me so his heart isn't a concern)
Steve thought it was a great joke so I have Mikes boss backing me up

ShagnaC's photo
Sun 10/29/06 07:09 AM
Thats great! I also have 2 burmese pythons but when I left my husband I
had to leave all the snakes hahaha! I did love our redtail as they are
beautiful! We use to take the burmese python to my daughters school for
show and tell and it was funny how many people were screaming in the

millsdd's photo
Sun 10/29/06 08:38 AM
I often take "the kids" to the bar where I shoot on the pool and darts
teams with me. I've yet to have anyone screaming and only the one
bartender is still afraid to get close. Once I hold them and even
fearful people see he's friendly I've had phobics end up touching and
then asking to hold one of them.