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Topic: why do good people always end up last
heavensent39's photo
Sun 10/29/06 04:39 AM
I think its because we care more about others then we do ourselves.

chica42ny's photo
Sun 10/29/06 04:40 AM
The same over here!

Chuckee's photo
Sun 10/29/06 04:59 AM
Good people DO NOT ALWAYS end up last. If a person choses to be a
doormat, then, so be it, you are a doormat. Your kindness and
generosity should not be taken out of your control, if you feel taken
advantage of, you are allowing it to happen. Stand up for yourself. If
you feel you do your best on the job, with your friends, strangers,
studies, etc.... anything, and you are still ending up last, then the
responsibility is yours. Stand up for yourselves.

heavensent39's photo
Sun 10/29/06 05:12 AM
I try to stand up for myself, I am a good person, would help any one in
need, I meet people that I think will not hurt me and I always end up
getting hurt 1 way or another.

Chuckee's photo
Sun 10/29/06 05:23 AM
You need to stop helping then. If helping others is turning out to hurt
you, then you need to consider yourself first. It's ashame to have to
think this way, but really, helping others needs to stop, when in the
end you only get hurt or skrewed. Charity starts at home. If you have
children, they are in training, what are YOU teaching them about helping
others? Ask yourself this, what do they see when you help someone and
get hurt in the end. Choices hun, choices, you have them, make them.
Take care.

michael1313's photo
Sun 10/29/06 06:10 AM
and speaking of "Choices"...we make our choices every day to help
ourselves grow,learn,and prosper,and sometimes when we have to "step on
some toes,of a friend in need"in order to help th
friend,learn,or,grow...even if it causes a rift...or pain to get
a specific "point" across,then th hassle was worth th trouble,for we
learned to just speak our minds,even if we don't like th tune,,,th song
remains th same,,,and gets th respect that it Deserves,in other words(if
it's too deep)
if a simple, "yes"or"no" would stop th issue,,why ingore th question in
th first place?Speak th mind,and be DONE
with th problem(s) can please some of th people,all th time, and
all th people some of th time,but you can't make everybody happy!(the
opinions of th drunk squirrel do not represent those of this station)And
it cost me a friend ,,,
to learn this for myself...............M.

michael1313's photo
Sun 10/29/06 06:12 AM
dammiiiiiiitt ,,,that hurt my lil' asperin?.........M.

dsb567's photo
Sun 10/29/06 07:10 AM
Mike, women respect strength. Be strong from the get go. Tell her, your
opinions and things that are unnacceptable right off the bat! WOMEN DO
NOT RESPECT PUSS__S! It also sounds like you get attached too quickly.
Give the woman some space, allow her to fall in love with you, challenge
her, do not put up with crap from her, call her on it. If she does not
change, she does not care. Say BUH BYE!!!!!!!! I have never had a woman
walk away from me when I let her know, right off how the cow eats the
cabbage! What little I know of women tells me they respect two thing
more than anything else. Strength and honesty. Just my opinion. Good

michael1313's photo
Sun 10/29/06 07:20 AM
hey "DSB" was why I HAD to force an answer to th question,,,"We Still
Friends?",,,but th question was IGNORED by "Her",,,but ,
now that I got her answer,(no,admitted,not th hoped for)
I'm now moving on...I am 44,,,not 4,,,and when I asked a DIRECT
question,,,I will not be IGNORED,and to all,I say again,I am sorry for
MY part in th HOOPLA,but a "Y" or a "N" would've
been accepted,no matter WHAT th now I move on........M

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 10/29/06 07:32 AM
well see the same ole same ole deb567 go read in relantionship and
advice under hard Q & A's and see if your thoughts don't change a tad
from what part you have heard in here since it has not been dropped yet

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 10/29/06 07:32 AM
well see the same ole same ole deb567 go read in relantionship and
advice under hard Q & A's and see if your thoughts don't change a tad
from what part you have heard in here since it has not been dropped yet

michael1313's photo
Sun 10/29/06 07:36 AM
only explanin' myself,,,Ms>"Txs".....................M.

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Sun 10/29/06 07:38 AM
Ok thats enough!!!! Ive had it do I have to go get another f'n half
barrel. I thought I had snuffed this out last night.

michael1313's photo
Sun 10/29/06 07:44 AM
I'm cool........but I got a hungover,.....................M.

no photo
Sun 10/29/06 08:16 AM
they don't always end up last but being a nice person sometimes draws
attention from the wrong kind of people and in this world it is
something that goood people will have to learn to deal with. there isn't
anything wrong with being a good person and helping people but you have
to do for yourself first.

ellgee1976's photo
Sun 10/29/06 09:21 AM
DSB said:
do not put up with crap from her, call her on it. If she does not
change, she does not care. Say BUH BYE!!!!!!!!

i have to disagree ...

you won't tell her to change, cuz she won't change for you, she has to
change for herself.

if she doesn't change, it does not imply she doesn't care, it plainly
means she's not ready to, or doesn't feel she should.

absolutely has nothing to do with YOU personally...

Ontario's photo
Sun 10/29/06 09:26 AM
If you always end up last because you are helping someone else then you
should consider how much are you helping.

michael1313's photo
Sun 10/29/06 09:30 AM
Ms."Ellge"...being ignored MADE me take it that way,,,
but have answer now and am ok,sad but OVER it..........M.

CrazyJ's photo
Sun 10/29/06 09:36 AM
Try putting your self frist for a while

ellgee1976's photo
Sun 10/29/06 11:29 AM
sorry M..i was refering to the other post..

i don't know what happened with you and the other person, and don't need

being ignored when you ask a direct question is beyond wrong..
im glad you got the answer you needed

but like i was tellin him..she won't change for him, she has to change
for herself..

and if she doesn' has nothing to do with him personally..

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