Community > Posts By > sexykarebear

sexykarebear's photo
Mon 02/11/08 06:03 PM
>.< laugh laugh

sexykarebear's photo
Mon 02/11/08 05:40 PM
ok everyone stfu he's asking a legitimate question, one thing you can do is have a night where you have one of each and test your theory out. It's best to ask a woman's opinion on this sort of thing because this will freak some guys out. Just test out your theory and it will tell you everything you need to know.

sexykarebear's photo
Mon 02/11/08 05:33 PM
It's ok I don't get it either, why was the grandma giving ten dollars to the kid?

sexykarebear's photo
Mon 02/11/08 05:31 PM
lol better health insurance is always the better deal! lol

sexykarebear's photo
Mon 02/11/08 05:23 PM
oh lol so he wasn't that good? oh dang

sexykarebear's photo
Mon 02/11/08 05:19 PM
I don't get it sad

sexykarebear's photo
Mon 02/11/08 05:07 PM

Check me out. Im not wearing any pantiesnoway noway noway

muahaha I'm not eitherdevil

sexykarebear's photo
Mon 02/11/08 04:20 PM

oooh burn >.< lmao that was great! laugh laugh uk you are awesome I swear, yours are better than mine!

but just remember your always sexy

so the name says laugh but thanks yeah I have a huge book of naughty jokes but these are funnier!

sexykarebear's photo
Mon 02/11/08 04:08 PM
oooh burn >.< lmao that was great! laugh laugh uk you are awesome I swear, yours are better than mine!

sexykarebear's photo
Mon 02/11/08 04:05 PM
was his product released onto the market?! *is hopefull* Mean men, god that would be awesome right now.

sexykarebear's photo
Mon 02/11/08 04:01 PM
lucky you.grumble grumble I would kill for some starbucks right now grumble grumble nice shirt btw

sexykarebear's photo
Mon 02/11/08 03:52 PM
well I was going to ask you where you were from but I saw your page and you are about 45 mins from me, and hell yeah its hot, and barely feb! remember last winter? all the way through what? march? may? it was freezing!

sexykarebear's photo
Sat 02/09/08 09:45 PM
*glare* lol read it again then come back to me grumble once was cute the next is like Oh No, Not again.noway

sexykarebear's photo
Sat 02/09/08 09:35 PM

ok everyone this is my best friend Manda, she is one of those innocent and very inexperienced types. I love her to death but her bf has mentioned to me after seriously flirting with me attempting to hold my hand on several occasions and mentioning he happened to like me, touching my breast, and that of my friend Ashley's as well, I have mentioned to him that having a flirtatious personality as he put it, would not be the best asset in this relationship or any for that matter, and just because amanda is not around does not mean you can flirt with every thing has breast, which he happens to do.
she nedd someone respect to she and realy love flowerforyou

I agree but she thinks he loves her, which he's told her I'm sure on many occasions, mandy you really do need someone who respects you and doesn't flirt with everyone he sees.

sexykarebear's photo
Sat 02/09/08 09:33 PM

I recently began a relationship with someone I met on here. Being as this is my first real relationship (prior to this one, I was in a long distance relationship and never saw him), I was pondering what I should and should not tolerate, and what I deserve in a good relationship.

at the very least he should be as considerate towards you as you would be towards him. but imho - that is the minimum. i'd also think that he should not do anything which would be in the least way difficult for you to tolerate. he should be respectful and attentive - a gentleman - and someone who you would be eager to introduce to your friends and family.


which I happen to know he is none of those things, sorry mandy but he's not. Girl I love you but you are lowering yourself for mac, don't do it *shakes her relentlessly*

sexykarebear's photo
Sat 02/09/08 09:30 PM

ok everyone this is my best friend Manda, she is one of those innocent and very inexperienced types. I love her to death but her bf has mentioned to me after seriously flirting with me attempting to hold my hand on several occasions and mentioning he happened to like me, touching my breast, and that of my friend Ashley's as well, I have mentioned to him that having a flirtatious personality as he put it, would not be the best asset in this relationship or any for that matter, and just because amanda is not around does not mean you can flirt with every thing has breasts, which he happens to do.

sexykarebear's photo
Sat 02/09/08 09:29 PM
ok everyone this is my best friend Manda, she is one of those innocent and very inexperienced types. I love her to death but her bf has mentioned to me after seriously flirting with me attempting to hold my hand on several occasions and mentioning he happened to like me, touching my breast, and that of my friend Ashley's as well, I have mentioned to him that having a flirtatious personality as he put it, would not be the best asset in this relationship or any for that matter, and just because amanda is not around does not mean you can flirt with every thing has breast, which he happens to do.

sexykarebear's photo
Sat 02/09/08 08:48 PM
lmao thst's so truelaugh laugh laugh

sexykarebear's photo
Sat 02/09/08 08:40 PM
There was a young woman who was really depressed because she was so flat chested. One day her fairy Godmotherappeared and offered to grant her most heartfelt wish.
"I want big tits," said the young woman instantly.
"All right , my dear," said the fairy Godmother. "From this moment on, every time a man says 'Pardon' to you, they'll get bigger."
The next day, the woman is walking down the street, lost in thought, when she bumpes into a policeman.
"Pardon me," says the cop politely.
Her tits grow an inch, She's ecstatic. A few days later she goes to a supermarket and comes out a huge bag of groceries, which she drops when she bumps into a checkout clerk.
"Pardon me" says the clerk, bending over to help her collect her purchases.
Her tits grow another inch. She's beside herself with joy. She goes into a chinese restaurant and collides with a waiter who bows, "Oh, I beg of you a thousand pardons."
The newspaper headlines the next day read: CHINESE WAITER KILLED BY GIANT TORPEDOES!!

sexykarebear's photo
Sat 02/09/08 08:16 PM
One spring day two men were out in the woods hunting. Feeling a sudden need to relieve himself, George wnet over to a nearby clump of bushes, unzipped his fly, and started in when a poisonous snake lunged out of the greenery and bit him on his prick. HEaring George's howl of pain and fright, his friend Fred came running up and told him to lie still while he rushed into town for a doctor.
"There's only one way to save your friend's life," said the doctor gravely. "If you cut and 'X' over the bite and suck all the poison out, he'll probably be okay, but otherwise there's not much hope."
Hearing Fred's footsteps, George rose weaklyp on one elbow and cried out, "Fred, what'd the doctor say?"
"George, old friend," said Fred sadly, "he said you're gonna die."

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