Community > Posts By > sexykarebear

sexykarebear's photo
Thu 12/20/07 12:22 AM

I speak 3 languages german and french not on my

well come on tell us

sexykarebear's photo
Thu 12/20/07 12:22 AM
lol, I asked him if he spoke another language:tongue:

sexykarebear's photo
Thu 12/20/07 12:19 AM

Traduit correctement ? Je ne suis pas sûr ce que voulez dire vous, lol.

il demande si vous employez un programme de traduction que je pense

sexykarebear's photo
Thu 12/20/07 12:18 AM

À l'école la plupart du temps

J'ai supposé ainsi, pouvez-vous parler une autre langue ?

sexykarebear's photo
Thu 12/20/07 12:14 AM


où avez-vous appris votre français ?

sexykarebear's photo
Thu 12/20/07 12:13 AM

Grr ! Vous ne m'avez pas donné le caffine ainsi je suis chute endormie ! Fichu caffine de cyber ! Vous m'avez échappés encore !

Pouvez-vous lire ce que je dis ?

oui oui monsier Je parle français fluent

sexykarebear's photo
Thu 12/20/07 12:07 AM

Grr! You didn't give me caffine so i'm falling asleep! Damn cyber caffine! You have escaped me again!

we're speaking french. Parlez vous francais?

sexykarebear's photo
Thu 12/20/07 12:06 AM

Karen Come talle vou? Might of spelled it wronglaugh

Comme ce va? how are you? lol ce va bien et toi?

sexykarebear's photo
Thu 12/20/07 12:05 AM
oh alright. Thanks, I got a littel worried, I guess that what I get for not checking up on the vernacular before I came here then eh? I'll try not to go away with the mixer on you lovely people

sexykarebear's photo
Thu 12/20/07 12:00 AM

je m'appelle Jason
il fait très beau de vous rencontrer Karen

le bon travail aka good job happy

sexykarebear's photo
Wed 12/19/07 11:59 PM

well theres 1 american culture. slang its used everyday by almost everyone.

It makes no sense to me. I feel all to ****, a little help would be useful!

sexykarebear's photo
Wed 12/19/07 11:56 PM
of course there is its called insomnia! lol where you can't fall asleep but you feel very exhausted? well, welcome love, have a seat would you like some authentic queens tea?

sexykarebear's photo
Wed 12/19/07 11:55 PM

and that means... speak very little french. only know a few things. As for spelling noway

lol it means I am called reply with il fait très beau de vous rencontrer Karen, je m'appelle....ok? which means, it is nice to meet you Karen, I am called...

sexykarebear's photo
Wed 12/19/07 11:53 PM
oh I get it you was making a funny. alright I gotcha, you have to be little nice, I don't understand most of your lingo. It flies right over my noggin....

sexykarebear's photo
Wed 12/19/07 11:51 PM
goodnight sweet dreams BEAUTFUL!

sexykarebear's photo
Wed 12/19/07 11:50 PM

we all where our underwear inside out...its just the fashion...and we where it backwards too...:tongue: :tongue:

you wear your what? your knickers? why in the blazes would you do this?!noway

sexykarebear's photo
Wed 12/19/07 11:49 PM
laugh laugh I can tell! but it's not a problem I shall teach you! Je'mappelle Karen

sexykarebear's photo
Wed 12/19/07 11:45 PM

do i count as a yank if most of my ancestors are english???

that depends, are you from england yourself?

uhhh no...haha...but i can do a good english accent!!! haha...

wel then yes, you do count as a yank :tongue:

sexykarebear's photo
Wed 12/19/07 11:44 PM


one letter off love, it's merci! but anyway beaucoup. which means you are welcome. but if paired with merci it means very much laugh laugh but anyway. tell me something about america that I don't know! I'd love to learn more about this country other than what we hear.

sexykarebear's photo
Wed 12/19/07 11:40 PM

all well and awakedrinker did I pass?

oui oui monsier, you got a B happy

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