UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Mon 12/17/07 09:45 AM
Edited by UWannaBSpontaneous on Mon 12/17/07 09:47 AM
Okay! Sorry, I got your joke! Occassionally I get all upitty on a serious subject. drinker

Oh! and I do respect your opinion. I was just debating the other side of which I also hold beliefs in.

BTW: Great Topic

UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Mon 12/17/07 09:39 AM
Edited by UWannaBSpontaneous on Mon 12/17/07 09:43 AM
By the way this law was changed using the system that "we as a public" have put into place. Did you seek to find out "Why" they sought to change the law?

In a 44 - 36 vote largely along party lines, the New Jersey State Assembly on December 13, 2007 took the final legislative step toward abolishing the death penalty in New Jersey and replacing it with life in prison without parole. Gov. Jon Corzine has said he will sign the bill, S-171, which the Senate passed on December 10, 2007 without amendment by a vote of 21-16, also along strict party lines.

Statement on your side: Really a close vote so there are many others who would agree with you.

I have a real hard time not wanting to take rage on a convicted person when they have killed. However, this doesn't really get rid of the problem as to why it occurred in the first place. Maybe taking that 114 million into better research and programs to prevent such attrocities would be a good idea!! I'm just sayin'!

UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Mon 12/17/07 09:36 AM

It probably only cost more because they sit on death row forever.

Read more, educate yourself on the processes before resorting to statements that aren't true or are from false personal perceptions.

You may change your mind if you read more.... But even if you don't change your mind I would believe/hope that you would be able to accurately convey a better arguement than walking to your local Walmart to buy bullets to solve a problem without using the justice system.

UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Mon 12/17/07 09:30 AM
Okay now you are just being immature. You called the subject out. Did you read what I wrote about the man who was falsely accused and sent to Death Row.

It takes approximately 114 million more dollars to execute a person than it does to keep them in jail. 114 Million. Do you know what that money could be used for instead of killing a person. Let them rot in jail and lets feed some poor.

UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Mon 12/17/07 09:24 AM
Edited by UWannaBSpontaneous on Mon 12/17/07 09:26 AM
Tough subject but here is my take. And I have gone back and forth.

First: Actually it costs less to have a person in prison for life than it does to kill them. Look at the process of appeals and the whole set up. It is more expensive.

Second, what about all the people on death row who were found to be "Not Guilty"? What if they had been killed prior to the evidence surfacing that exhonerated them?

"More than 30 former death row inmates who were wrongly convicted gathered Saturday to attend what is believed to be the largest conference on capital punishment since the Supreme Court reinstated it in 1976.

"My name is Joseph Burrows," said one man. "The state of Illinois sought to kill me for a murder a did not commit. I was put on death row in 1989. I was released in 1994. If the state had its way, I'd be dead today."

What if you were on death row for a crime you did not commit?

UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Mon 12/17/07 09:17 AM
Trade has always been an important part of our country. Utilizing other countries has improved our very state of living. I have bought American cars and been screwed. I have bought foreign cars that have lasted longer and been better in design than anything American.

It is important to have the competition from all corners of the world so that we may continue to improve our products. Why did that Camero part break in the first place?

The Chinese invented paper money, umbrellas, wheelbarrows, multistage rockets, brandy and whiskey, and chess. Did you hear that? Brandy and Whiskey. They are important in my eyes and they will correct their recent "Lead" issues in toys.

Buy for quality and from where you trust. That is what is important here.

UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sun 12/16/07 11:41 PM
Look at that entrance! First post and already rhyming the world a few words while baring her soul. Keep the words coming.


UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sun 12/16/07 11:22 PM
Actually it is quite an interesting work when read line by line separately. I may be taken back by some of the words or direction but I do understand your message I believe.

I think it is a harsh reality check you sent. These forums don't always get so rough.

If you change anything there is the edit button. Otherwise it is an accepted work.

No doubt this country has made mistakes. But it is still a great and powerful nation that has helped many including our own. We continue in our own development as are others.

UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sun 12/16/07 08:58 PM
Edited by UWannaBSpontaneous on Sun 12/16/07 09:00 PM
You're so getting a brush for christmas!

UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sun 12/16/07 08:53 PM
Do I count my 5 personalities? If so then 6. I haven't figured out if I have a 6th personality but we are all very suspecious!

huh drinker smokin flowerforyou laugh

UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sun 12/16/07 08:38 PM
Ignore it and block all future mails.

Done! Don't get involved and don't send emails to that account.

UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sun 12/16/07 08:34 PM
Christmas Time by Alvin and the Chipmonks

UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sun 12/16/07 08:33 PM
Look! You all scared her off. I didn't. I'm not taking the blame for this one! No way!


UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sun 12/16/07 08:29 PM
Good Relationship? That's what animals are for!

If not one of those then one of those vinyl blow up things.

UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sun 12/16/07 08:25 PM
Melody - Yesterday by the Beatles

Bits and pieces falling off of me,
I'm not half the man I used to be,
Oh how did I get leprosy?

It just started with a simple kiss,
Now it hurts to even take a piss,
Oh why did I get syphilis?

Why, her, box was sick,
I don't know, she didn't say.
Now, my, dripping ****,
Won't get thick,
Like yes-ter-day-ay-ay-ay,

My **** was always coming out to play,
Now it needs two weeks to hide away,
Oh I believe in yesterday!

UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sun 12/16/07 08:19 PM
Flowers and hearts! Wow! Gr8Guy is all over this new action like White on Rice. Slow down we don't want to loose one.

But then maybe she likes to be swooned early on.

Okay I'll start off a little slower.

Hey Sea, I'm lost, can you help me find the way to your heart? flowerforyou

UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sun 12/16/07 08:16 PM
That's a bummer! My grandmother just found out she has Furniture disease.

UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sun 12/16/07 08:14 PM
Ha! I like that one. I've got one more.

How many Analytic Philosophers does it take to change a light bulb?

None-its a pseudo-problem...light bulbs give off light (hence the name)...if the bulb was broken and wasn't giving off light, it wouldn't be a 'light bulb' now would it? (oh, where has rigor gone?!)

UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sun 12/16/07 08:08 PM
Thorough and vivid!

UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sun 12/16/07 08:05 PM
40 is the new 25 isn't it?

I like philosophy:

How many existentialists does it take to change a lightbulb?
Two. One to change the lightbulb and one to observe how the lightbulb symbolizes an incandescent beacon of subjectivity in a netherworld of Cosmic Nothingness.