Community > Posts By > joejealousy
single parenting!
it's just as hard being a single father, i have 3 boys and i do it all on my own, its not easy by any means but the struggles are more than worth it.
Yo momma jokes.
yo momma so manly she went to a sporting good store looking for some personal protection and the sales associate suggested a jock strap!
how about this?
create your own word and its meaning.
to critique is to be boring.
I prefer to judge others, I love the sense of superiority it gives me..especially in the morning. that is funny! |
Yo momma jokes.
i thought these were yo momma jokes. not your momma jokes. yeah my bad kinda hard to shake the proper grammar. |
Yo momma jokes.
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Wed 10/27/10 09:36 PM
*yo mommas house so dirty the cockroaches ride around in dune buggies.
*yo momma so fat she jumped up in the air and got stuck. *yo momma so fat after her bath she left a ring around the lake. *yo momma so stupid she sat on the T.V and watched the couch. *yo momma so fat she fell in love and broke it. *yo momma so fat when she walks across the floor the radio skips. *you so ugly when you were born the doctor slapped yo momma. *yo momma so fat her shadow runs out of breath. *yo momma so poor when I visited her trailer, 2 cockroaches tripped me and a Rat tried to steal my wallet. *yo momma so old she uses wooden tampons. *yo momma so stupid she once attempted to commit suicide by jumping off a curb *yo momma so fat she wears a shirt that says " I whipped anorexia's A$$" *yo momma so stupid she thought Face Book was a diary of blow jobs. *yo momma so ugly she has to sneak up on the mirror. |
The Human frog
I have three words 4 ya! BO-ING! BO-ING! BO-ING! 3 words and 4 posts, lol, are you an over achiever? |
growing up in Louisiana i had the priveledge of eating a variety of foods.I have had Alligator tail, Crawfish, frog legs, rattlesnake stew, snapping turtle, squirrel, gumbo, jambalaya, rabbit, but the absolute worst was red beans and rice every Monday as part of a tradition. and Zatarans seasoning on everything we ate."Laissez Les Bon Temps Roulez" (sounds too much like "lazy lesbians on rolaids")
Songs that are poems,
like i'm really going to read all of that. yeah, i didn't read it either, just copied and pasted. its tough being so talented. |
can anyone help?
file a police report and report your friend as the thief. if you can get it back you can return the equipment. By the way, I have a sick kid in the hospital and was wondering if you could loan me $5000 till my next pay day i can pay you back later. Seriously, what in the hell possessed you to stick your neck out like that? Friends or not, if they could not afford their own WHY did yo do something so foolish? Now if your friend is a tweaker chances are they sold it off to support the monkey! find a wall, And then call the police and have them send a service officer to your house and tell the officer what is up. File a theft report and let them do their job. i was told if i filed a theft report that the insurance would cover the items, but i was also told the insurance was only good if the payments were up to date. |
can anyone help?
you need to somehow look up this friend and squeeze them hard. You might be able to offer them $400 and tell them that is all you can give them to close the matter. $600, yeouch! 600 dollars will only catch me up on the payments. the payments are 41 days past due and thats around 160 dollars for the payments and 440 dollars for late fees! not to mention the remainder of whats owed on both which is well over a thousand dollars! |
Songs that are poems,
what's the difference between a song and a poem. don't know if this helps but this is what i found when i looked into it One of the most frequently asked questions about songwriting is: "What's the difference between a song lyric and a poem?" The answer to this question can determine the ultimate success of aspiring song lyricists. <> Similar yet distinct art forms: Poetry & Song Lyrics Poets in the modern world don’t enjoy the elevated social status they did a century or two ago. Wordsworth, Byron, Keats and Shelley were the rock stars of their time. Their poetic skills earned them adulation, celebrity and even a touch of wealth. These days, poems and poetry are sadly relegated to sparsely attended coffeehouse readings or the obscure pages of tiny literary magazines. On the other side of the proverbial coin, there are wonderful opportunities available in today’s music industry for talented poets who successfully adapt their writing style to song lyric writing. Songs are the popular lyrical medium of our time. That’s where the status is. That’s where the money is. Adapting Poems Into Song Lyrics There are many examples of poets who have turned their personal poetry into successful song lyrics. Most everyone’s heard of lyricist Bernie Taupin, Elton John’s famous co-writer. One of these talented fellows without the other may have labored in obscurity. Yet, by combining their specialized talents, they were able to write hundreds of great songs. They also managed to become millionaires! Ambitious 21st Century poets desiring to connect with popular culture and mass audiences will probably want to learn how to write lyrics. Which leads to this question: Can poets successfully turn their talents to writing song lyrics? Answer: For talented poets willing to adapt their writing styles to the craft of lyric writing, the answer is definitely yes! Song Lyrics v. Poems. The Similarities To understand the differences between a poem and a well-crafted song lyric, it’s helpful to first understand the similarities. In general, the same virtues that make a good poem—effective imagery, compelling themes, emotional evocativeness and originality—also make a good song lyric. * Both poems and song lyrics rely on the potent use of language. * Both engage their readers and listeners on an emotional level. * Both require a skilled use of word sounds and rhyming. Poetry and song lyrics both benefit from well-applied poetic devises, such as metaphor, simile, alliteration, hyperbole, personification, onomatopoeia. And both rely on the effective use of descriptive imagery. Song Lyrics v. Poems. The Differences Despite the many similarities, poetry and lyrics are not the same thing. Here are some important differences between a poem and a song lyric: A poem is designed to be read on the page—a lyric is designed to be sung by the human voice and heard with music Just think about it for a moment. When you’re listening to a song, you don’t have the luxury of going back and re-reading. You can’t stop to dwell on every line. A poem can be dense in ideas and structurally complex. It is designed to connect with a reader. A successful lyric needs to connect with a listener. Since music moves the lyric quickly past the listener’s consciousness, the lyric needs to communicate with immediacy, clarity and focused impact. A song lyric conveys its power through music and sound. Lyrical images and descriptive phrases need to connect with the ear, as well as the brain. The meaning of a song lyric can be ambiguous, as with many of Bob Dylan’s great songs. Still, the great majority of successful song lyrics succeed because they’re clear and elegantly stated—even to the point of repetition. After all, refrains and repeated choruses are key structural devices in the art of songwriting, and have been for hundreds of years. Both poems and lyrics need to capture a listener’s imagination. Yet lyrics need to be easily caught through the ear. A song lyric filled with abstract words and dense, obscure phrases will be simply be unintelligible to most listeners. A poem stands alone— without music. A lyric must work well with the rhythm and structure of music. For most creative situations, the easiest method is this: The composer first writes the music. Then the lyricist writes lyrics to exactly fit the existing melody. Or, as legendary songwriter Paul Simon says, “Write the melodies. Live with them for a while. Then write the words." On the other hand, experienced collaborators can learn to work in the opposite direction. If the lyricist clearly understands melodic structure, a skilled composer will probably be able to write music to the lyricist’s existing lyrics. In terms of song structure, lyric writing is a specialized craft. At a minimum, a good lyricist must understand the basics how to create viable verses, climbs, choruses and bridges. In learning how to write lyrics, the bottom line is this: If you want your lyrics set to music, you must write them so a collaborative music composer can successfully adapt them to music. A poem can be read silently. A lyric must be sung. A lyric writer needs to also consider the singers who will perform his work. Certain words and phrases are smooth to sing. Others can be difficult or awkward. Phrases like “recalcitrant octopuses eat tart grapefruit” are not likely to attract many major league recording artists. Read your lyrics aloud to see if they are easily “sing-able.” If your word sounds do not flow and sing well, there’s apt to be a problem. If your lyrical phrases prompt awkward stops and stumbles, there’s definitely a problem. Get into the habit of vocalizing your lyrical lines. You’ll begin to hear the difference. Poetry can be of almost any length. Lyrics must be concise. A poem can go on for pages, using concealed images that reveal themselves only after careful re-reading. In a song lyric, the music moves quickly and every word counts. The best lyric writers use as few words as possible to set a scene and evoke a feeling. Few songs that gain radio play these days are longer than three or four minutes. Learn to express yourself clearly. Use concise, effective language. |
can anyone help?
Edited by
Sun 10/24/10 11:08 PM
file a police report and report your friend as the thief. if you can get it back you can return the equipment. By the way, I have a sick kid in the hospital and was wondering if you could loan me $5000 till my next pay day i can pay you back later. Seriously, what in the hell possessed you to stick your neck out like that? Friends or not, if they could not afford their own WHY did yo do something so foolish? Now if your friend is a tweaker chances are they sold it off to support the monkey! find a wall, And then call the police and have them send a service officer to your house and tell the officer what is up. File a theft report and let them do their job. i was just tryin to help out a buddy. and i talked to the police and they told me that the circumstances didn't matter, that i am responsible for it. they said it would be just as easy for me to have made up that story, to try and get out of it. i guess i just have too much faith in people. |
can anyone help?
Although while you are screwed if they're in your will be held legally responsible, they rarely come after you in litigation. It would cost ten times that amount to come after you for that "small amount"-they will however turn it over to the collection and credit agencies and hound you incessantly for the balance due. I would inform them of the details of the situation, in writing, and any witnesses you have to the agreement with your friend, keep copies of everything, and try to find this guy to get the systems back to turn in. If you have anyone that can verify the deal, and that he actually had the systems, and would be willing to stand up for you, take them to small claims court when found if he says he doesn't have them. Best of luck, this kind of thing really sucks, and just adds to the evergrowing wariness of helping others. my concern is the total value of both game systems(coming from showplace) is around $1500.00. and i was informed that anything over $500.00 is a felony. i do not want anything like that to follow me around for the rest of my life, and i really don't want to go to prison over some damn game systems! |
can anyone help?
I recently rented a NINTENDO wii AND A PLAYSTATION 3 AT SHOWPLACE, for a good friend of mine. the game systems are in my name as far as the paper work goes. the deal was i rent them in my name and my friend would make the payments. The district manager of showplace recently called me and said that the very first payment was defaulted on, and no payment has been made, so they want me to pay 600 dollars for the missed payments and late fees, or return both systems immediately. they told me that they have turned this over to their attorney for prosecution. They informed me that i will be prosecuted for two counts of felony theft! i can not find my friend or the systems and i don't have 600 dollars that i can spare. I guess my question is, does anyone know if i can actually be charged with two counts of felony theft over this? Another one of my friends told me that he went through a similar situation and that it will only be turned over to a debt collection company. but, i have no clue what can or can not happen. any sort of factual feedback would be greatly appreciated.
say this ten times fast.
I slit a sheet, a sheet i slit
upon a slitted sheet is sit I am not the sheet slitter nor the sheet slitters son but i will do the sheet slitting til the sheet slitter comes (9 times out of 10, you will end up shitting sleet) |
"chitterlings" also called "chitlings" horrible smelling stuff! i would walk in the house after school smell the "$hitlings" and turn around and run fast and far!
el amor verdadero!
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Wed 10/20/10 01:42 PM
how would you even know true love from un-true love? =) p.s god doesnt make me feel loved at all. ahh, very,very true. what i previously thought was true love ended up being something else so perhaps your right, maybe i have no idea what love is at all. el amor es como un cachorro con retraso, jeje, no en absoluto lo que parece ser. |
think about it
Are people really products of their enviroment, or is it possible people are who they want to be? like if you grow up around drugs and violence are you pre destined to spend your life around drugs and violence. or if you were treated like $hit as a kid, will you automatically treat your kids like $hit? is it really a endless cycle?